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KIN 144: 
Yellow Magnetic Seed
I unify in order to target
attracting Awareness
I seal the input of  Flowering
with the magnetic tone of Purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled.

"The New Epoch must manifest due respect to the Mother of the World, to the feminine element [...] The star of the Mother of the World is the planet Venus." 

~ Helena Roerich ~ (Letters to Helena Roerich)

On pART 1 of these series we laid down the theoretical framework describing the artificial time matrix that has been used to manipulate human consciousness throughout history and presented solid evidence demonstrating that WE, as a species, are crossing an Event Horizon of great significance for the planet at the micro and macro levels of our third-dimensional reality. We also denoted the collective need to be aware of increasing rise of inorganic/artificial technologies and proliferation of transhumanist agendas. We ended posting the question"

"If Venus and Sirius are the brightest stars in the sky and were used by our ancestors as the most reliable celestial markers to determine the start and end of larger cycles of TIME, why so few people today seem to know so little about these ancient time-markers and why the importance of these stars has been hidden/minimized to Humanity?

On pART 2 we pierced the veil of Time and started to unveil the mystery behind Planet Venus by exploring Her archetypal/astronomic significance and influence on Humanity from our most ancient past to our most present day. We also extended our perception of time, including exploring the fabric of TIME-Space as a Temple.

On pART 3 we will start to expand in detail on the harmonic relationships behind this recalibration / interlocking of the Earth with our brightest star (Sirius) and our brightest planet (Venus), and observe these relationships from the perspective of prophecy, with special emphasis in Mayan and Biblical Prophecy, as these respectively contain the two prophetic core strands uniting the
New World (America) and the Old World (Europe + Middle East) along our way ahead in time and the entrance into the most powerful gateway of 2015: The Solar Eclipse ~ Equinox ~ 4th Blood Moon Eclipse window, opening in just a few days with the Solar Eclipse on 9.13.2015. 


"In this way, ancient worshippers were enlightened by the Venusian goddess and “born again” through the Green Man’s “body and blood. Here was the real savior of humanity – a veritable blueprint for spiritual fertility that inspired vast temple complexes, great cities and proud civilizations. Here was the secret temple template for sacred spaces that guided humanity toward the development of music, science and mathematics, only to be discarded in the rush for political control. This is the forgotten story of the Venus Blueprint and its founding role in the rise of humanity." ~Richard Merrick "The Venus Blueprint"

venus-blueprint-cover0028new0029-2.jpg?width=130On pART 2 we started to experiment in navigating Time as if a temple built upon the most elegant blueprint of proportion and harmonic resonance. The same blueprint that governs ALL Nature... including the Human TEMPLate. While doing more research for this article I ended up being gifted by a dear friend with a book entitled "The Venus Blueprint" from Richard Merrick, a former sound engineer now writer/researcher who has written several books and written numerous articles on Harmonics and the Phi ratio... In it he unveils the sacred science behind the construction of humanity's greatest temples, specially the Rosslyn Chapel. By applying the principles of resonance he unlocks the secrets of Scotland’s legendary chapel, and finds solid evidence that the orbital pattern of Venus was once used as a “temple template” to design psychoacoustical chambers capable of focusing and controlling entheogenic communion. From an excerpt of his website and in his own words (emphasis added by this writer):

transitdiagrams.jpgFigure 1. The “rose line” orbital pattern of Venus.

"In ancient times, astronomers tracked the orbit of Venus very closely, discovering that it traced a pentagonal rose pattern in the sky over eight years (Fig. 1). Caused by a planetary resonance where Venus orbits the Sun thirteen times for every eight orbits of the Earth, this rose-line or “rosslyn” pentacle was greatly revered in the mystery schools. It was even used as a blueprint to design the “sacred spaces” of many famous chapels, cathedrals and temples. As I came to discover, a sacred space is far more than just a matter of religious belief. It is a special kind of resonant chamber designed to enhance entheogenic communion and focus psychedelic visions. Suppressed long ago by the Roman Church, this was once the real purpose of ancient temples and many medieval cathedrals.

venuscover4.jpgFigure 2. Vitruvian design of Rosslyn chapel.


Figure 5. The Venus Blueprint and Birth of Venus through Rosslyn chapel in 2012.

Overlaying the Venus Blueprint onto the actual transit paths, Venus can be seen to align with the bottom two points of the pentagram during the 2004 crossing – then, with a 90-degree turn, pass right through the middle of the Rosslyn floor plan in 2012, reaching the midpoint of its solar crossing precisely at the Shekinah pillar. Symbolically, this path represents a kind of birth canal for Venus, gestating inside the choir’s resonant womb for a while before being born out the rear of the chapel."


After reading the article of Sacred Geometry of Sacred Time presented on pART1 and Merrick's book it became clear to me that Humanity also lacks of the Original Blueprint of Venus in TIME... The same Original Blueprint that the ancient Maya tracked, guarded and revered with great precision for many years... The same Original Template they honored at their most important temples, by encoding into their architecture the Sacred Harmonics of TIME. These are temples built to endure the test of TIME and stay around us as living structures and test-imonies of a knowledge lost in TIME...  Such are the "Temple of Quetzalcoatl" at Teotihuacan and the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl  (also known as "El Castillo/The Castle") in ChichenItza, where Venus alignments were clearly marked from "El Caracol" observatory.

9676492255?profile=originalEl Castillo (The Kukulkan Pyramid)
"Possibly the best known construction on Chichen Itza is Kukulkan's Pyramid. 
El Castillo (The Kukulkan Pyramid), a square-based, stepped pyramid that is approximately 75 feet tall. Kukulkan Pyramid was built for astronomical purposes and during the vernal equinox (March 20) and the autumnal equinox (September 21[22-23]] at about 3pm the sunlight bathes the western balustrade of the pyramid's main stairway. This causes 7 isosceles triangles to form imitating the body of a serpent roughly 37 yards [111 ft] long that creeps downwards until it joins the huge serpent's head carved in stone at the bottom of the stairway. Mexican researcher Luis El Arochi calls it "the symbolic descent of Kukulkan" (means the feathered serpent), and believes it could have been connected with agricultural rituals." (

9676492875?profile=originalImage diagram from "The Mayan and other Ancient Calendars" by Geoff Stray

I myself was surprised of how little I knew about this planet and its cycle... and why the Maya were so interested in tracking its 8 year around the sun and the earth journey through the sky... Since "Planetary Doctor"Jose Arguelles, left us ALL the telepathic tools to recreate it, as an early drop-out student of Architecture, I decided to dive into the adventure of reconstructing IT... I never imagined that after only twelve days of researching and writing on and off parts of this current post, I was going to find so many astonishing synchronicities and fact correlations... We will start to touch on some the key aspects below, and we will expand on the subject on pART 4 as the information layers are still settling down and the blueprint is still revealing in its entirety...



"The mystery was that of Quetzalcoatl the Plumed or Feathered Serpent, called by the Maya KukulKan, "Place Where the Serpent Dwells." From reading Sejourne's synthesizing work on Quetzalcoatl, it was clear that she was not just a god, but multiple gods not just a man but many men, not just a religion but a mythic complex, a mental structure. And it was also clear that this constellation of features this multiple presence informed almost every aspect of ancient Mexican and even Mayan civilization not just the arts but astronomy and the calendar where affected by him.  Quetzalcoatl was strongly associated with the morning and evening star, the planet Venus. Astronomical celestial associations as much as his role as a religious figure of the stature of a Moses or a Christ, brought Quetzalcoatl into prophetic prominence. So it was the 10th century 1Reed [KIN53] Quetzalcoatl presumed founder of the city of Tula and revitalizer of ChichenItza and Yucatán, having prophesied his return on the day 1Reed in the year 1Reed was vindicated by the arrival of Cortez on that very day, Good Friday on the Christian calendar A.D. 1519." ~Jose Arguelles - "The Mayan Factor"

It was exactly a year ago on the report series entitled QUETZALCOATL BITES HIS/HER TAIL: 9 SIGNS OF A LIVING PROPHECY, (published on KIN 53) when we presented a map of the different streams and stages of Mayan prophecy and its evolution into ONE UNIFIED Prophecy. Since then we have been tracking the most significant events related to this prophetic stream with the purpose of keeping alive a delicate memory thread that connects us with our Ancient Past and our "Ancient Future" within the Eternal present moment.

As essential part of this thread, it was early this year when a new important discovery at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacan was announced by various media outlets on April 25, 2015 (KIN 22 (9+13) 9Wind >> KEY code component of the prophetic stream presented a year ago).  The discovery made BIG headlines and kept the scientific community in wonder for a while: 


"Local researcher Sergio Gomez announced the discovery on Friday of “large quantities” of the element underneath the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent – the third largest in the ancient ruined city of Teotihuacan, which is shrouded in mystery and was once one of the largest in the hemisphere.

"It's something that completely surprised us," he told Reuters, standing at the entrance to the ancient pyramid, located about 30 miles (50 km) northeast of Mexico City." (RT News LINK)

Let's remember that Mercury element has numerous esoteric powerful representations and archetypal components in alchemy and conventional astrology as the planet/ruler of communications

mercury_solo1-300x300.jpg?width=177"[...] the alchemical philosophers used the symbols of salt, sulphur, and mercury to represent not only chemicals but the spiritual and invisible principles of God, man, and the universe. [...] The universe is surrounded by the sphere of the stars. Beyond that sphere is the sphere of Schamayim, which is the Divine fiery water, the first outflow of the Word of God, the flaming river pouring from the presence of the Eternal. Schamayim, the fiery androgynous water, divides. The fire becomes the solar fire and the water becomes the lunar water. Schamayim is the universal mercury--sometimes called Azoth--the measureless spirit of life. The spiritual fiery original water--Schamayim--comes through Eden (in Hebrew, vapor) and pours itself into four main rivers [the elements]. This is the river of living water--Azoth [the fiery mercurial essence] that flows out from the throne of God and the Lamb."
Manly P. Hall / The Secret Teachings of all Ages


1. Sun (gold) 2. Moon (silver) 3. Saturn (lead) 4. Jupiter (tin) 5. Mars (iron) 6. Mercury (mercury, duh) 7. Venus (copper) After woodcuts by Friz Kredel, published in Stearn 1962.

As you can see above, mercury's astrological/alchemical symbol even includes the geometry of the Venus symbol. On the image below you can see a crop circle merging both geometries into one that appeared in West Kennett, Avebury England (largest stone formation on Michael/Mary Leyline consecrated to the Divine Feminine). This formation was reported on JULY 25th, 2007 Day Out of TimeKIN 53 (Red Magnetic Skywalker : 1 Reed. The sign of Quetzalcoatl... The Frequency of Sirian ReBirth 52+1... (To expand more on this please refer to RINRI Project Newsletter Vol.III -3.4. "Sirian ReBirth of Quetzalcoatl"...)



Mercury-Venus Crop Circle at West Kennett, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, 25th July 2007 Day Out of Time
~ KIN 53 1Reed ~ Sign of Quetzalcoatl ~ Frequency of Sirian ReBirth 52+1~


Is this an encoded message/telegram from the past into the future that only NOW can be appreciated under a new light? In any case this discovery is NOW essential part of this prophetic thread, as we will explain later.


As Venus is now at the center stage of this potent window and has been the driving force/frequency behind the synchronization of the most important cycle of time tracked by the ancient Maya (The Venus Round of 104 years) this is a great opportunity to travel back in time and briefly re-trace the most recent path that the brightest star in the sky/"Queen of Heaven"/Quetzalcoatl has traveled on her Rose-Line shaped journey around the Sun and the Earth:


Today, September 6th, 2015 (NS1.28.2.15~KIN 156 13 Warrior) Venus/Queen of Heaven/Quetzalcoatl starts moving direct, closing in this way the gates of the 52-Day Blue Western Castle of Magic that opened back on July 17th, 2015 ~ KIN 105 1Serpent right after the 70th Anniversary of start of Nuclear Era at Trinity Site. This forward movement signals then an important shift in planetary energetics.



July 25th, 2015 ~ Day Out of Time (KIN 113 Red Solar Skywalker ~ VENUS STARTS RETROGRADE PHASE

  • Planet Venus started her/his final retrograde phase in the Evening Sky precisely at EXATCLY ZERO degrees of Virgo (The Virgin), on her way to conjoin with the Sun.
  • 113 is the frequency associated with the archetypal figure of Quetzalcoatl as the “Lord of the Dawn”, the “psycho-mythic representation of the power of self-transcendence of the human spirit”...
  • This event marked the entrance to the 28th New Sirian Cycle
  • It occurred EXACTLY 1144 days from the rare/historic Venus Transit accross the Solar disc of 6/6/2012 (KIN 9, 9Moon) The next transit will not occur until 2117.
  • The Prophecy of Quetzalcoatl of the "13 Heavens and 9 Hells" lasted EXACLTY 1144 years (13x52 + 9x52=1144) and ended with the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.
  • 1144=11+44=55 Galactic Signature of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.
  • KIN 9 9Moon (first day of the year=head) is the perfect guiding power/Higher Self of KIN 113 9Skywalker (last day of the year=tail)
  • The event occurred EXACTLY 555 days from the last Venus Heliacal Rising/ ReBirth as Morning Star of January 17, 2014.

  • Number 5 represents Venus Pentagram as well as the Quintessence/Fifth Force Element.
  • 555= 5X3 ~ Quetzalcoatl is KIN 53.



  • Eve of 28th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence,
  • Planet Venus starts a NEW 584-day Synodic Cycle (astronomical).
  • This event signaled the start of the third 584-day Synodic Cycle since the rare transit/inferior conjunction of 2012
  • New Moon: Planet Earth entered into a major planetary alignment/synchronization with Venus and with the Moon.
  • This Sun~Venus~New Moon in Leo "harmonic convergence" in the sky closed a major time re-calibration window between InterStellar (Sirius) ~Stellar (Sun) ~Planetary (Venus) ~Lunar (Moon) time scales

August 22nd, 2015 (NS KIN 140 10Sun) ~ VENUS HELIACAL RISING

  • On the last day of the Tzolkin Mystic Column/birth canal, Venus was re-born in the Morning Sky as a whole new Archetype of the Feminine.
  • This re-Birth signaled the start of a new (shamanic) Synodic Cycle of 584-Days
  • The PsiChrono unit / memory cell active on the PSI Bank for this day is KIN 260 ~ Yellow Cosmic (13) Sun (20)
  • It was exactly 260 days (1 galactic spin) in the past, on December 4, 2014 (KIN 140 10Sun), when Venus was "re-born" as the Evening Star.

August 29th, 2015 (NS KIN 148 5Star) ~ VENUS - MARS CONJUNCTION

  • 11951191_963492937044461_1814190042091364218_n.png?oh=96fdc1451766041c9f828f6f046b65ba&oe=5677D328Venus conjoins with Mars in the first out of 5 conjunctions for Venus current cycle as Morning Star.
  • In Mayan Cosmology, The Star glyph represents Venus and the tone 5 corresponds to the Overtone Fifth Force and the Pentagram
  • This event occurred almost exactly 12 years/solar rings after the historic Mars closest approach to Earth.


