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KIN 49


I perfect in order to purify
producing Flow
I seal the process of Universal Water
with the planetary tone of  Manifestation
I am guided the power of Life Force

While we are now only 19 days apart from celebrating the 29th Anniversary cycle of the discovery of SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A completing  a perfect ring of 28 years x 365 days (2.24.1987~ 2.24.2016), we are currently witnessing the intensification and amplification of the energetics preceding this fractal event, manifesting in potent ways on the screen of our collective holographic 3D reality:

The discovery of SuperNova ASASSN- 15Lh NOW as "the most powerful supernova ever discovered!" (January, 2016) is becoming an essential component of the holographic process of Cosmic Memory retrieval and telepathic redemption, that planet Earth and Humanity are now undergoing.

Found: The Most Powerful Supernova Ever Seen - Scientific AMERICAN

Most-luminous supernova ever discovered -

Possibly the most powerful supernova ever seen ...

According to recent astronomical observations, all numerical data coming from this Luminous Being SN2015LH correlates with stunning exactitude with the mathematical and mytho-cosmological structures of the synchronic order, being the most evident and synchronic event, the date of its discovery: June 15th, 2015 (NS1.27.12.17 ~ KIN 73 8Skywalker).

This discovery occurred EXACTLY 63 YEARS from another historical event of immense evolutionary value: The DISCOVERY of PACAL VOTAN'S TOMB in Palenque, Mexico by archeologist Alberto Ruz on June 15th, 1952 (KIN 218 10Mirror).


This represents, without a shadow of doubt a very powerful message coming from our ancient future~past in anticipation for Day Out of Time 2016, July 26.2016 ~ KIN 218 White Planetary Mirror, and represents a climatic stage in the fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Return of Pacal Votan as a Frequency of Light.

“Pacal Votan was a type of prophet—a sage king of the order of Solomon—much the same as Buddha, Abraham, Christ or Muhammad. Pacal Votan was the only prophet of such stature in the New World, with the possible exception of his successor: Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent (947-999)."

"Pacal Votan is the synthesizer of all messengers and teachings. His mission was to establish UR on Earth. Universal Recollection is the highest goal of GM108X. The prophecy of Pacal Votan shows that spiritual messengers, prophets and sages of all faiths represent a single tapestry of a vast interlocking planetary system.”

“Pacal Votan represents the quintessence of the cosmic sky teachings as he transmigrated from previous world systems in order to embody and represent all traditions. The prophecy of Pacal Votan points out that the spiritual history of the planet is a single integrated circuit. All the teachers and teachings are part of one vast time-release program.”

Stephanie South / Red Queen
Accessing Your MultiDimensional Self - A Key to Cosmic History

The news of this COSMIC event have affected the life of the scribes of these pages and their perception of “every-day reality” in quite new and revelatory ways, sometimes very hard to describe. These experiences come in waves and feel as HUGE dis-placements and re-arrangements within the fabric of Time-Space… resembling very much the experience of an Earthquake, but in this case a “Time Quake” experience where multiple tsunamis of synchronicities collapse in one instant into One Wave through the Ocean of Time opening a gigantic Time Tunnel...

The analysis of harmonic numerical values assigned by astronomical science to measure the SuperNova 2015LH event, when cross-referenced with key harmonic values within the framework of the synchronic order, also resulted in unprecedented levels and layers of synchronic resonance and coherence reflected both at the level of personal experiences and the planetary event level.

This analysis through the 13:20 lens of the Law of Time served as a trigger to document the process in a methodic way. What initially started on Gregorian New Year’s Eve 2015, as a recapitulation blog draft suddenly revealed over time multiple layers of resonance, that collapsed into one during the day of the announcement of Super Nova 2015LH. right at the core of the resonant moon (January 18th, 2016 ~ Resonant Moon  NS ~KIN 30 4 DOG).

It is as if since the moment of the explosion announcement, every single memory of past events (both personal and planetary) and even every word on every blog/report written in the past have been acquiring increasingly higher levels of meaning and significance, and have become one way or another a prophetic part of this document and part of the larger cosmic tapestry. Since then, the document (now a book still in process of gestation) has been becoming as a sort of repository container of cosmic memory that connects past+present+future.

So, what you will find inside this document is only a raw re-collection of memories organized in a sort of chronological order (as time is radial) so that you can explore it as if you just found a time capsule full of maps and information and finding the connections is part of your role as an explorer. Both scribes have been mutual witnesses of the power behind the written word, therefore the ultimate intention is to maintain this Cosmic Memory Vault alive by sharing IT with all Earth Wizards who feel called to join the adventure launched here as the “Ultimate Journey of Redemption of the Wizard Archetypal Self” during the remaining 6 moons of this Planetary Wizard Year. These remaining 6 moons added to the 13 moons of the Spectral Storm Year  represent the last  19 moons to reach the 260th step of the spiral staircase of 260 moons ~ 20 Years since the Retrieval of the Divine Plan. This is then an opportunity to RETRIEVE THE DIVINE MAGIC! by really doing our best job as Time Travelers and Wizards.

This document is intended then to serve as a ROAD-MAP of this 19 moon adventure, not only for the scribes but for those who may read it, to navigate present+future time vector potentialities with Higher Awareness and serve as “memory holders” to keep the Time Tunnels open. The adventure includes making good use of your telepathic timelessness powers to redeem once again (and for all) the memories of the “lost worlds” originated eons ago with the explosion of planet Maldek and the “Error in Time”. It’s time to tame the  beast of ignorance of old mental unconscious programs and its master choreographer: the gregorian calendar.

As cosmic antennas attuned to the incoming frequencies of the new time and the new galactic beam, our job now as planetary wizards and “vibratory roots” is simply to keep telepathic memory record of these events and hold the resonance field by means of weaving a 4th dimensional holographic “blanket of harmony” over the current distorted 3rd dimensional  hologram, projected now as a global “planetary reality” engulfed in disturbing acts of war and violence.

As Earth Wizards, Time Keepers, Wisdom Keepers and Conscious Evolved Beings we have the sacred duty to do our best in redeeming and making conscious those aspects and events affecting in very detrimental ways the future of our Planet and of our next Seven Generations. One way to achieve this redemption consist simply in making conscious the unconscious by focusing our attention in the numeric messages provided by the sacred rhythms, ratios and proportions of the synchronic order and from this elevated perspective  be able to:    

~ Re-Frame the Past
~ Rethink the Present
~ Re-member the Future.

With this Intention in mind, and with the purpose of presenting this evidence with simple clarity as possible we will do our best to synthesize and recapitulate some KEY EVENT FACTS in chronological order . Source material has been re-collected and handpicked from a wide array of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan’s  books, lectures, newsletters including a glimpse into the unpublished document “19=260” (a masterpiece who seems to be a time capsule resurrecting the Divine Magic) as well as the Book of Prophecies of the Chilam Balam of Chamuyel. A complete list of bibliographical resources will be added in time...

Even though this is still a work in progress, we hope that by the end of your journey through these pages an Essential Master Component Memory Circuit can be re-connected/re-paired by your continuing conscious mental effort of tracing it back in TIME to its Source:Origin:Divine Intersection between the Tzolkin’s Mystic Column and the 19 Strand:


Through the codes of the Synchronic Order we can attune to a new vision of the future that is alive with meaning and become living vessels that can embody our Highest Mission within the Divine Plan.   

This recapitulation started on:

Gregorian: 12.31.2015
at 12:00 noon New Year’s Eve
KIN12 ~12 Human
3rdWatch: KIN142 ~ 12Wind
>>>2.24.1987: Discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl<<<

"This supernova [SN Quetzalcoatl 1987A] was the means by which the higher-dimensional councils of universal unification “announced” the completion of the prophecy of Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells, commemorated on August 16 and 17, 1987, by the Harmonic Convergence. This event officially began what is referred to as the Quetzalcoatl Project, a vast organized undertaking of the galactic masters’ system of mind transmission, the GM108X. (See 20 Tablets of the Law of Time)" -

Rinri Project Newsletter III. Mystery of the Stone Edition

With the purpose of re-framing the past from the start, we will re-name this SuperNova as SN2015L “Quetzalcoatl II”. Why? There are 2 main reasons:

1. Because of the rarity of an event of this magnitude and proportion, it can be catalogued as HIGHLY SYMBOLIC/PROPHETIC in nature and considered then a feedback “signal” from the “Past:Present:Future Time-Space continuum”.  Since Cosmic Science, Cosmic History, the synchronic order and the Law of Time are all integral components of a new science and a new knowledge base for the reformulation of the human mind,  this SuperNova deserves as well its “own designation” within the framework and context of the Time Science of the Galactic Maya. This new designation is intended to establish a direct connection with the only event in the past of similar magnitude: The discovery of SuperNova 1987A “Quetzalcoatl”, the first supernova explosion ever detected by man back on February 24, 1987 (1987.2.24). 

By consciously establishing a connection between the 2 largest events ever witnessed by the Human “I”  we create a new HARMONIC THOUGHT-FORM or a NOOSPHERIC THOUGHT-WAVE. When YOU (the reader) interact with this New Thought-Form, it gets amplified by the mere act of contemplation, generating higher levels of resonance and coherence in the Mental Field of the Earth, activating the Noosphere.

2. The second reason for deliberately changing its name is vibrational: The name ASASSN brings the unconscious mental field of humanity in resonance with verbal sound attractors of low vibrational quality, as the word “ASSASSIN” is charged with violent religious connotations between Islamic and Christian traditions. This low resonance  value is associated to other deeply rooted unconscious thought-forms such as words “TERROR” and “ISIS”.

This introduction is the only section of the document where you will find elaborated ideas from the scribes. We aspire that the careful re-collection of quotes, images, maps and the diagrams will serve from now on as your navigation tools and that the numbers will “do the talk”. 

Those who are attuned to the numbers will understand their message without the use of words. For those who may feel lost while reading it, we recommend to navigate to the external web links placed along the way and at the end of the document where you can expand more on subjects that you are not familiar with, and then return to these pages. (NOTE: Since this is a work in progress u may find on the link below updated versions named according the date of changes:

May this Light at the end of the Time Tunnel serve as Guide and Inspiration for Humanity to retrieve the Divine Magic by re-membering our Galactic Origin and Destiny. May Peace and Divine Truth prevail on Earth!

First draft completed on: KIN 37
Second draft completed on KIN 39
Third draft completed a published on:
NS1.28.7.28  KIN 49 10Moon
BMU:164 ~ KIN EQ MCF: KIN 137 Lord 7Earth
Gregorian: 2016.02.05 
19 days to close 28 rings from the Discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl I.

113.56.57 + 189.132.133

If you find useful this document and would like to see this work to continue,
 please SHAREor click below to donate, your contributions will help establish a Galactic Culture based on LOVE, PEACE, ART & SYNCHRONICITY on Earth.

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Remembering Tesla - Electrical Alchemist

Nicola Tesla electrified our civilisation.

Although Nicola Tesla was born on 10 July 1956 today remembers him by way of his galactic signature: Blue Self-existing Night born into the Magnetic Solar - Cosmic Human wavespell.

"I define in order to dream
Measuring intuition

I seal the input of abundance
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by Self-generation (Storm)"

9676486452?profile=originalTesla would see his incredible inventions clearly in his mind, impressed from the universal field of intuition.  The electric life more abundant flowed into dynamic form through his creative genius to illuminate our world and to show us ways to induce energy from the zero-point source field of Space that will run the wheel-work of our coming civilisation. He was guided by the storm like vortex that bridges between our 3D world and the higher spiritual dimensions of life.

In his article, "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy," published in 1900, Tesla stated:

"For ages this idea [that each of us is only part of a whole] has been proclaimed in the consummately wise teachings of religion, probably not alone as a means of insuring peace and harmony among men, but as a deeply founded truth. The Buddhist expresses it in one way, the Christian in another, but both say the same: We are all one."

For anyone interested: People For Free Energy on fb

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Rainbow Dragon/Rainbow Serpent Mother








Message Received: KIN 30 White Self-Existing Dog 
Message Delivered: KIN 31 Blue Overtone Monkey
by Galactic Agent 0082 LiLi White Wind

White Planetary Wizard Year of Manifestation
Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement
Blue Hand Wavespell of Accomplishment

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Bowie - Beyond Death

david-bowie-0.jpg?width=300In case you are a Bowie fan (!) ... I found it significant that he made a celebration of his death by releasing his last album "Black Star" two days after his passing...  The effect of which can be predicted to help negate the fear of dying by many if not most people of his generation (fans of his spaceagey music) who may approach their own passing with a similar sense of liberation.

Nothing is out of place or time as the Mayan Calendar has the day after the breaking news of his passing, named as "Cosmic World Bridger".

 "I endure in order to equalise
Transcending opportunity.

I seal the store of death
With the cosmic tone of presence,
guided by the power of heart."

This marks the end of the current 13 day sequence, indicated as an "enchantment of the world antahkarana or rainbow bridge"*, our link to the soul´s pure field of consciousness - the Noosphere, during which time we may have been impressed with a sense of a more transpersonal vision and integrity of the Self upon a renewed life experience or fearless quest.

The coming 13 days is indicated by Blue Hand (wholeness and healing) through to Blue Storm (cyclic regeneration). This archetype suggests activation of the world antahkarana by strengthening identification as one soul one people one planetary life.


* See

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Hey Starlightloveflowerkid on Mother Earth Gaia in the first Years of New Age after the Mayan Calendar and Flowerkid of "New Time Spirit" on this last Planet in this Orbit after the bloody Trauma of Worlds-Wars of Prae-History!
Between the cold frozen Warriorplanet Mars and hot burnt Love Planet Venus now on the old Jail of Brain Police: and Neptun´s Home: the Mother Earth GAIA,!!
Space Ship Terra, from Erra (old Mother Planet between Mars and Jupiter / now only Asteroidcycle and Sister
Moon Diana!!!)

Come to Gaia Embassy´s "TIME-TUNNEL"!( And fly into the Timetrip to the Time Spirit of NEW AGE with the:
"Cosmic Time Jump 2013/14"( and see sadly the new "Brown Idealism" like on 1914, too; + the old Brainpolice try to play the next bloody 100 Year Warprogram through the deciding 10., golden 20., speedy 30., bloody 40.,fat 50.,psychedelic 60.,rocky 70.,puncy 80.,hard 90.,crazy 00.and deciding 10. again... Lets stop it to transform in Peace + Love of cosmic green Days of free Ecotopia instaed brown All every-Days of Utopia!!!!! )

while from the oldest middle-galactic Black Hole/ Sunlight-stream around 2011 till End of 2013/14 from the de-materialsating "Black Mother" after Mayan Philosophy) into the "Transformation of the Materialism" to the next Swift and new Turn around of our Galaxy,
and while the deciding Times of this new ( Decade and Century of New Millenium Energy and Death of Love Parade after the old bloody Dream and Trauma of Praehistory;
into the cosmic ecotopian green Dream of "COSMIC TIME JUMP 2013/+14" to jump more and more into the next Dimensionsstreams (4.+5.),
and while more and more Sun-eruptions Activity of Brother Sun Helios with the High-peak around End of 2012/13 !! Together with the silly daily burnt Oil-Ice-film of the Jumbo´s Acid Rain and more, and more des-infectional Vulcon Ash-Rain...

