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Prickle-Prickle Chaos 59th, YOLD 3181




so: Lucy and I broke up hard in 2003.  i thought we had an on and off ongoing thing, she Changed in that way that people Change sometime...she married a Navy Interrogator, our voting records became completely opposite...we had Broken Up and I was in P-town, Providence, R. I. and so I sold my guitar so that I could drink and smoke.  I almost got a phallic piercing -- just to get Lucy out of my head, or at least to bind my memories of her to harsh, radical pain in my genital unit.  I SHOULD HAVE GOT MY HEART PIERCED! 


didn't do that.  instead, went to the Open Mic last evening that the Rat, the Brown University student center, was open.  they were building a new student center.

IT WAS 2003 AND I WENT stranger to improvized extemporaneous poetry, I went all-out and shared my feelings about the current events of 2003, at that time i was in a deep and meaningful HATE relationship with Dick Cheney and the rest of the DICKS of the Bush Administration.

The kids at the student center loved me. 221374133_1472475b30_z.jpg?width=200 One of my main jokes is about U-Penn students, and about how Penn is basically an Ivy League "safety school" for kids who couldn't get into Brown.

The Brown kids adored me after the gig and told me that I was a "GOD" and should tour the Ivy League.  So I sort of agreed with them.

Been a performer all my life, but when kids tell you that you are a GOD after performing -- well, I took it to heart rather than let it go to my head like Shivaani, my former lover whom you see pictured here.  She grew up in Massachusetts, but could only get admitted at Penn.  (see above.)  She's very intelligent...but I think that you can't really get a decent education in Philadelphia...think: how many of our American PRESIDENTS have come from there?

(I'll wait while you google that.) anyway, I had many tales of irony, anguish and being at real gen-x postpunk hardcore i began there, opening up for hardcore acts. i know how to control my tongue, but I do advertise myself like "Uffie" as a rated-x comedian.  i don't have to "go there" for everything i do or say, and don't --

...i continued doing shows with my passable guitar and stories about slogging through the weird, edgy 1990s.  i currently prefer Chelsea Handler, Margaret Cho and Stephen Colbert...but it's my writers' opinion that will get you.


in my writers' opinion?  they claim that it is cyberspace and burgeoning technology that are killing newspapers and print media in general.  while those media ARE actually in decline, it's not because of new advances.

new advances make life BETTER, not worse.  what's really going on is uninspired writing. 


Hunter S. Thompson, one of my several Colorado-based Guardian Angels, called it "flag-sucking."  It's a mentality. 

It goes along with people who never want us Gen-X people51CEPA9BB2L._SL500_AA300_.jpg

to be "politically correct."  MV5BMTYwNjM3NzM2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODUyODg5NQ%40%40._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpgWhy should we want to be WRONG?

SO I HAVE SINCE THEN DONE THIS COMEDY AS IF I HAD BEEN FROZEN IN A BLOCK OF ICE SINCE 1992.  Not literally, figuratively...feeling as I do that we Generation X types were disgusted and repulsed, and that tagging us as apathetic was a cowardly attempt at mass hypnosis by Tom Brokaw's generation, and that it basically worked on the kids who were years younger than Winona Ryder and Brad Pitt and Angie Jolie and Jenny McCarthy and Janeane Garafalo and the Notorious CHO and myself, people who wanted an Alternative to the polluting, energy draining and constant compromise that we were offered when we got out of highschool to find out that whoa, 220px-Realitybitesposter.jpg"Reality Bites"

I've been booking shows for myself and friends who do stuff that i like since 1989...i like staying young and that means being a part of counterculture, not doing great work just so that i can become part of an industry that has never had the attention span for the deep ideas that we really can represent -- if we are not bamboozled or otherwise bought off by That Monster Industry...

so much of the Great Art of Western Civilization has NOT required that or any industry at all...and i would rather be obscure than be mediocre.  Here, for no seeming reason I include a picture of the Dali House.

Our group, The Design Outlaws, have been involved in making films about sustainability and the new paradigm emergent since Chris Zelov, the senior developer, premiered "Into The Fuller Universe", a breakthrough achievment about the life and vision of one of the most successful, if hard to figure out, inventors of the 20th century, R. Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller.

Since I was lucky enough to find a mentor like Zelov, I accepted his offer and became the Entertainment Coordinator for our (now) corporation, Knossus Inc.  Specializing in anticipating peoples' future needs as far as design goes, one of our ongoing projects combines, as the credits roll, the common meeting hallness of an espressoria or tea room with the modern intense consciousness of the cybercafe and the overall sense of aestheticism that is an ongoing on- and off-line art gallery.   Chris has the fire in his belly to create Think Tanks where people who enjoy the idea of sustainable futures can get together.

I have booked acts for his soirees, and as such, it has expanded my understanding of performance arts...large grafty industries are the old paradigm.  what matters most as now becomes The Future is human hands and hearts putting real inspiration into projects...projects like "Laughingstock," three days of peace, love and comedy that is being scheduled for the days between The End Of The World and Xmas, 2012...

see you here...or there...'s all relative..























"What will happen to The Discordian Society?"Gabrielle_Joxer_Quill_Mightier.jpg



December 22, 23 &24


3 Days Of Peace, Love and Jokes


BOULDER, Colorado

(hint: Live Mice Sit On Us)


Brad Wollack – Chelsea Handler – Chuy Bravo – Loni Love – Chris Franjola – Mikal De Valia – Trish Ruggiero – Margaret Cho

and Very Special Guests

Steve Martin – Tina Fey – Robin Quivers


Gypsie Skripto & Rev. Ivan STANG and Wei R. Doe, Princess of Space and Freaks Without Borders & Blind Faith

With a Grant from the Church of All Worlds and Nemea Divine Arborvitae & Friends of The Earth and Maureen Elizabeth Johnson Long and PrincipiaDiscordiaDotCom & Robert Anton Wilson courtesy of the Lymph Node Insititute & Spliff Chaser & Your Mother &  Amorah Quan Yin and Maneewan and Mantak Chia and Saint Germaine and Michael Jackson and The Rabbitt and Whiskey Dick and the Three-Pump Dumps & Sabrina The Newage Bitch and Cyberpunky Booster(tentative, scheduled to perform)


The 2019807203_m.jpgeTemple of The Screaming Electron & The Fall of the Prime Movers & Samuel R. Delany images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRo3Pxs08_RDi-8hiE5HbfwPRm5aMlLDuRy9wBMO-3wYtIXqMwbEQand Samuel L. Jackson and The Olesen Twins and Jimmy Oleson and Lou Minatti and The New Discordians

With:  Juicy Flawless, Actively Weird, Puzzling Evidence, Reverend Doctor Susie The Floozy susie_for_eris.gif(ONE TIME ONLY! MUST FEEL TO BELIEVE!), “Madonner,”shaktisadanha.gif definitely.jpg?width=180Courtly Love, Seven Carbos, Einstein’s Secret Orchestra, The Manicures, The Easy Cure, The Rosicrucians, Bill Blasphemy, and Your Mother


RECENTLY ADDED TO PLAYBILL: The European Community, Plan B, Stephen Malkmus And The Jicks, Michael Row The Boat Ashore, Thinking About Horticulture, Zippy The Pinhead (Unconfirmed!), Sinead O’ Connor, The Gabrielles, Unity Cognition (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice, Skins For Unity, East Coast Hardcore Syndicate, Kosher Hardcore Syndicate), Writing Is Gay, The Terminator, Hump Day, Reverend Friendly (Tentative, As If Faithful Yet Still Somehow Unsure), Bag Of Wolverines, F. O. R. (Friends Of Rabbitt)

heartbeating.gifalso, we need a new VCR. if you have one to give away (it will be burnt out after the weekend) please contact Black Marques @ this site)

Principia DiscordiaThe Eleusis cult and rituals of tte classical Greeks reflect into the 20th and 21st centuries like the shout against the Apostle Paul/Saul that comes to us from the book of Acts: “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!”  It is pretty obvious that God has a part that is self-willing, feminine and far more honest about reproduction and recreational sexuality than any religion positing that “Gawd” is and can only ever have been Male.

The Thunder: Perfect Mind Sophianic exegesis fits in closely with the view that folks calling themselves “Discordians” have shared that God IS Goddess, and that WORLDLY clerical conspiracies blind most of humanity…this coes along with our worldview that the weapons of the ancient, eternal Gods include Coffee, Duct Tape and Medical Grade Marijuana.  Coexisting in “happy anarchy” remains one of our original and long-held goals, as laid out by one of the original Discordian Popes, the seer and scribe Robert Anton Wilson.   

Eris, the Goddess of Confusion could be to some people only a mascot.  Others see her as a way of understanding the different “Masks of God,” – we have viewed worlds only capable of seeing God as male as being crippled, incomplete worlds, whether those worlds come from Jewish, Christian or Islamic perspectives.   We tend to view such as insane, using history’s many citations of atrocity as our example.

We have our own explanation as to why these “Big Three” corporations of military-industrial strength religion are always at each others’ throats: we figure it’s because they just Don’t Like Girls.

1 Corinthians 5, New Int’l Version

(Saul as uncompassionate JUDGE who counsels JUDGMENT in others.)

“The King James Version of the New Testament was based on a Greek text that was marred by mistakes, containing the accumulated errors of foutrteen centuries of manuscript copying.”

(From the Preface, Rev. Stan. 1980 A. B. S.)

ACTS 9:36

Mentioned: a Disciple:  “Gazelle” in Greek: Tabitha or Dorcas

1 Corinthians 11:13

(PAUL exhorts posterity to JUDGE.  Again and again, the man who teaches “Judge Not!” is rejected and misquoted and BLUDGEONED philosophically by the one who once sought His demise, Saul, the Pharaisee of Tarsus.)

The Unseen Role of DenialWhen it comes to accessing Magic and or miracles, most of us humans are self-consciously in DENIAL.

Read more…


KIN 218:
White Planetary Mirror

I perfect in order to reflect

producing Order
I seal the matrix of Endlessness
with the planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Death
I AM Galactic Activation Portal


"This supernova was the means by which the higher-dimensional councils of universal unification “announced” the completion of the prophecy of Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells, commemorated on August 16 and 17, 1987, by the Harmonic Convergence. This event officially began what is referred to as the Quetzalcoatl Project, a vast organized undertaking of the galactic masters’ system of mind transmission, the GM108X. (See 20 Tablets of the Law of Time)" -

Rinri Project Newsletter III. Mystery of the Stone Edition


While we are now only days apart from commemorating the 28th Anniversary of the discovery of SuperNova 1987A Quetzalcoatl, (and as hinted back in September, 2014 or 6 moons ago on PART 3 of "Quetzalcoatl bites his/her tail" Reports series) we are currently witnessing the intensification and amplification of the energetics preceding this fractal event, manifesting in  potent ways on the screen of our collective holographic 3D reality... Therefore, if you are new to this subject WE highly recommend to read first (at least) part 1 of this report (Welcome back SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A - Phase I) so you can have the entire picture and navigate this second part with more grace and ease... Before continuing, WE also invite you to click on the video below to embark into a journey back in time to 1987, when the first beam of this unprecedented explosion of light was frozen in time trough the lens of the Hubble Telescope, on a day like today, 28 years ago... Make sure you adjust your screen resolution to 720DPI and Enjoy the ride...


This diagram shows one of the theories for the evolution of Supernova 1987A. Credit: NASA, ESA, and A, Feild (STScI)


This acceleration and amplification of rare/unusual celestial and planetary events and alignments we have been experiencing seems to be reaching a peak since yesterday (February 19, 2015 (8.13)- KIN 217 9Earth), just in time for the entrance into the New Moon/Chinese New Year. Let's briefly re-capitulate some of these events:


2.18.2015: Rare Full Moon @ 29 degrees Aquarius

"As occasionally happens, we are experiencing two New Moons in Aquarius this year. The last one occurred on January 20, about three hours after the Sun and Moon moved into the sign of Aquarius (0°08’). This New Moon is occurring at 29°59’ of Aquarius, about two minutes before the Sun and Moon move out of Aquarius and into the sign of Pisces. The 29th degree of any sign is considered a “critical degree; a time when there’s one final push to clear up any issues associated with that sign. But this New Moon is rare in that it is occurring at the very last degree and the very last minute of one sign before moving into the next sign."...

Some astrologers are even suggesting that this could be the celestial sign/marker announcing our "official" entrance into the highly anticipated Age of Aquarius...

2.20.2015 : Mars/Venus/Moon conjunction

2.21.2015 : Mars/Venus conjunction peak

(Please read Randy Brunner's 247 ~ Blue Cosmic Hand recent blog "Venus and Mars Save the Day! " to understand deeper aspects of this potent masculine/feminine alchemical cocktail)

9676511264?profile=originalPhoto taken by Abhinav Singhai on February 21, 2015 @ New Delhi,India

2.19-21.2015 :
Unusual comet skirts past the Sun
triggering a HUGE solar blast

UNUSUAL COMET DIVE-BOMBS THE SUN: Astronomers are puzzling over a comet that passed "insanely close" to the sun on Feb. 19th. At first glance it appeared to be a small object, not much bigger than a comet-boulder, doomed to disintegrate in the fierce heat. Instead, it has emerged apparently intact and is actually brightening as it recedes from the sun. View a post-flyby movie recorded on Feb. 20th by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO): Unofficially, the icy visitor is being called "SOHO-2875," because it is SOHO's 2,875th comet discovery. Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab explains what's odd about SOHO-2875: "It's a 'non-group comet,' meaning that it does not appear to be related to any other comet or comet family that we have on record." Most comets that SOHO sees belong to the Kreutz [German for Cross) family. Kreutz sungrazers are fragments from the breakup of a single giant comet many centuries ago. They get their name from 19th century German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz, who studied them in detail. SOHO-2875, however, is not one of those fragments. "Non-group comets like this appear a few times a year, so in that sense it's not too unusual," continues Battams. "But this one is relatively bright. The big question most people will have now is, "Can I see it, or will I be able to see it, from Earth?" At first I thought the answer was no. But I am very pleasantly surprised--shocked in fact! The comet has brightened dramatically and now is sporting an increasingly impressive tail. Visibility from Earth in a few weeks is no longer out of the question, although I still wouldn't put money on it."

 Note that this comet made its first appearance on 2.19.2015 corresponding to KIN 217 Red SOLAR Earth (guided by KIN 113 Red Solar Skywalker) and that right during this 3-day window spanning from 2.19 to 2.21.2015, we witnessed an unusual increase in seismic + energetic activity on Earth: Strong quakes, strong cyclones and strong snow storms... A sign of the elemental kingdom awakening and synchronizing with this Mars-Venus-Crescent Moon alignment and the solar fly-by of our "unusual/unknown" cosmic visitor", AS ABOVE SO BELOW. Though this parallel occurrence has been mostly ignored by mainstream media, many alternative channels and vloggers have been pointing it out... The simultaneous stress from solar and planetary activity is now being reflected on Earth in an instantaneous way...



Also let's remember that exactly one moon ago, on 1.26.2015 (7.17) KIN 193 11Skywalker, we had our own "smaller version" of an unusual visitor or "cosmic spore" (with the size of a mountain nonetheless): Asteroid BL86 and its closest approach to Earth:


It is also important to remember that's this was also a very UNUSUAL event since according to NASA , this "flyby was the closest approach the asteroid will make to Earth for at least the next two centuries. It is also the closest a known asteroid this size will come to Earth until asteroid 1999 AN10 flies past our planet in 2027."


The earthly event was followed 4 days later by another "out of the ordinary" solar event: Comet LoveJoy's closest approach to the Sun (perihelion) right on 1.30.2015 (7.21) KIN 197 2Earth (NOTE: KIN 197 codes the 197/791 terma of the 7 Cycles 113 days of the Lord of the Dawn / Quetzalcoatl: See Galactic Spiral Density Wave and 2012: The Final Cycles of Transformation).


9676516301?profile=originalComet LoveJoy passing through the Pleiades constellation or "The Shining Anchor"

We could say that this "sign in the sky" served as a "messenger of Love, Joy and Prophecy" right before 1.31.2015 (7.22) KIN 198 3Mirror; a date highlighted on DA VINCI TIME CODE EXPANDED report, as symbolically relevant from the purely mathematical perspective (22/7=Pi), and also prophetic in nature, as it was intricately associated with the Q'uran and Prophet Muhammed via the 25th anniversary of the martyrdom of Dr. Rashad Khalifa, as well as the commemoration of the first 260-day galactic spin since the departure of Lloydine Burris, Dr. Jose Arguelles partner at the time of Dr. Khalifa's ascension and at the time of Q'uran/Law of Time 19=260 document revelatory decodings.