"Prophecy confirms the existence of natural time. If we examine the different prophecies, they all seem to have similar themes. There is an original time, there is a time of corruption, there is a time of prophecy to end the corruption, then there is a return to the original time, or to natural time, or to the Golden Age. We see that very often there is a theme of Four Ages, and the final moment is the entry into a Fifth Age. This is the general theme of prophecy. The general theme of prophecy also confirms that there must be some genetic error. So we see that in all the great prophetic traditions there is also obviously a moral quality - because the genetic failure produces increasing levels of moral failure. These increases in moral failure create a situation that usually is referred to as Judgement Day. This Judgement Day is the time when we are to wake up and to remember. All the true teachers talk about remembering. What we re-member is the original time and the return of the original time."  José Argüelles ~ 28 Meditations of the Law of Time

As the visit to the United States of Jorge Bergoglio (AKA "Pope Francis") of 9.23.2015 (Day of Atonement/Judgement Day) approaches, all sorts of conspiracy FACTS and theories about secret agendas and biblical apocalyptic scripts are running a mock in the cybersphere. Interestingly enough, US president Barack Obama (KIN 173: Archetype of the Self-existing Prophet within Galactic Maya Cosmology) who has been presented/promoted repeatedly by the media as a "Savior"/"Prophet" figure in a similar fashion and style as the new pope, is now being "pumped-up a notch" once again by the headlines:

This media-fabricated image is now gaining more momentum and it is more evident that the meeting of two of the most powerful and recognized public figures in the world is destined to be at center stage of the Cosmic Drama playing out on Planet Earth... Specially considering the TIMING of it: September 23, 2015, KIN 173 4Skywalker ~ Fall Equinox on Northern Hemisphere.. the day when Quetzalcoatl descends at Chichenitza Pyramid...

We will go deeper into the synchronic significance of this historic and prophetic reunion from the perspective of Mayan/Biblical Prophecy on pART 4, but in the meanwhile it seems important to refresh our memory with some of the most relevant synchronic aspects behind this meeting as presented by Stephenie South on her recent post "CERN, Synchronotron and Telepathic Technology":

  • This year, on September 23, Pope Francis will meet with President Obama at the White House. This day happens to be Kin 173: Red Self-Existing Skywalker, Obama’s galactic signature and Pope Francis is Kin 23: Blue Planetary Night.
  • In Dreamspell cosmology, President Obama’s signature is associated with Mars and Pope Francis’ with Saturn. Saturn in Greek is Chronos or the god of time. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or the city of Saturn. Washington D.C. was once also called Rome.
  • September 23 is the "Day of Atonement", equinox and also the 266th day of the Gregorian year and Pope Francis is the 266th pope to succeed apostle Peter. He is also the 112th and final pope in the prophecy of popes
  • The following day after his meeting with Obama, on September 24, Kin 174, the Pope will address the United States Congress for the first time in history. This day also happens to be the exact midpoint of the 812-day cycle of solar consciousness (see previous post). Four days later, on kin 178: White Solar Mirror concludes the final lunar eclipse of the Blood Moon tetrad.

  • CERN also has ties with the Vatican. The Vatican owns some of the largest telescopes in the world, including the Lucifer 2 Large Binocular Telescope based at Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham near Tucson, AZ.

As we enter this Gregorian "September" and events keep unfolding, it is KEY to distinguish illusion from Truth by having a basic comprehension of the most relevant components and actors at play. We are heading into the powerful Solar Eclipse ~ Equinox ~ 4th Blood Moon Eclipse window... This window is opening in just a few days with the Solar Eclipse on 9.13.2015 on Jewish Calendar New Year and has the potential to be one of the most active and transformative portals of time in recent years. .... Re-member 9.13 is the code of prophecy. Stay tuned!

Assignment filed and completed by 
Galactic Agent 113 Red Solar Skywalker 
as a part of the Quetzalcoatl Project.

Year of the White Planetary Wizard
Lunar Moon, Dali 15 (2.15)
KIN156  Yellow Cosmic Warrior
Venus entering into direct motion
(Gregorian Calendar: 9.6..2015)

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

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KIN 137: 
Red Resonant Earth

I channel in order to evolve
inspiring Synchronicity
I seal the matrix of  Navigation
with the resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Universal Water.

"... Venus power is the power of Art [Star] and the power of Magic [Monkey]. Art is the natural function of the power of accomplishment. The magic comes from the correct aligning of our will with the Divine Plan, because the Divine Plan consists of all the Laws of Nature. The Laws of Nature are not always what modern science says they are. They have much more to do with putting the mind in the correct place. […] "There is not a separation between Divine Law and Natural Law, so the Revelation of the Law of Time is actually a Divine Revelation of a natural law. That's why we say, "a Divine Plan for a Divine Planet."

- Jose Arguelles / 28 Meditations of the Law of Time


"John Martinaeu - The Dance of Venus (An accurate scientific drawing of Venus stunning pattern around the Earth. Our closest planetary neighbour draws a huge pentagram pattern around Earth every 8 years or 13 Venusian years. Four of the eight-year Venus cycles are shown, with the motion of Venus around Earth over 32 years), “A Little Book of Coincidence”, 2002."

On pART 1 of these series we laid down the theoretical framework describing the artificial time matrix that has been used to manipulate human consciousness throughout history and presented solid evidence demonstrating that WE, as a species, are crossing an Event Horizon of great significance for the planet at the micro and macro levels of our third-dimensional reality. We also denoted the collective need to be aware of increasing rise of inorganic/artificial technologies and proliferation of transhumanist agendas (for details check the august energetic update from Lisa Renee entitled "Transhumanism") with the intention to direct our attention to new organic/natural technologies and solutions that reflect accurately our evolutionary journey as a species, and that allow us to find our place in Time and gain a NEW perspective and discernment capabilities to distinguish illusion from Truth during these potent times. At the end we posed this question:

"If Venus and Sirius are the brightest stars in the sky and were used by our ancestors as the most reliable celestial markers to determine the start and end of larger cycles of TIME, why so few people today seem to know so little about these ancient time-markers and why the importance of these stars has been hidden/minimized to Humanity?

On this second pART we will start to pierce the veil of Time and unveil the mystery behind Planet Venus and Her significance and influence since our most ancient past to our most present day. As mentioned on pART 1, we also recommend now to let go of your preconceived ideas around time and allow the new information presented here to surprise you and invite you to think in new ways, including exploring the fabric of TIME-Space in a whole new way.



"...Teotihuacan: place of the teachers of the geometry of time. Where were the great masters who had designed and built this city with such profound perfection and geometry? As Joe gazed around, this question penetrated his being. A shining white light, emanating from within things, bathed everything in a soft glow. And then the earthly world disappeared..." Stephanie South - Biography of a Time Traveler

While doing  research for this post, I found this great article entitled "The Sacred Geometry of Sacred Time" written by . It is a perfect description of how we can shift and elevate our perception of Time and create "Sacred Time"in a similar way as we create "Sacred Space" for ceremony. Please find below an excerpt (highlights by this writer):

"My take on Sacred Time is not complicated by hopes for ultimate solutions or fears of "end time" catastrophes, or the generic good/bad predictive concerns of daily astrological magazine columns. "Sacred Geometry" is used in architecture to assist in the creation of designs and spaces with an uplifting, harmonious feel and transcendent resonances, something I regard as a tangible benefit on both a personal and a societal level. Why limit this to the three dimensions of space?

A sacred calendar, as I see it, will potentially be a way of using sacred geometry to apply this same alchemy to time. Though there may also be metaphysical effects subtle and manifold, the basic aim is simple: to create harmonious, uplifting ways to think about time. Thus, working with and marking out time becomes comparable to entering the precincts of a beautiful temple complex. Put another way, a sacred calendar is a kind of holo-morphic time field. "Holo-" like a hologram, since the parts are joined up to the whole of a bigger pattern by geometric relationship, reminding us of a conception of time more sophisticated and inter-connective than the straight-line model, and "-morphic" to recall the theory of morphic fields, of forms resonant through a transpersonal ether.

Picture Picture

Town planning with an eye on the beautiful can have a massively uplifting effect on a community…so what about an art of time planning?

Linear calendars are practical at the mundane level, but exclusive focus on the mundane leads to boredom. It is characteristic of Sacred Time that it is marked for more than purely mundane purposes. It transforms zones of space-time into things of beauty, having about them an elegance and sense of proportion and interrelationship. Sacred geometric calendars do for time what yoga does for the body. The opposite of boredom is creative force, known as Kundalini or Serpent Fire in the Hindu traditions. A more interesting conception of time (than the purely mundane) facilitates rather than hinders this force. Enter the Serpent as totemic day counter, the good serpent whose apple teaches the way back into Eden.


Stripping away notions of "end times" or utopias bestowed on us for no reason other than that somehow "The Time Has Come" does not have to mean an exclusion of the beauty and juiciness of mythic influxes. We have a tradition of architecture that we term classical, and an intrinsic part of what we understand by that word pertains to a style that invokes the mythos of a Golden Age, a time that exists eternally as an idea. Sacred Time, similarly, is a way of bridging this idea – the Golden Age – to time as we experience it. If you want the following to come alive, don't read it merely as dry facts and figures, but probe into the patterns with the opened eye of the mind as if travelling beautiful time tunnels to heavenly inner spaces, and as the days of the calendars unfold allow yourself to remember an identity as a player – a beautiful hero or heroine even – on a Golden Age scene – privately, humbly, subtly, non-quixotically. Classical temples were adorned with stories sculpted onto their pediments; the best mythologies with which to adorn the calendar of Sacred Time are surely those that are to do with beauty, the manifesting of the Golden Age, and the evolution and greater fulfilment of human potential."

~ "The Sacred Geometry of Sacred Time..."  by William Glyn-Jones



Madonna-Laboris-1933.jpg?width=750ARTWORK: Great spirit of the Himalayas - by Nicholas Roerich ~ 1934


The 260-day Tzolkin/ Harmonic Module is comprised of 5 castles of 52 days each (5x52=260).  As we navigate this 13-day Venusian Wavespell of MAGIC (that started 7 days ago at the Core/Heart of the 13:20 Harmonic Matrix of Time -Tzolkin), we have been noticing the intensity and accelaration of our journey through the galactic "birth canal: the 7th Central/Mystic Rainbow column of the "mirror-less" dimension home of the Galactic Maya.



This initiatory passage at the core of the 52-day Blue Western castle of burning (Court of Magic) started back on July 17, 2015 (KIN 105 1Serpent) the day right after the completion of 70th anniversary from the start of the Nuclear Era/Trinity Explosion. Many of us are feeling the fractal karmic wave impact of this event and the reactivation of memories of the "lost worlds" that started thousands of years ago with the destruction of planet Maldek...

The entrance into the 13-day Wavespell of the Serpent Initate, also signaled the path into Day Out of Time/Sirian New Year on KIN 113 9Skywalker and it is bringing an unprecedented acceleration and intensification of planetary energetics. You may be feeling under extreme pressure, and noticing that more people seem to be behaving erratically and polarity/contrast is at an ALL TIME high... At times is quite a challenge to stay balanced and keep up with the energies... But it is all part of this birthing process...


"When this experience occurred, on the evening of the Red Magnetic Serpent, I again went into a profound tunnel experience. This experience is described in the text on the 20 Tablets and is referred to as ''Retrieving the Divine Plan." As I worked my way through what this Revelation was, I saw that the information that I was receiving from the Psi Bank had everything to do with the correction of the genetic order. I saw that for this reason it was referred to as "Retrieving the Divine Plan." - Jose Arguelles / 28 Meditations of the Law of Time


It was right during this same time passage at the heart of the Tzolkin and at the central core of 4th of the 7 Years of Prophecy (1993-2000) that Dr. Jose Arguelles experienced a profound 28-day Initiation/Re-Birth process that culminated with a new self-identity and the retrieval and decoding of a vast amount of key complimentary information connecting this new system of time with our original evolutionary blueprint : The Human DNA code. The initiation concluded on KIN 132 ~ Yellow Lunar Human: one of the clear signs upon the Tomb lid of Pacal Votan, signifying "the prophecy of the Lunar Human of Non Ego who has returned to harmony with the cycles of time through the 13 Moon/28-day calendar (13 x 28 =364)"

[…] "This emphasis on the non-egoic quality is very, very important in understanding all of this information. I had to have no ego in order to receive this information, so it's a good idea to get rid of your ego when you try to understand it. It has nothing to do with that. Everything is part of a mathematical code, and what we call a higher science. In this higher science we are reconstructing a mythic order in our consciousness, that was earlier destroyed. In the notes that I wrote on retrieving the Divine Plan it refers to the Magnetic Serpent as Maldek, the original garden of Eden…” - Jose Arguelles / 28 Meditations of the Law of Time

We will expand on the multidimensional qualities between Maldek and Venus on pART 3 of these series...


"Besides the Himalayas, a powerful concept influencing Roerich’s paintings relates to the idea of ‘The Mother of the World’ [...] ‘The New Epoch,’ said Helena [Roerich], ‘must manifest due respect to the Mother of the World, to the Feminine element. “The bird of the spirit of Humanity cannot fly with only one wing” – these are the words of Vivekananda, who meant to affirm the great significance of the Feminine Principle... The star of the Mother of the World is the planet Venus. In 1924 this planet for a short time came unusually near, pouring its rays on Earth and creating new powerful and sacred combinations to yield great results. Feminine movements were kindled by these powerful rays."

World of Roerich by Alan Senior - Theosophical Society

madonna-the-protector-1933.jpgMadonna the Protector - Nicholas Roerich

As mentioned above, we are transiting the Venus/Monkey Wavespell of Magic... (From the perspective of fractal time, this 13-day Wavespell also corresponds to the entrance to the second Dreamspell Genesis).  Venus, like the moon, represents the Feminine Energy of "The Mother of the World" and Unconditional LOVE, therefore it has been portrayed in many cultures as a Goddess. One of such Goddesses is Inanna, chief Sumerian Goddess associated with fertility, the natural world, and war (and later equated with the Babylonian Ishtar) whose archetypal journey of transformation is depicted and traced in detail in shamanic astrology. She is also known as Isis, Astarte, Aphrodite, Hathor, Mary Magdalene...

Let's also remember that as mentioned many times on other reports, planet Venus has been also intimately associated with "Quetzalcoatl, the archetype of spiritual and cultural renewal who vows to return at the end of history. The return of Quetzalcoatl signifies the return of our multidimensional wholeness and our reconnection to the stars.”

