time.. now..

Well..to start at the beginning is impossible, im not sure where that is exactly, but following Jose's advice.. letting history go, in order to be in the now, so i see without preconceived thought, and he certainly flows the information in, and then .. out.. so that im clear as its almost impossible to retain what comes, as there is so much and connects to all that was, is and will beeeeee.

I think then that i would just like to say, .. that now is very important to watch our dreams..as we are in the wavespell of blue night, and many are coming to me with their dreams, and that i myself have dreamt of him.. JOse..blessed and i say thankyou , for i know that with this, he unlocks my consciousness a little more, and i become the synchronotron of my dreaming.

we have just passed, kin 188.. rythmic star.. i dont know if it was just me, or others, ... huge synchronicities for the day/kin,.. i was able to read, unfold, and introduce all day to people, trusting that spirit told me to incorporate the yellow star of the day, and till midnight, it unfolded in amazing ways.

the dragon( primal force) is with us, watching and in the energy of serpent king, is below, beneath our wings.. as we soar now into a new knowing and understanding as never before..

step into the galactic archetype.. become the higher force and knowing of what you are, it is now time and we ( star people , guides, masters and archetypes, celestial beings) are navigating the course, that you (we) will follow.. 

follow the star for it will lead you to time and space..time is art, he-art, .. earth.. mother and divine unfolding..

you, we are the synchronotron.. but only if you choose.. it is not forced, nor predestined , it is choice and vibe-ration .. but we suggest that you trust all that is truly given, in resonance.. .. look to the moon she calls, her tides ebb and flow with the magnetism of spirit now.

timeship earth is , now.. above the atmospheric landing pad, where she laid for a long time.. lift off has commenced, hold tight .. or .. simply float .. the choice is yours.. <3

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