Sirius-A-and-Sirius-B.png?width=200January 31, 2015 was also the 153rd anniversary of the "discovery" of Sirius B in 1862 @ Cambridgeport, Massachusetts by astronomer Alvan Graham Clark. A synchronic opportunity to re-member that the 52-year cycle of Sirius B around Sirius A, constitutes the basis or backbone of the Galactic Maya time science...

It is also relevant to note at this point that unfortunately, as part of this unfolding string of prophetic events, Mother Tynetta Muhammad, the woman who was instrumental for the merging of Dr.Khalifa's and Dr. Arguelles' work and decodings, also ascended last February 16, 2015 (8.10) KIN 194 6Wizard, only 16 days after this celestial event... Blessings on her journey back to Source...May her Light keep shining from above, beaming to the Earth with glowing Love and Joy... (Please read Stephanie South's most recent blog for details behind the life and legacy of this amazing woman: Mother Tynetta Muhammad and the 19 Code )


9676518101?profile=originalMother Tynetta and Aida Hun Ik - KIN 222 back in 2010... Prophecy in motion...


"The day before Katrina made landfall, I felt an urge to step outside after my morning meditation. The sun had not yet risen. As I looked on the western horizon, a massive "shooting star" cut a brilliant swath across the sky. An iridescent blue tail came to a sudden and abrupt end in an explosion of red and orange fire. Then it was gone. I wondered, who else saw this - or was it meant just for me? This was the morning of Red Resonant Earth - the Ah Vuc Ti Cab, Lord of the Center of the Earth. I knew the "shooting star" was a sign. I remembered the signs of shooting stars and comets in the sky reported by the Aztecs, a year or two before the arrival of the Spaniards. All signs come from God. Instinctively I felt that this was a sign of the end of the old order. Two days later, and for the next two weeks, the tragic story from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast unfolded. I knew this was the meaning of the sign in the sky."

Valum Votan

Cosmic Order, The Law of Time and the Planet Art Network

As highlighted in several opportunities in the past, "Comets and Blood Moons have been associated to prophecy probably since the "beginning of Times" or early years of Human Civilization. When these motifs appear on the screen of our reality/consciousness with such synchronic potency, they invite us to contemplate life under a new lens... and explore the realm of Prophecy..." and this occasion is by no means the exception...

This recent string of rare cosmic events (highlighted by the presence of an unusual/unexpected and now potentially visible comet) seems then to be part of a symbolic epic storyline that could be reaching a CLIMAX POINT during the next weeks, or even during the next days... As we enter into the incoming fractal wave of SuperNova 1987A Quetzalcoatl the increasing accumulation of energy is now getting ready to burst, as a reflection of the solar excitation from yesterday, exrpessed as an unprecedented explosion of such potency, that if Earth-bounded would have represnted a "KillShot" to the power grid:

All these concurring events and aspects seem to be clear indicators that we are about to see the "best part of this cosmic movie" unfolding right in front of our eyes...  Funny enough as I write these words, the Oscars are taking place in Hollywood, announcing BirdMan as the BIG winner of the night... Another hint from the Universe signaling the advent of the angelic human/Homo Noosphericus? Are we ready to spread our wings?

SOHO 2875 D3C0D3D

SOHO-Barbara-compilation.jpgComposite of Comet SOHO-2875 crossing the C2 coronagraph field yesterday. Credit: NASA/ESA/Barbara Thompson

Due to its unknown/unexpected nature and its dramatic effects on our star, it is worth to go deeper into the "hidden numerical message" of this comet. To do this we will simply analyze its frequency from different 2 angles, in an analog manner as we decode sunspot frequencies: by reducing its frequency to a KIN equivalent and by analyzing its 2-digit pair components:

  • As KIN Equivalent: 2875 - (260x11)= 2875-2860 = 15 = 2Eagle
    Let's remember that according to the Knowledge Book "Sirius is Double Universe star and it's emblem is a Double Eagle", hence 2Eagle... (On a personal level this is also significant since 2Eagle KIN15 is my 441 Kin Equivalent frequency...)


  • As 2-digit pairs: 28-75:
    • 28: 28th Year anniversary of the discovery of SuperNova 1987A "Quetzalcoatl"...
    • 75: Combined Frequency of Lord of the Dawn 113+222 Tony Shearer the 2 KEY numerical codes associated with the 9th Sign of Prophecy... (113+222=335-260=75) (More on the significance of these codes below...)



"In order to prepare the ground for a proper consideration of the Law of Time and the evolutionary necessity of the synchronic order of time as the harmonic reorganizing factor of humanity in its post-historic phase, it is necessary to expunge from the mind the error known as the Gregorian calendar." 

Jose Arguelles / Valum Votan

Summary Critique of the Gregorian Calendar



On part PHASE I of this report we highlighted the most relevant synchronic events and fractal time wave resonance attributes related with this cosmic light explosion from 28 years ago, back in February 24, 1987, so now seems relevant and appropriate to refresh some of the highlights associated with it, in order to gain a deeper perspective of its energetic/numerical qualities :

This 28-YEAR celebration will also hold a deep symbolic significance, since it commemorates the 433rd year from issuing of the Gregorian Calendar Reform on (2.24) February 24,1582 (KIN 257 10Earth) through Papal Bull Inter Gravissimas. Time for a telepathic and energetic redemption of all remaining negative karmic effects derived from its disharmonious nature and irrational use. This incoming fractal wave is therefore destined to shatter all remaining aspects of illusion that still hold the artificial time matrix in place... SO BE IT! 

From Wikipedia:


"Inter gravissimas was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582.[1][2] The document, written in Latin, reformed the Julian calendar. The reform came to be regarded as a new calendar in its own right and came to be called the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most countries today."

Interestingly enough February 24 (2.24) was until the calendar reform considered a leap day and it was just until 2.24.1996 that last reforms in the European Union were made. According to Wikipedia:


So let's an analyze some of the resonant frequencies associated to the 2.24 date as a TIME PORTAL:

  • 55th day of the year:
    Analog of KIN 55 3 Eagle: Galactic Signature of Hiroshima Nuclear event and Harmonic Convergence 1987

  • In leap years there are 311 days remaining to Dec 31st.
    311=reverse of 113 Lord of the Dawn Quetzalcoatl
  • 2/24/1582 Gregorian Calendar Reform through Papal Bull Inter Gravissimas.

  • 2/24/1920 – The Nazi Party is founded.

  • 2/24/1942 – The Battle of Los Angeles, one of the largest documented UFO sightings in history; the event lasted into the early hours of February 25.


  • 2/24/1987: Discovery of SuperNova 1987A Quetzalcoatl.

  • 2/24/1996The last occurrence of February 24 as a leap day in the European Union and for the Roman Catholic Church.

  • 2/24/2011 – Final Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery (OV-103).

  • 2/24/2014: 28th anniversary of the discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl on KIN 222 1Wind. PSi Chrono Unit KIN 160 4Sun (KIN 160, 4 Sun / 4Ahau: Christ and Traditional Maya Long Count date for December 21st, 2012 "End" of 13 baktun or "End" of Time).


It's reverse expression (4/22) also holds a similar vibratory resonance:

  • 4/22/1519: Fall of Maya. Cortez ships land in Mexico ("False" Return of Quetzalcoatl). First day of the 9 hells of 52 years. 9 hells ended August 16/1987 with Harmonic Convergence.

  • 4/22/2010: Earth Day. Fall of Deep Water Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico


"This coalescence of prophetic codes, leaves us once again, after 28 years, at the beginning of the Prophecy of Quetzalcoatl, with the 222 code of prophecy: Tony Shearer and his book Lord of the Dawn: The original seed of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987."


9676485275?profile=originalTony Shearer: KIN 222 author of "Lord of the Dawn" (KIN 113)

Another KEY component of the time wave we are now entering, resides also in its fractal time compression compounding power:  Let's remember that based on the practice of "The 20 Tablets of the Law of Time" and the "16-Year Cube of the Law" fractal structure (where each 13-moon year corresponds to a 13-day WaveSpell) this year we are currently navigating, corresponds to the Wind Wavespell (18th)* of Spirit/Communication where each moon is coded with its corresponding KIN within the yearly wavespell... Therefore, during the first 7 days of this coming 13-day wavespell we will be recapitulating the intensity of the past 7 moons (222 to 228), then on KIN 229 we will be experiencing this galactic moon (also coded with KIN 229) as 1 compressed day... and during the last 5 days (KIN 230 to 234) we could be witnessing a "sneak preview" of coming attractions for the last 5 moons of the year, leading to Day Out of Time KIN 113, Red Solar Skywalker. A good opportunity to also re-member that:

  • In the Traditional Maya Count July 26th, 2014, first day of the 13Moon/Dreamspell Count corresponded to 1Ik (KIN 222 1Wind).




    KIN222 1Wind codes this entire 9Moon Year, from head to tail  as the 1st Moon of the year and as the energetic Frequency Signature of the whole 13-Moon Planetary Service Wavespell. Also as the TRADITIONAL MAYA equivalent/analog counterpart of the GALACTIC MAYA Year-Bearer...

    ... and KIN113 9Skywalker codes this entire 9Moon Year, from head to tail as the 441 KIN Equivalent of the first day of the 13-Moon year and as the Day Out of Time frequency (last day of the year)... Not to mention that KIN 9 ~ 9Moon is the perfect guide of KIN 113 ~ 9Skywalker

    The Feathered Serpent bites her tail again, not once, but twice.



The 7:7::7:7 practice is a function of the excitation of plasma to which our solar system (heliocosm or heliosphere) has been subjected since the stellar excitation arousal of Supernova 1987A, “Quetzalcoatl.”

7:7::7:7 Telektonon Revelation
Radial Matrix Universe Model - Nying-Thi Terma of Mayan Galactic Time

Introductory Paragraph

As if this was not enough, and as a fractal holographic expression of the profound impact of this 28-Year event celebration, earlier today, on KIN 218 (frequency coding the opening of the Tomb of Pacal Votan) I received this last piece of information via my dear friend Nikki 227 6Hand. It is an energetic report/forecast published by another "Sirian voice" (see source article at entitled "February 25th – Grand Trine/Grand Sextile") and its contents really resonated with me for 2 main reasons:

  • It is the only source highlighting a rare planetary geometry for February 25/2015... A STARGATE with very unique qualities:


"You got a grand cross (red), a golden rectangle (blue), and 2 nearly interlocked god triangles (green). The god triangles are keyed to one corner of the golden rectangle and that is keyed by another corner to a corner of the grand cross…." - Steve Pitt

  • According to its author, Steve Pitt, who experienced a personal wake-up call in the form of a near death experience right during the SuperNova of 1987 (please read Steve's background on original article or visit his Facebook group ‘Lightworkers Guild’ ), this alignment will take place simultaneously with another quite unusual, unprecedented event... a SUPERNOVA!!! I will leave you here with the most relevant excerpt of the article in question. Please only take what resonates with you and discard the rest:


  • A shock wave of energy will come out of the void to trigger a super nova of the white dwarf star that astronomers call Eridani 40
  • It will be strong enough to alter DNA
  • It will contain info on how to proceed with our health care
  • It will be accessible to the common man if they meditate
  • It will be transmitted on 2/25/15 during the grand trine/grand sextile event

[As a synchronic parenthesis here, it may be relevant to note here that according to "Sirius B is a white dwarf, one of the three “classics”, discovered to be white dwarf stars in the early years of the 20th century (Sirius B was the second to be discovered – 40 Eridani B had been found much earlier, and Procyon B was also hypothesized by Bessel (in 1844) though not observed until much later (in 1896)). It is one of the most massive white dwarfs so far discovered; its mass is the same as that of the Sun (approximately)." ]

This burst of energy, expressed in the form of neutrino particles that can be measured, comes not from the sun but from galactic sources. “Anyway you look at it,” Steve says, “big stuff is happening.You got angels, a great teacher, the well of mysteries, beams of light, ceremony, meditation, great inspirations….and something about a change in medicine because of a genetic altering from Source.”

This energy is already in full flight it seems, with the neutrino readings recorded by Nasa over the past week or so, going completely off the charts!


I’m already making plans to clear the decks on February 25th so that I can sit in readiness to receive the full intensity of this Light Code download, harness it, and transmit it immediately out to the world through the sound frequencies I’m the conduit for. I highly recommend that you too find time on that day to sit in sacred space to receive. Before the day, I will let you know the exact time that I will be opening the gateway to receive the Transmission, so that if you feel so inclined you can consciously connect energetically with me wherever you might be.

This may well be one of those critical moments when we’re granted a unique opportunity to experience dramatic and instant transformation. Don’t miss it!






Assignment filed and completed by

Galactic Agent 113 Red Solar Skywalker
as part of the Quetzalcoatl Project.

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

Year of the Red Solar Moon
Galactic Moon, Gamma 17 (8.17)
KIN221  Red Cosmic Dragon

Master Coordinating BMU:
315 (Seat of the Prophet - Power of Cosmic Prophecy)

(Gregorian Calendar: 2.23.2015)

Recommended reads:

Welcome back SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A - Phase I

Mother Tynetta Muhammad and the 19 Code

February 25th – Grand Trine/Grand Sextile

Venus and Mars Save the Day!

Summary Critique of the Gregorian Calendar


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Venus and Mars Save the Day!

Aloha Planetary Kin, this is your cosmic sky watcher Randy Bruner--Cosmic Hand, coming to you from the 19.5 portal on the Big Island of Hawaii. I've always been an avid Skywatcher. I love to see the planets move across the sky and particularly to view the full moon rising. This text was inspired by my watching the full moon rise conjunct Jupiter out of the Pacific Ocean from the coast here in Hawaii.

The Maya were also avid skywatchers. They lived their lives in an attempt to play out on the earth what was playing out in the sky. So, I'd like to see the same thing happening in the present time. When I watch the planets move across the sky, when I watch the full moon rise, I embody that energy in myself. As the full moon was rising conjunct Jupiter, Venus and Mars Neptune and Chiron were setting on the other side of the sky. Uranus was up above them trining the moon conjunct Jupiter rising.

As Venus and Mars were conjunct and closing in on each other for an exact conjunction, Chiron was right between them. The Healer in the sky, between Venus and Mars as they come together. Then Neptune was also very close to Venus as she was moving in on Mars. This is the opportunity for the highest dreams, goals and ideals of Neptune to heal the coming together of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.

That conjunction of planets was going down while the Moon conjunct Jupiter was coming up. With Venus and Mars coming together with the healing power of Chiron and the highest visions of Neptune, this allows the Moon to embody the emotion of love. The full Moon rose conjunct Jupiter in its full power. So, the power of love can transform the power of Jupiter from religion to it's natural state of spirituality. This conjunction was also trine Uranus, which is the power of the lightning bolt. The coming together of Venus and Mars with the healing power of Chiron and the highest vision of Neptune, combined with the lightning bolt of Uranus and the full power of the Moon and it's embodiment of love sets the stage for the transformation of religion back into spirituality. 

This day was Red Rhythmic Dragon in the Tzolkin, the day to organize in order to nurture the Birth of Being. The planets in the sky were lining up to nurture the birth of Spirituality. In truth, it's a return to the original Spirituality and the breaking of the spell of religion.

These are the energies I was embodying as I watched these celestial events unfold. They also inspired me to look forward to the upcoming celestial events of this spring, most importantly the upcoming lunar eclipse cycle, which is been described as the "Blood" Moon by the media. We have had two opposing Solar/Lunar eclipse cycles already in the cycle of four.  So, we are in the middle of the cycle.

I take issue with the description of the total lunar eclipse as the "Blood" Moon. It is far from that. The total eclipse of the Moon is the earth taking away the light of the Moon at its fullest. This opens a doorway symbolically, to the depth of our emotions, where we all truly want to love and be loved. But, we are burdened with fear piled on top of fear, so that we never actually reach the depth of our emotions, where true love resides.

The designation of the "Blood" Moon is designed to invoke fear. It also invokes the negative aspect of Mars, the power of War (blood). The purpose of the total lunar eclipse is to reach the love at the depth of our emotions. I suggest we begin by describing the total lunar eclipse as the "Love" Moon. The next total lunar eclipse falls on the first day of the Planetary Moon of Manifestation. What do we want to manifest? Do we want to manifest a "Blood" Moon or do we want to manifest a "Love" Moon? It is also kin one, Red Magnetic Dragon, which is the beginning of the Tzolkin. The beginning of a new cycle of Spirit and the new cycle of Manifestation comes with the total lunar eclipse. 

