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An Essay on Reality

I found this meditation i'd once sent to Red Queen 23 before the Closing of the Cycle and i'd like to share it with us all here today.

When i wonder about the nature of reality
it can't be other than a dream
a neverending story, transcends time itself
past and future makes no sense at all when eternity is objectively conceived
the only source of life, information and experience is the present alone
here and now there can be no space or time, only a dream whose limitless scenario is mind
what we call time or space makes reference to the appropiate context in which to place our perceptions and especially where and how to meassure our registry, our dynamic memory.
When absorved in this perception it is self evident that space and time are aspects of a 
matrix that exists in a ratio that is naturally self-defined as the perfect harmonic construct
in which the formless absolute is shaped and acquires relative meaning.
The absolute would not be complete without this perfect abstraction where the illusion or reality (it makes no difference at all) of life is able to magnetize its full attention;
a multi-faced prism or crystal where the Supreme Self is infinitely mirrored both in space and time.
We can all figure a vector of images in confronted mirrors.
Then we can understand that the One Creator, Sustainer and Transformer of the universe is self reflected in infinite shapes that take different form according to the time-space position they represent on the Time-Space cube, and that would explain the simultaneity of self reflections into the everpresent space whose essence is actually Void.
The time aspect is a bit more difficult to catch and works as a multitrack recording of Life.
Only that all times are being recorded simultaneously and related to each other, 
and that is what is self regulated by the matrix itself, the selfexistent mandala of pure number.
The last question is, why do i have an individual concioussness and not only an absolute one?
That is because the absolute projects itself (or himself or herself, all different aspects of the Supreme Self) into every life with supreme focus and concentration, as in a super samadhi, completely transfered to every particular individual dream, or individual soul, just as when we watch a movie and are absorved, at that moment, by that movie and no other, even when billions of movies also do exist.
Thats the synchronic aspect of the Time-Space Cube, and understanding that level of samadhi might surpass the logic of what we are used to think about in our ordinary reality or dream.
The code of life, which we could conceive as being written, is actually self existent and it may even be considered as the generator of reality and life itself, it is the Heart of Mind, and is UNBREAKABLE, UNDESTROYABLE, and probably unreachable.
Sometimes an individual soul attains to Enlightement, many hear this term and many don't know what it actually means or what is actually experienced by those who reach this state. There is a strong program in the brain that prevents us to get there because it is dangerous for the sustainament of the life program itself to be faced with the vision of the absolute.
It is written in the Bhagavad Gita that Arjuna suplicates to Krishna when the absolute is developed to him, to please get back to the familiar form of a friend, he (the most powerfull warrior and strong hearted devotee) cant deal with the magnitud of such vision and
that is because the actual experience of the seeker that attains liberation or enlightment is that of Abolute Loneliness and Self- Recognition as the Only Source and perpetuator of all reality in every aspect and form, thus the Supreme Self, who dwells in Timeless Eternity and because of that can't have no memory at all (but a registry of all possibility instead), is faced once and again with the strongest illusion and challenge wich is it's own death.
What this death represents here is actually an aspect of an impersonal reality that contains and regenerates all things,
and that is what we are acknowledging as the Cosmic Cube, the force that is beyond all dreams and colours and times,
known by Castaneda's Don Juan as The Eagle, who slides through the sky of Mistery, owner of the highest level of Supreme Intelligence, devoted to and moved only by SPIRIT alone.
To this sacred spirit i light a candle tonight.
23 days to 21.12

a1d7r7(The Navigator sails from Mind to Spirit back and again moved by Timeless waves in the Ocean that has no water but stars)

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Planetary Lineup Leading to Galactic Synchronization

Lunar, Solar, Lunar Eclipses & Planetary Triple Conjunction

The Maya, as a culture, were avid skywatchers. It is very possible that the concept “as above, so below.” was a basic tenet of their culture. So, they followed the movements of the stars across the sky, the movements of the planets back and forth and the movements of the Sun and Moon, particularly when there were eclipses involved. So, as we are ending these mystic moons and preparing for galactic synchronization, here's a few things going on in the sky that I think would really have piqued the interest of the Maya or any skywatchers.

As I am writing this we are deep into the midst of three Lunar, Solar, Lunar Eclipses. In fact two have already passed and only one remains to come. The effects of this series of eclipses is probably in the awareness of most people by now. This is a description of how these eclipses are playing out in the sky and then in ourselves.

Back on Planetary Moon 22 or April 25 on the greg we had the Wesak Full Moon on Yellow Planetary Human. That full moon was the first of a series of eclipses. First there was the eclipse of the Wesak Full Moon. Then there was a solar eclipse on Spectral Moon 8 or May 9 on the greg. That occurred on White Galactic World-Bridger. Next, coming up on Spectral Moon 23 or May 24 on the greg, we have another lunar eclipse on Red Planetary Dragon.

During a full moon lunar eclipse the light of the moon is taken away at its peak. This allows us a view deep into the darkness of the subconscious and group consciousness. When we take this opportunity to delve deeply into the inner realms it often exposes what most needs to be changed or let go. Those of us who are not looking deep within may experience this anyway. So, any fears, angers, pains, old negative programs or limiting patterns of any kind which rear their ugly heads during these eclipses are showing themselves so that they may be let go and replaced with something positive.

It is interesting that the first in the series of Lunar, Solar, Lunar eclipses is the Wesak Full Moon. In case you don't know, in the Eastern tradition, this is Buddha's birthday. It is also the same day of the year on which he was born, reached enlightenment and crossed over. So it's a very sacred day in Eastern traditions. To have it eclipsed is a very powerful thing. This is the opportunity to expose all the limitations which stand in the way of Enlightenment. In the Dreamspell it was on Yellow Resonant Human, “I channel in order to influence.” In the Planetary Moon of Manifestation, the Wesak Full Moon was eclipsed channeling the energy necessary to influence us towards enlightenment.

