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The Holonomic Chakana is a multidimensional tool for healing and transformation of the collective consciousness towards the perception of Universal Unity. A sacred geometrical structure formed by 33 cubes, as result of the CHAKANA andean symbol, that contains also the mayan culture time codes (13:20) and others UNIVERSAL CODES of greater complexity to evolve our DNA into the light. An unusual relation between teachings and different sciences that happens in a natural way, fusing them together.9676466666?profile=original

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Two Calendars In Sync

Did anyone else notice the calendar sync's up with the gregorian calendar starting kin 201 on september 1st. then kin 202 on september on and so forth untill kin 1 on oct. 31st. The last two days are on Galactic Activation Portals days. The only two days in the self-existing moon that are Activation days. The first "green day" is on kin 260 on 10/30. half of 60 is.. you know. The more i look at it the more things sync up.

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Noos-boletin de la Luna Eléctrica del Venado

Bienvenidos a la Luna Eléctrica del Venado del Servicio, la tercera Luna de la Onda Encantada del Servicio Planetario.

"El orden sincrónico del universo, mantenido por el funcionamiento de la Ley del Tiempo, define el "plan divino". Antes del descubrimiento de la Ley del Tiempo, el plan divino se revela en el inconsciente cósmico, llegando a ser conocido de forma auto - reflexiva por la inteligencia de los cuerpos evolutivos en el tiempo sencillamente como "revelación". - Valum Votan, Postulado 19.6, La Dinámica del Tiempo

¡Tú no eres quién crees que eres, tú eres mucho más que eso! Es hora de Levantarse, reclamar Tu Linaje Estelar y Recordar tu Misión Divina. La Luna Eléctrica te invita a activar tus poderes latentes en nombre de la Noosfera.

¡Activa tu Corazón! ¡Activa tu Mente! ¡Activa tu Magia! ¡Activa tu Disciplina! ¡Activa tu Memoria Estelar! ¡Activa tu ADN! ¡Activa tu Imaginación! ¡Activa la consciencia de Misión! ¡A ho!

Noosboletin de la Luna Eléctrica del Venado

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Please go to Part One here:

“The fact is that only time governs the whole order of the universe in a manner that transcends all spatial limitations, even those of the relativistic Minkowsky/Einstein four-dimensional universe, which is confined by the speed of light.  As the universal factor of synchronization, time is instantaneous and transcends light. This novel perception of time defines a new reality, the synchronic, of which our experiences of synchronicity are but a foretaste.”  Jose Arguelles ~ Time and the Technosphere p.13


Day out of Time

It is the Day out of Time. Blue Resonant Night. (25th July) We are in the middle between the years Resonant Storm Kin 59 and Galactic Seed 164. I`m sitting on some outside steel stairs at our distribution company and wait for an accident inspector.  Not a really a nice place plastered with concrete. Loading ramps lead into   huge storage halls which house a so called “Chaotic Storage System” mostly filled with books and other non-book items. If somebody orders something on his computer it will be packaged and shipped within hours from here.  In front of me is a truck with damaged calendars, which is standing there since three days. Due to bad packaging and securing the whole truckload full of 12200 calendars was damaged while transport from the printing company to the distribution place. Laws are complicated, once you unload the mess you are involved more  and we didn`t check the term`s carefully before.  Also in our contract confirmation we made mistakes. Our whole calendar  production for 2014 has a good chance to be for the paper ton, a huge amount of money is involved. The whole afternoon I have to  telephone with my partner 13 Star, the printing company, lawyers  and talk to the transport expert/inspector and distribution chief.


Galactic Maya and Noosphere

Ok Galactic Mayan`s , you guys make jokes with me. Ha ha very funny. The Noosphere forces me  to a really  bleak  technosphere  surrounding  on “Day out of Time” instead of being in harmony within the Biosphere and there is a truck with 12200 destroyed gregorian calendars.  Certainly I was a bit nervous, five years of building up a company was in danger. But you guys know I´m not the one who cling`s  on the things.  Many times before I wanted to fling down this publishing calendar thing.  If it`s now, it`s ok for me, no problem. Get free again… one step out of this hamster wheel of job, family and responsibility`s. But  this is also a  quite interesting symbolism. What is my part in it, what symbolic role do I play in the bigger picture? I know that I´m only an actor in this drama. A tiny little wheel in the whole synchronic world order, during this  shift from 12:60 to 13:20.

12:60 and Calendars

At this point I have to tell you  dear Kin`s a little bit about 12:60 and then about the calendars we do make.  Nowadays everybody is surrounded by clock`s, computers, newspapers, radios, TV’s and also calendars.  And those tools tell us continuously which (gregorian)  date it  is.  We are all inside 12:60, we are inside the Matrix. Our whole modern civilization started on a ground level already 5000 years ago with the division of the  day into 24 hours, the hour into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 secondsAnd the circle into 360 Degrees. This is where all started 3000 B.C. And every day,  every minute we are surrounded by the artificial timing frequency.  The computer you sit @ right now could be only invented through the mechanization of time. Galactic Spacebook is only running because there is Hard-and Software, a Server and a Content Management  Tool which could be invented only through the mechanization of time. The mechanization of time is the clock and in every machine there is a micro clock. But really read “Time and the Technosphere” by Jose Arguelles to understand what 12:60 is.


“Being the description of an evolutionary stage, the technosphere is governed by the Law of Time as a 56-year (2x28) event continuum along the lines of an artificial planetary cocoon. Insofar as it is the projection of human thought, the technosphere is the materialization of the sum mental processes denoted and conditioned by mechanization in all its aspects, and that have their primary root in the mechanization of time. It is the mechanization of time that essentially establishes the artificial timing frequency as the capacity to engender the machine and, consequently, an artificial structure, the technosphere.”  Time and the Technosphere p. 83


The Gregorian calendar is one part of the 12:60 stream which anesthetizes and numbs our time consciousness. The gregorian calendar is also what makes  history in ever repeating loops. It runs down like a movie, and nobody knows really why. This is where the Law of Time sets in. It makes conscious what was unconscious. But even the gregorian calendar is ultimately running in 28 year sequences and hence stands for the formula 28:7. And 28:7 is without doubt a 13:20 formula.   It is not so easy to put everything into Black and White, Good and Bad.