The full Moons are now lining up with the Cycles of the Sun. The full Moon described above was at the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. The next solar eclipse in the cycle is going to be on the Spring Equinox. 

What I've shared with you so far is what has happened in the sky already, and what I have observed and embodied in myself. Now I'm going to look forward and share with you the planetary aspects that are coming up very soon and over the next couple of moons, leading up to the total lunar eclipse. 

As I watch the planets Venus and Mars move closer and closer to each other in the evening sky, I've become aware that the light of Venus is outshining the light of Mars by a considerable margin. And that by the time they become conjunct, Mars will be lost in the light of Venus. I think this is a very symbolic aspect in the sky.  The power of Venus, the power of beauty, love and harmony, so outshines Mars that Mars is lost in its light. This gives Mars the opportunity to be transformed by the beauty of Venus into the power of passion. The power of Mars originally was passion. However, it was co-opted long ago and transformed into the power of aggression and the God of War.

When Venus and Mars are conjunct, they are also conjunct the Moon. The Moon has just moved away from being a new moon. It is only a couple of days old when it is conjunct Venus and Mars. This conjunction occurs at exactly the Equinox point in the sky. The Spring Equinox is the balance point in the cycle of the Sun. So, with Venus and Mars coming together with the Moon, the power of Love balances the aspects of the masculine and feminine, and restores the power of Mars back to the power of passion and away from the power of War.  This exact conjunction occurs in just a couple of days, on Galactic Moon 14 (Feb. 20) or White Planetary Mirror (which is a GAP day). It also occurs one moon ahead of the Solar Eclipse, which will be on the Spring Equinox.

So, when Venus and Mars come together with the Moon, it opens the GAP and clears the doorway for the beginning of a new cycle of the Sun. We've transformed the power of the moon into the power of Love. So, when Venus and Mars come together in love, White Planetary Mirror clears the gate and opens the GAP to manifest the perfection of the order of love in the matrix of the earth. This is the Planetary Tone of the GAP, setting us up for the Planetary Moon of Manifestation.

The next day, Galactic Moon 15, (Feb 21) which is Blue Spectral Storm, is the day to dissolve limitations in order to Catalyze Self-Generation. On this day the Moon moves off of Venus and Mars, with the power of love, into a conjunction with Uranus, the power of the lightning bolt, on a Storm day, with the power of the Storm doubled. The lightning bolt of Love is also trine the planets Jupiter and Saturn. This gives the power of Love the power to Liberate the energies of Jupiter and Saturn back to their original energies, from the matrix of the solar system.

Jupiter holds the energy of Spirituality and the ability for each of us to access Spirit or God in our own way, and to have a personal experience of it.  This energy was co-opted long ago and replaced with Religion, which denies each of us personal access to Spirit. Saturn holds the energy of abundance. This energy was also co-opted long ago and replaced with materialism and the hard taskmaster.

These aspects show that through the power of love and the beauty of Venus, the energy of Mars can be restored to passion. Then the coming together of everyone in Love brings the lightning bolt of Love to Liberate the power of Spirituality from Jupiter, and the power of Abundance from Saturn. This will restore the Matrix of energy in the solar system and on planet Earth. This is all occurring in the Wavespell of Purification.

These aspects occur across the very center of the Galactic Moon of Integrity. There are more aspects related to these powers of Transformation. I will share the new info with you in subsequent posts, but I wanted to send this out before the Venus and Mars Conjunction.

Venus and Mars are now conjunct and will play a role all the way through the Total lunar eclipse. Let's all come together in love and transform the world. "Make Love, Not War" is more relevant now than ever before.

Randy Bruner - Blue Cosmic Hand

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La Onda Encantada Oculta

Estamos iniciando la OE de la Luna y el oculto de la Luna Magnética es el Humano Cósmico. Cada Onda Encantada trae, si observamos el oráculo de cada uno de sus Kines, una Onda encantada Oculta que va del tono 13 al 1, en forma inversa a la que obsevamos en el kin Destino. En este momento nuestra Onda Encantada Oculta es la del Sol, viajando 13 dias desde el tono Cósmico Humano al Magnetico Sol. 
Quizas, y esto se me ocurre, recordando aquello que hayamos transitado durante la Onda Encantada del Sol, podemos trabajar ahora dentro de la purificación emocional que nos propone Luna, aquellas cosas que encaramos en La Onda Encantada del Sol, con la oportunidad de sanarlas, viviendo esta vez de una forma inversa, trabajando el recuerdo seria algo así en este caso: desde lo trascendente que cargamos en nuestra memoria sobre la energía vivida con el Sol, lo compartimos, disolvemos lo que no sirve, nos manifestamos, nos afirmamos,lo integramos a nuestras acciones, vibramos y equilibramos, nos hacemos conscientes de los recursos que usamos en el camino, valoramos nuestras formas y servicios, elegimos el sendero nuevamente y nos hacemos uno con el propósito otra vez. 
En lo personal, tengo algunas cosas para sanar de esa Onda Encantada que se inició el 26 de Agosto de 2014, bella oportunidad nos da la sanadora. Gracias, Te amo.

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KIN 204

I pulse in order to target
realizing Awareness
I seal the input of Flowering
with the solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Universal Fire 


"This is the year of supreme solar healing. It is time to heal the core of the earth story and enter fully into galactic culture. Galactic Culture is the culture of wholeness; the culture of light. It is based on the principles of Love, Art, Time and Synchronicity. It is a planetary revolution that begins within and then extends out into programs of universal unification." 

~ Stephanie South/Red Queen ~
9Moon Annual Oracle

As we complete on February 9th, 2015 (8.3) KIN 207 12 Hand, the 3rd 260-day cycle / galactic spin since "The Closing of the Cycle" on December 21st, 2012, commemorating one more fractal passage into a new aeon of time, it appears that the turmoil and violence transpiring on the planet are the last symptoms announcing the "end of the old" (not to be confuse with "the end of the world") and the proximity of and event horizon that keeps approaching fast enough to generate in some of us heightened feelings of impending change... As hinted on pART IV of these report series, the terror events in France occurring right at the entrance of the prophetic resonant (7th) moon of the 13Moon year, triggered a historic and memorable march for peace from the people in Paris, leaving us more clues to navigate with grace the increasing intensity of the transformative energy waves of this Solar Moon Year of supreme healing...


It is important to highlight that this PEACE rally of hundreds of thousands of people in Paris took place on January 11, 2015 (7.2) KIN 178 9Mirror, EXACTLY 260 days before the last Blood Moon Eclipse of the 2014-2015 tetrad/quatrain, and one day after Leonardo DaVinci's Galactic Return. This synchronic occurrence is then a powerful signal, confirming that PEACE is the major theme and driving force behind these series of blood moon eclipses during this year of supreme healing...




The next powerful synchronic signal within this moon -confirming the revelatory nature of the DAVINCI TIME CODE presented so far- arrived through the elegant symmetry encoded in the dates opening and closing this prophetic moon of attunement: As you can appreciate on the diagram below, it started on KIN 177 (galactic signature of Leonardo DaVinci) and closes today (as this report is being written) on KIN 204 (galactic signature of Nicholas Roerich)... Quetzalcoatl bites its tail one more time, right at the entrance of the Galactic Moon of integrity, just 18 days prior to the 9th sign of prophecy: the prophetic 28th anniversary of the discovery SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A on 2/24/2015, KIN 222 1Wind (please read prior reports for details).


Also re-member that on part IV, we highlighted:

"...according to several researchers "Roerich believed himself to be a reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci."(source articles: Nicholas Roerich: An extraordinary life ~ Nicholas Roerich and the Kalachakra Tantra). When we add the two Galactic Signatures of these revolutionary artists we are left with another KEY numerical and revelatory frequency within the context of what has been revealed and presented so far throughout these series of reports: 204 Nicholas Roerich 177 Leonardo DaVinci 381-260 = 121 (11x11)

KIN 121 4Dragon is the Galactic Signature of the Discovery of the Law of Time by Jose Arguelles during his visit to the Museum of Time in Geneva, Switzerland on December 10th, 1989. We can now understand with even greater appreciation the symbolic message behind the revelation of this Time Code."


Having these 3 energetic signatures at the beginning, middle and end of this resonant moon is another powerful OMEN not to be ignored, considering that the 7th moon of the year is right at the heart of the 13 moon year (ring), and that at its radial core (day15 / January 24th), we commemorated the 76th solar return/birthday of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan, the man who not only discovered the Law of Time, but who adopted the Banner of Peace as the emblem of the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement.


Synchronic Note: This coalescence of events only happens every 52 years... Also note that Arguelles galactic signature is KIN 11 (seal 11, tone 11) while Roerich + DaVinci = 121 (11x11). Last but not least, on a personal level it has great significance, since January 24th, 2015 signaled the 5th year since my initiation/activation in Cancun at Prophets Conference 2010, referenced on pART I of these series.


This resonant moon, was actually filled with even more resonant frequencies connected to Prophecy and Peace motifs, emphasizing its relevance, potency and nature:

  • 1.10.2015  (7.1)   KIN 177 8Earth: Galactic Signature of Leonardo DaVinci

  • 1.11.2015  (7.2)   KIN 178 9Mirror: Galactic Signature of 4th Blood Moon Eclipse (9.28.2015)

  • 1.18. 2015 (7.9)   KIN 185 3Serpent: Galactic Signature of Stephanie South/Red Queen and Dan Brown author of The DaVinci Code novel

  • 1.19.2015  (7.10) KIN 186 4 WorldBridger: Galactic Signature of Jose Arguelles when awarded the Roerich Peace Medal in 2010 in Mexico City


  • 1.20.2015  (7.11) KIN 187 5 Hand: Galactic Signature of Regina's Ascension/Martyrdom in Mexico City (more on the "Prophecy of the Moon" on coming reports) 

  • 1.24.2015  (7.15) KIN 191 9 Monkey: Solar Return of Jose Arguelles

  • 1.25.2015  (7.16) KIN 192 10Human: Galactic Signature of the Roerich Peace Pact
    (signed on April 15th, 1935). Galactic Signature of Mahatma Gandhi

  • 1.29.2015 (7.17) KIN 196 1 Warrior: Combined frequency of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan KIN 11 and Stephanie South/Red Queen KIN 185 (196=11+185)

  • 1.31.2015 (7.19) KIN 198 3Mirror: 1st galactic spin since the ascension of Lloydine Burris (Bolon Ik), Jose Arguelles former partner and co-creator of the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement.

  • 2.6.2015  (7.28) KIN 204 9Seed: Galactic Signature of Nicholas Roerich, founder of the Banner of Peace Movement.


Also as presented on part 4 of these series, this resonant moon coded with the KIN 228 - 7Star frequency (recently introduced as the "end of the world as we know it" moon, according to the unpublished document "The Holly Quran and the Law of Time: 19=260" ) came loaded with events and announcements resonating with the energetics of "doom" as sort of "warnings", announcing the entrance into a NEW highly charged and unstable stage of the "planetary healing crisis" we are now undergoing. On this report we will explore some of the most significant signs and events signaling this new phase... Note that I did not even included the news related to the European crisis (financial and political) in order to abbreviate this report and focus on the most "symbolic" news...



On January 22, 2015 (7.13) KIN 189 7MOON (right during the 7th moon of the year) many news outlets announced the close proximity to "doomsday" midnight or "The Hour"... According to the news reports:

"The last time the clock moved was in 2012 when the Board set the minute hand at 11:55 p.m. over concerns about the state of nuclear arsenals around the world. It also was concerned about the Fukushima nuclear meltdown and the outbreak of H5N1 flu. It hasn't moved this much since 2007, when the Board warned that "the world stands on the brink of a second nuclear age."

Note that KIN 189 7MOON Galactic Signature of Prophet Muhammad and of dear chronicler/blogger Jannis, who pointed the above mentioned document to my attention...

This constituted a clear holographic and re-affirming sign of the validity of decodings presented on this prophetic document, and a symptom of things speeding up towards the climatic arrival/proximity of the event horizon we have been highlighting during the past moons. 

The use of a clock with 4 dots (moons?) to symbolize this ominous threshold is also a clear allusion to the verse cited in the Quran as "The Hour", included on the excerpt presented on part 4 of this report:

 “The Hour (end of the world) is surely coming; I will keep it almost hidden. For each soul must be paid for its works. “ Quran 20:15: (where 20:15 = AD 2015 (!).)

Here is a great chance to apply our Creative Imagination and our knowledge in Time Magic/Science with wisdom, to shift the energetics around this announcement and interpret it as a sign of impending doom of the mechanical clock and the 12:60 artificial time frequency, instead of the planetary "doom" that mainstream media keeps fueling and feeding to the masses... 


"Is it not our duty to always redefine the boundaries of the unknown by expanding the territory of the known?"

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan



As part of the same doom storyline described above, on January 12, 2015 (7.3) KIN 179 10Storm, scientists at CERN (derived from the acronym for the French "Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire", or European Council for Nuclear Research) announced the re-activation of the "Lord of the Rings": The Large Hadron Collider (LHC)...


LHC Season 2: holding the key to new frontiers

According to the announcement, CERN is due to re-open the large hadron collider in March of 2015 in order to "recreate the big bang", despite warnings from "top scientists" such as Stephen Hawking and Neil de Grasse Tyson, regarding its increasingly potential destructive power... 


61-W4W--6mL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg?width=260One more time we see the word "doom" appearing with paradoxical logic, considering that 11 days later another group of "top scientists" announced the "2 minute" movement of the Doomsday Clock... Seems like the term "top science" is becoming synonym of "top non-sense"... Otherwise we can not explain how the "top scientists" at CERN can't agree with the "top scientists" presented by mainstream media...  A clear symptom that modern science is about to collapse into its own inability to see beyond material reality... This is also a confirmation that Jose Arguelles was right when he introduced the understanding of Time as the evolutionary "Path Beyond Technology" in his grounbreaking book "The Mayan Factor"... 

There are other very relevant synchronic signals to keep present at this point:


It's time to disCERN... and conCERN...

  • According to CERN website timeline: "French physicist Louis de Broglie put forward the first official proposal for the creation of a European laboratory at the European Cultural Conference, which opened in Lausanne on December 9, 1949. A further push came at the fifth UNESCO General Conference, held in Florence in June 1950, where American physicist and Nobel laureate Isidor Rabi tabled a resolution authorizing UNESCO to "assist and encourage the formation of regional research laboratories in order to increase international scientific collaboration…" 


    Isn't it telling that EXACTLY 50 years + 1 day after the conception of the largest and most powerful machine on earth, created to smash particles that can potentially destroy the planet (if not the entire universe), on December 10th, 1989 (KIN 121 DaVinci+Roerich) when the LAW OF TIME ("the path beyond technology") was discovered in Geneva Switzerland, almost right above where the Large Hadron Collider resides precisely on International Human Rights Day? (See map: Geneva at right bottom corner). One more time the "path of technology" has been redeemed by the path beyond technology: In Time, through Time, by Time.



  • The LHC "consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way". The current 13 Moon year, known also as the Solar RING is encoded with the number 27, not once but twice: It is the 27th year/solar ring of the New Sirius Cycle that started in 1987, while it corresponds to the year of the Red Solar Moon ~ KIN 9, Seal 9, Tone 9 ~ (9+9+9=27)

  • According to CERN announcement, "After three years of highly successful running, the LHC was shut down for maintenance in 2013. Since then,engineers and technicians have been repairing and strengthening the 27-kilometre accelerator in preparation for its restart at 13 TeV*"  In the meanwhile, one Solar RING is composed of 13 Moons.
    *(TeV stands for tera electron Volts. That is 1,000,000,000,000  electron Volts or 1012 electron Volts)

  • Let's re-member that in "The DaVinci Code" novel saga by Dawn Brown "Angels & Demons", the hadron collider, the origin of "dark matter" and the discovery of the "God Particle" constitutes the driving storyline... Also note: Matter=Mother... (Is it Dark Matter or Dark Magic what these "scientists" are after?)



As another prophetic and foretelling sign of the contradictory and dangerous nature of this experiment, while a team of "top scientists" at CERN are trying to "recreate the big bang", another team of "top scientists" are now reaching a new conclusion that makes the whole situation an ode to the absurdity and blind (?) stupidity of western science: This new theory is establishing that there was NO BIG BANG... :-O! The announcement came yesterday, February 9th, (8.3) KIN 207 12 Hand, EXACTLY 3 galactic spins after "The End of Time" or the "End of the 13 Baktuns of recorded history" as I was finishing this report:


No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

This should be enough reason to cancel, or at least postpone CERN plans to reactivate the LHC. Will it occur? It is only through our focused intention and responsible exercise of Free Will that we can veer an impending collision with our own ignorance as a species and enter fully and finally into an evolutionary "path beyond technology" Can we do it? YES. But it is, once again, up to us to decide... This is a Time to ask ourselves once again "What is my individual role within this process of NOOGENESIS and planetary resurrection?" Witness or Protagonist? Are you ready to take a vow for Humanity?