It is common to see a solar eclipse after a lunar eclipse or vice versa. The alignment of the Moon and Sun doesn't change that much in a two-week period. So, that makes consecutive eclipses possible. But to see 3 eclipses in a row lunar, solar, lunar is really pretty rare. Due to the nature of the planetary dynamics all 3 of these eclipses occur in the span of just about one moon.

The solar eclipse occurred on Spectral Moon 8 or May 9 on the greg and it was White Galactic World-Bridger in the Dreamspell. The solar eclipse is able to be viewed in a very limited path across the earth. Therefore it's fairly rare to actually be able to witness a solar eclipse. But it's energy is still felt worldwide.Even though it can't be seen. In a solar eclipse, the Moon passes in front of the Sun and briefly the Sun's light is taken away. Energetically this is the feminine energy taking away the light of the masculine energy or the power of emotions/love to eclipse the Sun/status quo. So it is interesting that it falls on White Galactic World-Bridger, “I harmonize in order to equalize.” In the Spectral Moon of Liberation, the moon takes away the light of the sun in order to equalize the energy and set us free from the limitations of the status quo.

The last event of the series is another full moon lunar eclipse on the Full Moon of Goodwill. It falls on Spectral Moon 23 or May 24th on the greg. That day is Red Planetary Dragon, “I perfect in order to nurture the birth of being.” This is the last of the spring full moons for the northern hemisphere. These are considered to be the most powerful full moons of the entire year. The one that was not involved was the Christ Full Moon at Easter, then there is the Buddha Full Moon of Enlightenment and the 3rd is the combination of the Christ Full Moon and the Buddha Full Moon into the Full Moon of Goodwill. This full moon lunar eclipse gives us a glimpse into the darkness to reveal the limitations to all of us expressing ourselves with the power of goodwill. Which will of course “nurture the birth of being.”

To add to the drama of the final eclipse in this series there is also the beginning of a triple planetary conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in the western sky just after sunset. This is going to be the closest conjunction of 3 planets visible to the naked eye that we will see for the next 13 years. It begins on the day of the lunar eclipse where it will be a wide conjunction of approximately 5°. But, by Spectral Moon 27 Red Magnetic Serpent it will close to about a 2° conjunction. Triple conjunctions of planets were considered very auspicious by the Mayan culture. In fact, they would often erect a Stelae commemorating such an event. So, to have the last one for 13 years this close and occurring just before galactic synchronization is really, really powerful and signals the beginning of galactic synchronization in the sky.

Venus and Jupiter are the 2 brightest planets, Mercury is joining them for this sunset sky show. Venus was the most important planet to the Mayan culture. In fact, it may be that the 260 day Tzolkin, sacred calendar is actually the calendar of Venus. But, Jupiter also played a very significant role as the next brightest planet in the sky. Venus is the planet of beauty and art. The “Star” glyph represents the planet Venus. The power of Jupiter represents spirituality which was contaminated by religion. The planet Mercury is the messenger of the gods. The planet Jupiter visiting the planet  Venus gives the power of beauty back to the spirituality represented by Jupiter and the planet Mercury is the messenger of the good news.

This triple planetary conjunction adds an exclamation point to the full moon lunar eclipse on Red Planetary Dragon. But it doesn't come into its closest conjunction until Red Magnetic Serpent, “I unify in order to survive.” All these planetary energies are unifying so that we can get the picture and do the same. I recommend that we all  take this opportunity to register the planetary light with our own eyes. So, go out after sunset on a clear night this weekend and view the triple conjunction yourself and we'll all be unified in the starlight.

Peace & In Lakéch

Randy CosmicHand

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La Bandera de la Paz fue presentada por el 9676452471?profile=original

Hoy en día el mundo está en un ciclo sin precedentes de caos y conflictos globales. La Ley del Tiempo establece claramente, que este ciclo de caos y conflictos culminan como un ciclo de 260 años de transformación, es un problema mundial al que todos los seres humanos sin excepción, han sido y siguen estando sometidos.

La raíz de este problema mundial es la creación de una frecuencia de tiempo falsa y artificial que guía la vida humana como si los humanos también fueran máquinas. Esto es para el beneficio de unos pocos, pero en detrimento de la mayoría, y más allá del beneficio, la frecuencia del falso tiempo 12:60 (doce meses del calendario Gregoriano y la hora de 60 minutos), ha colocado al planeta en una trayectoria de auto-destrucción final.

Hasta ahora la buena voluntad de algunas personas aquí y allá ha hecho la única diferencia entre el caos absoluto y la destrucción total.

¿Puede la raza humana ser redimida espiritualmente? ¿y cómo?

La premisa del Cambio de Calendario de Trece Lunas es que al unificar y aceptar un nuevo estándar de medida de tiempo que está de acuerdo, con la hasta ahora "desconocida" Ley del Tiempo, la raza humana puede ponerse de nuevo en armonía con los ciclos de la naturaleza y evitar la destrucción segura que vendría al continuar sosteniendo un erróneo pero materialistamente glamoroso error en el tiempo Al contemplar la contradicción de la unidad del mundo y la desunión del hombre, me pregunté, ¿Cuál es el mayor acto de Bodhisattva que podría realizar para la salvación de todos los seres?

La ley y ciencia del tiempo cuatridimensional es sin duda la nueva ciencia cósmica que abarca todas las corrientes de la historia como una ecuación simple.

Consejo de UR.
UR es el Recuerdo Universal (o religión universal) en la Tierra. La premisa de UR como indica el Corán es que originalmente todos éramos un pueblo, pero nos dividimos después de que el conocimiento fuera revelado. Sin embargo, al final estamos todos reunidos como Uno de nuevo.

