joy (1)

How to have an amazing day, every day.

9676468096?profile=originalWhen you wake up in the morning what are your first thoughts?  Do you wake up early to allow yourself enough time to casually ease through your morning as you getting ready for the day?  Do you feel relaxed and rejuvenated upon opening your eyes on a new day?  Do you take a moment to feel appreciation and gratitude for all that you have?  Do you enjoy your shower and delight in the way the warm water caresses your skin and the way all of your cleaning products tantalize your senses while cleaning your skin and hair?  Do you excitedly anticipate a delicious hot cup of coffee and allow yourself to relish in the sweet abundance of such a simple daily pleasure?  Do you prepare lunches and get yourself organized for the day the night before, whether you are preparing just for you or your family?  Do you take a moment to notice how beautiful the day is before you get into your car?  Do you feel grateful to your car and the gas in its tank that you have a way to get where you need to go?  Are you excited as you head into work because you love your job, the people you work with and the good money you make?  Is your mind filled with expectations of a wonderful day abundant in subtle surprises and everything working out for you?  From the moment you open your eyes to the moment you arrive at work, have you felt good and anticipated you would have a good day?

The truth is, most people do not have mornings like the one I’ve just described.  They may experience bits and pieces, but as a general whole a typical morning is not experienced anything like the picture I’ve painted.  Most people are rushing through their mornings with no conscious thought to the emotions and thoughts they are having.  They are consumed with what they have to do during the day and how much time they have to do it.  They assume the way their day goes has very little to do with them and the predominant way in which they chaotically start each morning.  Their day being good or bad is contingent upon traffic, their partner or children, their co-workers and how events unfold throughout the day.  They believe the co-worker they can’t stand is the person with the problem.  They don’t realize the troublesome co-worker is just being who he/she is and the problem that exists only exists within the person who is feeling it.  Everything is truly a matter of perception and where we choose to consistently place our focus mentally dictates how we experience each and every moment.  As you drive into work do you have a list of ‘To Dos’ you run through in your mind about your work day?  Do you feel overwhelmed or unhappy thinking about your work day?  Or, do you feel good and satisfied as you drive, excitedly anticipating your work day?

The pattern you wake up to everyday is a huge indicator as to how your days will consistently play out.  If you aren’t consciously creating what kind of days you are going to experience, you will receive everything by default.  You’ll have good days and bad days.  Depending on how you’ve mostly been feeling is how your scale will tip towards more good days or more bad days.  There is much more to having amazing days than just being more aware of how your mornings are flowing and how you are feeling about it.  But, this is the first place to truly begin.  If you sleep until the last minute and are constantly always rushing every morning to not be late, you are inviting so many small frustrations and irritations into your daily life.  Every morning your focus is on the fact that you don’t have a lot of time and you are operating from a fear-based state.  You think about how there just isn’t enough time in the day and if the short hour you have in the morning while getting ready could actually be as long as that last grueling hour of the work day life would be great!  Even our perception and focus on time is what makes it zip by in a flash or feel like long and drawn out agony. You may find yourself getting frustrated in traffic and thinking surely you wouldn’t be late if everyone truly knew how to drive.  And, you’re not entirely excited about work because there is that one guy who is such a jerk to deal with, and that other one who is lazy, and oh, that one you just can’t stand.  This affects your work day and this affects your entire life.  The way you wake up and start your day is essentially the platform you are mostly creating from.

Take a moment to consider how your mornings play out most of the time.  How many times have you thought to yourself that you needed to do something different?  What are you doing that seems to work well?  I know for a fact that you can get to a point where a ‘normal’ day is your ‘bad’ day, because what used to be your normal days have transitioned into ‘good’ days, because most of your days are amazing days.  You truly can get to a place where you having amazing days most of the time, good days sometimes and ok days just occasionally.  Try to incorporate what you receive from reading this into your life for twenty to thirty days.  You will notice bigger changes within seven days, and subtle changes immediately.  Anything you incorporate into your daily routine for thirty days becomes your habit.  It’s more challenging to slow down and start noticing all of the abundance and peace around you at first if you are used to rushing through your daily life.  After thirty days, there is no challenge in doing this.  It is felt with ease because it has become your new routine.