Mother Earth cry to us to help Mother Earth to activate the international Non Profite GAIA NETWORK COMPANY
for Naturevariability and Healarts with the "Cosmic Future Music !!!!-Project
with the eco-social Self Development Context
into the healing Rock´n Roll of Living Architecture Musicality of E- Land Art Continuity for the "FLOWER POWER" and "Woodstock Generation" of NEW MILLENIUM Love Energy!!!
And join GAIA NETWORK COMPANY to create more soft !!!!!!!!!! Live-, Love- + Ur Energy for more free Love, free Energy + free Society!!!
Maybe through the int. COSMIC CHURCH, - PARTY + SOCIETY!?
Instaed to hold on the deeper deathly heavy-metal+ hard Energy

of Petrol-Cars+ Cerosine Jumbos and nuclear Industry and

hard E SMOG Mircowave- Brainwashbox- Handy´s

+ W-Lan PC´s !!!!

Which kill more and more

for example the natural


and honey




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2016 − Entering Conscious Synchronicity

Calendar of Cosmic Ideation through the 2016 Year of the Mayan 20:13 Time Frequency

The following 260 day chart, starting 20 Dec. 2015, ending 5 Sept.2016, is intended to provide a notion of a transpersonal reality – the cosmic archetypal impulsing of the planetary Noosphere through the new 260 day Tzolkin cycle, further integrating of mind and consciousness that characterises all intelligent life throughout the universe – unknowable except through the eternal synchronous moment.

Dates:Archetypes:Keynote:Strengthened by:Activated by:
~ Skywalker
(space, prophecy)
Initiating the birthing of
cosmic ideation
Cosmic impressionIntuition


~ World-bridger
Enchantment of world antahkaranaTranspersonal VisionThe fearless quest


Hand (healing)
~ Storm (vortex)

Seeking wholeness through
cyclic regeneration

Identification as
One Soul
Electric Antahkarana


~ Human (will)
Integrating solar fire through service to humanityGroundingGroup communication


~ Serpent (instinct)
Awakening human intuitionReceptivity to
the Plan


~ Mirror
Humanity is a reflection
of cosmos
WholenessThe Over-Soul


Storm ~ Monkey
(play of illusion)
A transformation of paradigmsDuality, choice
Human ~ SeedChoosing the path of serviceContinuity of consciousnessMeditation


Serpent ~ EarthEvolving One
synchronous Life
CooperationGroup endeavour


~ Dog (Love)
Appearance of Cosmic PresenceSelf-generationSacrificial action


~ Night (intuition)
Evoking the new paradigmHuman influenceEmbarking on
an adventure


Seed ~ WarriorLiving between dimensionsInstinct and circumstancePerseverance
Earth (synchronicity)
~ Moon (purification)
Transformation through conscious regenerationSeparationBonding the
group life


Dog ~ WindSounding the word of loveMayaWisdom is
love in action


Night ~ EagleEnvisioning the realityDispelling illusionTransmutation
Warrior ~ StarEstablishing the truthSynchronicityConsensus



Moon ~ DragonLiberation through forgivenessDesireEnacting out
the drama

A “Day out of Time”


Sirius conjunct SunWhite Planetary Mirror
“I perfect in order to reflect – Producing order,
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the planetary tone of manifestation.
I am guided by the power of death.”


Wind ~ WizardTelepathic CommunicationAbundanceA common vision


Eagle ~ HandUniversalising Galactic ConsciousnessIntegrityTelluric activation


Star ~ SunCompletion and transcendence
of cosmic ideation
through cyclic impulsing
RedemptionUniversal Love

The timing frequency of the Tzolkin is a gift of the Mayan civilisation and is a means of attuning the human consciousness to the higher vibrational frequency and channel of the Galactic Star Council, the Great White Lodge of Sirius.

Cosmic Star Family
Join a global contact groups meditation first Saturday every month.

The Gayatri Mantra

Oh Though in Whom we live and move and have our being
Who givest sustenance to the universe
From Whom all things proceed and to Whom all things return,
Unveil to us the true face of the Spiritual Sun
That we may know the truth
And do our whole duty
As we journey to Thy sacred feet.



Archetype indicates ideation in its noumenal or intuitional form,
Keynote indicates Tone (energy) and Seal (qualities) emerging through form,
Strengthened by suggests an element or aspect that is providing a bridge toward integration,
Activation indicates a catalyst of transformation.

Namaste and blessings for living in the now year!

Jonathan Eveleigh

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Las calles adornadas con luces multicolores

nos hacen un guiño, titilan por doquier.


¿Qué anuncian?

No lo sabes…

¡Estamos en Navidad!


Los aderezos parpadean,

las casas se engalanan e iluminan,

el resto de la familia viaja para estar reunida.


Nos ocupamos de quienes no tienen,

compartimos con ellos alimentos,

juguetes y demás enseres.


Son días especiales de alegría y felicidad.

Al fondo se escucha

el sonido de la pandereta,

junto a un coro de niños

entonando Villancicos.


¡Ay! ¡Qué recuerdos aporta!

La infancia retorna, trae su típico olor

a los rollitos de la abuela,

las castañas en las brasas,

el turrón y el mazapán, ¡qué buenos!


Algo dentro del humano vibra con regocijo.

La familia se reúne, retornan por Navidad.


Se logran bellos momentos,

con cantos y zambombas,

y es que festejamos

que al Niño Jesús nace en el corazón

al igual que lo hizo antaño,

tiempo atrás en un pesebre.


Hemos tratado de acondicionar

un lugar en nuestro interior,

dando especial cobijo

al Niño recién nacido.


Nos trae alegría, ganas de vivir,

fe y esperanza de que

la paz se va a instaurar en la tierra.


Damos una mirada al altísimo,

buscando esa luz en el camino,

que señala el recorrido de aquí a la gloria

a la morada del Padre Celestial.


La Nochebuena es día de cena:

una mesa con suculentos manjares,

lindos manteles, platos, y copas,

y hasta velas encendidas en su centro,

y alrededor, nosotros, cada familia.


Agradecemos, y con respeto nos emocionamos

al recordar a los ausentes,

aquellos seres queridos que ya marcharon

al reino de las almas. Seguro

que esta noche nos acompañan.


¡Qué belleza! ¡Cuánta alegría!

Tanto en familia como en soledad

el Ser que nace nos visita;

trae la buena nueva,

la noticia de que el amor divino

llega en esta Nochebuena.


Con júbilo celebramos juntos

que Cristo ha nacido,

generando en nuestro interior

una nueva oportunidad de la vida.


Mañana es Navidad y trae la comida familiar.

Festeja que el amor ya habita en la mansión.

Provee prosperidad junto a la felicidad.


Después, en los días siguientes

todavía seguimos en Navidad.

Continúa la alegría en la ciudad,

en sus calles iluminadas,

y en el eco de las campañillas

que elevan la vibración

logrando esbozar sonrisas

de aquellos que las transitan.


Con expresión de éxtasis

contemplamos el resplandor de los cielos;

sabemos que Cristo Jesús y los Ángeles

nos rodean, custodian y cuidan de nosotros,

porque, sabéis, ¡¡Estamos en Navidad!!


María Teresa Rodríguez Cabrera

10-12-2015 – Mono 4


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Kin 1 Dragón Magnético Rojo

Iniciamos otra vuelta. El ciclo termina y empieza en el mismo lugar. Cómo una espiral en constante movimiento. Parece circulo pero en realidad, se mueve constantemente de abajo a arriba.

Nunca hubo un momento como este. Nunca antes fuiste exactamente como hoy. Este momento nunca se repetirá. ¡Siempre es hoy!

Castillo Rojo Este del Girar (ciclo de 52 días, con 4 Ondas Encantadas)

Onda Encantada #1 del Dragón Rojo

Continua leyendo la publicación aqui -->

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[Thank you Islam]

[Thank you Islam]

The Jihad is within
Can you surrender your heart to the light of God
This is what this is all about
Down to every last action
Of every day

Changing your baby's diapers
Waking up in the morning

Can you let go
Let go
Let go

Of all your ambitions as attachments
Of all your complaints about what is
Of all your anger of not getting yours

Can you just do
Just do
Just do

All the things that you need to
All the things that you want to
All the things giving life to life

Can you laugh at the struggle
Can you grin in discomfort
Will you play with your day
Will you find the true way

For our hearts are all one
And though equal to zero
The secret of the soul
Is within each one
Lies the power
To free

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Love:Love mission from Paris to Teotihuacan


by Free Calendar, kin 25 + 88 (113)

As my friends know, I have been involved in extremely synchronic periods in 2013, 2014 and 2015.

In june, july and august 2013 it became a total mess: I didn't knew what was happening to me, and I didn't knew how to ask for help in a proper way. Even that way, I documented everything I could, first to convince myself that all those coincidences were not hallucinations, then to try to convince everybody that all that was happening to me was real, and finally just like a historic record of many things that, until today, can't fully understand. That synchronic period begun on june 15th 2013 (anniversary of the aperture of Pakal Votan), with a climax on july 25th 2013 (Phoenix project) and august 8th 2013 (gifts and respects to Red Queen on Mexico City) and ended on august 16th 2013 (first, only and last presentation in the serpent house, Nah Chan, with a synchronic earthquake at 10:32am)

That time, there was so many things I did unconsciously, generating too many questions and almost no answers, but at the end I fulfilled what my instinct and circumstances told me to do.


After that, I thought that everything had been just illusions, but in 2014 synchronic events begun to manifest again, exactly the same day as the last year, june 15th... that way I knew there were not just coincidences or illusions, but synchronicities. Again, but in a more silent and patient way, I did what I was asked for and documented everything, ordering facts by date. That synchronic period begun on june 15th 2014 (again on the Tomb opening anniversary), with a climax on july 25th 2014 (4 wind dance ceremony and butterfly 88 acknowledge ceremony) and ended on k88 october 10th 2014 (Quetzalcoatl ascension ceremony, butterflies 88 and excalibur)

After that, I was hoping not to experience any of this again, because it's mental, physical and emotional overwhelming... but in december 2014, I received a clear sign of the opposite...

What I am going to say is very important: I want to put it clear... I have never wanted to travel outside Mexico. It's something that is just not a part of me. I had never the intention of travel to Paris or another city outside Mexico. I think I was taken to Paris for some reason.

My parents-in-law reunited both my wife and I to tell us that they wanted to do a special travel with us, to Paris, next year. As we was short on money, they would pay us the plane tickets and the hotel, and we would pay everything else. When they mentioned the date I knew it would be, again, a part of a synchronic period: from june 13th to 20th 2015 (13:20), so I would:

+Travel in an airplane for the first time
+Travel trough space-time for the first time
+Travel outside of Mexico for the first time

In addition, on december 29th 2014 noticed that 25, my birth kin, plus 88, the kin I received in DOOT 2014, sum together 113 (kin of Quetzalcoatl as the Lord of the Dawn), and that was a confirmation to myself as a lightworker and my affinity with the k113 essence.

We obtained our passports and we prepared to the trip, when another synchronic period begun again (3 years in a row), but this time it started in a different date, 3 months earlier (march 15th 2015 instead of june 15th 2015). One of the strongest synchronicities was the constant appearing of 88, 89 and 1889 numbers, so I googled "Paris 1889" and voalá! found that Eiffel Tower was dedicated on 1889. I searched more about the Tower of Love and as I recognized it as an energetic antenna, I though that I should take some power objects with me without nobody else to notice.

As an example of what I have just told: I obtained the booklet of the left as I entered into a little child bookstore, closing my eyes and asking mentally "please guide me". when I opened my eyes, I was watching straight to this little book, which I bought immediatly. (VIAJE en el TIEMPO = TIME TRAVEL) and the 1889. At the right there is a postcard I bought in Paris.


The power objects I took with me, hidden in the plane as in the hotel were: the holonomic chakana of 33 green dices, a red/magenta stone (ruby heart or blood stone), a handmade key holder of tomorrow land (the musical event), a handmade key holder of tomorrow land (the movie), and a quartz pendulum (that some days after the trip, got broken in 3 parts)


I took everything hidden in my baggage, even from my wife. the only object I add during the trip was the 24 piece puzzle bamboo sphere. I bought it in the organic/botanic store of the Palace of Versalles. There was a lot of bamboo puzzles, and I was attracted immediatedly to them, but I wasn't sure about what to do, when my wife told me, without knowing why she was saying that: "this is the important one". Later, I noticed that the sphere was the perfect complement of the fractal cube (chakana). They are the favorite objects of Pakal Votan: "here the cube, here the sphere, to know time"

During this amazing trip to Paris we went to several places, some of them energetic, some of them spiritual. I took 2 power objects in my pockets to visit them: the red/magenta stone (ruby heart or blood stone) and the quartz pendulum

k71 saturday 13 june 2015 // space-time travel
k72 sunday 14 june 2015 // Eiffel Tower
k73 monday 15 june 2015 // Mount Mars, Sacred Heart Church, Red MOLINO, Bateaux-Mouches CRUCERO, Soul Bridge, Eliseum Camps, Trumph Arc
k74 tuesday 16 june 2015 // Palace of Versalles
k75 wednesday 17 june 2015 // Magdalena Church, Obelisc, Revolution PLAZA, Paris City Hall, Notredame Church, Locks Bridge, Harry Potter objects exposition, La Bastilla Castle
k76 thursday 18 june 2015 // Louvre Museum
k77 friday 19 june 2015 // Magdalena Church (2), Disneyland París, Magdalena Church (3)
k78 saturday 20 june 2015 // space-time travel

In my opinion, most important places I went with the blood stone and the quartz pendulum were Eiffel Tower, Sacred Heart Church, Magdalene Church, NotreDame Church and Disneyland Paris.