“The technosphere defines a 56-year cycle….coordinated by two complete Gregorian 28-year cycles. For any Gregorian calendar year, the days of the weeks in their irregular monthly succession and in relation to the permutation cycle of leap years repeat precisely every twenty-eight years, during which time there are always exactly seven leap years. This means that Gregorian calendar years 1945, 1973 and 2011 possess the same exact annual arrangement of the days of the week in their monthly succession. …In this regard the Law of Time frames the cyclic recurrence of the otherwise irregular 12:60 Gregorian calendar by the intrinsic formulation 28:7. That is just as the 19:7 factor coordinates the lunar calendars every nineteen years, there being seven intercalations of thirteen moon during that cycle…   Understanding a calendar as the instrument that locks the conditioned programs of a given culture or people into place, we can now understand how the unconscious metaprogram of the macro-organizing principle of the Gregorian calendar cumulatively recycles all its millennial programs every twenty-eight years… ” Time and the Technosphere p. 79

Note the 19:7 factor in the lunar calendars 19 = storm glyph and 7 = Resonant Tone thus 19.7 or Resonant Storm or Kin 59 

It is a bit like this: Imagine the earth from above. Every material and substance  is coming from the earth. Now we go and produce chemicals, poisons or other toxics. This is not healthy for us, the animals and the whole biosphere. But still it all comes from the earth, beautiful blue marvelous sphere.  What makes it unhealthy or deadly  for us  is the  wrong mixture of the ingredients. We all need salt but if we eat too much of it we die. This picture helps me to  understand  better  12:60 and 13:20.

Also according to Jose also the gregorian years 2012 and 2013 where synonyms for 12:60 and 13:20 as greg. 2013 is 20:13 is 13:20. (And still Billions of calendars shout the year number 2013 or 13:20 from the rooftop)

Calendars which you buy nowadays in the shops are a Peace of ART. Thousands of photographers ,graphic designers, advertising designers and publishers  put their creative power and energy into it. Wall calendars as we do make consist of extraordinary  art from photographers like Babak Tafreshi founder of The World at Night. who makes a polar light calendar with us or Matthias Taugwalder who shows stunning 360 degree views from the highest Swiss alps.   Also we do publish calendars with amazing pictures from the desert (my favorite) bhuddist  country`s like Myanmar and Ladakh (with bhuddist sayings) and Meditation Calendars.


So first of all we transport Art trough the medium of a calendar. Certainly we do have to put some numbers under each picture, otherwise we couldn`t name the product a calendar.  But this is really only decoration anymore and I bet that 97% of the customers don`t even look at it. As mentioned above, everybody is surrounded and literally penetrated by the “gregorian date”.  In our calendars we do not wright down month names like Jan, Feb, March, etc. but write down numbers 1,2,3  instead, and thicken only the Sundays graphically. We also do not write down any day names like Monday in combination with like the 15th. So actually our calendar is quite useless if you like to find out a Gregorian date. (and you always have to in the Gregorian system.. ähhh what day is today) Last but not least people buy calendars because they like the Art, the country it displays or the subject/theme like Polar lights. And then people look at those beautiful pictures and start dreaming.  To summarize it,  I do believe that we transform 12:60 into ART and 13:20.


Galactic Synchronization

It is Galactic Seed, Kin 164, First Day of the Magnetic Moon  of the new Phase Beam. In the morning we had a meeting with our lawyer and set up an additional contract. Then we have a meeting with  Ernst Gugler founder and CEO of our printing company. We meet at the Café Zeitgeist (German for something like time-mind) in Munich.


When I see Ernst, I immediately know that he is a Vegetarian – he is quite skinny. He has a warm, clear and focused view. Even though the printing company is not responsible for the damage, because the Bookmaker packed the pallets totally wrong and insecure, we can only deal with Ernst and the printing company. Complicated business thing, but Ernst signs the contract with some modifications.  This is our starting signal, we jump into a taxi, drive home, fetch our little daughter Lara Kin 186 from the Kindergarten, jump in our car and drive to Blaufelden which is about 250 km from Munich.

We have to hurry before the distribution company closes and we want to unload the whole truck. To see what we can rescue.  It is a sunny and hot day, in the beginning we have the typical Friday midday traffic jam. Gugler  is one of the front companies in Austria which produce ecological. They have their printing company inside a Low-Energy house made out of wood, clay and much glass and  use only electricity of regenerable sources. For Offset  print they use the world’s foremost biological print called Cradle to Cradle. The philosophy behind Cradle is not to produce less rubbish and toxics, but only Sustenance which can flow after its life into new products again or will get composted.


Certainly our calendars are Cradle printed. After use the paper and printing color  could be composted to grow tomatoes on it.  Conventional print uses still toxic colors, especially the yellow is often a health risk and poisons our environment.  Ernst tells us that he is doing Yoga since several years now. In the midday break he offers an open course of Mantra Chanting to his employees, which makes not everybody enthusiastic.   What a road movie! 

The whole day we talk about spiritual things but also business, money and its future. Or better systems than this one right now, like Common Good Economy.   Ernst says that you cannot escape the money system, it holds us like in a vise. You can only learn to live with it and  transform it.

I tell Ernst that yesterday was the “Day out of Time” and  give him a brief explanation of the differences between the Gregorian calendar and the 13 Moon system. He is one of that persons who immediately understand. “ Oh and that means that these imprints…(Roman month names, uneven numbering, catholic church system, etc.) hold us in a grip and are played into reality again and again.” Yes Ernst, that means we hypnotize ourselves daily again through the use of the wrong calendar system.

Calendar Reform

 “If the root of the technosphere is artificial time and its proliferated mechanized constructs, then in the collapse of the technosphere, an event ordained by the laws of nature, there must be an orderly path or means for establishing the Noosphere, also ordained by natural law. The Law of Time defines this orderly path as a conscious shift in the human timing frequency, away from artificial time and into universal natural time. This can only be accomplished by a universal reform of time, known as the calendar change.”  Time and the Technosphere p.9

 Many times I have contemplated on the subject how a calendar reform can be made or will unfold itself. Certainly the first point is to spread the Message of the 13 Moon calendar. From One to One…. to Hundreds and then to Thousands. In 2012 we actually did make also a Maya calendar with original Law of Time calendar graphics inside. The resonance on the “Free” and normal  market was so little that we stopped the project for the beginning, as it required a lot of energy in the form of  time and money. Besides this free downloadable Versions are available for people who are interested. 

But how can a campaign reach all of humanity, how can a campaign spread so fast that it reaches the mass media and through this politicians, organization’s  and celebrity’s,  so that a worldwide discussion on the topic will start. I`m sure that many nations would be happy to get rid of the current Gregorian/Vatican calendar system.  On the other side the most people are not willing to give up something declared absolutely normal  like their calendar which they are used to. What has to happen that the topic comes to the United Nations again as it did in 1931?

Maybe the answer is that the Noosphere does create the right options and moment in time  from itself.