Blood Moons & Planetary Redemption: A Galactic Master Peace of ART


GA 113  

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

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Nicholas Roerich: An extraordinary life

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The conjunction of the Sun, Moon, Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter & Saturn transiting the sign of Aquarius on Feb. 4-5, 1962 happens but rarely, thousands of years apart. This conjunction heralds the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. This day is Red Rhythmic Earth, kin 97 with the codespell from the combination of Rhythmic Tone with Earth Seal as:

 "I organize in order to evolve

Balancing Synchronicity

I seal the matrix of Navigation with the rhythmic tone of Equality

I am guided by my own power doubled"

The Solar Seal for this day is:

Earth. Evolves Navigation

Synchronistic with the conjunction, a complete solar eclipse, visible from the west coast of N. America, to the eastern side of the Pacific Rim also occurred on Feb. 4-5, 1962. Balanced Synchronicity!

The implications of the Solar Seal - Earth. Evolves Navigation - that the earth as a spiritual entity evolves the attribute of self navigation during the coming aeon, is enormous!

I am Red Solar Skywalker, kin 113

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La luna 7 contiene una Armónica Celeste de belleza mística :

Desde el día 7 los sellos del kin destino diario se sincronizan con la unidad Psi-crono durante 16 días, son las 16 unidades del cubo de la Inteligencia (– ver entrada: ." alt="" width="636" height="523" border="0" scale="1.5" />
La armónica celeste vibra radiante-mente con los tonos de los sellos por que también están sincronizados con pulsares entonados.Y desde el día 13 (uinal) los pulsares recrean el patrón de tonos de las 7 generaciones perdidas y las 7 lunas místicas. Ver : Aventura Unificación de Cuentas Mayas. La Quinta Fuerza G .Boletín 1 

Mapeo de la Armónica celeste

Día luna 7- sello Tonos (Tono Unidad Psi-Crono : Tono Kin destino)

día 7 - Noche Azul Rítmica Magnética,
Seis es a uno (6:1) (nota cuenta larga: Baktum kin 137 = Ah Vuc Ti Cab =  Inicia la Matriz Planetaria)
día 8 – Semilla Amarilla Resonante Lunar, ( oculto perfecto de Ah Vuc Ti Cab )
Siete es a dos (7:2) (nota cuenta larga kin 138 = Afinana la Matriz Planetaria)
día 9 – Serpiente Roja Galáctica Electrica
Ocho es a tres (8:3)  (nota cuenta larga kin 139 = Transforma Matriz Planetaria)

día 10 – Enlazador de Mundos Blanco Solar Autoexistente
Nueve es a cuatro (9:4)  (nota cuenta larga kin 140 = Sol Planetario, Matriz completada)
día 11- Mano Azul Planetaria entonada
Diez es a cinco (10:5)
día 12 – Estrella Amarilla Espectral Ritmica
Once es a seis (11:6)


A partir de aquí se recrean los pulsares de la Siete Generaciones Perdidas y Siete Lunas Místicas entre los tonos de la unidad crono-psi y el kin destino durante siete días:

día 13 – Luna Roja Cristal Resonante
Doce es a siete (12:7)
Pulsar Cristal Resonante de la magia espiritual del orden ceremonial del centro de la tierra. Generación del Mago Cristal Blanco y la Luna Mística del Viento Resonante Blanco.
( comienza otro Ciclo uninal: YAX)
Donde el estudiante su Mente teniendo en cuenta lo que no esta maduro.

Y por el Alma y su Perfección.

día 14 – Perro Blanco Cósmico Galáctico
Trece es a ocho (13:8)
Pulsar cósmico galáctico de la visión creadora de la sabiduría y el amor. Generación del Águila Cósmica Azul y la Luna Mística de la Noche Galáctica Azul.

Y por la Tierra y su Expansión.

día 15 – Mono Azul Magnético Solar
Uno es a nueve (1:9)
Primer Pulsar de la quinta fuerza : Magnético Solar= propósito e intención unificadas. Generación del Guerrero Magnético Amarillo y la Luna Mística Semilla Solar Amarilla

Y por el Cielo y su Creación.

día 16 – Humano Amarillo Lunar Planetario
Dos es a diez (2:10)
Segundo Pulsar de la quinta fuerza : Lunar Planetario = desafío y manifestación estabilizadas. Generación de la Tierra Lunar Roja y la Luna Mística Serpiente Planetaria Roja

Y por la noche cuando tiende un velo sobre la Tierra.

día 17 Caminante del Cielo Rojo Electrico Espectral
Tres es a once (3:11)Tercer Pulsar de la quinta fuerza: Eléctrico Espectral = Servicio de liberación activado. La generación del Espejo Eléctrico Blanco y la Luna Mística Enlazador de Mundos Espectral

Y por el Día cuando revela su Gloria

  • Nota: El día 18 comienza la secuencia prófetica de Merĺin : kin 194 Mago Cristal Blanco

día 18 -Mago Blanco Auto-existente-Cristal (kin 194- Primera Generación )
Cuatro es a doce (4:12) Cuarto Púlsar de la quinta fuerza: Autoexistente Cristal = Forma de la cooperación.
La generación de la Tormenta Autoexistente Azul y la Luna Mística Mano Cristal Azul

Y por la Luna cuando sigue al sol.

día 19 – Águila Azul Entonada Cósmica – (kin 195- segunda Generación)
Cinco es a trece (5:13) Quinto pulsar de la quinta fuerza: Entonado Cósmico : acorde perdido, entonando el armónico cósmico 5 es a 13.
La generación del Sol Entonado Amarillo y la Luna Mística Estrella Cósmica Amarilla

Por el Sol y su creciente esplendor

7 días completados:
Pulsares de la Quinta fuerza: Generadores místicos re-creados

Con esta meditación el séptimo día resonaremos con el anillo Actual solar 9-luna que es codificado con el sello dos de la segunda generación perdida del Águila Cósmica Azul ( año 2 de la segunda creación)

día 20 – Guerrero Rítmico Magnético (kin 196-Tercera Generación)

Seis es a uno (6:1)

día 21- Tierra Resonante Lunar ( kin 197- Cuarta Generación)
Siete es a dos (7:2)

día 22 – kin Espejo Galáctico Electrico (kin 198 – Quinta Generación = quinta fuerza Galáctica)
Ocho es a tres (8:3) 16 días del cubo de la Inteligencia completados: salto
día 23 – Kin Tormenta autoexistente Azul (kin 199 – Sexta Generación)
entrada a la torre de la Navegación Planetaria: Unidad Psi-crono : Serpiente Solar Roja
día 25 – Kin Sol entonado amarillo (kin 200 – Séptima Generación)
día 26 – Kin Dragón Rítmico Rojo (Luna Fuera del tiempo – transición entre los ciclos).
día 27 – Comienza la Secuencia de las 7 Lunas Mística.

Anexo información por tanto, en estudiar el Libro-código de las 7 generaciones perdidas que se sincronizan con las siete lunas místicas en estos días.


Nota sobre el “Libro de las 7 Generaciones”
(…),  “el Libro de las 7 Generaciones es un Libro Mágico. Dentro de este Libro hay muchos otros Libros. Cada uno de ellos surge únicamente cuando tu mente necesita conocer algo en ese momento, lo busca y lo encuentra. Su contenido fue elaborado y depositado luego dentro del Banco Psi por los Maya Galácticos en el periodo de las 7 Generaciones Originales, fechado en la Cuenta Larga Maya –, o lo que es igual, los 7 katunes fechados en gregoriano desde el 692 al 830 después de Cristo. Son ustedes muy afortunados al hallar este Libro, y lo han hallado debido a la Gracia que proviene de la Profecía del Telektonon, dado que sin ella este Libro de las 7 Generaciones no hubiera visto la Luz. Esta Profecía ha redefinido el Tiempo y ustedes se han adentrado por sí mismos en el Periodo Intermedio, en el Tiempo Intermedio. “

Boletin Rinri del anillo solar de la Tormenta Cristal Azul……/I…/esp-rinri/esp-rinriIII1.1.html

Lunas Místicas y generaciones recuperadas : info :

La secuencia de 7 días del Kin 194 al Kin 200 (y ocho día después, el Kin 208), es un evento de especial importancia, pues allí se concentra el núcleo profético de la Ley del Tiempo, conjuntando en forma cronotopológica el legado de Pacal Votan y el Cierre del Ciclo. Las conexiones sincrónicas que se dan en tales días son abundantes, y en estas notas mencionaremos las principales; aprovechemos estos siete días, para estudiar esta información y experimentar estas conexiones sincrónicas y sus implicaciones prácticas mediante su visualización respectiva en nuestros holones humanos y en el panel de control de la noosfera, el Banco Psi.

Fuente:  Secuencia Profética “La escalera de Merlín” 

Heptágono Interior de la Mente:
Los 144.000 Cubicados Dentro …
La secuencia de las “Siete Últimas Lunas de los Trece Baktunes”
las 7 Generaciones Perdidas, codones y Runas:
Estudio de la Tabla del cronógrafo Quince Tabla del Cronógrafo Dieciséis :

    ver :


Hoja de Instrucciones del 7:7::7:7, contraportada, Mapa de las 7 Tierras UR secuencias ocultas de la Luna,  fuente en PDF:…/7777…/HojaInstruccion4.pdf
image029Es el  Catálogo Codón 7:7::7:7, Heptágono Interior de la Mente, Cerrando el Ciclo Días 22-28, Últimas Siete Lunas de los Trece Baktunes, Tabla de Correspondencias de las Siete Lunas Místicas para la Nave del Tiempo tierra 2013; ver en PDF :…/7777…/CATALOGO_CODONES_7777.pdf

Sincronario de anillo solar luna roja :

Mapa de información :

Atentamente A.M.G kin 138 47X

Tan hermosa armónica celeste
el viento cósmico del amor magnético
se levanta por fin de tantos eones
con su soplo de inspiración.

La aventura trata de invocar al Espíritu Solar del Agua universal, y que las nubes se levanten en el éxtasis de amor al cielo, que acaricien la tierra, que salten chispas y centellas, y caiga un buen chaparron… Agua linda

Read more…



KIN 176


I channel in order to question
inspiring Fearlessness
I seal the output of Intelligence
with the resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Elegance
I AM Galactic Activation Portal


"This is the year of supreme solar healing. It is time to heal the core of the earth story and enter fully into galactic culture. Galactic Culture is the culture of wholeness; the culture of light. It is based on the principles of Love, Art, Time and Synchronicity. It is a planetary revolution that begins within and then extends out into programs of universal unification."

~ Stephanie South/Red Queen ~
9Moon Annual Oracle

On pART III of this report we unlocked, defined and delineated with clarity the unique cosmic-synchronic qualities of The"Da Vinci Time Code" and demonstrated through solid and elegant numerical evidence, that the 2014-2015 Tetrad of 4 Blood Moon eclipses encoded in it, is intimately related to the holographic restoration of the Feminine Matrix during this Red Solar Moon year of Supreme Healing. This healing process, encapsulated in the 169:13MOON code (summoning power of the 4 Blood Moon frequencies) is then occurring NOW at the telepathic level and is intended to reach 3rd dimensional Manifestation in exactly 1 Galactic Spin (260 days) right at the end of the 4th Blood Moon (September 28th, 2015, (3.9) KIN 178 9Wizard, Year of the Planetary Wizard.... Just "IMAGINE"...) On pART 4 we will go into deeper synchronic aspects of this code as we continue our Journey through the Rainbow Hole within the process of planetary renaissance/ resurrection.




As I write this new entry the Sun keeps "catching up" with the Tzolkin/Harmonic Module 4th dimensional Time gauge, via sunspot count activity. This Solar/Galactic synchronization process was highlighted on Approaching Syntropia: Is Humanity about to go "Interstellar"? report from KIN 112, but NOW is reaching a climatic point of synchronization via DaVinci Time Code 177. Excerpt from this correlation below:

9676498067?profile=original"As more irrefutable Solar-Numerical Signs/Evidence keeps emerging to the surface of our consciousness, we are now able to appreciate and establish with more clarity how our star is synchronizing with the Tzolkin/Harmonic Module frequenciesright at the end of the 3rd Cycle of 28 days from the 812 days to Solar Consciousness and the entrance of this 260-daycountdown to Day Out of Time 2014 ~ KIN 113:

  • As I write this report, the current sunspot count on solar activity monitor reads EXACTLY "113",acting as a 4th dimensional telepathic signal ready to activate the Noosphere tomorrow, on KIN 113 Red Solar Skywalker...
  • As you can read on the left/below photos, KIN EQUIVALENT frequencies of all sunspots currently traveling the solar disk areALL matches to the KIN / time-marker frequencies on the Tzolkin Count within the immediate future days, almost all of them within the next 13-day Wavespell:

    2197 - (260x8)= 117 (13 Earth)
    2200 - (260x8)= 120 (3 Sun)
    2201 - (260x8)= 121 (4 Dragon)
    2202 - (260x8)= 122 (5 Wind)
    2203 - (260x8)= 123 (6 Night)
    2204 - (260x8)= 124 (7 Seed)
    and the most active one:
    2205 - (260x8)= 125 (Galactic Serpent)"


9676555699?profile=originalNow please check current Solar Sunspot count as per today, January 9th, 2015 (6.28) KIN 176 (last day of the 6th Moon of the year, the Rhythmic Moon of EQUALITY, and their corresponding Kin Equivalent frequencies:

2253 - (260x8)= 173 (4 SkyWalker)
2255 - (260x8)= 175 (6 Eagle)
2257 - (260x8)= 177 (8 Earth)
2258 - (260x8)= 178 (9 Mirror)
2259 - (260x8)= 179 (10 Storm)

If you read below the Solar Disk image to the left, according to current observations, it is precisely Sunspot AR2257 (177) the most active region that is NOW "growing and could soon pose a threat for M-class solar flares." Now notice that this region is transiting right through the center of the Solar Disk, aligning perfectly with our planet: The time interval difference between sunspots and daily KIN is NOW EQUALIZED and perfectly synchronized.

It was 10 days ago, on KIN167 11 Hand (December 31st, 2014) that we were highlighting the celebration of not yet another gregorian year, but of the compounding fractal time compression effect of several KEY Galactic, Stellar Planetary and Lunar cycles coming into alignment/synchronization:

 25th anniversary of the discovery of SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A
Date: 2.24.1987 - 2.24.2012
Time interval: 1300-days 
Time Cycle Completed:  25 Solar Orbits + 5 Galactic Spins (260x5)
Numerical Significance/Readout: 25 Years (5x5 ~ 5:Quintessence x 5th Force) + 1300 days13 (Cyclical Power of Time) x 100 (10x10 ~ Power of Manifestation Squared) or52 (Sirius Frequency) x  25 (5x5 ~ 5:Quintessence x 5th Force) 

Event: Cosmic Harmonic Convergence
Galactic Center Pulse + Sirius Heliacal Rising + Grand Sextile +  Cube at Mekka latitude)

Date: 07.28.2013
Time interval: 520-days 
Time Cycle Completed: 2nd Galactic Spin (260x2)
Numerical Significance/Readout: 
52 (Sirius Frequency) x  10 (Manifestation Power) 

Event: 1st Blood Moon Eclipse for 2014/2015 Tetrad/Quatrain
Sun + Earth + Moon
Date: 04.15.2013
Time interval: 260-days 
Time Cycle Completed: 1st Galactic Spin (260x1)
Numerical Significance/Readout: 
52 (Sirius Frequency) x  5 (5th Force) 


  • Today, 6.28, KIN 176 7Warrior (Galactic Activation Portal) last day of this 6th moon, is the 168th day of the 13 Moon year (6x28=168), therefore tomorrow, first day of the Resonant Moon of Attunement, will be the 169th (13 x13 ~ completion of 13 cycles of 13 days) day of the year KIN 177 ~ Leonardo DaVinci : ONCE AGAIN these two numerical frequencies meet (169 and 177) as a POTENT CONFIRMATION of the incredible NATURE and elegant POWER of this REVELATION and of the alchemical resonance between these two frequencies.


