Life (2)

Self-Existing 7, Storm 8, 2014

Books can change your consciousness, literally alter the frequency of your brain waves so that your perception of the world is altered.

Which brings me to the Synchronometer. Most people speak of it as a calendar, but it is so much more. It literally has the potential to alter the way you think at a very deep level. Making the unconscious conscious is the purpose of the Synchronometer. Making the unknown known.

It's called a synchronometer because it's purpose is to create a harmony of understanding between illusory opposites. A way to experience the unity of existence.

It's not a question most people ask: "Whose time am I living?"

Is it Pope Gregory's time? Most people think so without even knowing. They assume that the calendar they are using is an accurate representation of the present time when it is actually more representative of a small group of 16th century Catholic Christians.

Quite an achievement wouldn't you say? Without any of the conveniences of present day communication technology they ensured that within 200 years or so most of the world was using the Gregorian calendar. Living the rhythm method of manifest destiny.

Think what that means ... Imagine if you could make everyone use your calendar, which  was designed to make people remember when it was time to pray and when it was time to pay. That's what they did.

Which is why I decided many years ago to stop using the Gregorian calendar - exchanging it with the Synchronometer. In this way I chose to entertain different channels of thought. I found that certain patterns that might have seemed random and coincidental in Gregorian terms, emerged from the background noise filled with meaning.

You could say that today is October 24th, or you could say that today is Self-Existing 7, Blue Galactic Storm. One, due to your programming, makes more 'sense' than the other. You will have countless habits associated with the calendar you learned from birth and those habits will have caused your mind to harden to a fairly narrow bandwidth. I would guess that October means more to you in a time sense than Self-Existing Moon does. I might even guess that you feel slightly offended by the sheer idiotic idea of changing the calendar. You might as well learn a new language! Why put in the effort?

At this stage it's not for everybody. It has to find its own way into the world, which it is doing through every person who uses the Synchronometer. Understanding at this point is premature, you have to live by the calendar-like attributes of the Synchronometer for a while before you can really understand the way it works. 

Imagine this ... You are flicking through the channels on your TV and you see pretty much the same arrangement of programs. There appears to be a lot of variety, but as you get older you begin to realize how limited the selection really is. Then you turn on your computer and a whole new world of choices appears. Not only are there completely new channels, but all your old channels are there too! 

The Synchronometer is a universal time template based on mathematical harmonies that exist as the primary laws of matter and energy.

Don't take my word for it. If you want to find out for yourself start using the Synchronometer as your new calendar, your new universal remote.

Self-Existing 21, Skywalker 9, 2014

How you experience death is directly related to how you live your life. Not in a simplistic, karmic way, but directly. If your entire life was one material centred voyage, then after death you are likely to find yourself wandering around in God-Mart, the universal mall.

Which brings me to the thought that life ought to be lived looking for the light within things so that after life it will be your habit to look for the light, the clear light of being within all things.

In this I think the Tibetan Buddhists have the right idea, all we need to do is remove the cultural overlay to find the nuggets within.

Our world as it is, has a very small number of people with unimaginable wealth and a much greater number of people living in poverty. As long as both sides are blinded by the material world and fail to see the light within all things, nothing can change.

And what about war? What sort of after life experience does war bring? What is after life fear? How can people who have died from torture and in terrific pain, be healed and made whole again?

Looking for the light within all things. Developing kindness in all ways. Giving. These are some of the ways we can release the light from within the dark.

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[ESP] Por azares del destino llego a mis manos un libro de Cosmovisión Maya hecho por gente maya y publicado por el PNUD. Lo que más me llamó la atención de este libro es como habla de esta cosmovisión como sistema de vida y que las condiciones básicas para la plenitud son básicamente;

  1. Respetar y  reconocer la dimensión sagrada en los todos demás seres
  2. Agradecer todo lo que recibimos: primero la vida, y todo lo demás
  3. Reciprocar y devolver a la Madre Naturaleza parte de lo que recibimos: ofrendar

Habla también del calendario y su relación con las cosechas, la dimensión sagrada del maíz  y como el propio calendario fue concebido con la geometría sagrada del cuerpo humano y su relación con el cosmos. No hay sabiduría más grande que esta. Habla de que el fin del ciclo de Kab'lajuj B'ak'tun y el inicio de Oxlajuj B'aktun son solo eso, pero hay una gran oportunidad para los otros pueblos de aprender verdaderamente de esta cosmovisión para estar en armonía con la Madre Tierra y con el resto del Universo... Sí, con el resto del Universo.  

Hablare mas del libro en otros posts, pero por ahora quiero decir que tal parece que, por un lado, entre más información tenemos y más avanza la ciencia, más confundidos, más destructivos y más desconectados estamos los humanos de nosotros mismos y el entorno, la demás gente, los animales, las plantas, los ciclos de la naturaleza, el día, la noche, los ciclos lunares, solares, la vida y la muerte, las siembras, las cosechas, la siega. Y al final de cuentas de eso está hecha la vida, de ciclos. Y si no estoy sincronizado, me pierdo de todo y de todos.

Por otro lado sé que esta transición no es fácil pero ya hay mucha más gente que está aprovechando tanta sabiduría que antes no estaba disponible, justo como este libro que pondré en sus manos. Esperemos que tanta sabiduría se pueda compartir y no se quede solo en algunos individuos, sino que sea el catalizador para que se formen comunidades como esta pero a nivel local que puedan actuar en consecuencia:

  • Grupos de Meditación
  • Grupos Ecologistas / Emprendedores Verdes
  • Centros Naturistas / Spa's / Terapias Psicocorporales
  • Talleres de todos los temas anteriores, etc

Encontré la versión PDF del libro que les comento. Lo único que le falta al PDF es la tabla para hacer conversiones del calendario gregoriano al maya y por supuesto las equivalencias del Tzolkin (Cholq'i) y el calendario 2013, 14 y 15. Si alguien está interesado con gusto se los envío.


[ENG] Coming soon...

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