"Many regard the World Mother as an exalted office in the Hierarchy, functioning at the planetary and cosmic levels and held in the past by a number of entities, such as the Egyptian goddess Isis. Thus The Mother is one of many archetypes through which the Divine Feminine has manifested, and she is described as expressing beauty, tenderness, grace, sacrifice, purity and joy. She is also involved in service to humanity and the natural world through her nurturing qualities, always inspiring people to undertake world service. Greater awareness of the Divine Feminine emerged with the appearance of H.P. Blavatsky, Mary Baker Eddy, Helena Roerich, Dion Fortune and Alice Ann Bailey – those at the forefront of the esoteric teachings. Helena Roerich in particular was influenced in her early years by the reverential tradition of Sophia, the expression of Divine Wisdom in the Russian Orthodox Church."

mother-of-the-world-1937.jpg?width=750“Mother of the World” ~ Nicholas Roerich

"In the painting she is veiled, to conceal the mysteries as yet unrevealed to humanity, but now is the time for it to be lifted and for her to participate in human affairs this century. In 1928 Annie Besant declared March 24th (the Feast of the Annunciation) to be World Mother Day, whilst Geoffrey Hodson described her as an archangel, the embodiment on earth of the Feminine Aspect of the Deity and an Adept in the Inner Government of the World... womanhood and motherhood in their fullest perfection, whilst undertaking the role of the birth of Christ consciousness and a new World Order of environmental and social harmony. Now there are almost 80,000 Internet websites devoted to her." 

World of Roerich by Alan Senior - Theosophical Society


"The ancients always began observing the Venus/Inanna cycle after her conjunction with the sun when she was first visible (10 degrees distant from the sun) in the eastern morning sky. This is called the heliacal rising of Venus and corresponds to her interior conjunction with the sun when she is closest to the earth, brightest, and retrograde. She then spends approximately 260 days, or 7 lunar cycles in the east before descending beneath the horizon for approximately 60 days where she forms an exterior conjunction with the sun. This 60-day period when Venus is too close to the sun to be observed is likened to her being in the underworld. She then rises in the west for another approximate 260 days or 7 lunar cycles before returning to the underworld for a short 0-20 days."


On August 21,(KIN 140 10 Sun) on the last day of the Tzolkin Mystic Column/birth canal, Venus is being re-born in the Morning Sky as a whole new Archetype of the Feminine. This re-Birth phenomena signals the start of a new (Shamanic) Synodic Cycle of 584-Days and is therefore a great opportunity to set renewed intentions to reconnect ceremonially with Her Light Frequency.  The PsiChrono unit / memory cell active on the PSI Bank for this day is KIN 260 ~ Yellow Cosmic (13) Sun (20): the embodiment of the 13:20 Organic/Natural Time frequency.
Bear in mind that it was exactly 260 days (1 galactic spin) ago, on December 4, 2014 (KIN 140 10Sun), when Venus was "re-born" as the Evening Star.


As mentioned on pART 1, on August 15th, 2015 (NS KIN 134 4Wizard) during the eve of the 28th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, Planet Earth entered into a major planetary alignment/synchronization with Venus AND the Moon signaling the end/start of another Venus (Astronomical) Synodic Cycle of 584 days during new moon. This cycle of Venus (measured from Interior Conjunction to Interior Conjunction in astronomy or from Heliacal Rise to Heliacal Rise in shamanic astrology) was honored by many ancient cultures, including the ancient Maya. Since Venus also started her retrograde phase on July 25th, 2015 ~ Day Out of Time (KIN 113 Red Solar Skywalker) and marked the entrance to the 28th New Sirian Cycle at exactly ZERO degrees of the Virgo Constellation, this Sun~Venus~New Moon in Leo "harmonic convergence" in the sky seems to have announced the closing of a major time re-calibration window between InterStellar (Sirius) ~Stellar (Sun) ~Planetary (Venus) ~Lunar (Moon) time scales. On pART 3 of this report we will expand in detail on the harmonics behind this recalibration / interlocking of the Earth with our brightest star (Sirius) and our brightest planet (Venus) and we will put into synchronic context some relevant and significant cosmic events and alignments since 2012 including:

  • The rare 2012 Venus transit
  • The SoUlar Eclipse and Venus Superior Conjuction of 2014
  • The Sirius - Orion-Pleiades-Venus Alignment of 2015
  • The Sirian New Year/Day Out of Time + Venus Retrograde prophetic number connections
  • The 4 Blood Moon Eclipse Tetrad of 2014-2015




Assignment filed and completed on

NS1.28.1.27 KIN 140 Yellow Planetary Sun
Number of the Telektonon
Galactic Fifth Force (5) factored by Harmonic Measure of Galactic Order (28)
@5:55AM Mechanical Time (local/US PTime for Venus Heliacal Rising )



[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]


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or click below to donate, your contributions will help establish a Galactic Culture based on LOVE, PEACE, ART & SYNCHRONICITY on Earth.



Recommended reads:

Unveiling the Feminine Matrix: Isis, Inanna and Islam

World of Roerich by Alan Senior - Theosophical Society

The Sacred Geometry of Sacred Time..."  by William Glyn-Jones

Emerging from the Artificial Time Matrix

"Quetzalcoatl bites his/her tail" Reports




Quetzalcoatl and Jose Arguelles

Read more…

About Magic Numbers: 212 and 137

About Magic Numbers: 212 and 137

1.- starting on: 121 = 11x11 and Vig.: 1.2.1 = 21x21

2.- 212 as "reverse" of 121

and on vig.: 2.1.2 = 822 ; and 822 = 137 x 6

137 in 33º n.p (n.primo) drive us to Fine-structure constant : 1/ 137

and Kin 137 is call Ah Vuc Kab, Lord of the center of earth.

137 - It is call "Magic number" aswell.

Here some, of many, lines from internet to look at ....

In physics, the fine-structure constant, commonly denoted α, is afundamental physical constant, namely the coupling constant characterizing the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. Being a dimensionless quantity, it has constant numerical value in all systems of unitsArnold Sommerfeldintroduced the fine-structure constant in 1916.

Anthropic explanation[edit source | editbeta]

The anthropic principle is a controversial argument of why the fine-structure constant has the value it does: stable matter, and therefore life and intelligent beings, could not exist if its value were much different. For instance, were α to change by 4%, stellar fusion would not produce carbon, so that carbon-based life would be impossible. If α were > 0.1, stellar fusion would be impossible and no place in the universe would be warm enough for life as we know it.[44]

Numerological explanations[edit source | editbeta]

As a dimensionless constant which does not seem to be directly related to any mathematical constant, the fine-structure constant has long fascinated physicists. Richard Feynman, one of the originators and early developers of the theory ofquantum electrodynamics (QED), referred to the fine-structure constant in these terms:

There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e - the amplitude for a real electron to emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been experimentally determined to be close to 0.08542455. (My physicist friends won't recognize this number, because they like to remember it as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the "hand of God" wrote that number, and "we don't know how He pushed his pencil." We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don't know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!

Richard P. Feynman (1985). QED: The Strange Theory of Light and MatterPrinceton University

Regarding the occurrence of numerological explanations I. J. Good maintains:

There have been a few examples of numerology that have led to theories that transformed society: see the mention of Kirchhoff and Balmer in Good (1962, p. 316) ... and one can well include Kepler on account of his third law. It would be fair enough to say that numerology was the origin of the theories of electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, gravitation.... So I intend no disparagement when I describe a formula as numerological.

When a numerological formula is proposed, then we may ask whether it is correct. ... I think an appropriate definition of correctness is that the formula has a good explanation, in a Platonic sense, that is, the explanation could be based on a good theory that is not yet known but ‘exists’ in the universe of possible reasonable ideas.

A personal NOTE: I first found  about 1/137  on a book "SINCRONICITY" of Massimo Teodorani. About conexión Physics-Psique :Carl G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli. (Premio novel de Fisica en 1945).

With a history of Pauli sincronicity at hospital room where he died:

¡¡¡ I am on room 137 !!! he said, the Fine-structure constant : 1/ 137 that he was, as many others, looking for understanding. 

Read more…



KIN 133: 
Red Electric Skywalker

I activate in order to explore
bonding Wakefulness
I seal the output of  Space
with the electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Navigation.


"Not only is the idea of the calendar as an instrument to determine a true and accurate year misleading, but solely focusing on this purpose blinds us to any consideration of time apart from duration or measurement of motion in space. The Law of Time asserts that the actual nature of time is synchronic; hence the purpose of calendars is to synchronize us in time according to various cycles whose harmonic numbers extend from and return us to a higher mental order of reality." José Argüelles



DISCLAIMER FROM AUTHOR(S): If you are new to the concept of Organic/Natural Time and inorganic/artificial time, some of the information presented on this and future articles/reports may be challenging or difficult to absorb and process for the linear/rational mind conditioned to an outdated perception (program) of time: the Gregorian Calendar. We are doing our best to connect the dots from different reliable information/news sources and integrate those streams of data into an organic, harmonic and coherent Time Matrix: The 13 Moon 28 Day Calendar/Synchronometer:.. This New Galactic Calendar is a tool to measure synchronicity and harmony. It is calibrated to the heliacal rising of the Star Sirius at 19.5 latitude every July 26th and followed since 1987 by growing numbers of human beings around the planet who are aware of its energetic influence on all Life and therefore, on human affairs. Every year on July 25 "The Day Out of Time / International Peace through Culture Day" is celebrated by thousands of people around the Earth who are inspired by a new understanding of Time, available to all Humanity. The author of this blog currently works full time in the promotion of Peace through Culture as Director of the Banner of Peace Council for the Foundation for the Law of Time."


"We think it's a big deal when we have a synchronicity. I thought of that person and here they are. But the Mayan calendar and what the Mayans knew through their calendar system is that synchronicity is the norm. Everything is in a state of synchronicity. In fact, that's what the "Law of Time" refers to as the "synchronic order." We all know that time is the fourth dimension. The synchronic order is to the fourth dimension of time what gravity is to the third dimension of space. That holds everything together. And we're also in the fourth dimension and the third dimension this very moment. The fourth dimension is greater than and encompasses the third dimension. The third dimension is physical - it's space. We can touch it, see it, and we can feel what it is. It has texture, color, and sound, whatever you want. But show me where time is. It's not on your clock. You can't touch time. You can't see time. Maybe with an inner sense you can feel time. So, time is of the mind, just like third dimension space is of matter. Time is of the mind. That's where time exists. If you look into nature, you can see there are cycles and rhythms of time. You know the lunar cycles and the Circadian rhythms. There are different biological cycles. But the actual fact is that when you say, "Where is it? How do you know it?" is that time is of the mind."

José Argüelles
Time & The Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs

The purpose of this report is to highlight and appreciate the potency of the times we ARE LIVING from the perspective of the Synchronic Oder. Therefore it requires from the reader a temporal shift in perspective from usual ways of perceiving reality. A shift from Space-Time oriented perception to Time-Space oriented perception. This is a subtle but yet a potent shift. Why?

Our daily reality is a function of a basic matrix we called Space-Time. In other words: our consciousness/point of view/perspective /experience of life depends on those 2 reference points: our place in Space and our place in Time. Since Space is of the Senses, our place in Space is easier to trust and grasp than our place in Time. While the Five Senses govern the realm of Space (3rd Dimension), only the Universal Mind informs and governs the the realm of Time (4th Dimension) and the entire 3rd Dimension. So we invite you now to suspend for a moment your preconceived ideas and concepts learned around TIME and contemplate the ideas and principles presented here with a fresh set of eyes and an open mind and heart. Do it as an experiment to FREE YOUR MIND from conditioned ways of thinking ...


“Who owns your Time owns your mind. Own your own time and know your own mind.”  — Jose Arguelles

In order to introduce the subject of time and mind control to new readers, I will start by taking an excerpt from Stephanie South blog "Emerging from the Artificial Time Matrix" which summarizes in a few paragraphs the mechanics of this mind-trap:

tumblr_mup5gi9rsq1qigaa4o1_400.gif?w=584"We as a civilization are living in an artificial hologram caused by a time-space distortion. Humanity lives in the past, running our lives by a mechanical clock and irregular, outdated time count implemented 433 years ago by Pope Gregory 13. This time distortion matrix confines us to believing that 3D physical realty is the only (or predominant) reality. This perception closes our species off to the infinite possibilities and keeps us from accessing other dimensions of being where the solutions to our problems lie.

Isn’t it time that we as a species updated our system ofTIME? We speak of the new feminine cycle though we still live in a patriarchal linear time frame based on the synchronization of mechanical clocks (Standard Time). Now our “Doomsday” clock is three minutes to midnight.

At present, humanity's understanding of time is governed by a 12-Month Gregorian calendar that conditions us to associate time with money, business, industry, schedules and taxes, which creates anxiety and depression. The majority of our thoughts, ideas, plans and decisions are derived from this artificial time matrix of which we are largely unconscious of.

Time Enslavement

Human civilization is enslaved to an unconscious mental matrix governed by artificial time. The definition of a slave is “a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.”

The chief instruments of collective time enslavement are the Vatican calendar and mechanical clock, which together, form the structure or mental lattice that our world paradigm is woven on. Embedded into this paradigm are all of our current beliefs, be they religious, economic, political or scientific. The imposition of artificial time impedes our flow and natural rhythms, thus veiling us from our true essence."


morpheus-you-are-a-slave-like-everyone.jpgThis is the moment to choose between the red pill and the blue pill... :-)


“Condition the mind to an irregular standard and the mind will adjust to disorder and chaos as normal conditions of existence. The worlds  racial, tribal, historical and religious conflicts are embedded in and a function of different timing systems (calendars), all now coordinated within a master irregular timing standard and macro organizing principle, the Gregorian calendar.” - Jose Arguelles

Amidst all the manipulation and apparent chaos in the current planetary reality, there is always a Higher Order (the Synchronic Order) operating “behind the scenes” of the “reality show” presented by the propaganda machine as news of war, terror, struggle, droughts and famine. As background context for those new to the words "Synchronic Order" this is Google's definition when you search the key words:


In simpler terms, we can say then that the Synchronic Order describes a higher order of reality that is coordinating and informing this 3rd dimensional order of reality as an all-encompassing envelope or intelligent matrix. The Noosphere ("the mental sphere of the Earth" or "Planetary Mind") is a reflection/extension of this higher order of reality and all impulses from this 3rd dimensional reality are registered first on its invisible Divine Matrix... The purpose of this article is to see this Divine Matrix at play in REAL TIME.


With the arrival of the New Galactic Beam, this higher order of reality is now being uncovered through Synchronicity with increasing frequency, intensity and depth, revealing the meaningful connections between the objective (3D) and the subjective/imaginal/psycho-mythical (4D) worlds. This new holographic Time-beam is arriving loaded with codes and new evolutionary programs to attune our minds and bodies to the new cosmic frequencies that are destined to activate the “dormant” HUman DNA to levels never before dreamed of by our own species,  opening the gates for the Homo-Noosphericus to enter the human evolutionary landscape. We are the New Creators. But in order to access this next level of evolution (the Psychozoic Era) and function from this higher order of reality, humanity needs to let go of the old programs and open space for the NEW...