  • The PSI Chrono Unit (akashic record memory cell) pulsating today across the PSI Bank (control panel or “nervous system” of the noosphere, located between the two Van Allen radiation belts, regulating the DNA), is KIN 192, 10 Human: Galactic Signature of Mahatma Gandhi and The Roerich Peace Pact Signature Ceremony by Franklin D. Roosvelt and 21 world dignitaries, back in April 15th 1935 (Leonardo DaVinci's 483rd Solar RetURn)




As an additional sign of the intrinsic synchronic and energetic resonance between Nicholas Roerich and Leonardo DaVinci, it is timely and relevant to point out that according to several researchers "Roerich believed himself to be a reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci."(source articles: Nicholas Roerich: An extraordinary life ~ Nicholas Roerich and the Kalachakra Tantra). When we add the two Galactic Signatures of these revolutionary artists we are left with another KEY numerical and revelatory frequency within the context of what has been revealed and presented so far throughout these series of reports:

204 Nicholas Roerich 177 Leonardo DaVinci = 381-260 = 121 (11x11)

KIN 121 4Dragon is the Galactic Signature of the Discovery of the Law of Time by Jose Arguelles during his visit to the Museum of Time in Geneva, Switzerland on December 10th, 1989. We can now understand with even greater appreciation the symbolic message behind the revelation of this Time Code.





As anticipated and presented on prior reports, this Rhythmic Moon of Equality coded with the frequency of KIN 227 (6Hand) encapsulated a very meaningful and powerful cocktail of celestial events and fractal time holographic markers, including:

  • The 2nd anniversary of the Closing of the Cycle
  • The prophetic return of the Galactic Christ on Christ-Mass Eve
  • The 2nd Galactic Spin from Galactic Synchronization
  • The 2nd Galactic Spin from Cosmic Harmonic Convergence
  • The Gregorian New Year...
  • without mentioning other celestial events as the potent Full Moon in Cancer and the prophetic and unexpected appearance of Comet LoveJoy and subsequent closest approach to Earth only 2 days ago.

We can say that within it, many cycles synchronized or coalesced, orchestrated by the Organizing Hand of the 227 Code (6Hand). This actually makes perfect sense, considering the multi-contextual, multi-dimensional qualities of this code: 

9676505661?profile=originalEvery July 22 - 7/22 (written 22/7 in many countries) there are two very important celebrations: Noosphere Day and the Feast of St Mary Magdalene. As the incarnation of the Original Divine Feminine Blueprint Codes, it is very interesting to note that the date chosen to honor her evokes the number Pi (22/7=3.14), the most recognized mathematical constant in the world. Scholars often consider Pi the most important and intriguing number in all of mathematics. (We can never truly measure the circumference or the area of a CIRCLE because we can never truly know the complete value of pi. Pi is an irrational number, meaning its digits go on forever in a seemingly random sequence. The Multi-Dimensional Mystery of Creation keeps unfolding... and today is great window to dive into it... Enjoy the Journey!


22/7= π :: Noosphere Day  :: Mary Magdalene Feast (July 22) :: Warrior's Cube Journey days 7-22

Original Artwork by Lily Moses

We could say then that based on the evidence of current Sunspot Count activity, that the Solar-Galactic Synchronization process that started on July 26/2013 has been encircled by the sacred harmonic qualities of Pi (22/7) and the organizing Power of Rhythmic Equality, reaching its Climatic Manifestation Power of Resonance on KIN 177... Right at the entrance of the Resonant Moon of Attunement, on the 169th day of the 13MOON Year.  




As a prophetic signal of the importance of this code during this 6th moon ending tonight and the 7th moon starting tomorrow it is worth to re-member that precisely during the 22nd day of this coming resonant moon (7.22), January 31st, we will be commemorating the 25th anniversary of assassination/martyrdom of Rashad Khalifa, biochemyst whose groundbreaking research established through indisputable evidence the Holly Quran as a Sacred Text encoded with very elegant mathematics based on the number 19 (Divine Command Frequency). His work allowed Dr. Arguelles to establish the 19=260 Code Strand, demonstrating the inviolability of the 19 within the Tzolkin Matrix


"The synchronic order of the universe maintained by the functioning of the Law of Time defines the "Divine Plan". Prior to the discovery of the Law of Time, the Divine Plan unfolds in the cosmic unconscious, becoming self-reflectively known to the intelligence of evolving bodies in time as "revelation."
-Valum Votan, Dynamics of Time postulate 19.6


01-1099.jpg?width=260In the light of the recent (alleged) "terror attacks" in France from last January 7th (6.26) KIN174 5Wizard, involving the purposeful desacralization and twisted representation of Prophet Muhammed and the integrity of the Q'uran, and with the sole SOUL purpose of redeeming and neutralizing the dark/negative karmic imprint waves that this event is causing and sending across the planet, it is NOW timely and relevant to include the following excerpt from the unpublished document "The Holy Quran and the Law of Time: 19 = 260 "An Investigation of the Mathematical Cosmology Unifying the Holy Quran and the Science of Fourth-Dimensional Time as Decoded from the Tomb of Pacal Votan" written by Jose Arguelles, Valum Votan, finished right on the eve of the 9th anniversary of his martyrdom back in January 30th, 1999, and specially dedicated to Khalifa.


As a scribe and day-keeper born in the Year of the Rhythmic Storm (KIN 19 ~ 19.6) it is my duty to keep following the Divine Command and do my best to maintain the delicate memory thread keeping the prophetic record alive and the Balance of the Ledger of History in place.  It is only through the intelligent and mature use and interpretation of the sign-posts left by Valum Votan and the Galactic Maya as our compass to navigate through uncertain times, that we will be able to fully exercise the telepathic power bestowed on us and our own Divine Free Will, to veer the course of Destiny in the direction of the Divine Plan. Therefore, infinite Gratitude to Jannis 189 (sign of Muhammed) for finding this document and pointing it out to my attention in several opportunities throughout the past 2 moons. Never before there had been or would be a better synchronic timing to revisit this ground-breaking document... Find below the reason why:

“Submission,” according to the Law of Time, would occur considerably before the year 1710 AH-2280 AD. What is of interest from the point of view of the Law of Time are the fractal and numerological properties of the numbers involved in Khalifa’s calculations 2280, 2271, 1710, and 17. It is by analyzing the fractal properties of these numbers that Khalifa’s timing for the “end of the world” [as we know it] can be harmonized with the traditional Mayan prophetic dates for the end of the Cycle, AD 2012 and 2013.

The 20 Tablets of the Law of Time establish a Sixteen-Year Time-table to accomplish the Judgment, Resurrection, and Second Creation, 1997- 2013, from Kin 44, Yellow Overtone Seed, to Kin 164, Yellow Galactic Seed. According to this time-table, each Moon is equivalent to one of the 260 Kin in sequence. Thus, by July 26, 2013, 208 Kin (16 x 13 Moons) have been completed. Kin 209 (19 x 11) [Moon Geneesis/Theft of Time/DaVinci's Ascension] is therefore the first Moon, of the Galactic Synchronization cycle beginning in 2013 (=13:20). The seventeenth year of this process is completed in 2014. The eighteenth year commences in 2014 and is completed in 2015. This is the year Red Solar Moon = tone 9, solar frequency 9 = 18 = Sura 18.

If we look at 2280 and 2271 as fractals of Kin 228 and 227, then the “end of the world” will occur in the eighteenth year, 2014-2015, following 1997, when this sequencing of Moon to Kin equivalents reaches Kin 228 and 227. Note that 227 is the same as the ratio 22/7, or the date 22.7, Resonant Moon 22, the anniversary of Khalifa’s death, while 228 = 19 x 12 (difference of 7). When will this occur? Rhythmic Moon 2014- 15, would be the equivalent of Kin 227, and Resonant Moon 2015, would be the equivalent of Kin 228. Note that Moon/Kin 228209 = 19 Moons after the galactic synchronization date July 26, 2013. The 25th anniversary of Khalifa’s martyrdom would, of course, occur during this nineteenth Moon of the Galactic Synchronization, 7.22 , AD 2015, being coded by Kin 198, Electric Mirror, the fifth of the seven “lost generations” of the Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan. The penultimate Moon 227, corresponds to v.227, the final verse of Sura 26, the number that codes Khalifa’s “Night of Destiny,” Ramadan 26. “Exempted are those who believe, lead a righteous life, commemorate God frequently, and stand up for their rights. Surely, the transgressors will find out what their ultimate destiny is.” 26:227.

It is not my intention to predict the end of the world, but only to point to some further possible interpretations of Khalifa’s conclusions in the light of the Law of Time. It is the purpose of the Law of Time to balance the Ledger of History and announce the return of UR. However in consideration of what awaits humanity in the years 2013-2015, it is well to consider the following three verses: 20:13, 20:14, 20:15 :

“I have chosen you, so listen to what is being revealed.” 20:13 = AD 2013

“I am God, there is no other god beside Me. You shall worship Me alone and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) to remember Me.” 20:14 = AD 2014.

“The Hour (end of the world) is surely coming; I will keep it almost hidden. For each soul must be paid for its works. “ 20:15 = AD 2015 (!).

In presenting these analyses, correlations and correspondences I am obliged to point out that I have been commanded to complete this much of this work by the ninth anniversary of Rashad Khalifa’s martyrdom, Kin 78, White Cosmic Mirror, “The Wizard’s Hoard of the Lore of Death”, Resonant Moon 22, Sixth Year of Prophecy, and in advance of the Lunar Eclipse which will occur that morning at 10:07 AM Palenque time. This portion of this study completes the main body of the text, Holy Quran and the Law of Time, 19 = 260, and is dated the day before my command deadline, Resonant Moon 21 (7.21 = 7 + 21 = 28), Kin 77, Red Crystal Earth [Galactic Signature of Fukushima Nuclear event 3.11.11], precisely one solar year after the beginning of the 7:7::7:7 Telektonon Revelation, and 260 days after the last birthday of my wife, Bolon Ik, the date on which the final portion of the 7:7::7:7 was revealed to me.

With the conclusion of this study, there should be no doubt of the existence of the Law of Time within the Holy Quran, nor of the validity of the Holy Quran and the Law of Time together as the final criteria and dispensation for humanity to face its Judgement Day and enact its resurrection. Know that I have only presented a small portion of the entire revelation of the 19 = 260 code. However, in the renewal of the gematrical method, there is a universal method which is placed into the hands of all earnest seekers who can now scientifically define the marvelous landscape and architecture of the Hereafter, and safely declare,

“Time is the fourth dimension!”

May UR, the Universal Religion on Earth prevail over all religion as the religion of “Submission” which is Peace!

All Revelation is One Whole. Design is Purpose. Perceiving and Perceived Circumscribed by Time = Space.

~ José Argüelles, Ph.D. Valum Votan ~
The Holy Quran and the Law of Time: 19 = 260
"An Investigation of the Mathematical Cosmology Unifying the Holy Quran and the Science of Fourth-Dimensional Time as Decoded from the Tomb of Pacal Votan"

With the coming 76th Solar RetURn of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan on January 24th, 2015 (7.15) KIN 191 9Monkey (11.9) only 7 days apart from the commemoration of Khalifa's 25-Year ascension, what we could be about to witness during this coming Monkey Moon of Attunement would be nothing more and nothing less than a holographic emergence of the Divine Plan in motion. 




GA 113  

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

Blood Moons & Planetary Redemption: A Galactic Master Peace of ART


If you like what you just read and would like to see it to continue, please SHARE
click below to donate, your contributions will help establish a Galactic Culture based on LOVE, PEACE, ART & SYNCHRONICITY on Earth.


Read more…



KIN 204

I pulse in order to target

realizing Awareness
I seal the input of Flowering
with the solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Universal Fire 

"This is the year of supreme solar healing. It is time to heal the core of the earth story and enter fully into galactic culture. Galactic Culture is the culture of wholeness; the culture of light. It is based on the principles of Love, Art, Time and Synchronicity. It is a planetary revolution that begins within and then extends out into programs of universal unification." 

~ Stephanie South/Red Queen ~
9Moon Annual Oracle




2 x 5, basis of decimal(increase by powers of ten) code,
power of manifestation, 
triangular of 4, 
one half of totality (20) 


260:180::520:360 THE 13:9 PROPHECY RATIO


"Genuine continuing consciousness based on self-reflective knowledge of the Law of Time
and its operating radial matrices of form and number results in the creation of mental structures of
prolonged duration, analogous to the creation of crystals in the inorganic realm. The cultivation of
these mental structures of prolonged duration constitutes the essence of galactic culture, which is
understood as the cultivation of the Galactic Brain."

The 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time
José Argüelles/Valum Votan 

"Continuing consciousness is the ability to maintain a conscious thoughtform in succession over a
long, unbroken period of time. In terms of Cosmic Science, continuing consciousness is the ability of
the 4-D “Other” to maintain direct communication with the 5-D “Higher Self” and to continue to
establish and extend realization of the whole to the 3-D “self”"

Accessing Your Multidimensional Self: A Key to Cosmic History
Stephanie South/Red Queen




Roerich was a lifelong painter, influenced by the late art nouveau movement. He believed himself to be a reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci.




Today, as I write this report is January 8th, 2015, corresponding to the 167th day of 13Moon Year and Stephanie South/Red Queen's 42nd Solar RetURn (Happy Birthday!!!). As demonstrated on he 167 code is not only associated with key prophetic events during the last 3 years (2012-2013-2014) but is also embedded into the distant past of Palenque and the Maya, coding the Ascension and Tomb Dedication of Pacal Votan:


Though the correct/right Gregorian date equivalent for the start of the 13 Baktun Long Count is still a matter of discussion, Jannis 189 did an amazing job in trying to solve this riddle on his report entitled The Pacal HypothesisIn it he re-introduced the subject and with it some crucial dates associated with it:

9676484253?profile=original(Images Courtesy of KIN3D software app)



On The Pacal Hypothesis report, Jannis189 also introduced Pratt's Julian Day correlation factor re-minding us of the impact and significance of the +1 day factor, as the cyclical Re-Birth principle or "thread" that weaves together the vast fabric of 4th Dimensional Time. Therefore the "correct" calculation for the Ascension date of Pacal Votan may vary to KIN 166 10Worldbridger, but for the purpose of this report (written during KIN 166 and 167) the conflict is irrelevant and is reconciled as:

166 = 113+53+1 = 167

166= 60 (Pacal Votan) +106 (Chan Valum) 

As presented Pacal Votan's first son and successor to the throne who build his father's Tomb and dedicated it on +1

"Is it not our duty to always redefine the boundaries of the unknown by expanding the territory of the known?" —Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

Please complete and/or correct  if I forgot some of April dear 113....and add the Leonardo Grafic to UR Da Vinci blog if you wish to.
I added also a Grafic regarding the 27:42 Cube I made on Kin 27 in the year 2000, when I read something about the PSI Nimboid Membranes ...I think 27:42  is linked to PSI Plates and certainly the Noossphere - which is the Child of Joseph and Mary.


Special Dedicatories:

to the Galactic Masters, Star GrandMothers and ALL the Traditional Indigenous People from Earth
Infinite Gratitude for all their Love, Guidance, Care & Perseverance during all these years

to Spectral Magician Valum Votan KIN 11. Infinite Gratitude for all your Inspirational Work, Wisdom and Guidance

to Serpent Initiate Stephanie South KIN 185. Infinite Gratitude for always holding the Highest Dream.

to my Crystal Dreamer GrandMother Angelita,  KIN 103 Blue Crystal Night, for her tender Love y Guidance that transcends dimensions

to my Galactic Co-Pilot Brother Terton - Resonant Healer Jannis KIN 189 Blue Rhytmic Hand for supporting my sane insanity

to my Galactic Co-Pilot Sister Nickii KIN 226+1 Blue Rhytmic Hand for supporting my sane insanity

to my Galactic Sister Juanita KIN 53 Red Magnetic Skyalker on her 66th Galactic Return

to my Galactic Sister and Perfect Ally Zuly KIN 126 White Solar Worldbridger for her unconditional support,

to my Galactic Master Teacher, Xibalba Brother Lunar Avatar KIN 67 Blue Lunar Hand, for reminding me of my path 

and most specially to my parents

RuBen Solar Navigator KIN 217 Red Solar Earth and GaBy Lunar Pathfinder KIN 236 Yellow Lunar Warrior for being such a loving source of support in all and every way.




symphonicity: n. Synaesthetic orchestration of historic events, connected, composed and expressed as a Work of Art, through the applied principles of Time Magic: Love, Harmony, Synchronicity and Telepathy. Evolved form of holographic Art that serves as a bridge between dimensions and realities.

