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Encuentro en Brasil luna 4

N.S. Kin 40 Kali

Encuentro en Brasil con la Reina Roja y la Re-Activación de la Red de Arte Planetaria

De gama 3 a limi 6 de la luna Auto-existente del Buho, varios kines del cono sur (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay y Brasil) fuimos a reencontrarnos y participar del retiro/seminario dado por la Reina Roja “ Synchronotron: el vehículo del tiempo”.

Fuimos invitados, recibidos y abrazados por, kin 93 y 252 de Brasil, en el Centro de Estudios e Investigacion de la Ley del Tiempo.

Durante todo el encuentro la Reina Roja nos compartió de su humildad, simpleza, determinación y servicio usando su corona In Lak Ech´, nutriéndonos e inspirándonos para caminar con alegría y en unión el camino de la sincronización galáctica y poder realizar el plan de 7 años del Anclaje de la Cultura Galactica.

Recibimos enseñanzas sobre el Synchronotron y el Perceptor Holomental, pudiendo profundizar en sus diferentes aplicaciones, para radializar la consciencia a un estado multidimensional del ser.

La Reina Roja hizo hincapié en el poder creativo humano como herramienta para manifestar el nuevo rayo y ciclo de tiempo, a través del arte, la ciencia/tecnología y espiritualidad; pidiéndonos mayor compromiso con nuestra meditación de Mente Natural, con nuestra alimentación y la importancia de emanar nuestra confianza y amor a todos los seres sintientes de todos los reinos de la existencia.

Emanando el Arquetipo Femenino de la regeneración del ciclo y de la Segunda Creación nos invito a cada uno a seguir sus propias sincronías para descubrir nuestra misión personal y seguirla con una devoción inquebrantable; el futuro abierto de posibilidades brillantes espera a todos los artistas intrépidos que sueñen el sueño mas elevado en unión, siendo de mayor importancia que los Kines planetarios encarnen, vivan y transmitan la conciencia de unidad, UR, la religión Universal.

Nos compartió los siguientes puntos, dejados por Votan para ella:

  • Estudia el cubo hasta que abra tu corazón
  • Si tienes fe en una palabra de Dios, tienes fe en toda la creación
  • Haz lo mejor que puedas , pero la recompensa viene de otra dimensión
  • Nada realmente depende de ti
  • Emana tu amor y confianza a los kin mas cercanos y a todos los seres sintientes
  • Todo viene de una matriz movida por innumerables fuerzas invisibles
  • Si tienes dudas o miedos, estas cerrando la puerta a tus guias trascendentales
  • Lo que Dios necesita de ti es solo tu mente purificada y tu corazón abierto.


Cinco Claves

1- Recuerda

2- Disciplina

3- Esfuerzo, en la practica, en los propósitos.

4- Paciencia, cuando tenemos un camino, tenemos que llegar al final, no renunciar.

5- Amor y Compasión, sin amor los códigos están muertos


Luego del encuentro la Reina Roja invito a participar a cada uno que lo sintiera a tener una entrevista personal para compartir nuestras aventuras con ella y darnos aliento a cada uno de los kines, siendo cada encuentro un manantial de sincronías para cada uno de nosotros.

El día Mago Resonante Blanco, tuvimos un encuentro con los representantes y referentes de cada Bio-región de Jardin de Paz Colliguay de Chile, Aldea de Paz Magos del Tollan, Tiempo de Brotar, Reserva Noosferica GM108X y kin 214 de Argentina, Jardin Ur Gaia de Uruguay y El centro de Estudios e Investigacion de la Ley del Tiempo y los kines 207,152 de Brasil, donde tocamos los siguientes temas:

Plan de Anclaje de la Cultura Galactica de 7 años

  • Manifestación de 2 Centros de Retiro Galactico ( polo norte, polo sur)
  • Educación ( desarrollar programas niveladores, introductorios y avanzados sobre todas las herramientas de la ley del tiempo, siendo primordial el sincronario de 13 lunas de 28 días y la difusión a través de charlas, eventos culturales y retiros)
  • Niños ( programas lúdicos, de aprendizaje, contención  y desarrollo de los dones naturales magicos para los kines mas pequeños)
  • Comunidad ( seguir con el anclaje de los espacios comunitarios y las aldeas de paz, profundizando en la aplicación de las herramientas telepáticas, el desarrollo autosustentable de los espacios, el uso de tecnologías eco-amigables; siendo los jardines el resultado concreto del cambio de frecuencia)
  • Alianzas ( crear alianzas y vínculos basados en la confianza y unidad dentro de una visión planetaria de cambio de paradigma; hermanándonos con todos los trabajadores de luz, senderos espirituales, sembradores organicos, artistas, sanadores, técnicos, constructores, etc…)
  • Arte ( apoyar y manifestar creaciones artísticas capaces de inspirar el espíritu humano, trabajando con los 21 arquetipos de Hunab ku y los poderes mágicos de los Kin planetarios, subiendo en espiral hacia el reino imaginal como puente de la segunda creación)
  • Abundancia ( atraer y magnetizar abundancia material y espiritual para nutrir los espacios, la fundación y auto-sostener el servicio planetario, buscar padrinazgos, donaciones)
  • Fundación para la Ley del Tiempo ( fortalecer la fundación en el hemisferio norte y abrir la fundación en el hemisferio sur, como herramienta abarcante y organismo institucional capaz de ordenar y organizar, cooperando con la comunicación y las actividades de los diferentes puntos bio-regionales)

Lanzamos así el llamado y la invitación a caminar juntos este puente arcoíris hacia un nuevo tiempo de Paz universal, manifestando el cielo en la tierra, activando totalmente la Noosfera como una unidad consciente de humanos autoreflexivos, con sus raíces ancladas profundamente en la tierra pero con los ojos del corazón mirando alto, arriba en el cielo atrayendo el manantial de consciencia cósmica que somos en toda sincronía del único tiempo.9676472872?profile=original

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Whose got the right calendar?

A lot of people, when first presented with the concept of calendar change, step back stunned as if a bedrock beneath them had just shifted. If they are able to weather this seismic event then the next step is often the question, "So which calendar is the official one?"

In the early days of the Dreamspell a huge debate arose around the long count calendar vs the Dreamspell, and many  'experts' emerged to trumpet their views, not realizing that the 13 moon peace plan calendar was not a calendar at all but a synchronometer. 

Missing the point.

So I'm hoping the the galactic space book crowd does not get caught up in the same confusion. Try thinking of the synchronometer as a measuring device to track synchronicity on at least three dimensions (3, 4 and 5) and use it to stretch your mind and free you from the Gregorian entrancement of 'time is money.'

Throw away the old Gregorian ruler (think about what that means - who 'rules' your thinking?) and take up the new measure of 'time is art.'

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Syncronotron questions!!

Hi so iv been working with the 441 cube system for about 5 months now and I have a few questions. First what are the external space flows representing. In the space matrix we got the 4 MOAP zone but wgat are the numbers around them representing? Kin corolations or what? What iv been doing is taking each matrix BMU and plugging them into the HMP if I say land on a -8 spot iv been taking the Master coordinating frequency and counting -8 down and using that kin code to breath into the BMU spot on the HMP as well as attributing that to an internalizing dynamic for that particular matrix.. Is this correct?
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Fukushimas U^date 1000 day's later ...

Is Green something else .......Yes .....IT IS .....Euhm  ..Please people Join the meditation ,For who dos not know yet already ,3 minutes is all it takes ...Or you thinking ...?...Yes ..Good !Think further ^ Think about at lease where to sent your prayers ....And sent dhem overdhere .....Yes ...every day again ,OK !...Thanks and so much more ...

Why ? FUKISHIMA could turn out and ready is the biggest disaster in histories ,DO YOU KNOW ...? Do you know what went wrong ..? Do you ....? you can find publicity answers at the bottom but ...Please ...Do sent all your synergies and prayers to this aria ....Do it as much as you can ...!!...!Every day again .

Dhey need US so so much .....The p ^lanet is in need from Us ...Do you hear  shy is crying out load .......Listen ....Hear ...

It  can goo's wrong ....Every day and this could be Every day the case ...Do you understand that this could makes us all end the rest of are live visiting Every Barry why now and love in hospital ...????..Euh ,Yes if why are not sick or self of ofcourse ...

Please join And ask all AND Every Barry you know to join ...Ask your guides to be present with you ...,ask Dem to assist you to re - evaluate the situation for the highest good for all ...Its under your questions ...!!!

What are thy doing in Fukushima......Thy say der is no risk and cetera ...But ...Dhere is Great risk even if thy Say's Deere is no risk to the  population ..In fact the people who say Deere is no risk are more danger .Thy do destroy families in one Minuut this minute .....this minute ..Do you know ...Listen ...and make your commitment to the highest good for what is left of FUKUSCHIMA ..Thank you

Love and Light to heal or Precious planet


Source ..


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Greetings and Love Blessings ..♪♫.....

 If you listen you can hear the heavens toke ...Its all about Jezus...The most Sacred time is up on us ...a time to rejoice and start believing • May you be filed with spoken and unspoken happy memory 's without eny fear or sadness • My each hart glow his warmth to shine out to each other so that it can burn to light up the golden light..Gloria in Crist Bright Blessings every one....Piece alway's ....♪♫

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I Unify in order to Explore
Attracting Wakefulness
I seal the Output of Space
with the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

"A new story is emerging from deep within the dream - a new culture is being born: Galactic Culture. Everything is changing quickly and we are being called to listen to the inner call and act accordingly.

Up until this point in time, we have only been operating with a small portion of our brain capacity. We are so preoccupied by the external world that we let outside circumstances decide for us what ‘reality’ is so we do not have to thinkWe let the government do it. We let the Internet do it. We let institutions do it. We let the machine do it."

Stephanie South/Red Queen

While I retake this article is already Rhythmic Moon 15, KIN 58 White Rhythmic Worldbridger. Death of Pakal Votan.

Since I posted PART 2 it's been only 6 days, but feels like a compressed, intense and dense karmic clearence process. On the traditional

"All the world's a stage" is the phrase that begins a monologue from William Shakespeare's As You Like It, spoken by the melancholy Jaques in Act II Scene VII. The speech compares the world to a stage and life to a play, and catalogues the seven stages of a man's life, sometimes referred to as the seven ages of man:[1] infant, schoolboy, lover, soldier, justice, pantaloon, and old age, facing imminent death. It is one of Shakespeare's most frequently-quoted passages, and is mistakenly believed by some to be Shakespeare's last speech.