"The Law of Time makes conscious what was previously unconscious. The discovery of the Law of Time marks an increase in knowledge of the synchronization of cycles which parallels the increase in intensification of the information compression that characterizes the present age. We refer to this as information compression because every day the amount of information that can be compressed into one day, for instance, increases. So the day expands to meet the information demand, though the amount of time remains constant. But, because of the proliferation of information and energies being beamed to our planet, we experience time as accelerating."

Cosmic History Chronicles 7 - Book of the Cube 

It only requires to pay close attention to the daily feed of mainstream media news to notice the underlying collective storyline developing: We are crossing at Light-Speed an Event Horizon of great significance for all Humanity. It was only around one moon ago on July 14, 2015 (KIN 102 11 Wind), that two parallel scientific announcements evidenced the end of an era and the start of a new one: 

The first close contact with Pluto, the furthest planet of our Solar System, via "New Horizons" space craft after a 10-Year/3 Billion-mile journey...


.... followed by the alleged announcement of the "discovery" of the smallest particle of matter known to man, the Pentaquark, by CERN scientists:


Let's revise for a moment the symbolism behind these 2 parallel events:

Pluto represents not only the "last frontier" of our solar system, but our smallest neighbor planet has developed throughout time a strong reputation as the archetypal ruler of the Underworld (Unconscious). From Wikipedia:

Pluto (GreekΠλούτωνPloutōn) was the ruler of the underworld in classical mythology. The earlier name for the god was Hades, which became more common as the name of the underworld itself. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Pluto represents a more positive concept of the god who presides over the afterlife

It is also important to note here that these announcements took place right before the eve of the 70th anniversary of the first atomic explosion on Earth at Trinity site, New Mexico, back in July 16, 1945, signaling the start of the Nuclear Erathrough the splitting/fission of MATTER via the Plutonium element:



Now let's note that it was also right on July 14th, 2015 that the US and the "Nuclear Countries" finally arrived to a Nuclear Agreement with Iran after a great deal of tension and extensions in the negotiations... Even the press headlines reinforced the idea of a "new era starting":

9676520860?profile=originalIt is worth noting here that the Banner of Peace, an ancient symbol adapted since the 1930's by the visionary artist Nicholas Roerich to serve as an emblem to represent the desire of human culture to rise above war is comprised of 3 dots representing the multi-dimensional principle of Trinity: Art, Science and Spirituality ~ Man, Earth, Cosmos ~ Past, Present and Future. Roerich came across numerous later examples of this symbol in various parts of the world, and knew that it represented a deep and sophisticated understanding of the triune nature of existence... In words of Nicholas Roerich:



“Time is sacred order. Artificial time, as a form of institutionalized dis-harmony, is out of order. All of our suffering stems from being “out of order” with nature, with God, with the Source of all Sources. To return to natural time is to re-order ourselves and come into harmony with Nature.” ~ Jose Arguelles ~

Last Gregorian August 6/2014 commemorated also the 70th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, marking 7 Decades since the start of the Atomic Era on planet Earth. Dr. Jose Arguelles was 6 years old when the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima occurred, and although he was just a child, this event remained engraved in his heart, causing an opening of consciousness at an early age about the necessity to live and work for PEACE. So his Vision since then was focused on creating "the Spiritual equivalent of the atomic bomb" by creating an event that would revert and redeem the damage and negative karmic imprint of these 2 disastrous nuclear events.


Hiroshima was then the trigger that set in motion the Harmonic Convergence of 1987: the first synchronized global meditation on the planet. It was on August 16-17 of 1987,  on a day EXACTLY 28 years in the past when Arguelles took the momentous task to organize this global event at specific dates to "plant the seeds" of a New Planetary Consciousness at the EXACT moment in TIME (hence the same Galactic Signature/Date) so it could have the “mathematically correct” re-balancing karmic effect. According to this New York Times article:

9676529460?profile=original"The event, covered by the news media worldwide, was by all accounts the first large-scale simultaneous multinational meditation in history. Its objective, Mr. Argüelles said, was “to create a field of trust, to ground the new vibrational frequencies.

"We know that Venus was very important to the Maya and is often associated with Quetzalcoatl. My attention recently became absorbed with Venus when I realized she will disappear from the night sky on Magnetic 21 (8-15, 2015).  This day will be Self Existing Wizard, Kin 134 in the Planetary Wizard Year. But what really captured my attention is that this day marks ONE YEAR from the beginning of the 812-days of Solar Consciousness,which began on Kin 29 of the Red Solar Moon year (2014).  The following day, Magnetic 22 (8-16, 2015), marks the 28th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence which concluded the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl in 1987." 

Stephanie South / Venus, Synchronicity, and Galactic Consciousness


Tomorrow August 15th, 2015 (NS KIN 134 4Wizard on the 13Moon/28Day count)  Planet Earth will enter into a major planetary alignment/synchronization with Venus and with the Moon signaling the end/start of another Venus Synodic Cycle of 584 days. This cycle of Venus (measured from Interior Conjunction to Interior Conjunction in astronomy or from Heliacal Rise to Heliacal Rise in shamanic astrology) was honored by many ancient cultures. The Mayans calculated the Venus cycle with such remarkable precision that it still baffles current day researchers.  Since Venus also started her retrograde phase on July 25th, 2015 ~ Day Out of Time (KIN 113 Red Solar Skywalker) marking the entrance to the 28th New Sirian Cycle at exactly ZERO degrees of the Virgo Constellation, this Sun~Venus~New Moon in Leo "harmonic convergence" in the sky seems to be announcing the closing of a major time re-calibration window between InterStellar (Sirius) ~Stellar (Sun) ~Planetary (Venus) ~Lunar (Moon) time scales. This sensitive time window that started on Day Out of Time 2015/Sirian New Year and is closing tomorrow, included other important events as the LionsGate of 8.8.2015 and is arriving now to this final stitch in the fabric of Space-Time, completing another "Petal" of the Cosmic Mandala. Venus is the orchestrating force behind the calibration of many cycles of time, so this is a MAJOR Timeline intersection. It is a TIME to set our highest intentions for the planet as we are wrapping up many cycles upon cycles of Time. (On part 2 of this report we will expand on the significance of this "time coordinating" role)


Since the first day of the new Venus 584-day Synodic Cycle starts on the 28th anniversary of this groundbreaking synchronized global Peace event, and Planet Venus has been intimately associated with the archetype of Quetzalcoatl, the patron deity of the Harmonic Convergence, this can be considered as a profound prophetic sign not to be ignored. From the energetic perspective, Venus will be at the "Heart"/Center of the Sun and closest to Earth, so our planet will be receiving this great infusion of cosmic male/female LifeForce~Kundalini energy. (More on this on Part 2)

With this alignment we are entering a new climatic stage of the planetary resurrection process, pointing to the September Equinox and the "exit point" of the last  Blood Moon Eclipse of the 2014-15 tetrad cycle on September 27, 2015 (KIN 178 9Mirror)  This window will coincide with major geo-political events including Pope Francis visit to the United States, his meeting with Obama and his address to Congress in Washington as well as to the United Nations in New York City.  This Blood Moon cycle of 532 days was highlighted in previous blogs as a KEY component of the Organic Timeline as it incorporates 19 perfect Moons of 28-days each or a Flower of Life in Time... (As the time approaches we will be also discussing this event in more detail on future blogs. In case you want additional information on this cycle please refer to "DaVinci TimeCode / Galactic Master Peace of ART" report series). 


Also interesting to note TODAY that Nicholas Roerich transcended this plane of existence on this same day (KIN 134 ~ 4Wizard) exactly 95 cycles of 260-Days (Galactic Spins) ago. Therefore, his death is synchronizing with Venus Re-Birth on this 13-day Venusian Wavespell of Magic that started 3 days ago at the Core/Heart of the 13:20 Harmonic Matrix of Time (Tzolkin).



"It is a fatal error to dismiss a mathematics of harmonic perfection when it is allied with the ordering and comprehension of cycles. The pursuit of a true and accurate year totally subordinates the cyclic nature of time to the ceaseless imperfection and change that characterize the phenomenal world when it is considered as the sole factor of existence. In order to prepare the ground for a proper consideration of the Law of Time and the evolutionary necessity of the synchronic order of time as the harmonic reorganizing factor of humanity in its post-historic phase, it is necessary to expunge from the mind the error known as the Gregorian calendar."


Why is it important to make all this conscious NOW? JULY 26, 2015 - Sirian New Year's Day marked then the completion of 28 years since the inception of a new harmonic standard of time on planet Earth: The 13 Moon~ 28 Day Calendar. This new standard corresponds precisely to the number 28 as the basis of the 28 day cycle-13 Moon calendar and as the "harmonic measure of galactic order" that regulates Human Life. 


9676457252?profile=original28 is also considered a perfect number"In number theory, a perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of its positive divisors excluding the number itself:  28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 "

28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 (2x14 or 4x7)

Therefore, as we entered into NO TIME ZONE of Day Out of Time 2015, KIN 113 we were not only at the threshold of a New Galactic Year on July 26, 2015, but we were about to enter the most significant Time Gateway since Galactic Synchronization ~ July 26th, 2013, KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed. It was exactly 2 years/solar rings ago, when we crossed the frontier into a new aeon of Consciousness and we are now feeling with great intensity the synchronic compounding power of this incoming fractal wave from Galactic Synchronization/Planetary Resurrection. We are entering into higher resonance with the New Galactic Beam, and synchronicity and telepathy will certainly keep accelerating at exponential rate.

This is then a time to understand all actors and elements at play and be very aware of the different narratives and timelines operating on the planet, as some of them may be traps, while others, like this current one are windows of opportunity for accelerated Evolution, and many agendas are not interested in promoting them. In simple words: we can learn how to not get distracted or be "mind-controlled"and understand the game from the inside out...

On February 24, 2015 we also commemorated the 28th Anniversary of another unique cosmic event: The discovery of SN1987A the first SuperNova explosion recorded from planet Earth. 


"This supernova was the means by which the higher-dimensional councils of universal unification “announced” the completion of the prophecy of Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells, commemorated on August 16 and 17, 1987, by the Harmonic Convergence. This event officially began what is referred to as the Quetzalcoatl Project, a vast organized undertaking of the galactic masters’ system of mind transmission, the GM108X. (See 20 Tablets of the Law of Time)" Rinri Project Newsletter III. Mystery of the Stone Edition

(To learn more about this event please refer to "Welcome back SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A" report)


"We are at the time of the greatest intensification of information in the whole history of the earth,if not of the whole history of the solar system. This proliferation of information spreads even as far out as the edges of the Velatropa sector [our Solar System], which is an analog of the increase and intensification of information that constitutes a particular climactic stage of cosmic history. During this cycle the information increase and intensification follows an exponential curve that includes an increase of population, technology and information." - Cosmic History Chronicles 7 - Book of the Cube

virtual-cover-final.jpg?quality=65&strip=color&w=814Since there is so much activity occurring on the planet, at such an accelerated pace, it is very hard to keep track of all the competing narratives unfolding.  We are witnessing and participating of one of the most (if not the most) intense windows of transformation for the Human race and as time advances, and it is becoming increasingly evident the exhaustion of old 3-D reality constructs and reference points. This phenomena is now clearly reflected in search of interdimensional portals by the scientists at CERN/Large Hadron Collider and the emergence of new "virtual reality envioronments" as Oculus Rift, showcased in the latest cover of TIME Magazine. Actually, according to different sources, CERN is supposed to be re-activated at the time of this alignment in order to take advantage of the influx of energies (for additional info please read "What In The World Is Going On Over At CERN?") . This is "nothing new" as it happened in the past during the last Blood Moon Eclipse. Just know that by the power of our Higher Awareness on this "Matter", and as a function of the Observer Effect in Quantum Physics, the dark agendas and plans are destined to fail...




As these 3D constructs vanish, the 4th Dimensional codes of the Synchronic Order are becoming the only reliable guiding posts to navigate the transforming reality landscape... We can now ask the questions:

If Venus and Sirius are the brightest stars in the sky and were used by our ancestors as the most reliable celestial markers to determine the start and end of larger cycles of TIME, why so few people today seem to know so little about these ancient time-markers and why the importance of these stars has been hidden/minimized to Humanity?

On pART 2 we will explore in-depth the multi-dimensional relevance behind the cycles of the 2 brightest celestial bodies governing our nightsky: Venus and Sirius. We will also examine under this macro-microscope lens of this new harmonic standard of time some of the most crucial events and timelines manifesting now on the planet.

We require now tools and solutions that reflect accurately our evolutionary journey as a species... The purpose is to have a NEW perspective of the times we are living and hopefully learn to choose wisely where to put our attention,intentions and redirect the energy and how to discern illusion from Truth. The advent of the Noosphere is announcing the start of the Psychozoic Era... A TIME to choose intelligently between an evolutionary future driven by the machine and artificial technologies (like CERN, or immersive Virtual Realites) or by the Intelligence of the Heart and organic rhythms and patterns of the Universe.

“It is this grand panorama of supermental consciousness to which the Law of Time introduces us. It is the door of our unrealized potential which this supreme Law opens. Once we fully understand the promise of the Law of Time and the return to higher harmonic standards, we will gladly see the end of the present world order and hasten to the construction of our own spiritual evolution.” –Jose Arguelles

q-rainbowserpent.pngThe Lord of the Morning Star

Stood between the day and the night;
As a bird that lifts its wings, and stands
With the bright wing on the right
And the wing of the dark on the left, 
The Dawn Star stood into sight!

Lo! I am always here!
For in the hollow of space
I brush the wing of the day
and put light on your face.
The other wing brushes the dark.
But I, I am always in place … 

The multitude see me not.
They see only the waving of wings,
The coming and going of things,
The cold and the hot.

But ye that perceive me between
The tremors of night and the day.
I make you the Lords of the Way
Unseen … 

Deep in the moistures of peace,
And far down the muzzle of the fight
You shall find me, who am neither increase
Nor destruction, different quite.

I am far beyond
The horizons of love and strife.
Like a star, like a pond
That washes the lords of life. 

–D.H. Lawrence, The Plumed Serpent




Assignment filed and completed by

Galactic Agent 113 Red Solar Skywalker
as a tribute to

Nicholas Roerich
on the 95th Galactic Spin since his departure of this world

and the

Quetzalcoatl Project
on the 28th Anniversary/Solar Ring of the Harmonic Convergence

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

Year of the Planetary Wizard
Magnetic Moon, Limi 20 (1.20)
KIN133  Red Electric Skywalker

(Retrieval of the Divine Plan)

(Gregorian Calendar: 8.14.2015)

Recommended reads:

Summary Critique of the Gregorian Calendar


If you like what you just read and would like to see it to continue, please SHARE
or click below to donate, your contributions will help establish a Galactic Culture based on LOVE, PEACE, ART & SYNCHRONICITY on Earth.


