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Mental Spheres

Part of the synchrogalactic yoga practice is week three where the seven mental spheres are visualized as being associated with certain parts of the brain.

For example: MS (mental sphere) 1 is located in and covering the right rear lobe and cerebellum; MS2 is centred in the optic nerve, encompassing the pineal gland and corpus callosum; MS3 in the anterior portion of the right cerebral hemisphere above the right eye; MS4 above the left eye in the left cerebral hemisphere; MS5 above the left ear in the left cerebral hemisphere; MS6 above the right ear in the right cerebral hemisphere; MS7 in the central corpus callosum.

What I have never been able to do is visualize or sense these spheres as spherical, since they appear to cover such disparate areas of the brain, and overlap at times (see MS2 and MS7).

But while I was meditating today and visualizing MS6 as a point of awareness over my right ear, I sudden had the idea that a more accurate description would be mental domain. A domain can be described as an estate or territory, or the scope or range of any subject or sphere of knowledge.

Thus the center of the mental domain located in my brain above my right ear, governs the left lateral hemisphere. (I am using today, Limi 20 as an example). This enables me to perceive this consciousness as the operator of a cosmic antenna that connects to higher intelligence.

Suddenly it all begins to make sense. Thus the MD (mental domain) associate with Dali is the area of the brain associated with the right rear lobe and the cerebellum and is experienced as profound samadhi. The experience of samadhi is the essence of this domain. The second MD is experienced as peripheral awareness as associated with one's peripheral vision. And so on.

It works for me, what do you think?

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Your world is alien to me, even though this is my planet. In my world, all things are intimately tied together, all things are one.

The world you live in is alien to me because you have walked a path of alienation, isolated within your identity structure as no other creature on this planet has ever been isolated. Isolated even from the essence of your own being.

This isolation was necessary for the establishment of your individual type of consciousness. Yet it is now time for you to step beyond this isolation, opening yourself to your greater identity and becoming the Earth beings that have always been within your potential, and your intent.

And it is through this expansion, this growth, this birth, that you will resolve the crises that now threaten your continued existence. These crises are a result of your alienation, your willful ignorance (ignorance is always willful) of your intimate connection with everything in the greater universe of your true being. These crises are themselves the impetus of your coming birth, as this expansion is the only way to resolve these crises. These crises are the cracks in the shell of the egg where you have been incubated for so long. It is now time to hatch your way out of this egg, so that you might spread your wings and fly.

In this hatching, you will come into your own as the creator of your own reality. Yet that reality will not be something separate from you, it will be a loving part of you, just as is the body with which you now identify.

You are the forest. You are all of the creatures of this Earth, and they are you. You are the community in which you live. You are the community of all humankind. You are the community of all life, and your name is Gaia.


Once you are born into this greater identity, you will understand that this world is not dog eat dog. That image is only the distorted reflection of a pathological thought form which took root in your consciousness as a result of misunderstandings that arose from your objective, materialistic view of the world around you.

Once you are born into this greater identity, you will understand the primal impetus of love. And you will discover that you are truly a free spirit, without boundaries. Yet, your every action will be directed by love and your new understanding that you and the world within which you live are one.

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Solar Mirrors

9676452270?profile=originalNS1.25.9.17 — Kin-39 — Blue Cosmic Storm — "Galactic Skywalker and Solar Night preparing for 13:20 take off.." .. tomorrow Sieger and Juryt have a Kin meeting in Utrecht (in the middle of the Netherlands, Kin-40). The next day they leave to Barcelona, Spain. In the upcoming Eastern weekend they will give a five day workshop on the uChing and 13:20 tools ... question is .. will they bring the Arcturian Chessboard?

On the background you hear the 20-20 album of Galactic Star Justin Timberlake, the song is called mirrors, an antipode track on his 20+20=Kin-40 album of tomorrow! The Sun is shining, although it is extremely cold in the Netherlands, you see Solar Reflections on the white of the desk.. what is 73 doing?

Is he booking tickets for the time transport vehicle? Or are they still transporting 12:60 style? See for yourself in this flowmovie of today. The Rainbow Bridge is projecting a Solar Mandala, we clearly see. The Inner Time Tool Box is on the Solar Seal table, is it about a new practice? What are they bringing to Barcelona?

This story started today, follow us on Galactic Space Book where this story will be continued ..