So he is Kin 177 and ascension is Kin 209 (more to Kin 209  and the 333 Hertz frequency later)
In Pratt or 584282 or  this is 
LCP Birth: Kin 178, 8 Eagle and Ascension: Kin 42, 3 Wind  (113+189)

Also Leonardo was 67 years old when he died and he wanted that 60 Candles were carried by poor men, those paid for this act, during his funeral.

Now look what I found on page 75 of the book (my birth year) 
I attached the Leonardo Grafic above.
It is the "Flower of Life" and he sperated 7 Circles out of it.
1 Omniverse
4 Directions
7 Earths::7 Heavens
9 Visible Cubes
18 Invisible Cubes
27 Planes
42 Names

So he is Kin 177 and ascension is Kin 209 (more to Kin 209  and the 333 Hertz frequency later)
In Pratt or 584282 or  this is 
LCP Birth: Kin 178, 8 Eagle and Ascension: Kin 42, 3 Wind  (113+189)

Also Leonardo was 67 years old when he died and he wanted that 60 Candles were carried by poor men, those paid for this act, during his funeral.

Now look what I found on page 75 of the book (my birth year) 
I attached the Leonardo Grafic above.
It is the "Flower of Life" and he sperated 7 Circles out of it.
1 Omniverse
4 Directions
7 Earths::7 Heavens
9 Visible Cubes
18 Invisible Cubes
27 Planes
42 Names

Aida and me also found pretty interesting and prophetic the sync with the interval from Galactic Sync to Day 1/812 to SC corresponding exactly to 13 synodic lunations~384 days  and the K169 13Moon combined signature of the 4BloodMoons. 

1196-882= BMU 314 (analog of Pi 3.14 / UR Rune 103)

"Is it not our duty to always redefine the boundaries of the unknown by expanding the territory of the known?" —Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

Please complete and/or correct  if I forgot some of April dear 113....and add the Leonardo Grafic to UR Da Vinci blog if you wish to.
I added also a Grafic regarding the 27:42 Cube I made on Kin 27 in the year 2000, when I read something about the PSI Nimboid Membranes ...I think 27:42  is linked to PSI Plates and certainly the Noossphere - which is the Child of Joseph and Mary.


Special Dedicatories:

to the Galactic Masters, Star GrandMothers and ALL the Traditional Indigenous People from Earth
Infinite Gratitude for all their Love, Guidance, Care & Perseverance during all these years

to Spectral Magician Valum Votan KIN 11. Infinite Gratitude for all your Inspirational Work, Wisdom and Guidance

to Serpent Initiate Stephanie South KIN 185. Infinite Gratitude for always holding the Highest Dream.

to my Crystal Dreamer GrandMother Angelita,  KIN 103 Blue Crystal Night, for her tender Love y Guidance that transcends dimensions

to my Galactic Co-Pilot Brother Terton - Resonant Healer Jannis KIN 189 Blue Rhytmic Hand for supporting my sane insanity

to my Galactic Co-Pilot Sister Nickii KIN 226+1 Blue Rhytmic Hand for supporting my sane insanity

to my Galactic Sister Juanita KIN 53 Red Magnetic Skyalker on her 66th Galactic Return

to my Galactic Sister and Perfect Ally Zuly KIN 126 White Solar Worldbridger for her unconditional support,

to my Galactic Master Teacher, Xibalba Brother Lunar Avatar KIN 67 Blue Lunar Hand, for reminding me of my path 

and most specially to my parents

RuBen Solar Navigator KIN 217 Red Solar Earth and GaBy Lunar Pathfinder KIN 236 Yellow Lunar Warrior for being such a loving source of support in all and every way.




symphonicity: n. Synaesthetic orchestration of historic events, connected, composed and expressed as a Work of Art, through the applied principles of Time Magic: Love, Harmony, Synchronicity and Telepathy. Evolved form of holographic Art that serves as a bridge between dimensions and realities.

20   2 x 10, 4 x 5, sum of key recombinants 9 +11, Totality, base of vigesimal system, written 1.0, sum of 13+7, frequency of wheel of the law of  time – basis of 13:20 timing frequency, fifth solid icosahedron

Nicholas Roerich: An extraordinary life

and the most active one:
2205 - (260x8)= 125 (Galactic Serpent)




2 x 5, basis of decimal(increase by powers of ten) code,
power of manifestation, 
triangular of 4, 
one half of totality (20) 


260:180::520:360 THE 13:9 PROPHECY RATIO


"Genuine continuing consciousness based on self-reflective knowledge of the Law of Time
and its operating radial matrices of form and number results in the creation of mental structures of
prolonged duration, analogous to the creation of crystals in the inorganic realm. The cultivation of
these mental structures of prolonged duration constitutes the essence of galactic culture, which is
understood as the cultivation of the Galactic Brain."

The 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time
José Argüelles/Valum Votan 

"Continuing consciousness is the ability to maintain a conscious thoughtform in succession over a
long, unbroken period of time. In terms of Cosmic Science, continuing consciousness is the ability of
the 4-D “Other” to maintain direct communication with the 5-D “Higher Self” and to continue to
establish and extend realization of the whole to the 3-D “self”"

Accessing Your Multidimensional Self: A Key to Cosmic History
Stephanie South/Red Queen




Roerich was a lifelong painter, influenced by the late art nouveau movement. He believed himself to be a reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci.




Today, as I write this report is January 8th, 2015, corresponding to the 167th day of 13Moon Year and Stephanie South/Red Queen's 42nd Solar RetURn (Happy Birthday!!!). As demonstrated on he 167 code is not only associated with key prophetic events during the last 3 years (2012-2013-2014) but is also embedded into the distant past of Palenque and the Maya, coding the Ascension and Tomb Dedication of Pacal Votan:


Though the correct/right Gregorian date equivalent for the start of the 13 Baktun Long Count is still a matter of discussion, Jannis 189 did an amazing job in trying to solve this riddle on his report entitled The Pacal HypothesisIn it he re-introduced the subject and with it some crucial dates associated with it:

9676484253?profile=original(Images Courtesy of KIN3D software app)



On The Pacal Hypothesis report, Jannis189 also introduced Pratt's Julian Day correlation factor re-minding us of the impact and significance of the +1 day factor, as the cyclical Re-Birth principle or "thread" that weaves together the vast fabric of 4th Dimensional Time. Therefore the "correct" calculation for the Ascension date of Pacal Votan may vary to KIN 166 10Worldbridger, but for the purpose of this report (written during KIN 166 and 167) the conflict is irrelevant and is reconciled as:

166 = 113+53+1 = 167

166= 60 (Pacal Votan) +106 (Chan Valum) 

As presented Pacal Votan's first son and successor to the throne who build his father's Tomb and dedicated it on +1

Blood Moons & Planetary Redemption: A Galactic Master Peace of ART


GA 113  

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

If you like what you just read and would like to see it to continue, please SHARE
click below to donate, your contributions will help establish a Galactic Culture based on LOVE, PEACE, ART & SYNCHRONICITY on Earth.


Nicholas Roerich: An extraordinary life

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La verdad detrás del espejo

Razón es una visión a medias. Verdad es una visión total, 360 grados.

Nosotros creamos la realidad con nuestros pensamientos.

La razón quiere tenerte con miedo.

Su juego es que dude y no creas en ti.

La verdad es ser, la razón es tener.

La verdad es dicha, la razón es preocupación.

Todos somos uno.

Nadie pierde porque todos ganan.

En el reino del amor, donde vivir y jugar son lo mismo.

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A Tiny Drop of Art

Have you seen water stand on itself?

Bubbling past its rim

And then hold it’s self, half dome

A whole universe within.


Sometimes a drop will meet another

And then meet a handful more

And they each envelope a color

Different for every drop to store


The darkest part is in the middle

A speckle of almost half black

And these are pupils of all the colors

To look in and out, forward and back.


With time they all forgot they were water

And believe in only their found color


And where they place their eyes

Their colors start to show.

The tandem witnessing and making

Only half of the process did they know.


Then some dots declared

“We are clear and empty

And instruments of the divine

We have not our own purpose

It all is God’s, nothing is mine.”


A drop child, tiny and fresh

Said, “I may only be a tear”

“But, that does not discredit

All that I hold dear.”


“I think and I dew,

I may not be all knowing,

But I am too!”


The dots replied sarcastically, “Says you.”

But this moment is suspended,

Waiting for those to understand,

 those to say "How true."


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The Time of Life is Now!

Ever look at an old photograph of yourself and think, "wow, that was the time of my life"? A time when you just went for it because you didn't know any better. What changed? Something happened and you made a negative decision about yourself, maybe it was, "I'm not good enough" "It's not safe to be seen" or "I'm stupid". You couldn't let anyone know that about you though, so you created a persona, a facade, and morphed yourself into what you thought you needed to be in order to protect yourself. It's safe to come out now, and be your authentic self. It's safe to be the kid in the photograph having the time of their life. Because when you do, you show others it's safe for them to come out too. Sign up and share this powerful newsletter. Let 2015 be the time of your life!

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KIN 166 (113+53)


I perfect in order to equalize
  producing Opportunity
I seal the store of Death
with the planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Timelessness

On PART II•• of this report we established the date April 15th as a Key TimePortal Marker for this gregorian year 2014 based on a complete radial, multidimensional framework of events and qualities associated with it.These revelations lead us to Leonardo DaVinci and a beautiful "time pattern" emerging to the surface linked to the Banner of Peace and the Cycles of the Moon... On this 3rd PART we will unlock, define and delineate with clarity the unique cosmic-synchronic qualities of The"DaVinci TimeCode"~



"Time is of the mind. Time is the 4th dimension. It's invisible, you can't touch it. But it organizes absolutely everything. Everything in nature is organized by time to be synchronized with itself, to be synchronized with its environment, to establish the large harmonic pattern of what we call The Universe." ~ Jose Arguelles / Valum Votan ~

As 3D reality is operating by the 4th Dimensional telepathic codes and impulses from the Noosphere, DaVinci's ReBirth is also manifesting through the entertainment industry as a new documentary 3D Film released by History Channel in selected US theaters on December 19th, 2014 (6.7) KIN 155 12 Eagle, only a few days ago...


9676548888?profile=originalBelieve it or not, the man playing DaVinci's role, British actor Peter Capaldi, was born on April 14, 1958 (10.11) KIN 6 6WorldBridger. Just one day before Leonardo DaVinci and 506 years of difference in time. Other important clues and SYNCHRONIC NOTES to consider:

  • Capaldi is best know for his recent role as "Doctor Who" (a Time Lord Character) know in the famous BBC Sci Fi Series as a time-travelling humanoid alien.

  • The movie was released on Dec. 19 (6.7) while Da Vinci died at age 67: Frequency of Christ according to The Pacal Hypothesis

  • For those interested in watching the movie without the Bells & Whistles of 3D, please find below the link to Vimeo HD Version.

Inside the mind of Leonardo from Home Editing on Vimeo.


As you may remember from pART II •• of this repART,  the first Blood Moon of 2014 ocurred on April 15th (10.12) - KIN 167 11 Hand ~ Spectral (Rainbow) Avatar - and syncronized very elegantly with Leonardo Davinci's 562nd Solar Return and other important historical, astronomical and religious events:

  • THE COSMIC HARMONIC CONVERGENCE (Sirius meeting the Cube @ Mekka on the Grand Sextile) The eclipse took place exactly 260 days right afteramplifying and extending the Cosmic Time Portal Wave. RE-MINDER: April 15th is 105th day of the year and there are exactly 260 days to New Year's Eve, December 31st Sirian Portal Marker (as I am writing this report it is already December 31, KIN167 so we will expand on this later)

  • The 79th anniversary of the Roerich Peace Pact Signature in New York City by FDR and 22 world leaders.

  • The Jewish Passover: The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation over 3,300 years ago by God from slavery in ancient Egypt that was ruled by the Pharaohs, and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses.

And also as we explained on pART I, the second Blood Moon of the current Tetrad occurred on October 8th (3.19) KIN 83 5Night, right before from Nicholas Roerich and John Lennon Birthdays 10.09.14 (3.20) KIN84 6Seed. As soon as I noticed that these initial Blood Moons were BOTH synchronized with The Roerich Peace Pact, I made reference of it to Aida 222 and we decided to write a brief note in Spanish about it for a new spiritual/new age publication named Holistika-mente (check article here)... But while writing it, I decided to go deeper into the decodings of the remaining blood moons and it ALL started to click like a giant cosmic- jigsaw puzzle...  Since then the "brief note" for the magazine, turned into pART 1 of this series and is still unpacking more and more synchronic events and connections:


The third Blood Moon (Verse) of this Tetrad (Quatrain) will take place on April 4th, 2015, (1.10)  KIN 1 1DRAGON Start of the 260-day Tzolkin count and first day of the Planetary Moon of Manifestation. As you may also remember from previous reports, it was precisely on July 18/2014 (13.22) KIN 1 1DRAGON when an amazing crop circle appeared with the Banner of Peace pattern and the 13.22 (date of its appearance) encoded in it. (For more details on this incredible formation please don't miss the report filed by Jannis KIN189 entitled "The Raisting crop circle, decoded in the light of the Law of Time")


The design and date caused in us tremendous happiness, since it was PRECISELY on KIN 1 that the Banner of Peace Committee for FLT formalized an initial alliance with to revamp again the Banner of Peace as a Universal Symbol and we communicated about it via email:


9676552292?profile=original[For those  interested in joining this ambitious initiative, please download UNIFY PEACE PDF here . We are NOW looking for support in many areas and have very limited resources to operate. If you feel "The Call" to participate drop me a line @ with ideas or ways you would like to participate. You can also contact me through internal mail via this website.]

As part of this new Peace Alliance, the following "UNIFY PEACE" campaign was created by the Banner of Peace Committee of the Foundation for Law of Time and implemented by as part of their social media communications to announce the largest synchronized meditation on Earth on August 8th, 2014 (1.14 - Magnetic Moon 14) KIN 22 9Wind:





As you can see, this event encapsulated so many synchronic layers of relevance at the personal and planetary levels, that it became the 5th Sign of a Living Prophecy and was referenced in detail on PART 2 of "Quetzalcoatl bites its tail reports". It is NOW worth re-membering it here again due to its implicit connection with this Four Blood Moons:

SIGN #5:

The Largest registered Synchronized Meditation for Peace


Gregorian August 6/2014 (Magnetic Moon 12) commemorated the 69th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. This event was also the trigger that set in motion the Harmonic Convergence of 1987: the first synchronized global meditation on the planet at a time where everything was done and organized through long distance phone calls and paper letters instead of facebook, emails & skype...

Dr. Arguelles was 6 years old when the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima occurred, and although he was just a child, this event remained engraved in his heart. This lamentable incident, was what caused that opening of consciousness at an early age about the necessity to live and work for PEACE. So his Vision since then was focused on creating "the Spiritual equivalent of the atomic bomb" by creating an event that would revert and redeem the damage and negative karmic imprint of these 2 disastrous nuclear events...


He then took the momentous task to organize the Harmonic Convergence at specific dates to "plant the seeds" of a New Planetary Consciousness at the EXACT moment in TIME, hence the same Galactic Signature date, so it could have the “mathematically correct” re-balancing karmic effect. According to this New York Times article:

9676529460?profile=original"The event, covered by the news media worldwide, was by all accounts the first large-scale simultaneous multinational meditation in history. Its objective, Mr. Argüelles said, was “to create a field of trust, to ground the new vibrational frequencies.”

Now, 69 years from the indelible memory of these nuclear calamities, we are still living in a world that is escalating into war and conflict... But 69 is a numerical representation for the Ying & Yang and the turning of the wheel from Darkness into Light:


  • In the diagram below you can see how the wheel that started spinning in Hiroshima on 6.8.1945 completes and starts one perfect 69th spin +1 day right on 8/8/2014: date of the global synchronized meditation organized by, Deepak Chopra andOne Giant Mind. This event set the intention of raising the bar for humanity once again after 27 years and achieved an assistance of around 130.000 people meditating simultaneously.