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I dedicate in order to Play

Universalizing Illusion

I seal the process of Magic

with the Crystal tone of Cooperation

I am guided by the power of Abundance

I am Galactic Activation Portal, Enter Me

"The progressive revelation of a great, a transcendent, a luminous Reality with the multitudinous relativities of this world that we see and those other worlds that we do not see as means and material, condition and field, this would seem then to be the meaning of the universe – since meaning and aim it has and is neither a purposeless illusion nor a fortuitous accident."
~Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine~ “Man in the Universe,” p.42

Today is already day 8 of the Rhythmic Moon of Balance, KIN 51 12Monkey and we are only ONE Earth spin away from completing ONE 365-day orbit around our nearest Star, The Sun (Kinich Ahaw/Velatropa 24) since the Closing of the Cycle of 13 Baktuns in 12-21-12. On PART 1 we already discussed the incredible transformation potential available for this window by contemplating the question:

"What if December 21st 2012 opened a time window/cycle that closes on December 21st 2013 and what if this could now being signaled by the attainment of maximum level of harmonic resonance between different cycles (occurring during these last days of December 2013)?. This "maximum level of harmonic resonance" refers to the completion of different/parallel and (apparently "UNRELATED") events and cycles of time "collapsing" or coinciding into one specific date: DECEMBER 16TH, 2013"

To explore possible answers we used other calendrical systems (timing programs) to establish "time markers" or "time-coordinates" as reference points, and arrived to very interesting results just by implementing a simple cross-reference "triagulation" of those coordinates from these 3 different time-keeping system sources:

1. Traditional/Indigenous Maya Haab 360-day and Cholk'ij 260-day
2. Gregorian Calendar and its (Occult) 13:28 Master Number Marker: 13-13-13

3. Galactic Maya (13Moon/Dreamspell)


After analyzing this data we arrived to a Target Date: December 16th, 2013 (OCCULT 13-13-13) as a new Time Marker or ZERO POINT in TIME. On this date the Traditional Maya counts of the Haab and the Cholk'ij synchronized again after 13 years and we entered the 5-day Uayeb period, preceding the winter solstice: the shortest day of the year on the Northern Hemisphere and moment when our planet completes one entire orbit around our star. 

Let's continue here our story... Tomorrow, Rhythmic 9, KIN 52 - Yellow Cosmic Human impregnates this auspicious Solar event with a prophetic overtone, revealing once again the perfect harmony and mathematical elegance always present in the World of Natural Time... A world only accessible through the Time Magic Lenses of the 13:20 Frequency and the Sacred-Geometrical Time Ratios embedded into the Wheel of the Law Time 13:7.


"Due to very precise and consistent methods of observations, the Maya came to establish the well-know cycle of the NEW FIRE or TUNBEN K'AK, which is celebrated every 52 years."

                                     Traditional Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men -Tzol ek' Mayan Astrology

As hinted on my introductory paragraph, having KIN 52 as a time marker for the first Winter Solstice following the culmination of the 13 Baktun Cycle is then no small event at all, but a prophetic function of the minute and precise calibrations of the Mayan Time Science based on its unique Vigesimal Mathematical System. Let's remember briefly the significance of this number frequency:

52:   Solar/Galactic Frequency   I   52 years cycle of Sirius B around Sirius A I  Basis of harmonic cycles:  52 weeks & 52 Dreamspell castle  I  Basis of cycle of galactic compass I  Prime super mental harmonic  I  Galactic return frequency

                                                                                                                441 Dictionary of Number

Basically,  we could call 52 the golden "measure stick" to calibrate different basic fractal ratios and time frequencies. It coordinates different levels of galactic, interstellar, stellar and planetary cycles:

1. The Solar/ Lunar Orbit Cycles of the Earth:
52 weeks x 7 days = 364 days = 13 moons x 28 days
+1 DAY OUT OF TIME = 365

2. The Sirius Orbit Cycle:
52 years cycle of Sirius B around Sirius A

3. The Galactic Spin/Cycle (Tzolkin Harmonic Module)
52 Galactic Activation Portals
5  Cycles (Castles) of 52 days each

This 5 x 52-Castle Structure representation of the Tzolkin/Harmonic Module is the same holographic template of the Fifth Force Oracle:



"The conclusion of the cycle in A.D. 2012 bodes a return to natural time and an evolutionary upgrading of planetary life. A resonant frequency phase shift will usher us into the brilliance of galactic-solar-planetary evolution. We shall pass not only into a post-historic, but a post-human, or super human phase of our evolution.  In fact, the entire 5,125-year cycle – hardly an instant of geological time – is but a mutative phase. This phase complete, a new evolutionary stage begins. This is known as the noosphere, literally, the mental sheathe of the planet, the mind of the Earth, where we think and act as a single planetary organism – a new race of bio-solar telepaths. With the advent of planetary consciousness will come not destruction, but, at long last, universal peace." 

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

9676466075?profile=originalFrom the Macrocosm perspective of Galactic, Solar and Planetary Time Cycles, we can now arrive to the Microcosm at the level of Human Life Cycle: 52 as the frequency of the Cosmic Human is the representation of the Super Human. The Homo Noosphericus with Cosmic Radial Consciousness.

Even for the traditional Maya Itza, like elder Hunbatz Men, a Hu-man attains wisdom at age 52 once he completes one "Cycle of the New Fire". In a similar way, within the Dreamspell Cosmology, the 52 unit Destiny castle marks the Return Path to our Original Galactic Blueprint, which can be used to find higher meaning in experiences, events and people around us.

The glyph even depicts the head of a hu-man and the number 13 Mayan notation looks like a crown. A "coronation" or graduation is now taking place! It is in fact quite an achievement after all the uncertainty and fear propaganda associated with December 21st, 2012 disbursed by the main stream media machine, that we have come this far! Here we are one year later still finding slowly and steadily our way out of the old paradigm and into the New Earth.

As a synchronic side-note: it is quite a metaphor that the main character in the public eye playing the role of the 2013 SuperHuman, (as SUPERMAN: Man of Steel) is actor Henry Caville born on May 5th, 1983 - KIN 52 Yellow Cosmic Human.



Operating now from this 4th Dimensional perspective we can appreciate the significance of the 52 CODE. So let's travel back in time to our Marker Date of December 16th/ 2013 (13.13.13) and remember that it corresponded on the Dreamspell count to KIN 47 8Hand. So the following 5 days/kin leading to KIN 52 13Human fall very elegantly on top of the 5 Wayeb on the traditional Count!!! The expression "fits like a glove" is LITERAL in this case: One day/kin per each finger. ;D!

"We may now define the Traditional Count as the Indigenous Maya and the Dreamspell/Chilam Balam as the Galactic Maya...The two counts actually constitute a prophectic alliance...There is no conflict...The Law of Time embraces both systems in the higher fourth-dimensional order of truth."

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

So the dreamspell count not only synchronizes perfectly with the 2012-2013 Winter Solstice Astronomical Marker but also when we compare it to the traditional count, we can see how the "Prophetic Alliance" and the Unification of the Counts can now be appreciated "on paper" through the simplicity, exactitude and objectivity of number:


52 (Galactic Maya /13:28 Moon/Dreamspell Marker)
x 5 (Indigenous Maya/Traditional Count Marker)

One perfect Wave Harmonic of Time. Not one kin more, nor one kin less.

"The Law of Time embraces both systems in the higher fourth-dimensional order of truth."


NUMBER 5 represents the Quintessence... The Fifth Element. The Philosopher Stone. The Stargate Pentagram. The Gateway.

We can even say that having today KIN 5 Red Overtone Serpent as the "Prophetic Ally" from the Traditional Count, commands Life Force into the last (52nd) step on the Spiral Stairway to Heaven inside the Red Castle of Turning, and by the magical Power of Radiance the court of Birth explodes into the Fifth Force Oracle template:

The Fifth Force Oracle

 "One metaphor to describe the fifth force oracle is that if the galactic signature is the fourth-dimensional flower bud, then the Fifth Force Oracle is the shimmering flower blossom.

What is the Fifth Force?

Contemporary science describes four major forces in the universe: strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational. The Fifth Force, then, is the one that binds them all together, it is the synchronic G-Force, sometimes called the ether, or akasha. It is the force which synchronizes the Universe!

Every galactic gateway as you know has a solar seal and galactic tone, but also packed inside is the dense synchronic power of the G-Force - it is the purpose of the Fifth Force Oracle to tap into this deeper cyclical pattern and to amp up the level of meaning that can be gleaned from each galactic gateway, and more!"


52 x 5  = 260 = 20x13


NOW even the Gregorian Calendar Date also appears coded with prophecy:





"The entire 104,000-tun cycle consists of one 260-unit tzolkin module where one kin = one baktun, each baktun being a microwave within the larger wave which builds up in four 26,000-tun increments. The 13 baktuns of history constitute the 20th and final wavespell of the 260-baktun 104,000-tun Tzolkin. This is the phase when the density wave generates the synchronization beam, to create a planetary consciousness (noosphere). The 13th baktun – the last 260th of this great wave pulsation is the super heightened acceleration of the climax of matter (characterized by the globally transforming materialism) and the emergence of planetary consciousness – leading to the noosphere that commences after the 2012 threshold is passed. (See Graphic, Time Map I)"

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan


Once completed this last stage of the synchronization process between calendrical systems we can say that there is a bright future ahead of us. Cosmic Human takes Magic Flight wrapping up a perfect 260 Radial Rainbow  Cosmic Mandala of Cycles within Cycles as an offering to the Feathered Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, 1 Reed, KIN 53 - 1Skywalker, awaiting for us on the other side of this threshold...


"Lord of the Dawn Quetzalcoatl, prophet and mythic complex of ancient Mexico is the patron saint or tutelary deity of the Harmonic Convergence. The Harmonic Convergence of 1987 was in commemoration of the completion of his prophecy of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells, and was celebrated worldwide as a global peace meditation.

One writer refers to Quetzalcoatl as the magician par excellence, “He who knows the secrets of all enchantments.” He is a culture hero and bringer of the knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and the calendar. He is the one who initiates man into the mysteries of the interior life. He is often depicted as a plumed serpent, representing the marriage of heaven and earth. He is an alchemical cipher of the cycles and stages of transformation. He is associated with Venus and its synodic cycles of appearance, disappearance and reappearance as the morning and evening star.