I took 5,400 photos, which I reduced to 2,160 days later. I want to show you some:

In the hotel I was assigned at room 111, and the next day, I noticed there was not room 113


In the ground of Paris... Peace is the mission


Eiffer Tower, taken from the center of its base to the top... I knew I had to take that photo, and when I did it, I knew why: it looks like the CERN particle accelerator



This is the central base of the Eiffel Tower:


In a brief, I feel that I went mainly to the Eiffel Tower, to Mary Magdalene Church, to Notredame Cathedral and to Disneyland Paris to take myself to the old continent, to the heart of Europe, to the world capital city of Love to leave a precedent... exactly 5 months before the false flag terrorist attacks on november 13th 2015 (june 13th - november 13th)

Posteriormente al viaje me pasaron muchas cosas que reafirmaron el arquetipo de Maria Magdalena en mí, cosa que fui descubriendo como ya te lo he contado, documentando físicamente mis experiencias y luego investigando en internet y en libros. no al revés. no es que haya leído primero todo sobre María Magdalena y luego me sucedieran cosas extrañísimas... sino al revés, lo que creo que le da aún más veracidad a mi experiencia.

La anécdota más fuerte relacionada con María Magdalena (además de estremecerme al entrar a su Iglesia) fue que también tuve un sentimiento muy especial al salir, en una de sus esquinas, porque según yo... vi "señales". El lugar me atrajo mucho, e inventé algún pretexto para quedarme un poco más de tiempo ahí tratando de descifrar la sensación... bueno, sucede que justamente REGRESAMOS A ESA ESQUINA para salir, 2 días después, en un autobús a Disneyland París...

Este fue el viaje dentro del viaje, Disneyland París no estaba contemplado como parte del viaje, pero encontré un folleto en el hotel que hablaba sobre la atracción y logré reservar 2 boletos un día antes, para ir con mi esposa de ida y vuelta, el mismo día. El punto de salida y llegada sería la esquina de la Iglesia de María Magdalena:


This is Mary Magdalene's Church, seen from the corner I am talking about:


And the 2 visual keys I saw from there: CERUTI I 8 8 I and then, a reference of the Wizard of Oz... T O T O... it was just incredible to come back exactly to that place again, 2 days later



The trip was full of joys, surprises and hopes, and I decided to include here only a very few photos, so I just want to share the last synchronic photo: a confirmation of the completion of the mission, as soon as I got up in the plane from Paris to Mexico, when I opened a 300 pages magazine... I miss Violet (keyword of my 2015 experiences, together with Sophia)


a contemporary incarnation of a secret love

Coming back to Mexico, I took all power objects to Teotihuacan on k88, june 30th 2015, (KIN 88!!!!!) to the aperture of the portal Gold-Ruby ceremony... acompanied by my mother, just like when I went to introduce myself with Red Queen on august 8th 2013... I took the blood stone (ruby heart, red stone) that travelled with me to all those energetic centers and I delivered to Luca Baldinotti (Lwx), the host of the ceremony. He was surprised but then he said: "I was expecting this" pointing to the stone.


The ruby heart from Paris, along with another stone that I delivered "ramdomly" to another beautiful person


Some of my little treasures, on the sacred ground at the entrance of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, just in time for the opening of the Gold-Ruby Portal ceremony


Some time ago I deleted my blogpost from Galactic Space Book, but the recent false flag events in Paris encouraged me to share this experience. I'm sorry for being so superficial, but I didn't wanted to take so long to publish this. As I said, there are only synchronic experiences that I wanted to share.

May the Peace be with Us
Pax Perpetua

by Free Calendar, kin 25 + 88 (113)
with affection for my Fantastic Four: 113, 185 and 189


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This will be published also in english, soon...9676544260?profile=original

por Calendario Libre, kin 25 + 88 (113)

Como mis amigos saben, he tenido períodos extremadamente sincrónicos en 2013, 2014 y 2015.

En junio, julio y agosto de 2013 fue desastroso: no sabía qué era lo que me pasaba, y no supe pedir ayuda adecuadamente. Aún así, documenté todo lo que pude, primero para convencerme a mí mismo de que las coincidencias no eran alucinaciones, luego para convencer a los demás de que lo que me pasaba era real, y finalmente sólo como un registro histórico de muchas cosas que, al día de hoy, no entiendo porqué me pasan a mí. Ese periodo sincrónico comenzó el 15 de junio de 2013 (aniversario de apertura de la tumba de PV), con clímax el 25 de julio de 2013 (proyecto Phoenix) y el 8 de agosto de 2013 (presentación de regalos y respetos ante la Reina Roja en la ciudad de México) y terminó el 16 de agosto de 2013 (primera, única y última presentación en la casa de la serpiente, Nah Chan, sismo a las 10:33am)

Esa vez, hubo demasiadas cosas que hice inconscientemente, mismas que generaron demasiadas preguntas y casi ninguna respuesta, pero al final, creo que llevé a cabo lo que mi instinto y las circunstancias me indicaban.


Yo pensaba que todo había sido una serie de alucinaciones, o algo parecido, pero en 2014 comenzó nuevamente un periodo altamente sincrónico, exactamente el mismo día que el año pasado, el 15 de junio, lo que confirmó mis sospechas: no eran coincidencias al azar. Nuevamente, pero con más paciencia y silencio esta vez, realicé lo que mi instinto me dictaba y documentaba lo que veía, ordenándolo por fecha. Ese periodo sincrónico comenzó el 15 de junio de 2014 (aniversario de apertura de la tumba de PV), con clímax el 25 de julio de 2014 (danza de los 4 vientos y ceremonia de reconocimiento como kin 88) y terminó el 10 de octubre de 2014 (ceremonia de ascensión de quetzalcóatl, mariposas 88 y excalibur)

Después de eso, tenía esperanzas de que esto no se volviera a repetir, ya que es muy agotador física, mental y emocionalmente, pero en diciembre de 2014 nuevamente, surgió una señal...

Lo que voy a decir a continuación es muy importante: quiero aclarar que nunca he querido viajar a otros países. Es algo que simplemente no me atrae. Yo jamás tuve intenciones de viajar a París ni a ninguna otra ciudad fuera de México. A mí me parece que fui llevado por alguna razón.

Mis suegros nos reunieron a mi esposa y a mí para decirnos que querían hacer un viaje con nosotros, a París, el próximo año. Debido a nuestra falta de dinero, nos pagarían los boletos de avión y el hospedaje, y nosotros pagaríamos lo demás. Cuando mencionó la fecha supe que sería algo sincrónico: del 13 al 20 de junio de 2015 (13:20), así que:

+Viajaría por primera vez en avión
+Me desplazaría en el estado-tiempo (por el cambio de horario) por primera vez
+Saldría de México por primera vez... sin duda sería algo especial.

Adicionalmente, el 29 de diciembre de 2014 me di cuenta de que 25, mi kin de nacimiento, y 88, el kin recibido el día fuera del tiempo de ese año, sumaban 113 (kin de quetzalcóatl como el señor del amanecer), así que confirmaba mis sospechas como agente sincrónico de cambio y mi afinidad con mi ahora amigo RuBen Llinas kin 113

Hice mis trámites de pasaporte y nos preparamos para el viaje, cuando el 15 de marzo de 2015, volvió a comenzar un periodo sincrónico. Entre las muchas sincronías que me sucedieron a partir de ese día, los números 88, 89 y 1889 se me presentaron varias veces hasta que encontré que la torre eiffel se dedicó en 1889. busqué información sobre ella y al reconocerla como antena-centro energético pensé que necesitaría llevar objetos de poder sin que nadie se diera cuenta.

Por dar un ejemplo de lo que acabo de decir: el librito de la izquierda lo obtuve al entrar en una pequeña librería infantil, cerrando los ojos y pidiendo mentalmente "guiénme". al abrir los ojos, mi vista estaba apuntando directamente a este librito, el cual compré inmediatamente.


Los objetos que llevé de manera oculta tanto en el avión como en el hotel fueron: la chakana holonomica de 33 dados verdes, una piedra magenta/roja (corazón rubí o piedra de sangre), un llavero de tomorrow land (el evento musical), un llavero de tomorrow land (la película), y un péndulo de cuarzo (que unos días después del viaje, se rompió en 3 partes)


Todo eso lo llevé a escondidas de todos, incluso de mi esposa. el único objeto que añadí durante el viaje fue la esfera de 24 piezas de bambú. la compré en la tienda orgánico/botánica del Palacio de Versalles. al ver varias figuras/rompecabezas de bambú, me di cuenta que tenía que llevar una, pero no sabía cuál, hasta que mi esposa me señaló la esfera y sin saber lo que estaba diciendo realmente, me dijo "esta es la importante". con eso se completó el cubo y la esfera que hasta el día de hoy me acompañan. Son los objetos favoritos de Pacal Votan: "ahí el cubo, ahí la esfera"

ahora bien, durante los días del viaje fuimos a varios lugares. dejé todos los objetos en el hotel, a excepción del péndulo de cuarzo y el ágata rosada. me las escondí en los bolsillos y visité los siguientes lugares:

sábado 13 de junio 2015 // viaje en el espacio-tiempo
domingo 14 de junio 2015 // Torre Eiffel
lunes 15 de junio 2015 // Monte Marte, Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, El Molino Rojo, el crucero Bateaux-Mouches, el Puente del Alma, Los Campos Elíseos, el Arco del Triunfo
martes 16 de junio 2015 // Versalles
miércoles 17 de junio 2015 // La Iglesia de la Magdalena, fuentes, Obelisco, Plaza de la Revolución, Ayuntamiento de París, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora, Puente de los Candados, exposición de objetos de las películas de Harry Potter, La Bastilla
jueves 18 de junio 2015 // Museo de Louvre
viernes 19 de junio 2015 // La Iglesia de la Magdalena, Disneyland París, La Iglesia de la Magdalena
sábado 20 de junio 2015 // viaje en el espacio-tiempo

Los más importantes energéticamente, siento yo, fueron la Torre Eiffel, la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, la Iglesia de María Magdalena, la Catedral de Notredame y Disneyland París.

tomé 5,400 fotos, que luego reduje a 2,160. Quiero mostrarles algunas:

En el hotel me tocó el cuarto 111, y al salir el siguiente día, me di cuenta de que no había habitación 113


En el suelo de París... Peace is the mission (La Paz es la Misión)


La Torre Eiffel, tomada desde el centro de su base, mirando hacia arriba... la foto más importante. sabía que tenía que tomar ese ángulo, y cuando lo hice, supe el porqué: se parece al acelerador de partículas del CERN



Esta es la base central de la Torre Eiffel:


En resumen, siento que fui principalmente a la torre eiffel, a la iglesia de maria magdalena, a la catedral de notre dame y a disneyland paris a llevar parte de lo que soy, al viejo continente, al corazón de europa, a la ciudad capital mundial del Amor para dejar un precedente... 5 meses antes de los atentados de bandera falsa del 13 de noviembre de 2015 (13 junio - 13 noviembre)

Posteriormente al viaje me pasaron muchas cosas que reafirmaron el arquetipo de Maria Magdalena en mí, cosa que fui descubriendo como ya te lo he contado, documentando físicamente mis experiencias y luego investigando en internet y en libros. no al revés. no es que haya leído primero todo sobre María Magdalena y luego me sucedieran cosas extrañísimas... sino al revés, lo que creo que le da aún más veracidad a mi experiencia.

La anécdota más fuerte relacionada con María Magdalena (además de estremecerme al entrar a su Iglesia) fue que también tuve un sentimiento muy especial al salir, en una de sus esquinas, porque según yo... vi "señales". El lugar me atrajo mucho, e inventé algún pretexto para quedarme un poco más de tiempo ahí tratando de descifrar la sensación... bueno, sucede que justamente REGRESAMOS A ESA ESQUINA para salir, 2 días después, en un autobús a Disneyland París...

Este fue el viaje dentro del viaje, Disneyland París no estaba contemplado como parte del viaje, pero encontré un folleto en el hotel que hablaba sobre la atracción y logré reservar 2 boletos un día antes, para ir con mi esposa de ida y vuelta, el mismo día. El punto de salida y llegada sería la esquina de la Iglesia de María Magdalena:


Esta es la Iglesia de María Magdalena, vista desde la esquina de la que les hablo:


Y las 2 clave que vi desde ahí: CERUTI I 8 8 I y luego, referencia del mago de oz... T O T O... fue increíble regresar a ese lugar 2 veces más



El viaje estuvo lleno de alegrías, sorpresas y esperanzas, y son muy pocas las fotos que he decidido incluir aquí, así que sólo quiero compartir la última foto sincrónica del viaje: una confirmación al abordar el avión de regreso, al abrir una revista de 300 páginas... extraño a Violeta (palabra clave de mis experiencias de 2015, junto con Sofía)


Extraño a Violeta - La compañía diferente - una flor, una esencia, un color, un nombre que ha inspirado a generaciones de amantes... La compañía diferente lanza un nuevo perfume, "Extraño a Violeta", refiriéndose el nombre a las notas clave y adjuntas del perfume, una encarnación contemporánea de un amor secreto.

Regresando de París, llevé todos los objetos a Teotihuacan, el 30 de junio de 2015, a la apertura del portal Oro-rubí... me acompañó mi mamá, igual que cuando fui a presentarme con la Reina Roja el 8 de Agosto de 2013... tomé la piedra de sangre (el corazón rubí, la piedra roja) que viajó conmigo a París a todos esos centros energéticos y se la entregué a Lwx, el organizador. Se sorprendió pero dijo: "esto ya lo esperaba" señalándome la piedra que le había dado.


El corazón rubí de París, junto con otra piedra que le regalé a otra persona ese día "al azar"


Cositas depositadas en el suelo al pie de la Pirámide del Sol en Teotihuacan, para la ceremonia de Apertura del Portal Oro-Rubí


Hace un tiempo borré mis blog posts de Galactic Space Book para no incomodar a nadie, pero los recientes atentados de bandera falsa de París me animaron a compartir esta experiencia. Disculpen que sólo incluya fechas gregorianas pero no quería tardar mucho en publicar. Como dije, sólo son experiencias sincrónicas que quiero compartir.

Que la paz sea/esté con nosotros (may the peace be with us)
Pax Perpetua

por Calendario Libre, kin 25 + 88 (113)
con cariño para mis cuatro fantásticos: 113, 185 y 189


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kin 102, White Spectral Wind

Hi everybody! first blog post in Galactic Spacebook : ) my name is Mauricio Ortiz Martinez (MOM), 12serpent, kin25, from Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico. I would like to share all the info I have recollected from 88, the Galactic Butterfly, and 89, the Evolution of the Consciousness. Thank you for your time reading this and God bless you all. My first intention was only to report briefly my experiences on past 88 and 89 dates (october 13th and 14th 20.14) but, being inspired by RuBen 113, I think you deserve my best effort. So here it is:

Just like the number 69 re-presents visually a ying-yang, the number 88 re-present a butterfly with their wings opened. In fact, there is a butterfly with this mathematical symbol, the 88 Butterfly and its extremely rare mutation-evolution: the 89 Butterfly. Please remember that 8 is also the symbol of infinity, if you turn it 90°. Also note that 88 and 89 were the last days of life of Jose Argüelles, Valum Votan before his ascent. I believe this is no coincidence at all but a part of the divine plan.