UR es el equilibrio de la ecuación de la historia: UR en el comienzo y UR al final. UR es el índice de unidad espiritual alcanzado por los sistemas mundiales.

De acuerdo con la Ley del Tiempo, el fin, sólo se puede alcanzar por una prueba espiritual unificada: el cambio de calendario.

En conjunto con el Cambio de Calendario que es un programa para el desarme mundial, se propone: la creación de zonas neutrales identificadas por la Bandera de la Paz de Roerich para el depósito de armas y armamento mecanizado de todo tipo. A cambio de las armas se garantiza la inmunidad y un kit de información del nuevo tiempo.

Ciudadanos de la Tierra para los que la causa de la unidad espiritual, la no violencia y un nuevo tiempo son los medios hábiles superiores de establecer la Tierra entera como la patria de Paz.

¡Que esta declaración sea el comienzo auspicioso de un nuevo diálogo entre los mundos Budista y Musulmán, y todos los sinceros buscadores de la verdad!

Enviado por Valum Votan, Tertón de UR (Dr. José Argüelles)
12 de la Luna Eléctrica, Kin 216, Guerrero Galáctico Amarillo
Sexto Año de la Profecía, La Victoria Purifica.


En servicio Siempre Fiel.

" Soy Tierra Fértil y Semilla-Fiel Germinánte en toda su Potencia"
HunKan-Kin144=Marite Urrutia.

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Mt Shasta

N.S. Kin 83


Beloved Planetary Kin, may the grace of Allah Hunab Ku be with you all¡


Who writes to you is kin 202 ( Ik nehuen), kin 232 and 234 on behalf of the galactic tribe  GM108X of the Noospheric Reserve in the Bio-region of the Star, Cordoba Argentina.


We are happy to let you know that know 1800 mts2 of magical nature have become a “ Noospheric reserve” house of the galactic culture at 1.000 mts altitude over the sea. Where 2 steams of pute water run trough the land that recalls to Procyn with elders trees and mystic songs born in silence.


We three Ik Nehuen, Humana and her little daughter Mainhdra Maya, write to you because we feel we have to be present on Mt.Shasta for the “Anchoringour galactic archetype” retreat and on the fabulous galactic Shyncronization in the representation of the magnetic South pole and the holon the Star. We feel that is part of our planetary service as bio-telepatic solar cell of down south to unificate us in this event with the telepatic kins of the north; in this way we all togheter can put in motion the magnet of the planetary being.

 We have surrender our lives to the armonic vision of the rainbow bridge and to the syncronic order brought to us by the discovering of the Law of Time and by the GM108X stream of the Cosmic History and the life of Valum Votan.


After living, putting ourselves to the service, and experiment the 13:20 frequency on Jardin de paz Mundial Epuyen, Aldea de Paz Magos de Tollan and Tiempo de Brotar we are blessed with this peacefull place where  as Earth Wizards we can do our holy function, transform ourselves and keep on growing to make our galactic root strong and enlightened our Pachamama.


We ask now for your help, if you feel it and you can, we need economical assistance to get to holon of the eagle, United States of America. We are fundraising for two plane tickets and for one place in the retreat of U$ 260 and the bed-in. We are more than willing and well disposed to put ourselves to the service of any task that it may appear in any event to reciprocate this energy colaborations in harmony and love.

 Each Airplane ticket cost exactly U$ 1600 and we are doing our best effort to raise howmuch we can for our part.

The exchange of U$ dolars to $ Peso Argentino is 1 to 6 in the market and 1 to 9 in the black market.

Now and here we count with $1900 pesos that would be in dollars U$ 345.


We know, understand and make magic, so we know that nothing is impossible and if Hunab ku wanted us to be there he will lead us and open our way.


In any way you can help us, such as economic, air milles; or if you know any sturdust who can sell us cheap plane tickets or whatever creative way we will be most than thankfull and happy and fullfilling our planetary service.


May you all be blessed.


                                                  Let us all become galactic, Servam Mangalam; In Lak Ech¡

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To Mt.Shasta

N.S. Kin 83


Beloved Planetary Kin, may the grace of Allah Hunab Ku be with you all¡


Who writes to you is kin 202 ( Ik nehuen), kin 232 and 234 on behalf of the galactic tribe  GM108X of the Noospheric Reserve in the Bio-region of the Star, Cordoba Argentina.


We are happy to let you know that know 1800 mts2 of magical nature have become a “ Noospheric reserve” house of the galactic culture at 1.000 mts altitude over the sea. Where 2 steams of pute water run trough the land that recalls to Procyn with elders trees and mystic songs born in silence.


We three Ik Nehuen, Humana and her little daughter Mainhdra Maya, write to you because we feel we have to be present on Mt.Shasta for the “Anchoringour galactic archetype” retreat and on the fabulous galactic Shyncronization in the representation of the magnetic South pole and the holon the Star. We feel that is part of our planetary service as bio-telepatic solar cell of down south to unificate us in this event with the telepatic kins of the north; in this way we all togheter can put in motion the magnet of the planetary being.

 We have surrender our lives to the armonic vision of the rainbow bridge and to the syncronic order brought to us by the discovering of the Law of Time and by the GM108X stream of the Cosmic History and the life of Valum Votan.


After living, putting ourselves to the service, and experiment the 13:20 frequency on Jardin de paz Mundial Epuyen, Aldea de Paz Magos de Tollan and Tiempo de Brotar we are blessed with this peacefull place where  as Earth Wizards we can do our holy function, transform ourselves and keep on growing to make our galactic root strong and enlightened our Pachamama.


We ask now for your help, if you feel it and you can, we need economical assistance to get to holon of the eagle, United States of America. We are fundraising for two plane tickets and for one place in the retreat of U$ 260 and the bed-in. We are more than willing and well disposed to put ourselves to the service of any task that it may appear in any event to reciprocate this energy colaborations in harmony and love.

