As the Olde Cycle Closes
And the New One Begins
Let's Open Ourselves
To the Kingdom Within
The vision of Galactic Spacebook is to create a time-space vector within the cybersphere where our holons are free to explore different facets of the synchronic order of the Law of Time. Here we can explore world events according to the synchronic order; share and evolve our 13:20 communities; share our dreams, visions, art and synchronicities; and explore more deeply the different facets of the Law of Time.
These codes, as discovered by Valum Votan/José Argüelles/Blue Spectral Monkey, are a new galactic dispensation for our time, free of dogma but that embraces and honors all faiths and traditions. These codes are Alive, like the Earth is alive. When we attune to these living codes, they dial us in to different frequencies, like a cosmic radio station.
Galactic Spacebook was born of the need to cohere all aspects of the Law of Time into one site: 13 Moon calendar, 13:20 garden communities, Self-sustainable living and CREST13 centers, Cosmic History, Noosphere and Planet Art Network – all woven together by the synchronic codes of the Law of Time. These codes provide the master matrix that synchronizes everything in time.
The synchronic codes and Cosmic History Chronicles provide maps and points of access to explore the inner dimensions. Each practice of the synchronic order is a fractal that can take you to the whole. We are creating a new internal architecture, that is then projected out into this timespace reality as new creative forms of being and living.
The New Cycle of the New Time is based on 13 perfect Moons of Peace – where time is what synchronizes terrestrial, lunar, stellar and cosmic cycles with all other timing devices.
The 13 Moon synchronometer is a galactic timing device that demonstrates the creative cosmology of cycles of time that renews itself annually.
The New Cycle is based on the exploration of Creative Imagination governed by the paradigm Time is Art and Universal Peace through Culture as symbolized by the Banner of Peace.
At Galactic Spacebook …
- We embrace all religions and traditions as necessary colors of the RAINBOW while recognizing there is ONE SOURCE from which all the colors spring.
- We honor all Ancestors and Star Beings (extra- and inter-terrestrial).
- We believe in the Supreme Transcendental Power of Creative Imagination.
- We believe that ART, MUSIC and creativity of all forms are the most powerful means to transmute the non-harmonious vibrations of this PLANET.
- We promote mutual admiration and encouragement as the antidote to competition.
- We believe that LOVE is always the answer.
- We believe that all things are possible in this vast multidimensional universe.
With deepest appreciation and highest honor to Valum Votan/Jose Arguelles, progenitor of the Galactic Mayan mind lineage on Earth.
Thanks to Jacob Wyatt/Red Rhythmic Dragon for his tireless work in layout design coordination and communications and thanks to Kelly Harding/Yellow Rhythmic Sun for her visual design and logo creation.
Special thanks to Lois Farrington Hunt/Yellow Magnetic Warrior for her generous sponsorship to make this site a reality!
In Lak'ech
Red Electric Serpent/Stephanie South/"Red Queen"
Lineage holder of the Galactic Mayan Mind Transmission