Since I was a child I was in contact with this butterfly because it's present in the region where I lived. in 20.13, I had a beautiful experience with it. I found a 88 Butterfly at the very center of a big mall, it was unreal. I took the 88 Butterfly (butterflies let me take them, don't know why) and started to talk to her. "What are you doing here?" "Why so alone?" "You really, really, don't belong here"... so I took it out of the mall, to the gardens, and I freed her. "Go with the wind, be free and don't look back". Later I posted it in Facebook and a spiritual friend told me: "Don't you understand?: the Butterfly was you". I was surprised, so I decided to learn more about my new friend.

From Wikipedia:
Anna's Eighty- eight (Diaethria anna) is a butterfly in wet tropical forests in Central America and South America. On rare occasions, it can be found as a stray in south Texas. Its upperside is dark brown with a metallic bluish-green band on the forewings. The underside of the forewings are red, which is followed by a wide, black band and then white tips; the underside of the hindwings is white, with lines that approximate a black-outlined "88," giving the species its common name.


Hello, beautiful 88 Butterfly!



42 seconds of this beautiful Butterfly

 (I don't know how to use the "media" button in the blog composer, if somebody could help me, that would be great)

Besides, I have found that there is a indie rock band from California named "The 88". The art from their albums, the names of their songs and above else, the music, it's very inspiring:
The 88 on Wikipedia
The 88 on the Net

I want to share the art covers for the only 3 albums I could get, and their song lists:


"The 88" songs: go go go, love you anytime, coming home, no one here, i am nothing, sons and daughters, it's a lot, like you do, save your breath, waiting for the next drug, we felt alive


"Over and Over" songs: Hide another mistake, All because of you, Nobody cares, Bowls, Head cut off, Battle scar, Coming home, You belong to me, Haunt you, Jesus is good, Everybody loves me (but me), Not enough


"Kind of Light" songs: Afterlife, All the same, Elbow blues, G.O.D. is coming, Hard to be you, Hate me, How good it can be, I am a man, Kind of light, Melting in the sun, No use left for me, Something had me good, Sunday afternoon

October 13th 20.14
KIN 88, Yellow Planetary Star


October 14th 20.14
KIN 89, Red Spectral Moon

next day in the morning, I checked my email inbox and deleted all spam but this one, its name seemed curious to me. When I opened, I really smiled a lot, it was an email from "angel" from his blog "living at maximum": a 89 Butterfly, in his hand, extremely rare to take such a good photo from this rare specimen, in his own hand (he travels a lot and always posts a photo of his own in his emails):


Signing of the peace treaty of Roerich

In the night, our friend from Argentina came back to Orizaba only to rest for the night before going to Teotihuacan the next day. We had the opportunity to see her one more time. Using my instincts, I gave her a last gift, a MAGNET BUTTON with the design of the PAX FRACTAL (something I designed back in 2006). It's the symbol of the Banner of Peace of Roerich, but designed in a fractal way (the same design is repeated inside itself infinitely):


We had 7 flavours of water to choose from. She chose Hibiscus Flower iced tea, the only RED one. When I saw the 3 glasses of red water, I understood the symbology of our last supper together. Looking at the table from the top, the 3 glasses remember us the 3 red circles from Roerich's Banner of Peace. I decided to call this event "Signing of the peace treaty of Roerich"




An extra photo taken 1 day before, on kin 88, near the Giant Stone, on Orizaba's Cemetery. Do you see the roerich's symbols?


Finally, I want to share a Facebook post from Juryt 243, on kin 89, red Spectral Moon:


Something was extraordinary today, Kin 89. This Fibonacci number is from nature. Normally the butterfly is known as 88, so 89 is a rare appearance. Today it was 5x260 days ago that José Argüelles / Valum Votan ascended. His Kin was 11 and Blue Spectral Monkey his Galactic Signature. Exactly 11 days before him (on Kin 78, March 12 in 2011) the founder and messenger of the Human Design systeem ascended. His galactic signature was Blue Self-Existing Monkey. Archetypically they were the first and last Magician.
Today the inverse hexagram of Inner Time (the U Ching logic applied in the Solar Ring) turns to Kin 11 (Blue Spectral Monkey), which was 78 (!) days ago. Mysteriously synchronised, Kin 198, White Electric Mirror and I (243, Blue Solar Night), discovered last night (from Kin 88 to 89) the celestial connection in between the Biphasic Matrix / Tzolkin Harmonics and the Human Design Rave Mandala, as we see in 64 I Ching hexagrams around the zodiak. In this astronomical circle we see now the biphasic flow of numbers in the Radial Mathematical Order of the Biochemical Code in Life, if we decode the 64 hexagrams / DNA codons as U..
Thank U,
198  + 243 = 441


Now, I want to share my name's numerical analysis A-Z = 1-26 I did some weeks before, as an idea borrowed from a blog:




This the extra computer I received in my job between June-October 2014, an IBM x5100 server (like the one needed by John Titor, the time traveller)... now can you see the numbers? boot agent? 13, 20, 21? Build 89? and above all, the 53?

I release this info as a part of the always perfect, always divine, time release program. I believe this will be useful info for some of you. I hope it so. I would like to meet you at the GS Chat room... I have a lot of questions about prophecies...

Love and tolerance above all ; )


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Comenzamos 13 días de meditación para neutralizar la contaminación del rio Doce en Brasil, aplicable al planeta entero. Comenzamos usando la onda del Águila que comienza mañana pero se puede hacer en cualquier momento y en cualquier día, y para otros fines como las ondas Haarp y los chemtrails, para la cual añadimos la meditación del arco iris circumpolar . Hemos comprobado que después de hacer dicha meditación, se le ofrece el Arco Iris desde el corazón a la atmosfera  ( a los 4 elementos) y las estelas quimicas se transforman otra vez en nubes.Al elevar nuestra energía bio-psiquica y entrar en resonancia con la Noosfera los efectos de Haarp se contrarrestan.

Aplicaremos la siguiente tecnología aquí expuesta, siendo la base que el tiempo cuatri-dimensional orienta y estructura los rayos galácticos gracias a nuestra intención enfocada en el cristal ( si no tienen cristal de cuarzo se imaginan dentro de uno). La retro-alimentación armónica siempre involucra diferentes niveles de intencionalidad inteligente. La fuerza-g tambien llamada quinta fuerza galáctica  es en si misma la imaginación o el principio femenino de creatividad universal). Entonces la fuerza-g es un radión enfocado intencionalmente. El radión es el fluido galáctico de cohesión interdimensional. Es la base de la electricidad.

7 plasma radiales

La electricidad que conocemos en la civilización es una fuerza de la segunda dimensión y es dañina para la vida tal y como la usamos.  Nosotros podemos activar cinéticamente la verdadera electricidad ( plasmas, orgon , eter, aether prana…) en beneficio del campo electromagnético de planeta tierra, ya que tenemos los charchas, y no hace falta ni saberlo, ni tampoco saber como funcionan, simplemente funcionan y punto. ( nota: para mover una mano no hace falta saber que hay un complicado sistema de huesos, ligamentos, músculos, el cerebro dando ordenes … etc…

En verdad la electricidad es radión de la fuerza-g. Adecuadamente activado, ese radión de la fuerza-g conecta la segunda dimensión de los sentidos con la “estructura” cuatri-dimensional del tiempo.


Instrucciones :

Necesitamos dibujar un gráfico de una onda encantada en blanco y algunos cristales o piedras sagradas.


Rellena, la Onda Encantada en blanco, con los portadores de años comenzando con la Luna Magnética Roja (2006-2007), a continuación, el Mago Lunar, la Tormenta Eléctrica, la Semilla Autoexistente, la Luna Entonada, Mago Rítmico, Tormenta Resonante, Semilla Galáctica, Luna Solar, Mago Planetario, Tormenta espectral, Semilla Cristal, y finalmente el año de la Luna Cósmica.

Nota: (Puesto que mañana es la onda encantada anual Águila Magnética, sentiremos 13 días fractales del año actual y podremos realizar mas operaciones).

El desastre de Brasil se produjo en el año del Mago Planetario Blanco. Pon un cristal en esta posición.

Luego pon otras cuatro piedras del cristal en la posición Magnética, Entonada, Solar y la posición Cósmica. Esto representa el púlsar del Tiempo de la cuarta dimensión. Traza la geometría entre estos cuatro puntos ( en el gráfico siguiente en amarillo). En su intersección en el centro coloca otra piedra sagrada o cristal. Esto te representa, la batería Humana con la intención de pulsar energía purificada para desactivar la contaminación y radiación procedente de todos los cuadrantes. ( Sopla con tu aliento la intención en el cristal antes de colocarlo en su posición).


Nosotros deseamos pulsar la energía al tiempo pasado de la Luna Magnética (2006-2007), antes del suceso de Brasil y antes de Fukushima. Medita profundamente en este tiempo, visualiza y siente el agua sin contaminar y la calidad del aire más pura y sin radiación.pulsares onda encantada

Haz esta visualización lo más real posible. Visualiza-te en un momento anterior de que se produjera el evento de Fukushima con el aire puro, sin radiación, con el agua del río Doce limpio… ( haz memoria siente allí).


Cada día de la Onda Encantada del Águila da forma a esta firme intención y visualización. Mantén una sesión de meditación incluso más prolongada en el día del Entonado (tono5) (que representa fractalmente al año de la Luna Entonada – Fukushima) y al día Planetario (tono 10) que es el año actual.

Continúa con este firme propósito durante 13 días. Debido a que la Luna Magnética se conecta con la Luna Entonada, la Luna Solar y la Luna Cósmica, tú en el centro estás pulsando esta energía clara desde el tiempo de la Luna Magnética y distribuyendo la purificación hacia la Luna Entonada y luego hacia la Luna Solar y Cósmica y finalmente al Mago Planetario.

La idea detrás de la tecnología púlsar es utilizar la Mente como una poderosa fuerza cósmica para viajar hacia atrás y hacia adelante en el tiempo. Al igual que algunas personas tienen curaciones espontáneas, del mismo modo lo puede hacer la Tierra. Con la mente unificada y firme intención, cualquier cosa es posible…

Espero que esto sea útil…

Actualización de la propuesta de la Reina Roja:  MEDITACIÓN POR FUKUSHIMA




más información:  


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kin 218 - tomb opening and the red serpent terma


For Aida K222



White Magnetic Wind

I unify in order to communicate

Attracting breath

I seal the input of spirit

With the magnetic tone of purpose

I am guided by my own power doubled

I am a galactic activation portal enter me


Tony Shearer K222, Messenger of the Prophecy of 9 Hells and 13 Heavens


“The synchronic order is God’s telepathic message service bringing us ever closer to the wondrous and unimaginably Magical Intelligence behind the Divine Plan of Creation.” Stephanie South




An Open letter to the Red Queen

also known as 434: Primal Eve/Mary/Red Queen - Archetype of the divinely created feminine (Shakti)




Part I: Sagrada Familia, Rosa Crux and Rennes Le Chateau


After I had posted the synchronicity  about the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, its  founding date K60 (Pacal Votan) on the sacred day of >San Jose < on Galactic Synchronization  K216 – perfection of the cube, the next day during occult watch  K217 I had a 2 hour Skype call with my brother 113.

We covered several personal subjects and 113 told me that he visited Montserrat on K224 (May 2014) at the end of his initiating journey to France and Rennes Le Chateau . I wanted to get more information about Montserrat, a Church/Monastery in the Mountains not too far from Barcelona, Spain as I feel it is connected to the Sagrada Familia – a sort of Arcturus Antares  station to it, but 113 continuously reported on his travels  to Rennes Le Chateau, which he visited on K185, your Galactic Signature.  

For 113 K224 is an initiation/activation Kin, as is for me K77. Now after the latest events in Paris we know that this is all connected to the so called Quetzalcoatl or Bible Code 224:4:22 and part of the planetary redemption program. We will report more on this subject later.

113   Prime key: Lord of the Dawn (9 Skywalker), Sura 113, Lord of the Dawn (Daybreak), creates recombinant triplet with 131 and 311, 131 – 113 = 27, 311 – 113= 198, 18 x 11, 113 + 131 +311 = 555 (1+1+3 =5)

224     32nd order of 7, crystal frequency of cosmic creation, = 8 x 28, octave of the harmonic standard, 4 x 56, measure of Start Codon, 16 x 14, vigesimal 11.4, V18 H11 fourth gate of left hand unity and coordinating unit 6th time dimension and sixth mental sphere, subliminal conscious

77      11th power of 7, magnitude of liberation by power of 7, perfect self-reflection





He also told me you visited Rennes Le Chateau on K192 – Kin No of the signing of the Banner of Peace  in 1935 – and the day Jose received the Banner of Peace Medal after the Prophets Conference. While on 192 RuBen went to visit the “Tower of the White Lady”.  For me  this was the day I synchronistically went back  to the area of the Raisting Crop Circle were a beautifull Crop Circle in the form of the Banner of Peace had appeared on Kin 1 July 2014. K192 is also the Galactic Signature of Mahatma Gandhi and fell on Indigenous Peoples day 2015. Besides this it is one of my 4 Occult Quartet’s 189, 69,72, 192.





192   64 (DNA code) x 3, triple incarnation frequency, 8 x 24, 32 x 6, 16 x 12, 24th octave


-        Signing of the Banner of Peace  04.15.1935

-        Jose recieves Roerich Peace Medal  01.30.2010

-        Stephanie visits Rennes Le Chateau 05.10.2014

-        RuBen visits Tower of the White Lady 05.10.2014

-        Jannis visits again Raisting Antennas 10.12.2015

-        Indigenous Peoples day  10.12.2015

-        Galactic Signature of Peace Ambassador Mahatma Gandhi





On K218 which will also be Day out of Time this Year, I searched for a Rinri Newsletter, where I had read about the so called Occult Quartet and the daughter of Jose, Tara Kin 203. 113 had sent me this marked Tzolkin and I remembered that Jose mentioned this Occult Quartet  once regarding his daughter Tara K203 and the tomb opening K218. I have a whole staple of printed Rinri letters and some blogs and flipped through the papers when I found your blog: Red Serpent, Magic 13, and Rennes Le Chateau. This reminded me to the talk with 113 the day before.

I saw on that day K218 that you were referring  synchronistically to K218 2 Spins prior, which is now  89 Spins (Jose Arguelles ascended on K89) since the tomb opening:

“White Planetary Mirror, Kin 218 marks 87 spins since the opening of the tomb of Pacal Votan on June 15, 1952 — the basis of the synchronic codes of time.”

Also it was posted on K219 – the day later to come in my personal  TimeSpace Cube. Kin Code of the following 13 Moon year and Kin No of a good friend of mine. Reasons enough to the read the blog carefully again.