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Self-Existing 7, Storm 8, 2014

Books can change your consciousness, literally alter the frequency of your brain waves so that your perception of the world is altered.

Which brings me to the Synchronometer. Most people speak of it as a calendar, but it is so much more. It literally has the potential to alter the way you think at a very deep level. Making the unconscious conscious is the purpose of the Synchronometer. Making the unknown known.

It's called a synchronometer because it's purpose is to create a harmony of understanding between illusory opposites. A way to experience the unity of existence.

It's not a question most people ask: "Whose time am I living?"

Is it Pope Gregory's time? Most people think so without even knowing. They assume that the calendar they are using is an accurate representation of the present time when it is actually more representative of a small group of 16th century Catholic Christians.

Quite an achievement wouldn't you say? Without any of the conveniences of present day communication technology they ensured that within 200 years or so most of the world was using the Gregorian calendar. Living the rhythm method of manifest destiny.

Think what that means ... Imagine if you could make everyone use your calendar, which  was designed to make people remember when it was time to pray and when it was time to pay. That's what they did.

Which is why I decided many years ago to stop using the Gregorian calendar - exchanging it with the Synchronometer. In this way I chose to entertain different channels of thought. I found that certain patterns that might have seemed random and coincidental in Gregorian terms, emerged from the background noise filled with meaning.

You could say that today is October 24th, or you could say that today is Self-Existing 7, Blue Galactic Storm. One, due to your programming, makes more 'sense' than the other. You will have countless habits associated with the calendar you learned from birth and those habits will have caused your mind to harden to a fairly narrow bandwidth. I would guess that October means more to you in a time sense than Self-Existing Moon does. I might even guess that you feel slightly offended by the sheer idiotic idea of changing the calendar. You might as well learn a new language! Why put in the effort?

At this stage it's not for everybody. It has to find its own way into the world, which it is doing through every person who uses the Synchronometer. Understanding at this point is premature, you have to live by the calendar-like attributes of the Synchronometer for a while before you can really understand the way it works. 

Imagine this ... You are flicking through the channels on your TV and you see pretty much the same arrangement of programs. There appears to be a lot of variety, but as you get older you begin to realize how limited the selection really is. Then you turn on your computer and a whole new world of choices appears. Not only are there completely new channels, but all your old channels are there too! 

The Synchronometer is a universal time template based on mathematical harmonies that exist as the primary laws of matter and energy.

Don't take my word for it. If you want to find out for yourself start using the Synchronometer as your new calendar, your new universal remote.

Self-Existing 21, Skywalker 9, 2014

How you experience death is directly related to how you live your life. Not in a simplistic, karmic way, but directly. If your entire life was one material centred voyage, then after death you are likely to find yourself wandering around in God-Mart, the universal mall.

Which brings me to the thought that life ought to be lived looking for the light within things so that after life it will be your habit to look for the light, the clear light of being within all things.

In this I think the Tibetan Buddhists have the right idea, all we need to do is remove the cultural overlay to find the nuggets within.

Our world as it is, has a very small number of people with unimaginable wealth and a much greater number of people living in poverty. As long as both sides are blinded by the material world and fail to see the light within all things, nothing can change.

And what about war? What sort of after life experience does war bring? What is after life fear? How can people who have died from torture and in terrific pain, be healed and made whole again?

Looking for the light within all things. Developing kindness in all ways. Giving. These are some of the ways we can release the light from within the dark.

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Real time time

I am betting that the majority of visitors to this site are outsiders, disatisfied with the state of the world as it is, and looking for an alternative vision, something that makes sense in a non-sensical world.What I wonder is how many visitors have actually dropped the Gregorian mind set?I can only look from within my own experience and say that this path is a lonely one, that stepping outside of consensus reality is not supported. Living the 13 Moon way will not bring you money, nor will it bring you happiness or peace, it may in fact bring you exactly the opposite.So why bother?Again, speaking from my own experience, it seems to be the only way I can live in this world with any integrity. I have to live in the technosphere, but I do not have to be driven by its ceaseless momentum. I may be one of the lemmings headed for the cliff, but at least I can delay the plunge by stopping every so often to smell the flowers.
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Experiment in time

Almost two years ago, based on the 13 Moon Synchronometer year, I did a 365 day journey of the Galactic Tree. Every day I used the synchronic codes to make inner contacts which I duly recorded in as best a manner I could. It occurred to me that I may have laid the ground work for a new foundation of understanding related to the passageways between the 21 archetypes of the Galactic Tree.This year I began a 260 day experiment based on 13 twenty day sessions instigated on Warrior 8, Galactic Warrior. The warrior journey of the galactic tree. I am at the half way point and am feeling the need to elicit comment.If I was to post each of the chapters on my blog would anyone be interested to read and comment?
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Are you ready for Redemption?

It's hard to find peace in a world where our freedom is being suppressed and the truth concealed. Lies have become tradition and we have unknowingly become victims to experimintation. It's time for change but with change involves suffering. Are you ready for Redemption? Are you brave enough to fight for the freedom our spirits Deserve?
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Lesson 154

I am among the ministers of God.

Let us today be neither arrogant nor falsely humble. We have gone beyond such foolishness. We cannot judge ourselves, nor need we do so. These are but attempts to hold decision off, and to delay commitment to our function. It is not our part to judge our worth, nor can we know what role is best for us; what we can do within a larger plan we cannot see in its entirety. Our part is cast in Heaven, not in hell. And what we think is weakness can be strength; what we believe to be our strength is often arrogance.

Whatever your appointed role may be, it was selected by the Voice for God, Whose function is to speak for you as well. Seeing your strengths exactly as they are, and equally aware of where they can be best applied, for what, to whom and when, He chooses and accepts your part for you. He does not work without your own consent. But He is not deceived in what you are, and listens only to His Voice in you.

It is through His ability to hear one Voice which is His Own that you become aware at last there is one Voice in you. And that one Voice appoints your function, and relays it to you, giving you the strength to understand it, do what it entails, and to succeed in everything you do that is related to it. God has joined His Son in this, and thus His Son becomes His messenger of unity with Him.

It is this joining, through the Voice for God, of Father and of Son, that sets apart salvation from the world. It is this Voice which speaks of laws the world does not obey; which promises salvation from all sin, with guilt abolished in the mind that God created sinless. Now this mind becomes aware again of Who created it, and of His lasting union with itself. So is its Self the one reality in which its will and that of God are joined.

A messenger is not the one who writes the message he delivers. Nor does he question the right of him who does, nor ask why he has chosen those who will receive the message that he brings. It is enough that he accept it, give it to the ones for whom it is intended, and fulfill his role in its delivery. If he determines what the messages should be, or what their purpose is, or where they should be carried, he is failing to perform his proper part as bringer of the Word.

There is one major difference in the role of Heaven's messengers, which sets them off from those the world appoints. The messages that they deliver are intended first for them. And it is only as they can accept them for themselves that they become able to bring them further, and to give them everywhere that they were meant to be. Like earthly messengers, they did not write the messages they bear, but they become their first receivers in the truest sense, receiving to prepare themselves to give.

An earthly messenger fulfills his role by giving all his messages away. The messengers of God perform their part by their acceptance of His messages as for themselves, and show they understand the messages by giving them away. They choose no roles that are not given them by His authority. And so they gain by every message that they give away.

Would you receive the messages of God? For thus do you become His messenger. You are appointed now. And yet you wait to give the messages you have received. And so you do not know that they are yours, and do not recognize them. No one can receive and understand he has received until he gives. For in the giving is his own acceptance of what he received.

You who are now the messenger of God, receive His messages. For that is part of your appointed role. God has not failed to offer what you need, nor has it been left unaccepted. Yet another part of your appointed task is yet to be accomplished. He Who has received for you the messages of God would have them be received by you as well. For thus do you identify with Him and claim your own.

It is this joining that we undertake to recognize today. We will not seek to keep our minds apart from Him Who speaks for us, for it is but our voice we hear as we attend Him. He alone can speak to us and for us, joining in one Voice the getting and the giving of God's Word; the giving and receiving of His Will.

We practice giving Him what He would have, that we may recognize His gifts to us. He needs our voice that He may speak through us. He needs our hands to hold His messages, and carry them to those whom He appoints. He needs our feet to bring us where He wills, that those who wait in misery may be at last delivered. And He needs our will united with His Own, that we may be the true receivers of the gifts He gives.

Let us but learn this lesson for today: We will not recognize what we receive until we give it. You have heard this said a hundred ways, a hundred times, and yet belief is lacking still. But this is sure; until belief is given it, you will receive a thousand miracles and then receive a thousand more, but will not know that God Himself has left no gift beyond what you already have; nor has denied the tiniest of blessings to His Son. What can this mean to you, until you have identified with Him and with His Own?

Our lesson for today is stated thus:

I am among the ministers of God, and I am grateful that 
I have the means by which to recognize that I am free.

The world recedes as we light up our minds, and realize these holy words are true. They are the message sent to us today from our Creator. Now we demonstrate how they have changed our minds about ourselves, and what our function is. For as we prove that we accept no will we do not share, our many gifts from our Creator will spring to our sight and leap into our hands, and we will recognize what we received.

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Feeling down recently?

Just wondering if any other kin have been feeling unusually pessimistic recently?Not about anything specific, more a general loss of energy in relation to the external world.If so, what do you think is going on?
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Law of Time in Ukraine

Hello Friends!  We are Sasha and Natasha. We love out planet! We believe that the Earth is awakening and is included in the new time. We live in Ukraine. Born in Lugansk. And now in Kiev. We study the science of the time, read books Jose Arguelles, Vernadsky, Roerich. We do Practice of the calendar of new time, entering a sinrchronic order. Spread knowledge about the calendar reform, promote the transition to the 13 Moon Calendar. 

Here in Ukraine there is a problem with the print synchronometer. because of the situation with the war there is a problem with delivery synchronometer in Ukraine.We have an audience on the Internet, which like our style of writing texts and our graphics We want to publish our synchronometer in Russian and Ukrainian languages. And we have a project to do a computer program and a mobile application — NOOSPHERA — in which it will be possible to communicate in a group practice of synchronic order. Also, we are YouTube channel and translate materials of law of time and other useful to awaken stuff to the Russian language. If you have the opportunity to help us money, we will be very happy. We want to develop and implement a planetary service for peace! Create a new earth as piece of art together

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Law of Time in Ukraine

Hello Friends! AlaKin!

My name is Alexander. I'm born in Lugansk, Ukraine. 

As I am a computer scientist. calling for video and photo artist.
in 2012, I studied science of time. I enter into the synchronic order

Publish online magazine for people about art and time of art. and

create video channel

inspired by the teachings of Vernadsky, the legacy of Roerich

Here in Ukraine the problem with printed calendars.
We want them to be printed here.
If you have the opportunity to help in our ministry, we will be happy.

We are experiencing some financial difficulties due to the war in our country.

If you need help in Russian or Ukrainian. consultation of Slavic culture, or something else - will be happy to contact

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One Law

The human being, the greatest of God’s creation has been also created to function by the Law of Time and whenever we go contrary to the Law of Time this brings a cessation to our motion and an untimely end to our affairs. The progress of human beings and nations of the earth today is limited because we are not in accord with the Law of Time under which we were created. God permitted a contrary world to come into existence that does not function according to the laws of divine time, therefore the life span of this world, nations, government, institutions as well as people is shortened. The Law of time is the standard by which we should measure all things. Institution should flow from the knowledge of time.
Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, kin 8.

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The King of Kings

Sent from Heaven to Me

To Shed Royal Blood

On the Cross of Calvary

In TIME that's Past

Through TIME Eternally

He is My King and Always

He Shall Be

His Spirit Comes and He Speaks to Me in Dreams

He Sends Me to His Children

To Prepare Them for the End

And the New Beginning

Master of the Stars

Ruler of the Universe

Lover of Souls, Rescues Me

From the Bowels of the Earth

From the Jaws of the Enemy

"Tell Them, Tell Them,

What I Told Their King.

Tell Them What I Told Him,

That They Can Be Free!"

Their King Lies Asleep

Waiting to be Found,

Longing to Share the Secrets 

Buried With Him,

In the Ground.

Because of the Son of the Evening,

He will Live Again.

He is Longing that the Maya will be with Him

From the TIME that has No Beginning,

To the TIME that has No End.

-LiLi Whitewind

March 17, 2002

Year of the Yellow Solar Seed

Kin 178 : White Solar Mirror


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KIN 256


I pulse in order to question
realizing Fearlessness
I seal the output of Intelligence
with the solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Free Will


"Ancient Extraterrestial conflicts are manifesting on the physical earth plane, in every day Global Dramas, like the Middle East, in order to complete and end multiple cycles of warring based on genetic discrimination and dominance of territory. We are enduring another level of NAA  (Negative Alien Agenda) conflict at the end the current Magnum Opus cycle, this weekend with the Lunar Eclipse, is the pinnacle of these heated conflicts. Humanity is at the crossroads of evolutionary change. The Krystal consciousness returning to the planet is mediating the unification of all genetic mutations to bring peace back to the people through the Guardian Host. Knowing there are multiple Alien agendas operating on the planet gives the power back to the individual to consciously participate with their personal awakening. Without this awareness, you are a pawn in the game of a chessboard of manipulating forces used between these groups creating division by aggressively duking out their power conflicts."

Lisa Renee

March 2015 Time Shift Blog:  "Pay Attention"

Even if for some this may sound a bit like a paragraph taken from a Sci-Fi book, the above excerpt written some days ago by Lisa Renee from Energetic Synthesis blog, pretty much summarizes and encapsulates in a very clear and succinct way the energetic qualities associated with the escalation of climatic events leading to this Third Blood Moon of 2014-2015 STARGATE, right at the end of this 9th (Solar) Moon of the Red Solar Moon Year of Supreme Healing. The intensification of the "healing crisis" has been emphasized by this double Solar quality... So if you are feeling the stress/pressure, you are not alone...  The purpose of the current window is bring "ON-LINE" the first wave-streams of the Diamond/CHRISTalline consciousness body into physical manifestationAs synchronicity increases, time accelerates and the Dimensional Veil dissolves. As a result, imagination and reality start to merge... and "reality" becomes stranger than fiction... So prepare to stretch the limits of your imagination. This coming Gateway is when the rubber meets the road to the STARS... AND, just in case NO... This is not an April Fool's Day chronicle.




As part of the current process of Unification and integration of different lineages / genetic streams of Sirian/Arcturian/Pleiadian consciousness we will be introducing in this blog more perspectives and angles of observation from the current process of Planetary Resurrection... Even while all these "Star"Voices/streams are not always in full alignment with each other, as we enter into increasing levels of synchronization and resonance with the New Galactic Time Beam, the manifestation of this resonance appears in the holographic field as an organic, natural and synchronic expression of these highly harmonic states of consciousness that the planet and everyone on it is currently experiencing.

