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El Ser discípulo y Los Maestros (o s h o)

Ninguna situación carece de lecciones, ninguna en absoluto. Todas las situaciones están preñadas, pero esto es algo que tienes que descubrir; superficialmente puede no parecer que es así. Tienes que estar alerta, tienes que mirar todos los aspectos de la situación.


A uno de los grandes maestros sufíes, Junnaid, le preguntaron cuando se estaba muriendo... su primer discípulo se acercó a él y le preguntó: «Maestro, nos dejas. Siempre hemos tenido una pregunta en mente pero nunca hemos tenido coraje suficiente para hacértela. ¿Quién fue tu Maestro? Todos tus discípulos sentimos esa curiosidad porque nunca te hemos oído hablar de tu Maestro».

Junnaid abrió los ojos y dijo: —Me resultará muy difícil responder porque he aprendido de casi todos. Toda la existencia ha sido mi Maestra. He aprendido de cada suceso ocurrido en mi vida. Y estoy contento de todo lo que me ha ocurrido, porque gracias a todo ese aprendizaje he llegado.

Para satisfacer vuestra curiosidad os voy a dar tres ejemplos. El primero: tenía mucha sed y me dirigía hacia el río con mi cuenco, mi única posesión. Cuando llegué al río, un perro vino corriendo, saltó al río y comenzó a beber.

Le observé un momento y arrojé el cuenco lejos de mí; me di cuenta de que era inútil. Un perro puede vivir sin él. Yo también salté dentro del río y bebí todo lo que quise. Como había saltado al río, todo mi cuerpo se refrescó. Me senté en el río durante unos segundos, di las gracias al perro y toqué sus pies con profundo respeto porque me había enseñado una lección.

Lo había dejado todo, todas las posesiones, pero tenía cierto apego por mi cuenco. Era muy hermoso, bellamente tallado y siempre pensaba que alguien podría robármelo. De noche lo ponía debajo de mi cabeza, como almohada, para que nadie me lo quitara. Era mi último apego, y el perro me ayudó. Quedó muy claro: si un perro puede arreglárselas sin cuenco de mendigar... Yo soy un hombre, ¿por qué no iba a poder arreglármelas? Aquel perro fue uno de mis Maestros. 

Segundo —dijo Junnaid— me perdí en el bosque y cuando llegué al pueblo más cercano ya era media noche. Todo el mundo estaba dormido. Deambulé por allí para ver si encontraba a alguien despierto que pudiera darme cobijo, hasta que me encontré con un hombre. Le dije: —Parece que tú y yo somos los únicos que estamos despiertos en todo el pueblo. ¿Puedes acogerme esta noche?

El hombre dijo: —Puedo ver por tu túnica que eres un monje sufí...»

La palabra sufí viene de suf; suf significa lana, una prenda de lana. Los sufíes han utilizado prendas de lana durante siglos; de ahí viene su nombre, de la ropa que llevan. El ladrón dijo: —Puedo ver que eres un sufí y me siento un poco avergonzado de llevarte a mi casa. Estoy más que dispuesto, pero debo advertirte quién soy. Soy un ladrón; ¿te gustaría ser el invitado de un ladrón?

Junnaid dudó un momento. El ladrón dijo: —Mira, es mejor que te lo haya dicho. Parece que dudas. El ladrón está dispuesto pero el místico duda de entrar en casa de un ladrón, como si el místico fuera más débil que el ladrón. De hecho, soy yo el que debería tener miedo de ti: ¡Podrías cambiarme, podrías transformar mi vida! Invitarte supone un riesgo para mí, pero no tengo miedo. Te doy la bienvenida. Ven a mi casa. Come, bebe, duerme y quédate el tiempo que desees porque vivo solo y gano lo suficiente. Puedo mantener a otra persona. Y será muy agradable charlar contigo de las grandes cosas. Pero pareces dudar.

Y Junnaid se dio cuenta de que lo que el ladrón le decía era verdad. Pidió perdón. Tocó los pies del ladrón y dijo: —Sí, mi enraizamiento en mi propio ser aún es muy débil. Eres un hombre fuerte y me gustaría ir a tu casa. Y me gustaría quedarme un poco más, no sólo esta noche. ¡Yo también quiero fortalecerme!

—¡Vamos! —dijo el ladrón. Alimentó al sufí, le dio de beber, le ayudó a prepararse la cama y le dijo: —Ahora me iré. Tengo que hacer mi trabajo. Vendré temprano por la mañana. El ladrón volvió a primera hora de la mañana. Junnaid le preguntó: —¿Has tenido éxito?

—No, hoy no, pero mañana ya veremos —dijo el ladrón.

Y esto continuó durante treinta días: el ladrón salía cada noche y volvía cada mañana con las manos vacías. Pero nunca estaba triste ni frustrado —ni un signo de fracaso en el rostro, siempre estaba feliz— y decía: —No importa. He puesto lo mejor de mí en el intento. Hoy no he podido encontrar nada pero mañana volveré a intentarlo. Y, Dios mediante, mañana puede suceder lo que no ha sucedido hoy.

Al mes, Junnaid se fue, y durante años trató de alcanzar la realización, aunque siempre fracasaba. Pero cuando pensaba en abandonar su proyecto, se acordaba del ladrón con su cara sonriente diciendo: «Dios mediante, lo que no ha sucedido hoy puede suceder mañana». 

Recuerdo que el ladrón fue uno de mis mayores Maestros —dijo Junnaid—. Sin él no sería lo que soy.

Y tercero —dijo Junnaid— entré en un pueblecito. Un niño llevaba una vela encendida. Evidentemente iba hacia algún pequeño templo de la localidad para dejar la vela ardiendo durante la noche.

Y Junnaid le preguntó: —¿Puedes decirme de dónde viene la luz? Has encendido la vela, de modo que has tenido que verlo. ¿Cuál es la fuente de la luz?

—¡Espera! —dijo en niño riéndose, y apagó la vela delante de Junnaid—. ¿Has visto cómo se ha ido la luz? ¿Puedes decirme adónde ha ido? Si me dices adónde ha ido, te diré de dónde viene, porque es el mismo lugar. Ha vuelto a su fuente.

—He estado con grandes filósofos pero nadie me ha dicho algo tan hermoso: 'Ha vuelto a su fuente'. Todo acaba volviendo a su fuente. Además, el niño me ha hecho tomar conciencia de mi ignorancia. Estaba tratando de gastarle una broma y he salido trasquilado. Me ha mostrado que plantear preguntas necias —¿de dónde ha venido la luz?— no es inteligente. Viene de ninguna parte, de la nada; y vuelve a ninguna parte, a la nada.

Toqué los pies del niño —continuó Junnaid—. Él se quedó sorprendido y dijo: —¿Por qué me tocas los pies? —Eres mi Maestro —respondió Junnaid—, me has enseñado algo. Me has dado una gran lección, una gran comprensión.

Desde ese momento he estado meditando sobre la nada y, poco a poco, he ido entrando en ella. Y ahora llegará el momento final en que la vela se apagará, la luz se apagará. Y yo sé dónde voy; a la misma fuente.

Recuerdo a ese niño con profundo agradecimiento. Todavía puedo verlo delante de mí, soplando su vela.

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9676473096?profile=originalKin  164 (2013 July 26)

on the day Galactic Synchronization sunrise ceremony of Planetary Resurrection


For the galactic Maya, this (2012) is the fulfillment of a vast        engineering project in time …

                                                                                       —José Argüelles

José Argüelles/Valum Votan's Final Revelations for 2013 and Shift in Human Consciousness

2012: End of Linear Time – 2013: Beginning of a New Galactic Time by Stephanie South

When José Argüelles first began speaking about the date 12-21-2012 in the mid-1970s virtually no one knew what he was talking about. Until The Mayan Factor was published in 1987, when the 2012 date was first dropped into the mass consciousness, next to no one knew about it.

The purpose of The Mayan Factor was to alert people to the conclusion of the cycle of history in 2012, and the tremendous shift in consciousness this date augured. This book along with the 1987 Harmonic Convergence put 2012 on the map as well as turned the world’s attention toward the Maya.

Argüelles believed that the closing of the Great Cycle marked the entry point of the passage of the entire galaxy into an inconceivable stage of harmonic synchronization, creating a shift in the patterns that ultimately affect our relationship to ourselves and the universe. He believed that 2013 would be the time of real magic; a time of integration and stabilization at a higher level of consciousness when humans would “test drive” their newly awakened powers. He believed that humans were meant to become living oracles with the capacity of divination – to know all through mind; to tune into and resonate with all levels of being.

He travelled the world several times over promoting a harmonic 13 Moon/28-day calendar to help people break the spell of linear/Gregorian thinking, and help them elevate their minds to galactic consciousness in anticipation of a frequency shift by 12-21-2012. He believed that humanity unified in galactic consciousness was the key to understanding, transforming and transcending our current global crisis.

Argüelles’s vision and life mission can be traced to the opening of the tomb of Pacal Votan (Lord Pakal) in Palenque in 1952. This tomb, with its unparalleled artistry and symbolism, and the mystery of the man buried there were significant in defining the causes of José’s life mission. (Incidentally José passed away in March 2011, just two months after the archaeologists sealed the tomb lid of Pacal for good).

One year after the opening of the tomb of Pacal Votan, in 1953, José’s father brought him and his twin brother, Ivan, to Teotihuacan, Mexico where, at age 14, he had his first vision atop the Pyramid of the Sun. Atop the pyramid, he had a white light experience regarding his life mission to “find the knowledge of the masters who built and designed Teotihuacan and bring it back to the modern world.” From this point on his life was increasingly devoted to decoding the Mayan mathematics and prophecies.

To appreciate the vast scope of his vision in relation to the changing cycle, we will look at three levels: galactic level, scientific level and human level.

Galactic level: 12-21-2012 marks the conclusion of the passage of our solar system through a galactic synchronization beam.

Scientific level: 2012 marks the conclusion of the biosphere-noosphere transition, the scientific term for the present planetary crisis.

Human level: 2012 is humanity’s deadline to collectively change its consciousness.

The Galactic Level

Argüelles believed that we are part of a larger galactic engineering project being engineered from another dimension. He perceived the galactic Maya as star travellers who incarnated here, at a specified time, to seed the planet and to leave clues of our planetary being for this stage of our transformation. He believed the Galactic Maya (not to be confused with Classic Maya) were masters of time travel and telepathy who brought to this planet a system of astronomy and mathematical calendrics, which were the jewels of a particular knowledge system.

In The Mayan Factor Argüelles put forth that the Mayan calendar is actually a measure for calibrating different beams or density waves. He concluded that what we call the 13 baktun Great Cycle is actually the measure of a synchronization beam through which our solar system is currently passing. This beam cycle began in 3113 BC and ends in 2012 AD.

The beam, 5,125 years in diameter, commenced 13 August B.C. 3113, a date marked by the Mayan calendar long count as, 4 Ahau. This precise date, 4 Ahau will occur again on December 21, 2012. Exactly 1,872,000 days will have passed, a cycle of 13 baktuns of 144,000 days each. But this beam is just the last fifth of a larger beam that is close to 26,000-tun (25,625-years) that corresponds to a whole evolutionary phase. 

According to The Mayan Factor, the Maya had a mission to make sure that planets and star system are synchronized with the galactic beam by 12-21-2012. The affect of the beam on Earth is the acceleration of human activity around the planet. This is called recorded history. This also creates material technology. Toward the end of beam, where we now find ourselves, acceleration becomes exponential with 7 billion humans, exponential curves of carbon dioxide, changes in weather, species extinction, war, drought, etc. This is what Argüelles referred to as the climax of history and matter, the end of the 13th baktun.

As we reach the beam’s end, José foresaw a major evolutionary upgrading of the planetary life process that would begin to be stabilized in 2013. At this point the Earth will be perfectly aligned with galactic center in the constellation Sagittarius. He anticipated a period of adjustment until the new beam phases in by July 26, 2013 – galactic synchronization.

The beam knowledge first occurred to him in 1986, while meditating on the sunspot cycles at the pyramids of Coba. He had a vision of the 13-baktun cycle as a type of beam emanated through the Sun. This beam, he saw, consisted of five 1025-year (1040-tun) sub-cycles = 5200 tun (5 x 1040) or 5125 years (5 x 1025) in duration. He perceived that the beams are sent from the center of the galaxy (Hunab Ku) and then focalized through the Sun through a type of radio program that coordinates the sunspot cycles.

These sunspot cycles then transit the beam through peak solar activity, sending solar information to Earth. When the energy beam changes its frequency, the filter (Sun) changes accordingly. Different ages represented different stages of the beam.

He perceived that the Maya were able to pick up the solar pulsations and calibrate the incidence between solar activity and human activation. This meant they could calibrate human activity and watch it plunge deeper into materialism and further from nature.

He understood that the electromagnetic field is a function of and controlled by the solar sunspot cycles. He likened the sunspot cycles to solar initiations that affect the electromagnetic field, creating different mental quickening or shifts in consciousness. This process, he perceived, accounts for shifts of time, thinking and beliefs throughout history.

Argüelles believed that the sunspots function cyclically and are carriers of information from different star systems and dimensions to planet earth. What we call the sunspot cycles, he perceived as the pulsations of the minds of the solar masters, the ahau kin. Their minds pulse to the binary sunspot cycle in approximate 11.3-year cycles and then change polarity approximately every 23 years. When those sunspots reach maximum points, it discharges. Massive discharges means the Sun is undergoing major internal initiations. Of course our current sunspot cycle is set to peak in 2013.

He concluded that the 260-unit Tzolkin sacred calendar was a tool used by the Maya to record the binary pulsation of the sunspots, with its cycle of thirteen units repeated twenty times for a total of 260 days. Sixteen of these Tzolkin cycles comprise an 11.3 year period, the time for one major binary sunspot cycle to complete itself. The pulsation of each of the binary spots would account for eight Tzolins, which he mapped out in his book Earth Ascending (1983).

He perceived that so-called sun worshipers in places like Tikal and Copan were really taking readings on the galactic frequencies as measured through sunspot cycles and recorded them on stone monuments or stelae. He felt this was the key to the Aztec predictions of the coming sixth sun of consciousness.

He also discovered that the Tzolkin is a harmonic of the Great Cycle and can be used to map out the entire 5,125-year historical cycle, as if it is measuring not individual gestation but species gestation, since five great cycles totals 26,000 tuns, a fractal of the 260-day human gestation cycle.

He called this mapping the wave harmonic of history, the actual information structure of the beam, which he felt was a key code behind unlocking the meaning of our own planetary dilemma.

Scientific Level: Law of Time and Biosphere-Noosphere Transition

Argüelles believed that 2012-2013 is the time of the biosphere-noosphere transition, a theory originally put forth by Russian geochemist Vladimir Vernadsky. In this context, the 5,125-year cycle is but an instant of geological time and so can be perceived as a mutative phase. The mutative phase of the biosphere complete, a new evolutionary stage begins: the noosphere.

The biosphere-noosphere transition directly relates to Argüelles’s 1989 discovery of the Law of Time, which makes a distinction between artificial time and natural time. The Law of Time states that the galaxy and everything in it is held together by one common timing frequency, a 13:20 ratio constant, which maintains everything in a unified condition through synchronization. This 13:20 ratio can be found in the human body with its 13 main articulations and twenty fingers and toes.