One of the most interesting movements with noospheric character is “Earth Hour” and the symbolism behind it is already a sort of Proto-Calendar Reform.

The Logo of Earth Hour is a Number 60 + so it breaks out of the 60, or the 12:60. And the slogan is “Beyond the Hour”.


Earth Hour reaches millions of People through social platforms and synchronizes also millions of People through their events in 152 countries. Note that  Jose called  Kin 152 Yellow Solar Human also Homo Noosphericus.  And in this Year  Earth Hour happened on 23rd of March, Solar Moon Day 17,  the ascension date of Jose.

But Earth Hour is an ecological movement. Cities and private persons  turn off the lights for one hour worldwide to save energy. They want to reach a consciousness for power saving, an ecological consciousness. They are not aware that our mind is polluted too. They don`t promote a new 13 Moon calendar.

Would they maybe if somebody tells them?

How can realy many people be reached?

I thought already about printing all of our calendars with 13 Moon dates and simply delivering them all “without warning” to  the bookshops and customers.  Then say I´d Good Bye  and forward all request`s to a 13 Moon Webpage with information.  Certainly  this would create an astonishment and  awareness and would make it maybe into the News. But this would also possibly be the End of Weitsicht Verlag.  So we hold this unconventional Idea  in mind as an option for the future.

Second option  is the Gregor Calendar Award mentioned in the first part of this blog, which holds by the way a side exhibition in Japan.  Through the synchronicity with Jose`s birthday 24th Jan. and the awarded Calendars 2012 and 2013  it was already  previously determined on a galactic level  that we will participate in this event again. We will submit a 13 Moon 28 Day calendar. I have in mind a sort of “History of Calendar Change” written down on 13 pages combined with pictures and all necessary information.  Simple and for everybody understandable in three languages:  German, English and Japanese.  Printed on high quality biological paper, with exquisite graphic design.  Combined with additional Information on a Webpage and Social platforms. If we get awarded we have  a nice media echo already. But this is a quite big project, which is not done in a few days or weeks.

And I need help Kins who feel addressed by my words, who are artists, photographers, skilled in Photoshop and/or InDesign are welcome to contact me. There is only a vision yet, but it will unfold with willpower, higher support and heart  at the right time.

The League of Nations determined that January 1, 1933, would be the date to commence with the new calendar …..Kin 138 Galactic Mirror.

From 1933 it is 56 (2x28) years to 1989 the year of the birth of the Law of Time when Jose was in the Museum of Time in Genève Switzerland with his that times partner Lloydine. If you count another 28 years from 1989 you arrive at 2017.

Year of the Yellow Crystal Seed Kin 64 and 13 years after the Big Calendar Change 2004.

Is this the perfect time window for the great Calendar Change?

Today in the morning I felt that all these words were present in my mind and wanted to be written down. After posting the first part of this blog I had concerns and a sleepless night  if I should leave it or delete again. First because it is a lot of personal information which I share­- which is not easy for me,  and second because I don't know how Kins would maybe misinterpret my words. So today I just felt strongly  to sit down and explain as clear as possible I could. Only at the beginning of the night watch I would think. Hey what Day is Today? So I checked! White Planetary Mirror! What, White Planetary Mirror? There was something with Pacal Votan. And so it is. Another Mayan Magic.

Edited and posted on Spectral Storm

Lunar Moon Day 28

Galactic Seed Year

A Fullmoon  Day

Jannis  7 Moon


The Tomb of Pacal Votan was discovered on June 15, 1952 on White Planetary Mirror. It was dedicated in 692, 1260 years before it’s discovery on Planetary Mirror, and 1320 years before the end of the Cycle in 2012.   White Planetary Mirror also coded the first day of the year 2013, which is, as the Red Queen writes:  “indicating that 2013 will be the Year of the Resurrection!”


Kin 218  

White Planetary Mirror

I Perfect in order to Reflect.  

Producing Order, I seal the matrix of Endlessness with the Planetary tone of Manifestation.

I am guided by the power of Death.  

I am a Galactic Activation Portal.  Enter me.”




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Time is art

One of our local art galleries has a fun event every year. They give you a phrase and you have 24 hours to complete an image related to the phrase. The sentence I got was, "He always got the job done." I figured that could mean anything so I decided to do something that I could call "Time is Art." This was the result.


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Colorado Kin Welcome Your Prayers

Dear Kin, As you may or may not know, Colorado (in the United States) has experienced devastating floods within the last week. The flooding has also reached the states to the north and the south (Wyoming and New Mexico respectively). Many, many beings are suffering. If your heart moves you, please consider saying a prayer for all kin, humans, animals, plants, and the land that have been impacted.

Blessed be all beings, blessed be the Earth,

Ah yum Hunab Ku, evam maya ema ho!

Yellow Self-Existing Human

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Part 1

Written down on 7 Imix and 8 Wind edited and posted on 7 Eagle

Greetings of Love and Light all Kins,

my name is Jannis which is the Greek  version of John ( :-) not Janis Joplin still have to laugh when I think about this Kin 177) and I`m a crew member of the G-Force,  The Galactic Federation Team, sector V24.3 planet Earth. Today 7 Imix (24th Jan.2013) I had the most depressed day of my life. First I wrote down what I called “A message from Red Queen - she with the Jade Skin- the awakening of the Mayan Goddess Quetzal-Coatl “  and then I wrote an e-mail to a person that we couldn't take part at an ART award on 24th January but would love to come back next year to participate.

After that I felt confused, depressed and weak. Then I became so weak like never before. I felt a sort of " War of the heavens" going on inside of me.  

 Today`s Kin 7 Imix is also my Guide,  Kin 7 Storm our current year is my Challenge and I'm still 7 Moon during this 7th Resonant Moon which is at the same time the First Mystic Moon Day 15. Half of a circle is 182 days is 13 Moon date 7.14/15 is Jose`s birthday is 14x13. While Cosmic Wizard is also 14.13 is C.G. Jung – a man who was deeply studying the (collective)unconscious, was born on the first day of the first moon and introduced  the word and meaning of synchronicity for the first time to humanity.

But back to the Eagle Wavespell. Power of Vision...

In my experience  I felt  as if all those Kins of the 5th Force Oracle would  pull in another direction. This exhausted me then totally. At the occult watch after sunset  then came - silence- release. At the same time I was aware of energy’s that came directly from Eagle WS back in 1999 July when I went through the darkest times of life in Down Under but at the same time channeled a most precious peace of art.


