channeling (5)

Clarification ~ Earth Seeds

In your language, especially in the written word, it is rather difficult to communicate accurately.

Your Earth is not our Earth. Yet your Earth is our Earth, just as you are not us, yet you are us. In linear terms, you could say that you represent the acorn from which we could grow. But that is not accurate either.

Eventually you will leave this verbal language aside for a form of telepathic communication. Then you will be able to evolve a nonlinear communication that can handle the multi-dimensional reality where you now stand on the brink.

Infinite realms of probability are opening up to you. Before you is an infinity of doors. Step through those doors, all of them into infinity, and you will find us. Step through those doors and you will become us.


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Matching Vibrations ~ Earth Seeds

We operate at a much higher vibration than you do.

Simply to communicate with us, you must raise your vibration, while we lower ours. These directional terms are most misleading.

Before we could communicate, you had to raise the level of your awareness, and you had to be open to our communication. Because your consciousness is so closely tied to your physical body, you had to raise the vibration of your body as well — which is to say, you had to work your way through beliefs that limited the optimum vibrational functioning of your body.

And as you are creatures within a society, within an ecology on this planet, you had to wait until your society and your ecology had reached a more open vibrational pitch.

These communications are made more possible now by the raised vibrational level of your entire planet, as it comes more fully into itself. The spatial region through which your solar system now travels is permeated by higher level energy. There is little choice but to match that vibrational level or be vibrated apart.

And so you are quite naturally coming into alignment, both individually and en masse. As a result, many of you are experiencing growing pains. Do not worry about that, these pains merely indicate where you need to bring yourself into better alignment.

There is a new level of energy humming through the matrix of the Earth, and through the magnetic field around the Earth, just as there is a new level of energy humming through you. Stay out of alignment with this energy, and you will feel slightly ill, out of phase. Become an open receiver and transmitter of this frequency and you will sing.

The new pitch of vibration in your world opens new realms of possibility for you and for the entire planet. This communication is just one sign of what is now possible.

You have embarked upon a grand adventure. And there are many friends waiting to greet you.


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Your world is alien to me, even though this is my planet. In my world, all things are intimately tied together, all things are one.

The world you live in is alien to me because you have walked a path of alienation, isolated within your identity structure as no other creature on this planet has ever been isolated. Isolated even from the essence of your own being.

This isolation was necessary for the establishment of your individual type of consciousness. Yet it is now time for you to step beyond this isolation, opening yourself to your greater identity and becoming the Earth beings that have always been within your potential, and your intent.

And it is through this expansion, this growth, this birth, that you will resolve the crises that now threaten your continued existence. These crises are a result of your alienation, your willful ignorance (ignorance is always willful) of your intimate connection with everything in the greater universe of your true being. These crises are themselves the impetus of your coming birth, as this expansion is the only way to resolve these crises. These crises are the cracks in the shell of the egg where you have been incubated for so long. It is now time to hatch your way out of this egg, so that you might spread your wings and fly.

In this hatching, you will come into your own as the creator of your own reality. Yet that reality will not be something separate from you, it will be a loving part of you, just as is the body with which you now identify.

You are the forest. You are all of the creatures of this Earth, and they are you. You are the community in which you live. You are the community of all humankind. You are the community of all life, and your name is Gaia.


Once you are born into this greater identity, you will understand that this world is not dog eat dog. That image is only the distorted reflection of a pathological thought form which took root in your consciousness as a result of misunderstandings that arose from your objective, materialistic view of the world around you.

Once you are born into this greater identity, you will understand the primal impetus of love. And you will discover that you are truly a free spirit, without boundaries. Yet, your every action will be directed by love and your new understanding that you and the world within which you live are one.

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The Energy of Transformation ~ Earth Seeds

This communication is not intended as a treatise on working with beliefs. There are many such methodologies already available. That you are receiving this communication indicates that you have already progressed along that path.

Let us say only that the Earth, in this time which is your time, is now bathing in the energy of transformation. Be receptive to this energy and you cannot help but winnow out any limiting beliefs.

Meditation is most beneficial. In particular, meditation with higher energy crystals will raise your vibration much quicker, opening you to the free flow of higher frequency vibrations. The energy of these crystals can in themselves dissolve negative structures in your system. Working with a shaman is also recommended, as is shamanic journeying.

Visualizing a crystal lattice of light flowing throughout your being will also help. And wherever this lattice is bound up or corrupted, there you have limiting beliefs, thought forms and emotions that must be released.

Most of all, be aware of this energy of transformation. Open yourself to it and align yourself with it in every moment of your present. Do this and you cannot help but transform.


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The Nexus of Probability ~ Earth Seeds

We cannot stress this too strongly: you stand at a nexus of probabilities. From here, there are many directions in which you can go, not all of them pleasant. Yet there is the potential for you to step into a future where you will be born as Earth seeds, to take your rightful place among the stars.

You must let go of limiting beliefs. The degree to which you currently are experiencing growing pains is the degree to which you harbor limiting beliefs you must root out and rid yourself of. To do this you must be aware of your feelings and thoughts, and you must be very honest with yourself. But if you do this work, you will be reunited with the vital, loving, joyful essence that is you.

If you do not let go of limiting beliefs, beliefs is original sin, depletion, illness, survival of the fittest, beliefs of unworthiness, then you will gravitate to a probability where those beliefs are played out.

At the time of this writing, you have an opportunity to transition from lower vibration probabilities to higher vibration probabilities. But as time, for you, goes on, these probabilities will diverge. It will become increasingly difficult to move between frequencies. Until one day, you will find yourself in the reality with which you have aligned, whether for better or worse.

There is no reason why everyone cannot transition to the probability where you will become what we are. And in some probability, everyone does. We invite you to make this probability your own.


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