By contrast, modern civilization operates by an artificial, irregular mechanistic timing frequency or 12:60 ratio (12-month calendar, 60-minute clock) this is the artificial frequency, which is an actual paradigm or belief system that the human race lives in. This belief system is held in place by the Vatican’s Gregorian calendar that creates the world paradigm of time is money.

These numbers 1260 and 1320 are keys to the discovery of the Law of Time and prophecy of Pacal Votan. Pacal’s tomb was sealed for precisely 1260 years before it was opened (from 692 AD to 1952). And in 2012, 1320 years will have passed since its opening. (1320 is also an anagram for 2013).

Argüelles saw that the whole Earth is now encapsulated in this artificial machine frequency that is destroying our planet by disrupting the homeostasis which keeps everything in balance. When the homeostasis is sufficiently disturbed then a shift is inevitable.

He felt that the crisis the world is now undergoing is the effect of the biosphere-noosphere transition, the chaotic and dissipative shift into the new order of planetary reality. In a 2009 article, he wrote:

“… when we speak of the advent of the noosphere we are referring to the mental disclosure of a new cosmically generated holographic field fractal – one that will replace the old one. All it would take for this to occur is a momentary break in the planetary electromagnetic field brought about by an immense Coronal Mass Ejection, or even a shift in the Sun’s polar magnetism. In that momentary rupture of the terrestrial electromagnetic field, many negative conditioned beliefs (memories) could be erased or severely scrambled, and, more significantly, a new operating holographic field fractal might be instantaneously set in place. In this way, the next wave of cosmic evolutionary intelligence would reveal itself.”

Human Level: 13 Moon Calendar

With the knowledge of the galactic engineering project and with the discovery of the Law of Time, Argüelles perceived that his duty was to help educate humanity toward a new timing sensibility. He noted that most of the troubles in the world today are a result of placing our trust in human laws and machine technology, rather than trusting the natural law of the cosmos.

From his exhaustive studies into different world calendars and the Mayan calendar, Argüelles concluded that a calendar is a programming device whereby the society that uses it creates its psychic field of influence and organizes its collective life.

In the Gregorian calendar there’s is very little cyclic or periodic order. Months are uneven; the length of months does not correlate with number of seven-day weeks that exist and the numbers change every month. There is not cyclic or periodic order; this is why civilization is a chaotic disorder.

He saw that as a species we had veered out of synch, away from our natural attunement with the cosmos and into a linear way of operating. So the question was: how to break the linear time habit? How do we access galactic consciousness?

By following the clues left by the Maya, José discovered the synchronic order, a systematic set of mathematical codes that reveals the larger evolutionary patterning. He called these the Dreamspell codes. He found the simplest way to access these mathematical codes was through daily use of the 13 Moon/28-day matrix. As deceptively simple as this sounds, it has profound implications, so much so that he traveled the world several times over bringing this message to every continent. He referred to this calendar as a “synchronometer” or measure of synchronicity, rather than calendar (derived from calends which means account book).

The 13 Moon calendar is a solar-galactic cycle that meshes the 365-day third-dimensional solar cycle with the 260-day fourth-dimensional galactic cycle (tzolkin) every 52 years. It can be used as an intermediary between one’s mind and being and the experience of the form and process of galactic consciousness. Its daily use helps entrain the consciousness into the threshold of galactic consciousness.

The 13 Moon calendar runs precisely on a program of 52-year solar galactic cycles and is correlated with the traditional date of the heliacal rising of Sirius, July 26. It takes approximately 52 years for Sirius B to revolve around Sirius A. Incidentally Sirius as a binary star was discovered in 1926, the same year as when the word “noosphere” was coined. 

Being fourth-dimensional in nature the 13 Moon calendar also serves as a master synchronization matrix so that any other calendar system can be plugged into it. This program establishes the matrix of what Argüelles refers to as the synchronic order. 

A key to the 13:28 cycle can also be found in the tomb lid of Pacal Votan and in the Tzolkin. There are thirteen clear signs carved along the four edges of the sarcophagus lid of the tomb. The South edge of the lid contains two glyphs: Kin 60, representing Pacal’s incarnation, and Kin 58, representing his disincarnation. The eastern edge of the lid contains one set of four seals and another set of two. The tone numbers of the first four seals add up to 28, and the tone numbers of the second set of seals add up to 13. Argüelles believed this demonstrated the code of the 13 Moon/28-day calendar. (As synchronicity would have it, José passed away precisely 1,328 years after the death of Pacal Votan in 683 AD).

The purpose of the 13 Moon calendar is to assist humans in shifting frequency. By following a cyclic, harmonic measure, human consciousness can enter into a non-linear standard of time, not through any grand theory, but simply by following a galactic cycle day-to-day.

In order to spread the message of the 13 Moons and galactic time, he, with the assistance of his wife, created the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, an Earth-centered peace movement adopting the Nicholas Roerich Banner of Peace as its symbol. As a result, the 13 Moon calendar spread to more than 90 countries worldwide.

In January 2010, he received the highest honor of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace in Mexico City: the Nicholas Roerich Peace Medal for his lifetime work as a world peace activist.

The essence of his message was: human civilization is living in artificial time that is destroying the biosphere. To reverse this situation requires a collective return to natural time in reverence with the Earth where time is not money but Time is Art. José wrote:

“… The ancient Maya foresaw that the next evolutionary cycle would be the true solar age. They envisioned 2012 as the entry point or gate of a purified humanity ready for the new solar age. And they were right. The Sun is undergoing a tremendous transformation right now, altering the very nature of life on Earth. In order for us to survive, we've got to strip down – get rooted in the garden, and lighten our load. In the new Solar Age we will learn that our telepathic thought waves are really solar signals, and that our mental evolution through the noosphere is to prepare us for heightened soul travel. We'll all become like one being with a billion autonomous cells, working in unison to become enlightened. And since we will see that we are the planet, we will know that it is the planet that is becoming enlightened, and our job is to make it an enlightened work of art – an art planet, a jewel of the galaxy

Planet Art Network




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The Art of Gratitude

9676472078?profile=originalThe most important aspect of creating the life and reality you wish (therefore are destined) to experience, is to obtain a real and genuine understanding of what gratitude is.  Gratitude is a simple ‘thank you’ or smile given to someone who holds a door for you or does some other small favor.  Small acts of kindness and appreciate are important, but the aspect of gratitude I wish to draw you towards exists within the very essence of who you are.  It is a deep connection and appreciation for all you have in this moment, without a thought about what you perceive you don’t have.  If you only allow yourself to notice how much you do have, you cannot help but to attract more to yourself.  Feeling a genuine sense of gratitude tells the Universe you are well blessed and you are open to receiving all gifts the Universe wishes to bestow upon you.  The more grateful you feel, the more loving you naturally become.  And, with elevating yourself to a continuous state of love, further enlightenment naturally unfolds within you.

Allow yourself to open up to feeling a sense of appreciation and honor for everything that ignites happiness within you.  Happiness is a frequency.  Experiencing happiness invokes more happiness.  You will realize that just by finding gratitude in what you’ve been blessed with will literally change your entire reality. Gratitude is just the first step, but it is a quit powerful one. It creates so many outlets of possibility, happiness and surprises you had previously kept yourself closed from receiving.  No matter what your situation is, you can create a list of at least ten things you have to be grateful for.  The more you practice seeking out what you are grateful for, the more you open yourself to see the beauty and majesty that is woven into the reality of all things. There are many blessings you experience every day as common practice and you don’t even realize they are blessings and gifts.

When you get into the shower in the morning, feel thankful that you can have a hot shower.  Really enjoy how nice the hot water feels on your skin.  Think about your clean towel and that you can have a hot shower in privacy.  This is a luxury you are gifted every day.  Aside from that, someone else built your shower, and a hot water heater heats the water for your shower.  Someone had to create the water system that brings water to your house/apartment, so all you have to do is turn on a faucet.  Think of all the products you use in the shower and after the shower.  Feel a great sense of appreciation that you have all of these products to cleanse yourself, but also find honor and appreciation for the product itself. Be thankful you have a toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash to keep your teeth healthy and clean. Consider the bed you sleep in each night, even if you are living in someone else’s home.  Be grateful you have a safe place to rest your head and that you have a bed to sleep in that is warm.  Every meal you consume is a gift.  Whether is a plant based or animal based food product, it has sacrificed its life to sustain your life.  Feel honor and gratitude for this gift.  No matter what you are eating, it is a gift because it is sustaining your ability to live and experience life.

Clean clothes, transportation, central heating and being able to just go through a drive-thru to buy a meal are all luxuries.  One hundred years ago no one experienced life with the luxuries we do today.  Most of the world does not experience a lot of the luxuries that anyone reading this does.  Also consider you were born into a free country, where you are free to do things you love and you do not have to grow your own food to eat.  Though, growing a garden and being self sufficient is important, you were born in a country where you are blessed enough to not have to worry about basic survival needs.  You need food, you go to the store.  Start focusing on these things and you will uncover many blessings that you had previously overlooked.  When every moment you experience is perceived as a blessed gift, there is no room for unhappiness or feelings of lack.  This leads to feelings of abundance.  Abundance attracts abundance.  I don’t just mean on a physical and material level, but true abundance that flowers from within.  This is ignited by finding gratitude for everything that is currently in your reality, in this moment.

Gratitude isn’t just for your material comforts, or having your survival needs met for you.  Gratitude also needs to be focused on all relationships in your life.  Whether the relationship is challenging, or flows in harmony, both are gifts.  They only offer different experiences.  Situations or people are only experiences to help awaken us and help grow us. We tend to feel defeated by situations and people that leave us feeling less than wonderful.  Anytime you feel you have been deceived, used, cheated on or taken advantage of, you have the option to view yourself as a victim, or choose to view the situation as a learning tool.  What hurts you, release back to the Universe with gratitude because it taught you something.  You choose whether people and situations tear you down, or teach you and make you stronger. You choose how long you give any person or situation energy, focus and thought. Within every wound, there is a beautiful lesson and gift.  There is an opportunity to grow yourself and expand beyond the current boundaries of how you experience life.  What challenges us is what brings us to our own attention.  Instead of thinking “Why did this happen to me” consider the thought “what is this trying to teach me”.  Everything you experience was created by your own imagination. Find gratitude for your current experiences, and focus your energy solely on creating the experiences you really desire.

Gratitude is an ethereal fire that feeds your soul with a frequency that can only expand you.  Feel gratitude for the food you consume.  Consider that everything that exists within creation is a form of energy.  You consume this energy in an organic manner to sustain your physical existence when you eat anything.  Without food, you could not live.  Without the warmth and energy from the Sun, you could not live.  Without the protective atmosphere of the Earth (Gaia) you could not live.  Without water from the Rain, you could not live.  Fill your heart with gratitude that all of these energy sources are infinitely available to you, to support your physical existence every day. There is so much to be grateful for in every breath.  Do you feel grateful upon waking in the morning?  Do you feel blessed that you have another day to experience life?  Do you view your job as gift and acknowledge all of the aspects of your life it sustains and provides for you?  The more you choose to focus your energy on being grateful for all you have, down to having toilet paper, being able to watch a butterfly flutter about, feeling  the warm Sun on your face, the more fuel you add to the ethereal flame that exists within you.

Look inward and discover what it is you really wish for.  Allow your entire being to be engulfed in gratitude for anything and everything you can imagine.  The more energy and focus you put into it the faster you will begin to alter your perception, and begin to create anew.  Allow every beautiful surprise that unfolds in your life to add to the things you are grateful for.  Allow every challenge or obstacle to add to the things you are grateful for, not because it hurt you, but because it helped grow you.  Though making lists of what you are grateful for can be beneficial, I believe all you really need to do is put an honest conscious effort into focusing your thoughts, energy and emotions on what you are grateful for each day.  Think about it as often as you wish.  Find a way to feel gratitude that is comfortable to you.  Create your own personal word for giving thanks.  It can also serve as an acknowledgement to the Universe when you feel the tingle of gratitude overflowing within.  Seeing the world through the eyes of gratitude will illuminate a shade of beautiful you’ve never experienced before.  It’s your choice to focus your energy in a positive way upon all the things you do have, discarding what you feel is lacking and making you feel incomplete. 

Feeling gracious and content with your situation doesn’t mean you don’t hold big dreams in your heart and you stop trying to achieve your goals.  Having gratitude is the wind that carries you towards achieving your dreams.  To get where you want to go you must have an awareness and appreciation for where you currently are, and how you got there.  Life unfolds in the direction of your observation, so observe through gratitude.  If it is something you don’t often think about it may take some effort when you first try.  I can honestly say when I made a choice to give gratitude where it was due it felt like a full time job.  I had to constantly remind myself to be happy and grateful for everything.  I didn’t have a job or money at the time.  Anytime I’d find loose change around the house or outside somewhere, I’d feel excited and grateful as if it were $100 I just stumbled upon opposed to it really being a penny or a quarter.  This gratitude and excitement eventually led to several job offers and many random sources of money making their way into my life.  This set the stage to creating a new life that I am absolutely in love with today.

The gratitude, appreciate and honor I allowed to flow through me created many positive outlets of possibility to change my situation into what I truly wanted it to be.  In the moments I had very few physical possessions, along with no car or job, I felt the happiest and most grateful I’d ever been.  There was something quite freeing to having no obligations or possessions to weigh me down.  I had always thought of myself as a thoughtful and appreciative person, in fact, most people would have described me as such.  My problem was that I was always looking at what I didn’t have and thinking negatively about my life and myself because I didn’t have honest appreciation in my heart. When it came to the point where I had almost nothing and nothing but time on my hands, I fell in love with just being alive.  I discovered a level of gratitude and honor for all of life and creation. Sometimes you do need to shed every part of yourself to expand into the best possible you.

After I started my new job I wrote ‘Thank you for this money’ on the back of my first paycheck, and continued on every paycheck thereafter.  I’d also write blessings on the back of money in anticipation of those who would encounter my bill after I spent it.  I made it a point to always be thankful for every meal and I would enjoy it as if I were eating at a fine restaurant. I was grateful for having a safe home (I actually lived with someone at the time) and that I had a warm bed every night to sleep in.  No matter how oppressive my living conditions felt at times, I would find gratitude for the fact that I did have a home.  I had a hot shower and hot coffee every morning when I didn’t have a job.  Within two months of getting a job, I was able to move into my own place, with pretty much everything I needed to feel comfortable and abundant.  It all literally just came to me for free or through amazing bargains.  I had put an amazing amount of energy each day into feeling grateful for anything and everything.  I would feel honor to the Sun for giving me life.  I would think about people who have really hard jobs, working in harsh conditions and I felt an overwhelming sense of respect, honor and gratitude for all of the hard workers in the world. I didn’t focus on being grateful for my comforts in my personal awareness only, I thought about the bigger picture.

You can change your entire life just by utilizing this one Key.  Aside from the beautiful color conscious gratitude brings into your awareness, it also makes you feel amazing within.  When you allow yourself to be content with all you have, without a thought of what you perceive you don’t have, you fill full within.  Your ethereal fire blazes and you pull a new frequency of awareness into your reality.  You create new possibilities for yourself and you open your heart to receiving.  Discover your own way of experiencing and expressing gratitude.  Though, you need to recognize when trying to incorporate a new practice into your current and comfortable thought and life patterns, you will experience some resistance from within. Give yourself time to adjust to focusing on what you do have and feeling gratitude for that. Changing old thought processes takes effort and discipline.  If it is your will to open yourself to the new, it will be.  Gratitude is a layer that should be incorporated into everything you wish to create for yourself. Gratitude is a Key that unlocks your heart on many levels, and allows you to receive.