Therefore, we will explore key overlaps that are starting to signal the harmonic convergence/integration into ONE energetic Rainbow Light stream. In this case Lisa Renee, has been working for the Sirian Council for several years, and has done an amazing work to generate awareness upon our current world situation and the accelerated process of Soul Alchemy via the integration of polarities and the embodiment of the "Christos-Sophia" original Monadic body template. She has also performed extensive grid work around the planet to re-pair and re-store the holographic Divine Blueprint MATRIX and re-integrate the Organic Timelines. On her last article she also very well describes the current energetic situation that many of us have been feeling since the start of this gregorian year of 2015 (bold selected words by this writer):

"Those of us that have been clarifying our new identity, as we move into the next stage of our emergence into the world are starting to sense that we are being pushed through our limits. The energetic influences in the collective consciousness fields are ready to pop from the internalized pressure. Some of us are feeling like we are being catapulted into some new level of the stratosphere. Wherever we are, whatever we do, we are getting a very big push to transform at inner and outer layers. Some of us are getting pushed to get up to speed, to re-educate our belief system, get over self-delusions, to get our inner or outer clearing work done. This is preparing us to show up for something new that is on the horizon.[...] 

All of this chaotic activity, no matter what form it may take in your life, is about one thing – PAY ATTENTION. There is an incredible amount of forces pushing energetic chaos, disruption and interference into the collective consciousness fields, in the form of technological mind control and holographic inserts. Do not fall asleep at the wheel and let the auto pilot drive the car. This means that you are in the driver's seat, hands firmly on the wheel, paying careful attention to the road in front of you."


In order to not only stay on the "driver's seat" and "pay attention to the road in front of you", but also to be able to know how to steer TimeShip Earth into her Organic Timeline, it is always good to have an accurate MAP of the path/timeline we are navigating. Since the gregorian calendar is NOT a tool designed to measure and appreciate harmony, rhythm nor synchronicity, we need a RELIABLE TOOL. So please wear your 13:20 "Organic Time" 4-D glasses before we dive into the etheric waves of the Ocean of Time. For those new to these series, we will do our best to summarize and re-member/recapitulate below some basic elements of this cosmic narrative, but we recommend to read all FIVE prior reports to understand the depth of what is transpiring on our holographic multi-dimensional reality: 

Blood Moons & Planetary Redemption: A Galactic Master Peace of ART




To fully understand the current powerful and transformative Equinox/Solar-Lunar eclipse window we are transiting, it is important to first examine the entire path/route we have covered since the First Blood Moon Eclipse of the 2014-2015 Tetrad... Doing so will give us a wider context to follow the "signposts" along the path to  find our way back to the Stars/Future Selves. It is also important to understand that eclipses come in pairs (Solar (+) Lunar (-)) and act as gateways for (Male (+) Female (-) • Magnetic (-) / Electric (+)) consciousness to re-adjust. See it as transiting a "Time Tunnel/Vortex" where navigating conditions get turbulent, because of the enormous amount of influx/out-flux of energies... 




As we entered this 4-Blood Moon Time Tunnel last April 15th, 2014 we were able to establish this day as a KEY TimePortal Marker (assessment based on a complete radial, multidimensional framework of events and qualities associated with it). These revelations lead us to Leonardo DaVinci and a beautiful "time pattern" emerging to the surface linked to the Roerich Peace Pact, the Banner of Peace and the Cycles of the Moon... After we started these series of reports (back in October 2014) right during the second "Blood Moon" eclipse of the tetrad, many elements have come into sharper focus and since then we have been unlocking, defining and anchoring with increasing clarity more of the unique cosmic-synchronic qualities of The"DaVinci TimeCode"~ 


As we can remember, the first Blood Moon occurred on April 15th, 2014 (10.12) - KIN 167 11 Hand ~ House of the Spectral (Rainbow) Avatar - and synchronized very elegantly with Leonardo Davinci's 562nd Solar Return and other important historical, astronomical and religious events:


  • THE COSMIC HARMONIC CONVERGENCE (Sirius meeting the Cube @ Mekka on the Grand Sextile) The eclipse took place exactly 260 days right after this alignment, amplifying and extending the Cosmic Time Portal Wave. RE-MINDER: April 15th is the 105th day of the year and there are exactly 260 days to New Year's Eve, December 31st Sirian Portal Marker.

  • The 79th anniversary of the Roerich Peace Pact Signature in New York City by FDR and 22 world leaders.


  • The Jewish Passover: The Jewish people celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation over 3,300 years ago by God from slavery in ancient Egypt that was ruled by the Pharaohs, and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses.

The second Blood Moon of the current Tetrad occurred on October 8th (3.19) KIN 83 5Night, only one day before from Nicholas Roerich and John Lennon BirthDays 10.09.14 (3.20) KIN84 6Seed. As soon as we noticed that these two initial Blood Moons were BOTH synchronized with The Roerich Peace Pact, we decided to go deeper into the decodings of the remaining blood moons and it ALL started to click like a giant cosmic- jigsaw puzzle...



This is also a good time to remember that in a similar way as the last Solar Eclipse arrived with a TRIPLE activating Power (SuperMoon+Spring Equinox+TOTAL Eclipse) during the partial Solar Eclipse that closed the GATE of the 2nd BLOOD Moon Solar-Lunar Eclipse pair of the Tetrad we exprienced an unusually special TRIPLE alignment also: Eclipse + Monster Sunspot + Venus Superior Conjunction.




The third Blood Moon (Verse) of this Tetrad (Quatrain) will take place on April 4th, 2015, (1.10)  KIN 1 1DRAGON Start of the 260-day Tzolkin count and first day of the Planetary Moon of Manifestation. As you may also remember from previous reports, it was precisely one 260-day Galactic Spin ago, on July 18/2014 (13.22) KIN 1 1DRAGON when an amazing crop circle appeared with the Banner of Peace pattern and the 13.22 (date of its appearance) encoded in it. (For more details on this incredible formation please don't miss the report filed by Jannis KIN189 entitled "The Raisting crop circle, decoded in the light of the Law of Time")





SIDE TUNNEL: Synchronistically enough, just yesterday several news outlets started to cover the story of a mysterious "mathematical" signal coming from far outer space:

"Mysterious radio wave flashes from far outside the galaxy are proving tough for astronomers to explain. Is it pulsars? A spy satellite? Or an alien message?

BURSTS of radio waves flashing across the sky seem to follow a mathematical pattern. If the pattern is real, either some strange celestial physics is going on, or the bursts are artificial, produced by human – or alien – technology."

Is this ET? Mystery of strange radio bursts from space


"There is something really interesting we need to understand," study co-author Michael Hippke, a scientist at the Institute for Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany, told New Scientist. "This will either be new physics, like a new kind of pulsar, or, in the end, if we can exclude everything else, an E.T."

Alien signals, really? That might sound far out, but a leading scientist in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) says we shouldn't rule out that possibility." 

Are Aliens Behind Mysterious Radio Bursts? ~ HuffPost ~ 04.02.2015

Please notice the large dish antenna and the word "Pulsar" (highlighted in red...) Is this the art of "Pulsar Riding" the Arcturians refer to? 

PULSAR, PULSAR-RIDING.Within experience of time-sharing, the organizing principle for bringing together different qualities and kinds of telepathic experience, e.g., memory, dream, déjà vu, etc. Pulsar-riding is capacity to sustain and ride one of any kind of telepathic experiences to its “source.” (See: Pulsar Codes.) ~Arcturus Probe Glossary of Terms~

Are we opening an Interdimensional bridge and entering in resonance with a Higher Intelligences by tuning into these Sacred Mathematical Time Harmonics?...  IT SEEMS IT IS SO... SO BE IT...! :-) So let's continue the dialogue and go back to the Blood Moons timeline:


Later on, while measuring the day intervals between moons we noticed that the whole 530-day Blood Moon Cycle INTERVAL is coordinated by a 177 +/-1 day interval !!!

177 : Leonardo DaVinci : Galactic Earth



The Prophetic 4 Blood Moon Tetrad/Quatrain cycle of 2014-2015 OPENS EXACTLY 260 days after the Grand Sextile Alignment of 7.29.2013, synchronizing with the Heliacal Rising of Sirius @ Mekka and right on Da Vinci's 562nd SOLAR RETURN...

...and CLOSES one day after Da Vinci's 637th GALACTIC RETURN
with KIN178 or 177+1 (Frequency of DaVinci's ReBirth) marking the day of the LAST BloodMoon Eclipse from 2014-2015 Tetrad.





"169 = 13 x 13.
  13 is the key number to the divine feminine matrix." 
"The name “Red Queen” is not indicating Queen in the conventional sense. It does not signify a hierarchy or a rulership. Not at all. It is a CODE  and time release program, a terma, symbolized by number 13"

Stephanie South, Red Queen
Unveiling the Feminine Matrix: Isis, Inanna and Islam
Electric Update: We are the Galactic Seeds

As presented by Red Queen on her blog "Unveiling the Feminine Matrix: Isis, Inanna and Islam" when adding the KIN/Galactic Time Frequencies of the 4 Blood Moons we get yet another KEY frequency: 169 ~ 13MOON


 KIN 169 (13x13) is also the 13th kin of the 13th wavespell, and the numeric code for the 13 Moon Synchronometer and corresponds to the last day ~ Earth's "Magic Flight" ~ of the 13-day Wavespell of Synchronicity and Evolution. Therefore, from the cosmological perspective, the message is quite clear: Earth'sTranscendence from artificial Time is NOW being declared through the Time Magic of the 13 Moon Synchronometer. 




"The Red Solar Moon year marks the second year of a 4-year process of holographic alignment (2013- 2017) as we are crossing the bridge of the 3D model of duality into the 5D paradigm of unity consciousness and galactic perceptionThis is the year of supreme solar healing. It is time to heal the core of the earth story and enter fully into galactic culture. Galactic Culture is the culture of wholeness; the culture of light. It is based on the principles of Love, Art, Time and Synchronicity. It is a planetary revolution that begins within and then extends out into programs of universal unification."
Stephanie South, Red Queen

As the Healer archetype of the Universal Waters within the Cosmology of Time, it is then VERY important to fully REMEMBER on this Red Solar Moon year, that it is WITHIN the Feminine Matrix (WOMB/WATERS) in the Human Body, where either Life or Death/Purification occurs every 28 days... Without any exclusion of race, religion or social condition, EVERY WOMAN ON THIS PLANET ready to bring Life is and has been affected by this celestial body and goes through this LIFE CYCLE every 28 DAYS since the beginning of history, therefore the 4 Blood Moons are acting as an Archetypal Constructs of a Larger Cycle of the Moon: A "Blood Moon Cycle" of a 530-DAY interval (corresponding to her 4 phases


The Moon acts as a Celestial PeACE-MAKER of the biological cycle and as the of ruler of Tides/Waters/Emotions. Therefore these series of 4 Blood Moon Eclipses represent a FULL GENERATIONAL HEALING PORTAL for Humanity.  This generational healing quality is symbolized by the "BLOOD" element alluding to the Woman's Cycle of Life/Regeneration, and it does NOT correspond to apocalyptic biblical prophecies... We are healing years and years of history where Humanity's collective energetic unbalance, cultural repression and sexual abuse has reached a limit and needs to be cleansed through LOVE and HIGHER AWARENESS...


If we then take our "micro-cosmic cycle" of 28 DAYS as a Divine Template to measure/understand and ENTRAIN with this Larger Template Cycle of 530 DAYS (interval of the entire 4-Blood Moon Cycle) as a Holographic projection of the Human Life/Death Purification process, then we gain greater awareness of its qualities and SIGNIFICANCE by understanding how this larger Time Cycle is also connected to the LARGER PATTERN OF LIFE: THE DIVINE MATRIX. In this way each phase of the Moon Cycle on Earth corresponds to each of the 4 Blood Moons and this Third Moon will fall into the "Full Moon/Harvest Phase" of the 28-day Original Blueprint/Hologram. Bear in mind also that Within the Mayan Cosmology of Time, the number 3 corresponds to the Electric Tone of Service and the Power of ACTIVATION that enables BONDING (related in this case to our Blood bonds as a species) and that according to the principles of the Law of Time and the 13:20 Organic/Galactic Time, 530 days corresponds to 10 (Power of Manifestation) x 53 (Frequency of Sirian (52) ReBirth (+1) )

This third eclipse will occur on the first day of the 10th Moon of the 13 Moon Year... The Dog Moon of Manifestation. Perfect Timing for the activation of our Highest Service and the embodiment of our Original Galactic Blueprint.



As a full embodiment of the Feminine expression, these 4 Moons are also equivalent to the 4 Aspects of the Feminine: The 4 types of LOVE relationships or 4 roles that every Female/Woman on Earth play in relationship to the Masculine/Men. These 4 aspects are: Daughter ••Love Partner •••Mother ••••Sister This a perfect gateway then to celebrate LIFE and Divine Motherhood... and to look for nurturing environments and people.. If from here we expand into the 4 Seasons Hologram, this position would correspond to the "Harvest Moon": name for the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox. 


As yet another confirmation of the DIVINE NATURE of this 530-DAY "BLOOD MOON" HEALING Cycle if instead of calculating the INTERVAL between the ENTRY POINT (April 15, 2014) and the EXIT POINT STAR-GATES (September 28th, 2015) we decide TO INCLUDE these dates within our TIME EQUATIONS we arrive to another KEY Frequency Number: 532 [+1+530+1]


532 = 28x19






meets in Perfect Harmony and Resonance



Traduced into Cosmic Time/Synchronic Order "number~poetry" language
354 equals the perfection of

the Harmonic Measure of Galactic Order (28
x The Command of GOD (19)

According to 441 Dictionary of Number:

19   Divine Prime
, Command of God, vigesimal analog of 9, in vigesimal code all multiples of 19 = 19, number of Omega dimensionevolution dimension after 2012, consists of 9 layers (9 x 19 = 171) 

28   4 x 7 harmonic standard, basis of 28 day cycle-13 Moon calendar, harmonic measure of galactic order, number of lunar mansions, third power of 7, triangular of 7


Finally, to FULLY understand, absorb and appreciate the SIGNIFICANCE of this SYNCHRONIZATION please watch Nassim Haramein describing the Flower of Life MOTHER of ALL Sacred Geometrical Figures / DIvine Matrix ~ and its multiples expressions within the HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE MODEL on this segment of the groundbreaking documentary "Thrive":



Tomorrow as the Blood Moon Eclipse opens early AM the gates of the Planetary Moon of Manifestation (the 10th Moon of the 13-Moon year) and we start a fresh new and promising Dragon Genesis on KIN 1 ~ 1Dragon we will be wrapping up exactly 354 days since our entrance into the "BLOOD MOON 530-DAY HEALING" Portal... This leaves us with another astonishing beautiful manifestation of the Synchronic Order into motion:

354   177 x 2, 59 x 6, cube value Sirian constant, number of days in a 12-month lunar year [Lunar Synodic Cycle: 29.5 d. x 12 = 354]

These 12 MOONS between the 1st and 3rd eclipses represent then the synchronization of the 3rd dimensional expression of the Moon cycle (29.5 days) and the 4th dimensional 28-day harmonic. Due the slower nature of 3rd dimensional reality in relationship to 4th dimensional mathematical ratios, the perfection of the 28 days is probably the cause it is not reflected on our 3D reality. See it in a similar way as the what occurs with the small deviations in Nature (objective reality) that differentiate the Fibonacci Spiral  approximation value to the mathematical perfection of the Golden Mean/ Phi ratios. The 354:12 MOON code can then also be interpreted as 12MOON - KIN 129 Red Crystal Moon = Metaphor of the Christ-alization of the Moon Cycle.