“It is said when he burned, his ashes were at once raised up and that all the rare birds appeared when Quetzalcoatl died, for which they all call him the Lord of Dawn. They say that when he died Dawn did not appear for four days, because he had gone to dwell among the dead. And then in four days he provided himself with arrows (rays of light), for which reason in eight days there appeared the Great Star called Quetzalcoatl, and they add that he was an enthroned Lord.” (Annals of Cuauhtitlan)

As a prophet he is known as Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl – Our Lord One Reed Quetzalcoatl. He was born in the Christian year 947 in Amatlan in the present state of Morelos, Mexico. He was known as a model king of peace and promoter of the arts and culture, who was opposed to human sacrifice, and built his palaces in the city of Tula in the archetypal memory of the original Tollan, the city of the distant star born. After many adventures and wanderings, he departed on a raft of serpents on the eastern sea in the Christian year 999, traveling toward the dawn, vowing he would return on the year sacred to him, the year One Reed in the Nahuatl tradition, the year and day of his birth (1 Reed = 1 Skywalker, Kin 53). In the Mexica tradition this year last occurred in 1987, exactly 1040 years or 20 52 year cycles after his birth in 947.

In the Nahuatl tradition, Quetzalcoatl is regarded as a multiple avatar and the first human to discover and convert himself into a “god”, i.e., to attain and realize his divine nature. Quetzalcoatl taught that human greatness grows out of the awareness of spiritual order. The era of Quetzalcoatl is that of the advent of the soul, the unifying center which is the essence of all religious thought.

Quetzalcoatl gave three principle counsels or advices:

1. Always be aware that God is ever-present; don’t despair or become cowardly, but remain humble in your heart and love God.

2. Be at peace with everybody, regardless.

3. Don’t waste your time. You have been given a precious opportunity in this earthly life; use it wisely and creatively.

As part of the meaning of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the return of Quetzalcoatl signifies the awakening of consciousness during the 26-year Harmonic Convergence prophecy cycle, 1987-2013. In this regard, Quetzalcoatl is the awakened rainbow consciousness that characterizes the self-luminous entry into the noosphere. This is the meaning of the seven cycles of the Lord of Dawn and the Seven 144-day Cycles, Return of Sacred Power.

José Argüelles-Valum Votan,
Galactic Research Institute
Self-existing 15, Kin 207, 5 Moon year
(1 November, 2010, Day of the Dead, All Saints Day)"


Today, as I write this article, is KIN 51 + KIN 113 (me, the scribe)= KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed. This is then a great portal opportunity to travel back in time and finish this chronicle where it all started. Back to the beginning... to the place where the earliest memories of our known origins were recorded 26,000 years ago...

"The Dreamspell Genesis is a psychomythic description of the migration from the lost worlds to the present world on Planet Earth. It is the journey of time travelers who become space-traveling amnesiacs only to be awakened by a return to the correct time."

The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013
Dreamspell Genesis

Timeship Earth 2013
Born of the Dragon - Taught by the Monkey- Set in flight by the Moon

"Just as the falcon entering its gyre henceforth spins without turning back, so once a planetary kin has entered the Magnetic Dragon gate of the Castle of Turning, there is no turning back, only turning and turning again through the endless and infinite castle spires of the mighty Timeship Earth

Timeship Earth. Five majestic castles of fathomless splendor bound into one by the spiraling gyre-like path of the Dreamspell Genesis. Not once, not twice, but thrice was this genesis originated.

By the Dragon born, the twenty solar tribes of the planetary kin appeared on Timeship Earth. By the Monkey taught, the planetary kin learned the magic of the Thirteen Moons that guide Timeship Earth. Set in flight by the Moon, the destiny of the planetary kin is the galactic launching of Timeship Earth."


"Each of the twenty wavespells of the mighty Timeship Earth accounts for thirteen centuries by human reckoning. Four magnetic gates, four wavespells in all, each castle accounts for fifty-two steps or fifty-two Dreamspell centuries.

Dreamspell, the return of the twenty solar tribes following the thirteen moons through Timeship Earth 2013. Three Dreamspell geneses. Five castles. Twenty wavespells.
260 steps. 260 Dreamspell centuries cast.

So it was almost 260 centuries, 26,000 years ago, that Timeship Earth entered its first genesis, the Dragon Genesis of the primal Dreamspell. Woven by the Dragon into the Earth, the human Dreamspell journey had begun. The Red Eastern Castle of turning had been entered. The first of the mighty wavespells was cast."




IMPORTANT: The diagrams/graphics created for this article to represent the 2 counts Galactic Maya and Traditional Maya only reflect the Galactic Maya Glyph Art. This was done with no intention to ignore the Traditional Glyph Art, but for pure lack of production time and in the Spirit of releasing the information on this Symbolic Unification of Counts at a synchronic moment in Time. Part of the beauty of Life is to be able to flow to the tune the Universe is playing and let go of perfection, but do the best we can, and allow the Universe to take care of the details. (Nonetheless I will soon replace the diagrams with the correct ones.)

Since these series of articles keep growing (Part 2 was much longer than originally planned), I was not able to introduce current world events as time markers as intended on PART 1, so on PART 3 we will (hopefully) "explore how this date of December 16th 2013 was also intimately and prophetically associated with what can be probably cataloged as the two most important events and characters of 2013 on the "public eye": The death of Nelson Mandela and the rise of Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) as the "KING" protagonists of 2013".


Special Dedicatories:

to the Galactic Masters, Star GrandMothers and ALL the Traditional Indigenous People from Earth
Infinite Gratitude for all their Love, Guidance, Care & Perseverance during all these years

to Spectral Magician Valum Votan KIN 11. Infinite Gratitude for all your Inspirational Work, Wisdom and Guidance

to Serpent Initiate Stephanie South KIN 185. Infinite Gratitude for always holding the Highest Dream.

to my GrandMother Angelita, KIN 103 Blue Crystal Night, for her tender Love y Guidance that transcends dimensions

to my Sirian Soul Sister Clare KIN 163 Blue Resonant Night for being my naked Cosmic Human in the Mirror

to my Galactic Sister Juanita KIN 53 Red Magnetic Skyalker on her 66th Galactic Return

to my Galactic Co-Pilot Sister Nickii KIN 226+1 Blue Rhytmic Hand for supporting my sane insanity

to my Galactic Brother Tim KIN 30 White SelfExisting Dog for his beautiful mathematical mind full of heart

to my Galactic Sister and Perfect Ally Zuly KIN 126 White Solar Worldbridger for her unconditional support,

to my Galactic Master Teacher, Xibalba Brother KIN 67 Blue Lunar Hand, for reminding me of my path

and most specially to my parents

RuBen KIN 217 Red Solar Earth and GaBy KIN 236 Yellow Lunar Warrior for being such a loving source of support in all and every way.






Recommended reads and articles:

From 12-21-2012 to 12-21-2013 The Closing of the Closing of the Cycle - PART 1

Becoming the Rainbow: Palenque — the Interdimensional Jumping off P...

Unification in Time/13 Moons, Long Count and all Traditions (audio)

Adventure of the Unification of Mayan Counts

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Essay: Exploring Music as a Healing Medium

Music has been extensively interwoven with human culture throughout the world and throughout recorded history. From the simplest form of a mother humming a lullaby to induce her baby to sleep, to an ancient shaman using drumming as a means to obtain transcendence to a non-ordinary state of reality, music seems intrinsically associated with power. Its affects seem to be able to dramatically influence our beings on multi-dimensional levels—even to the point of inducing radically altered states of consciousness. Does the power of music lie in some innate neurological response that is evident in the human species as a whole? Is there in fact a universal sound or sounds that will affect all who listen? Or are our reactions to music more socially conditioned responses? The vast musical diversity evident throughout the world would seem to point to the latter as being the case. Insomuch as we are social animals, however, much of structured musical therapeutic methods focus on what the individual patient finds to be of a pleasurable or consonant sound quality. Even if music is an effective healing medium in itself, it is hard to deny that everyone is unique; and therefore, individual musical interpretations may be a key element to consider with regards to enlisting music as a therapeutic medium. Research has shown that music affects the physiological, psychological, and cognitive levels of our beings and does so simultaneously. Some cultures also correlate music with spiritual transformation. Personally, I find varying musical genres to have beneficial, and even therapeutic properties that differ with regards to situations and intended purposes involved. I regard music to be, in fact, an enriching part of my health maintenance in a variety of ways.

      Ever since Ancient Greek times (at least that far back), there have been assumptions made that music or sound is interwoven with the cosmos. And in more recent times, some have proclaimed that music has implications at microscopic or cellular levels. Pythagoras, the revered mathematician who lived during Greece’s Golden Age, inferred that there was a relationship between musical intervals [spacing] and the distance between the planets. Guy Murchie, author of Music of the Spheres writes: “…according to Hippolytos (c. 400 B.C.), Pythagoras maintained that the universe sings and is constructed in accordance with harmony; and he was the first to reduce the motions of the seven [known at that time] heavenly bodies to rhythm and song” (Murchie 67). The Pythagoreans went on to discover that there existed a connection between musical ratios and the nature of their pleasing or consonance attributes. Thomas Stanley (Stanley 11) describes this Ancient Greek discovery:

Quoting Aristotle again… “[The Pythagoreans] saw that the…ratios of musical scales were expressible in numbers [and that]…all things seemed to be modeled on numbers, and numbers seemed to be the first things in the whole of nature, they supposed the elements of number to be the elements of all things, and the whole heaven to be a musical scale and a number.”


The “whole of nature” would imply that the musical quality of the cosmos, or “Music of the Spheres” in Pythagorean terms could also be prescribed at a microscopic or cellular level, one that could not have been empirically observed by the Ancients.

     Some additionally suggest that musical harmonies are evident from within each individual—right down to the atomic level. This notion is implied in Kay Gardner’s Sounding the Inner Landscape: Music as Medicine: “Sound reaches down to the cellular level. It is most likely that sound patterns are really the dance of molecules and atoms”—Vickie Dodd, “Sound as a Tool for Transformation” (Gardner 37). This seems like an intuitively sound notion (no pun intended). Nor is it difficult to imagine how the microscopic word of these tiny particles may seek out harmonious equilibrium within their immediate environment. “…[if] it is considered that each molecule of which an organ or a tissue is compared has its own individual sound pattern and emits a vibration peculiar to this pattern, a healthy organ will have its molecules working together in harmonious relationship with each other”—Peter Guy Manners, M.D., “What is Cymatics” (Gardner 125).