Keep in mind, no matter how well anyone can get at consciously creating, experiences will still occasionally occur that are not great.  I like to think of things, people or experiences we consider bad as just a little a contrast.  There came a point where every day I was having such amazing days that I didn’t even realize it anymore.  I was used to every day being great with the majority of everything seemingly going my way.  One night I asked the Universe to show me a new perspective so that I could feel an even greater sense of gratitude then I had been feeling.  The next morning I woke up feeling a little grumpy and off.  I was clumsy.  Traffic wasn’t great.  I found myself annoyed and irritated with my co-workers whom I genuinely enjoy.  I smacked my knee on my desk really hard.  I got called out on something really stupid by my manager.  I found myself insecure and frustrated with my lover and our situation.  Nothing bad or serious had happened, but I just felt in a funk.  Little joys and bouts of laughter did also spring up for me, but I wasn’t as touched and focused on these joys as I’d normally be. I wasn’t even sure how I arrived at such an icky state of being.  As the day worn on the request I put out to the Universe the night before resurfaced into my awareness.  I realized I was having just a normal and ok day.  I was having a day that used to be a good day in my long ago past.  I was given a new perspective just as I had asked for.  And, I felt immense gratitude for the fact that my life was filled with amazing and good days most of the time.  I could not believe that what I considered an ‘ok’ day in this moment used to be what I considered a ‘good’ day in my past.  Sometimes contrast pops up just to show us how far we’ve come.

Ask, trust, believe and you will most certainly receive.  For most of my adult life there was a stressed out and rushed version of me that experienced life.  I didn’t even realize how tense and uptight and worried I was most of the time.  Sometimes we get so used to things just being hard, traffic being slow, people being jerks, co-workers being inept or hard to deal with, not having enough money or enough love, or things consistently not working out in our favor that we don’t even know we are unhappy and lacking so much joy.  We exist in a stressed out, anxiety filled state of being and don’t even realize it. We drink coffee in the morning to wake up and we can’t drink the beer or wine fast enough in the evening to bring us way down.  We don’t even realize we are no longer living or thriving.  Having a life filled with these expectations and focuses is at best an experience of endurance and survival.  We believe this is how life is supposed to be because it is what we were born into.  We’ve watched our parents and those around us have mostly ok days with some good ones here and there, and a couple of amazing days once in a great while.  We think life happens by default and some people were born to be stars or are naturally lucky, while others are not.

The basis of having mostly amazing days is having a true desire to make that your reality.  Let that desire be your motivation when you want to slip back into your current patterns.  Remind yourself that the way you’ve been thinking and feeling hasn’t served you well and you know you deserve a happy life.  Believe you can achieve this just by adjusting your morning routine and what you allow yourself to focus on mentally.  What you are thinking about is what prompts your emotion. Your emotions are frequencies that instruct your vibration.  Your vibration is your point of attraction.  You are always two steps behind your point of attraction.  These steps could be a matter of minutes, or days.  The speed in which things begin to change for you has a lot to do with what your point of attraction has been and how well you can begin consciously controlling your emotions and feeling good.  The point of all of this is to pull you into consistent alignment , on an emotional level, to that which you are seeking.  The focus of this paper is on having an amazing day most of the time.  The routine you wake up to is your platform for the day.  What you are feeling as you go about your day in any moment is your point of attraction.  Your point of attraction affects how others and experiences interact in your reality in this moment and how things will manifest in the near future.

I used to be one of those people that would sleep until the last minute and was often five to ten minutes late every day.  I was frustrated in traffic and had a very stressful life on all levels.  Do to the massive chaotic nature of my life, it took me quite some time to really get this down and get things moving in the direction I wanted.  Because I know what my life used to be I can confidently share this information with you now so that you can have a happier life too.  It is really choice.  I used to think of life as horribly unfair and hard.  I was often depressed and spoke of and thought of myself as a victim.  Not getting my way or the bad behavior of another person seemed to have the power to steal all of my joy and ruin my day.  I didn’t necessarily enjoy the pitfall of others, but I was willing to listen in on the gossip and was always happy to share my opinion.  Yet, I’d oddly find myself with hurt feelings when I’d learn that others were gossiping about me.  Through my excuses and justifications because I had my reasons, I never was able to see my true self and how I was the cause for everything that was playing out in my life.  I came to a point where I just wanted to have good days where I was laughing and feeling delighted more than anything else.  From that sole desire, other things sprang forth that I never imagined.  That’s the beauty of this, the Universe already knows everything you want that would make you delight. 

Before you go to bed each night, allow yourself at least five minutes to devote your thoughts completely and solely for what you feel grateful for and good about.  Make it your intention that for five moments all the things you’re worried about be swept aside.  You not focusing on these things for five minutes isn’t going to mean the world ends, so just allow yourself to have five minutes of focus on what you love.  Feel love for your bed, pillows and blanket.  Feel the comfort on your body as you lay contently in your bed.  Feel gratitude for the meal you ate last and all the little moments of your day that were joyful and fun.  The feeling of gratitude and the feeling of love tune your vibration.  When you are in a state of gratitude and love it feels good.  The feeling good of these emotions are the best tuners of your vibration.  This is why writing or saying affirmations is also beneficial.  But, the affirmation is only as beneficial as the emotion it is expressed through.  When you are first starting this, really reach for the best feelings and thoughts you are capable of.  As you focus each day, the reaching will become less and the knowing will become more.  That is your goal.  As challenge begins to feel like ease you will know that you’ve begun to shift yourself vibrationally.