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9676470881?profile=originalThe term ‘Lightworker’ came into my awareness a little over three years ago.  It came at the start of an amazing journey; a journey that has unfolded my imagination into places I never dreamed of.  This journey has led me on a quest to discover many different perspectives on spiritual matters, sciences, and conspiracy theories and so on.  What I’ve learned is there really is no right or wrong answer; no truth or untruth.  What you want to see is what you will see.  It’s almost as if we do not notice things that aren’t at the forefront of our consciousness, and what is predominantly at the forefront of our consciousness (current perspective) is what colors the ‘individuality’ aspect of our collective experience as a whole. 

During my awakening, which allows me to share this information with you, I was in a long term relationship with someone I’d known a third of my life.  He was exposed to many of the same things I was beginning to discover.  We’d watch a documentary together, or do our own personal research about science or spirituality or conspiracies.  Each time this happened, we’d each be left we an almost opposite perspective of what the information meant and the overall validity of it.  The new information seemed to trigger something within me and awaken a sleeping aspect of myself.  My partner seemed completely unchanged by any of it.  We were equally perplexed by the perspective of the other.  If I would have allowed the perspective and opinion of my partner, or others to construct my own, I would have missed out on many incredible experiences.  I’m really happy we each always walked away with a different idea from each other.  It helped me to understand that each human is programmed to experience life uniquely, and hold a unique perspective in every moment. Thus, there are many truths; it’s all just a matter of perspective.

The reason I share this story, is to bring awareness to the fact that everything is truly understood and experienced through our own perspective.  The information I share is based solely upon my perspective through the awakened awareness of my soul and my personal experiences through life and research.  We are all programmed to be triggered and open up to certain experiences, while others are not programmed to have these experiences.  There is no right way, or set of information that is going to resonate and trigger everyone.  I always knew I was very different than most people.  Three years ago my quest to discover why I was different I stumbled upon the terms: Starseed, Pleadian, Crystal Child, Rainbow Child, Indigo Child and Lightworker.  I must admit I felt some glamour and a boost to my ego realizing I fit almost all of the criteria of not being a human soul within my human body.  But, as my consciousness expanded the glamour of this wore off.  I realized that in short, a Lightworker is a very specific frequency of love, here with a very specific mission.  Here is my perspective on the Lightworker , may it trigger and resonate within you.

To help you understand my perspective of the Lightworker, I need to give a little background on the way I view reality.  I have already written about the law of attraction, destiny and free will, so I’m not really going to cover that here, but a basic understanding of Quantum Mechanics and the Law of Attraction is advisable to fully capture what I’m trying to present.  All things that exist, seen and unseen, are animated by the same life force energy that is the programmer of all of creation.  There are many expressions of creation, operating among vast frequencies within our awareness and beyond it. The left sides of our brains (logic and order) experience the tangible expression of this spiritual essence through Physics and Mathematics.  We can process this expression of spirituality through our physical senses – what we can observe with our eyes, therefore we believe is proven and real.  The right sides of our brains (imagination and creativity) experience the intangible expression of spirituality through energy and frequency.  We can process this expression of spiritual essence through our Chakra System – what exists outside the spectrum of what we can observe with our ‘physical’ eyes, therefore, most believe impossible.  The left side of the brain is what brings us into our physicality; the right side of the brain is what connects us to our spirituality.  Harmony is achieved when each is in balance with the other.

In my perspective, the human brain is a very highly advanced hard drive that operates the human body computer.  And, what powers this organic computer is the life force energy that animates everything that exists within creation.  Just as every snowflake is different, each being is a unique expression of the life-force energy that makes this experience possible.  No matter what your perspective of a person or event or experience may be, there is a purpose and place for it or it would not be within creation. You don’t observe or experience any situation or person without purpose and permission. To truly understand and appreciate that sentiment one’s consciousness need be quite expanded beyond the ‘programmed’ duality of right and wrong or good and evil. We are all here by purpose and all events unfold with purpose. 

Keeping with the computer theme, think of earth as a program for intangible consciousness to experience physical tangibility.  It would be like a game programmer being able to physically interact with his game as if he were the entire game and everything in it. Though there are rules the game operates under (including cheats and secret passage ways) the creator of the game would get to experience the magic of his creation as a multitude of different individuals (characters) and a multitude of different objects, animals and so on.  Each aspect of the game has purpose, and every big monster to be defeated only allows passage to the next level.  The programmer would experience every possibility and character of his game, but his awareness within the game could not include a simultaneous experience of everything at the same time.  After every possibility has been explored and programmer returns to full consciousness, the programmer can then process the entire experience as whole, rather than separate and individual aspects as he initially did.  Every potential possibility for the game has already been programmed, just not yet experienced until the programmer becomes the game. The experience of Earth is only one program amongst many others.

The body in essence is the avatar that allows consciousness to experience its creation of the earth, through many expressions of itself, without being fully being aware of itself.  Each person responds to the programming within them – the programming they were born with and the programming they have picked up through the experiences of their life.  Insecurities and fears are just programs acquired through your perspective that has been shaped through what you’ve experienced and witnessed in each moment. This is a very detached way to view the experience of life, but I present it in this light to remove the drama and chaos from the events of the world and the events in your life.   There does seem to be an evolution in man’s consciousness and the way of experiencing self that is shifting within all at this time.  This is where the role of the Lightworker comes into play.  I want to keep this concept in an abstract view for a moment. The Lightworker is just a role, a character amongst an ocean of unique characters with purposeful roles to be experienced.  The Lightworker is just a character to play its role, but the Lightworker role is a quite special one at this point in time.  Not just any aspect of Source can animate the role of the Lightworker.

The Lightworker is here to enhance the game and upgrade it.  In a sense, the Lightworker is here more for ‘work’ than for the experiences that lead to growth and expansion.  In my belief system, the Lightworker has already experienced and completed the earth program prior to this incarnation.  They are triggered and awakened by experiences, rather than grown and learned by experiences. The Lightworker naturally vibrates and operates from a higher frequency due to the evolution gained in previous experiences within the earth plane and beyond it.  In essence, the Lightworker is more part of the programming of the game rather than a character freely moving around within it.  However, the Lightworker holds all the codes for secret passage ways and how to overcome every perceived obstacle within the game.  Think of when Alice meets the Cheshire Cat and she is lost.  She says, “I don’t know which way I ought to go.”  “It depends on where you want to get to” the Cat replies.  “Well, that doesn’t really matter” Alice responds.  “Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go” The Cat explains.  The Chesire Cat knows the direction every path that leads through the forest.  The Lightworker has the ability to see where all paths lead, as they have traveled them all like the Cheshire Cat.  The Lightworker’s role is to upgrade and enhance the game, while inspiring and uplifting the other players within it.  There are treasures encoded within everyone.  The Lightworker is programmed to unlock theirs and gift them to all of the world.

Who are these Lightworkers?  Chances are those who are reading this are consciously aware of their role as a Lightworker, or they are just beginning to awaken to their role.  It was around my 32nd birthday when things just seemed to start changing in my reality.  I find it quite synchronistic as my birthday is 3/2.  It’s interesting to me that some people know and are aware of their higher senses from birth, while others seem to awaken to this awareness, quite randomly at some point in their lives.  It’s as though some dormant code is activated and it truly starts to change everything.  Perhaps this quantum leap in consciousness at a random point in one’s life makes the Lightworker more relatable? If some random person like myself is telling you of my experiences, they are less real than someone telling you that is close to you and that believe you can trust.   Everyone is contributing to the creation of various realities playing out on earth at this time.  Everyone, Lightworker or not, has a very specific purpose and role to fulfill.  Everyone has the ability to achieve great spiritual enlightenment and vast expansion in consciousness.  Everyone is programmed to experience that if they choose.  But, I am speaking to the Lightworker role.  The Lightworker is specifically programmed to be that achievement in spiritual awakening and create a wave of expansion into the collect consciousness that is dimensional in proportion.  It is not programmed within them as a freewill choice as it is among humanity at large. The choice of this role was decided before incarnation on a much grander scale.  They are programmed and equipped with all the wisdom needed to navigate and upgrade the earth experience.

Looking upon my awakening process, I realize a long string of synchronistic events that led to the point of wisdom and understanding I currently exist within.  Though I do believe in the Law of Attraction and that our thoughts, feelings, and actions are the tools in which we construct our experiences and reality, I know that my unawakened self could have never manifested what unfolded for me.  As I write this now, there is a force that pulls me.  When anyone aligns themselves with the programming of their soul they begin to feel as if a force is pulling them.  For months leading up to 2010 and the first few months of 2010 I continually saw people along the sides of the highways and on the bridges that arched over them wearing black shirts and holding signs that read “Investigate 9/11”.  As many times as I saw this I never thought to look into the matter.  In fact, I didn’t even know what a conspiracy theory was at that point.  I believed the media and the vast majority opinion of others.  I didn’t know what a synchronicity was, nor did I connect any dots of events within my life to my personal thoughts and feelings.  I didn’t even realize my consciousness existed inside of a tiny box.

As the Universe would have it, destiny of sorts, I was already running late for work one morning (as I often was) when there seemed to be some diversion slowing down traffic ahead on the highway.  I had a long commute on a busy interstate, so this sort of delay frustrated me greatly.  After 20 minutes of creeping along, what was causing the delay starting coming into view.  It was four people, holding a big black banner over a highway bridge that read “Investigate 9/11”.  I flipped them off as I drove under the bridge.  I was so angry that these people had delayed me even further, especially with such a stupid thing as suggesting to investigate 9/11.  I complained about this to several coworkers throughout the day.  I complained about it to my boyfriend.  And lastly, I went to visit a girlfriend of mine that evening.  I was still feeling the need to vent about my delay in the morning.  She had quite a different perspective on 9/11 – different insight than what I had been exposed to.  I never even considered what I believed about 9/11 could be false in any way, yet, here were all these people for months, in my awareness, directing me to look into the very subject.  After receiving what my friend had to say in an open way, I did look into 9/11.  It triggered me and was truly my gateway into the awareness of my Lightworker role.  After I looked into 9/11, I never saw the 9/11 Truthers again.

As I stated earlier, my partner watched the same documentaries I did about 9/11, but his perception never changed about it.  My entire world and understanding of reality turned upside-down.  9/11 was my alarm clock to awaken me to my true self and reason for being here at this time.  It wasn’t because 9/11 was so tragic and I felt an urge to change the world.  9/11 triggered something within me and from there it’s as if I was led and exposed to everything I needed to be, in perfect order, to understand my role as a Lightworker.  Seeing the falsity in the official story of 9/11 opened my consciousness enough to allow other new insights in.  Some things that came into my awareness early on I wasn’t open enough and ready for.  These same outlets of information circled back around a couple years after I initially stumbled upon them and I was able to receive the information the second time around.

Those who begin to awaken to their chosen role as a Lightworker go through a plethora of emotions as they are activated and transformed.  Much of their known and familiar reality begins to fall away as they become online with their purpose.  This can be a painful and confusing process, but on the other side of it there is so much understanding and their individualistic perspective will have expanded into the collective understanding of wholeness and oneness.  Anything that falls away is only making room for something greater to further bring one’s purpose to fruition.  When one is fully in alignment with their purpose and role for this lifetime, there is fulfillment and bliss.  There are codes of abundance and prosperity written within each and every human body on this earth.  The coding within the body was written by the soul who occupies it.  Everyone is programmed for the experiences they are intended to have in their current incarnation.  The mind, the emotion and the action color and construct what perception each experience will be like.

Quantum Mechanics has taught us that the act of observing, the perception of the observer, is what will take a particle out of functioning as a wave of possibility, and places it in a fixed state of being.  As more and more individuals observe various events and movements playing out on earth, their observation of these events is received through their unique perception, thus, creating many truths.   Five different people can observe the same event and all five will have different observations, ideas and perceptions about what they experienced.  The Lightworker has the ability to see through all five different perspectives, without ever choosing one of them as their own personal ‘truth’.   What one experiences through the observation of their current perception is their truth.  What they see is neither real nor fake, it is what they expect it to be, what they want it to be.  The Lightworker’s role is teaching those who choose how to hold all five unique perspectives in the same respect to one’s own.  There is only expansion of awareness by allowing oneself to see through the ideas and perceptions of another, without the need to judge as right or wrong; true or false; good or bad. Or, to own it as if it were their own.

Lightworks are the right side of the brain teachers to humanity.  Scientist and Physicists are the teachers to the left side of the brain of humanity.  To experience humanity is to experience physicality and spirituality in a simultaneous way.  Most people, Lightworkers included, choose to exist on one side or the other, disputing the importance of either side.  The truth is, if there is such a thing as truth, there is no right or left side.  There are only dimensions and layers of experiencing reality.  Physics and Spirituality are the same thing in essence.  The Lightworker experiences this in a multi-dimensional way and therefore can see how to transmute it and change it.  The high frequency of vibration each Lightworker holds, acts like a virus to the current programming structure of the earth experience.  This is part of the Lightworker role.  Their vibration of energy starts tearing down and rebuilding very outdated and old programming.  It is time for a new experience on earth.  As other observe this, they make the free will choice to also consciously create a new program for the earth experience.  And thus, the age of humanity shifts and new evolved race of humanity is birthed over time.

The term ‘Lightworker’ blankets many titles: Psychic, medium, empathy, healer, starseed, astrologist, Indigo and so on.  It even pours into science and the genius minds within its field. Not every Lightworker has the same tasks in their roles.  There is far too much flavor, color and possibility abundantly existing within the life-force of creation, to ever have any one aspect of itself exactly the same as any other.  As more and more Lightworkers have awakened to their roles and successfully completely them over the course of many lifetimes, the collective frequency of earth and its entire species has risen as a whole.  Thus, many Lightworkers are awakening today and they can enhance and upgrade the game in openness.  One hundred years ago this was not easily possible.  As we have evolved and expanded in consciousness as collective whole it has made way for very high vibrating aspects of Source to incarnate among the earth plane.  Many of the children being born today are naturally psychic and hold other special abilities seemingly dormant in the vast majority of the adult population.  These children are extraordinary and brilliant.  I highly recommend looking into this phenomenon if you haven’t already.

These evolved children I like to think of as the next race of humanity as the old one falls away.  I don’t believe there is some catastrophic end all that wipes the earth of its entire species.  Perhaps in past versions of the earth experience that is how the game was programmed to be enhanced and upgraded.  I don’t see that happening in the now.  The coding within me does not speak of dealthful destruction in a physical, catastrophic way.  Every version of the earth experience is unique, as is each aspect of Source experiencing it.  One hundred years from now the earth experience will be quite different as more and more of these upgraded humans are being born.  The fact that this is happening is proof the Lightworkers are responding to their programming and completing their roles with success and achievement. What you feel led to do is exactly the programming and the role you are intended to have.  Following that passion only leads to fulfillment and joy.

I recall feeling confused during my awakening – wondering if I was truly awakening to my spiritual self or if I was potentially just losing my mind.  For me, it was as if I had been perceiving everything backwards and opposite of the true laws and nature that govern the earth experience.  Logic only attempts to label and make sense of physicality.  Imagination constructs the intangible, which ultimately is what creates the physicality for logic to organize and understand.  The human body is a highly sophisticated organic computer for intangible energy, to experience a reality in a tangible way.  This energy is a unique aspect of Source, wishing to have an experience as separate from the whole of all that is.  The earth experience is where that unfolds.  Most who are incarnate at this time are dominantly programmed to perceive the earth experience as the dualistic, separate from all, experience it is has been for a very long time.  As I have been explaining, Lightworkers are specifically programmed to reach beyond the perception of just one, therefore remember their part as the collective whole. Within everyone is this coding, but for the Lightworker it is their sole/soul purpose for this incarnation.  They are here to tear down and create space for the new programming coming online – all of the amazing children being born today.

