
mission statement

Welcome to Galactic Spacebook – Where Time is a Frequency and Space is a Holographic Unity!

The Mission of Galactic Spacebook is to evolve Galactic Culture on Earth.

As an evolving network, Galactic Spacebook was created to help us Unify in Time on the Return Journey to our Greater Universal Nature – a New Mind, a New Consciousness, a New Way of Life in universal attunement with the Earth and the Cosmos.

This site is a space for positive co-creation based on the Law of Time; and a place of mutual encouragement and support for Star Travelers, Time Beings and Planetary Artists to recover our cosmic memory and unite in a new frequency: 13:20.

The 13:20 frequency is a bridge to assist our emergence from the dense space of linear time to the magnificent simplicity and cosmic magic of natural time.

The 13 Moon calendar (synchronometer) is the key we use on Earth to access the vast realm of the synchronic order.

The positive unification of our minds and hearts on behalf of Galactic Culture sends a powerful ripple through the galaxy and into the noosphere.

It is up to us to create the positive/parallel alternative universe based on Love, Art and Synchronicity!

Vision Prayer of the Seven Galactic Directions Intergalactic Premise

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

today's 13 moon date & kin

  • Find your Kin!
  • Explore your Galactic Archetype

our sponsors

Special thanks to Lois Farrington Hunt, Kin 196 for her generous support.

If you value this site please support us with a donation.

13:20:frequency:shift blog by stephanie south/red queen

World-Changers Unite! Galactic New Year

Happy New Solar Ring! Blue Rhythmic Storm opens New Sirius Cycle 37 (1.37). 2024-2025. This marks the mid-point of the 9 year vision map. Day 279 of the 2080 psi bank cycle. In the Rhythmic tone year, we ask: How …… Continue

Solar Eclipse: Synchronic Decodement

“The Ah Kines, “Servant-Warriors of the Sun,” are those humans who fully realize the dream light body within the physical body and — understanding the circuitry of the human organism–use the light body to navigate the electromagnetic waters which we… Continue

13 Years: Honoring José Argüelles,/Valum Votan Kin 154: White Spectral Wizard In light of the 13-year anniversary of the passing of José Argüelles/Valum Votan on Solar Moon 17 (March 23, 2024), I am feeling deeply reflective of all that is unfolding on our Planet and …… Continue

latest activity

Bryan Red Serpent updated their profile
María Teresa Rodríguez posted a discussion in Ondas Encantadas
 ONDA ENCANTADA DEL MAGO BLANCO-22PODER DE LA ATEMPORALIDAD (Desde el día 21 de julio hasta el 2 de…
María Teresa Rodríguez posted a discussion in Ondas Encantadas
  PODER DEL NACIMIENTO(Desde el 8 hasta el 22 de julio 20234- Anillo Mago 5) INICIO DEL NUEVO GIRO…
Jul 8
María Teresa Rodríguez posted a discussion in Ondas Encantadas
ONDA ENCANTADA DE LA ESTRELLA AMARILLA-22Poder de la Elegancia(Desde el día 825 de junio hasta el 7…
Jun 25
Bobbiejo Nawracaj, Tproud, Rheta Mason and 3 more joined galacticSpacebook
Jun 17
María Teresa Rodríguez posted a discussion in Ondas Encantadas
ONDA ENCANTADA DEL ÁGUILA AZUL –22Poder de la Visión(Desde el día 12 hasta el 24 de junio de 2024 –…
Jun 12
María Teresa Rodríguez posted a discussion in Ondas Encantadas
ONDA ENCANTADA DEL VIENTO BLANCO-22Poder del Espíritu(Desde el día 30 de mayo hasta el 11 de junio…
May 30
María Teresa Rodríguez posted a discussion in Ondas Encantadas
ONDA ENCANTADA DE LA LUNA ROJA-22Poder del Agua Universal(Desde el día 17 hasta el 29 de mayo de…
May 17
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