I had no Idea at that time what it was. I knew only about the 13 Tones 20 Glyphs and I had studied Books like Humbatz Men – Secrets of Mayan Science and Religion. And John Major Jenkins - Cosmogenesis 2012. I ordered Jose`s Earth Ascending to a bookshop in Byron Bay where I had traveled to at that time, but found it most difficult to read and so I studied the Graphics.  At that time not even the Plasma Symbols where introduced into the calendars- at least in Germany. Actually there was so little available in German language. I didn`t knew about the Telektonon and  the Mystery of the Stone.  July 1999 when I had finished the matrix  I thought:  What is this stupid Cube doing in my graphic? But I found out that the squares around the Tzolkin are 182 units/days, which is  14x13 or 13x14 And the 13 Moon day it was finished  is 13.14. Cosmic Moon Day 14. So I thought, that this is maybe a sort of calendar.   

Only 12 years later with the Book of the Cube and the Synchronotron (chronos=greek:time)I would know that this “number information” is  similar to the information channeled to Valum Votan from Sirius 52 as the matrix consists of 17x26 =442 units. And note the mystic column is on 9 in a row of 1-17. Jose ascended on the 13 Moon date 9.17. Certainly it would have been great to show it to Jose at his 3D Lifetime.  But some mysteries maybe have to remain uncovered. All that I learned until now out of it is that time is really radial. But we are so limited in our perception, we are so numbed by the artificial  12:60 time frequency that we only run after floating daily wishes and solve our little karmic problems.

But back to the most depressing day of life in 24th Jan. 2013. Even though it felt depressed, sad and tired I experienced the first time a glimpse of what is radial  time and not linear. During the silence occult watch then in the evening I looked into an old box of photos as I wanted to check the date I was introduced to the 13 Moons and the Tzolkin, which was on a Rainbow Gathering in Australia by a girl called "Feather" around full moon May 1998. Then I stumbled over a picture from my Mexico travels in Dez.2000.


It shows the pyramid of the sun from the pyramid of the moon  in Teotihuacan. At that time on top of the pyramid I felt in comparison with Jose`s vision -  just  nothing. I was astonished about the architecture and art and thought: If Aliens once landed somewhere or will return, it will be certainly here. (A most precise description of the meaning of Te ol ti hu a can – you find in Humbatz Men`s great book Secrets of Mayan Science and Religion.)  I fetched my cellphone to calculate the date the pic was taken with the 13:20 App,  which was printed on the backside of the photo. 16th Dez. 2000 .... Is 8 Wind Kin 242  which is Eagle WS  and  …Now …as we passed 24 o`clock when I write down these words. …SYNC….  

Just when I had calculated the date, my cellphone zipped and on the yahoo account was the message of a new blog from Red Queen.  It was the article of Jose about the 24th Jan. his birthday and the British psychologist who had calculated the “Most depressed day of the year as 24th Jan.

Booomm. I felt like thunderstruck. That was the reason -  and especially I do study the Law of Time intense  and work with gregorian calendars. I`m in the middle of this “War of the Heavens”  I channel in order to purify

But now in this mystical alchemical moment when the tomb becomes the cube and the cross becomes the tree I tell you dear Kins and Earth Wizards this:  

I simply love being in the mountains high above the world and out of this I came to panorama-photography:

and out of this - maybe a joke of history or a higher mission- I became a  calendar publisher with my partner 13 Star. Yes gregorian Calendars. We started in 2008 with a little Mountain-Panorama-Calendar. To make some money besides me driving a cab through the Munich nights. Until today we created a  little or big program – depends on the view - all by ourselves,  we still don`t make money with it and I still drive a cab through the Munich nights.  a bit like  in the film  Night on Earth by Jim Jarmusch.  Have a look I uploaded our program for 2014 just on 6 Ahau Eagle WS.

So today on 24th Jan 2013, José’s birthday, …SYNC…. the Gregor International Calendar Award was happening in Stuttgart Germany. We had an invitation for this event as one of our Flower Art calendars had been  awarded. But I decided not to participate for some reason.  And the e-mail mentioned at the beginning of this article was to the organizer that we thanked them very much and cannot participate at the award, and so on.  Besides that it is most curious and synchronistic that the Gregor Award  happened  on 24th Jan. on Jose`s birthday,  the awarded “Best of the Best” calendars 2012 and 2013 are “mind blowing” too.


The last year’s 2012Best of the Best”  calendars was one called "Perfection".



Perfection is what you can reach if you divide a circle 360° into 12 units. This is good for example architecture and technical inventions but not for time.

It depicts several circle-graphics. One month depicts  the moon and one the earth. And between the moon, the earth and the sun comes the “Wurst” – German word for sausage.  And month 12 is - What else -  a clock. What more clear sign for 20:12 or 12:60 does it need !

Those of you Kin`s who speak  German can read the descriptions of the single calendar month  of Perfection as a proof of the Non-knowledge of the Laws of Time. (September: The production of sausage, though not in the modern sense, already was known by  the ancient Greeks and Romans. There are countless different types of sausages. In Germany alone there are over 1,500 types of sausage…. Since sausage is usually placed in an artificial gut, cutted the discs are round.)

Wow what great nonsense information.

If you consider time spiritual and radial this is really sad.

But let`s continue with 2013.

The winning calendar 2013 was just announced right now during the occult watch of 7 Imix Jose`s birthday.  It is called “Energy”  Have a look:  


It was produced by an advertising company for the Stadtwerke Witten an energy/electricity supplier and displays the “Energy loaded daily life” of selected clients.

Please click on the right button > to view a photo stream of it:

Electricity is what shaped our so called Modern Civilization for the last about 150 years. Envision a planet Earth where electricity doesn`t work and our Modern Civilization based on the machine will vanish. No electric power, no computer, no machines, no cellphones, no satellites, no television, no radio, no ships, no cars, no airplanes, nothing works … Back to the roots. And this would be not comfortable  for all of us.  By the way Thomas Edison got his patent for the light bulb on 27th Jan. 1880, Kin 59 Resonant Storm.

But more important the calendar Energy was also made of some sort of shifting picture-art, several pictures are layed over each other and it looks as if the things are vibrating. This reminded me of a passage in Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change by Stephanie South/Red Queen. There  Jose says on page 388 about what he envisions for  2012-2013 (Resonant Storm year Kin 59):

…when I try to envision 2012-2013 all that comes to mind is a resonant frequency phase shift, a vision that occurred to me in Basel in 1984- a shift in the molecular frequency of the third-dimensional reality combined with solar storms and melting of the electromagnetic grid – many structures will collapse or dissolve – many people will not be able to withstand it- during which this entire reality  will be revealed as a shimmering mirage – everything artificial collapsing and dissolving – the ending of the fifth sun – the day of Purification.” ….but really go read Quran Sura …7:187


George Orwell 1984, the NSA affair, Obama exposed, the Arabic world in flames, stock market madness, the Euro and Greek money brake down, Fukushima Disaster still not under control, Syria, Chemical Weapons, the catholic church crumbling and always 9/11…it is still Apocalypse Now. In slow motion.