An awakened Lightworker may be aware that they have an important mission to complete, but they are not sure what it is or how to make what they know unfold.  There are many roles to be animated within the Lightworker spectrum of Source.  The way you are to go about your mission is written within you like your own personal road map.  Everything seems to unfold in perfect divine timing as well.  You may be sensing that something is supposed to be happening or unfolding, even though it may seem as if you are standing still.  Nothing, no matter how much you try to manifest it, will unfold until you are ready and have reached vibrational alignment with it.  Just as it can take a while for a computer to boot up after it has been shut off for some time, it can take you quite a while to fully come into awareness of your true self, your mission for this lifetime and to reach vibrational match for all you are seeking.  Your destiny propels you along and provides you all the triggers you need to achieve this. Aside from this, everyone has a spiritual support team that helps navigate them along whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

Aside from the mission of the Lightworker, they are also encoded to experience humanity in a very empathetic, compassionate and non-judgmental way.   They are programmed to see beyond the dramas and chaoses that span across the globe at this time.  Their understanding has to be far more expanded than the norm in order to construct the new experience of earth.  Lightworkers are the grownups amongst the children, the evolved essence of the ascended masters.  The Lightworker comes in many forms and can be found in a vast array of professions and places.  The Universe can interact with any person at any time.  Most do not realize when the lifeforce energy is working through them, with them and for them.  The Lightworker is programmed to experience this interaction on a very conscious and personal level.  Everyone has the ability to unlock all the wisdom of the Lightworker within themselves at any point they choose, but the role of the Lightworker is something earned over the course of many lifetimes.  It is not a role for the freshly learned or the inexperienced. Thus, the amazing children being born today come programmed to construct and live the next experience of man, but in conscious creator way.  They will become the majority, whereas the Lightworkers (the teachers of this new race of man) of the past and today have been the few.

The hype amongst extremists and the media is always speaking of change as some dramatic catastrophic, world ending event.  While I do agree that some dramatic events must unfold to stun us into change, I do not believe the evolution of the human experience is quite so rigid and dramatic.  It’s an organic process that unfolds within cycles of time that we don’t fully understand.  The collective of humanity is just beginning to sense, feel and believe on a higher level that we are all a part of something much more than ourselves.  If we are all energy, operating and experiencing through frequency and vibration, then surely this signal that is waking up the masses of humanity is coming from somewhere.   There is so much positive change happening in the world that the media does not cover.  The experience that earth has been locked into for quite some time has been very low frequency based, painted in darker undertones of Source.  Nothing happening or experienced within creation is out of place or does not belong.  As hard as that may seem to grasp, that is the truth and you understood that before you ever decided to incarnate for this life.  The aspects of humanity and the choices that are offered in the human experience that bother you and upset you are the programs you are coded to enhance and upgrade.

The events or people that seem to irritate, upset and contradict our belief systems are not bad, evil or wrong.  What triggers us isn’t about the person or event, it is about how we respond to such stimuli.  If someone is really upset about something, their bottom line is usually because they feel they were wronged, or what is happening is wrong.  Though these are truths on one level, on a different level something else happening entirely.  This brings me back to perspective. Contrast is what grows us and allows all shades of perception to be mirrored back to us.  The role of the Lightworker isn’t to change any one person or their belief system.  The role of the Lightworker is to enhance and upgrade the programming of life so that the next experience of man can unfold.  In essence, every being you know today will have the opportunity to incarnate for this next evolution of the experience of earth.   No matter how dark, unawakened, mean, evil, nasty, hateful and so on any one person may seem, all of that only stems from the role they came to animate and all the programs they have picked up along the way.  They are still a unique aspect of Source, obeying the programming written within them as does the Lightworker and everything else in-between.  Everything within creation is governed by the same laws.  Understanding these laws (Physics and the Law of Attraction) helps anyone become an active conscious creator.

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9676470084?profile=originalWhen someone starts noticing they are seeing a repeating number sequence it usually starts with the noticing of 11:11.  Repeating number sequences aren’t just about what the repeating number means, it’s more so about how frequently one is noticing repeating number sequences.  It is statistically more likely for the numbers you notice to not repeat in sequence, especially throughout your entire day, every day.  When noticing repeating number sequences on license plates, clocks and so on, you want to open yourself to the magic beyond wandering what a specific number means.  The more you begin to take notice of repeating number sequences, the more you naturally draw and attract repeating number sequences into your awareness.  So what do repeating number sequences really mean for you?

The repeating number sequences started with me long before I had the awareness I do today.  My noticing started with 911 and that went on for several years before I thought to look up what the specific meaning 911was.  911 eventually turned into 11:11.  From there I started to notice a lot of license plates that had repeating number sequences 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888 and 999.  I found myself very excited because it really felt like it had to mean something.  I got caught up in what each individual number was supposed to mean and represent.  My girlfriend and I would find ourselves texting each other the current time we’d happen to notice (1:11, 2:22, ect.), at the exact same time quite often.  Anyone who had no notion of what repeating number sequences mean would think we were crazy.  Our texts would read: Me: 1:11 smiley face. Friend: 1:11 smiley face.  Me: LoL heart.  Friend: lol heart.  What were the odds that each day we’d consistently notice repeating time sequences on the dot, at the same time?  This became our daily and sometimes the only things we’d write to each other in our texts for days besides ‘good morning’ and ‘I love you’. 

Though I found myself noticing repeating number sequences all of the time, I wasn’t really quite sure what it truly meant.  Repeating number sequences of the same number happened all of the time.  But then, a number like 27, 44 or 717 would start showing up all over just as frequently. I found a fabulous website that gave individual explanations for what each number from 0 through 1259 specifically meant if you kept noticing it. It also had very in-depth meanings for individual reaping numbers like 1111 or 333. Initially, I found myself intrigued and excited to place labels and definitions on what each individual number was supposed to mean.  But, I had numbers like 27 and 44 popping up constantly.  The explanation given for these repeating numbers didn’t seem to fit as days of noticing these numbers everywhere turned into months.  I realized I couldn’t personally define what each number meant to me through the thoughts of others. I just felt like there had to be something more to it. I realized seeking the opinion of someone else’s known meaning of a number is a good place to start you on your path of understanding what repeating numbers personally mean for you.

I’ve come to understand that the Universe communicates with us in the ways we are open to receiving information.  Repeating sequences don’t just happen with numbers.  They can come in the form of an animal, a word, a color, a flower and so on.  When the same thing continually pops up in your awareness, the meaning of it is bigger than any other person’s theory or interoperation of what a specific animal, number or flower means.  Their theories and beliefs are unique to their perception and experiences.   And perhaps, they are only repeating what was taught to them by someone they resonated with. Before I came into the awareness I’m sharing now, I got into an argument with a friend over what specific numbers meant.  To him, 9s meant new beginnings.  To me, 9s meant the completion of a project or situation.  Endings and new beginnings are intertwined and a part of the same thing.  We were both correct in our interoperation of what the meaning of 9 was about; it was just a difference in perception.  Because of my friend’s belief system and unique connection with the Universe, 9s had always been a symbol of a new beginning on the way for him.  For me, 9s had always been a symbol of a completion and ending upon the horizon.  It was the 1 that prompted a new beginning was underway for me.

To truly know and understand what repeating number sequences are specifically trying to say to you is only something you can discover for yourself.  The fact that you are noticing them is a symbol of your awareness and connection to the Universe.  The way in which number sequences can appear is pretty amazing and magical. The more I put my focus on repeating number sequences, the more complex and unlikely the sequences became.  I’d look at the time on my computer and below the time was the date.   I’d always glance at just the right moment to notice the time read: 3:21 on 1/23.  Numbers began to repeat forward and backward.  I once saw three cars in a row, all with license plates having 717 as the number sequence.  This happened in a matter of 20 seconds or so.  What are the odds of that?  I was amazed because 717 had started coming into my awareness a week before this happened.  I’ve come to understand the meaning of repeating sequences of anything is personal to the person who is noticing it.  It is a unique and vibrational communication that you and you alone are sharing with the Universe.  How can the personal meaning of someone else’s unique communication with the Universe possibly define your own?  It can only help guide you towards your own personal and *unique* understanding.

Any number, animal or insect seems to have numerous meanings and messages depending on the source in which you are getting your information.  You will also find that the various meanings often conflict with each other.  You have to decide what resonates best within you as you receive the information.  You will ultimately discover there may be elements of truth in the perception of others, but you will never feel quite satisfied until you discover what each symbol personally means for you.  You define what 1s or 2s or 3s mean for you.  Only you know how you feel when you see a hawk soaring in the sky or what it means to you when a lady bug lands on you.  Often, if you just ask what a specific repeating number sequence means the answer will find you.  The personal answer and message that is just for you will find you because you’ve asked.  Despite the personal meaning, the noticing of repeating sequences is a sign that you are becoming consciously aware of the Universe and the Universe is giving you confirmation that it is also aware of you and where you are trying to get to.

For me, I’ve noticed that more I focus my thoughts and emotions in a love-based and gratitude-based vibration the more often I notice repeating number sequences, and the more exceptionally rare and complex the sequences become.  I view my noticing of repeating number sequences as positive confirmations to the way I’m going about living my life.  I also consider what the number itself has seemed to represent for me personally in the past.  If you don’t know what a number has represented to you in the past ask the Universe.  As I’ve said, the answer will truly come to you.  There are unlimited ways the answer can come to you.  You may find that your answer also changes over time.  You will only receive what you are able and open to receive in the moment you ask, which leads to the moment you receive your answer.  A friend could casually mention something to you about the very subject.  You could randomly stumble across a youtube video or blog on the internet.   My point is, when you’ve asked and you are seeking an outside confirmation for the answer, your answer will be given through another person, somehow, someway.  You do not need to go to Google and type in your question about the meaning of any number.  That is not allowing the answer to come to you.  Ask, trust, believe, and you will always receive.  There is a far more profound feeling and sense of knowing when you allow the answer to simply come to you.

There are many truths and there are many theories.  Essentially, all we are doing is seeking that in which we are a vibrational match to.  This is why there are so many varying religious beliefs with many followers of each belief.  They believe so deeply because vibrationally they resonate with the teachings of the religion.  They resonate with the teaching because it encompasses their current state of seeking and satisfies the questions they have asked.  Some people stop at one truth system along their journey.  Others move from one truth systems to the next.  The only thing that seems to be consistent is there is no one truth and no one meaning for anything that will be agreed upon by all.  Every moment you’ve lived you have experienced it through your personal truth and set of belief systems.  As you’ve grown you’ve noticed your personal truths and beliefs shift and change.  Your expectations and belief systems constantly changes as you experience life. 

The meaning a repeating number sequence has for you today is not going to hold the same vibration of meaning for you in a year from now.  As your awareness grows and your consciousness expands, you become much more attuned to the essence which you are, which is Source.  In my current belief system, the act of *noticing* repeating number sequences is the *meaning* of repeating number sequences.   The magic and unlikelihood of noticing, along with it becoming your everyday, all day is something pretty spectacular.  What is in your awareness is what you have attracted to yourself.   The more you become aware that you are noticing repeating number sequences, the more they are going to appear.  That alone should inspire you because it is proof of your ability to manifest specific things into your reality.  It is physical proof of the vibrational dance you share with the Universe. 

You are an unique essence of focused consciousness, that comes forth from a collective whole, to create  and co-create through elements of contrast and colors of love.  If you can will the unlikelihood of consistent repeating number sequences to dominate your awareness and reality to the point of ‘normal’, what else do you think you could will to yourself by focusing on it, and getting excited and inspired by it, and by allowing yourself to feel the sway of your dance with the Universe on the matter?  Repeating number sequences at their basis are merely a reflection and confirmation of this dance.  They are a reflection of your own alignment to that which you are seeking.  What is your favorite repeating number sequence?  For me, it’s 777 and when I’m really onto something this sequence will start to show up very frequently.  Look at the numbers and feel which number you best resonate with.  The Universe will consistently bring you this number sequence in great abundance when you are joyfully on your path, letting go of all resistance and fear.

Even though anything can repeatedly show up in your awareness there is something very special about numbers.  Numbers can be put into mathematical equations and there is an equation to define everything within the Universe.  The Golden Ratio is found everywhere in nature. The Golden Ratio is found within you. Numbers are an alphabet.  The equations they create are words and sentences.  Therefore, numbers and mathematics are the Universal language. Deeper than this, they are a coding system that directs energy into vibration and form based upon an equation of specific frequency.  When you are beginning to notice, or frequently notice repeating number sequences it is so much more than what a number means.  You are noticing the very building blocks that vibrationally construct the reality you are experiencing right now.  To me, that is bigger and more satisfying than 7s being lucky or 5s meaning change.  The greater your intent, the more you will notice.  The more you delight in these synchronicities, the more complex and unlikely they manifest. Eventually, odds won’t mean anything to you.  When you are completely tuned into your vibration, you are plugged into the Universe.  From that platform you realize that the meaning of repeating number sequences changes from one moment to the next.  You are ever-unfolding and ever-changing; therefore, the truth or meaning of any one thing is also ever-unfolding and ever-changing. Repeating number sequences is only one, of the many subtle and personal ways the Universe will engage communication with you as you flow through the curves of your vibrational experience of this reality. 

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Hello all Kin , I live in Christchurch city New Zealand and about a week out from the 25 TH of july/Doot the energies within me and around felt very strange and the first chance i got, i went into meditation to see what was going on, very aware that Doot and 29 Th planetary allighnments were coming up and sensing that was the reason, confirmation was quick and the picture shown to me was Christchurch in a snow globe with the energy of galactic beam breaking through into it's surface and slowly melting downwards towards our Earths crystal core, the energies have continued but appears more gentle than at first and definately stronger and calmer since Doot. I have searched the net for information on anything similar and found nothing, anybody here seen or sensed similar events city wise ? , cosmic dragon

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How to have an amazing day, every day.

9676468096?profile=originalWhen you wake up in the morning what are your first thoughts?  Do you wake up early to allow yourself enough time to casually ease through your morning as you getting ready for the day?  Do you feel relaxed and rejuvenated upon opening your eyes on a new day?  Do you take a moment to feel appreciation and gratitude for all that you have?  Do you enjoy your shower and delight in the way the warm water caresses your skin and the way all of your cleaning products tantalize your senses while cleaning your skin and hair?  Do you excitedly anticipate a delicious hot cup of coffee and allow yourself to relish in the sweet abundance of such a simple daily pleasure?  Do you prepare lunches and get yourself organized for the day the night before, whether you are preparing just for you or your family?  Do you take a moment to notice how beautiful the day is before you get into your car?  Do you feel grateful to your car and the gas in its tank that you have a way to get where you need to go?  Are you excited as you head into work because you love your job, the people you work with and the good money you make?  Is your mind filled with expectations of a wonderful day abundant in subtle surprises and everything working out for you?  From the moment you open your eyes to the moment you arrive at work, have you felt good and anticipated you would have a good day?