     Shamanism is an ancient tradition that employs the use of drumming as a tool to aid the shaman in his or her descent into an altered state of consciousness. Michael Harner is an anthropologist who has studied and even practiced himself, this ancient tradition. He goes on to describe the role that drumming plays in shamanic’ practices.

The repetitive sound of the drum is usually fundamental to undertaking shamanic tasks in the SSC [shamanic state of consciousness]. With good reason, Siberian and other shamans sometimes refer to their drums as the “horse” or “canoe” that transports them into the Lower world or Upper world [spiritual worlds that the shaman travels to while in the SSC]. The steady, monotonous beat of the drum acts like a carrier wave, first to help the shaman enter the SSC, and then to sustain him on his journey (Harner 51).


Although there are other methods used to induce the shamanic trance, drumming seems to be the most prominent and effective method observed in shamanism as a whole. How does drumming affect physiological functioning?  “Laboratory research by Neher has demonstrated that drumming produces changes in the central nervous system. The rhythmic stimulation affects the electrical activity in many sensory and motor areas of the brain, not ordinarily affected, through their connections with the sensory area being stimulated” (Harner 51). While not everyone may be able to reach an altered state with drumming, there seems to be a substantial amount of merit to this. I had a personal experience that viably demonstrated the tremendous transformational powers of drumming.

     About a year and a half ago, I attended a concert by San Jose Taiko, a Japanese-style drumming ensemble. In traditional Japanese culture, the taiko (style of drum) was used for many different purposes. For examples, “priests used taiko to dispel evil spirits and insects from the rice fields; Samurai used taiko to instill fear in the enemy and courage in themselves; and peasants used taiko in their prayers for rain, in festivals, and in thanksgiving for bountiful harvests” (HSU:  Center for the Arts: 1999-2000 Season). In several instances during the show, I felt a wave of transformation sweep over me. I became engulfed in a light hypnotic state that was induced by the intense, repetitive drumbeats. Furthermore, I could feel the heightened collective sense of exhilaration in the audience—the type that is difficult to give an adequate description through words alone. If drumming can have such a profound impact on a casual observer, I can only imagine how influential it might be when it becomes specifically formulated for use as a therapeutic medium. So how can the medium of drumming be used in constructive healing practices—other than for those willing to venture into the shamanic practices?

     Reinhard Flatischler, along with his partner Cornelia Flatischler, have developed a practice known as TA KE TI NA. This is a process that employs drumming, among other things, as a natural, intuitive method for presenting concepts of rhythm. The Flatischers believe that what hinders us in life, hinders us also in rhythm. They infer that when people fall into a certain pulse they can become released from pain. Cornelia Flatischler states: “Logical thinking is not the only world. We need to know that there is a deeper current carrying us, that we need guidance into the world of rhythm… Rhythm is the basic structure of life—everything is structured around rhythm. Rhythm is the unity of action and space” (New Dimensions: Radio interview with Cornelia Flatischler). The International Society of Music & Medicine is an organization that employs the Flatischlers to use their technique of TA KE TI NA in a clinical setting—where they have obtained some admirable results. Case-in-point: People with various chronic medical ailments used the TA KE TI NA method as a supplement to their pain medications, and after progressing through the TA KE TI NA therapy, some were able to reduce their medications by as much as 45%  (New Dimensions: Radio interview with Reinhard Flatischler). 

     Margaret Heal and Tony Wigram (Heal & Wigram 7) describe the up-and-coming practice of musical therapy:

Music therapy is a varied, enormous, and at this time, far from fully explored field. It is only through a diversity of approaches that clinical practice, research and theory can evolve to investigate this great field of human endeavor throughout its breadth, width and depth. Diversity is inevitable: different nationalities preserve different social values and needs, and distinct lifestyles.


Much of the focus of musical therapy, just as is evident in shamanic drumming, centers upon the concept of repetition. Gardner (59) elaborates: “Repetition’s function in healing music is to bring familiarity and thus comfort to the listener. When you are comfortable, you are much more receptive to healing work than when you are under tension or stress.”

      Repetition is additionally evident in the multicultural occurrence of chants or mantras. Joel Levey illustrates this with the following ethnographic example:

In the Tibetan tradition, the repetition of the mantras: OM MANI PEDME HUNG; AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEDME SIDDHI HUNG; and OM TARE TUTARI TURE SVAHA are commonly recited one hundred thousand to one hundred million times in the course of one’s life. The subtle psychological repetition of such mantric practice provides one with a coherent internal resonance that pervades one’s mind/body as well as a continual sense of direct connection with the source of spiritual blessings, power and inspiration (Levey 172-173).


I actually have a recording of the latter mentioned mantra. Although I consider it to be aesthetically appealing, it didn’t appear to provide me with any kind of extraordinary affects when I partook in the chant, nor did the more simplified OM chant. But then again, I am not a person with a lot of patience—I want results now!

      Possessing a certain amount of patience is probably a good trait to possess as a prerequisite for mantic chanting. Other factors are also influential. Levy (174) states: “Though there is power in the actual vibration and sound of traditional mantras, the mental intention in its use determines the power and magnitude of its benefit.” According to Gardner, mental intention in music therapy is important at both the creator and receiver’s ends. She elaborates: “Intent is all-important when using or choosing live or recorded music to accompany therapeutic and medical procedures. Intent begins and ends the circle of musical healing” (Gardner 8).

     Other than right intention, personal familiarity should also be taken under consideration when employing music as a therapeutic medium. Common sense dictates that music that presents itself in an unfamiliar format may hamper the intended function. Heal & Wigram (157) reiterate this notion: “Several research studies have emphasized the importance of using music that is familiar to the patient in music listening procedures. It is speculated that unfamiliar music may cause an ‘orienting response’ due to its novelty that may undermine the desired therapeutic goals, particularly if the goal is relaxation.”

     Myra Staum and Melissa Brotons, meanwhile, comment on the degree of variation in peoples’ auditory functions:

Individuals vary enormously in their reactions and perception to stimulation. Differential preference for types of auditory stimulation is among the sources that reveal substantial variability. It is thought that individuals come into this world with stronger or weaker nervous systems requiring different intensity levels and duration of stimulation, and these needs are outwardly reflected in their preferences (Staum & Brotons 1).


Notwithstanding, a dissonant sound to a particular individual may be beneficial if it is used as a prelude to draw the patient out of a particular emotional state. Lyn Freeman describes this process: “Music selection may be most beneficial when initially ‘entrained’ to current mood state, but then designed to move the individual from the current mental state of mind into one more conducive to including relaxation, producing endorphins, promoting alertness, or some other intended outcome (Freeman 22). Furthermore, sometimes playing music that correlates to a certain emotional state, even if is a depressing one, will help facilitate getting it out of one’s system. For example, I believe playing Blues music when I am feeling down might actually be beneficial, as denying such emotions is not really conducive to positive mental health. When feelings are amplified through the use of music, they tend, in my case anyway, to dissipate more readily, thereby allowing me to gravitate back to a more positive emotional state.

     It only seems natural then, that music with an intended purpose of health promotion as its goal, should be formulated with individual preferences taken under due consideration. Leslie Bunt related the following as a primary purpose of musical therapy: “…the purpose is to help individuals attain and maintain their maximum levels of functioning” (Bunt 7-8). However, studies have had contradicting opinions as to whether it is the musical style itself, or the individual’s musical preference that holds the greater degree of influence over the level of therapeutic benefits achieved. It appears that more research is needed in this area to make definitive statements in this regard. Notwithstanding, there seems to be a considerable amount of support that music does enable individual transformation on a number of levels. The following is an abbreviated list of what Heal & Wigram (158-160) observed to be the principles behind the music/medicine connection:

        [1] Music elicits physiological responses...

        [2] Music elicits psychological responses...

        [3] Music evokes imagery and associations...

        [4] Music elicits cognitive responses...

        [5] Music may cause physiological and or psychological entrainment (process in

              physics whereby two objects vibrating at similar frequencies will tend to cause

              mutual sympathetic resonance...

        [6] Physiological, psychological, and cognitive responses to music are unique for

              each individual…             

        [7] Music elicits psychological, cognitive, and physiological responses


        [8] Elements of music (rhythm, tempo, texture, harmony, tension, timbre and so

              forth) as well as the music gestalt, must be taken into consideration…

        [9] Music may have an enhancing effect when combined with other methods of 



In a nutshell then, it appears as if music influences our beings at a multi-dimensional level, and that its influences upon one level of existence are not isolated, but are mutually inclusive of others, and that music can function simultaneously and interdependently with other therapeutic healing techniques. Walt Schaffer sums up nicely the immense versatility of music, as well as the variant levels with regards to musical interpretations:

Music can have a variety of effects: arousal, warmth, sexuality, and playfulness. Music can create a sense of structure; it can rekindle nostalgic memories. It can stir you to action, add to your fear, make you angry or mournful, stimulate religious sentimentality, lower tensions, slow you down, and keep you awake… People differ widely in musical tastes, and each person varies from time to time (Schaefer 408).                


     Another nice thing about music—is that one does not have to engage in formal music therapy in order to derive benefits from it. In a recent “Stress Management” course I enrolled in, I learned that sound health maintenance should include not only regular exercise, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition, but also taking the time to engage in healthy pleasures (Starr: Lecture in “Stress Management”). Since listening to music is one of my favorite pastimes, it is both a natural and convenient way for me to incorporate it into my routine as a health-enhancing measure. For instance, some mellow New Age or instrumental music will help me to wind down at night after a hectic day. On the other hand, Classic Rock, some hard-edged Blues or some up-tempo Celtic tunes will help motivate me when I am exercising. Additionally, I find music an ideal way for me to reduce the level of monotony when doing schoolwork or chores around the house.

       I have also found that my musical tastes are continuously evolving. In order to take advantage of the therapeutic benefits that music has to offer, I try to expose myself to a wide range of musical genres, as variety is “the spice of life.” I find music a natural, intuitive way to obtain pleasure and enjoy life more fully. Bunt (187-188) writes:

Music and music-making can be a focus of real beauty and transformation, helping us to define our humanity and all that is vibrant in living to our creative potential. Music can contribute to making life possible and livable. According to the great Sufi master Hazrat Inayat Kahn, “The whole of life in all its aspects is one single music; and the real spiritual attainment is to tune oneself to the harmony of this perfect music.”