 Each Airplane ticket cost exactly U$ 1600 and we are doing our best effort to raise howmuch we can for our part.

The exchange of U$ dolars to $ Peso Argentino is 1 to 6 in the market and 1 to 9 in the black market.

Now and here we count with $1900 pesos that would be in dollars U$ 345.


We know, understand and make magic, so we know that nothing is impossible and if Hunab ku wanted us to be there he will lead us and open our way.


In any way you can help us, such as economic, air milles; or if you know any sturdust who can sell us cheap plane tickets or whatever creative way we will be most than thankfull and happy and fullfilling our planetary service.


May you all be blessed.


                                                  Let us all become galactic, Servam Mangalam; In Lak Ech¡

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The Energy of Transformation ~ Earth Seeds

This communication is not intended as a treatise on working with beliefs. There are many such methodologies already available. That you are receiving this communication indicates that you have already progressed along that path.

Let us say only that the Earth, in this time which is your time, is now bathing in the energy of transformation. Be receptive to this energy and you cannot help but winnow out any limiting beliefs.

Meditation is most beneficial. In particular, meditation with higher energy crystals will raise your vibration much quicker, opening you to the free flow of higher frequency vibrations. The energy of these crystals can in themselves dissolve negative structures in your system. Working with a shaman is also recommended, as is shamanic journeying.

Visualizing a crystal lattice of light flowing throughout your being will also help. And wherever this lattice is bound up or corrupted, there you have limiting beliefs, thought forms and emotions that must be released.

Most of all, be aware of this energy of transformation. Open yourself to it and align yourself with it in every moment of your present. Do this and you cannot help but transform.


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The Nexus of Probability ~ Earth Seeds

We cannot stress this too strongly: you stand at a nexus of probabilities. From here, there are many directions in which you can go, not all of them pleasant. Yet there is the potential for you to step into a future where you will be born as Earth seeds, to take your rightful place among the stars.

You must let go of limiting beliefs. The degree to which you currently are experiencing growing pains is the degree to which you harbor limiting beliefs you must root out and rid yourself of. To do this you must be aware of your feelings and thoughts, and you must be very honest with yourself. But if you do this work, you will be reunited with the vital, loving, joyful essence that is you.

If you do not let go of limiting beliefs, beliefs is original sin, depletion, illness, survival of the fittest, beliefs of unworthiness, then you will gravitate to a probability where those beliefs are played out.

At the time of this writing, you have an opportunity to transition from lower vibration probabilities to higher vibration probabilities. But as time, for you, goes on, these probabilities will diverge. It will become increasingly difficult to move between frequencies. Until one day, you will find yourself in the reality with which you have aligned, whether for better or worse.

There is no reason why everyone cannot transition to the probability where you will become what we are. And in some probability, everyone does. We invite you to make this probability your own.


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Time Crystals

‘Time Crystals’ Could Upend Physicists’ Theory of Time

Physicists plan to create a “time crystal” — a theoretical object that moves in a repeating pattern without using energy — inside a device called an ion trap. Image: Hartmut Häffner

In February 2012, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek decided to go public with a strange and, he worried, somewhat embarrassing idea. Impossible as it seemed, Wilczek had developed an apparent proof of “time crystals” — physical structures that move in a repeating pattern, like minute hands rounding clocks, without expending energy or ever winding down. Unlike clocks or any other known objects, time crystals derive their movement not from stored energy but from a break in the symmetry of time, enabling a special form of perpetual motion.

“Most research in physics is continuations of things that have gone before,” said Wilczek, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This, he said, was “kind of outside the box.”

Wilczek’s idea met with a muted response from physicists. Here was a brilliant professor known for developing exotic theories that later entered the mainstream, including the existence of particles called axions and anyons, and discovering a property of nuclear forces known as asymptotic freedom (for which he shared the Nobel Prize in physics in 2004). But perpetual motion, deemed impossible by the fundamental laws of physics, was hard to swallow. Did the work constitute a major breakthrough or faulty logic? Jakub Zakrzewski, a professor of physics and head of atomic optics at Jagiellonian University in Poland who wrote a perspective on the research that accompanied Wilczek’s publication, says: “I simply don’t know.”

Now, a technological advance has made it possible for physicists to test the idea. They plan to build a time crystal, not in the hope that this perpetuum mobile will generate an endless supply of energy (as inventors have striven in vain to do for more than a thousand years) but that it will yield a better theory of time itself.

A Crazy Concept

The idea came to Wilczek while he was preparing a class lecture in 2010. “I was thinking about the classification of crystals, and then it just occurred to me that it’s natural to think about space and time together,” he said. “So if you think about crystals in space, it’s very natural also to think about the classification of crystalline behavior in time.”

When matter crystallizes, its atoms spontaneously organize themselves into the rows, columns and stacks of a three-dimensional lattice. An atom occupies each “lattice point,” but the balance of forces between the atoms prevents them from inhabiting the space between. Because the atoms suddenly have a discrete, rather than continuous, set of choices for where to exist, crystals are said to break the spatial symmetry of nature — the usual rule that all places in space are equivalent. But what about the temporal symmetry of nature — the rule that stable objects stay the same throughout time?

The Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek often develops outlandish theories that eventually enter the mainstream. “Of course not everything I do works,” he says.Image: Frank Wilczek

Wilczek mulled over the possibility for months. Eventually, his equations indicated that atoms could indeed form a regularly repeating lattice in time, returning to their initial arrangement only after discrete (rather than continuous) intervals, thereby breaking time symmetry. Without consuming or producing energy, time crystals would be stable, in what physicists call their “ground state,” despite cyclical variations in structure that scientists say can be interpreted as perpetual motion.