The truth is, most people do not have mornings like the one I’ve just described.  They may experience bits and pieces, but as a general whole a typical morning is not experienced anything like the picture I’ve painted.  Most people are rushing through their mornings with no conscious thought to the emotions and thoughts they are having.  They are consumed with what they have to do during the day and how much time they have to do it.  They assume the way their day goes has very little to do with them and the predominant way in which they chaotically start each morning.  Their day being good or bad is contingent upon traffic, their partner or children, their co-workers and how events unfold throughout the day.  They believe the co-worker they can’t stand is the person with the problem.  They don’t realize the troublesome co-worker is just being who he/she is and the problem that exists only exists within the person who is feeling it.  Everything is truly a matter of perception and where we choose to consistently place our focus mentally dictates how we experience each and every moment.  As you drive into work do you have a list of ‘To Dos’ you run through in your mind about your work day?  Do you feel overwhelmed or unhappy thinking about your work day?  Or, do you feel good and satisfied as you drive, excitedly anticipating your work day?

The pattern you wake up to everyday is a huge indicator as to how your days will consistently play out.  If you aren’t consciously creating what kind of days you are going to experience, you will receive everything by default.  You’ll have good days and bad days.  Depending on how you’ve mostly been feeling is how your scale will tip towards more good days or more bad days.  There is much more to having amazing days than just being more aware of how your mornings are flowing and how you are feeling about it.  But, this is the first place to truly begin.  If you sleep until the last minute and are constantly always rushing every morning to not be late, you are inviting so many small frustrations and irritations into your daily life.  Every morning your focus is on the fact that you don’t have a lot of time and you are operating from a fear-based state.  You think about how there just isn’t enough time in the day and if the short hour you have in the morning while getting ready could actually be as long as that last grueling hour of the work day life would be great!  Even our perception and focus on time is what makes it zip by in a flash or feel like long and drawn out agony. You may find yourself getting frustrated in traffic and thinking surely you wouldn’t be late if everyone truly knew how to drive.  And, you’re not entirely excited about work because there is that one guy who is such a jerk to deal with, and that other one who is lazy, and oh, that one you just can’t stand.  This affects your work day and this affects your entire life.  The way you wake up and start your day is essentially the platform you are mostly creating from.

Take a moment to consider how your mornings play out most of the time.  How many times have you thought to yourself that you needed to do something different?  What are you doing that seems to work well?  I know for a fact that you can get to a point where a ‘normal’ day is your ‘bad’ day, because what used to be your normal days have transitioned into ‘good’ days, because most of your days are amazing days.  You truly can get to a place where you having amazing days most of the time, good days sometimes and ok days just occasionally.  Try to incorporate what you receive from reading this into your life for twenty to thirty days.  You will notice bigger changes within seven days, and subtle changes immediately.  Anything you incorporate into your daily routine for thirty days becomes your habit.  It’s more challenging to slow down and start noticing all of the abundance and peace around you at first if you are used to rushing through your daily life.  After thirty days, there is no challenge in doing this.  It is felt with ease because it has become your new routine.

Keep in mind, no matter how well anyone can get at consciously creating, experiences will still occasionally occur that are not great.  I like to think of things, people or experiences we consider bad as just a little a contrast.  There came a point where every day I was having such amazing days that I didn’t even realize it anymore.  I was used to every day being great with the majority of everything seemingly going my way.  One night I asked the Universe to show me a new perspective so that I could feel an even greater sense of gratitude then I had been feeling.  The next morning I woke up feeling a little grumpy and off.  I was clumsy.  Traffic wasn’t great.  I found myself annoyed and irritated with my co-workers whom I genuinely enjoy.  I smacked my knee on my desk really hard.  I got called out on something really stupid by my manager.  I found myself insecure and frustrated with my lover and our situation.  Nothing bad or serious had happened, but I just felt in a funk.  Little joys and bouts of laughter did also spring up for me, but I wasn’t as touched and focused on these joys as I’d normally be. I wasn’t even sure how I arrived at such an icky state of being.  As the day worn on the request I put out to the Universe the night before resurfaced into my awareness.  I realized I was having just a normal and ok day.  I was having a day that used to be a good day in my long ago past.  I was given a new perspective just as I had asked for.  And, I felt immense gratitude for the fact that my life was filled with amazing and good days most of the time.  I could not believe that what I considered an ‘ok’ day in this moment used to be what I considered a ‘good’ day in my past.  Sometimes contrast pops up just to show us how far we’ve come.

Ask, trust, believe and you will most certainly receive.  For most of my adult life there was a stressed out and rushed version of me that experienced life.  I didn’t even realize how tense and uptight and worried I was most of the time.  Sometimes we get so used to things just being hard, traffic being slow, people being jerks, co-workers being inept or hard to deal with, not having enough money or enough love, or things consistently not working out in our favor that we don’t even know we are unhappy and lacking so much joy.  We exist in a stressed out, anxiety filled state of being and don’t even realize it. We drink coffee in the morning to wake up and we can’t drink the beer or wine fast enough in the evening to bring us way down.  We don’t even realize we are no longer living or thriving.  Having a life filled with these expectations and focuses is at best an experience of endurance and survival.  We believe this is how life is supposed to be because it is what we were born into.  We’ve watched our parents and those around us have mostly ok days with some good ones here and there, and a couple of amazing days once in a great while.  We think life happens by default and some people were born to be stars or are naturally lucky, while others are not.

The basis of having mostly amazing days is having a true desire to make that your reality.  Let that desire be your motivation when you want to slip back into your current patterns.  Remind yourself that the way you’ve been thinking and feeling hasn’t served you well and you know you deserve a happy life.  Believe you can achieve this just by adjusting your morning routine and what you allow yourself to focus on mentally.  What you are thinking about is what prompts your emotion. Your emotions are frequencies that instruct your vibration.  Your vibration is your point of attraction.  You are always two steps behind your point of attraction.  These steps could be a matter of minutes, or days.  The speed in which things begin to change for you has a lot to do with what your point of attraction has been and how well you can begin consciously controlling your emotions and feeling good.  The point of all of this is to pull you into consistent alignment , on an emotional level, to that which you are seeking.  The focus of this paper is on having an amazing day most of the time.  The routine you wake up to is your platform for the day.  What you are feeling as you go about your day in any moment is your point of attraction.  Your point of attraction affects how others and experiences interact in your reality in this moment and how things will manifest in the near future.

I used to be one of those people that would sleep until the last minute and was often five to ten minutes late every day.  I was frustrated in traffic and had a very stressful life on all levels.  Do to the massive chaotic nature of my life, it took me quite some time to really get this down and get things moving in the direction I wanted.  Because I know what my life used to be I can confidently share this information with you now so that you can have a happier life too.  It is really choice.  I used to think of life as horribly unfair and hard.  I was often depressed and spoke of and thought of myself as a victim.  Not getting my way or the bad behavior of another person seemed to have the power to steal all of my joy and ruin my day.  I didn’t necessarily enjoy the pitfall of others, but I was willing to listen in on the gossip and was always happy to share my opinion.  Yet, I’d oddly find myself with hurt feelings when I’d learn that others were gossiping about me.  Through my excuses and justifications because I had my reasons, I never was able to see my true self and how I was the cause for everything that was playing out in my life.  I came to a point where I just wanted to have good days where I was laughing and feeling delighted more than anything else.  From that sole desire, other things sprang forth that I never imagined.  That’s the beauty of this, the Universe already knows everything you want that would make you delight. 

Before you go to bed each night, allow yourself at least five minutes to devote your thoughts completely and solely for what you feel grateful for and good about.  Make it your intention that for five moments all the things you’re worried about be swept aside.  You not focusing on these things for five minutes isn’t going to mean the world ends, so just allow yourself to have five minutes of focus on what you love.  Feel love for your bed, pillows and blanket.  Feel the comfort on your body as you lay contently in your bed.  Feel gratitude for the meal you ate last and all the little moments of your day that were joyful and fun.  The feeling of gratitude and the feeling of love tune your vibration.  When you are in a state of gratitude and love it feels good.  The feeling good of these emotions are the best tuners of your vibration.  This is why writing or saying affirmations is also beneficial.  But, the affirmation is only as beneficial as the emotion it is expressed through.  When you are first starting this, really reach for the best feelings and thoughts you are capable of.  As you focus each day, the reaching will become less and the knowing will become more.  That is your goal.  As challenge begins to feel like ease you will know that you’ve begun to shift yourself vibrationally.

After you’ve allowed yourself to relish in the things you love and that feel good, make it your intention that you are going to have an amazing day tomorrow.  Imagine it.  Remind yourself that you love your job (even if you don’t) and how much you adore your co-workers (even if you don’t).  This intention alone, especially amplified each day, will shift your perception to what you are intending your reality to be.  Your intention is vibrationally constructed and manifested based upon how you felt about it – not what you said or thought about, but how you truly felt about it.  That is why really being in touch with how you feel is important.  It’s the only real way to know what your point of attraction is.  After you’ve completed your intention and your gratitude for the day, try to allow yourself to drift off to sleep in the least worrisome frame of mind possible.  The vibrational state of beingness you fall asleep in is most the likely the vibrational state of beingness you are going to wake up to.  Just like it is a good idea to pack your lunch and get everything in order for yourself the night before on a physical level, it is more important to have yourself vibrationally prepared with good intentions to help create a smooth and amazing day as it unfolds.

Start waking up earlier than you do now.  Give yourself anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes of extra time to gracefully wake up and unfold yourself into your new day.  Allow your body to be fully aware of the softness and comfort of your bed and praise it profusely because you feel as if you’ve woken up in a bed of the softest feathers you’ve ever felt.  Hear the birds chirping outside of your window and notice the sun shining, lighting and warming the world another day.  Look at the blue sky and breathe in the morning.  Start thinking of all the things you feel grateful for.  Let nothing that you love go unnoticed or unpraised by you.  This must extend further than your loved ones and pets.  Look at a single petal of a flower.  Really study it and notice the amazing detail in construction and color that goes into the making of just one petal, on one flower.  If endless beauty and perfection can be captured in one single petal, on one single flower, how amazing is the Universe in its entirety?  Allow yourself to be enveloped by the magic in the genius and perfection of the creation that is all around you.  Look at the buildings, art, gadgets and every other man made item and realize at your core that everything you see was just once an idea inside of someone just like you.  The more you can slow yourself down and really begin to feel appreciation for the world you live in the more beautiful it seems to become.

Think about all the people you know.  Some friends seem to be able to have fun anywhere they go and you love to be around them.  Other friends don’t emit the same energy and you find yourself wanting to be around them less.  Who you are with the most is who you are most like.  Look around you and really observe your friends, family and children.  What you see and feel about those closest to you are indicators to what you are thinking and feeling the most about in general.  I would bet my life on it.  As you change, and you surely will, you will notice a shifting in your friends and who you find yourself with the most.  The better and happier you feel, the more you are going to attract those people and experiences to yourself.  Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, but not everyone at Disneyland is having fun.  I personally believe Las Vegas is the happiest and funest place on earth, but I’ve been there and not been having fun.  If you or someone you know is standing in Las Vegas or Disneyland and is not having a good time, what does that really tell you?  Is there anything wrong with Las Vegas or Disneyland?  I mean, the other millions of people there, with you in that moment, seem to be having a great time.  Whenever you are not having a good time, it is because of you and your point of attraction. Do you ever want to find yourself at Disneyland or in Las Vegas and not be having the time of your life?

As you relish each morning in the time you’ve allotted yourself, really let it encompass you externally and also let it to ooze from the inside out.  Think about all of the things that make you happy and all of the things you love.  Allow yourself to feel gratitude for everything in your life that makes it easier.  Feel love and appreciation for your cell phone, you car, you coffee maker, your shower, all of your bodily products that make you smell and feel so good, your clothes, your breakfast and lunch, fresh clean water to drink, a job that pays you good money, an abundance of food in your refrigerator, the flowers you see every day as your dive out of your neighborhood, the unexpected coffee given to by a friend, the list goes on and on.  I could write volumes of books on all of the things in this world to be grateful for.  We live in an abundant and prosperous world.  If that is what you believe every day, that is what you will see and experience every day.  If you believe that you live in a fair and just world, and the natural laws of the Universe balance all things, then you will see this belief reflected back to you in every moment.  If you wake up every day excited and eager and grateful, what do you think the Universe is going to reflect back to you?  The bottom line is you have to believe it.  You know you believe it when you feel it so strongly that believing becomes knowing.

Set your intention of an amazing day the night before by preparing physically and vibrationally.  Allow yourself to fall asleep in a state of ease and comfort, so that you wake up in a state of ease and comfort. Start waking up earlier to give yourself time to relish in gratitude and love, but also give yourself more time in the morning so that you do not feel rushed or stressed because you are worrying about not having enough time.  Making it a conscious effort to be more organized and prepared, along with making love and gratitude your focus upon waking and sleeping will really start changing the flow of your day.  As you begin to notice this, allow the physical manifestations of your good feelings to become your motivation in bringing love and gratitude into all things you do.  The more you can come from a perception and state of beingness that is grateful, relaxed and happy the more you perpetuate your vibration of wellbeing.  Your predominant state of being creates the largest brush strokes on your canvas.  Choosing to focus your thoughts and emotions in the best state of love you are capable before sleeping and upon waking will not only make you feel better in general, you will find yourself delighted in ways you’ve never imagined as you watch your physical reality unfold in correspondence to the song of your heart.

If you look around yourself right now and you do not feel that anything is the way you want it to be, you cannot let that deflate you from giving this a try.  Not being in a consistent state of good feelings is what has constructed the reality you do not desire.  Feeling even worse about that fact isn’t going to make it better for you.  Choosing to feel worse about anything is not going to make you feel better. You may find relief in your venting and complaining of how you feel, but it is temporary and you will have not solved what it is that you trying to accomplish. It may feel easier or more appropriate to blame others for how we feel, but there is only disempowerment in believing we have no control over how we feel.  How we feel is how we create.  If you are constantly blaming others for how you feel about them or a situation, you are handing over your creator ability to them.  What you put your focus on is what you are telling the Universe you want more of.  Our focus creates thoughts and you know thoughts create our emotions.  And our beautiful emotions color our vibration and create our point of attraction.  Do you want a point of attraction of disempowerment, blame, stress and chaos? Or, do you want to stand in a place of gratitude, love and complete empowerment?  Where you stand is because you’ve told the Universe through your focus and feelings that is what you want.

The Universe doesn’t hear words and doesn’t understand the difference between what we want and what we don’t want.  It is our job as creators to decide for ourselves what we want and what we don’t want.  We express what we want to the Universe by where we are putting our focus.  We express what we want to the Universe solely and entirely on how we are feeling.  When we visualize something, this is only an exercise to help tune our vibration to that which we are seeking.  In visualizing what we want it feels good and our focus in that moment is on feeling good.  If you keep focusing on the things that you think are lacking from your life, you will continue to encounter situations that perpetuate that feeling.  If your focus is on gratitude for what you have right now and feeling as good as you can possibly feel, you will start encountering the situations and people to perpetuate your good feelings and help you get closer to where you want to be.  Putting intention and deliberate focus on love and gratitude in the evening before falling asleep and upon waking in the morning is a good place to start as you are establishing your new point of attraction.  A goal of having amazing days is the only goal worth having if you want to achieve your dreams.  Feeling good is truly the building block to all things you think you want to experience or have.  You have to feel good first.