 I encourage the readers to jump to your blog now and then continue here to get a whole picture  of what I want to express and share.



Beside the syncs mentioned above it then astonished me that it was posted 06.06.2014 K219. This is exactly 53 – number of Sirian Rebirth – Quetzalcoatl – years since the ascension of Cosmic Wizard C.G.Jung.  The 06.06. Code is somehow present in my mind  as Jung ascended on 06.06.1961 K114. (And I was born 03.03.) K114 White Planetary Wizard  is this year, Galactic Signature of John Lennon, there are 114 Suras in Quran and also K185+K189 our combined Kins sum up to K114.  Also on 06.06.2012 K9 the day of the second Venus Transit it was exactly 441 days since the ascension of Jose.

114   19 x 6, number of Suras of the Quran, vigesimal 5.14 = 19, triplet 114 – 141 – 411 = 666 (1 + 1 + 4 = 6), 141 – 114 = 27, 411-114 = 297 = 27 x 11

Then I also noticed syncs in your  sentence:  “Sacred staff of initiation. Original drawing by Valum Votan/Jose Arguelles. (Note that the midway point of this 144-day cycle: Day 72 occurred on Kin 216 (6 cubed).”

K72 is my Occult and reappears over and over again. By the way also the inner Telektonon Playing board in between the Earth-Heaven circuit  has 6x12 =72 fields.  And certainly 2x72 is 144. The day when from Distant Tulan was re-membered. The last thing I heard of 72 is that Muslims believe 72 Virgins welcome them in paradise, if they die during Jihad (holy War).

K216 became recently very important for me, and was the Sagrada Familia day. Again from the dictionary of Number:

72   8 x 9, 4 x 18 27 reverse, 72 – 27 = 45, key frequency = ½ 144, base of Katun cycle, 7200 Kin, 72nd energy dimension complements 18th evolution dimension, as 18 72 determines duration of present cycle of evolution (21/12/2012  = 1872000 kin, ninth octave

216   supreme perfection of the cube, 6³, 6 x 36, 3 x 72, 2 x 108, 8 x 27, 27th octave, completes third 441 circuit, third time lens codes tones  3, 7, 11, in traditional Kabbalah 216 letters in name of God

Then I went into the Cybersphere to see what comment I might have left 2 Spins 520 days ago to your blog Red Serpent, Magic 13.

There it was, linked to a Website a complete translated Version of THE RED SERPENT.

“Once someone dreams a dream, it can’t just drop out of existence. But if the dreamer can’t remember it, what becomes of it? It lives on in Fantasia, deep under earth. There are forgotten dreams stored in many layers. The deeper one digs, the closer they are. All Fantasia rests on a foundation of forgotten dreams.”
—Michael Ende (Kin 33), “The Neverending Story”



1. Aquarius

How strange are the manuscripts of this friend, great traveler of the unknown. They come together as white light but for one who knows separately, they are the colors of the rainbow; for the artist these six colours unite like magic in his palette and form black.

2. Pisces

This friend, how would you know him? His name is a mystery but his number is that of a famous seal. How can one describe him? Maybe like the pilot of the everlasting Ark of Noah, impassive like a pillar on his white rock looking beyond the black rock towards the south.

3. Aries

In my arduous search I was trying to hack a way with my sword through the dense vegetation of the woods. I wanted to reach the place of the ‘Sleeping beauty’ in which some poets can see the QUEEN of a lost kingdom. Desperate to find the way I was aided by the parchments of my friend, they were for me like the thread of Ariadne.


Thanks to him, from now on with a watchful eye I could make steady progress. I can find the 64 scattered stones of the perfect cube which the brothers of the beauty of the black wood had scattered when they fled from the white fort while they were being pursued by the usurpers.

5. Gemini

Reassemble the scattered stones and, working with square and compass, put them back in order; find the line of the meridian in going from East to West, then looking from South to the North and finally in all directions to find the looked-for solution. Station yourself in front of the fourteen stones making a cross. The circle is the ring and crown and the crown forms the diadem of the Queen of the Castle.

6. Cancer

The Mosaic tiles of this sacred place alternate black or white and Jesus, like ASMODEUS observes their alignments. I seem incapable of seeing the summit of the secret place of the Sleeping Beauty. Not being Hercules with magical power how do I solve the mysterious symbols engraved by the witnesses of the past. In the sanctuary however, is the font, fountain of love, of those who believe reminding us of these words BY THIS SIGN YOU WILL CONQUER.

7. Leo

I am aware of the scent of the perfume which impregnates the sepulcher of the one I must release. Long ago her name was ISIS, Queen of the benevolent springs, COME TO ME ALL YOU WHO LABOUR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Others knew her as Magdalene with the celebrated vase full of healing balm. The initiates know her to be Notre Dame des Cross.

8. Virgo

I was like the shepherds of the celebrated painter Poussin puzzled by the enigma of ET IN ARCADIA EGO. Would the voice of the blood form an image of our ancestral past. Yes, a light of inspiration floods my mind; now I understand. I know now the fabulous secret and what is more amazing is that when the four knights moved, one of the horses left four hoofprints in the rock. Here is the sign which Delacroix has given in one of the three paintings in the Chapel of Angels. There is the seventh sentence which a hand has traced: ‘DELIVER ME OUT OF THE MIRE, AND LET ME NOT SINK. Two times I.S. embalming and embalmed. Miraculous vessel of the eternal White Lady of Legends.

9. Libra

I began my journey in shadows and completed it in the light. At the window of the ruined house I look across the trees denuded by Autumn. At the summit of the mountain, the cross stood out from the crest of the midday sun. It was the fourteenth and highest of all with 35cm. Here, then, is my knight’s tower on the circuit of the divine horseman of the abyss.

10. Scorpio

There is a celestial vision for the one who recalls the four tasks of E.M. Signol around the line of the meridian; the same Choir (heart) of the sanctuary from which radiates the source of love for one another. I turn looking at the rose of P then to that of the S. Then from the S to the P until my mind is dizzy. The spiral in my mind becomes like a monstrous octopus expelling its ink, the shadows absorb the light. I put my hand to my mouth, biting my palm, maybe like Olier in his coffin. Curses, I know the truth, He has passed, in doing good as did he of the flowery tomb. But how many have pillaged the house, leaving only embalmed corpses and a number of metal things they could not carry? What strange mystery is concealed in the new Temple of Solomon, built by the children of St. Vincent?

11. Ophiuchus

Cursing the profane in their ashes and those who follow their ways; returning from the darkness while making the gesture of horror at the abyss into which I had plunged. Here is the proof that I knew the secret of the Seal of Solomon and I had visited the secret places of this Queen. Take Heed my friend, do not add or take away one iota; think and think again, the base lead of my words may contain the purest gold.

12. Sagittarius

Returning again to the white hill, the sky opens its floodgates. Close to me a presence, its feet in the water, like one who has just received the mark of baptism, I turn away again to the east, facing me I see unwinding endlessly by his coils, the enormous Red Serpent mentioned in the documents, rigid and bitter, the huge, unleashed beast at the foot of the white mountain beast becomes scarlet with anger.

13. Capricorn

My emotions are elated, deliver me out of the mire, immediately I woke up, my dream is over. I meant to tell you that it was a dream I had on this 17th January, the day of, but the nightmare persisted. On reflection, I wish I had told it to you as a fairytale by Perrault. In the pages which follow, dear reader, are the results of a dream which nursed me from the bizarre to the unknown. Let he who has the understanding use it with wisdom.


>> The complete perfection of the knowledge of the serpent is known as the Cube and the vital force of the serpent is the Kundalini energy - the energy of the serpent coiled in the root chakra, which is the primal power of the first world of Maldek. This vital force, which is completely aboriginal and totally pure passes through different stages of being and consciousness and in doing so becomes more subtle and complex. When it reaches the third eye it becomes the seventh ray wisdom which beholds the perfection of the knowledge of the Cube.  << CHC Vol. 7 CubeBook p. 33



A new level of understanding opened for me and I dived into this time tunnel  and subject only to stumble upon more amazing synchronicities:

The blog was posted: January 13, 2012   This was  K125 (K185+K11+K189) and  the day you and Votan visited the house and grave of J.G. Jung in Switzerland.

The Website  states:

“On 17th January 1967, a document was submitted to the French National Library called Le Serpent Rouge (The Red Serpent) as part of Les Dossier Secrets. Notably, it appeared there three weeks before the release of Gérard de Sède’s book The Accursed Treasure of Rennes-le-Château, that introduced the mystery to the wider French public.

Original Record of Le Serpent Rouge in the French National Library

On the document it states that is was written by Pierre Feugère, Louis Saint-Maxent and Gaston de Koker. All three were found dead, having hanged themselves, in different parts of France, on the 6 and 7 March 1967. Investigations have shown that the names were probably associated with the document by an unknown third party to mystify the source. The three men had no realtions with each other and no interest in esoteric or historical affairs.

It is often thought that the Red Serpent is an original document with real roots to the mystery. Many French researchers claim it’s an authentic document and some claim the author to be Jean Jourdes, a relatively unknown figure, featuring in the research of Franck Daffos. Jourdes is presented as the mastermind of the whole mystery by Daffos.

Whatever its source, The Red Serpent is an intriguing document. The main part is a poem in 13 verses with many links to the mystery.”


17th January 1967 = Kin 84, K189 + K84 = K13

6th  and 7th  March 1967 = Kin 132 and K133

This struck me like a lightning!  K132 is my Long Count signature, a sign on PV tomb and K133 would be my Long Count   if you rearrange the Long Count start to the Julian day number 584282 and 10th of August 3113 B.C. My last three blogs were spinning also around this subject, the 27 Starseed Doc contains K132 and K133, the Sagrada Familia is now 133 years under construction  and as 113 pointed out K133 is linked to the “Retrieval of the divine plan” as VV emerged from the 28 day  time tunnel  to retrieve the 20 Tablets of the law of time on K133. This is also the subject of the Rinri letter I was searching for. And also to mention that my mother`s  27th (Heart of Nine) birthday was on March 7th 1967.

133   19 x 7, 19th order of 7, mystic mid-point in 19 = 260 code, vigesimal 6.13 = 19. Kin 133 = 3 Skywalker, seal 13, tone 3, = 3.13 Genesis code, supreme sign of the resurrection

This was not only weird but spooky. How am I linked to this story in the now and back in time?  Thoughts were spinning in my mind and curiosity arose.  But do I want to know this? What is my true Intention? I don´t want to force any answer with my 3D mind. Galactic Source Hu Nab Ku can answer me any question in a dream or vision at the right time. But did I ask for such true answer yet?  No I didn`t! How are we all linked to this place RLC  and how do our personal  stories cross and merge at certain points?

The story in the Here&Now is obviously a learning of the Synchronic Order. You and 113 were on “pilgrimage” 520 days 2 Spins ago to Rennes Le Chateau, and I was thrown into this story without warning a few days ago on K218. I don´t even had to visit the place that this  Terma was unlocked. Only through the Codes of the Law of Time you can crack the sealed message and reach new levels of understanding. 520 is 52 x 10, 52 power of Sirius x 10 Manifestation.


Maldekian Memory Fragments of the  lost 5th Planet (Nowadays the Asteroid Belt) Bone shaped Meteorite 216 Cleopatra, detected on K132 (10th Apr. 1880) by astronomer Johann Palisa  K132.

216   supreme perfection of the cube, 6³, 6 x 36, 3 x 72, 2 x 108, 8 x 27, 27th octave, completes third 441 circuit, third time lens codes tones  3, 7, 11, in traditional Kabbalah 216 letters in name of God


ART collage by 113                


I dived into the Biography of K53, Berenger Sauniere which I had not done 2 Spins ago and was then amazed again  to read that he started his Job in RLC on June 1st 1885 K189.

The mystery of RLC revolves around this man who   was the parish priest of the little Village in France  and allegedly found a hidden treasure.  He renovated the church dedicated to Mary Magdalene, built the Villa Bethania to live inside and spent immense amounts of money on precious books and other items.

But as you wrote already appropriate:

….the key theme is that of hidden treasure or terma. In other words the treasure is not external but rather hidden in the mind field.


Blog posted: January 20th 2009 Kin 77

“It was there that he got a reputation for being a headstrong insolent man. On June 1st 1885 it resulted in him being assigned to the tiny and utterly unimportant parish of Rennes-le-Château, a community of not more than 300 souls. He was to succeed Abbé Croc, who had died after just a year of service. In his journal the new priest wrote: ‘La croix du milieu existe, mais il n’y a pas d’allées’. He was 33 years old and effectively exiled.

-        Blog posted K77 activation/initiation  Kin 189

-        June 1st 1885 Kin 189

-        300 Bode No of Neptune, cumulative oceanic memory of V24.3

-        33 No of Initiation


Further  research on the subject regarding K53 – Quetzalcoatl Code - revealed that this 17th January of the Red SERPENT dream could have likely been 17th January 1917. On this day K53 had a heart attack and was found lying on his Belvedere just outside the Tower of Magdalen, he then ascended 5 days later on K39.  This 17th Jan.  1917 was K34 White Galactic Wizard – starting Kin of the Dreamspell count also. While the day of  Saint Sulpice traces back to the 17th January 647 which was K64.


Thanks to him, from now on with a watchful eye I could make steady progress. I can find the 64 scattered stones of the perfect cube which the brothers of the beauty of the black wood had scattered when they fled from the white fort while they were being persued by the usurpers.


13. Capricorn

My emotions are elated, deliver me out of the mire, immediately I woke up, my dream is over. I meant to tell you that it was a dream I had on this 17th January, the day of Saint Sulpice, but the nightmare persisted. On reflection, I wish I had told it to you as a fairytale by Perrault. In the pages which follow, dear reader, are the results of a dream which nursed me from the bizarre to the unknown. Let he who has the understanding use it with wisdom.




“Sulpicius, also called Sulpice and Pius, was the son of wealthy parents, who devoted himself even from his youth to all kinds of good works, and especially to care for the poor. When he became Bishop of Bourges in 624, he fought for the rights of his people against King Dagobert's minister, Lullo. He was known for his austerities and holiness, and is reported to have converted all the inhabitants of Bourges to Christianity with his holiness and charity. He resigned his Bishopric late in life to devote himself to the poor. The famous St. Sulpice Seminary in Paris is named after him. His feast day is January 17.“


17th January 647

Kin 64

Ascension of Saint Sulpice

Is 1320 solar spins to

17th January 1917

Kin 34

Heart attack/maybe dream K53

Note also that K53 Berenger Sauniere  ascended 64 years old.