“For a physicist, this is really a crazy concept to think of a ground state which is time-dependent,” said Hartmut Häffner, a quantum physicist at the University of California at Berkeley. “The definition of a ground state is that this is energy-zero. But if the state is time-dependent, that implies that the energy changes or something is changing. Something is moving around.”

How can something move, and keep moving forever, without expending energy? It seemed an absurd idea — a major break from the accepted laws of physics. But Wilczek’s papers on quantum and classical time crystals (the latter co-authored by Alfred Shapere of the University of Kentucky) survived a panel of expert reviewers and were published in Physical Review Letters in October 2012. Wilczek didn’t claim to know whether objects that break the symmetry of time exist in nature, but he wanted experimentalists to try to make one.

“It’s like you draw targets and wait for arrows to hit them,” he said. “If there’s no logical barrier to this behavior being realized, then I expect it will be realized.”

The Big Test

In June, a group of physicists led by Xiang Zhang, a nanoengineer at Berkeley, and Tongcang Li, a physicist and postdoctoral researcher in Zhang’s group, proposed creating a time crystal in the form of a persistently rotating ring of charged atoms, or ions. (Li said he had been contemplating the idea before reading Wilczek’s papers.) The group’s article was published with Wilczek’s in Physical Review Letters.

Since then, a single critic — Patrick Bruno, a theoretical physicist at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in France — has voiced dissent in the academic literature. Bruno thinks Wilczek and company mistakenly identified time-dependent behavior of objects in excited energetic states, rather than their ground states. There is nothing surprising about objects with surplus energy moving in a cyclical fashion, with the motion decaying as the energy dissipates. To be a time crystal, an object must exhibit perpetual motion in its ground state.

Bruno’s comment and Wilczek’s reply appeared in Physical Review Letters in March 2013. Bruno demonstrated that a lower energy state is possible in a model system that Wilczek had proposed as a hypothetical example of a quantum time crystal. Wilczek said that although the example is not a time crystal, he doesn’t think the error “calls into question the basic concepts.”

“I proved that example is not correct,” Bruno said. “But I have no general proof — so far, at least.”

The debate will probably not be settled on theoretical grounds. “The ball is really in the hands of our very clever experimental colleagues,” Zakrzewski said.

An international team led by Berkeley scientists is preparing an elaborate lab experiment, although it may take “anywhere between three and infinity years” to complete, depending on funding or unforeseen technical difficulties, said Häffner, who is co-principal investigator with Zhang. The hope is that time crystals will push physics beyond the precise but seemingly imperfect laws of quantum mechanics and lead the way to a grander theory.

“I’m very interested in seeing if I can make a new contribution following Einstein,” Li said. “He said that quantum mechanics is not complete.”

To Build an Ion Ring

In Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity (the body of laws governing gravity and the large-scale structure of the universe), the dimensions of time and space are woven together into the same fabric, known as space-time. But in quantum mechanics (the laws governing interactions on the subatomic scale), the time dimension is represented in a different way than the three dimensions of space — “a disturbing, aesthetically unpleasant asymmetry,” Zakrzewski said.

The different treatments of time may be one source of incompatibility between general relativity and quantum mechanics, at least one of which must be altered for there to be an all-encompassing theory of quantum gravity (widely viewed as a major goal of theoretical physics). Which concept of time is right?

If time crystals are able to break time symmetry in the same way that conventional crystals break space symmetry, “it tells you that in nature those two quantities seem to have similar properties, and that ultimately should reflect itself in a theory,” Häffner said. This would suggest that quantum mechanics is inadequate, and that a better quantum theory might treat time and space as two threads of the same fabric.

An illustration of the time crystal experiment planned at UC-Berkeley. Electric fields will be used to corral calcium ions into a 100-micron-wide “trap,” where they will form a crystalline ring. The scientists believe a static magnetic field will cause the ring to rotate. Image: Hartmut Häffner

The Berkeley-led team will attempt to build a time crystal by injecting 100 calcium ions into a small chamber surrounded by electrodes. The electric field generated by the electrodes will corral the ions in a “trap” 100 microns wide, or roughly the width of a human hair. The scientists must precisely calibrate the electrodes to smooth out the field. Because like charges repel, the ions will space themselves evenly around the outer edge of the trap, forming a crystalline ring.

At first, the ions will vibrate in an excited state, but diode lasers like those found in DVD players will be used to gradually scatter away their extra kinetic energy. According to the group’s calculations, the ion ring should settle into its ground state when the ions are laser-cooled to around one-billionth of a degree above absolute zero. Access to this temperature regime had long been obstructed by background heat emanating from trap electrodes, but in September, a breakthrough technique for cleaning surface contaminants off electrodes enabled a 100-fold reduction in ion trap background heat. “That’s exactly the factor we need to bring this experiment into reach,” Häffner said.

Next, the researchers will switch on a static magnetic field in the trap, which their theory says should induce the ions to start rotating (and continue doing so indefinitely). If all goes as planned, the ions will cycle around to their starting point at fixed intervals, forming a regularly repeating lattice in time that breaks temporal symmetry.

To see the ring’s rotation, the scientists will zap one of the ions with a laser, effectively tagging it by putting it into a different electronic state than the other 99 ions. It will stay bright (and reveal its new location) when the others are darkened by a second laser.

If the bright ion is circling the ring at a steady rate, then the scientists will have demonstrated, for the first time, that the translational symmetry of time can be broken. “It will really challenge our understanding,” Li said. “But first we need to prove that it does indeed exist.”

Until that happens, some physicists will remain deeply skeptical. “I personally think it’s not possible to detect motion in the ground state,” Bruno said. “They may be able to make a ring of ions in a toroidal trap and do some interesting physics with that, but they will not see their ever-ticking clock as they claim.”