  • The image in gray behind the 3 dates is a diagram of a crop circle that appeared in Germany on July 18/2014, KIN 1 1Dragon, first day of the Tzolkin Sacred Count, announcing the 22 days remaining for this historic synchronized peace event. The formation resembles the geometry of the Banner of Peace



While writing the Spanish note for the magazine and meditating on the numerical significance of the Galactic Signatures corresponding to Lennon (KIN 114 10Wizard) and Roerich (KIN 204 9Seed) I noticed that:

114+204= 58 (Ascension KIN of Pacal Votan)


204-114=90= 89 (Ascension KIN of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan) +1 

The prophetic overtone of this numerical relationship, and the deep admiration that Jose Arguelles professed for both Roerich and Lennon, triggered a very strong and natural impulse to use the Banner of Peace to connect the inspiring lives of these 3 Artists and Peace Emissaries: Arguelles KIN 11, Roerich KIN 204 and Lennon KIN114:


 114+204+11 = 329 - 260 = 69

69 = 4MOON

I immediately suspected that a profound, prophetic and significant "TIME CODE" was being revealed and delivered via these 4 Blood Moons:

  • 69 4Moon : 4 Red Moons
  • 69 steps of TEMPLE OF INSCRIPTIONS in Palenque
  • KIN69: DAY ONE of initial 812-day program of Radiance that began on Magnetic 16,  2 Wizard Year (Aug. 10, 2007) (Please check Red Queen's Blog entry "812 days to Solar Consciousness" for details)

The 69 code triggered a sort of flashback memory of it all connecting during the 8.8.2014 Global Meditation on KIN22, and the 69th Anniversary of Hiroshima on 8.6.2014... So, I interpreted it as stage 3/continuation of the same transmission, and felt guided to use the same template to create the following diagram:


Based on it, I was guided to create a "4 Blood Moon Time-Map" analog/fractal of the 4 phases of the moon during its 28-day cycle (as well as the 5th force oracle/4-Color Time sequence Red-White-Blue-yellow) including the 4 Blood Moon Eclipse Dates from the complete Tetrad (Quatrain)...  


As you can see in the diagram the 4th (Quatrain) and final Blood Moon  will occur on September 28th 2015, (3.9) KIN 178 9Mirror...  and this last one comes amplified with significance:  

"This lunar eclipse will be particularly rare, because it is a harvest moon lunar eclipse, taking place also on the day of the closest supermoon of 2015. " - Wikipedia -


By examining the entire 4 Blood Moon Portal  interval from 4.15.14 (GATE) to 9.28.2015 (EXIT) we can notice it corresponds to 530 (53x10) days: Frequency of the Manifestation (10) of Sirian ReBirth (52 +1)


The Banner of Peace contains three red circles ( Art Science Spirituality) held together by a LARGER Red Circle of unity signifying One Blood. The 530-day marker represents then the 4th Blood moon as the Outer Red Circle around the 3 inner circles. Quetzalcoatl (53) "bites his/her tail once again" with perfect artistic, scientific and spiritual attributes as a truly remarkable Cosmic Master Peace.

"As has been evident from the on-going revelations of this past Red Magnetic Moon year, the whole system of knowledge of the Law of Time is rooted in the power of the 52 (weeks per year, years per solar-galactic cycle). The value of the 52 derives from the Sirius Beta frequency in its rotation around Sirius Alpha. Indeed, the entirety of the Dreamspell/Law of Time is a benefit of the Higher Councils of Sirius. Knowing this has allowed us to elevate our perceptions and understanding. By following the codes of the 13-Moon/28-day synchronometer we can participate in the frequencies and mind streams of the Council of Sirius."

"Day Out of Time 2007. Red Magnetic Skywalker, Kin 53. One perfect Heptad of Sirius Beta complete, seven perfect castles of 52 days each, 52 perfect weeks of 7 days each—364 days in all. Then comes the 365th day, the Day Out of Time. 52 (weeks) + 1 = 53, the number of the frequency of Sirian rebirth. That is, 52, the frequency number of one cycle of Sirius, plus 1 day gives birth to the new, hence 53, the frequency of Sirian rebirth."

Rinri Project Newsletter III - Volume 3, No. 4
Sirian Rebirth of Quetzalcoatl


Later on, while measuring the day intervals between moons I noticed that the whole 530-day Blood Moon Cycle is coordinated by a 177 +/-1 day interval !!!

177 : Leonardo DaVinci : Galactic Earth



The Prophetic 4 Blood Moon Tetrad/Quatrain cycle of 2014-2015 OPENS EXACTLY 260 days after the Grand Sextile Alignment of 7.29.2013, synchronizing with the Heliacal Rising of Sirius @ Mekka right on Da Vinci's 562nd SOLAR RETURN...

...and CLOSES one day after Da Vinci's 637th GALACTIC RETURN
with KIN178 or 177+1 (Frequency of DaVinci's ReBirth) marking the day of the LAST BloodMoon Eclipse from 2014-2015 Tetrad. Note that KIN 178 9Mirror is guided by prophetic KIN22 ( 5th Sign of Prophecy - Day of Unify 8.8.14 Largest Synchronized Meditation)



As presented by Red Queen on her blog "Unveiling the Feminine Matrix: Isis, Inanna and Islam" when adding the KIN Frequencies of the 4 Blood Moons we get yet another KEY frequency:


"169 = 13 x 13.
  13 is the key number to the divine feminine matrix."
"The name “Red Queen” is not indicating Queen in the conventional sense. It does not signify a hierarchy or a rulership. Not at all. It is a CODE  and time release program, a terma, symbolized by number 13"

Stephanie South, Red Queen
Unveiling the Feminine Matrix: Isis, Inanna and Islam
Electric Update: We are the Galactic Seeds

13MOON, KIN 169 is also the numeric code for the 13 Moon Synchronometer and corresponds to the last day ~ Earth's "Magic Flight" ~ of the current 13-day Wavespell of Synchronicity and Evolution. Therefore, from the cosmological perspective, the message is quite clear: Earth's Transcendence from artificial Time is NOW being declared through the Time Magic of the 13Moon Synchronometer.

In the meanwhile the next day, KIN 170 1Dog marks the first Day of (DaVinci's) 13-Day Wavespell of Love. Time for Holographic Activation of the Homo Noosphericus Galactic BluePrint...

DaVinci's Galactic Earth Renassance:

9676561092?profile=original(image taken from initial drafts for 9Moon Almanac 28th Chapter: "The Star Traveler's Code Sheet" (see page 312) that was replaced for an interactive version on final version.

Please also note that the Heptad Path KIN Equivalent for this 23 heptad/week of the year is KIN 209 1Moon: Galactic Signature for the Ascension of Leonardo Da Vinci on May 2nd, 1519 and Frequency of Moon Genesis and the "Theft of Time" according to Dreamspell Genesis.

HEPTAD 23: Enlightment (414) evolves Prophecy (315)

315 = 729 - (260x2)= 209 Red Magnetic Moon

All this has been quite a shock to discover, since DaVinci's energy was coming very strong during the initial brainstorming sessions for 9Moon Almanac, like asking to be part of "the Agenda" for 2014-2015... At this point is also relevant to add that the cover with the "Vitruvian Andruvian Man" was designed and finished exactly on KIN 177 without never having planned for it... Another synchronic event that really made a profound impact on my consciousness...


The current "Tsunami of Synchronicities" that we are now witnessing is an expression of the time-wave dynamics we have been gradually prepared to experience all the way through since Galactic Synchronization, 520 days ago and our subsequent passage through the Grand Sextile alignment. This preparation became much more evident and intense since the start of the initiatory 13-day Serpent Wavespell of Life Force, and it is enabling us to navigate more gracefully this Earth's Wavespell of Evolution and Synchronicity. It was precisely on a day like TODAY, two Galactic Spins ago that the Heavens and the Earth met through alchemical and synchronic Magic during THE COSMIC HARMONIC CONVERGENCE:


What was then the significance of this event? At that time, right during Earth's 13-day Wavespell we pointed out:

"Magnetic Moon 3 & 4 (July 28-29th, 2013) window marks the Heliacal Rising of Sirius at Mekka Latitude (21° N) synchronizing in a very elegant and powerful way with the Grand Sextile Alignment occurring within the Solar System on Magnetic 4, July 29th. (Our dear Earth Wizard  Randy Bruner / Cosmic Hand presented last week a detailed and fascinating article "This Is The Big One We've All Been Waiting For : The Grand Sextile"). As Above, so Below. This parallel of celestial events can be interpreted then as an expression of greater mathematical, sacred geometrical ratio coherence patterns between planetary, stellar, interstellar and galactic levels / time-cycles. A "Cosmic Harmonic Convergence" is taking place now either the world is noticing it or not."


"This can be interpreted as a perfect Sacred-Geometrical Stargate Opening: The Merkaba in Heaven interlocks the Cube on Earth, "docking" the New Galactic Beam and unlocking all dormant Life potential DNA programs on the Planet. Time to bring Heaven on Earth!!! Literally..."


Why is it now important to make once again this conscious? As pointed out at the beginning of this report, April 15th, 2014 KIN 167 was the 105th day of the year and therefore there are exactly 260 days to TODAY New Year's Eve, December 31st (Sirian Portal Marker). So let's refresh our cosmic memory around the significance of Sirius as a celestial Time Marker:

The whole 13Moon-28Day Synchronometer is a Sirian program calibrated to the heliacal rising of the star Sirius at the Northern Hemisphere. Its July 26 start date is also based on 52-year cycle synchronized to the 52-year orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A. July 26 marks the first appearance of Sirius in the sky at the powerful tetrahedrical 19.5° N Latitude after being "hidden" behind the Sun for around 70 days.

"For many ancient peoples, including the Dogon and Egyptians of Africa and the Maya of Central America, the great star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, was the galactic marker. The heliacal rising of Sirius – July 26 – commenced the Egyptian year, and established the 1460-year Sothic cycle - the return of Sirius to the same place in the sky. During this same time, the .25 extra day per year accumulates for a total of exactly 365 days, or an additional year. Hence, the full Sothic cycle is 1461 years. Note that the Sothic measure is fractal as well. In other words, every four 365-day years there are exactly 1460 days, but in that time there is one accumulated day, hence 1461 days!  This is why Sirius presents the logical galactic time marker." (



This relationship was already highlighted one year ago, as we were completing the first solar orbit after the passage into a new aeon on PART 2 of the report entitled "From 12-21-2012 to 12-21-2013 The Closing of the Closing of the Cycle":

For some of us following the 13 Moon Synchronometer who are aware of the completely artificial nature, and illogic, disharmonious structure of the Gregorian Calendar, it is quite interesting to notice when certain time patterns appear to emerge on the surface. This is a subject that stills fascinates and intrigues me, because it feels like discovering "secret time markers" hidden behind the disharmonious structure of 12 irregular months... [...]

9676457252?profile=originalNonetheless, it never occurred to me before to measure 13 months of 28 days starting on January 1st (instead of July 26) as an initial marker for the solar year and observe the correlations with the actual distorted gregorian dates. Let's re-member that, as noted by Richard C. Hoagland (former NASA consultant who first presented to humanity "The Face on Mars"), January 1st is a (hidden) Sirian marker for Giza Latitude for the entire century comprised from the years 1950 to 2050 (in a similar way as July 26th is a Sirian marker for 19.5 Latitude):

"In actuality, for a period of about a century beginning in the 1950's and extending out to about 2050, Sirius will be on or very near the meridian, at midnight, at Giza, January 1 on a fairly regular basis. Because of the anomalies present in the Gregorian Calendar, which result in uneven "clock-corrections" relative to the constant motions of the Earth -- both in rotation and in its orbit of the sun -- Sirius, at "Gregorian midnight," will sometimes be slightly to the East of the Giza meridian, sometimes to the West, but always during this time period (and never before or again) within 4 minutes of midnight. On several occasions on New Years Eve during this 100-year span (as it was on January 1, 2000), Sirius will be accurate to within seconds of midnight at Giza -- or "dead-on" this all important astronomical time marker."


9676458491?profile=originalImages and excerpt from "The "Age of Horus" Dawns Or The Time is Now ..." by Richard C Hoagland

9676525284?profile=originalACTUAL position of Sirius TONIGHT @ Midnight in the sky at Giza/Cairo latitude for this Dec 31st/2014 KIN 167. Almost right on the meridian. (Screenshot: Stellarium Software)

Although I have not studied in depth the relationship between these 2 (Sirian) markers, it was exactly a year ago in Palenque, that I noticed while journaling that January 1st (New Year's Day) synchronizes with July 25th Day Out of Time (13 Moon New Year's Eve) every 5 Tzolkins/Galactic Spins or 1300 days (5x260)*. For example:



* The complete mathematics and harmonics calculation behind this synchronization are still part of my research, but it illustrates the fact that there is a harmonic correlation of 1300 days between the 2 dates."

Tonight, as Sirius aligns with Giza Pyramid and while we enter the time domain of KIN 168 12Star (Arcturus Round Table) - Crystallization of Art, Beauty and Elegance- the negative karmic imprint of the Gregorian Calendar upon the Earth has been redeemed once again through the 13MOON Magic.

SYNCHRONIC NOTE: KIN 168 is the Galactic Signature of Lawrence Fishburne, actor who played the role of Morpheus on "The Matrix Trilogy". Good timing to contemplate again the red pill/blue pill question for those who are still following the Gregorian artificial time count:



It is also worth highlighting the fractal time compression qualities from last 4 occurrences when this frequency has been present, since all of them match with powerful events:

  • KIN 167: 2/24/2012* ~ 25th Anniversary from the Discovery of SuperNova 1987A Quetzalcoatl. (See report for details)

  • KIN 167: 11/11/2012 ~ 11:11 Gregorian Gateway on 2012. Yogui Bajhan believed that on this day and year would be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

  • KIN 167: 07/28/2013 ~ Cosmic Harmonic Convergence. Grand Sextile Alignment.

  • KIN 167: 04/15/2014 ~ First Blood Moon Eclipse 

  • KIN 167: 12/31/2014 ~ Sirius aligns with Giza Meridian

Therefore tonight, more than a New Gregorian Year, we are celebrating the accumulated power of the 5th Galactic spin since the 25th(5x5) anniversary from the discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl. A good opportunity to re-member that *next 2/24/2015 is the 28th anniversary of this discovery and will fall on KIN 222 1Wind (The beginning of Prophecy). PSi Chrono Unit KIN 160 4Sun (KIN 160, 4 Sun / 4Ahau: Christ and Long Count date for December 21st, 2012 "End" of 13 baktun or "End" of Time). You can check Welcome back SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A - Phase I report for FULL details.

On pART IV •••• 4 of this MasterPeace, we will dig deeper into the Mayan/Quetzalcoatl Prophetic Connection to Roerich, DaVinci and The Quest of the Galactic Holly Grail. STAY TUNED!


9676564683?profile=originalImage courtesy of Jannis 189, taken TODAY KIN 168 12 Star, during Crystal Mirror watch, somewhere in the Ahau Bio-Region mountains (AKA Germany). A New Rainbow Light is shining upon the Earth...

Today, on the 214th anniversary of the discovery of the Asteroid Belt(January 1st, 1801) and an entire week coded with DaVinci's Ascension and the Theft of Time, the memory from lost worlds and the false power of artificial time is NOW neutralized and redeemed in perfect synchronic timing and a New Moon Genesis is being declared. May ART, PEACE, LOVE, SYNCHRONICITY and BEAUTY prevail on Earth!


Blood Moons & Planetary Redemption: A Galactic Master Peace of ART
 pART I  + pART II 


GA 113 

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

If you like what you just read and would like to see it to continue, please SHARE
or click below to donate, your contributions will help establish a Galactic Culture based on LOVE, PEACE, ART & SYNCHRONICITY on Earth.


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I inspire in order to dream
  channeling Intuition
I seal the input of Abundance
with the resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Vision


"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the Earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

Leonardo da Vinci


~ Butterfly Man ~
AUTHOR:  Man-made or not*, yet still part of G.O.D (Galactic Ordering Dynamic)

DIMENSIONS: 530 Meters x 450 Meters Wheat Canvas
(Biggest Crop Circle Ever)

 Reported in Goes, Netherlands on the 7th of August 2009 - (NS1.22.1.13) -
KIN 16 3Warrior (113+163)
1 day after 64th Anniversary of Hiroshima

As we approach the end of yet another "gregorian year", we are now feeling with great intensity the synchronic power of the incoming New Galactic Beam fractal wave from Galactic Synchronization/Planetary Resurrection, 520 days ago, July 26/2013 KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed.  This new surge in planetary energetics was signaled by our recent passage through the Time ripples of the 2nd anniversary of the Closing of the Cycle from December 21st, 2012, Winter/Summer Soulstice, followed by the passage through the 8th Sign of Prophecy: the Prophetic RetURn of Christ and the Avatars during last Christmas Eve December 24th, 2014 (See SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A - Phase I report for FULL details.)



"Comets and Blood Moons have been associated to prophecy probably since the "Beginning of Times" or early years of Human Civilization. When these motifs appear on the screen of our reality/consciousness with such synchronic potency, they invite us to contemplate life under a new lens... and explore the realm of Prophecy."