At the end of times all prophecy merges into one. “ Jose Arguelles

Make Time a peace of Art. 

Om Ah Yum Hunab Ku Eva Maya E’ Ma Ho

In the direct lineage of the Chilam Balam.

7 Muluc on

Resonant Moon 16

8 Wind

Day 16 of Seven Mystic Moons

First Mystic Moon Coded by Kin 202 Resonant Wind

Long Count

Mayan Tzolkin 13 Eagle

The Galactic Federation will come in peace

All is perfect

Edited and posted on Resonant Eagle Kin 215, Lunar Moon Day 24, Galactic Seed Year.

I channel in order to create

Inspiring mind

I seal the output of vision

With the resonant tone of attunement

I am guided by the power of accomplishment

Please continue here:


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Siguiendo el espiral galáctico del tiempo interdimensional, los Magos de Tollan y el Jardín de paz mundial de Epuyen en transición, manteniendo el vinculo de amor y unidad, sostuvimos este hermoso evento cósmico de conciencia galáctica desde el dia alfa 22 sol autoexistente amarillo, inicio del sextil, hasta el Dia Fuera del Tiempo noche resonante azul. 
Comenzando con el primer Día en una ceremonia de tres anclajes en nuestro ceremonial, el Mándala de  Erks,  estrella de seis puntas con un sol de cuarzo en el centro, con el propósito de equilibrar y subir la frecuencia vibratoria de grupo,


El día del dragón entonado sostuvimos las practicas diarias del orden sincrónico, mente natural y oraciones al atardecer, brindando una charla sobre 13 lunas y sincronización galáctica en la tarde, mientras se trabajo también en el arte ceremonial para el día verde.

En viento rítmico blanco cerramos la luna cósmica completando el octaedro y cubicando los 144000 en el centro de la tierra, antes de lanzar el Puente Arco Iris   Circumpolar. Luego disfrutamos de la ceremonia de temazcal,
y al atardecer tuvimos una practica muy hermosa  en el mándala, guiada por Flavia kin 228,  donde ascendimos los 16 peldaños del cubo de la ley de 16 años, lanzando al fuego los 64 codones haciendo consiente y proclamando la restauración total del ADN en el tiempo natural universal de las 13 lunas. En esta ceremonia estuvo presente el maestro Ananda de Códigos Solares, quien invoco a los seres solares y galácticos brindando un hermoso homenaje a Valum Votan, la energía de la cuarta dimensión y la unificación telepática del grupo fue  muy poderosa, durante la noche tuvimos sueños muy sincrónicos recibiendo mucha información acerca de como seguir en este nuevo ciclo nuestro compromiso con la nueva tierra desde los espacios 13:20, y conectando desde el corazón con todos nuestros hermanos de la Ley del Tiempo.
El Dia Fuera del tiempo, fue recibido en nuestro domo de meditación, cerrando el gran cubo alrededor de la tierra y lanzando el puente arco iris circumpolar, cerro la practica  Ananda con una meditación muy poderosa del Diamante y la tierra arco iris.

Mientras en la Aldea de Paz las familias terrestres recibían a los visitantes para preparar una ceremonia arquetípica y artística,
Noche entonada, junto a Ananda, Sol Auto existente y Nancy Sol Solar, participaron del izamiento de la Bandera de la Paz en la Plaza de Capilla del Monte, junto a la rap de esa ciudad, enlazadora lunar, guerrera rítmica y otros kines mas, con la presencia de autoridades políticas, donde se realizo un pequeño acto de cultura de paz con palabras de autoridades, enlazadora lunar, guerrera rítmica y noche entonada, cerrando con una danza de paz.
Cerca de las 15 hs., en la Aldea Magos de Tollan, subimos al ceremonial, realizamos la plegaria de las Siete direcciones galácticas, una armonización con sonidos, un mantra dirigido por el maestro de Kavala Egipcia.... quien nos honro con su presencia en esta celebración. Luego Ananda hizo una invocación a las jerarquías intraterrenas, terrestres y extraterrestres, y luna cósmica del Jardín de Paz Mundial Epuyen realizo la meditación del Puente arcoíris.
Después de esta practica  los niños realizaron una presentación abriendo el espacio a las familias terrestres que expresaron su arte de poesía, música, teatro y danza, referido a los arquetipos galácticos.
Cerramos esta celebración danzando todos en el gran circulo de un poco mas de 100 personas, cantando  ... LA TIERRA Y YO SOMOS UN CORAZON... UN SOLO SER Y UNA SOLA CONCIENCIA....
Bajando del ceremonial compartimos alimentos muy ricos preparados por la familia señal. charlas, abrazos, música, risas, alegría por ser y estar en servicio a la tierra y al Plan Mayor.
 Dando y recibiendo amor, alegría, la gran Bendición del Sol con sus reflejos arcoiris y multipLes señales de su energía latiendo en nuestros corazones.LA REVOLUCION DEL AMOR ES,
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9676478294?profile=originalWritten for 198, because U = today,

"The 1st uChing Code Story"

(*) warning/disclaimer: in the next story five different levels (four cycles and one practice) of the uChing will „pass by” in code alignment explanations. The uChing is a new code discovery and was first published in the summer 2013 and is also introduced in the current Galactic Seed Almanac. Although you can understand and discover much if you have studied the short introduction in the almanac, in this next story that I share it is about more profound layers, or advanced levels of the uChing that are not explained in the almanac this current year. To understand this now, it will be helpful if you had an uChing explanation, presentation or workshop; also studying the new uChing Code Book can clarify parts of this story today.

Today is a perfect moment to start sharing uChing code alignments on GalacticSpaceBook, because the archetypically and personal uChing code alignments of today are extraordinary! If you don't understand some number synchronicities in this next story that I share, please don’t worry yet: you can always travel back to this moment (and story) in time, to read it again after you have learned how this new uChing code in the practice actually works. Since today you can join a new group on Galactic Space Book, which is called uChing.

This has started as an experiment, which is my first archetypically personal time travel story in Codon, uChing and Kin numbers all together. This story starts around the Closing of the Great Cycle in 2012, when I met Kin 198 (today) in Palenque (Mexico). Agent-198 will become 62 years in 260+10 days from today. In that time the cycle for him will complete two Holtuns after his Galactic / Solar return of Kin 198. This Agent 198 also shares the uChing as teaching, for example in the Magnetic Moon in Mexico-City for 15 Kin. Maybe this story is only for U to understand!