This solid, abundant and elegant numerical evidence confirms that the 2014-2015 Tetrad of 4 Blood Moon eclipses encoded in it, is intimately related to the holographic restoration of the Feminine Matrix during this Red Solar Moon year of Supreme Healing at the CORE Level. This healing process, encapsulated in the 169:13MOON code (summoning power of the 4 Blood Moon frequencies) is then occurring NOW at the telepathic level and is intended to reach 3rd dimensional Manifestation right at the end of the 4th Blood Moon (September 28th, 2015, (3.9) KIN 178 9Wizard, Year of the Planetary Wizard.

When our brains/bodies/cells entrain with this LARGER PATTERN then our thought-forms / mental waves entrain in TIME with the Sacred Geometrical proportions and ratios we can see present in ALL NATURE and also present in the FABRIC of TIME... Our purpose now is then to FIND these HIDDEN HARMONIES behind all the APPARENT CHAOS (generated by static/disharmonic nature of the 12:60 Artificial Time Matrix Malware)  and through our conscious attunement and understanding of this patterns, FLOW with the Energies to DISSOLVE and TRANSMUTE once and for ALL the remaining GENERATIONAL karmic aspects that keeps us repeating an endless tape of recurring mistakes as a species ... 


 The Trinity represents the most important notions of Evolution:

• Past, Present & Future
• Man, Planet & Cosmos
• Art, Science & Spirituality

The sacred origins of the symbol, as an illustration of the trinities fundamental to all religions, remain central to the meaning of the Pact and the Banner today. The Banner of Peace contains THREE red circles ( Art  Science  Spirituality) held together by a LARGER Red Circle of unity signifying One BLOOD. The 530-day interval marker represents then the 4th Blood moon as the Outer Red Circle around the 3 inner circles. 


Within the context of this 3-Day Easter / Christ Resurrection window it is then quite ominous that the third Blood Moon Eclipse is falling right on the middle of the PASSAGE/TRANSITION stage right after Death and before Resurrection.

The Resurrection in this case is the new embodiment of the Christ/Crystalline Consciousness of the 5th dimensional Human  / Homo Noosphericus as expression of the Tri-Flame energy of • Wisdom • Love • Power or the Sacred Trinity of Father/Mother and Holy Spirit. The lifes of JesusChrist/Mary Magdalene are therefore the 3rd Dimensional expressions of this Father/Mother energies as emanations of the 5th Dimensional Unified Christos-Sophia Avatar Body.





As our connection to Earth grows and we become more aligned to the frequency she is vibrating on now, we begin to notice that we are faced with a lot of inner ‘shadow work‘ to do. The path to inner mastery is present and illuminated for us now. Each of us are being faced with the challenge of dealing with these very high vibrational energies and rising to the opportunity we are being presented in every moment — to become more aligned with the Self and anchored in the emergent unity consciousness." ~Simon Voster~ 

As  Humanity navigates through this portal to clear and transmute old karmic energies by going through our shadow work at the personal and collective levels, "dark matter" keeps coming to the surface to be healed. At the holographic level, Humanity's collective EGO/SHADOW aspect is represented by the so called "Controllers" who run the artificial matrix. Unfortunately it seems that (as anticipated on part V of these series 52 days ago), they are playing with the energies to reverse the polarity of the incoming Ascension Vortex generated by this Triple Activation and use it to create disruption:

After an ELECTRICAL "short circuit" during the tests on the Solar Eclipse/Equinox Gateway of last March 20-21 (that according to some theories, may be closely related to the airplane accident of GermanWings in the Alps), the CERN HADRON Collider is now ready to restart tests as soon as this weekend... :-(


From CERN website updates:

"After a shutdown lasting two years, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s biggest and most powerful particle accelerator, is ready once again for the arrival of particle beams. The teams are completing the final tests after having solved on 31 March the problem that had been delaying the restart of the accelerator. The first beams could be circulating in the machine sometime between Saturday and Monday.

“We are confident of being able to restart the machine over the weekend, as all of the tests performed so far have been successful,” said Frédérick Bordry, Director for Accelerators and Technology at CERN." 


 The suspicious aspect here is that (as per Goro Adachi's decoding of the CERN Large Hadron Collider geometries on above diagram), the internal Atlas Loop of the particle accelerator corresponds EXACTLY to the proportions of the Earth and the Moon next to each other... So the question here is why are they using this weekend, precisely when Earth conjucts the Sun and the Moon to restart their "tests". The alleged "scientists" behind the curtain seem to have a great sense of "Timing"... 

In order to gain enough background and awareness around this potentially disruptive event, let's briefly re-member some key synchronic aspects associated with the Lord of the Rings AKA the large Hadron Collider at CERN,that we already highlighted 52 days ago on PART V of these series, and that based on the data we have presented so far, is still very relevant to  be aware of:
  • The LHC "consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way". The current 13 Moon year, known also as the Solar RING is encoded with the number 27, not once but twice: It is the 27th year/solar ring of the New Sirius Cycle that started in 1987, while it corresponds to the year of the Red Solar Moon ~ KIN 9, Seal 9, Tone 9 ~ (9+9+9=27)

  • According to CERN announcement, "After three years of highly successful running, the LHC was shut down for maintenance in 2013. Since then,engineers and technicians have been repairing and strengthening the 27-kilometre accelerator in preparation for its restart at 13TeV*"  In the meanwhile, one Solar RING is composed of 13 Moons. *(TeV stands for tera electron Volts. That is 1,000,000,000,000  electron Volts or 1012 electron Volts)

  • Let's re-member that in "The DaVinci Code" novel saga by Dawn Brown "Angels & Demons", the hadron collider, the origin of "dark matter" and the discovery of the "God Particle" constitutes the driving storyline... 



According to the announcement, CERN is due to re-open the large hadron collider in March of 2015 in order to "recreate the big bang", despite warnings from "top scientists" such as Stephen Hawking and Neil de Grasse Tyson, regarding its increasingly potential destructive power... 

61-W4W--6mL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg?width=260 This is also a confirmation that Jose Arguelles was right when he introduced the understanding of Time as the evolutionary "Path Beyond Technology" in his groundbreaking book "The Mayan Factor"... 

There are other very relevant synchronic signals to keep present at this point:


It's time to disCERN....

  • According to CERN website timeline"French physicist Louis de Broglie put forward the first official proposal for the creation of a European laboratory at the European Cultural Conference, which opened in Lausanne on December 9, 1949. A further push came at the fifth UNESCO General Conference, held in Florence in June 1950, where American physicist and Nobel laureate Isidor Rabi tabled a resolution authorizing UNESCO to "assist and encourage the formation of regional research laboratories in order to increase international scientific collaboration…" 


    It is very synchronic that EXACTLY 50 years + 1 day after the conception of the largest and most powerful machine on earth, created to smash particles that can potentially destroy the planet (if not the entire universe), on December 10th, 1989 (KIN 121=DaVinci+Roerich) was the day of the discovery of the LAW OF TIME ("the path beyond technology")  in Geneva Switzerland, almost right above where the Large Hadron Collider resides AND precisely on International Human Rights Day!  (See map: Geneva at right bottom corner). One more time the"path of technology" has been redeemed by the path beyond technology: In Time, through Time, by Time.



Here is then a great chance to apply our Creative Imagination and our knowledge in Time Magic/Science with wisdom, to shift the energetics around this announcement and project your loving thoughts during this crucial energetic window visualizing a Large Flower of Life pattern covering the entire 27 kilometer ring... It will keep a holographic layer of Harmony, Coherence and LOVE on top of it now that we have gained enough Higher Awareness power and Self-realized embodied consciousness to revert and neutralize successfully any attempt to manipulate, distort or affect the ORGANIC UNFOLDMENT of our EVOLUTION INTO LIGHT! 





Please find below some final excerpts from Lisa Renee and Simon Voster related to the SIGNIFICANCE of this Gateway... It will help us navigate the incoming energies, ground them on Earth and realize the momentous times we are living:

"Seeing the bigger picture and encountering this level of information, leaves all of us with a personal choice. How much are we willing to know the truth? How much are we willing to let go of our belief systems and see the lies being fed to us to keep us complacent, ignorant and fearful? Where are the blind spots where we shut down and go unconscious? Are we willing to finally face the disconnected shadow and refuse to let it mind control us as an spiritual authority?"

Being aware of the bigger picture happening now (during the Planetary Ascension cycle) and having the context and clarity for what appears so disturbing at the global level, brings one the peace of mind. When we are calm we have improved awareness to make better decisions to interact with the energies from informed consent. Empowered with information and an open mind, one can shift consciousness to discern what agenda is running behind the many façades. Then one can consciously shift the placement of inner spiritual-energetic authority; that space where a person places their priorities, energies, attention and value.

If you place your authority on impermanent or insane structures, the consciousness energy will direct its power to value its impermanence and insanity. This creates even more insanity. ~Lisa Renee~ "Pay Attention!" March 2015


"We are in the midst of a very significant astrological gateway. The challenge I am sure many of you are feeling at this point is to stay present and balanced. The awareness of all distortions that reflect separateness are being made apparent. This processes is allowing us to strengthen our 5th dimensional connection and the unity consciousness that has emerged within ourselves (individually and collectively)[....] The energy frequency on Earth will be demanding the unity consciousness be integrated into our physical reality. Although it has not yet manifested into our 3rd dimensional reality, the vibration of unity consciousness, the 5th dimension, is now present. Our job now is to become comfortable with how that feels and works, and to adjust our lives (individually and collectively) to reflect and align with that energy.This transition is the gateway to our future of living in love and unity. Our job at this time is to align and balance our outer reality to this unity consciousness. This will be the only vibration that will be supported as we move further into this new vibration.In all situations during this transition, anything that reflects or causes us pain or suffering demands more love. I cannot stress the importance of this enough right now… Give more love to yourself! Give more love to everyone! Embrace, accept and heal the shadow aspects of yourself and those around you, as they continue to arise. Do not try to reject, suppress or ignore the shadow aspects of yourself for it will not work. This energy is being driven from the shadows to the surface right now in order to finally be healed and released. When faced with the shadow, self-exploration, acceptance and love is the only solution."
~Simon Voster~




prevail on Earth!

To be continued... Transmission in Progress

Blood Moons & Planetary Redemption: A Galactic Master Peace of ART


Assignment filed and completed on

KIN 260 Yellow Cosmic Sun 

Year of the Red Solar Moon
Master Coordinating BMU: 35


GA 113  

[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

Special dedication to Toby Yellow Solar Warrior 256 and Gerda Yellow Lunar Warrior 236, Templar Guardians of Rennes Le Chateu for their support, generosity and love during my time in Southern France a year ago. Much of the information presented in this chronicle stems from my experiences at their home in France. Also special Thanks to William Henry KIN 76 Yellow Spectral Warrior and Clare KIN 193 Red Spectral Skywalker, for their support and trust in my work.

If you like what you just read and would like to see it to continue, please SHARE
or click below to donate, your contributions will help establish a Galactic Culture based on LOVE, PEACE, ART & SYNCHRONICITY. The FOUNDATION for the LAW of TIME needs URGENTLY YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT to continue its MISSION on EARTH.


Read more…

MISSION: To activate the Tzolkin DNA of the Foundation for the Law of Time, lighting up the Galactic Activation Portals (GAP) related with the galactic maya tzolkin DNA, through donations, in the "Light Up the Tzolkin!" board of the donations page. The activations were made using the name "LIFE", (acronym for "Laboratorio de Investigaciones Fotónicas y Energía", in spanish) (Photonic and Energy Research Lab). That name was attached synchronically to my Paypal account since 2006. content=249




July 23th 2014
Kin 6, seal 6, tone 6 (White Rhythmic Worldbridger)


Red Queen blog post
Roma-Amor Mission: from Darkness to Light



Donations/Activations started with a logical sequence, beginning at the upper left corner (kin 1, red magnetic dragon). All Galactic Activation Portals that were not activated until that day, would be activated by 20 dollar donations.

The left hemisphere was activated without problems, following this sequence: 22, 43, 64, 106, 69, 109, 110, 51, 112, 93, 114 (number of activations: 11)


Donations/Activations started with a logical sequence, beginning at the upper right corner (kin 241, dragón resonante). All Galactic Activation Portals that were not activated until that day, would be activated by 20 dollar donations.

The right hemisphere begun its activation with kin 241, but the sequence was interrupted at kin 222. Paypal's system started to refuse the transfers, no matter what I tried to do. Only kin activated: 241 (two for one) (number of activations: 1)

grand totale of activations that day: 12 (system refused the 13th transfer)



July 28th 2014
kin 11, seal 11, tone 11 (Blue Spectral Monkey)
galactic birthday of ascended master Valum Votan (VV)

post of Be Lamat, kin 128, Yellow Spectral Star
Synchronically, this person didn't knew me or knew about the DNA activation ceremony that was made 5 days earlier

His post was a clear sign because its name was "Lighting Up the Tzolkin", and proposed a fractal prophetic riddle of 2 parts (hemispheres), related with the Tzolkin. His past post had the name "Poem that awaits for an answer..." and if that were not enough, the images of the riddle had the following links: y
talking about a case of a simultaneous psyquiatric study to 3 persons that believed at the same time (synchronously) to be Jesus Christ



I didn't knew who was Be Lamat, or his blog, or his riddle. I found it thanks to on July 28th 2014, kin 11, seal 11, tone 11, Blue Spectral Monkey, I read the comments of Red Queen post of July 25th 2014, kin 7, seal 7, tone 7 (Green Day, Day Out Of Time, Blue Resonant Hand) "Struggle for Authenticity in a World of Repression and Delusion" repression-and-delusion


In that blog post comments, Be Lamat expressed his hope for someone to decode the riddle.



To solve the puzzle, I overlapped the 2 images using Photoshop and mixed using different filters in order to analyze them from more points of view. Soon a pattern emerged as an answer, a graphic description, and I communicated this to Be Lamat the same day, as you can read above.



Be Lamat next post, of July 29th 2014, kin 12, seal 12, tone 12, Yellow Crystal Human, was this:
and says the following:
1 + 25 x 333 º 333 x 52 = Peace PAX PAZ
Activated and Pulsating! (he made an animated image!)