After you’ve allowed yourself to relish in the things you love and that feel good, make it your intention that you are going to have an amazing day tomorrow.  Imagine it.  Remind yourself that you love your job (even if you don’t) and how much you adore your co-workers (even if you don’t).  This intention alone, especially amplified each day, will shift your perception to what you are intending your reality to be.  Your intention is vibrationally constructed and manifested based upon how you felt about it – not what you said or thought about, but how you truly felt about it.  That is why really being in touch with how you feel is important.  It’s the only real way to know what your point of attraction is.  After you’ve completed your intention and your gratitude for the day, try to allow yourself to drift off to sleep in the least worrisome frame of mind possible.  The vibrational state of beingness you fall asleep in is most the likely the vibrational state of beingness you are going to wake up to.  Just like it is a good idea to pack your lunch and get everything in order for yourself the night before on a physical level, it is more important to have yourself vibrationally prepared with good intentions to help create a smooth and amazing day as it unfolds.

Start waking up earlier than you do now.  Give yourself anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes of extra time to gracefully wake up and unfold yourself into your new day.  Allow your body to be fully aware of the softness and comfort of your bed and praise it profusely because you feel as if you’ve woken up in a bed of the softest feathers you’ve ever felt.  Hear the birds chirping outside of your window and notice the sun shining, lighting and warming the world another day.  Look at the blue sky and breathe in the morning.  Start thinking of all the things you feel grateful for.  Let nothing that you love go unnoticed or unpraised by you.  This must extend further than your loved ones and pets.  Look at a single petal of a flower.  Really study it and notice the amazing detail in construction and color that goes into the making of just one petal, on one flower.  If endless beauty and perfection can be captured in one single petal, on one single flower, how amazing is the Universe in its entirety?  Allow yourself to be enveloped by the magic in the genius and perfection of the creation that is all around you.  Look at the buildings, art, gadgets and every other man made item and realize at your core that everything you see was just once an idea inside of someone just like you.  The more you can slow yourself down and really begin to feel appreciation for the world you live in the more beautiful it seems to become.

Think about all the people you know.  Some friends seem to be able to have fun anywhere they go and you love to be around them.  Other friends don’t emit the same energy and you find yourself wanting to be around them less.  Who you are with the most is who you are most like.  Look around you and really observe your friends, family and children.  What you see and feel about those closest to you are indicators to what you are thinking and feeling the most about in general.  I would bet my life on it.  As you change, and you surely will, you will notice a shifting in your friends and who you find yourself with the most.  The better and happier you feel, the more you are going to attract those people and experiences to yourself.  Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, but not everyone at Disneyland is having fun.  I personally believe Las Vegas is the happiest and funest place on earth, but I’ve been there and not been having fun.  If you or someone you know is standing in Las Vegas or Disneyland and is not having a good time, what does that really tell you?  Is there anything wrong with Las Vegas or Disneyland?  I mean, the other millions of people there, with you in that moment, seem to be having a great time.  Whenever you are not having a good time, it is because of you and your point of attraction. Do you ever want to find yourself at Disneyland or in Las Vegas and not be having the time of your life?

As you relish each morning in the time you’ve allotted yourself, really let it encompass you externally and also let it to ooze from the inside out.  Think about all of the things that make you happy and all of the things you love.  Allow yourself to feel gratitude for everything in your life that makes it easier.  Feel love and appreciation for your cell phone, you car, you coffee maker, your shower, all of your bodily products that make you smell and feel so good, your clothes, your breakfast and lunch, fresh clean water to drink, a job that pays you good money, an abundance of food in your refrigerator, the flowers you see every day as your dive out of your neighborhood, the unexpected coffee given to by a friend, the list goes on and on.  I could write volumes of books on all of the things in this world to be grateful for.  We live in an abundant and prosperous world.  If that is what you believe every day, that is what you will see and experience every day.  If you believe that you live in a fair and just world, and the natural laws of the Universe balance all things, then you will see this belief reflected back to you in every moment.  If you wake up every day excited and eager and grateful, what do you think the Universe is going to reflect back to you?  The bottom line is you have to believe it.  You know you believe it when you feel it so strongly that believing becomes knowing.