But this is not all, as 113 had already pointed out does K53 his life dates and important markers synchronize the following way with the detection of the Mask of the RED QUEEN:


11th of April 2013  K58    - you posted blog  Christ, Pacal Votan & Solar Resurrection of Noosphere 

11th of April 1994  K112  -  first findings  at  Temple 13 in Palenque Mexico

11th of April 1852   K53  -  birth of Berenger Sauniere


1st of June 1994  K198  - detection of the Mask of the Red Queen

1st of June 1885  K189  - Berenger Sauniere starts his Job in Rennes Le Chateau



 “After his death, Saunière lay in state for a day in a room on the ground floor of the Villa Bethania. He had been put in a big chair covered in a purple table cloth with red pumpkins hanging from it. The cloth had been put there to cover the priest’s night dress. He was kept company by pretty much the whole village for the entire night as was the custom at the time. Every woman in the village cut one of the pumpkins and took it home out of respect for the deceased.

It’s ironic Saunière called one of his two dogs Pomponnet (little pumpkin). He called the other one Faust…”

Faust is the main character of the most important German Lyric called Faust by Goethe. And in the evening of K216 I posted  three pics with me and my daughter Lara K186 smiling in front of pumpkins to 113. Reading then about pumpkins in this context felt  again like a Halloween joke.


K189 with his daughter Lara K186 and Yummy pumpkins

The next day K219 and exactly 2 Spins , 1 Psi Plate or 520 days since your blog Red Serpent, Magic 13 a  little Message arrived together with a picture of you  from  Mt.  Shasta.  In the moment I read it, no joke,  a smiling Rainbow appeared in the sky for confirmation.



You know the night to  K219 2 Spins ago my brother 113 slept in a house right beside the Tower of Magdalen and was told in a dream that  the reason he came to RLC was to be found in his coat of arms. His family name Llinas and the crown with 3 SPHERES is depicted in it. The Llinas name/blood line originates from a place close to Barcelona/Montserrat. And then a coat of arms picture was hanging right there  in a house in RLC confirming the protectorate mission of the Banner of Peace lineage.




Part II: From Distant Tollan and the Blue Galactic Night

On K221  113 came then with a major Tsunami sync  he  experienced . This was exactly 520 days from when he had left RLC, heading direction Montserrat. His good friend Juanita K53 approached him with questions about From Distant Tulan, as she became K203 on that  birthday which was also the first day she visited Palenque and took this picture where a Rainbow light comes out of  Pacal’s Temple of Inscriptions.


113 was asked to read from Distant Tulan to K53 Juanita,  the translated Version  by Votan was also finished  K203. K203 appeared several times in our sharing’s before and is also the birth Kin of Jose`s daughter  Tara. Mystic Quartet 43, 203, 58, 218 and  reminder 203 is the time tunnel  entrance  for this whole story, as I was searching for 203 and the Tara Rinri letter.

203   7 x 29, 29th order of 7, cosmic constant of cosmic creation, Vigesimal 10.3

113 wrote:

“The question was: So was the first Tulan the current City of Tula de Allende? And I told her yes! That the reason I started my 2012 pilgrimage at Tula de Allende was in Book of the Cube Page xii "A word from the Captain of the Timeship"...

 So he went for the book to show her the page and when he opened the book the 1st paragraph hit him like a Tsunami...

“Through death this book was born. This introduction begins in a dream: Full Moon, Blue Galactic Night (203): 114 days since the departure of VV."

 He then recites from your Book of the Cube CHC Vol 7:

 "From the starry Heaven and the movement of Vision I came to the Earth to enter the Temple I would remember as Tollan"

Also he  asked me to listen carefully to the Cube Book Introduction again and to  pay attention your  dream about the Cube and the 2 Tombs ...... Discovered 42 years apart... 1952~1994 (42=113+189)

 I told 113:

“ Look I searched for the Rinri Newsletter about Tara K203 and the Mystic Quartet on Kin 218 – day of the tomb opening of Pacal Votan 89 Spins ago -  as you were sending me the Tzolkin marked with my Mystic Quartet and found the printed Red Serpent , 13 Magic and Rennes Le Chateau by RQ blog instead .... Major Syncs hit/ flashed me on 218/219 This search was the start of the whole RLC mystery for me as I found the blog of RQ but not the RINRI letter on that day.”


TTTO Time Tunnel Tomb Opening  RINRI Vol I.2.1 by the Planetary Healing Doctor:


“Today, Red Electric Skywalker, Kin 133,  Self-Existing Moon 6, is exactly one spin since I emerged from the 28-day Time Tunnel, "Retrieving the Divine Plan" (20 Tablets Instruction Manual, p. 13)


Now back in the desert with its magical plants and colorful textures, it began to dawn on us we were no longer in motion. The Quetzalcoatl Project was finished. Like a reward from on High, toward the middle of the Electric Moon, most spontaneously and with little notice, my 24-year old daughter, Tara, came back to live with me. It was exactly ten years earlier, when as a girl of fourteen, she had come to live with me for the first time, but death truncated that opportunity. With Josh's death, I knew that Tara had to return to her mother in Halifax, Canada. Now here she was ten years later and the experience of living with my daughter that had been previously denied to me was now given to me as a gift for ten years of service to prophetic messengership. What did this augur? "The human family is the sacred order of relationship that constitutes the Universal Religion on Earth." (Instruction Manual, p.107) By her galactic signature, Tara is Blue Galactic Night, Kin 203. I had long been acutely aware of the fact that her occult quartet includes: Kin 43, Blue Self-Existing Night (Charles Henry, Day-out-of -Time, 1997); White Rhythmic Mirror, Kin 58, (first of the thirteen clear signs on the Tomb, and the signatureof Pacal Votan's disincarnation); and White Planetary Mirror, Kin 218, (the signature of the opening of Pacal Votan's tomb, Crystal17, June 15, 1952). The return of Tara precisely at the conclusion of the Quetzalcoatl Project was a signal of a major life-change. Quite magically, Tara came back in the middle of the Electric Moon, whose four prophecy towers are governed precisely by her occult quartet! (Kin 43, Electric Moon Day1; Kin 58, Electric Moon Day 6; Electric Moon Day 23, Kin 203; Electric Moon Day 28, Kin 218). Enfolded in her holon is the death and resurrection of Pacal Votan, as well as the mystic emblem of the night-seer whose death preceded my birth by almost thirteen years. Incidentally, the mystic date of Charles Henry's disincarnation occurs on Self-Existing 17, which this year is Kin 144, Yellow Magnetic Seed, and is always the vinal date, "Where with great wisdom a seed is sown."


The opening of the tomb of Pacal Votan.

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

The 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing with The lunar Eagle (K15) lander on K218,  07.20.1969 and the first Step on the Moon K219,  07.21.1969.



-        Opening of tomb of Pacal Votan 06.15.1952

-        24 Spins

-        Apollo 11 Moon Landing 07.20.1969 (Broadcasted over Europe via Raisting Antennas)

-        87 Spins

-        185 writes blog Red Serpent, Magic 13 & Rennes Les Chateau, deposit of Terma, stage two.

-        89 Spins

-        189 Finds blog Red Serpent, Magic 13 & RLC and reads Doc Rosa Crux, activation of Red Serpent Terma.

-        90 Spins (89+1 = 90x260=23400 ::: K234 Code CG Jung ::: + 18 Leap Days)

-       Day Out of Time 2016  =  216 Perfection of the new Serpent Cube



Kin 221 Grocery shopping bill 13,13.  Vielen Dank. 

Thank You !!!













Part III: Second Mystic Moon, The Red Book and the Golden Crown



C.G.Jung  07.26.1875 K234 to  06.06.1961 Kin 114 (185+189)


Codon 40, Heart’s Release, “Cosmic Order Returns to Heart of Earth”
Blue Western Quarter, Yellow Southern Star Quadrant (Weeks 27-39)

  • Second Mystic Moon of the Galactic Night , Permutations 3-6, Codon 40, Heart’s Release = Blue Galactic Night, Chronograph Kin 203, paired with:
  • Second Lost Generation Moon of the Blue Cosmic Eagle Moon, Chronograph Kin 195


On the first day of the 2nd Mystic Moon K255 which was Coded by K203 Feb. 7th 2013 I noticed  that C.G. Jung had written a so called RED BOOK. He started working  on this book  12.12.1913 which was K203.

12:12 is also a Code related to  Mary Magdalene, some believe that she was  the beloved spiritual partner of Jesus and  12.12. is the annual feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe (Queen of Mexico) who`s Basilica in Mexico City is the most visited catholic pilgrimage site in the world.  


Jung  himself called the RED BOOK precious as he din`t know how to deal with the overwhelming power of Vision but writing/drawing them on paper. The RED BOOK was published in German Patmos Verlag on K77 10.07.2009. I stepped without knowing on the holy Island of Patmos Greece  on 08.18.2007 which was  K77. This island is also the place where St. John (tomb sign) received the Vision of the Dark Book of Prophecies. (Revelation Chapt. 10 is about a Rainbow Angel who stops Time and Chapt. 12 is about the Red Serpent)  I was re-activated  magically to the Mayan Thing/ Law of Time after a nine year lasting break on 03.11.2011 K77, day of the Japan/Fukushima/Earth/Timequake.



Four days after the first day of the Second Mystic Moon German Pope Ratzinger K133 stepped down from his throne on K259, 8 days later I started reading into the mysterious  and unpublished  19=260 Document, where Jose decoded the complete Quran  and  the Matrix Midpoint is K133. On the exact same day  a 20 Meter big Meteor, weighing more than the Eiffel tower crashed into the Russian sky leaving a huge Sonic Boom  K3 Chord – Blue Electric Night (02.15.2013)  13 days later the RED BOOK arrived on K8 and 14 days later it was already Kin 9. I recorded this all into a little notebook which I used for a while, this was synchronistically also the one you used, as it was mentioned in another blog. Notes were recorded with RED PEN (obviously no other was around), this was before I connected with 113 and heard that he always uses RED PEN.





Back then in Febr. 2013 I opened the Red BOOK and was astonished/flashed  to see this:

The part with extraordinary Jung  drawings , the so called LIBER SECUNDUS  ends suddenly on page 189. On the next two pages Jung describes hand written  why he finished the work on this book after 16 (Cube) years: It was because of a major synchronicity with his friend Richard Wilhelm K207.  At this point the content of the RED BOOK found its way into reality.







Richard Wilhelm Mai 10th 1873 K207 to March 2nd 1930 K143  a German sinologist, theologian, missionary who lived in China for 25 years, became fluent in spoken and written Chinese, and grew to love and admire the Chinese people. He is best remembered for his translations of philosophical works from Chinese into German that in turn have been translated into other major languages of the world, including English. For decades he  studied and finally translated the I-Ching with its 64 Hexagrams and Oracle poems . His translation of the I-Ching is still regarded as one of the finest, as is his translation of The Secret of the Golden Flower.

> I can find the 64 scattered stones of the perfect cube <


Jung realized the content – the essence - of the book The Secret of the Golden Flower ,  being his picture on page 163 of the RED BOOK – a fort/castle/mandala seen from above.   This Tsunami -Synchronicity hit him so much that he finally stopped working on the RED BOOK. A major life change was in progress.



One part of the RED BOOK is called LIBER PRIMUS  which continues  at this point beyond page 189. It is kind of the text which then flowed into pictures and calligraphically verses - the as mentioned above LIBER SCUNDUS.

 It is a vast mystical conversation that Jung has with his Serpent  and other Characters regarding life, death, the female, love and himself. At this - 189 page - Jung feels like hanging in between the worlds,  between Heaven and Earth for three days. It is a picture like Oding hanging in the tree for 9 nights. You find this  also in Tarot Card 12 The Hanged Man. 12 the power of Stasis. Good to build New Jerusalem on 12x12=144 stones, but not good for the flow of time and biological life 13x13=169. At the end of the 189 page Jung asks  the Serpent to report  - either from Heaven or from Hell.  The Serpent feels going up, transforms into a white little Bird and flies into the cloudy sky to contact  the Otherworldly. First  the white bird senses Hell is closer to Earth than Heaven. (I think so too)  Inside the vast immeasurable heavenly Halls  it finds then an abandoned  Crown lying on the street.  A golden  Crown inscribed with the words “Love is never ending”.

This phrase is taken from Corinthian 13.

>The circle is the ring and crown and the crown forms the diadem of the Queen of the Castle<




From your blog: Red Queen – Serpent, Cross, Cube and Planetary Resurrection:


“ I was then  led to Salvador Dali (5 Night)’s work Corpus Hypercubus, where he depicts Christ on the cross, only the cross is a fourth-dimensional hypercube, also known as tesseract.

Tesser means four and antis means ray. (Coined by Charles Howard Hinton, 1888). The tesseract can be unfolded into eight cubes with 260 +1 distinct nets.

Dali wanted to display Christ on a levitating cube (exploding into the fourth dimension). The work also displays his wife Gala in the role of Mary Magdalene, showing her standing on a cubic chessboard. Dali said that she represented the “perfect union of the development of the hypercubic octahedron on the human level of the cube.”


>Station yourself in front of the fourteen stones making a cross.<




Divine Feminine, Mary  with Crown and Serpent under her feet, Crown with 3 Spheres and the Queen of Mexico with a white bird above her Crown.



The Ouroborus bite its tail again.




Corinthians 13

1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part,

10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.



Overtone Peacock Moon Day 9

Year of the White Planetary Wizard K114

Cube 3: Abun-Dance



White Cosmic Wizard
Green Central Castle of Enchantment

I endure in order to enchant
Transcending receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of endlessness




By 189


supported by 113

in service for 185

surveilled by 11






Related links:

Sagrada Familia

Indigenous Peoples Day

The Red Serpent

More 17th of Jan. Syncs

Berenger Sauniere K53

All images of the Red Book by C.G. Jung

Book of the Cube Vol 7 intro

Rinri Newsletter with Tara K203

Red Serpent, Magic 13 & Rennes Le Chateau, by Red Queen

Serpent, Cross cube and Planetary Resurrection by Red Queen

Jose Arguelles recieves the Roerich Peace Medal

The Seven Mystic Moons

The Russian Chelyabinsk Meteor on Kin 3

and here:

Dictionary of Number



Read more…





































Read more…

world's first 13:20 city council measure!

Ceglie Messapica City Council measure.pdf

The Town Council of Ceglie Messapica in southern Italy passed a measure adopting the proposal by the Peace Garden-Italy (Fiorella-Red Lunar Skywalker and Greg-Yellow Resonant Sun) to take steps to become the first example of a 13:20 community, to follow the guidelines of the Roerich Peace Pact and to promote the Banner of Peace. As far as we're aware, this is the first official institutional adoption of its kind in the world. The first step has been taken and there's no going back!

Read more…

The Vision Council

A program Article for the Vision Council
Self-existing Field, days 15 to 21 (4th Moon), Planetary Wizard year
(1-7 November, 2015).

Russia, Sebastopol.