If you don’t feel in this moment you have a whole lot to focus on and be grateful for, here is are some general things for you to think about and feel good about.  If you have direct access to running water that is temperature controlled and safe for drinking you are doing pretty good.  If you have electricity to power all of your appliances and a furnace to warm your home in the winter you are doing pretty good.  If you eat at least two meals a day and feel full and satisfied you are doing pretty good.  If you have a job and you earn enough money to sustain your basic needs you are doing pretty good.  If you have a transportation to get to your job or other places you’d like to go you are doing pretty good.  If you have friends and family you love you are doing pretty good.  If you have a computer and the internet and a fancy cell phone you are doing pretty good.  If you have health insurance you are doing pretty good.  If you can afford to eat out even once a month you are doing pretty good.  If you have a roof over your head and clean clothes to wear you are doing pretty good.  More people in this world do not have the luxuries developed counties do, yet, they are somehow happier.  More stuff doesn’t equal happiness.  Happiness is state of being that comes from appreciating what you have and noticing and praising all of the beauty and abundance that is constantly around you.

In closing, I want to add one more thing.  It’s probably the most important thing when you want to create amazing days for yourself.   The most important thing you can do for yourself is to love and adore yourself as you would all of the other things that make you feel good.  You are just as important as anyone else.  You are unlimited potential as much as anyone else.  You are a master creator as much as anyone else.  As you start focusing before bed and upon waking, you will see a change start unfolding in your life.  Try not to get caught up in all the big things you want right away.  Start with a goal of wanting to experience more amazing days than you have been.  This goal will continually keep your focus on yourself and how you are feeling.  This is the basis of becoming consciously aware of your ability to construct your reality.  The better you feel the more you allow yourself to receive good feeling things.  You will find yourself surprised and delighted in all of the unlikely ways the Universe seems to unfold just for you.  The more synchronicities you start experiencing and noticing, the more you can feel assured you that you are connected to the Universe and all things.  This connection is the lifeforce energy that brings forth all of your dreams and desires into physical form….including having amazing days, everyday.

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[ESP] Por azares del destino llego a mis manos un libro de Cosmovisión Maya hecho por gente maya y publicado por el PNUD. Lo que más me llamó la atención de este libro es como habla de esta cosmovisión como sistema de vida y que las condiciones básicas para la plenitud son básicamente;

  1. Respetar y  reconocer la dimensión sagrada en los todos demás seres
  2. Agradecer todo lo que recibimos: primero la vida, y todo lo demás
  3. Reciprocar y devolver a la Madre Naturaleza parte de lo que recibimos: ofrendar

Habla también del calendario y su relación con las cosechas, la dimensión sagrada del maíz  y como el propio calendario fue concebido con la geometría sagrada del cuerpo humano y su relación con el cosmos. No hay sabiduría más grande que esta. Habla de que el fin del ciclo de Kab'lajuj B'ak'tun y el inicio de Oxlajuj B'aktun son solo eso, pero hay una gran oportunidad para los otros pueblos de aprender verdaderamente de esta cosmovisión para estar en armonía con la Madre Tierra y con el resto del Universo... Sí, con el resto del Universo.  

Hablare mas del libro en otros posts, pero por ahora quiero decir que tal parece que, por un lado, entre más información tenemos y más avanza la ciencia, más confundidos, más destructivos y más desconectados estamos los humanos de nosotros mismos y el entorno, la demás gente, los animales, las plantas, los ciclos de la naturaleza, el día, la noche, los ciclos lunares, solares, la vida y la muerte, las siembras, las cosechas, la siega. Y al final de cuentas de eso está hecha la vida, de ciclos. Y si no estoy sincronizado, me pierdo de todo y de todos.

Por otro lado sé que esta transición no es fácil pero ya hay mucha más gente que está aprovechando tanta sabiduría que antes no estaba disponible, justo como este libro que pondré en sus manos. Esperemos que tanta sabiduría se pueda compartir y no se quede solo en algunos individuos, sino que sea el catalizador para que se formen comunidades como esta pero a nivel local que puedan actuar en consecuencia:

  • Grupos de Meditación
  • Grupos Ecologistas / Emprendedores Verdes
  • Centros Naturistas / Spa's / Terapias Psicocorporales
  • Talleres de todos los temas anteriores, etc

Encontré la versión PDF del libro que les comento. Lo único que le falta al PDF es la tabla para hacer conversiones del calendario gregoriano al maya y por supuesto las equivalencias del Tzolkin (Cholq'i) y el calendario 2013, 14 y 15. Si alguien está interesado con gusto se los envío.


[ENG] Coming soon...

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Dear Kin,

I'm curious about whether or not kin have experienced consciousness shifts as a result of moving to, living in, or visiting the geomantic zone associated with their particular galactic signature. I.e., is there a shift in personal energy, perceptions, or the spiritual experience of one's own life, and if so, what type of shift is it? For instance, to be in the geomantic zone for my signature, I would have to go from N America to S America. Would the simple act of being in the Yellow Human zone impact me in a profound way? What effect would the local geomantic characteristics of the Yellow Human zone have on the way I experience my galactic nature? Would being in the Yellow Human zone somehow enhance or amplify my expression of my galactic signature?

Putting relocation aside, I'm also curious as to whether simply traveling to or visiting one's geomantic zone would initiate any profound or specific shifts in consciousness. Of course, we can all pretty much expect any significant travel or relocation to precipitate a certain level of shift, due to the simple act of broadening our experiences and interacting with new and different paradigms, but I am specifically interested in the geomantic effect.  I'd be interested to hear about your experiences.

Blessings of the New Time!

Alice Yellow Self-Existing Human

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"The all is mind, the universe is mental"

We've heard  this axiom again and again. But how can we manifest our thoughts, desires?. Here's a brief but powerful explanation of the blueprint of nature. At least for me, it made a world of a difference, maybe because I'm mainly visual and once I can imagine how this is done, then I start believing it can be done.

Another important piece of knowledge that struck my mind. "Stick to it, never let go". For me it has been the hardest part since I couldn't find a sense or reason for many aspects of this world of manifestations. Now, I'm pretty much reconciled with creation as it is, and have learned not to judge, so I'll start focusing on getting the results in my life. 

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Bienvenidos  a esta edición especial del Noos-boletín de la Fundación parala Ley del Tiempo. Os invitamos a uniros a nosotros  al amanecer en Kin164, Semilla Galáctica Amarilla (26 de Julio), ¡en una ceremonia  sincronizada en todo  el mundo por la resurrección planetaria para celebrar  la Sincronización Galáctica y el Lanzamiento de la Nave del TiempoTierra!

¡Os  invitamos a incorporar las siguientes Siete Invocaciones de la Consciencia Planetaria, y la Oración a las Siete  Direcciones Galácticas en vuestras ceremonias, oraciones y meditaciones por la Resurrección Planetaria! Puedes además incluir un altar a los cuatro elementos, música, tambores y cantos.

Una nota con respecto a la sincronización:  El Planeta Tierra es una unidad de sincronicidad, así que en lugar de utilizar un reloj de tiempo (mecánico) “preciso”  para  sincronizar nuestras ceremonias,vamos a crear una ola de consciencia sincronizada a  medida que la Tierra gira en el tiempo sincronizando nuestras ceremonias a los AMANECERES  del Kin 164,  Semilla Galáctica Amarilla (26  de Julio).


Noosboletin de la Luna Magnetica- EDICION ESPECIAL

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KIN 157, Red Magnetic Earth

"In the cube and Ka'bah are the keys to the temple of universal religion/remembrance (UR). The stone symbolizes remembrance of our cosmic origins and hold the memory of our capacity for self-perfection."    CHC, Vol. 6.



As we approach the Portal Date/Gate of Galactic Seed-Galactic Synchronization, wrapping up the 26 years of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, seems like we are reaching increasing levels of synchronization and harmonic pattern coherence (and convergence), probably as a result of the dissolution of old disharmonious structures and the emergence of harmony out of (apparent) chaos. As a complete recapitulated cosmology, the Law of Time operates like a multidemensional lens tool, a "radial mining head-lamp" that enables us to find "golden synchronic treasures" hidden in the fabric of Time-Space and dig the time tunnels between Earth and Uranus to reconnect our Cosmic Memory. These treasures can be then traced, recollected and re-organized in increasingly harmonic levels of coherence to connect larger aspects of multidimensional reality. Once the Synchronic Order filter is applied to every-day reality, rainbow layers of significance emerge with such clarity and elegance that our perception of reality gets irreversibly transformed. This is probably one of those times...

Today, as I write this post, is kin 157 Red Magnetic Earth. We are entering the Wavespell of Synchronicity with Lovers Reunion Celebration opening the Time Tunnels between Earth and Uranus one last time for the past 16 Years... Pacal Votan has emerged victorious from his last 16-day Mission of the last 208 moons... 16 Year Warrior's Cube of the Law ready to be completed. 208 Moons. 208 Journeys to the Center of the Cube to reclaim and proclaim the Victory of Prophecy. Earth Navigation Tower loaded.

On the 7:7::7:7 practice we also completed today the UR Earth 6, corresponding to Realm Crystal Earth of Lord Ah Vuc Ti Kab (7 Earth). We are also cubing the last Codon: Codon 48, "Reaching the Source" (the core of the cube.) A cube has 6 sides and 8 corners. Codon 48 = 6x8. :-)

So this Earth Wavespell is coming fully charged with the (New) Earth energies of Synchronicity, Evolution and Navigation in preparation for the launch of TimeShip Earth 2013. During these 13 days we will be bridging many cycles upon cycles of time into focus. Humanity is finally at the threshold of not only a new Sirian Cycle, but ready to enter into a very new "time territory": The New Galactic Beam loaded with new evolutionary programs. 7Night, July 25th, Day Out of Time shines at the core of this auspicious 13-day portal signaling the exact midpoint between the last 26.000 years and the beginning of the next 26.000 years of the Galactic Life Cycle. Time for us to bring Heaven on Earth!!!



From the Sacred Geometrical perspective, the Earth Element has always been represented with the Cube. Red Earth glyph translates to "Kaban" in Maya, while Ka’bah is derived from the Arabic word kab, and means cube. The Ka’bah is situated in Mekka (also transliterated as Makkah) and Maka (mah-kah) is Lakota for Earth Mother. So the cube/earth theme resonance element operates through a very interesting multi-dimensional and multi-cultural spectrum of words and symbols.

9676464100?profile=originalOn a recent post on 13:20 blog entitled "The Pope, the Cube and 7 Mystic Moons" Stephanie South already explained the significance of the Ka'bah within Cosmic History and our star origins:

"According to Cosmic History, the Cube signifies an interdimensional gate of time. It is the primordial thoughtform of creation. When you pass through you see another reality.

In the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time the vision of the cube was the vision of a 16-year time capsule (1998-2013)–it is all part of a time release program unfolded from the central control panel at the center of the Earth.

Black Cube and Ka’bah

[...] Ka’bah is derived from the Arabic word kab, which means cube. The Ka’bah is literally the “house of the cube” and the main shrine for all of Islam.

Within the ka’bah is the black stone that Muslims orient themselves to five times a day. Some believe the stone was a meteorite fallen to Earth.

The cube has 6 sides, 8 corners and 12 edges. According to Shi’ite cosmology, the 12 edges represent the 12 Imams; the 8 corners are the eight supports of the throne; and the 6 sides are the 6 days of creation.

Quranic cosmology says that on the day of resurrection eight angels will support the throne; an angel at each of the eight corners. On the day of resurrection the 12th Imam will reveal him/herself–and the CUBE will be manifest spiritually. For now the 12th Imam remains hidden or “occulted” until the Day of Resurrection.

Red Adam of Maldek

In the Kabalistic tradition, the original Adam was Adam Kadmon, the “red Adam”. In the interplanetary cosmology, this red Adam originated on Maldek, place of the original Garden of Eden. The sacred stone was a remnant from Maldek that fell to Earth after the planet was destroyed. In this regard, the stone signifies a memorial fragment of the catastrophe of Maldek, the karma of which everyone on Earth is now living out."




If we give our attention to the silver structure that holds the black stone at the Ka'bah in Mecca, we can easily recognize the shape of a Yoni/Birth Canal. And this is exactly what this Galactic Synchronization is all about: The Birth of a New Evolutionary Species on Earth. The "Redeemed Adam" is emerging from the Cosmic Yoni as the Homo Noosphericus: The next evolved model of human, the superhuman, characterized by cosmic consciousness and radialized sense perceptions.


But the Ka'bah is not only the portal and grounding anchor of our cosmic memory. It happens to be also the perfect Golden Mean point on the surface of Earth:

9676467274?profile=original9676468456?profile=originalFor a complete and detailed description of these Phi ratios please watch the video below.


According to Wikipedia, Mekka coordinates are 21°N 39°E.

21=7x3 (7+7+7)     39=13x3 (13+13+13)

13 and 7 are the key master numbers of the 13:20 program and the 13:7 Wheel of the Law of Time. Once again
KIN 137 is 7Earth, known as the "Ah Vuc Ti Kab" - "Our Lord at the center (7) of the Earth" - code of the
consciousness dwelling in the Earth's core.

As we can appreciate, this combination of synchronic and sacred geometrical ratios "interlocks" with the cosmological, geomantic and spiritual energy streams that are focalized into this unique geographical point on Earth, confering the Ka'bah a very important role within the process of Planetary Resurrection.



Within Cosmic History, the AA (Arcturus/Antares) Midway Station (also referred to as a Mothership) is located interdimensionally above the planetary midpoint between Jupiter and Maldek (Asteroid Belt) and refers to the location of the particular unit of the Galactic Federation assigned to monitoring the star system Velatropa 24.3, scene of the final dramas of the Free Will experiment:

9676469453?profile=original"According to this [Islamic] tradition the Al-Bait Ul-Ma'mur is the "House of Allah" located above the 7th Heaven. This is where Muhammed went on his night flight accross the universe into the light universe beyond the seventh heaven - the universe that is projected to this universe. The Al-Bait Ul-Ma'mur is an interdimensional alignment directly "above" the Ka'bah." CHC Vol. 6.



Why is it important to make this conscious now? Let's refresh our cosmic memory: the whole 13Moon-28Day Synchronometer is a Sirian program calibrated to the heliacal rising of the star Sirius at the Northern Hemisphere. Its July 26 start date is also based on 52-year cycle synchronized to the 52-year orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A. July 26 marks the first appearance of Sirius in the sky at the powerful tetrahedrical 19.5° N Latitude after being "hidden" behind the Sun for around 70 days.

"For many ancient peoples, including the Dogon and Egyptians of Africa and the Maya of Central America, the great star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, was the galactic marker. The heliacal rising of Sirius – July 26 – commenced the Egyptian year, and established the 1460-year Sothic cycle - the return of Sirius to the same place in the sky. During this same time, the .25 extra day per year accumulates for a total of exactly 365 days, or an additional year. Hence, the full Sothic cycle is 1461 years. Note that the Sothic measure is fractal as well. In other words, every four 365-day years there are exactly 1460 days, but in that time there is one accumulated day, hence 1461 days!  This is why Sirius presents the logical galactic time marker." (

Magnetic Moon 3 & 4 (July 28-29th, 2013) window marks the Heliacal Rising of Sirius at Mekka Latitude (21° N) synchronizing in a very elegant and powerful way with the Grand Sextile Alignment occurring within the Solar System on Magnetic 4, July 29th. (Our dear Earth Wizard  Randy Bruner / Cosmic Hand presented last week a detailed and fascinating article "This Is The Big One We've All Been Waiting For : The Grand Sextile"). As Above, so Below. This parallel of celestial events can be interpreted then as an expression of greater mathematical, sacred geometrical ratio coherence patterns between planetary, stellar, interstellar and galactic levels / time-cycles. A "Cosmic Harmonic Convergence" is taking place now either the world is noticing it or not.