     It is fascinating to note how the power of music has been referenced for such a long, long time. Delving back into Classical times, the following mythological tale is recited in Murcie’s (360) book:

…the harmonic nature of the world is known to have been sensed as far back as the days of Pythagoras, when the great star Vega, according to legend, first shone upon the harp of Orpheus in the little constellation now known as Lyra. In popular belief Vega’s celestial harp strings had been tuned to the Sun himself with the result that Orpheus’s music was so enchanting to the trees that they bent to listen, while the most savage of beasts were soothed into gentleness by the bewitching strains and even rivers ceased to flow lest they miss a single note.


This correlation of harmonic sounds with profound happenings is not an isolated instance of fable telling either. John Blofeld notes: “There are in the writings of the ancients many curious passages attributing stupendous or even supreme creative power to the divine energy of sound” (Blofeld 84).

      Throughout the known history of the world, music has been deeply intertwined with society, and has been attributed as being enveloped throughout the cosmos at a macroscopic level; and more recently, music has also been inferred as existing within each of us—down to the cellular level. Music has been inferred to impact our beings on physical, psychological, cognitive and spiritual levels, but at differing degrees for different folks, and differing degrees to the same folks at differing times. Therefore, it only seems logical that individual musical interpretations should be taken under due consideration when using musical therapy as a healing medium, as everyone has unique musical preferences and auditory-sensory systems. Moreover, there may even be ways in which music enhances the healing processes that we have yet to discover. The nearly universal way in which music is referenced, and has been referenced throughout the history of humanity should be a testimony in itself—of the tremendous impact, and hence, value, that music has on the humanoid condition. Personally, I find the medium of music highly beneficial. For instances, music helps me cope better when I am stressed; it motivates me to flex my limbs; and it also makes life more enjoyable and less monotonous. Some people may go on to derive additional value from structured music therapy or repetitive mantric chanting, or from another repetitive means—that of drumming. While others, meanwhile, may be prompted to use music in their normal, everyday activities as a method to experience life more viably. Music therefore, by whatever means employed, can be an instrumental partner in the dance of life, being as it is one powerful medium—one capable of inducing impressive levels of transformation.

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I pulse in order to beautify
realizing Art
I seal the store of Elegance
with the Solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Flowering


"This project regarding Timeship Earth 2013 is your special mission.
Understand and unravel why this is so, and in that time known as AD 2013 you shall return to your home star."

                                                                                                                  –J. Arguelles/The Arcturus Probe



Today, as we are approaching the completion of one year/solar orbit since the Wave Harmonic of History (Mayan 13 Baktun Count) ended, many are the memories from my experience a year ago in Palenque that are coming alive and many seem to be the cycles that keep completing, synchronizing or "closing". This is being reflected on the "Big Picture" or the "World Scene", through historic global news events unfolding right in front of our eyes. Many shifts are occurring at the personal and collective levels despite the fact that on the 3D reality everything still looks much like "business as usual". But there is a deeper story unfolding beyond the veil of the external world of appearances... TimeShip Earth 2013 is now completing her first orbit around the Sun, and new pieces of the puzzle are coming together...



Exactly a year ago from today, we were entering (from the traditional count perspective) the 5 Uayeb period leading to the Winter Solstice and the famous marker of 12-21-12. The end of the 13th Baktun. This means that yesterday (Rhythmic Moon 4, KIN 47 Blue Galactic Hand) we completed one 360-day tun cycle since 12.21.2012 and 144 days since Galactic Synchronization - 7.26.2013 on KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed. So we have a perfect cube harmonic of 216 (6x6x6) days from 12.21.12 to 7.26.13, followed by another cube harmonic of 144 (12x12) days to 12.16.13. Now here we are today, after 360 days living a fractal of those 5 uayeb leading to the celebration of the winter solstice encapsulating the 2012-2013 transition window.

Meditating on the fact that a "cycle" is usually represented by a circle (360 degrees) I started to see the elegant significance of these 2 prophetic numbers from a different perspective: 216 + 144 = 360 Since both these numbers are multiples of 18, they are also a FUNCTION of what the Knowledge Book refers as the "System of 18's", base of the the tun count in the Long Count, (represented by the 18 Winals of 20 days in the Haab) and also fundamental principle of 18 degrees of separation within the 13:7 Wheel of Time:


"6. The Law of Time is the Movement of Hunab Ku. It is the Law of One – 13:7, which establishes:
a. The Wheel.
b. The 13:20 frequency of universal synchronization.
c. The wavespell, recapitulative cosmology of time.
d. The Tzolkin, fourth-dimensional timing matrix and personality index."

"7. For our planet, beginning the ascent into galactic consciousness, the unifying timing standard is the harmonic 13 Moon/28-day Synchronometer. Since it is totally a function of the 13:7 Law of One as well as the Wavespell, it is the most simple, direct and immediate means for attaining the unification program of galactic consciousness, establishing a base for learning the common 3, 7, 21's of the cosmic telepathic language system."


The 7 Postulates of the Intergalactic Operating System - Postulates 6 &7


After contemplating this I asked myself the question: What if December 21st 2012 opened a time window/cycle that closes on December 21st 2013 and what if this could now being signaled by the attainment of maximum level of harmonic resonance between different cycles (occurring during these last days of December 2013)?. This "maximum level of harmonic resonance" refers to the completion of different/parallel and (apparently "UNRELATED") events and cycles of time "collapsing" or coinciding into one specific date: DECEMBER 16TH, 2013 



In order to explore this subject of synchronization of cycles, we will go on a step-by-step process of analyzing and describing how these different calendrical systems seem to be coinciding on DECEMBER 16TH, 2013:

1.Traditional Maya Count:

For many people around the world (traditional and non traditional) who are still following the Mayan long count, December 16th 2013 would be (13 baktuns. 0 katuns 1 Tun. 0 Winals. 0 Kin) corresponding to 13Ahaw - KIN 260 - Yellow Cosmic Sun (20.13) on the Chol Qʼij /Tzolkin Count. In other words: the 1st tun after the completion of the 13th baktun ends on the last day of the Tzolkin = A 360-day cycle (The Haab) syncs with a 260-day cycle (The Chol Qʼij /Tzolkin) This synchronization only happens once every 13 years and is important to highlight, since the 360-day Haab Cycle is syncing with the Tzolkin EXACTLY at the entrance point to the 5 last days leading to the completion of the 365-day orbit of the Earth around the Sun. These 5 days are known by the Maya as the 5 Uayeb:

NOTE: for those unfamiliar with the "Uayeb 5-day cycle" this is Wikipedia's definition:

The Haab' is part of the Maya calendric system. It was the Maya version of the 365-day calendar known to many of the pre-Columbian cultures of Mesoamerica. Unlike the Tzolk'in, another Mayan Calendar system with no obvious relation to an astronomical or geophysical cycle, the Haab' approximated the solar year. The Haab' comprises eighteen "months" of twenty days each, plus an additional period of five days ("nameless days") at the end of the year known as Wayeb' (or Uayeb in 16th-century orthography). The five days of Wayeb', were thought to be a dangerous time. Foster (2002) writes, "During Wayeb, portals between the mortal realm and the Underworld dissolved. No boundaries prevented the ill-intending deities from causing disasters." To ward off these evil spirits, the Maya had customs and rituals they practiced during Wayeb'. For example, people avoided leaving their houses and washing or combing their hair. Bricker (1982) estimates that the Haab' was first used around 550 BC with a starting point of the winter solstice.[18]

2. Gregorian Count:

For some of us following the 13 Moon Synchronometer who are aware of the completely artificial nature, and illogic, disharmonious structure of the Gregorian Calendar, it is quite interesting to notice when certain time patterns appear to emerge on the surface. This is a subject that stills fascinates and intrigues me, because it feels like discovering "secret time markers" hidden behind the disharmonious structure of 12 irregular months... On my recent articles "October 21/2013: Entering a TimeTravel Portal" and "The Time Portal Continues... Prophecy, Gregorian Calendar and The Matrix" we touched the surface of some of these hidden astronomical markers.

9676457252?profile=originalNonetheless, it never occurred to me before to measure 13 months of 28 days starting on January 1st (instead of July 26) as an initial marker for the solar year and observe the correlations with the actual distorted gregorian dates. Let's re-member that, as noted by Richard C. Hoagland (former NASA consultant who first presented to humanity "The Face on Mars"), January 1st is a (hidden) Sirian marker for Giza Latitude for the entire century comprised from the years 1950 to 2050 (in a similar way as July 26th is a Sirian marker for 19.5 Latitude):

"In actuality, for a period of about a century beginning in the 1950's and extending out to about 2050, Sirius will be on or very near the meridian, at midnight, at Giza, January 1 on a fairly regular basis. Because of the anomalies present in the Gregorian Calendar, which result in uneven "clock-corrections" relative to the constant motions of the Earth -- both in rotation and in its orbit of the sun -- Sirius, at "Gregorian midnight," will sometimes be slightly to the East of the Giza meridian, sometimes to the West, but always during this time period (and never before or again) within 4 minutes of midnight. On several occasions on New Years Eve during this 100-year span (as it was on January 1, 2000), Sirius will be accurate to within seconds of midnight at Giza -- or "dead-on" this all important astronomical time marker."


9676458491?profile=originalImages and excerpt from "The "Age of Horus" Dawns Or The Time is Now ..." by Richard C Hoagland

Although I have not studied in depth the relationship between these 2 (Sirian) markers, it was exactly a year ago in Palenque, that I noticed while journaling that January 1st (New Year's Day) synchronizes with July 25th Day Out of Time (13 Moon New Year's Eve) every 5 Tzolkins/Galactic Spins or 1300 days (5x260)*. For example:



* The complete mathematics and harmonics calculation behind this synchronization are still part of my research, but it illustrates the fact that there is a harmonic correlation of 1300 days between the 2 dates.

So when I saw the clip below (entitled "13 13 13, December 16th 2013 - Initiation Into The Mysteries Of Life") it really caught my attention the new interpretation/application of the 13 moons of 28 days presented by the author (YT: Melchizedek144), "overlaying" the 13:28 template on top of the irregular structure of the 30, 28, or 31 days, starting January 1st.  As you will see, the author is also highlighting the date 13Ahaw (13.20) and referring to it as a "maximum completion" (synchronization) point between the tun and tzolkin counts during 2013.


