Plan (1)

It's simple really ...

Sometimes, with all of the numerical complexity I think we lose track of the essence of the 13 Moon Peace Plan, which is basically to turn on the synchronometer by using the 13 Moon calendar as your daily method of keeping time, tune in by using the glyphs, tones, cube position plasmas and whatever else you like to supplement your galactic yoga practice, and finally to drop out of the Gregorian nightmare.Nobody ever asks the question, what does Monday mean, or what significance is October in relation to January, but everybody uses the Gregorian calendar to make appointments, celebrate birthdays and remember deaths and significant events in the past.If more people simply used the 13 Moon calendar, then a stronger field would automatically form and this stronger field would feed into the awakening of the noosphere.So if you come to this site and you wonder why it all sounds like gobbledygook, don't fret, just get yourself a pocket calendar and start using the synchronometer on a daily basis. It's as easy as that.
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