The Vision Council is an group assembly or organ devoted for the of functional cooperation and coordination of Planetary Art Network and Galactic Synchronization School.

Therefore there are two main operating wings with the corresponding spectrums of subjects ant themes.

1)Methodological wing. The aim of the one is to formulate methods and techniques of passing the Teaching, applied in the educational programs on different levels, both in the frames of PAN, and GSS; meaning, that the Galactic Synchronization School formation and development occurred as a direct result of PAN work, and as establishment of the next stage of unfoldment of the Teaching of the Law of Time.

In its work the Methodological wing is codependent and relies on the second wing – Semantic.

2)Wing of the Teaching the Law of Time or Semantic. Work of this direction lies in comprehension and formulation of meanings and purposes of the unfolding levels, or layers, of the Teaching of the Law of Time.

Vision Council is hold in the form combining:

  1. Conference (thematic reports, questions, discussions, conclusions etc.)
  2. Cathedral or Platform (by working directions) seminars, reports, lectures within subgroups.
  3. Expeditionary-mysterial work.

Vision Council is formed by initiative representatives of PAN Nodes, as well as coordinators and participants of GSS.

The main themes and subthemes of the meeting of Vision Council come – what is natural – from its function as an organ or assembly of cooperation of the two interconnected structures – PAN and GSS.

Here are the main themes to cover at the Vision Council.

1)Functioning of PAN and GSS

  • PAN and GSS purposes and functions.
  • PAN and GSS: principles of functioning and mutual coordination of their work as stages of a single structure of the unfoldment of the body the Law of Time Teaching.
  • Establishing the principles of forming of the single methodology for coordination PAN and GSS work.
  • PAN work alignment in a New Cycle. Features of the work and methodological approach in carring out of educational programs by PAN Nodes.
  • Principles of GSS work.
  • Stratification of GSS and formation of 3 levels of courses:
  1. General preparatory;
  2. Basic;
  3. Leading or Advanced.
  • Principles of training for the group facilitators, assistants and curators for each of the three courses.
  • Stages and principles of forming GSS bioregional branches.
  • Perspectives and principles of carrying out of bioregional GSS programs (1 and 2 courses – general preparatory and basic).
  • Principles of carrying out of Assemblies of Planet Art Network and Conferences of Galactic Synchronization School.

2)The Teaching of the Law of Time.

  • Sevenfold body of unfoldment of the Teaching of the Law of Time through the energies and qualities of the Seven Rays.
  • Place and function of the Law of Time Teaching in permanent process of ontogenesis of the world teachings.
  • Structure of the body of manifestation of the Teaching of the Law of Time.
  • Aspects and levels of the Law of Time Teaching (broad spectrum of topics).
  • Place and responsibility of a Subject (Individual, Group) inside the body of the Teaching.
  • Evolution of individual perception of the Teaching: speculative (outer) – objectively-scientific (mental) – inner (spiritual).
  • Principles of spiritual apprenticeship and the Path in Teaching of the Law of Time.
  • Methods of individual and group work in the cycle of sequence of 13 situational fields of year as an unfoldment of 13 Tones of Creation.
  • Objective and subjective aspects of the form of the Law of Time Teaching liable to natural process of transformation in a New Cycle.

For writing and performing a report (survey, review), you may choose one or several from the suggested themes, or to offer another theme, consideration of which is expedient for the general work.

After choosing a theme (or themes), please, inform the coordinators of the Vision Council by the address and present the name and detailed plan of your report.

PAN Nodes and their representatives, members of Galactic Synchronization School, as well as individuals and groups studding and working with the Law of Time teaching in the key of synthesis and universalism, are called for cooperation.

Your work in the Vision Council can be both as a participant and co moderator – in case you have prepared a report on a subject or subjects.

Read more…


KIN 167


I dissolve in order to know
releasing Healing
I seal the store of Accomplishment
with the spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled

9676507869?profile=original"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the Earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." Leonardo da Vinci


Here we are… We finally entered the most powerful and decisive Gateway of 2015: The Solar Eclipse ~ Equinox ~ 4th “Blood Moon” Eclipse (last of the 2014-15 tetrad) and since the publication of our last reportPlanet Venus/Mother of the World/Quetzalcoatl went DIRECT, and time seems to keep accelerating as many events and signs that can be considered prophetic in nature have been intensifying and manifesting throughout the planetary life. If we just recapitulate the last few days, we can get the picture of what is transpiring:

9.10.2015 (NS1.28.2.19) KIN 160 4Sun (Galactic Signature of Christ):
Eve of the 14th Anniversary of 9.11: Amazing rainbow over NYC falling almost on top of the new One World Tower.
Typhoon Etau hits Japan generating severe floods and ocean contamination via Fukushima nuclear waste.

9.11.2015 (NS1.28.2.20) KIN 161 5Dragon:

Crane collapse kills at least 107 in Mecca Grand Mosque.

Worth noting here that it was EXACTLY 3 Galactic Spins ago, on KIN 160 (July 22, 2013 ~ Noosphere Day) that we posted an extensive report on the relevance of the Kabbah as Earth’s anchor point for the energies of the “Cosmic Harmonic Convergence” (more on this later…)


9.12.2015 (NS1.28.2.21) KIN 162 6Wind:

Wild fires exploded across California scorching large areas of the Golden State.

9.13.2015 (NS1.28.2.22) KIN 163 7Night:
Violence erupts at Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the celebrations of the Jewish New Year. Japan's biggest active volcano erupts

9.16.2015 (NS1.28.2.25) KIN 166 10WorldBridger:
Powerful 8.3 Earthquake strikes the coast of Chile, triggering Tsunami alerts throughout the Pacific and ongoing aftershocks.

If on top of these news we add the ongoing escalation of the refugee crisis, the rumors of wars in Syria, the rise of artificial intelligence technologies and the dangers posed by CERN Large Hadron Collider running at record speed, seems evident that Humanity is transiting a very sensitive, decisive and volatile window. Eyona Cvitan from "Evolutionary Earth Ascending" summarized with great skill the magnitude of this passage on a recent post:

“There is no hiding now. This is what you asked for. This is what we have all been waiting for and it will be intense, it will move you along in one way or another and your willingness to enter into a conscious dance with these new energies will make it an easier and more fruitful passage. […] we must remember that we are transforming the planet through raising our vibration and staying connected to a vision of wholeness and beauty. Dwelling on all the terrible things that are going on in the world only holds that reality in place... it counteracts your efforts to raise your vibration…”


Probably one of the most publicized dark prophecies involving the 4 Blood Moon eclipses of 2014~15 is related to the Shemitah Timeline:

In Jewish tradition every 7 years is celebrated what is called a Shemitah Year. The year following the culmination of 7 cycles of 7 years is considered holly. According to the Torah, personal debts were to be waived and a sort of financial reset occurred in ancient Israel after the 7th Shemitah. Time was set aside for the nation to rest and devote themselves to worshipping and fellowshipping with God. Disobedience to the Shemitah law brought God’s judgment! (Exodus 23; 10-11, 2 Chronicles 36:20-23)

Since the last solar eclipse from 9.13.2015 occurred on the first day of the Year of Jubilee and signaled the period of 10 days before Yom Kippur/Judgment Day/Day of AtONEment, day the meeting of the Pope with Obama, this date has become a focal point of special esoteric interest and it is raising a great deal of attention considering several facts:

  • The year of Jubilee starts right at the end of the Day of AtONEment.

  • This is the first year of Jubilee since the reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli control after the Six-Day War of 1965, and the first time Jews (read "zionist khazarian mafia" not traditional Jews) gained control over Jerusalem since the destruction of the Second Holy Temple by the Romans in 70 AD.
  • Most recently both the years 1916 and 1965 were the 7th Shemitah years, preceding the year of Jubilee. In the 1916/17 Shemitah year, followed by the 1917/18 Jubilee year, Jerusalem was liberated from the Ottoman Empire (December 11, 1917). Similarly, during the 1965/66 Shemitah year, followed by the 1966/67 Jubilee year, Jerusalem was liberated from Arab control (June 7, 1967).
  • "Bestselling author of The Harbinger and the new book, the Mystery of the Shemitah, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has uncovered a startling connection between the Shemitah and the financial markets  in the US. Rabbi Cahn’s investigation reveals that since 1973, every US financial collapse combined with subsequent recession has occurred during the Shemitah 100% of the time! That includes the financial collapses of 2001 and 2008, the worst in US history." (

  • French Foreign Minister and US  Secretary of State John Kerry mysteriously announced on may 13, 2014 that "the world has 500 days before there will be climate chaos". The 500th from the day of the announcement falls on Sept 23, 2015 Yom Kippur, Day of AtONEment, 2015.

  • 9.23.2015 corresponds to the Eid-al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) in Islamic tradition, a day to commemorate the willingness of Abraham to follow Allah's (God's) command to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Muslims around the world observe this event.

  • The date September 23 has been subliminally advertised and programmed in the collective unconscious in countless occasions by Holly-wood. There are plenty of videos circulating on Youtube where you can find enough evidence to convince even the most skeptical.


““Prophecy is Natural Law and when we are studying the Law of Time we are studying comprehensive science. Comprehensive science unifies what we usually think of as science. We must remember, science actually is an endeavor to discover the truth. Genetically modified food is a deviation from true science and has something to do with the need for prophecy. We say that prophecy is Natural Law, and that prophecy has to do with correcting the genetic order in time. […] Prophecy is Natural Law which corrects for the deviant understandings of death, and its purpose is to continuously bring us to new levels of order which correct for the defects that have arisen."

~ José Argüelles, Ph.D. Valum Votan ~ 28 Meditations of the Law of Time

Man made or not, scripted or not, this crisis is inviting all of us to reflect on our role as “active observers” and our power to infuse the 3D reality hologram with a “vision of wholeness and beauty” that can transmute all the chaotic forces at play and revert/neutralize the apocalyptic scenarios. How? The Synchronic Order provides us with the "antidote for doom" in the form of a new comprehensive science of time with powerful telepathic tools, that enable us to perceive the harmony behind the apparent chaos and reshape reality through the power of our higher awareness, pure intent and creative imagination.


As the already in-famous date of September 23, 2015 (Jewish "Day of AtONEment" / "Judgment Day") approaches and we see all the ingredients and actors of biblical prophecy coming together for the historic visit of Jorge Bergoglio (AKA “Pope Francis”) to the US, his meeting with Barack Obama and his address to the nations of the world at the UN, it seems necessary to revisit some POSITIVE aspects of Prophecy that are relevant to contemplate now considering the current set of events unfolding...


"Did you know that the Gregorian calendar repeats its program precisely every 28 years? In any 28 year slice, there will always be exactly seven leap days/years. That means there are large 28 year Gregorian recordings that are playing beneath the surface of events. A significant determining point will be a good place to begin to look at these 28 year cycles and see how they are programming us. What is a significant determining point? How about the atomic bomb in 1945? Didn’t that change everything? It most certainly did. Or how about the 9-11 in 2001? So let’s count in 28 year cycles after 1945 and see what happens. First 28 years, 1973 - now here’s something: April 4, 1973, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were dedicated. 28 years later? 2001. 9-11. No more Twin Towers. Twin events like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two 28 year cycles earlier. How about 28 years before 1945? 1917. America enters World War I. 1945, America ends World War II. Are we, after the 9-11, starting World War III? 28 years before 1917, 1889. Hmm. The Eiffel Tower, world’s tallest structure in its time, three 28 year cycles before the Twin Towers. Do you see how the calendar repeats its programs? Do you really want another 28 years of this program? Maybe we do need a fundamental change. Maybe stopping time to change the calendar could be a great opportunity after all. To start over again in a time of peace. The choice is yours."

~ José Argüelles, Ph.D. Valum Votan ~ Stopping Time and Getting on With the Second Creation

It is also important to emphasize now that these series of articles only pretend to bring clarity over a subject that has been enshrouded in a veil of fear, distortions and misconceptions generally related to this “End of the World / Armageddon / Doom & Gloom” scenarios and expose the TRUTH behind these mind control programs. During the years preceding December 21st, 2012, Mayan prophecy was unfortunately associated with this kind of energy, and as we can appreciate, this record/program is still playing out through the collective unconscious.

There are already enough books, articles, documentaries and videos with wild theories and misinterpretations of prophecy already circulating all over the cybersphere, so there is no need to add here more wood to the fire.
So, let's review NOW then some POSITIVE aspects of Prophecy related to current world events:

  • This year marks the exact midpoint of the 9-11 armageddon timeline triggered into full motion with the attack of the Twin Towers of 2001.Since the Shemitah cycle is entangled with the corrupted 28-year artificial timeline program of the gregorian calendar and we are on the New Sirian Cycle 28 this is the precise moment in time to disable it. According to the Law of Time, 28 is the "Harmonic Measure of Galactic Order". This is the 28th year since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 that signaled the end of the Prophecy of Quetzalcoatl of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells and the inception of a new harmonic standard of time on the planet, that thanks to those human beings who adopted it, reverted the  genetic damage over Human Consciousness induced by the artificial time program.

  • "There are precisely 5,125 days between September 11, 2001 and September 23, 2015 (Equinox). This is a fractal of the 5,125-year Great Cycle of history (3113 - 2012 AD). These dates are coded respectively by 4Monkey and 4Skywalker. (Note that 911 reversed is 119, the area code of Iraq)". ( This is then a full-blown fractal time opportunity to revert the  Babylon artificial timeline imposed on humanity since the beginning of history.  This program "officially expired" on December 21st, 2012.

  • In Buddhist tradition 49 days (7x7) corresponds to the Bardo Cycle and in Christian/Jewish tradition the Celebration of PenteCost refers to Divine Descent of Holly Spirit on the 50th day (49+1) after Jesus Resurrection, hence after crossing the Bardo... From this perspective we are crossing the last days of the Bardo, before the Planetary Resurrection.