Although the video portrays a (new and well-intended) miss-interpretation derived from the 13:28 Moon Cycle and the calculation of the year 0 does not make much sense, it is still a valid way to explain the importance of Dec 16th 2013 perceived as 13.13.13. Since the vast majority of spiritual groups around the the planet have been working on global meditations for the last 12 years, opening the 01-01-01 to 12-12-12 (gregorian) portals, the 13-13-13 that occurred on December 16/2013 is also a quite unique portal event... Next year there will be NO such thing as a 14-14-14 date since there are only 13 moons in one solar orbit. I hope then, that despite the errors, we can ALL appreciate the information presented by the author instead of of discarding ALL of it as non-sense...  It is important to keep looking for the Highest Truth by clarifying the errors in the information, and at the same time, by recognizing the intention behind the different interpretations of Mayan Calendrics. By embracing the diversity of perspectives presented from other groups around the world we all can find new ways to determine and decode the deeper chronological layers behind the incredibly transformational times we are NOW living.


3. Dreamspell Count:

With this spirit of embracing diversity, may this be also an opportunity to start celebrating one year from the "Unification of the Counts" by re-introducing the fact that the Traditional Maya Count and the 13 Moon-28 Day /Dreamspell Count are (still) DIFFERENT and none is/was/has been a miss-representation of the other. As Jose Arguelles well put it years ago: "The two counts actually constitute a Prophetic Alliance". (The video above then constitutes also, in a small way, a "Prophetic Alliance" since it "highlights" the sacredness of the number 13 by bringing it to the surface from its suppressed, hidden significance within the Gregorian Calendar.)

"The Dreamspell Count based on the Gregorian calendar synchronization date of July 26, is a precise expression of the only recorded prophetic tradition of the Chilam Balam - the Jaguar priests of Lowland Yucatec Maya. The Quiche or Mayan long count represents the chronological order of such, it is a linear interpretation of the Tzolkin (sacred calendar)...The purpose of the Chilam Balam Count was to establish a basis for understanding that there exists a synchronic order of time, completely apart from what is usually referred to as the Long Count, the linear count of days (BC 3113 - AD 2012). The synchronic order is complementary to this linear interpretation, but introduces the human to the radial order of the higher dimensions... The Dreamspell synchronization system is called 'cuceb' literally: 'squirrel' or 'that which turns.' The Chilam Balam Cuceb, revised as the Dreamspell Count, and the Traditional count which is followed by the Highland Maya of Guatemala, differ by 47 days in their correlation. The Traditional count is called 'Oxlajuj Aipop' and is kept by the Quiche, Cakchiquel, and Pocomam. We may now define the Traditional Count as the Indigenous Maya and the Dreamspell/Chilam Balam as the Galactic Maya...The two counts actually constitute a prophectic alliance...There is no conflict...The Law of Time embraces both systems in the higher fourth-dimensional order of truth".

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

This "Prophetic Alliance" was sealed in sacred ceremony precisely a year ago in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico and constituted the "Climatic Event" of the "Closing of the Cycle Ceremonies", where Mayan elders led by Grandfather Don Marzo Yuk Quetzal from the Maya Lacandon tradition, embraced the unification of the Mayan Long Count with the 13 Moon Synchronometer in fulfillment of the prophecy of Pacal Votan. (


May this be an opportunity to bring back the memories of Unification from a year ago and join in groups around the world, connect in meditation and prayer for the Healing of the Waters at Fukushima and celebrate a joyful, graceful and transformative completion/closing of one orbit of our Planet Earth/Gaia around our Star/The Sun/Kinich Ahaw/ Velatropa 24 after the most important event in Human History: The end of the Mayan 13 Baktun Count, also known as the "Wave Harmonic of History".



Based now on the understanding that December 16th, 2013 = (Long Count) = 13Ahaw (Chol Qʼij)= 13.13.13 (Gregorian), then on PART 2 we will explore how this date of December 16th was intimately and prophetically associated with what can be probably cataloged as the two most important events and characters of 2013 on the "public eye": The death of Nelson Mandela and the rise of Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) as the "KING" protagonists of 2013.


Stay tuned...



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READ PART 2 HERE : Cosmic Human Graduation!

Becoming the Rainbow: Palenque — the Interdimensional Jumping off Place

Unification in Time/13 Moons, Long Count and all Traditions (audio)

Adventure of the Unification of Mayan Counts




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Synchronistically, Tom Kenyon has created a special Hathor channeled music to accompany meditations related to Fukushima.Just go to the Tom Kenyon Site and click on the Hathor link and then Fukushima. You can download a free sound file that has music that will aid the process.
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Where is Everyone?

Maybe I am haven't quite found it yet, but I am wondering where the real-time discussions are amongst members of this website. Sure the website is aesthetically pleasing and links to relevant information, but I find that it is of little use if hardly anyone is online or willing to discuss matters with one another.  Why foster such a disconnect when supposed acceleration of the noosphere's formation comes with human mind-fusion? If simply have not looked hard enough and if anyone would be willing to set me straight, I would appreciate it greatly.

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¡Bienvenidos a la Luna Rítmica del Lagarto! Esta es la sexta Luna de la Onda  Encantada del Servicio Planetario, que contiene el poder Rítmico de la Igualdad.

A medida que avanzamos hacia el solsticio y el primer aniversario del 21 de  Diciembre, es bueno hacer una pausa, revisar y reflexionar sobre los cambios en  nuestra vida en los últimos 365 días.


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Natural Law and Human Rights

NS -
KIN 41 Red Lunar Dragon

I Polarize in order to Nurture

Stabilizing Being

I seal the Input of Birth

With the Lunar tone of Challenge

I am Guided by the Power of Space


 Today, as the world celebrates the 20th version of "Human Rights Day" another silent celebration is taking place: It is 24th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Law of Time. May we meditate on these synchronic events by re-membering our Divine Right to become an "enlightened Human Civilization" governed only by Natural Law:

"4.The establishment of the principles of Galactic Citizenship. Dependent on the preceding three steps [1. Universal ceasefire and disarmament. 2. Denationalization of the Earth. 3. Disincorporation of means and resources - Operation Earth Rescue and the role of the Noospheric Assembly], the fourth, that of granting free and equal galactic citizenship to all humans is absolutely mandatory. Incorporating the fundamental principles of human rights as set forth in the 1948 "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", galactic citizenship would liberate all humans from any nationalistic allegiances. This is referred to as "galactic citizenship," because it is in recognition that the Earth is in reality an orbiting satellite of a star, the sun, which is a member of the local galaxy, "Milky Way."

By emphasizing the galactic nature of terrestrial-solar reality, we could begin to attune ourselves as a species to the fact that through our crisis and pulling together globally, that we were entering the first stage or becoming a Type I cosmic civilization, that we had graduated from the old nationalistic order of strife and competition, and were in a new era of cosmic consciousness and planetary cooperation. In line with the process of noospheric emergence we would begin to understand and see ourselves as a single planetary organism, no longer in need of committing suicide by violence and strife, but eager to heal ourselves. In this shift in mental climate resulting from our understanding the nature and meaning of our galactic citizenship, we could entertain a far more ennobling reason for our existence. For instance, a new, higher vision and purpose for living on this Earth could be provided by everyone being assigned a role in the care taking and custodianship of the Earth as a "Galactically Federated Planetary Park and Cultural Preserve."

The principle here is that, once upon a time, our elders and ancestors all held the Earth to be a sacred realm, a divine playground, a garden of plenty. The advent of secularism and materialist industrialization of means and production put an end to the prevalence of that perception. But can we say that there was not truth to that Indigenous perception, or that like the sun shining behind the clouds of materialism, the sacred reality of the Earth does not yet prevail? If we survive the coming years we will certainly come to see the wisdom of regarding the Earth as galactic theme park and cultural preserve. Our Indigenous elders may come to guide us in this process. If we become a denationalized species, bioregionally organized, all of us holding galactic citizenship and no longer engaged in war and the protection or expansion of our boundaries, then as custodians and caretakers of the Galactically Federated Planetary Park and Cultural Preserve, we might be aroused to new levels of creative endeavor and cooperative ingenuity." 

"It's not a Biospheric Crisis, but a Noospheric Emergency"
- Envisioning The Regeneration of Planet Earth -

Position Paper, Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights.
Submitted by Galactic Research Institute - Foundation for the Law of Time.



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Tribute to a Planetary Warrior of Peace

NS / (12.05.2013)
KIN 36 Yellow Planetary Warrior

I perfect in order to question

Producing Fearlessness.

I seal the output of Intelligence

with the planetary tone of Manifestation

I am guided by the power of Flowering





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I've been looking into the Mayan calendar and realized that these are two different numbering systems. According to the Mayan calendar I was born on 2 Ak'b'al (Night), yet in the Law of Time I was born on 3 Warrior. Both seem to resonate with me, so I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem, and whether it is a problem in the first place. With minimal research I found that the Mayan calendar accounts for the lost days of Leap days by adding 13 days to the end of each 52 years, while in the Law of Time this day is simply skipped. Does anyone have information about this discrepancy, and if so, could you please explain it to me? Thank you in advance.

Paul, 3 Warrior, 2 Ak'b'al

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Kin 23, Blue Planetary Night
I Perfect in order to Dream
Producing Intuition
I seal the Input of Abundance
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am Guided by the Power of Magic




“The perseverance and pursuit of truth are not humanly controlled, but divinely guided courses.[...] The Law of Time is a certain knowledge, as certain as the Law of Gravity or the theory of relativity. But since time is the comprehensively shaping order of space, the certain knowledge of the Law of Time will build foundations of the spirit that shall far outlast whatever may be constructed from the laws of space. There is no question that the Law of Time augurs the greatest revolution in science and values that we have known. The Law of Time is profoundly evolutive. Its comprehension increases consciousness and expands the parameters of the mentally possible. This is because the Law of Time signals the end of material expansion and evolution and the commencement of a genuinely spiritual and mental development that will dwarf anything yet dreamed of. Conscious knowledge of the power of the Law of Time will effect the swiftest transformation of human civilization and values ever known.”

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan


On part 2 of these series, we contemplated some ideas around Humanity stepping into a new territory: Galactic Culture/Civilization, and how this step is part of our Collective Hero’s Journey from the Unconscious to the SuperConscious. A journey that has been heavily influenced by the movie industry, “upgrading” the Archetype of the “hero” from 2D to “super-hero” 3D. Now it is time for us to reclaim our Super-Super-Hero "suits” embedded into our Galactic Archetype. This Galactic Template/BluePrint corresponds to our personal KIN/Galactic Signature and is now ready for “download” from the Noosphere/PSI Bank, as a 4D Holon that holds all our cosmic memory and the Galactic Maya codes of Time.