Original story reprinted with permission from Simons Science News, an editorially independent division of whose mission is to enhance public understanding of science by covering research developments and trends in mathematics and the physical and life sciences.

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¡Bienvenidos a la Luna Espectral de la Serpiente de la Liberación! Esta es la undécima Luna de la Onda Encantada del Servicio Planetario y la quinta de las Siete Lunas Místicas.
Esta Luna Mística se corresponde con el Enlazador de Mundos Espectral Blanco, Kin 206 (Marte) – esto significa que, a nivel fractal, en esta Luna estamos reviviendo el día anterior al 21 de Diciembre de 2012. Esta Luna también nos trae el recuerdo del quinto día de la Creación: el Poder de la Muerte Espectral.

Noosboletin Luna 11



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Opening the seventh heptad gate (441)


The Sirius B52 Element 113 is a specially designed antenna to connect you to the Sirius star system. This activates the central column of your etheric body, to the degree that you are safely anchored in the center of the earth (in contact with the earth’s flux tube). In this way your two flux tubes are joined in an harmonic arc.

What is today’s message?

At the end of every moon, when you are practicing synchrogalactic yoga, you are given a package that you open for the next 28 days. This process is repeated thirteen times in a year.

Each package relates to the theme of the coming moon and is designed to be apportioned to the area of concentration described in the Practices. Each single piece of information (smaller packages in themselves, that actually contain the entire message) is one day out of phase - one day in the future. To understand how this works just think of yesterday. The events of the day are already fading but still retrievable with a little concentration. In the same way, but mirrored, the events of tomorrow are emerging and growing stronger and this too is retrievable with a little concentration.

Start with the feeling, try to get a general sense of how the day feels. Think back to yesterday - what is the general feeling that you are left with? For tomorrow, are you filled with a feeling that you want it to come or do you have a feeling of reluctance? Most people do not realize but you can alter, to a certain degree, the fine details of any day in the future.

For instance, if you knew that a tsunami was on its way you could not do anything to stop the tsunami, but you could try to get to high ground. So if you identify a feeling of reluctance or low energy about the day to come, concentrate on this feeling, do not shy away from it, try to find out as much detail as you can. Then you can make a decision, if you wish to change the feeling.


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A Dream of Who I Am !?

9676460287?profile=originalThis is the preface of a book, written in 2013. It is the story of a boy, the discoverer of the island SELF. What appeared as a dream, has become a reality. Realizing to dream is the archetypical role of the boy, and this is how the story started.

The story is about a king with the name of When. King When was the original discoverer of the island SELF. Although we seem to live in different worlds, in reality we are one dreaming collective in one world. As dreaming minds we are inseparable interconnected with each other. To understand this intimate connection with each other, we have to discover our own world. Every human being lives on his/her own island, which is the message of the discoverer.

Originally the boy lived together with U in the far East, the mysterious old world. Finally on the island SELF the boy encountered U, his teacher, on the legendary mountain NOW. De boy was dreaming of King When and that was the reason U thought him how to bring the codes back. When de boy was eight years old, he won a national writing contest. The one member of the jury was his favorite writer, Paul Biegel, a writer of children’s books and known, among other things, for the trilogy of the Little Captain. Of course it was this Little Captain that had inspired the boy to join the writing contest. The theme was making discoveries, and the boy discovered something for the rest of his life. He had discovered his own island and he made a booklet about this. An island with its own name, its own language, its own story, a unique infrastructure and the boy had drawn a map of the island SELF. In the legendary ‘key to symbols’ his own statues were clearly marked with a cross.

As one of the youngest participants the boy won the writing contest. The island SELF is now part of a bigger archipelago en these islands are grouped around the mountain NOW. This is the only mountain in the wide area and because of that, the mountain is visible for everybody from a far distant. The mountain NOW is an extraordinary active volcano, with an intractable subtle energy, a sort of flowing telepathic magma. Very different then as a threat, the mountain NOW is about to burst. Nobody knows what this will mean for us, although nobody seems to worry right now. The upcoming burst out will have a huge impact on all the worlds that are gathered around the island SELF. Thanks to the mountain NOW the island SELF is obvious visible and the People of OMA have set up a command station over here. For them this is clearly the predicted Island of Inner Time.

We, the Secret Dreamers of the People of OMA, live in our own time, although we made very clear agreements on that. The time that we share, which is our life, is very precious and this becomes known according those clear agreements. Just like air being the atmosphere of our bodies, so is time the atmosphere of our minds. The world lives mainly in a erroneous, artificial time, wherein time is money. Time has become for the mind so obvious, that it didn’t think about time for a long time now. The Law of Time is quite simple, Time multiplied by Energy is Art. Fortunate enough the People of OMA still live in their original time, also know as the Dreamtime. The People returned from far into the future, to adjust the direction of Timeship Earth now, and launch it again in 2013. This is a course in the direction of the New Time, and believe it or not, this dream will come true this year!

The boy lives long and happily in his own world and the meanwhile he stays in the dream-state that we know as Freeland. This dream-state is part of the Netherlands and his base has been in Bolsward, the 7th of 11 famous cities over here. On June 20 in 1989 the Queen of the Netherlands visited this place. In the time count of the People of OMA it was on this day Yellow Cosmic Star, Kin-208, and Kin-243 in the PSI or memory bank in the noosphere of the planet itself. In this time reckoning of the People we keep count of 13 times a Moon in 28 days. On June 20, 1989 it was in this way the 22nd day of the Crystal (12th) Moon. The Queen had been in the Old Church and the boy was also there. You see him with the Queen on the picture, she has the purple flower already in her hands; a flower she would use for the waving to the people, in stead of using the official bouquet. Until this time these flowers still grows and bloom in the garden of the mother of the boy, just outside this Bolsward town.