Yesterday it was four Galactic Spins after the start of the Quetzalcoatl Return Cycle and I saw on Facebook that U is working for Quetzalcoatl. Yesterday announced something special for today.Yesterday Harmonic 50 started (Red Lunar Earth) which is in the Biphasic Matrix related with uChing chapter 55 (my chapter of the Blue Solar Night, Kin 243). Yesterday it was chapter 44 with the occult chapter also 50 (and the occult chapter / cube number is the Galactic I Ching or Fu Xi number of the hexagram, a.k.a. the complementary of the inverse cube number). Besides that, the hexagram of Inner Time inverted (turned) yesterday into 414, which is day 50 (!) (414-364) in the second Solar Ring of this Cycle of Inner Time (2013-2015). Synchronically, it was yesterday 50 years ago that Martin Luther King held that famous "I Have A Dream.." speech, now today U is holding a Dream too!

It is today 10+260 days before your 62nd birthday as Kin 208, Yellow Cosmic Star. This is also the Kin equivalent of all the thirteen Pacal Votan Clear Signs together. Ten days before you next birthday it will be two holtuns after your Solar / Galactic Return of 198. Today this is all being announced in the synchronic codes that explained themselves. In the PSI Bank the PSI Chrono Unit of today is Kin 18 (perfect occult of 243). Kin 18 is related to uChing 46, and 46 is the inverse of 29. Today it is August 29 in 2013. In the uChing script it is today chapter 28 (correlated to the Electric Signal Family in the Galactic Seasons). The number of the day in this first Lunar Ring is 38, and the hexagram of Inner Time changes from 8 to 11 (if we read the ternary hexagram of today with the binary code). In these numbers we see 8-18-28-38 today, maybe these intervals of 10 emphasize the interesting double holtun (10 years, minus 10 days) of your upcoming birthday in the Spectral Moon on Dali 15! Synchronically our birthdays are radial positioned, which means that your birthday is 60 days before the end of every Solar Ring and that my birthday is exactly 60 days after the start of every Solar Ring.

Today we can write and see the codes on page 45 in the Law of Time Galactic Seed Almanac. We already knew that 45 is the chapter that is related with Yellow Galactic Seed itself. Today on Silio we are for the fifth time in the centre of the cube during this new codon / cube uChing practice. In telepathic realm we celebrate this as a power of the fifth force, and as U said: U is there! In this current uChing practice (Heptad 5, Galactic Seed) we are within heptocubico 3 and we changed on Dali (August 23rd, 2013) the bottom side/line of this Heptocubico 3 into cube number 35. Today this is together with the other five changed sides + the cube number itself in the centre, the BMU of this Codon.

Today the bottom side of 3 is 35 and also the complementary chapter/cube number of 28 in the Galactic Season, 28+35=63 (and please note that 63 is also the perfect occult Kin of 198 today). 35 has even more synchronicity, it is today also the 35th in the Solar Ring! This is the ternary hexagram 35 of Inner Time. The alphabet letters of these two triplets together form H.A. and we see the small letter "h" in the UR Rune of uChing chapter 28 today. What does this mean? Another synchronicity is that chapter 28 in the uChing is exactly the same as Codon 42 in the I Ching; to recall, Kin 42 is today the perfect guide (Electric Wind) of Kin 198.

The inverse of the ternary hexagram 35 (27+3+3+1+1) in Inner Time is 657 (243+243+81+81+9); and 657 minus 441 = 216. As a reminder, we are in the third day of the Warrior wavespell and we also start on Silio 7 the Lunar Moon Warrior's Cube Journey of this year! If we look up the PSI Chrono Unit of this inverse (turned) day of Inner Time, it is Kin 96, Yellow Warrior again. Any questions?

To continue, I will now explain some extraordinary time traveling. For this, we will go one Galactic Spin into the future, and so we turn to page number 212 in our Yellow Galactic Seed Almanac. On this day we have finished exactly 42 weeks, which is a guiding principle today. On page 212 we see in the PSI Bank of this Dali-15 in the Spectral Moon Kin 216 (6x6x6) again. In the heptad practice of this week we see that we start with the uChing heptocubico practice 35, which is one of the main synchronicity numbers of today. On this first heptad day (May 16th, 2014, and two holtuns after the Solar / Galactic Return of you, so 10 days before your 62nd birthday) we will change the bottom line of 35 into uChing cube number 3, which is synchronistically the same as we did in this 5th heptad of our new uChing practice! To confirm this, on August 23rd, 2013 it was the first day of this current fifth heptad that we end today, and we changed on this Dali the uChing heptocubico 3 on the bottom side into 35. This is to recall today, because it is not only day 35 in the Inner Time Cycle (or Solar Ring), it is also the complementary chapter of White Electric Mirror (chapter 28+35=63) and we can note that on page 45 and 212 in the Almanac of this Galactic Synchronized Year. And there is even more about this 35..

I (243) had an extraordinary uChing exchange with 198 in San Cristobal (Mexico) on the first Christmas evening after the 21st of December 2012. In our Dreamspell it was Kin 212, which is not only the Magic Kin of the Pyramid Matrix, but also the page number that triggered this time travel story of today. Yellow Self-Existing Human (Kin 212) is related with uChing chapter 14 and today (and on page 212 of the Almanac again) we can take notice that 14 is the number of this day in the Red Galactic Season, because day 14 in the Red Galactic Spectrum is White Electric Mirror (198). Now these days around the Closing of the Cycle, the days that I met 198, we did the "cubing of the codon" 32 in a Star Bundle of 91 days. In this building of the UR Master Rune, all patterns of conduct where stored, unfolding in the now. Codon 32 is to be known as uChing 35, so fully synchronized in that time.

Now this UR Rune „Mind Enduring” revealed itself more today with some interesting uChing code alignments. 35 is today the complementary of 28 and also the day in the Solar Ring. Today on Silio we perceive from the center of Cube 3, which changed on the bottom side on Dali into cube / uChing number 35. Synchronic in Order we will change the uChing cube 35 to uChing cube 3, the other way around, exactly 260 days from today! 

This story is to confirm the established Cube of the Law practice we did, and our meeting around the 21st of December in 2012. The new codon / cube practice is called uChing and is unfolding itself further and further.. This practice seems to be perfectly aligned and this will be synchronic in order for the next 64 (4 x 16) years. Today the codes where so personal and archetypically synchronized, that I couldn't wait any longer to write and share these findings. Since today I will share step by step more about the uChing code alignments in Natural Time.