9676471074?profile=originalThis can be interpreted as a perfect Sacred-Geometrical Stargate Opening: The Merkaba in Heaven interlocks the Cube on Earth, "docking" the New Galactic Beam and unlocking all dormant Life potential DNA programs on the Planet. Time to bring Heaven on Earth!!! Literally...



As part of the amazing cosmic events ushering this moment, there has been "precursors" or indicators of the karmic swirling energy moving around this ancient land that is considered the "Cradle" or "Origin of Civilization". The 7 Mystic Moons of 2013 marked a period of intense Karma clearing at the "Dragon Zone" of the Planetary Holon. Right where the Ka'bah is located, at he Golden Mean "assemblage" point location of Planet Earth:


As we have been witnessing all year long, countries like Syria, Israel, Palestine and Egypt have been since the beginning of 2013 under extremely intense upheaval. It was just a couple of weeks ago on July 3rd, 2013, kin 141 Red Spectral Dragon, (a double Dragon Day: Daily kin + Warrior's Cube Day) when approximate 20 million people from Egypt turned to the streets and ousted Muhamed Morsi from power, in what has been considered the largest public demonstration in history. (Note: Morsi is kin 167, 11Hand, the date of Grand Sextile alignment) Not only that, but this event happened during another powerful cosmic portal window, when Earth aligned with the Sun and Sirius. While Egyptians celebrated the Victory and Freedom of The People, in the US millions celebrated Independence Day and the birth of the United States of America, Land of the Free... Fractal History in the making.




While I finish this post it is already the first watch of KIN 160 4Sun (4Ahaw: Long Count Date for December 21st 2012) and it's Noosphere Day! Today we celebrate the emergence of the New Earth: The Noosphere!  The Wavespell of Synchronicity is one more time a perfect window to celebrate this "Planetary Rite of Passage" as a whole organism to navigate the new energetic waves of Evolution carried by The New Galactic Beam!

9676473898?profile=originalToday is also Mary Magdalene's Feast Day, and many groups around the world celebrate the Re-membrance of the Divine Femenine Principle represented in the figure of Mary Magdalene, the incarnation of the Sacred Woman at Jesus's side. The "redeemed Eve"!

“You are not separate from me, though you may think that you are. Your mind and mine, the mind of the Earth, are one and the same mind. This one mind is called the Noosphere – wrapped like an invisible mantle over the whole of my body, it penetrates every living thing, endowing each with a ray from the spectrum of living consciousness that spreads from the center of the galaxy to our sun, to me and to all of you who dwell on my surface. For those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that know from within, the time has come for you to hear my manifesto for the Noosphere. Listen, and recite with me: I am one with the Earth. The Earth and my self are one mind.”

Jose Arguelles - Valum Votan Manifesto for the Noosphere


"Synchronizing ourselves in ever-greater circles of harmony, we will become a new species -- Homo noosphericus. Creative peace will be inherent in our new self-perception and developing awareness of the universe in which we find ourselves. The problems we face today will dissolve in the light of a consciousness operating according to a unified planetary program. Spiritually interconnected and acting with a truly planetary and galactic perspective, we will dance to the greater rhythms of the cosmic Supermind. Art will become our way of life."                        
                                                                         Jose Arguelles - Valum Votan

We are living truly amazing times! Let's focus all our highest intentions in celebration, prayer and meditation during the coming days in perfect alignment and flow with these powerful and transformative Cosmic energies.!

Let's proclaim together the advent of the Noosphere with Peace through Culture activities all around the world on the Day Out of Time & Galactic Synchronization as we complete the 26 Year Cycle of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, a fractal of the 26,000 year Renewal of the Galactic Life Cycle!

It's time to welcome together the New Galactic Beam and the Great Shift into the Psychozoic Era of the Dawning Sixth Sun of Solar Consciousness, as we birth a new Planetary Culture of Time As Art and Universal Peace! All aboard for the launching of TimeShip Earth 2013!

We are giving birth to the most magical collective dream of all: We are Bringing Heaven on Earth!

13:20 Love Revolution

(A few last words taken from 13:20 Blog by Stephanie South)

This is a call to ACTIVATE the NEW CYCLE by creating a Global 13:20 Love Revolution based on Art, Synchronicity and Imagination!

The Day out of Time is the last day of the 13 Moon/28-day calendar, a day which is no day of the week or month at all, but a day to celebrate our galactic heritage and creative unification! It is up to us to co-create the world that we would like to see.

Synchronized events are the KEY to lighting up the Noosphere, the mind of the Earth! Let’s create LIVING TZOLKINs all over the planet, igniting the Rainbow Bridge!

“But we come from Heaven through Water by dreams.”
–Australian Aborigine

Let’s dive deep into the ocean of Time and synchronize our festivals with Global Water Blessing ceremonies on behalf of World Water Appreciation Day (25 July) put forth by Water Messenger Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Honor the Mother (Earth)
Honor the Water that came from the Mother
And everything will go well

One Time; One Earth; One People; One Ocean; One Blood

People who can gather 10 people, gather 10 people.
People who can gather 100 people, gather 100 people.
People who can gather 1,000 people, gather 1,000 people.

Galactic Synchronization (26 July) is the climax of the 26-year Harmonic Convergence. This is a call to create worldwide ceremonies for Planetary Resurrection! and the Launching of Timeship Earth 2013! Unified intention is everything.

Create a prayer or ceremony in your community in reverence and gratitude to the Earth, Creator, all ancestors, prophets, sages, messengers and seers who have walked before us. Let’s Open the Rainbow Portal and become the Realization of the Highest Dream of all ancient and future civilizations – Let’s become a Living Galactic Prayer made manifest!

“Resurrection indicates the elevation of consciousness from lower to higher states –especially from cosmic identification to superconsciousness, Christ consciousness.” –Yogananda.

[Blue Resonant Night]Day out of Time: Kin 163, Blue Resonant Night

I channel in order to dream
Inspiring intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of vision

[Yellow Galactic Seed]Galactic Synchronization: Kin 164, Yellow Galactic Seed

I harmonize in order to target
Modeling awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of elegance

Let us harness the magick of this energy as a unified collective force and channel it into a globally synchronized celebration of Time is Art and ceremonies of Planetary Resurrection!

Send your Day out of Time and Galactic Synchronization event flyers and info to You can also register your event with to synchronize with the Harmonic Convergence of 2013/Day out of Time at Stonehenge and Mt. Shasta. (Harmonic Convergence 2013 on Facebook.)

[Dr. Masaru Emoto with Stephanie South/Red Queen]
Stephanie South presents Dr. Masuro Emoto with Banner of Peace on behalf of his tireless mission as Water Messenger (and on behalf of the continuance of the work of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan as Time Messenger). Galactic Moon 5 – White Overtone Mirror (2 March) Hilo, Hawaii.

[Dr. Jose Arguelles receives Banner of Peace
José Argüelles receives the highest award of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace, Non-governmental Organization of the United Nations: The Nicholas Roerich Medal (2010)

[Biospheric Rights]

*   *   *   *   *


"This Is The Big One We've All Been Waiting For : The Grand Sextile"

To expand more on some of the subjects presented above
please read CHC6 "Book of Transcendence"
or watch video series below:

About the Noosphere:

If you like what read and would like to see it continue, click here to donate:






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Presenting this information for the community to ponder its relevance. 

Its talks about the direct relation between the ascension of Valum Votan and the incarnation of Pacal Votan and how they are intrinsically linked to day 241 of the 19:19 Matrix.

You can find all the relevant information in the blog posts. 

Wishing you all beautiful manifestations of peace and love xx

In Lak'ech   x

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a hello from the heart

visited Wallsingham and since then have thought my heart is in the present it is always in the moment the now behind this is the heart of my ancestors to my right sits the heart of my friends to the left the heart of my mothers facing forward is all I meet.   five directions of the heart a star

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 “Everything is Perfect. Love Everyone. Hate No One.”
---Jose Arguelles’ words as he left this dimension

By Elizabeth Whitney, Blue Solar Eagle

        When I learned that Jose Arguelles had died an image came into my mind of a move on a chess board—the L-shaped move the knight makes in two directions at the same time, leaping over pieces and seeming to land out of nowhere. To me, Jose had leaped into another dimension, a shock but no surprise. “He will now be assisting us from the other side of the veil,” were the words that accompanied the news from Australia from his partner, Stephanie South. The specifics of his death were simple. On March 23 (Red Spectral Moon), “He slipped away in complete peace after a short illness.”

        Among his last public communications were lectures to two conferences in 2010, one in Germany and one in Kazakhstan, that he had planned to attend in person but instead chose to do so via videotape. In each case he described his decision to withdraw from public appearances until after December 21, 2012, and delve more deeply into meditation. He explained to the participants, “I saw that my responsibility was to continue to go within to cultivate higher states of mind, states of mind that will approximate the noosphere, that would activate my capacity for telepathy.” He had recently toured regions of shocking poverty in Kenya and India and I heard in his tone of voice in these announcements a heartbreaking world-weariness with the physical state of our planet with its wars, poverty, pollution and political polarization.

       Jose Arguelles, whose spiritual name was Valum Votan, spent the last 24 years thoroughly enmeshed in the world, traveling, speaking, teaching, writing, networking and activating. He was a man possessed by his mission and unflagging in his dedication to it. He wrote prolifically, leaving behind a catalogue of books describing a new science, the science of the fourth dimension of time, along with artwork and illustrations that will entrance scholars far into the future. He was paving the way to a new reality with cosmic stepping-stones that caught the eyes of seekers in every country who were ripe for a modern times round of metaphysical revelation. The cornerstone of his work was his amplification of the mathematical codes embedded in the Mayan Calendar, information anchored in a consciousness achieved during deep states of meditation. The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, the book he wrote in 1987 to accompany the message of the Harmonic Convergence, boldly stated that the Mayans were “intergalactic navigators” who came to this planet to correct our notion of time. This interpretation was enough to set him apart from all conventional academic and anthropological views on the Maya. From this point forward, his following and his future lay well outside the establishment.

Harmonic Convergence: 1987

       The call for the Harmonic Convergence on August 16 and 17, 1987, blasted him into the public eye and forever labeled him a “New Age” phenomenon. He showed up at a time when sensitive people were staggering under the weight of the rekindled dark age of the regressive Reagan years and Cold War paranoia after the mind expansion explosion of the 1960s and 1970s. The message that seeped through the information channels of its time—copy machines and small spiritual publications in New Age bookstores—was electrifying. The call came to gather at two sunrises when energies coming from the center of the galaxy would be channeled into the planet through the sun and could be received through the human chakra system for an evolutionary energy boost. No one really knew what on earth was going to happen and The Mayan Factor was like freeze-dried food—you could only absorb it in small bites. There was virtually no name recognition for Jose Arguelles, although his first important book, Mandala, co-written with his wife Miriam in 1972, was a seminal book in counter-culture circles.

       The influence Arguelles had in communicating the message of the Harmonic Convergence was not coming from his persona but from the information itself, information that, as one person I met in those years said, “rang true.” The idea resonated—“sounded again”—against an inner truth and was inherently believable. This is the only explanation for the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people all over the planet who took it to heart and found their way to places that were sacred to them, whether it was a world-renown sacred site or an intimate idyll with personal significance, and followed the simple instruction to “be in your integrity” for those two dawn sunrises. In some locations there were large ceremonial dances and meditations and in others spontaneous expressions of interconnectedness with nature and whatever mysterious force might actually be penetrating our plane from the galactic dimension. And that was it.

       Like most of the efforts of Jose Arguelles’ phenomenal life, his affect was not given much regard by the mainstream media or establishment intellectual community. Arguelles himself noted that the Harmonic Convergence was rarely mentioned again and certainly did not make any lists of the great achievements of the 20th Century, even though nothing like it had ever happened in the history of the planet. It was in the Mayan Factor that the countdown to 2012 was revealed, first as a five-year “unwinding of history” (1987-1992) and then segueing to the final 20 years of the 5125-year long count. Arguelles has been given credit for bringing this information out of obscurity.

       Interestingly enough, the Union of Concerned Scientists published a letter in 1992 stating that, left alone, the activities of humans on the planet would make it uninhabitable for our species in 20 years. “If not checked, many of our current practices put at serious risk the future that we wish for human society and the plant and animal kingdoms, and may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner that we know. “[] You could argue that this letter signed by 1700 international scientists—including many Nobel laureates—was the first-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it prediction. After a few years, however, the flurry of interest in the Mayan mystery that came into New Age currents following Harmonic Convergence gradually subsided. As one bookstore owner told me, “People are into Tibetan Buddhism now.”

        For those, like me, who had been woken up by the Harmonic Convergence in an immutable way, the path beyond technology was going to prove long and steep and often lonely. Jose himself experienced the tragedy of losing his son in an auto accident two months after Harmonic Convergence and disappeared into a deep personal retreat with his wife Lloydine. In 1988, a book called Surfers of the Zuvuya appeared in an entirely different writing style, a light-hearted dialogue between Jose and Uncle Joe Zuvuya, his fourth dimensional double. Finally, at the end of 1991, word came of something called the Dreamspell and a new emphasis on living by a 13-based calendar using Mayan mathematics—Jose Arguelles was returning to the public eye. Like so much of this Aquarian’s eccentric modality, the Dreamspell kit was not available commercially and was instead presented as a gift to launch the beginning of a teaching program to re-entrain people to live in natural time. The kits were beautifully designed and timelessly complex. We all entered galactic kindergarten together and the sorting out process of who was going to stick with it began.

The 13 Moon Calendar Change World Peace Plan

       Jose and Lloydine then hit the galactic highway and began an arduous life of travel, teaching, proselytizing, and trying to faithfully get the attention of every influential person who came across their path, from Russia to the Vatican to the halls of academia to the cutting edge of new science probers of reality. It marked stage two of his mission: spreading the revelation that the whole planet, in essence, was living an error in time, divorced from the natural rhythms of all creation and forcing a false time-is-money value system on human beings. Changing back to a harmonic calendar based on a solar round of thirteen 28-day “Moons” was emphasized as the essential first step to any planet-saving transformation.

       The Thirteen Moon Calendar Change World Peace Plan was launched and became the focus of a movement that gradually did circumnavigate the globe. Calendars of all shapes and sizes were produced by inspired artists, teachers and designers, and gatherings took place all over the world, networked eventually by the Internet and facilitated by dedicated young people who once again heard the resonant frequency in the information. We lived by the code “Time is Art” and we saluted each other with the Mayan phrase “In Lake’ch”--“I am another yourself.” We used our kin identities based on translating our birthdays into their Dreamspell calendar “galactic gateways” and gathered at large teach-ins in Brasilia, Mexico City, Chile, Tokyo, Costa Rica, Oregon, and eventually all over Europe, South and Central America, Japan, Australia and Russia.