HOLON. Electrical radion or second body, also called light body or dream body. Bonded with crystal body, it creates body of deathless-ness. Telepathic activation of holon permits time-sharing, time travel, pulsar-riding, etc.

The Arcturus Probe, Glossary of Terms

9676490292?profile=originalOK. So in order to start this new stage of the journey into 4D let’s go back where we finished and please watch again "GRAVITY - Experience The 3rd Dimension" trailer (click on image to the left) so we can jump from the 3D Experience and immerse into a “4th Dimensional experience” using our special “4D /13:20 / Holomind Perceiver Glasses”*... This journey will take us into the encoded storyline behind the film, from the radial perspective of the Law of Time.

*NOTE: If you are reading this article and don’t know what the term “13:20 glasses” could possibly refer to, I highly recommend to read the BASICS about Natural Time frequency here, otherwise you may feel a bit "lost in time". 4D works exactly as 3D in the theater: if you don’t wear your glasses, you can still see the images moving and understand the story but those images will look blurry and you will miss the FULL quality of it.




"The biosphere-noosphere transition marks the point when the consciousness of the planet goes from the cosmic unconscious to the cosmic conscious. This is a specific geological-evolutionary event-point that coincides with the prophetic cycle: 1987-2013. This is a pivotal moment in the history of the universe as well. Theologically, it is known as the end of the sixth day of creation, and the beginning of the seventh - or, the Second Creation. [...] This refers to the interpenetration of the fourth dimension into the third dimension."

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

From the perspective of the Law of Time, the film Gravity is playing a much more important role than just being one of the most successful and groundbreaking movies of the year. In 4D Reality the movie constitutes a "climatic" noospheric impulse transmitted to the masses as a COMPLETE METAPHOR of the Cosmic Plan unfolding: Galactic Synchronization. To understand this, let's start by analyzing some key aspects around this movie:



9676491875?profile=originalNo wonder the movie has “attracted” so much audience. The title "GRAVITY" is by itself the biggest and most significant metaphor of the movie. It implies the notion of a Higher Law at work. Natural Law. The kind of Law that governs Creation. The same Law that keeps planets on their orbits and the Universe in motion. A Law that no man or being on Earth’s surface can escape from. Here we are, living on the surface of this magnificent planet, bounded by a Natural Force/Law that once, not long ago, was totally unknown to Man/Womankind. It was only 3 centuries ago, until Isaac Newton contemplated an apple falling from a tree that he “noticed” IT. He made conscious that what was unconscious: The Law of Gravity has always existed and operated, but it was only until one man made it conscious that we started to be aware of it.
An identical scenario surrounds the discovery of the Law of Time. It has always existed an operated, but only until Jose and Lloydine Arguelles “noticed IT” while contemplating clocks (instead of apples) at the Museum of Time in Geneva, when it was made conscious. As Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan well put it on several interviews when asked about of the profound implications of this discovery:


“I was visiting the Museum of Time in Geneva on a cold day in December and after several hours I realized that the Museum of Time and the Mayan concept of time didn't even make it close to being on the same page. They both use the same word "time" but were two different things. I said to myself, "This museum has to be renamed the Museum of Mechanized Time." I saw in a spontaneous and instantaneous flash of monumental insight that the whole basis of everything that's called "modern civilization" is operating on an erroneous timing frequency, and that what the Mayans knew was that time is not something that's placed in a clock on a wall, but that time is the universal factor of synchronization. This is why the Mayans used 22 calendars. [...]  And so I saw that the Mayan measure of time was natural, universal, cosmic time, and that time is a frequency. They knew that time is a frequency of synchronization and that frequency is defined by a mathematical constant of a ratio of 13 to 20. And then I saw that what the Museum of Time was showing me was that the concept of time that developed in the West [based on 12 instead of 13] was originally developed in Babylonia and Sumeria, and then passed down to the Romans. It also spread from Sumeria to India and to China. It went to Egypt. Eventually it was picked up by Julius Caesar who gave us the Julian calendar in 45 BC. It is a 12-month calendar with all the uneven dates. The Gregorian calendar is based on the Julian calendar. So, irrationality and illogic is built into our system. That's why, no matter how many laws you make you can't keep the criminals down. It's a crooked system, so naturally you get crooks from a crooked system. You can't get rid of the criminals and they're ruling the country [and the world]. So, this is like the final epiphany of crooked time that we're experiencing right now, this very moment, no exaggeration.”

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

This is probably a shocking Truth for many... But it is a REAL situation on the planet. "The Law of Time affirms that by the nature of the universal timing frequency the world is already as one. It is only humankind who has chosen separation. This separation is reinforced by separation in time, living by the clock and the irregular measure of the Gregorian calendar keeps the world from being as one ( In the video, Sandra Bullock even describes how breathtaking and chaotic is to experience an environment where everything is “out of control” (precisely because the Law of Gravity is not operating at that distance from the planet’s surface!). In order to avoid this chaos, she needs to return to Earth and reconnect to/with this Natural Force/Law.


This is also a great parallelism for what has been occurring on Earth during the time that we have ignored the FACT that there IS a Higher Law that governs Time expressed as:

Time x Energy = ART.


"In this equation, (E) refers to all phenomena in their processes of unfoldment; (T) is the present moment functioning according to the ratio constant 13:20. Everything shaped by time is art." If this postulate still sounds too abstract to you, just consider the idea that anything in which you invest your Time and Energy is your Creation, therefore we are creating all the time.





"The Law of Time affirms that the quality of beauty in nature is supreme; it is a scientific and mathematical function of fourth-dimensional time. All art codes are within us. We ourselves, each and every one of us, are the artist that the planet is calling on!"

 Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

9676494481?profile=originalThe Gregorian Calendar and the clock have kept us in ignorance from this Higher Law of Time; from tuning consciously into this Natural Frequency to harness all its incredible Power, and that is the main reason why Humanity is operating so erratically and chaotically. We are “out of sync” or “out of tune” with Nature. Very similar scenario to what has been occurring with FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES on the planet, suppressed by the materialistic/mechanized power structure of erratic male dominance. Ironically, it was Isaac Newton's discovery of the Law of Gravity, the event that catapulted the Industrial Revolution and the mechanistic view/paradigm of the Universe as a "huge clock". And when we are talking about FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES, we are talking about THE SAME unlimited Organic Energy Source:

The YOUniverse

9676495460?profile=original"Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a
mysterious tune intoned in the distance by an invisible player."         

                                                                                                         - Albert Einstein -

The Universe is playing an incredible synchronic symphony on 13:20 FM all the time for us to dance and we prefer to keep listening to static on 12:60 AM and fight against each other instead. It's Time to claim our power back, change the station/frequency and tune into Harmony.




"Space is the third dimension, time is the fourth dimension. This has been recognized by physicists like Minkowski and Einstein as well as the Russian astrophysicist, Nikolai Kozyrev. But the Law of Time greatly expands the meaning of time as the fourth dimension to define and encompass a whole new order of reality, the synchronic order. The synchronic  order is to time what gravity is to space. The synchronic order is the realm where synchronicity is the norm, that is what awaits us as a reward for changing the calendar."  
                                                                                                                    Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan   

9676497876?profile=originalMany scientists and physicists have already questioned conventional science and tapped into the unlimited possibilities that Anti-GRAVITY / Zero Point Energy can offer to Humanity. Nikola Tesla is probably the most renowned of them. He has been credited for the creation of much of the technology that we take for granted today. Without the genius of Tesla we would not have radio, television, AC electricity, Tesla coil, fluorescent lighting, neon lighting, radio control devices, robotics, x-rays, radar, microwaves and dozens of other amazing inventions. His death and uncovered inventions are still today a source of many "conspiracy theories", but beyond them, there is a sort of collective agreement, that he "tapped into something BIG"; a secret that when uncovered can revolutionize Life and Science as we know them.

One of his most famous quotes reveals the path he was discovering:

"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”

This is the same path we want to uncover when we talk about the Law of Time and the Holomind Perceiver. It is a spiral path that will change forever our current perceptions of reality and of what is possible when we can tap into this source of Energy. Tesla understood well the principles on how to work WITH the Laws of Nature, instead of AGAINST them and laid the theoretic foundations and principles to tap into this Source.

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan did something quite similar to Tesla. He laid the foundations of the Law of Time so we could "elevate our minds and spirits" and tap into this Radiant Field Energy that permeates the fabric of Space & Time. Only that his focus was not on Artificial Material Technology, but on Organic Bio-Psychic Telepathic Technology. No machines. The kind of technology behind the formation of crop circles. But as well as Tesla, he encountered the strong resistance and opposition by the institutions who hold the current decaying paradigm in place...His revolutionary postulates were rejected by the "main stream" academic circles (even though he was a PhD graduate and respected University professor), and his efforts in presenting his discoveries to the Vatican and the United Nations, were almost ignored. So, his famous Calendar Reform of 2004 unfortunately never saw the light of the day. Today the world has changed and humanity is getting ready for an operational system upgrade, so it is our mission to re-introduce this idea again.

"The synchronic order is to the fourth dimension of time what gravity is to the third dimension of space.[...] And we're also in the fourth dimension and the third dimension this very moment. The fourth dimension is greater than and encompasses the third dimension. The third dimension is physical - it's space. We can touch it, see it, and we can feel what it is. It has texture, color, and sound, whatever you want. But show me where time is. It's not on your clock. You can't touch time. You can't see time. Maybe with an inner sense you can feel time. So, time is of the mind, just like third dimension space is of matter. Time is of the mind. That's where time exists. If you look into nature, you can see there are cycles and rhythms of time. You know the lunar cycles and the Circadian rhythms. There are different biological cycles. But the actual fact is that when you say, "Where is it? How do you know it?" is that time is of the mind. Who owns your time owns your mind.  Who owns your time? The U.S. Army and the Vatican. The mechanical standard of time is kept by the U.S. Department of Defense, and they know exactly what time it is to the nanosecond. The Vatican is in charge of your daily appointment schedule. If you think you have trouble getting out of this chaotic civilization and you can't stop the war, that's because these instruments are owned by corporations, organizations or fictional ghost entities from the Vatican and the Pentagon.

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan




"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas."         

                                                                                                         - Albert Einstein -

Now that we established the framework of principles of both Laws (Gravity & Time) and perceive how they are operating in parallel, let's apply the codes of the synchronic order to understand the 4D movie behind the 3D movie.