Set your intention of an amazing day the night before by preparing physically and vibrationally.  Allow yourself to fall asleep in a state of ease and comfort, so that you wake up in a state of ease and comfort. Start waking up earlier to give yourself time to relish in gratitude and love, but also give yourself more time in the morning so that you do not feel rushed or stressed because you are worrying about not having enough time.  Making it a conscious effort to be more organized and prepared, along with making love and gratitude your focus upon waking and sleeping will really start changing the flow of your day.  As you begin to notice this, allow the physical manifestations of your good feelings to become your motivation in bringing love and gratitude into all things you do.  The more you can come from a perception and state of beingness that is grateful, relaxed and happy the more you perpetuate your vibration of wellbeing.  Your predominant state of being creates the largest brush strokes on your canvas.  Choosing to focus your thoughts and emotions in the best state of love you are capable before sleeping and upon waking will not only make you feel better in general, you will find yourself delighted in ways you’ve never imagined as you watch your physical reality unfold in correspondence to the song of your heart.

If you look around yourself right now and you do not feel that anything is the way you want it to be, you cannot let that deflate you from giving this a try.  Not being in a consistent state of good feelings is what has constructed the reality you do not desire.  Feeling even worse about that fact isn’t going to make it better for you.  Choosing to feel worse about anything is not going to make you feel better. You may find relief in your venting and complaining of how you feel, but it is temporary and you will have not solved what it is that you trying to accomplish. It may feel easier or more appropriate to blame others for how we feel, but there is only disempowerment in believing we have no control over how we feel.  How we feel is how we create.  If you are constantly blaming others for how you feel about them or a situation, you are handing over your creator ability to them.  What you put your focus on is what you are telling the Universe you want more of.  Our focus creates thoughts and you know thoughts create our emotions.  And our beautiful emotions color our vibration and create our point of attraction.  Do you want a point of attraction of disempowerment, blame, stress and chaos? Or, do you want to stand in a place of gratitude, love and complete empowerment?  Where you stand is because you’ve told the Universe through your focus and feelings that is what you want.

The Universe doesn’t hear words and doesn’t understand the difference between what we want and what we don’t want.  It is our job as creators to decide for ourselves what we want and what we don’t want.  We express what we want to the Universe by where we are putting our focus.  We express what we want to the Universe solely and entirely on how we are feeling.  When we visualize something, this is only an exercise to help tune our vibration to that which we are seeking.  In visualizing what we want it feels good and our focus in that moment is on feeling good.  If you keep focusing on the things that you think are lacking from your life, you will continue to encounter situations that perpetuate that feeling.  If your focus is on gratitude for what you have right now and feeling as good as you can possibly feel, you will start encountering the situations and people to perpetuate your good feelings and help you get closer to where you want to be.  Putting intention and deliberate focus on love and gratitude in the evening before falling asleep and upon waking in the morning is a good place to start as you are establishing your new point of attraction.  A goal of having amazing days is the only goal worth having if you want to achieve your dreams.  Feeling good is truly the building block to all things you think you want to experience or have.  You have to feel good first.

If you don’t feel in this moment you have a whole lot to focus on and be grateful for, here is are some general things for you to think about and feel good about.  If you have direct access to running water that is temperature controlled and safe for drinking you are doing pretty good.  If you have electricity to power all of your appliances and a furnace to warm your home in the winter you are doing pretty good.  If you eat at least two meals a day and feel full and satisfied you are doing pretty good.  If you have a job and you earn enough money to sustain your basic needs you are doing pretty good.  If you have a transportation to get to your job or other places you’d like to go you are doing pretty good.  If you have friends and family you love you are doing pretty good.  If you have a computer and the internet and a fancy cell phone you are doing pretty good.  If you have health insurance you are doing pretty good.  If you can afford to eat out even once a month you are doing pretty good.  If you have a roof over your head and clean clothes to wear you are doing pretty good.  More people in this world do not have the luxuries developed counties do, yet, they are somehow happier.  More stuff doesn’t equal happiness.  Happiness is state of being that comes from appreciating what you have and noticing and praising all of the beauty and abundance that is constantly around you.

In closing, I want to add one more thing.  It’s probably the most important thing when you want to create amazing days for yourself.   The most important thing you can do for yourself is to love and adore yourself as you would all of the other things that make you feel good.  You are just as important as anyone else.  You are unlimited potential as much as anyone else.  You are a master creator as much as anyone else.  As you start focusing before bed and upon waking, you will see a change start unfolding in your life.  Try not to get caught up in all the big things you want right away.  Start with a goal of wanting to experience more amazing days than you have been.  This goal will continually keep your focus on yourself and how you are feeling.  This is the basis of becoming consciously aware of your ability to construct your reality.  The better you feel the more you allow yourself to receive good feeling things.  You will find yourself surprised and delighted in all of the unlikely ways the Universe seems to unfold just for you.  The more synchronicities you start experiencing and noticing, the more you can feel assured you that you are connected to the Universe and all things.  This connection is the lifeforce energy that brings forth all of your dreams and desires into physical form….including having amazing days, everyday.

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