As a last minute confirmation sign in the sky of the presence of the Star Beings during this incredibly powerful Portal we are STILL transiting, Comet LoveJoy C2014 Q2 made its surprise appearance to the "naked eye/i" in the sky and on the web, right ON TIME for Avataric Christ mass celebrations:

NASA: Watch a Green Comet Streak Across the Sky for Christmas

UNIVERSE.COM: Comet Q2 Lovejoy Loses Tail, Grows Another, Loses That One Too!


Note that tomorrow, during the completion of the 520th day after the arrival of the Galactic Beam, Comet LoveJoy will be transiting right through the Rabbit Constellation/M79 Star Cluster:  

th?id=HN.608004139290462721&pid=15.1&P=0520 = 52 x10 Frequency of Sirian (52) Manifestation(10). ~ Completion of one Cycle of Becoming (260 Days) + One Cycle of RetURn (260 days) ~

  • 79: Noosphere Constant
  • In Mayan/Aztec Cosmology the Rabbit corresponds also to the Lamat/STAR Glyph. The Shield of Arcturus.
  • According to Wikipedia, LoveJoy was discovered only a few gregorian months ago, on August 17/2014 (Magnetic Moon 23 KIN 31 5Monkey). KIN 31 is the perfect analog Power of KIN 148 5Star Sign of Arcturus Command and also the Galactic Signature of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan at the time of his Ascension.

9676529863?profile=original~ (Synchronic Observations + Diagrams & links Courtesy of Jannis GA189!! :-) ~

According to scientists "The comet wasn't predicted to become visible with the unaided eye until late January or February 2015. But comets can be unpredictable, with chaotic surface activity as they heat up and melt while nearing the sun during orbit. Since summer, the comet's brightness has shot up by hundreds of times."

686181da1d1dfa72245bf1836fab5b50.jpg?width=333REDEMPTION OF THE INNOCENTS:

Today, December 28, KIN 164, as this report is still being written, on the gregorian calendar is celebrated the "Feast of the Holy Innocents" (also known as The Innocents' Day or Childermas /Children's Mass) in commemoration of the massacre of these "Holy Innocents", traditionally regarded as the first Christian martyrs. Within Galactic Maya Cosmology, The Seed represents the Galactic Archetype of "The Innocent", and the Galactic Tone holds the power of Integrity... A perfect opportunity in time to redeem the past and bring back to Wholeness Humanity's Divine Right to return to the Stars and evolve back into the Light.



"As of July 26, 2013, Yellow Galactic Seed, we have entered the New Galactic Beam of Consciousness. We are being called to birth not only a new paradigm, but an entirely new culture: galactic culture based on the principles of Love, Art and Synchronicity - a zero waste society in harmony with the Earth. A global culture where time isn't money, but TIME IS ART!" 

~Stephanie South/Red Queen~

~ Planetary Resurrection Ceremony - Mt Shasta, CA ~ 07.26.2013 (NS1.26.1.1 - K164) ~

This completion of 520 days signaled in the sky by the synchronic arrival of comet LoveJoy announces then our entrance into a VERY NEW Time-Space Reality: a New Phase (and probably even more unpredictable, accelerated and transformative one) within the process of Planetary Resurrection and constitutes also one of the last sign-posts along the way before our so awaited arrival to Syntropia...

On Part 1 of this report we started to "uncover the layers of Truth behind the "untold story" of planetary redemption and resurrection as a masterpiece Master Peace of Art, crafted with the sweat, the tears and the creative imagination of all the human beings, who, as Nicholas Roerich, John Lennon and Jose Arguelles, have been able to exert their art fully into being, with the sole soul intention of overcoming the stigma of utopia and the spell of war and separation that keeps humanity derailing from its true Galactic Heritage and Destiny... These characters, flesh and bone human beings driven by the passion of their dreams and highest aspirations for the planet, have been some of the heroes of a sort of "Galactic Fairy Tale"....  Their lives dance to the same Symphony of Cosmic Harmony being played out from the center of our Galaxy and orchestrated by GOD a.k.a Galactic Ordering Dynamic...  weaving a sacred tapestry of Art and Purpose. A cosmic story woven through the magical invisible strings of Synchronicity that one day will dwarf all science-fiction stories from Dostoyevsky, to Jules Verne to Dawn Brown..."


On this second part, we promised to explore and understand how this Planetary Resurrection Process is part of a larger synchronic tapestry interwoven with the 4 Blood Moon Eclipses from 2014-2015 and how this MasterPeace of Art seems to be coming together coded with the signature of no other than one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance and our Time:

The Grand Master Leonardo DaVinci




"Galactic Renaissance IS the Revolution of Time in action.

As each of us begins to find and express our own unique channel, then sooner than later we will break out of this confining artificial cocoon and become glorious galactic butterflies soaring in a new atmosphere.

When we are aligned with the New Beaem, there is no past to return to. There is nothing to defend. There is no image to maintain. There is no one to compete with.


~Stephanie South/Red Queen~

Electric Update: We are the Galactic Seeds

Since I was a child I have been attracted and fascinated by Da Vinci's visionary work, and as a young copy-cat sketch artist, I used to spend quite some time copying his human-figure drawings as "training wheels" and source of inspiration. Later during my thirties, with the unveiling of the DaVinci Code book and movie, the spark of interest was reignited and since then my understanding of the Universe, Sacred Geometry, and the true Nature of Reality and Human History have been greatly influenced by Da Vinci's Work and Mastery-Mystery.

“My job as a visionary is to envision the best possible outcome for humanity.
If I don’t do it, who will?”  ~ Jose Arguelles / Valum Votan ~

Most recently, during the last 3 years while I have had the chance to truly learn, absorb and realize the profound implications for humanity's future that lay behind the postulates of Law of Time and the Synchronic Order, it was impossible not to associate the life of DaVinci and the life of Jose Arguelles as the journeys of two Visionaries, both way ahead of their time, bringing new knowledge to the planet through the most noble type of alchemy: The marriage of Art and Science... So, when I was asked to design the "New Galactic Beam version" of the 13 Moon Star Travellers Almanac of Synchronicity, I felt guided and compelled to design a workbook inspired by Past & Future worlds and the Galactic Renaissance of Art & Science. This is how the Vitruvian Man evolved into the Homo Noosphericus on Almanac's Cover (thanks to the collaboration and creative genius of GA227 Nikki Lee Hill...)


9676536254?profile=originalSo in order to find our way through this new journey into the vast ocean of Synchronicity, it is once again highly recommended to “bring on board” your 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity as your 4-D Navigational Guide and allow the DaVinci genius inside it to walk you through. It will also help to understand more easily the signposts and syncs along the way. Remember: Also bring on board with you an open mind (and Heart too)… We are sailing once again into the psycho-mythic realm of Prophecy to establish a bridge with an imaginal world, where a higher reality is operating, everything is possible and is occurring in perfect timing with utopian synchronic and prophetic elegance...

* * * * * * * *



Born on April 15, 1452 (12.10 - Day 12 of Planetary Moon - KIN 177 Red Galactic Earth), in Vinci, Italy, Leonardo da Vinci was concerned with the laws of science and nature, which greatly informed his work as a painter, sculptor, inventor and draftsmen. His ideas and body of work have influenced countless artists and made da Vinci a leading light of the Italian Renaissance.

The "Father of the High Renaissance" arrived to Earth on a date that is in itself a very powerful Time Portal day:  April 15 (12.10) This date constitutes a mysterious time marker that has coded other important interwoven events:

15th April 1452        Birth of Leonardo Da Vinci

15th April 1856        Death of Abraham Lincoln

15th April 1912        Titanic sinks

15th April 1935        Birth of Banner of Peace - Roerich Peace Pact Signature by 22 nations


15th April 2001        Rare Venus alignment on "Native American Easter" on 1 Reed,
                                 (Quetzalcoatl meets Jesus)

Please read Venus Resurrects This Easter Sunday - from John P. Pratt   and Jannis189 Blog: "Comet >>> 21022012 <<< Time Bang >>>and the Noosphere " for details on this potent date)

April 15th is also date that also contemplates very symbolic and synchronic observations:


It is quite interesting to notice that (US) TAX Day and World ART Day are contemplated at the same time, since each of these celebrations represent the 2 Time Frequencies operating on Planet Earth and upholding two opposite paradigms:


Now it is even more interesting to learn about the reason why the date 4.15 was just recently selected as World Art Day:

"On April 5-6, 2011, the 17th General Assembly of AIAP / IAA World, holding its meeting in Guadalajara, (World Art Associations founded in 1954) has voted unanimously the proposal brought by Turkey and co-signed by several world delegate countries: the AIAP General Assembly accepted that the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, April 15, becomes “World Art Day”


Please also notice that TAX DAY has been since the beginning of the 20th Century the catapult for "Uncle Sam"(U.S.) patriarchal figure and "hero" character of the propaganda machine who upholds and promotes the noble duties and twisted values of modern US Doctrine:

"GO TO WAR!"... and "PAY YOUR TAXES!..."

("...On April 15th so that I (U.S./Uncle Sam) can wage more wars!")



lincoln-us.jpgAt the same time, the propaganda cartoon seems to be a fictional character inspired in the twisted image of Abraham Lincoln (KIN160 4 Sun frequency of Christ), the real "hero" whose message of freedom and equality and opposition to slavery, provoked his assassination/martyrdom also on April 15th, 1865... If we compare Lincoln and DaVinci we can also notice the strong similarities in face features and eyes expression:


If we now examine the date occult numerical qualities we can start to understand the synchronic and symbolic power associated to this date. According to Wikipedia:

April 15 is the 105th day of the year (106th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 260 days remaining until the end of the year.

For those readers familiar with the 13:20 frequency, these numbers have a very special significance:

While there are 260 days in one Galactic Spin/Harmonic Cycle, there are 365 (364+1) days per one 1Solar/13Moon Cycle, so there is a 105-day difference between the two Natural Timing programs that coordinate the Synchronic Order: 13:20 (260) and 13:28 (364+1). April 15th seems to be then a sort of hidden coordinating factor within the gregorian count...

Number 105 also codes KIN 1Serpent and the 13-day WaveSpell of LifeForce... An opportunity to meditate on the occult power of Money and Taxes as control mechanism of our Life Force

We can also breakdown 105 days as:

2 x 52-day castles + 1 day

and infer then that the difference between one Galactic Spin and one Lunar/Solar Year is 2 castles + 1 day. Please keep in mind that 52 is the Sirian Cycle code frequency that synchronizes, coordinates and binds together the Solar/Lunar count and the Galactic count (52 weeks x 364-day year :: 52 Galactic Activation Portals x 260-day Galactic Spin)


Now that we have established the potency of this portal date from different radial and multi-dimensional perspectives, let's examine other KEY additional synchronic qualities and events that emerged to surface during this last 04.15.2014:


As shown in the above graphic from a Vblog uploaded one galactic spin ago,while mapping the time-coordinates for the first galactic spin since the THE COSMIC HARMONIC CONVERGENCE (Sirius meeting the Cube @ Mekka on the Grand Sextile) I noticed that it aligned very elegantly with other important historical, astronomical and religious events:

  • The initial Blood Moon Eclipse from the 2014-2015 Tetrad
  • The 79th anniversary of the Roerich Peace Pact Signature in New York City by FDR and 22 world leaders.
  • The Jewish Passover: The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation over 3,300 years ago by God from slavery in ancient Egypt that was ruled by the Pharaohs, and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses.

Synchronic Note: It was right the day before on April 14th, KIN 166 (113+53)  that I received from Red Queen the final introductory text for the SolarMoon Almanac entitled "Year of Supreme Healing" (please see pages 6 & 7). The synchronicity led me to rush to finalize the layout, becoming the first completed spread of the entire Almanac (download PDF here)... Once finished I went outside at night to read it outloud under the red eclipse moon :-) It felt like a really special synchronic event, considering the fact that the text introduces us to the Regina Prophecy of the Moon (third key component of this planetary healing MasterPeace of Art that we will present in detail in future reports)



"The 2nd Blood Moon from last Oct. 8/2014 (2.19) KIN 83 5Night, opened a 16-day time window that closes with the next Solar Eclipse of Oct. 23/2014 (4.6) KIN 98 7Mirror and we are transiting since then a super "charged" energetic weather. It is during these times that is relevant to observe the 3D expressions/manifestations that these cosmic events create on Earth: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. This is then "a good season" to "dig" for SIGNS OF PROPHECY ON HEAVEN AND EARTH"

Quetzalcoatl bites his/her tail again:
Comet Siding Spring visits Mars



Let's re-member now that it was right after the 2nd Blood Moon Eclipse from October 8th (NS1.27.3.19 KIN83 5Night) that Comet Siding Spring made its appearance above the Mars sky on October 19/2014 (NS1.27.4.2 KIN 94 3Wizard) bringing with it some prophetic news on Earth:

9788489957626.jpg?width=155 Renowned author/writer Dolores Cannon ("Nostradamus Voice")  left this plane of existence the day before (October 18,2014) on the 1st day of the 4th moon of Life Force on KIN 93 Red Lunar Skywalker (House of the Lunar Prophet). Dolores arrived to this planet ALSO on April 15th (10.12), same day of the year as the First Blood Moon Eclipse of the 2014-2015 Tetrad that occurred on KIN 167 11 Hand* (exactly 260 days after the Grand Sextile Alignment of 2013). Therefore "The Voice of Nostradamus" ascended as KIN 167 11 Hand ~ Spectral (Rainbow) Avatar precisely on the day corresponding to the frequency of the Lunar Prophet...(as noted before, more on the Regina Prophecy of the Moon on part 4 of this report.)


It was at that time that we started to see a prophetic and beautiful 4-folded harmonic pattern emerging, as introduced on Comet Siding Spring visits Mars report:

"Nostradamus is famous for writing prophesies proclaiming events of great destruction and devastation throughout history. Indeed, his abilities were incredible, as he predicted the assassination of JFK, the attack of the "flying birds in the city of hollow mountains" (referring to the September 11th attacks) and the ensuing war in the Middle East, to name a few. Midway through the session as the woman was describing the life, her personality suddenly subsided and Nostradamus himself began speaking through her directly to Dolores. He told her that he wanted her to write a book (which turned out to be 3 books) to provide humanity with greater understanding and clarification of the true meanings of his quatrains (prophecies)."

Notice on the paragraph above the analog significance of the words quatrains as prophecies.


This definition connects Prophecy to Verse, Poetry and Rhyme (Rhythm), confering IT the "status" of a "form of ART". The word also originates from the inherent harmonic value of the number 4. In the Dreamspell Cosmology 4 represents "Form" and the primary organizational time construct present in All Nature:

4 Seasons in a Year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
4 Phases of the Moon (New, Waxing, Full, Waning)
4 Daily Watches in a Day (Midnight to Sunrise, Sunrise to Mid-day, Mid-Day to Sunset, Sunset).
4 Primary color frequencies and their qualities:

  1. Red (initiates)
  2. White (refines)
  3. Blue (transform)
  4. Yellow (ripens).


Quatrain = Prophecy = 4 = Time= Harmony = Verse = Poetry = Art

T(E)=ART = "Time is Art"


9676544091?profile=originalSince the 4 Moons align with important jewish holidays, even books have now been written on the subject, including a polemic one from Christian pastor John Hagee called "Four Blood Moons" Something is about to change.

And now that we are deep into this Year of the Red Solar Moon Healing, and just crossed the second Blood Eclipse [VERSE] of the 2014-2015 Tetrad [QUATRAIN] , I can say that I personally agree with Mr. Hagee in the sense that, as his book cover slogan says: "Something is about to change"... Actually is already changing:

As the New Galactic Beam enters into increasingly higher resonance frequencies, synchronicity accelerates and we start to feel the first stages of an imminent "Event Horizon" approaching fast and furious..."

With this new set revelations around April 15th and Leonardo DaVinci a beautiful time pattern is starting to emerge to the surface linked to the Banner of Peace and the Cycles of the Moon... On PART  Quatrain III : 3 : ••• of this report repART we will go deeper into this pattern... A pattern that claimed the name of:

~"DaVinci TimeCode"~


(Transmission in Progress...)


GA 113 

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]


for their support and collaboration in the Creation of this reportART

Special dedications:
to my sisters
Clare163 and Bea163 Stonehenge Guardians and Juanita 165 on their Galactic Birthdays

  Juanita 53 on our combined Galactic RetURn (113+53)

(*even those who create man-made crop circles :-) )

Recommended reads:


Blood Moons & Planetary Redemption:
A Galactic Master Peace of ART ~ PART 1 ~ IMAGINE

Welcome back SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A - Phase I

Quetzalcoatl bites his/her tail again: Comet Siding Spring visits Mars


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