       Meanwhile, the depth of Arguelles’ revelations went far beyond galactic kindergarten. There were more teaching kits, the Telektonon prophetic revelations, the Twenty Tablets of the Law of Time, the Seven Years Mystery of the Stone and finally the launching of the seven volume Cosmic History Chronicles. Teaming up with various brilliant graphic designers, the galactic downloads that Arguelles was receiving morphed into compelling and wonderfully bewildering artifacts. We were allowed not to understand them but let them work within us to awaken our awareness of the texture of creation cast into spiraling mathematical models. The final stage of his work was focused on bringing these textbooks for the physics of the future into reality, an effort that required a partnership that could match the intellectual intensity of these transmissions. The yogic bond with Stephanie South, the last powerful female partner in Jose Arguelles’ creative life, supported this intense work. They moved to Australia (and briefly New Zealand) to be in harmony with the energy they were fielding, once again dipping out of view and access.

       As the new century unrolled, the 2012 date began to take shape on the cultural horizon and many writers and cultural channelers took a stab at its significance. The movies, books, documentaries and television specials, not to mention the jokes and the derision and the religious fervor, have put those numbers into most people’s consciousness. Many present-day Mayans are speaking their truths and parallel prophecies are all receiving attention. A plunge into the Internet will take you from one extreme to another, a wild ride that leads, essentially, nowhere. In most cases, you will believe what you are conditioned to believe, because in this kind of time, there are no indisputable facts and nothing external resolves the internal turmoil. Meanwhile, the Earth herself is speaking with event after event breaking through our modern world and proving that we are as vulnerable as we have ever been to nature, if not more.

A Vision from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun

       Arguelles started something of a comeback toward public presence a couple of years ago. He spoke at two Prophet’s Conferences in 2010 and he and Stephanie South made appearances to promote her biography of him, a work that documents his evolution to the mystic and shaman that he ultimately became. He was born on January 24, 1939, in Rochester, Minnesota, elder of two identical twins. His father was Mexican and his mother was of German parentage, born in Minnesota. His early years were spent in Mexico and then the family lived in Los Angeles and returned to Rochester when his mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis. When he was 14, his father brought his two boys back to Mexico for a visit, and it was on this trip that Jose had his first life-changing experience, a visionary altered state from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. In the autobiography-biography co-created with Stephanie South (2012: Biography of a Time Traveler) he provides this description of the experience:    

There it was! The magnificent Pyramid of the Sun! So grand, so monumental, the pyramid shimmered in full sunlight like a fantastic dream. Joe suddenly bolted ahead, racing at top speed toward the pyramid, where he eagerly climbed the steps of the immense earthen structure. He wanted to be the first to reach the top. Breathless, he found himself virtually alone on the great platform atop the Pyramid of the Sun. Something inside of him shifted. Everything took on a crystalline clarity, unusually sharp in focus; the fine details of faces and clothes on the people all the way down to the end of the Avenue of the Dead were suddenly clear. A deep knowing stirred within him. He fell silent. Teotihuacan: place where the seekers of the One Creator God listen in silence to the songs of creation. Joe looked around. Sky—brilliant and blue. Mountains everywhere echoed the forms of the pyramids. Teotihuacan: place where the Toltec warriors receive the light of a distant star. He saw the great stretch of the Avenue of the Dead and the Pyramid of the Moon up to the right and, down below, the humans of the present era. Teotihuacan: place where the people receive their godly powers. A few college students in white-sleeved shirts and a sprinkling of tourists talked to each other as if oblivious to where they were. Teotihuacan: place of the teachers of the geometry of time. Where were the great masters who had designed and built this city with such profound perfection and geometry? As Joe gazed around, this question penetrated his being. A shining white light, emanating from within things, bathed everything in a soft glow. And then the earthly world disappeared.

       As a young man he was swept into various artistic, bohemian and counter-culture subcultures. He changed his name from Joe to Jose, experimented with peyote and marijuana, made a pilgrimage to San Francisco in homage to the Beat culture, fell in and out of love, and began carving a career path in academia that had art and art history as the center of it. In 1965 a fellowship gave him the opportunity to study in Paris where he first sampled LSD and delved into a variety of mystic explorations. These years were full of youthful excesses, strange accidents and agonizing relationships. He began his academic career as an assistant art history professor at Princeton and returned to his own art that was now taking a cosmic direction, reflecting influences he was soaking up all around him. He met and married Miriam, the first woman he established a deep collaborative creative relationship with and began family life as an art history professor. Together they wrote and illustrated Mandala [1972] and The Feminine: Spacious as the Sky [1977], published by Shambhala Publications.

       In 1968, the needle on Jose’s compass pointed west, and Arguelles and his wife left Princeton for the freewheeling climate of California and a position at UC Davis teaching art history. These fertile years were characterized by initiations of all types, Arguelles meeting virtually all the luminaries of the psychedelic era: Laura Huxley, Charles Tart, Ralph Metzner, Ram Dass, Gary Snyder and Allen Ginsberg. He caught the attention of some of the most important figures of the transformational times: Buckminster Fuller, Dane Rudhyar, Chippewa medicine chief Sun Bear and the yogi Baba Hari Dass, all of whom wanted him to be their protégé. It was Chogyam Trungpa, the first Tibetan teacher who came to America who eventually was his major mentor, and Jose completed cycles of intense meditation practices with Trungpa at his center in Boulder, Colorado. The roots of his subsequent creations, like Dreamspell, can be seen in these practices and he once referred to the Dreamspell teachings as “advanced Shambhala transmissions.” He also met Tony Shearer, a Native America poet, scholar and storyteller who planted the seed of the work that would finally capture Arguelles’ whole being: The Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells prophecy of Quetzalcoatl. Jose’s account, dictated to Stephanie South, puts it cryptically:

Tony explained that each of the thirteen heavens and nine hells refers to a 52-year cycle. Thirteen 52-year “Heaven” cycles lasted from AD 843 to 1519, the beginning of the conquest of Mexico. Eight 52-year “Hell” cycles occurred between 1519 and 1935. The ninth hell, Tony told Jose, began in 1935 and ends August 16, 1987. “Thirteen heavens of decreasing choice, nine hells of increasing doom.”
“But then what?” Jose asked.
“We must get ready for the cleansing of the world and for the end of the Great Cycle.”

Founding the Whole Earth Festival at UC Davis

       UC Davis was the site of the infamous Whole Earth Festival in 1970, a project of Jose’s art history students who were instructed to create their own final exam. By then, his reputation as being the radical teacher on campus was firmly set. The environment was right. Human be-ins were happening, the first Earth Day was brewing and the administration had no idea what was about to explode on their campus. Just this very spring (2011, at the 42nd annual Whole Earth Festival, a former student, Sunny Shine, penned her commemoration of that event in the Festival program:

Our assignment for the year? Create a Festival to celebrate the very first ever Earth Day. We had no idea. Then he’s showing us slides of sacred sites from ancient cultures around the world, talking astrology, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mayan calendar, physics, traditional initiations from indigenous peoples—on and on and on with long interludes of silence, seated in the lotus position on his grey Formica institution-sized teacher’s desk, bare feet, Native American flute resting gently in his lap. Not like any teacher we had ever seen or imagined. “This world is magic, is sacred, is precious, you must care for her, love her.” What was he talking about?! The more we did not know, the more we knew he was giving us the Truth. He was passing on something sacred and ancient, something that connected us to every being who had ever taken the journey before us. We wanted to learn this dance, it had been resting in our bones forever, and he was the Pied Piper to start us out on our own heart path.

       All hippiedom also descended on the Whole Earth Festival and, in terms of career path, after the outrageousness of the event, 31-year old Arguelles quickly realized that he and conventional academia were heading toward irreconcilable differences. Over the next 10 years he had a series of interesting teaching gigs (Evergreen State College, San Francisco State University, the University of Colorado and the Union Graduate School), but finally in the late 70s his next big move took him to the feet of his formative teacher, the Tibetan crazy wisdom teacher Chogyam Trungpa. The years at Naropa were the stage for intense meditation trainings and the battle for his soul as years of increasing alcoholism finally caught up with him, unraveled his marriage and forced him to face his darkest demons.
When he emerged from his descent with a clear head at 42, he met the next formative feminine partner, Lloydine Burris, a fellow student at Naropa. Lloydine was by his side for the years leading up to the Harmonic Convergence and shared the great push to spread his insights and discoveries all over the world, co-shepherding the flock of “kin” who were forming the 13 Moon Calendar Movement. Their meditation experience gave them a common frame of reference as they collaborated in the creation of Dreamspell, which bears both their names.

       They had settled in Hawaii after Jose’s son’s death and it was amid the beauty and power of that island that the pieces of a new creative surge were formed. Together they had also explored the Museum of Time in Switzerland where Jose had the revelation that our notions of time connected with the clock were about mechanical time and had little to do with time as a dimension of its own, a dimension of the mind. Jose formed his theories then about the mechanization of time being the root of the industrial age. Clock time forever speeding up leads us to the present day when all the ailments of modern society converge into total alienation from natural rhythms and harmonics.

       The absurdity of the present-day calendar with its irregular and meaningless months is another theft of the soul, he also cited, where we are ruled by the economic clock of time is money and holidays are shopping days, not holy days. Nothing, in fact, is holy in the world we have manifested in the cycle of history, which began when Babylonian priests imposed a 12-month calendar over the natural timing led by the moon and kept by all indigenous people. The link between our estrangement from the natural world, celestial and terrestrial, and the imposition of an authoritarian calendar is the radical idea that Jose Arguelles and his wife Lloydine discovered in their explorations. This was the message that they brought to light in 1992 when they introduced Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013 into the world.

Dreamspell Kits Arrive

       The giveaway of 500 Dreamspell kits in San Francisco in the spring of 1992 was a chaotic and exciting affair, most people completely unprepared for what they took to be something of a game to share with their consciousness-expanding friends, like the Transformation Game that was popular at the time. It turned out to be more like the opening day of cosmic science school—a learning paradigm that took concentration, patience and dedication to understand and probably a lifetime to truly master. People needed to work on this together to get it and keep at it. Dreamspell kits had a way of finding their true owners, being passed on until they reached hands and minds that were ripe for the exploration. There was a book, several boards with graphics on every panel, a galactic compass for converting dates from the Gregorian to the Dreamspell and various other visual aids. All were crafted impeccably and boxed in a study box with brilliant primary colors.

       That such a brilliant piece of craftsmanship and intricate teaching would suddenly drop into the world from the sky, so to speak, was one of the many magical acts that Jose Arguelles created in his lifetime. I have my original Dreamspell kit, one of the first 13 that were flown to the continental US (Turtle Island) from Hong Kong where it was produced, and it is still intact, not worn out, and, other than being well-used, still as vibrant as it was the day it was put in my hands 20 years ago. These days, people compute the date conversions on the Internet sites with clicks of the mouse, but I still compute them with the Galactic Compass, a circular slide rule-like device, and in the process I see how the patterns work and continually discover little internal rhythms. One of the themes of the tools that Jose produced was remembering that we learn through all our senses not just our eyes glued to a computer screen. Folding and unfolding the boards, laying out the little tiles with the glyphs, putting together the chromatic time atom...all these exercises return us to an embodied intelligence that we were designed to use until the modern mechanized era. We’ll see when the time comes which tools are still in our hands when the predicted technology/cyber era yields to a quantum shift in 2012-2013.

       In a matter of years, Dreamspell kits were translated and produced and distributed along with many variations of the 13 Moon Calendar, large and small, in many languages. The Japanese were the first to produce color calendars and beautiful little daybooks with sturdy covers. As production costs lowered and digital processing from the personal computer got more sophisticated, the calendars flourished. One year I was with Jose when he returned from a trip at the turning of the year (which is celebrated on Gregorian July 26, the heliacal rising of Sirius) and found all the 13 Moon Calendars of the world waiting for him—a tribute from all the calendar makers. He put them up all over the walls and looked at the whole display. The 13 Moon Calendar movement had truly gone round the world. The next phase of Jose's creative work was looming and it required another agonizing split and realignment with a new feminine partner. Stephanie South, the person who had emerged from the ranks of his students as his true apprentice, gradually assumed that role.

      In 2002 Jose and Stephanie, also known by the spiritual title Red Queen in reference to a Mayan temple discovered in 1994, commenced their collaborative creative work. The Cosmic History Chronicles project began; seven volumes to be published in the seven-year count down to 2012. These books are like none other on the planet, elaborate elucidations of a radical new science and a radical new history. “The philosophy of Cosmic History is that the universe exists as the vehicle for the involution and evolution of the soul as a single unifying circuit of all evolving divine consciousness regulated by the Law of Time.” (Vol. 1; Book of the Throne). Valum Votan and The Red Queen identify themselves as transmitters and receivers—“We are but the secretaries. The authors are in eternity.” The Cosmic History Chronicles are a wild and compelling read, to put it mildly.

       In these volumes—all now completed—and in the last major communications given by Jose Arguelles, it is clear that his whole being was firmly grounded in a deeply spiritual perspective. He saw our human journey as a journey of spiritual evolution and was convinced that the end of the cycle of history, December 21, 2012, (which he called Harmonic Convergence 2012: the Convergence of All Prophecy), would be an awakening from a dream—if not nightmare—of a profane history and a re-entrainment of humanity into cosmic consciousness. He brought forth the term “noosphere” from key thinkers of the past and defined it as the collective state of mind that will launch a new age in 2013, the Psychozoic Era, in which we will share the awareness of the connectedness of all beings. He proposed a global meditation as an experiment in bringing a mental visualization into a physical reality, converting the energies coming into the planet into a rainbow visible night and day around the planet. The Rainbow Bridge Meditation is being shared via Internet and is the cornerstone of the commitment to carry on his work and inspiration among those who value what they learned from Arguelles over the last two decades.

       Jose’s death on Red Spectral Moon (March 23, 2011) in Australia was another unifying event, a compression of mind and heart energy as hundreds of thousands of people who were affected by his teaching and his radical insights stopped and remembered their experiences with him. We were part of a movement that never had any money, that eschewed the conventional New Age marketing, that produced books that were challenging and unorthodox, books that never got any publicity (“too new for the New Age” was my report to Jose after yet another magazine rejection) so the news of a new book was an underground event. We keep a calendar together that most of our friends and relatives don’t keep so we either have it as our own secret passageway into a vast new land of relationship and synchronicity or we seek out other kin as best we can wherever we are. The Law of Time website [] is our connection point and, with the news of his passing, a tribute page formed and honored his 49-day bardo cycle. There were postings from people who lives crossed at an exotic gathering somewhere on the planet where Jose was teaching and who use images from Dreamspell for their Facebook profile. The voices came in from far and wide, sharing love and respect and gratitude for the life-saving teachings that made living in a crazy, out-of-control time-is-money world less of an ordeal.

        In the spring of 2011, a handful of kin gathered at the 42nd Whole Earth Festival to once again introduce people to the work and the calendar and to speak words in memory of Jose Arguelles at an intimate ceremony in the midst the cacophony of the festival and its music. Ceremonies have been taking place all over the world among other groups of followers, honoring the teacher, honoring the teaching and rededicating the kin to the path articulated in so many mind-expanding creative works. He was a pathfinder of epic proportion, an intellect that had few peers, and a shamanic presence on the world stage—whether the world knew it or not. As the days roll on toward the prophetic end date of history, those who have studied his writing and listened to his lectures are tuned in to the extraordinary and expecting nothing but the extraordinary. As Uncle Joe Zuvuya would say, “Surf’s Up!”

Elizabeth Whitney is writer living in Point Reyes Station, California. Her connection to Jose Arguelles began in Boulder, Colorado, a few days before Harmonic Convergence in 1987. She has kept the 13 Moon calendar since 1992.

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