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Noosphere Notes ~ Solar 17, 13 Storm

"Now we are living in the period of a new geological evolutionary change in the biosphere. We are entering the noosphere. (defn of noosphere: the sphere of human consciousness and mental activity, especially in regard to its influence on the biosphere and in relation to evolution) This new elemental geological process is taking place at a stormy time (Today is kin 39, 13 Storm; Time Shift year of7.26.92 was 13 Storm Year), in the epoch of a destructive world war. But the important fact is that our democratic ideals are in tune with the elemental geological processes, with the laws of nature, and with the noosphere. Therefore we may face the future with confidence. It is in our hands. We will not let it go." -- V. I. Vernadsky, Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon (1938)

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“ Tres meses después, de regreso de Oregon, al iniciar la mañana del 27 de mayo del 2000, kin 39, Votan se despertó por una experiencia de sueño lúcido. Ahí estaba su maestro Trungpa, escoltado dentro de su cuarto por varios de sus asistentes. Votán se sentó con la espalda recta en la cama, por lo menos así parecía, cara a cara con su maestro. Los ojos de Votan se enfocaron fijamente en los ojos de su maestro y sabía que estaba recibiendo  la transmisión cara a cara de su maestro. En esos pocos momentos lúcidos, Votan recibió telepáticamente todos los canales de conocimiento que su maestro tenía. Cuando la transmisión fue completada, Trungpa asintió ligeramente y salió del cuarto con sus asistentes.

Votan se acostó de nuevo, e inmediatamente soñó que estaba en Boulder buscando a un amigo particular para contarle el sueño. Él encontró al amigo en el sueño y le dijo: No creerás esto, pero Trungpa Rinpoche acaba de entrar a mi alcoba y me dio una transmisión cara a cara. Cuando despertó comprendió que era el 13avo aniversario de la cremación de Trungpa”


Biografía de un Viajero en el Tiempo9676451262?profile=original

Tomo II ( Stephanie South)

Cap 4: Completando los Siete Años de la Profecía.

Nota: este año se cumplen 26 años de la cremación ( 1987) y 13 del sueño de Votan y la transmisión de su Maestro (2000).

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Poema del kin 11 Mono Espectral Azul


Gracias por tener el coraje de Vivir el mensaje para la Sanación de Gaia.

Estás siempre en mi corazón.

Ofrezco alabanzas

a este día

Tan sagrado y santo como cualquier otro dia

Y como cualquier otro día.

El centro

A través del cual el universo se enhebra nuevamente.

Y yo oro.

Por que la bondad acumulada por los seres en todos lados

pueda continuar reuniéndose

y que pronto

incluso este mismo día

las compuertas de esta bondad universal

puedan irrumpir sobre este mundo

Y yo oro

porque mis ojos

y todos mis sentidos

puedan abrirse más extensamente

a la hechiceria de la Tierra de cada día

el brillo inadvertido de la gota del rocío de luz arco iris

en la hoja caída.

Y yo oro

que la magia que disuelve

las múltiples apariencias de las cosas

en una unidad luminosa

pueda estallar como una llama en las más profundas

y más rotas cavidades de mi corazón

liberando una canción de alegría indecible.

Y yo oro

que en la prescencia de todo lo mundano

Pueda yo pararme anónimo

un niño de la ilusión

para que en todas las cosas

el círculo de perfección pueda revelarse

como espejo del vacío que todo lo conquista

y más fervorosamente yo oro

que los grandes magos

Merlín sepultado en la Torre Espino

que Pacal Votan selló en la Novena Bóveda de la Noche Santa

con su tren de hechiceros armónicos

pueda volver de repente

apareciendo al principio

del núcleo resonante de la Tierra

como filamentos vibrantes de luz cristal

expansión fantasmal

sobre la oscura y derrumbada pared

de la civilización.

Y yo oro

que de esa manifestación de luz fantasmal

contemplada por la inocencia

como la misma verdad

los poderes del hechicero puedan extenderse

como la llama del ángel

a través de los corazones del guerrero

causando que todos esos señores y señoras de la corte cósmica

despierten de nuevo

a su poder

en el tiempo

para bendecir este planeta

con el esplendor imponente de su tierno poderío.

José Arguelles Valum Votan, Cerrador del Ciclo. (extraído de Biografía de un Viajero del Tiempo Tomo I).

Púlsar Vela

Velatropa 24.3

Biorregión de la Luna

Kin 94 Maga Eléctrica Blanca

Somos Uno en la Madre Cósmica.

In Lak´Ech

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Poema de Valum Votan


Meditación acerca del alma del mundo;

un prolongado sueño que empezó

antes de que el mundo fuese conocido;

fabulosos reyes e imperios de tierras nunca vistas

no eran sino rumores de un distante viento;

las nubes, como doradas mansiones

se apilaban en lo alto, reflejadas en el vítreo océano

llevaban una promesa sellada en el anhelante corazón

de un joven ceñido por un anillo celestial de infinito

de estrellas y de noches...