My role as an individual who has been studying the subject of Prophecy for the past 7 years and documenting it here since 2013, is simply to pacify and re-balance those negative thought-forms in the best way I can, by presenting a new perspective on the subject and bringing a new light upon it. This perspective is based on my own experience and interpretation of the Law of Time and the incredible body of Knowledge left by Dr. Jose Arguelles/ Valum Votan: a man who dedicated his life to bring an entire new science of Time to the planet and whose existence was in itself a living prophecy unfolding… In order to to this, we need to re-member the past so we can establish a connection with the present moment, and envision a positive future. Therefore I will be bringing back to memory some excerpts of previous posts related to this Blood Moon Cycle. For those new here, we will do our best to summarize and recapitulate below some basic elements of this cosmic narrative, but we recommend to refer to all SIX prior reports on this subject to fully grasp the depth of what is transpiring:

Blood Moons & Planetary Redemption: A Galactic Master Peace of ART




"All prophecy has to do with time, and so the "Judgement Day" prophecy is the prophecy that has to do with the deviation of the humans from natural time. The point of Judgement Day — which the Maya knew about because they counted Baktuns by 144,000 days — was precisely the point when they knew the Law of Time would emerge. The Law of Time has one practical application: the Thirteen Moon Calendar. So there is much more to a calendar than you might have thought.” ~ José Argüelles, Ph.D. Valum Votan ~ 28 Meditations of the Law of Time

In order to fully comprehend the current powerful window we are transiting, it is important to first examine the entire path/route we have covered since the First Blood Moon Eclipse of the 2014-2015 Tetrad... Doing this will give us a wider context to follow the "signposts" along the path to find our way back to the Stars/Future Selves. It is also important to remember that eclipses come in pairs (Solar (+) / Lunar (-)) and act as gateways for (Male (+) / Female (-) ~ Electric (+) / Magnetic (-)) energies to re-adjust. See it as transiting a "Time Tunnel/Vortex" where navigating conditions get turbulent, because of the enormous amount of influx/out-flux energies... 

The current eclipse window is probably the most intense we have experienced (already palpable in the current state of affairs and geopolitical events at the planetary level) and is particularly rare, as the closing event is a harvest moon lunar eclipse taking place also on the day of the closest supermoon of 2015.


Based on Nostradamus Quatrain writing style we already established on prior posts the intrinsic connection between Prophecy and Verse, Poetry, Rhyme (Rhythm), and conferred to IT the "status" of a "form of ART". The word "Quatrain" also originates from the inherent harmonic value of the number 4. In Galactic Time Cosmology number FOUR represents "FORM" as the primary organizational time construct present in All Nature:

4 Seasons in a Year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
4 Phases of the Moon (New, Waxing, Full, Waning)
4 Daily Watches in a Day (Midnight to Sunrise, Sunrise to Mid-day, Mid-Day to Sunset, Sunset).
4 Primary color frequencies and their qualities:
Red (initiates) ~ White (refines) ~ Blue (transforms) ~ Yellow (ripens).


Quatrain = Prophecy = 4 = Time= Harmony = Verse = Poetry = Art

T(E)=ART = "Time is Art"



When we entered this 4-Blood Moon Time Tunnel last April 15th, 2014 KIN 167 11 Hand we were able to establish this day as a KEY TimePortal Marker based on its revelatory fractal qualities. These revelations lead us to Leonardo DaVinci and a beautiful "time pattern" emerging to the surface linked to the Roerich Peace Pact, the Banner of Peace and the Cycles of the Moon... As we can remember, this event synchronized very elegantly with Leonardo Davinci's 562nd Solar Return and other important historical, astronomical and religious events:

  • THE COSMIC HARMONIC CONVERGENCE (Sirius meeting the Cube @ Mekka on the Grand Sextile) The eclipse took place exactly 260 days right after this alignment, amplifying and extending the Cosmic Time Portal Wave.
  • The Jewish Passover
  • The 79th anniversary of the Roerich Peace Pact Signature in New York City by FDR and 22 world leaders.

    Today as I write this report, it is already the 260th day of the Gregorian Calendar and the world celebrates International Peace Day Weekend right at the core of this last turbulent passage... We are now feeling the compounding power of this process acting upon our reality:



The second Blood Moon of the current Tetrad/Quatrain occurred on October 8th (3.19) KIN 83 5Night, only one day before from Nicholas Roerich and John Lennon BirthDays 10.09.14 (3.20) KIN84 6Seed.



The third Blood Moon (Verse) of this Tetrad (Quatrain) took place on April 4th, 2015, (1.10)  KIN 1 1DRAGON: Start of the 260-day Tzolkin count and first day of the Planetary Moon of Manifestation, and occurred precisely one 260-day Galactic Spin from July 18/2014 (13.22) KIN 1 1DRAGON, date when an amazing crop circle appeared in Germany with the Banner of Peace pattern and the 13.22 (date of its appearance) encoded in it.


By examining the entire 4 Blood Moon Portal day interval (period in between end/start dates) from 4.15.14 (GATE) to 9.28.2015 (EXIT) we can notice it corresponds to 530 (53x10) days: Frequency of the Manifestation (10) of Sirian ReBirth (52 +1)  RINRI Project Newsletter Vol.III -3.4. "Sirian ReBirth of Quetzalcoatl"  

The Banner of Peace contains three red circles ( Art Science Spirituality) held together by a LARGER Red Circle of unity signifying One Blood. The 530-day marker represents then the 4th Blood moon as the Outer Red Circle around the 3 inner circles. Quetzalcoatl (53) "bites his/her tail once again" with perfect artistic, scientific and spiritual attributes as a truly remarkable Cosmic Master Peace.


As we all know by now, the fourth and final
Blood Moon (Verse) of this Tetrad (Quatrain) will take place on September 28th, 2015, (NS1.28.3.9)  KIN 178 9MIRROR.
As presented in full detail in the past, the Prophetic 4 Blood Moon Tetrad/Quatrain cycle of 2014-2015 was encoded from start to end by the Great Master Leonardo DaVinci ~ KIN 177 Red Galactic Earth, revealing a Time MasterPeace that we gave the name of the "DaVinci TimeCode"

This entire cycle"
OPENED EXACTLY 260 days after the Grand Sextile Alignment of 7.29.2013, right on Da Vinci's 562nd SOLAR RETURN and will CLOSE one day after Da Vinci's 637th GALACTIC RETURN on KIN178 or 177+1 (Frequency of DaVinci's ReBirth), while there is an interval in-between eclipses of 177+/- 1 DAYS each. TIME IS ART!


"169 = 13 x 13.
  13 is the key number to the divine feminine matrix." 
"The name “Red Queen” is not indicating Queen in the conventional sense. It does not signify a hierarchy or a rulership. Not at all. It is a CODE  and time release program, a terma, symbolized by number 13"

Stephanie South/Red Queen
Unveiling the Feminine Matrix: Isis, Inanna and Islam
Electric Update: We are the Galactic Seeds

As presented by Stephanie South/Re on her blog "Unveiling the Feminine Matrix: Isis, Inanna and Islam" when adding the KIN/Galactic Time Frequencies of the 4 Blood Moons we have a KEY NUMBER:

KIN169 ~ 13MOON. Red Cosmic (13) Moon (9) ~ 9.13: The "Code of Prophecy":

13 Heavens & 9 Hells: Prophecy of Quetzalcoatl
Dedication of the Tomb of Pacal Votan:
Frequency of the return of Quetzalciatl as Lord of the Dawn ~ KIN 113 Red Solar(9) Skywalker (13) ~ Last Day Out of Time that occurred exactly 2 moons ago.


 KIN 169 (13x13is also the 13th kin/day of the 13th wavespell, and the numeric code for the 13 Moon Synchronometer and corresponds to the last day ~ Earth's "Magic Flight" ~ of the 13-day Wavespell of Synchronicity and Evolution (date that this report is being published). Therefore, from the cosmological perspective, the message is quite clear: Earth'sTranscendence from artificial Time is NOW being declared once again through the Time Magic of the 13 Moon Synchronometer.


Within the Cosmology of Time the Moon corresponds to the Healer archetype of the Universal Waters, so it is then VERY important to fully grasp now that it is WITHIN the Feminine Matrix (WOMB/WATERS) in the Human Body, where either Life or Death/Purification occurs every 28 days... Without any exclusion of race, religion or social condition, EVERY WOMAN ON THIS PLANET ready to bring Life is and has been affected by this celestial body and goes through this LIFE CYCLE every 28 DAYS since the beginning of history, therefore the 4 Blood Moons are acting as an Archetypal Constructs of a Larger Cycle of the Moon: A "Blood Moon Cycle" of 532 days corresponding to her 4 phases:


9676518255?profile=original Blood Moon Cycle calculation including END & START dates.

So, as a Celestial PACE-MAKER of the biological cycle and as the of ruler of Tides/Waters/Emotions, these series of 4 Blood Moon Eclipses represent a FULL GENERATIONAL HEALING PORTAL for Humanity.  This generational healing quality is symbolized by the "BLOOD" element alluding to the Woman's Cycle of Life/Regeneration, and it does NOT correspond to apocalyptic biblical prophecies... We are healing years and years of history where Humanity's collective energetic unbalance, cultural repression and sexual abuse has reached a limit and needs to be cleansed NOW through LOVE and HIGHER AWARENESS...


If we take our "micro-cosmic cycle" of 28 DAYS as a Divine Template to measure/understand and ENTRAIN with this Larger Template Cycle of 532 DAYS as a Holographic projection of the Human Life/Death Purification process, then we gain greater awareness of its qualities and SIGNIFICANCE by understanding how this larger Time Cycle is also connected to the LARGER PATTERN OF LIFE: THE DIVINE MATRIX. In this way each phase of the Moon Cycle on Earth corresponds to each of the 4 Blood Moons.



As a full embodiment of the Feminine expression, these 4 Moons are also equivalent to the 4 Aspects of the Feminine: The 4 types of LOVE relationships or 4 roles that every Female/Woman on Earth play in relationship to the Masculine/Men. These 4 aspects are: Daughter ••Love Partner •••Mother ••••Sister This a perfect gateway then to celebrate LIFE and the Divine Feminine... and to look for nurturing environments and people.. If from here we expand into the 4 Seasons Hologram, this position would correspond to the "Harvest Moon": name for the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox. 


As yet another confirmation of the DIVINE NATURE of this 532-DAY "BLOOD MOON" HEALING Cycle if we divide the total number of days by 28, we arrive to a beautiful realization:




meets in Perfect Harmony and Resonance



the Harmonic Measure of Galactic Order (28
factored by
The Command of GOD (19)
(See 441 Dictionary of Number)

When our brains/bodies/cells entrain with this LARGER PATTERN then our thought-forms / mental waves entrain in TIME with the Sacred Geometrical proportions and ratios we can see present in ALL NATURE and also present in the FABRIC of TIME... Our purpose now is then to FIND these HIDDEN HARMONIES behind all the APPARENT CHAOS (generated by static/disharmonic nature of the 12:60 Artificial Time Matrix Malware)  and through our conscious attunement and understanding of this patterns, FLOW with the Energies to DISSOLVE and TRANSMUTE once and for ALL the remaining GENERATIONAL karmic aspects that keeps us repeating an endless tape of recurring mistakes as a species ..

"Leonardo da Vinci studied the Flower of Life's form and its mathematical properties. He drew the Flower of Life itself, as well as various components such as the Seed of Life. He drew geometric figures representing shapes such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus, etc., and also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork; all of which may be derived from the Flower of Life design. Components of the Flower of Life have been a part of the work of Alchemists. Metatron's Cube is a symbol derived from the Flower of Life which was used as a containment circle or creation circle." SOURCE:


As mentioned above, within the Mayan Cosmology of Time, the number 4 corresponds to the SelfExisting Tone of FORM and the Power of DEFINITION and MEASURE (related in this case to a FULLY formed EGG/FLOWER OF LIFE ready to crack and bring NEW LIFE).
Finally, to FULLY understand, absorb and appreciate the SIGNIFICANCE of this SYNCHRONIZATION please watch Nassim Haramein describing the Flower of Life MOTHER of ALL Sacred Geometrical Figures / DIvine Matrix ~ and its multiples expressions within the HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE MODEL on this segment of the groundbreaking documentary "Thrive":


“I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright, the morning star.” Revelations 22:16

As presented on the preceding parts of these series, Venus has been the orchestrating force behind this reconstitution of the Divine Feminine Matrix, this special occasion is not the exception and the Star of the Mother of the World/Quetzalcoatl/Jesus is announcing her return shining at her brightest on September 21st, right before the Equinox and at the entrance of DaVinci's 13-day Wavespell of Love:

v_gb_150921.png?width=750"As Venus moves into the morning sky it grows in brightness until September 21, when it reaches it maximum intensity.  At this time it appears over 20 times brighter than Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky." SOURCE:

This solid, abundant and elegant numerical evidence confirms that the 2014-2015 Tetrad of 4 Blood Moon eclipses encoded in it, is intimately related to the holographic restoration of the Feminine Matrix to culminate the process of planetary healing that sstarted Red Solar Moon year of Supreme Healing. This healing process, encapsulated in the 169:13MOON code (summoning power of the 4 Blood Moon frequencies) is then occurring NOW at the telepathic level and, believe it or not, is intended to reach 3rd dimensional Manifestation right at the end of the 4th Blood Moon.

On pART 5 we will go in detail into more layers of significance of the 13:13 Divine Feminine Matrix within Prophecy and elaborate on the continuous stream of portal events and powerful numerical correlations and alignments that are serving as anchors for this potent frequency.

I will end this report with the same words used to close the last "Blood Moons and Planetary Redemption" report, since they seem to be even more relevant today as they were back then and with an invitation to join to the thousands of groups all over the world that will celebrate International Peace Day in meditation and prayer for the next 3 days. Remember: "We are the peacemakers in the world. We are the leaders, the organizers, the conscious creators whose vision and actions are helping to evolve our planet..." Please go to for ideas to celebrate Peace this weekend!


"We are in the midst of a very significant astrological gateway. The challenge I am sure many of you are feeling at this point is to stay present and balanced. The awareness of all distortions that reflect separateness are being made apparent. This processes is allowing us to strengthen our 5th dimensional connection and the unity consciousness that has emerged within ourselves (individually and collectively)[....] The energy frequency on Earth will be demanding the unity consciousness be integrated into our physical reality. Although it has not yet manifested into our 3rd dimensional reality, the vibration of unity consciousness, the 5th dimension, is now present. Our job now is to become comfortable with how that feels and works, and to adjust our lives (individually and collectively) to reflect and align with that energy.

This transition is the gateway to our future of living in love and unity. Our job at this time is to align and balance our outer reality to this unity consciousness. This will be the only vibration that will be supported as we move further into this new vibration.

In all situations during this transition, anything that reflects or causes us pain or suffering demands more love. I cannot stress the importance of this enough right now… Give more love to yourself! Give more love to everyone! Embrace, accept and heal the shadow aspects of yourself and those around you, as they continue to arise. Do not try to reject, suppress or ignore the shadow aspects of yourself for it will not work. This energy is being driven from the shadows to the surface right now in order to finally be healed and released. When faced with the shadow, self-exploration, acceptance and love is the only solution." ~Simon Voster~


Assignment filed and completed by 
Galactic Agent 113 Red Solar Skywalker 
as a part of the Quetzalcoatl Project.

Year of the White Planetary Wizard
Lunar Moon, Silio 28 (2.28)
KIN169  Red Cosmic Moon
Summoning Power of 4 Blood Moons
(Gregorian Calendar: 9.19.2015)



[Banner of Peace and Galactic Shield Hunab Ku]

"Quetzalcoatl bites his/her tail" Reports


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