9676461259?profile=originalThe boy of eight years old was collecting autographs and with this flower he wanted to pull the attention of the Queen. The Queen, her representative of Freeland and the major of the city of Bolsward stand before the Old Church on this picture. The legendary organ was just renovated and could finally be used again after this re-opening this. You see the boy with the green autograph booklet in his right hand. Right before this picture was taken, the Queen put her autograph in the book of the church, and the boy also wanted this autograph. Outside the church he had pushed himself in front of the people and he just asked the Queen for her autograph. Why? Did the boy have a specific intention with this?

In the months after this meeting the boy discovered the island SELF. This became the start of his life long project, a dream that is now becoming true. The boy dreams quietly on, just like U, en he is a little more grown now. We find ourselves in the year 2013, and thanks to the Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness we could finally reach the island SELF in real time. For this reason it is a joyful year, and this year is full with meaning about the New 20:13 Timing Frequency. It is for the People of OMA this long awaited year that coincidentally coincides with an important fact for the town of Bolsward and a major event for the whole kingdom. The Queen on the picture has resigned this year from the throne, making a way for her son. In this way the Kingdom of Netherlands get, after four queens in a row, finally a king again. To be precise, this has happened on April 30, 2013. This was not only the perfect occult of the new King, it was also half a cosmic timecount after December 21st, 2012, and is likely to be one of the results of the Closing of the Cycle of History.

Now the dream-state, and the place of residence of the boy, play a very special role in this 2013 story of the lowlands. The name Freeland was not given without a fight, because in the year 28 after Christ we became free and independent forever. In this year we refused to transfer our taxes to the ruling empire of Rome. As a result of this we had to defeat the Roman army at the groves of Baduhenna, close to a trade settlement in the swampy fields of Bodele.

As we take a further look at the genesis story of this town, we see an extraordinary role put aside for a woman. It was in the year 713 that Bolswina, youngest daughter of a King from Holland, out of anger had left the territory of her father. Her loved one was send to his death by her father and she did not want to have anything to do with the tyrannic regime of him. She left into the direction of the north and crossed the wild, swampy area. In this way she reached the trade settlement of Bodele. Here some people lived in cabins and wooden establishments. It was the kings daughter who arranged the building of the first house of stone. This is the story how the trade settlement Bodele became the town of Bolsward in the year 713. Named after Bolswina, this town reached in this joyful 2013 an age of 1300 years. It is possible that this is a clear clue that the town is accommodating an extraordinary story..     

Besides the Old Church, the church where the picture of the boy with his queen was taken, there is also a New Church to be found in Bolsward. Right before the boy was born, this church burned from inside out, and also the roof was destroyed by flames. For a long time the church was neglected, and after the fire this did not really change. The people felt guilty about this once so lively spiritual centre, and they did not want to break it down, they wanted to rebuild it. In the back of the church, the following is inscribed on the floor: „1281, from Assisi a swallow came flying. There was not a Bastion yet.” This swallow is in the air since 100 years after the passing of Saint Francis. Why did the swallow fly to this distant place in the most northerly Netherland? What was the intention of the Order of Friars Minor? The burning of the church happened exactly 699 years after the year of the opening in 1281. Only after the recent Calendar Change this special temple was restored in honor. It is beautiful renovated now, and this time with a very special detail: the church has been given a Glazed Roof! That’s why this is called the New Church, as a sign that our faith is in contact with the Cosmos. Nowhere in the world there is such a church with that sort of transparency to cosmic affairs to be found, maybe the town with this special church wants to express a certain message?

The boy is a child from the New Time, so literally an indigo. One that tells you that we are in essence closely connected with each other. One that has dreamed his own existence into being, and he can  easily explain how that works. The boy lives all his past and future lives at once, in his one dream, something that the average mind of today cannot comprehend. The boy plays an significant role in many dreams, he is the simple teacher of the bigger wholeness. Everything has meaning, and he points you to the signals as direction of a higher destiny. Nothing in this world is what it seems to be, find it self, because why are you here? Is it possible the meaning to be in this world is to find a way out? Find your way as a positive path in the direction of the future, because if you follow the Synchronic Order, the bigger plan will unfold by itself.    

One of the simultaneous lives that the boy is living, is an scientist of spiritual knowledge in the old China world. In this life he returned a cosmic code back to the people, and he kept it skillfully hidden throughout history, after giving it form in a enigmatic book. When the boy discovered the island SELF, this book was already there for him. Since that time the boy was determined to dream the code back into his existence, in which he succeeded on July 15, a sunday in 2007.

On this day in the dream he found U again on the mountain NOW, the teacher was already for a long time on the island and all of a sudden the boy remembered everything. It was Blue Self-Existing Night (Kin-43), the Galactic Signature of the boy when he became eight years old in 1989. As Blue Self-Existing Night he won the writing contest and he had just met his perfect antipode, Queen Beatrix (Kin-173). So this was a synchronic meeting afterall, and because time returns in our cycling count of specific moments, it was the energy of this year (being eight) that returned on Jul 15, 2007. His memory came fully back with a vision, and crystal-clear the boy saw the discovery he was about to do. Finally dreamed the code back into his life, after many days and nights reckoning and being awake, in a kind of half-conscious sleep, the boy discovered on sunday morning November 18, 2007, the code of U.

Thanks to the mountain NOW it was that the island SELF could be discovered by King When, who we know from history as King Wen. Actually, King Wen was never really a king, he died in exile. The rulers in that time had locked him up, because he seemed to know how the code of life was mathematically working by the means of time. Many people had tried to find this, only King Wen was the one that found the key to the Golden Age again. When he shared the code with the people, the rulers took him prison. Him was given a choice to transmit his knowledge, or to take the secret with him into eternity. His choice was the first option, and he smartly hide the logic of the code in a riddle that he left as his work. After years of studying and working out his findings, King Wen left 64 chapters in a coded language. These 64 chapters were bundled in an enigmatic sequence, that thanks to history is now carrying his name.