Due to the strenght of synchronicities of that day, I decided that in addition to the Tolzkin DNA activation, I had to activate first the Galactic Phoenix, so, that day, I made donations to activate the kins of the Galactic Phoenix of the riddle: 21, 63, 105, 126, 127, 89, 190, 169, 164 and 183. Again, activations were only effective until certain kin (190) and kins 169, 164 and 183 didn't allowed to be activated (I related this 3 kins with the number of Christs that Be Lamat mentioned in its riddle)


Days, weeks and months passed without the donations to be reflected on the official donation board of the Foundation for the Law of Time, but I respected that process and didn't claimed anything, supposing that if the donations had not been properly registered, it would be for an unknow, higher reason, and that would be a part of a future sync...


January 23th 2015
kin 190, seal 10, tone 8 (White Galactic Dog)

Dreams sequence

5 days before, in the night before sunday January 18th kin 185, seal 5, tone 3 (Red Electric Serpent), I had the FIRST OF THREE DREAMS: in the dream, I found giant 88 butterflies and I delivered to Stephanie South, the Red Queen. When I woke up I realized it was important by 2 reasons. First of all, I almost never dream, and when I dream, I remember almost anything, but this dream was colorful and felt real. Secondly, when I checked the date I realized that 520 days (2 tzolkins) had being past since the day I showed up at Nah Chan, house of the serpent, in Mexico City, to pay my respects and gifts, on a day I will never forget, because at the moment of mentally asking for a confirmation, synchronically an earthquake begun at 10:32:59 am, with an intensity of 5.3 degrees richter 942989.html


Also, that day, August 16th 2013, kin 185, seal 5, tone 3 (Red Electric Serpent), unknowing this fact at that time, the 26 year fractal of the Harmonic Convergence of August 16th 1987 was also met.

The 88 butterflies dream was so colorful and vivid that I decided to make an image as a gift to Red Queen, to give her next day (monday kin 186, seal 6, tone 4 (White Autoexistent Worldbridger) yand congratulate her by her galactic birthday of the past day... when I found a blog post directly related with the power of dreams. Its name was... I have a dream!

This is the image I made as a gift to Stephanie South:


In my SECOND DREAM, in the night before kin 189, again I was finding giant 88 butterflies, but this time I give them to a man. I related the dream with Jannis 7 Moon, kin 189, being his galactic birthday too, so I sent him a congratulation message through Galactic Space Book.

One day after, on the night before kin 190, I had a THIRD DREAM. This time it was not related with the 88 butterfly but with the Tzolkin. I visualized it in 3D, as a pyramid. During the morning of kin 190 I meditated about that and understood that the time to continue the activation process of the Tzolkin DNA had come.




I sent an email asking from help to to continue the activation, asking for a transfer of the 7 donations of the Galactic Phoenix to the right hemisphere of the Tzolkin, to some Galactic Activation Portals. I was kindly supported by Jacob Rhythmic Dragon kin 201, who helped me with the LIFE transfer. This way, the 7 donations of the galactic phoenix were transferred to the GAPs 222, 184, 189, 210, 211, 176 and 197


24 days later, february 16th 2015, kin 214, seal 14, tone 6, White Rhythmic Wizard, the transfer was officially reflected on the FLT donations board, remaining only to activate kins 150, 151 and 152 (representing, if you think of it twice, the 3 Christs that I couldn't activate during the Galactic Phoenix activation)... and finally, kin 260, Yellow Cosmic Sun, who ends the DNA activation cycle and has the highest factor kin (20x13)


On monday march 30th 2015, kin 256, Yellow Solar Warrior, Solar Moon of the Solar Moon, gamma 24 (day 89 of the Gregorian Calendar, related with the 89 butterfly, of the evolution), I started writing this blog post (in spanish) and collecting graphics

On tuesday march 31th 2015, kin 257, Red Planetary Earth, Solar Moon of the Solar Moon, kali 25 (galactic signature of Neo -matrix- and of the Gregorian Calendar Reform), LIFE was injected on 3 Christs 150, 151 and 152... and kin 260, Yellow Cosmic Sun

I Perfect in order to Evolve
Producing Synchronicity
I seal the Matrix of Navigation
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Life Force


On wednesday April 1th 2015, kin 258, White Spectral Mirror, Solar Moon of the Solar Moon, alpha 26, the reflection of the double helix of the galactic tzolkin is released... by publishing this blog post (the day before in spanish, today in english)

I Dissolve in order to Reflect
Releasing Order
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled


smile! :D

if we don't burn together, who will illuminate this darkness?
in lak ech hala ken = antal hun!
I am another you and you are another me = we are one!


Read more…

MISIÓN: Activar el ADN del Tzolkin de la Fundación para la Ley del Tiempo, encendiendo los Portales de Activación Galáctica (PAG) correspondientes al telar cósmico del ADN del tzolkin maya galáctico, mediante donativos, en la sección "¡Enciende el Tzolkin!". Las activaciones fueron realizadas a nombre de LIFE (Laboratorio de Investigaciones Fotónicas y Energía, por sus siglas en español), nombre que sincrónicamente quedó enlazada a mi cuenta de Paypal desde 2006. content=249




23 de julio de 2014
Kin 6, sello 6, tono 6 (Enlazador de Mundos Rítmico Blanco)


post de la Reina Roja en su blog post
Misión Roma-Amor: de la Oscuridad a la Luz



se inició una secuencia lógica comenzando por la parte superior izquierda (kin 1, dragón magnético). Todos los Portales de Activación Galáctica que no estuvieran encendidos hasta ese día, serían encendidos mediante donativos de 20 dólares.

El hemisferio izquierdo fue activado sin problemas, siguiendo la siguiente secuencia: 22, 43, 64, 106, 69, 109, 110, 51, 112, 93, 114 (total de activaciones: 11)


Para activar el hemisferio derecho se comenzó por la parte superior derecha (kin 241, dragón resonante). Todos los Portales de Activación Galáctica que no estuvieran encendidos hasta ese día, serían encendidos mediante donativos de 20 dólares.

El hemisferio derecho comenzó a activarse sin problemas empezando por el kin 241, pero la secuencia fue interrumpida al tratar de activar el kin 222. El sistema de paypal dejó de aceptar las transferencias, a pesar de todos mis esfuerzos. Único kin activado: 241 (total de activaciones: 1)

gran total de activaciones de ese día: 12 (el sistema se negó a hacer la transferencia número 13)



28 de julio de 2014
kin 11, sello 11, tono 11 (Mono Espectral Azul)
cumplekin del maestro Valum Votan (VV)

post de Be Lamat, kin 128, Estrella Espectral Amarilla, en su blog post
(no hay versión en español). Sincrónicamente, esta persona no me conocía ni sabía de la ceremonia de Activación del ADN que había realizado 5 días antes.

Su post consistía en una señal clara ya que se llamaba "Encendiendo el Tzolkin", y proponía un acertijo fractal profético de 2 partes (hemisferios), relacionado con el tzolkin. Su post anterior se titulaba "Poema que aguarda
respuesta..." por si esto no fuera poco, las imágenes que componían el acertijo tenían los siguientes links: y
que habla sobre un caso de estudio psiquiátrico simultáneo a 3 personas que creían al mismo tiempo (sincrónicamente) ser Jesucristo



Yo no conocía a Be Lamat, ni a su blog, ni a su acertijo. Lo encontré gracias a que el 28 de julio 2014, kin 11, Mono Espectral Azul, leí los comentarios del post de la Reina Roja del 25 de julio 2014, kin 7, sello 7, tono 7 (Día Verde, Día Fuera del Tiempo, Mano Resonante Azul) "Lucha por autenticidad en un mundo de represión y engaño" repression-and-delusion


En los comentarios de ese post, Be Lamat expresaba su esperanza de que alguien pudiera decodificar el acertijo.



Para resolver el acertijo, se colocaron las 2 imágenes sobrepuestas usando Photoshop, y se usaron diferentes filtros de mezcla para poder analizarlo desde muchos puntos de vista. Pronto emergió un patrón, y es que al reunir las 2 imágenes de cierta manera, se obtiene una respuesta, una descripción gráfica, misma que comuniqué a Be Lamat ese mismo día:

"Lo he decodificado, es el nuevo rayo galáctico en la pirámide, 3 cristos que se vuelven UNO con la energía de la serpiente ROJA y el hunabku VERDE... irradiados por el sol AMARILLO... finalmente, hay un FÉNIX excondido que SURGE DE LA OSCURIDAD... ¡Aleluya!" a lo que él contestó: "jeje creo que conseguiste algo ; ) ¿eres tú el agente RGB (serpiente cristal...) o estoy equivocado? checa mi último post por favor, espero que te guste : )



Su siguiente post, del 29 de julio 2014, kin 12, sello 12, tono 12, Humano Cristal Amarillo,  fue el siguiente:
y dice lo siguiente:
1 + 25 x 333 º 333 x 52 = Peace PAX PAZ
Activada y Pulsandohizo una imagen animada!)



Debido a la sincronía tan fuerte de ese día, decidí que además de activar el ADN, tenía que activar el Fénix Galáctico primero, así que ese día, intenté activar los kines correspondientes al Fénix Galáctico del acertijo: 21, 63, 105, 126, 127, 89, 190, 169, 164 y 183. Nuevamente, las activaciones sólo fueron efectivas hasta cierto kin (190) y los kines 169, 164 y 183 no permitieron activarse (relacioné estos 3 kines con el número de los cristos que mencionó Be Lamat en su acertijo)


pasaron días, semanas y meses sin que las donaciones se vieran reflejadas en el encendido del tablero oficial de donativos de la Fundación para la Ley del Tiempo, pero respeté ese proceso y no hice ninguna reclamación, suponiendo que si no se habían registrado correctamente los donativos, sería por una razón más elevada que desconocía y que eso sería parte de una sincronía futura...


23 de enero de 20.15
kin 190, sello 10, tono 8 (Perro Galáctico Blanco)

Secuencia de sueños

5 días antes, en la madrugada del domingo kin 185, sello 5, tono 3 (Serpiente Eléctrica Roja), tuve mi PRIMER SUEÑO: encontraba enormes mariposas 88 y se las entregaba a Stephanie South, la Reina Roja. al despertar revisé la fecha y me di cuenta de que era importante por 2 cosas. Primero, casi nunca sueño, y cuando logro soñar, no recuerdo prácticamente nada de mis sueños, y éste fue muy vívido. En segundo lugar, revisé la fecha y se cumplían 520 días (2 tzolkins) desde el día en que me presenté en Nah Chan, casa de la serpiente, en México DF, para presentar mis respetos y obsequios, en un día que nunca olvidaré, porque al momento de pedir mentalmente una confirmación, sincrónicamente comenzó a temblar a las 10:33 am, con una intensidad de 5.3 grados richter 942989.html


Ese día, 16 de agosto 2013, kin 185, sello 5, tono 3 (Serpiente Eléctrica Roja), sin yo saberlo en ese momento, también se cumplía el fractal de 26 años de la convergencia armónica del 16 de agosto 1987-2013.

El sueño fue tan vívido y me conmovió tanto, que le hice una imagen de regalo a la Reina Roja para entregársela al otro día (lunes kin 186, sello 6, tono 4 (Enlazador de Mundos Autoexistente Blanco) y felicitarla por su cumplekin del día anterior ... cuando me encontré con un blog post directamente relacionado con el poder de los sueños, y se titulaba... I have a dream! (¡yo tengo un sueño!)
(no hay versión en español)

Esta es la imagen que le envié de regalo a Stephanie South:


En el SEGUNDO SUEÑO, en la noche previa al kin 189, nuevamente encontraba enormes mariposas 88, pero esta vez se las daba a un hombre. Relacioné el sueño con Jannis 7 Moon (Luna Resonante, kin 189) por ser su cumplekin así que de igual manera le envié un mensaje a través de Galactic Space Book, felicitándolo por su cumplekin.

Después, en la noche previa al kin 190, tuve mi TERCER SUEÑO. Esta vez ya no estaba relacionado con la mariposa 88 sino con el tzolkin, mismo que visualicé en 3D como una pirámide. Durante la mañana del kin 190 medité sobre eso y entendí que había llegado el momento de continuar con el proceso de Activación del ADN del Tzolkin.




Envié un correo pidiendo ayuda al correo para retomar la activación, solicitando que los 7 donativos que no habían sido tomados en cuenta, se trasladaran de las posiciones del Fénix Galáctico hacia el hemisferio derecho del tzolkin, hacia algunos Portales de Activación Galáctica. Me contestó muy amablemente Jacob Dragon Rítmico kin 201, quien amablemente me ayudó a hacer la transferencia de LIFE. De esta manera, los 7 donativos del fénix galáctico fueron transferidos a los Portales de Activación Galáctica 222, 184, 189, 210, 211, 176 y 197


24 días después, el 16 de febrero de 20.15, kin 214, sello 14, tono 6, Mago Rítmico Blanco, el traspaso quedó plasmado oficialmente en el tablero de la Fundación, quedando pendientes por activar únicamente los kines 150, 151 y 152 (representando, ahora que lo pienso, a los 3 cristos que no pude activar durante el encendido del fénix galáctico)... y finalmente, el kin 260, Sol Cósmico Amarillo, mismo que concluye el ciclo de activación del DNA y que tiene el factor de kin más elevado (20x13)


El lunes 30 de marzo de 2015, kin 256, Guerrero Solar Amarillo, Luna Solar de la Luna Solar, gama 24 (día 89 del Calendario Gregoriano, relacionado con la mariposa 89, de la evolución), se comienza a redactar este blog post y a recolectar los gráficos correspondientes

El martes 31 de marzo de 2015, kin 257, Tierra Planetaria Roja, Luna Solar de la Luna Solar, kali 25 (firma galáctica de Neo -matrix- y de la Reforma del Calendario Gregoriano), se encienden los 3 cristos 150, 151 y 152... y el kin 260, Sol Cósmico Amarillo

Yo Perfecciono con el fin de Evolucionar
Produciendo la Sincronía
Sello la Matriz de la Navegación
Con el tono Planetario de la Manifestación
Me guía el poder de la Fuerza Vital


El miércoles 1 de abril de 2015, kin 258, Espejo Espectral, Luna Solar de la Luna Solar, alpha 26, se libera el reflejo de la doble hélice simétrica del tzolkin galáctico... publicando este blog post.

Yo Disuelvo con el fin de Reflejar
Divulgando el Orden
Sello la Matriz del Sinfín 
Con el tono Espectral de la Liberación
Me guía mi propio poder duplicado


¡sonríe! :D

¿si no ardemos juntos, quién iluminará esta oscuridad?
in lak ech hala ken = ¡antal hun!
yo soy otro tú y tú eres otro yo = ¡somos uno!


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Metatron seeking kin

 I just became a member of G.S.B. And I am hoping to connect with other kin in Hawaii. I live in Honolulu near Univ. of Hawaii (Manoa). Is there anyone out there ??  In Lakech !

I moved to Maui about a year ago. I am living in Paia now.

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