9676498875?profile=originalUS RELEASE DATE:
Gravity was released in the US on October 4th 2013 (Electric Moon, Dali 15, KIN 234 White Cosmic Wizard) coinciding with the Feast Day of St. Francis of Asissi. On that day Jorge Bergoglio (AKA Pope Francis) visited Asissi in Italy to pay homage and pray for compassion to St Francis. This is very important symbolically, since St. Francis is probably the only Saint (Ascended Human) in Catholicism, who has been compared to Jesus Christ in many ways and occasions, in great part because he was one of the few men from the Old Patriarchal Church who really followed Jesus words and example by “embodying it”. St. Francis is then a manifestation of the Christ (Christ-alline) Consciousness in human flesh on the planet.

Bergoglio, who named himself “Pope Francis The First” in a last PR effort to save himself of imminent arrest and demise of the Vatican through a “legal and lawful order for disestablishment of the Catholic Church as transnational criminal organization” (recently issued by International Common Law Court) is KIN 23 10 Night, day this article is being written.

(If you want to expand on this subject, I highly recommend you to see this brief presentation from Kevin Annet, head officer at the ITCCS (International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State - entitled "Debunking the present Pope and the Jesuits")

9676500072?profile=originalAnother important fact is that, as mentioned before, October 4th 2013 was KIN 234 White Cosmic Wizard: Galactic Signature of Carl Jung, renowned Swiss psychiatrist who coined the word “Synchronicity” to describe what he called "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events" or "the “experience of two or more causally unrelated events being observed as happening together in a manner that is meaningful.” From Wikipedia:

9676501071?profile=originalCarl Gustav Jung (/jʊŋ/; German: [ˈkarl ˈɡʊstaf jʊŋ]; 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology.[2] Jung proposed and developed the concepts of archetypes, and the collective unconscious. His work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, philosophy, archeology, anthropology, literature, and related fields.”

Note that Jung was born July 26, 1875. On the dawn of his 138th Solar return, July 26, 2013, KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed, a Planetary Resurrection Ceremony took place in sacred Mt. Shasta, California as well as all around the Earth to celebrate Galactic Synchronization and the arrival of the New Galactic Beam!

234 is also backwards 432. According to science the 432hz frequency “vibrates on the principals of the golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. 432hz Natural Tuning has profound effects on consciousness and also on the cellular level of our bodies. By retuning musical instruments and using concert pitch at 432 hertz instead of 440 hertz, your atoms and DNA starts to resonate in harmony with the PHI spiral of nature.”

432 is also a Key Master Frequency within the Synchronic Order. Excerpt from 13:20 Frequency Shift Blog by Stephanie South/Red Queen: "432 Hz, Lost Chord and New Beam":


"In the system of the Synchronotron Cube, 432 is a master time lens and guards the mind teachings of the Buddha, archetype of the Enlightened One. 432 is located in the 9th time dimension, inner core time and is the hinge into the 9 Stations of the Ark.  4 + 3 + 2 = 9. [...] 432 = 108 x 4 the measure of form of the GM108x transmission

[...] To break the spell of amnesia, help recover the lost chord and prepare for a new beam, a remedy of fourth-dimensional codes were prepared to be time-released on Earth (Velatropa 24.3) and accessed through the 13:28 matrix. Note these numbers 243 are the same numbers as 432 rearranged. 432 is also a fractal of the 432,000,000 cycle of Brahma in the Hindu tradition."


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkyLL7G0jrI0d2g7Z1LNWH1OvVh9xju9eaaXzipn2jmyFaRzakHgOne last important aspect to consider related to this frequency in terms of Time is that the "Earth's wobble or spiral action gives us our time count of 86,400 seconds in a day and 43,200 seconds in 12 hours. Many ancient sites reflect the number 432 in their alignment to stars and planets and the earths path through space. Avebury and Stonehenge for example, yield the numbers 432. It might surprise many to learn that highly advanced global civilization built monuments worldwide to the same ancient code of 72, 108 216 432 864 and that after the devasation of global catastrophe, the survivors that had knowledge of the previous ancient ways built markers for future generations to come. The great year of 25,920 years were carved in stone alignments and temples all over the earth. For centuries accurate astrological observatories served as classrooms and places of court and custom.Those accurate calendars of astrological time keeping were finally altered by the formation of the first corporation sole known as the Roman Church. Stones worldwide were destroyed or moved, many vandalised and inscribed with the cross to convert them to the Roman Church in their lust for power and dominance over the earth. Natural time keeping was forbidden by the Roman Church and the stone Norse weoh calendars of Europe and most of the standing stone circles in greater Britain and Brittany were either cracked, pulled down or altered by the establishment at that time." (



9676501685?profile=original38 days later, on 11.8.2013, the same day that “Thor 2” (the “2nd Coming of the Norse God of Thunder" interpreted by CHRISt Hermsworth) film was released in the US, GRAVITY was released in the UK, land of the Norse Gods.

As presented on part 1 of these series, 11.8.2013 corresponds to Self-Existing Moon, Dali 22 - KIN 9 Red Solar Moon. KIN 9 is the combined frequency of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, KIN 258, 11Mirror and Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan KIN 11, 11Monkey (11+258=269-260= 9) Two of the most (if not the most) influential and revolutionary thinkers who, respectively, introduced and developed the concept and nature of the Noosphere: The Planetary Mind.



9676502495?profile=originalIn the film Sandra Bullock plays the role of Dr. Ryan STONE, a Mission Specialist on her first space shuttle mission aboard the Space Shuttle Explorer -STS 157. In an unprecedented chain reaction, high-speed debris strikes the Explorer and detaches Stone from the shuttle, leaving her tumbling through space. In her quest to find her way back to Earth (“The Hero’s Journey”), she has to face and transcend death several times. This fits pretty well the storyline of the Divine Feminine Energy returning to Earth after many years of trials and tribulations under the Patriarchal rule. George Clooney plays the role of the Divine Masculine as her “protector” and guide during her breathtaking travesty back to Earth.

The name STONE is also very symbolic, since it implies the idea of “Stone falling to Earth” and introduces the concept of Panspermia that refers to the hypothesis about the seeding of Life on planets, (a perfect match for Yellow Galactic Seed). From Wikipedia:

Panspermia (Greek: πανσπερμία from πᾶς/πᾶν (pas/pan) "all" and σπέρμα (sperma) "seed") is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids, comets[1][2] and planetoids.”


9676504053?profile=originalRyan Stone is the last survivor of space shuttle Explorer's STS-157 crew (see actual mission patch to your right). Although the Explorer looks exactly like one of the original NASA Space Shuttles, “in reality, the space shuttle missions ended at STS-135, and there was no orbiter named "Explorer" (but there is a high-fidelity shuttle mockup in Houston that previously had that name, that was re-christened in a ceremony on Oct. 5, coincidentally the day after "Gravity" premiered in theaters nationwide).

157 corresponds to Red Magnetic Earth, the start of the Wavespell of Synchronicity and Evolution in which KIN 164, Yellow Galactic Seed/Galactic Synchronization occupies the 8th tone position. We can then say that the Galactic Seed is “encapsulated” inside the 13-Day Earth Wavespell. Well, that is EXACTLY what occurs in the movie:

Sandra Bullock was born on July 26/1964 (as well as Carl Jung, remember?) That means that she is “embodying” this year her Yellow Galactic Seed Avatar, KIN 164, and she is now 49 years old!!!

49  : 7 x 7 supreme expression of creation order of 7, multiplied by 3² (9) = 441, frequency of units of each of nine time dimensions, number of days of bardo cycle, interval between death and rebirth...
                                                                                                                  441 Dictionary of Number


And there is more... but since I don't want to spoil the movie for those who have not seen it, I invite you to pay attention to the final scenes and to all the subtle details that make of this film a sort of "spiritual" action movie.



157.gifSo, let's go back in time and see what happened during our own "STS-157 MIssion": the launch of Timeship Earth 2013, since it will give us a panoramic view of all the symbolism around this wavespell. I remember it was a pretty "energetically loaded" 13-day window. From the many key events discussed on my first article (written on the same day the "Mission" started - KIN 157) "THE COSMIC HARMONIC CONVERGENCE: Galactic Synchronization, the Grand Sextile, Sirius Heliacal Rising, The Ka'bah & the Cube" :

"So this Earth Wavespell is coming fully charged with the (New) Earth energies of Synchronicity, Evolution and Navigation in preparation for the launch of TimeShip Earth 2013. During these 13 days we will be bringing many cycles upon cycles of time into focus. Humanity is finally at the threshold of not only a new Sirian Cycle, but ready to enter into a very new "time territory": The New Galactic Beam loaded with new evolutionary programs. 7Night, July 25th, Day Out of Time shines at the core of this auspicious 13-day portal signaling the exact midpoint between the last 26.000 years and the beginning of the next 26.000 years of the Galactic Life Cycle. Time for us to bring Heaven on Earth!!!"


STS 157 will be here a good fit for "Synchronic Time Ship 157" ;-) Below you will find a "Time Map" of the very important events associated with this prophetic and memorable "Mission":


The evidence is irrefutable "for those with eyes to see". The synchronic signals that surround "GRAVITY" make of this film an absolute "Noospheric Impact Event". People around the planet are now EXPERIENCING EARTH in a way they have never done before: From above and in 3D. An experience that has changed the perceptions of a few men in outer space is now available to millions... Just think about that...



Tonight as I finish writing this article is already KIN 24, Yellow Spectral Seed - November 23/2013. Today is the exact heliocentric moment of the Uranus-Pluto square, and a very interesting heliocentric configuration is taking place apart from it: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto forming a six pointed star mandala around the Sun. Comet Lovejoy is closest to Earth. Comet ISON will be reaching perhilion (closest approach to the Sun/Velatropa 24.3) on Nov 28th. A new very promising convergence of cosmic Energies is hopefully heralding something interesting “in store” for the next few days... 


Below is the latest satellite movie of comet ISON approaching the Sun. Doesn't it and comet Enckel look very like small Galactic Seed Spermatozoa on their journey to the Solar "Egg? Is the Cosmic Play reaching a climax?



Previous posts about this subject:

Entering the I of the Storm - PART 1

Entering the I of the Storm - PART 2

"Entering a TimeTravel Portal"

"The Time Portal Continues... Prophecy, Gregorian Calendar and The Matrix

Time & The Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs - Interview with Jose Arguelles/VV

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