Maybe the numbers and use of this „new code" can be a little overwhelming at first, maybe this story looks a little complicated. But please know and remember: if you are willing to learn something new—and to do a daily practice in synchronic codes—U will soon be a lot of fun and U will know the Self as easy. Start or continue an Earth Wizard practice and you will understand this new code easily. To understand this first uChing code story you can always ask a question to Kin 198 or me, or travel later in time back to August 29th, 2013.

In Lak'ech — Another Self as U


Postscriptum: this photo of me was taken by Kin 53 at the Mount Shasta retreat last summer in US. She took the picture to send it to the maker of this necklace. The synchronicity of today in this story is that this necklace has exactly 52 jade stones and 1 „Abalone” shell a.k.a. "Ear of Venus." Now 52+1 is not only the Kin of Juanita (who took this photograph), 53 is also described in the Book of the Cube (2011) as the frequency of „Sirian Rebirth,” which makes 212 (4 x 53) as the "Measure (4) of Sirian Rebirth (53)!” Now on that first Christmas evening in 2012, the day I had that meeting with Kin 198 in San Cristobal explained in the story above, I received this necklace on Kin 212 (4x53) !!

Why is 212 the Magic Kin? And how does all this MatheMagic work?

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Delfines, Sirio y el Nuevo Rayo Galáctico - Guerrero Magnético Amarillo

"Los delfines también pueden ser portadores de información, así como de funciones esenciales para la regeneración de la vida en nuestro planeta.”  –Buckminster Fuller

A menudo se dice que los Cetáceos son los ancianos planetarios y emisarios estelares. Los sueños están revelando la Suprema importancia, para que dirijamos nuestra atención y luz protectora hacia los delfines y  las ballenas. "Si los seres humanos de la Tierra crean la extinción de estas especies (cetáceos), no tendrán ningún estatus en la galaxia." (Star Trek).

Delfines, Sirio y el Nuevo Rayo Galáctico

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The Flower and the Butterfly

Cheryl Lunar Wind asked me to share this poem, so here goes! ^_^

The butterfly

the one who flits

casting its spell wherever it may go

spreading its magic powder

never staying still

The beautiful flower loves the butterfl

and its presence

but not for long

For the butterfly has a purpose

A purpose so great, 

It is misunderstood

A hurricane

waiting to happen across the globe

And the flower

Who knew

Who loves the butterfly

Who knows

Who waits

Who believes

Dies happy

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time.. now.. start at the beginning is impossible, im not sure where that is exactly, but following Jose's advice.. letting history go, in order to be in the now, so i see without preconceived thought, and he certainly flows the information in, and then .. out.. so that im clear as its almost impossible to retain what comes, as there is so much and connects to all that was, is and will beeeeee.

I think then that i would just like to say, .. that now is very important to watch our we are in the wavespell of blue night, and many are coming to me with their dreams, and that i myself have dreamt of him.. JOse..blessed and i say thankyou , for i know that with this, he unlocks my consciousness a little more, and i become the synchronotron of my dreaming.

we have just passed, kin 188.. rythmic star.. i dont know if it was just me, or others, ... huge synchronicities for the day/kin,.. i was able to read, unfold, and introduce all day to people, trusting that spirit told me to incorporate the yellow star of the day, and till midnight, it unfolded in amazing ways.

the dragon( primal force) is with us, watching and in the energy of serpent king, is below, beneath our wings.. as we soar now into a new knowing and understanding as never before..

step into the galactic archetype.. become the higher force and knowing of what you are, it is now time and we ( star people , guides, masters and archetypes, celestial beings) are navigating the course, that you (we) will follow.. 

follow the star for it will lead you to time and space..time is art, he-art, .. earth.. mother and divine unfolding..

you, we are the synchronotron.. but only if you choose.. it is not forced, nor predestined , it is choice and vibe-ration .. but we suggest that you trust all that is truly given, in resonance.. .. look to the moon she calls, her tides ebb and flow with the magnetism of spirit now.

timeship earth is , now.. above the atmospheric landing pad, where she laid for a long time.. lift off has commenced, hold tight .. or .. simply float .. the choice is yours.. <3

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Emerold Tablets of Thoth

9676477058?profile=originalThe Emerald Tablets of Thoth are believed to be written around 36,000 BC by the Egyptian God of Wisdom, Thoth, previously a Priest King in Atlantis before it sank.  Thoth guided the Egyptians for 16,000 years.  Once he entered the Halls of Amenti  (the Underworld) the Dark Age began on Earth.  These tablets are unique from other ancient texts because of the material they are made from.  In 1925 a copy of the tablets was given to a priest associated with the White Lodge – a Pyramid Priesthood.  From there, the information has been released to the public.

“If there is light in you, the light which is engraved in these tablets will respond to you.  The student will read between the lines and gain wisdom.”

Interesting Fact:  “There are twelve tablets of emerald green, formed of a substance created through alchemical transmutation.  They are imperishable, resistant to all elements and substances; in effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed. No change ever taking place.  In this respect they violate the material law of ionization.  Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language.  Characters which respond to attuned thought-waves, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader. The tablets are fastened together with hoops of a golden-colored alloyed, suspended from a rod of the same material.  The wisdom contained therein is the foundation of the mysteries, and for the one who reads with open eyes and an open mind his wisdom shall be increased 100-fold.  Read, believe or not, read, and the vibration found therein will beacon a response in your soul.”

I have been studying the tablets for a few years.  I believe it is written within my coding to help translate the meaning into the awareness of the human species at this time, as we enter the Golden Age of Enlightenment on Earth.  There are many ancient texts and accounts as to the origins of mankind and the purpose for our being.  Some of these texts and beliefs have been handed down from generation to generation.  Some of these texts were discovered by accident throughout our documented history and have added new ideas into the collective consciousness of mankind.  I’ve found the information contained in the Emerald Tablets to be timeless and magically in alignment to what we are experiencing on Earth at the time.  It is my goal to translate and share the information within these tablets in a way that is relatable.  The light of information encoded within the words will trigger your own light of wisdom within.

We are all here for great purpose and we are all here to achieve great things.  Any contrast or challenges we face as a human race are only for the betterment of our species, and evolution of our consciousness as a collective whole.  The wisdom found within these tablets is meant only as a tool to ignite the wisdom that is locked within you.  It is only through your personal perception and resonance with the information that you will understand.  The wisdom and messages within these Tablets are layered and quantum in nature.  I’ve read them uncountable times and each time I grasp something new that I didn’t catch before.  It is truth your current wisdom and understanding of life, reality and your place within the Universe will be increased by 100-fold by opening yourself to the wisdom within the Emerald Tablets.  I will read each tablet and discuss its meaning in depth.  This will all be shared through my personal perception in hopes of inspiring your own personal understanding within you.   