Today his legacy is named the Book of Changes, the so called I Ching or I Tjing, or I for short. The story of King Wen was playing around the year 1100 before Christ. In the context of history, as we have known it, the work of King Wen is positioned on 101. This is the perfect occult position in relation with Jezus of Nazareth on position 160. In the time chart of history there are 20 x 13 positions. To every one of these 260 positions there is a number credited, a so called Kin or Katun number. If we divide the whole of history in these 260 positions, then all the positions last for about 20 years, or one Katun. One Katun is 20 times 360 days, the base of the famous Maya Long Count that concluded history on the 21st of December in 2012. King Wen left his wonderful work behind in Katun 101, Red Planetary Dragon, the Manifestation of Memory. The perfect occult of the Self-Existing Universal Fire of Christ, that would manifest itself later. King Wen had the humble task to leave his work behind for the future, so it could be discovered at a certain moment in time. With the work of his father Prince Pattern unleashed an unprecedented revolution in China, and started the longest ruling dynasty of the Chinese history. This was truly an temporary restoration of the Golden Age, in which he succeeded with help of the codes of his father. Prince Pattern honored his father posthumously with the title of king, and the result of this is that we now know the discoverer of the island SELF as King When!

When King Willem the Fourth, since 2013 King of the Netherlands, was born in 1967 as Yellow Lunar Seed, and as a kingly tradition they fired on five different locations in the kingdom precisely 101 salutes. Now the boy was born on September 23rd in 1981 as a Blue Solar Night, the archetypical role to realize (Solar) dreams (Blue Night). This moment was in 1981 in the Solar Ring of Yellow Lunar Seed, and so is King Wen closely connected with being king, and this story started in 2013 for real.. to be continued.

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Compartiendo la música creada a partir de las UMB diarias del SYNCHRONOTRON.

las iremos poniendo en la web de

para que las disfrutéis, es creación de Leire, Espejo Galáctico Blanco

También encontraréis al final del Calculo del SYNCHRONOTRON las Notas correspondientes a cada día.



Puerta de la Heptada - 402 - RE
UMB Matriz Tiempo - 119 - SI
UMB Matriz Espacio - 96 - DO’
UMB Matriz Sincronica - 263 - SI
UMB Frecuencia Maestra de Coordinación - 225 - DO

UMB Frecuencia Armónica - 14 - LA
UMB Hunab Ku 21 - 306 - RE
UMB Hunab Ku 21 Acumulada - 255 - SI

¡que lo disfrutéis!!9676462497?profile=original


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Clarification ~ Earth Seeds

In your language, especially in the written word, it is rather difficult to communicate accurately.

Your Earth is not our Earth. Yet your Earth is our Earth, just as you are not us, yet you are us. In linear terms, you could say that you represent the acorn from which we could grow. But that is not accurate either.

Eventually you will leave this verbal language aside for a form of telepathic communication. Then you will be able to evolve a nonlinear communication that can handle the multi-dimensional reality where you now stand on the brink.

Infinite realms of probability are opening up to you. Before you is an infinity of doors. Step through those doors, all of them into infinity, and you will find us. Step through those doors and you will become us.


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"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach." - Aldous Huxley

Is it any wonder? ON THIS DAY in 1952, an atomic test in Nevada became THE FIRST NUCLEAR EXPLOSION SHOWN ON LIVE NETWORK TELEVISION. One really has to be comatose to NOT be connecting the dots. IT IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR WHEN CONSCIOUSNESS AND IN TURN the state of the world are most manipulated. (Where's that list?)

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Planetary 18

via Denise Galactic Serpent: Planetary 18: O Kankin 14th vinal: "receives the light of one who knows" is always the spin return of the year which always begins with O Pop "the one who knows".

19 Kankin synchronizes the completion of 10 perfect moons, so that Spectral 1, like Rhythmic 1, and Magnetic 1 initiates a new vinal.

Plnt. 16 through Spectral 1, a build up to O Moan (15th vinal, this year kin 79, the Noospheric Constant) means to me:

the transformative (3rd chromatic of the vinal) power of receiving light (vinal 14- reserved for those who have been on a path) ripens into the ability to initiate "seeing into the darkness."

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Matching Vibrations ~ Earth Seeds

We operate at a much higher vibration than you do.

Simply to communicate with us, you must raise your vibration, while we lower ours. These directional terms are most misleading.

Before we could communicate, you had to raise the level of your awareness, and you had to be open to our communication. Because your consciousness is so closely tied to your physical body, you had to raise the vibration of your body as well — which is to say, you had to work your way through beliefs that limited the optimum vibrational functioning of your body.

And as you are creatures within a society, within an ecology on this planet, you had to wait until your society and your ecology had reached a more open vibrational pitch.

These communications are made more possible now by the raised vibrational level of your entire planet, as it comes more fully into itself. The spatial region through which your solar system now travels is permeated by higher level energy. There is little choice but to match that vibrational level or be vibrated apart.

And so you are quite naturally coming into alignment, both individually and en masse. As a result, many of you are experiencing growing pains. Do not worry about that, these pains merely indicate where you need to bring yourself into better alignment.

There is a new level of energy humming through the matrix of the Earth, and through the magnetic field around the Earth, just as there is a new level of energy humming through you. Stay out of alignment with this energy, and you will feel slightly ill, out of phase. Become an open receiver and transmitter of this frequency and you will sing.

The new pitch of vibration in your world opens new realms of possibility for you and for the entire planet. This communication is just one sign of what is now possible.

You have embarked upon a grand adventure. And there are many friends waiting to greet you.


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