May the wisdom found within the Emerald Tablets create expansion and enlightenment for all of those who have been lead to the teachings therein.   The expansion of our consciousness is the driving force of our physical evolution and collective reality.  The wisdom within these texts was written 36,000 years ago, but we are just now as a species discovering it and awakening to it.  Perhaps if Thoth left at the beginning of the Dark Age it’s because the human species as a collective whole would no longer be able to grasp the spiritual meaning of the teachings, hence the Dark Age.  As we enter the Golden Age, these teachings awaken dormant coding within our DNA, and we physically and spiritually expand into the Age of Enlightenment.  These tablets speak of these cycles of time and the importance of them.

Just as the construction of these tablets is a mystery, there are many megalithic structures and pyramids around the world that are just as mysterious in construction.  There are many theories, but no proven method of their construction or their true purpose for being constructed.  With or without the aid of an extraterrestrial race, the fact that such magnificent structures and texts exists in this day tells me the human species as a collective whole once existed in a much more enlightened and intelligent state of being.  The mathematical precision and perfection of the great pyramid in Giza and other ancient sites like Machu Picchu and so on, are proof of a previous Golden Age.  Perhaps aliens didn’t teach us all we know, but communicated with us and co-created with us when the human species was experiencing itself in a much higher state of being on the earth plane.  We assume our ancient ancestors were less intelligent and less technologically advanced that we are today, but there is a lot of evidence that suggests otherwise.

Knowledge comes to light when there are students open and ready to learn.  We are all a part of the dawning Golden Age, despite what someone else’s part and role and may look like to you.  There is purpose and balance in all things and all experiences.  If we don’t immediately understand or have all of the answers we dismiss the idea of balance and purpose in all things.  Enlightenment is allowing your consciousness to expand in such a way that your perception sees the purpose and importance in all things.  There are different levels of growth and expansion that take place through cycles of enlightenment and cycles of darkness.  Each is always in balance with the other.  The wisdom found within these tablets is timeless and powerfully activating if you allow yourself to open to the teaching.  My next entry will be a reading and discussion on the first tablet: Tablet I – The history of Thoth, the Atlantean.

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I feel as though I am quite young for the average Galactic Activist, being 23, almost 24. I know that's not that young, but I feel young.

Two years before I got into the Law of Time, I wrote a poem about a butterfly and a flower. Little did I realize how important the piece would become to me. Now, whenever I see a butterfly I thank the universe for the beautiful sign.

Yet I still have many questions.

I didn't post a picture on here, but on July 4, White Crystal Wind, I left to a rave camp in Austin, Texas, wearing a shirt I had made after having visions of three purple orbs arranged such as in the Banner of Peace. On the back of the shirt I inked in the glyph to Kin 16, Yellow Electric Warrior. The event which would be held for three days was called Planet Soul, which is why I felt the need to attend.

The next two nights I can only describe as magical. Not only did I feel a strange presence in the woods, but I also experienced a radical connection to the light show that was emanating from the main stage. I experienced synchronicities abundant those few days, too many to name, for I have no doubt they were meant for me.

I was entranced by the music coming from the different stages, and I had set up camp in the area named Neptune, in the Dreamcatcher camp. I met many wonderful people, and we shared our drinks, food, and herbal remedies.

I remember opening my third eye farther than I had conceived possible, and hearing the voices of my friends. I remember being afraid that I was a 'psychic vampire'. I remember walking into the dark woods, breaking off a dead tree branch, and lifting it into the air. I remember deciding to use this power of death to break apart the dead, and breaking the branch into pieces. I remember losing my sandal in the process, and having to search for it in the dark.

At one point I started dancing around a tree, sprinkling it with water from a bottle. I don't know what came over me, but soon I found myself lying prostrate in front of the tree and bawling to Mother Earth. I remember thinking of myself as an Earth Snake (1989) and a Water Snake (2013).

I remember calling out telepathically to my star sisters and brothers, and I remember hearing what I thought were replies within the DJ booths' music. After resting in my tent on Blue Cosmic Night, I thought I heard these 'voices' leading me toward the main part of camp. So I followed.

The last people I remember seeing before I climbed the stage were a girl with a Hello Kitty backpack named Amy, DJ Nox or Enoch and very handsome, and Special K or Kristen. Right before climbing I stood in front of Special K and did a hexagonal dance with my arms, prompting her to follow. I remember that she caught on and followed along.

Well, I climbed the stage, I don't know why, but my thoughts were so scattered. I remember thinking that the event was going to be televised, that if I jumped on the tarp of a roof, it would fall to reveal a net. I remember feeling "fearless". I remember telling myself that everything was going to be fine. I jumped on the tarp a bit, but it didn't give. That's when I looked farther on and saw a hole in the roof by a small pool of water. I walked over to the hole, and jumped straight through.

Next thing I knew, my spine felt a shock, and I blacked out.

I woke up in what felt like a roller coaster simulator. I was having trouble at that point deciding what was real and what was imaginary. One of the attendants in the ambulance asked me if I knew where I was, to which I replied, "Heaven?"

I woke up again in a hospital bed, and an IV was in my arm, and I heard snippets of conversations from the hospital staff. I also remember still hearing the voices of my friends. I was very confused, and I thought I was in a vampiric hospital. I could swear that my friends' voices were encouraging, though. I got up and took the IV from my arm, and shortly a nurse came into the room and told me to get back in bed. Rather than cause a scene I complied and got back in bed.

I woke up later in a different room, and my mom was there with me. She had driven from Waco to Austin with my stepdad. The hospital staff wrapped gauze around my right arm because in the fall I had fractured my radius right beneath the wrist. As I type I still have yet to be operated upon.

If anyone could offer any insight, it would be much appreciated. I have been recovering my strength and courage this past month. Was it I who sought to defeat my body? Was it possibly the energy from a planet, such as Pluto? Was it a test of my 'fearlessness' as a Galactic Warrior? I am thankful that I truly am all right, and I would very much appreciate guidance as to where to place this gratitude. Considering I fell onto a wooden stage and brought a good amount of water down with me, plus the respects I had paid Mother Earth earlier that night, it seems plausible to me that Mother Earth had her hand in the events.

Ideas? Thoughts? Questions?

Love and light and peace,

Paul the Electric Warrior

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Use the correct calendar please

Regarding the August 29 synchronized meditation - why is this not happening on August 22, which is the 28th day of Magnetic Moon, when the global meditation is already organized? It should be happening every 28th day on the last day of the moon. Use the proper calendar please.
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