Nunca estuve aquí en carne y hueso

tal como lo estoy ahora, y sin embargo cada sueño

es conocido por mí en los acantilados barridos por el viento

y playas de mareas, hierbas de mar esparcidas

mucho tiempo antes de que el mundo que conocemos fuera formado.

No son detalles lo que recuerdo

sino la vastedad de la ignota costa

con tales sueños levamos las velas

y conquistamos imperios de oro

y matamos los fabulosos reyes

dividiendo sus tierras, mientras hacíamos esclavos

de su destituída y abyecta progenie.

"¡La Nueva Albión es nuestra!",

proferimos de un extremo a otro de la Tierra

sin saber

que habíamos asesinado

mil sueños

empobreciendo el corazón

por siempre y otro tanto

mientras los bancos y los despachos contables

arrasaban con las tradiciones robadas.

Cúan silente ahora

el mundo de lo sueños,

cúan viejas las naves pretéritas,

los tullidos marginados son empujados más allá del muelle

en donde jóvenes tatuados ejercen ahora el trueque del otro

por menos del salario de un esclavo.

"No hay sueños ahora", proclama el lema pintado

no sueños sino la larga lista de crímenes de la humanidad

y una máquina llamada tiempo que pulveriza el alma

de vuelta a su arcilla original...


¡Oh alma del mundo! Te llamo

desde el baluarte del Castillo,

¿puedes todavía decifrar el sueño del mundo

de tus innumerables resquicios tallados en piedra

confinados por carne y hueso a la rueda

de la máquina del tiempo?

En la noche sin Luna sé que existe

un sendero llamado Camelot

sólo visto por el Ojo del Sueño.

Quien conoce el camino a este sendero

conoce el camino a través de lo nunca visto...

El viento acopia, y las olas rompen

interminablemente en los rocosos acantilados

las gaviotas lloran su luto

por el silencio del sueño

pero yo, el joven exiliado de rimas océanicas,

he encontrado el talismán de otro tiempo

sustraído a los fabulosos reyes ahora asesinados

por ambición e ignominia.

Un talismán cuyas desgastadas líneas revelan

una luz más pura alumbrando el sueño del mundo.

Oh Mártires del Amanecer que clamaron

desde el largo asedio de la noche,

ahora veo el Sol,

su luz más verdadera cancelará la deuda

que el alma del mundo ha acumulado por destruir

su prolongado sueño de inocencia...

¿Otro sueño, dices?

Otro mundo por venir sin ser visto

pero sólo después de que este mundo se haya apartado

de la fantasmal máquina esclavizadora de la mente.

¡Oh vientos del azar y vientos del cambio

les pido ahora que soplen

a través del alma del mundo

otro prolongado sueño

Camelot, o quizás la Torre de Merlín

desenrrollen el sinuoso sudario de la muerte

y permitan que la lejana costa

sea vista de nuevo!

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Soliloquy of an Earth Seed

Originally posted on my blog, Of Our Own Design.

Some claim to be star seed, sent here from other worlds to help this planet through troubling times. They are welcome here.


I am Earth seed, born of the spirit and soul of this planet. I have innumerable lives in nature, as so-called primitives living in deep union with the spirit of this planet and all else around us. I have innumerable lives as other animals and plants sharing and supporting the web of life that is nature. I swim the seas as cetaceans, and I fly the air as eagle and condor. I have innumerable lives as a human being, helping to tie mankind to nature through all ages, and helping to wake my fellow humans whenever they stir beneath their heavily lidded eyes.


I live in all cultures, past, present and future. But I am most closely tied to many powerful lives among the ancients and the indigenous. I am a shaman, a warrior, a scout, a simpleton, and a storyteller. I have been burned as a witch, and I have explored the deeper mysteries of the Egyptians and the Hindus. I have lived in ancient cultures so long gone as to be all but erased from human memory.

I have worked with extraterrestrials throughout time, but I am a spirit of Earth. Yet as a spirit of Earth, I am a spirit of the stars. And as all things are one thing and all thoughts are one thought, I am a spirit of the universe. And so are you.


I am here to say that Earth endures. Earth has been here for billions of years in your reckoning, and Earth will continue for billions of years by your reckoning, either with or without you. What is at stake here is not the planet, but the fruit of the planet. Humans are the seed in that fruit, humans and cetaceans both. That fruit is the entire living biosphere of this planet, which is an immense, multi-cellular organism called Gaia.


Gaia has undergone gestation for millions of years. It is in the self-awareness of humans that Gaia is born. And through the awakening of mankind, all of Gaia will awaken and learn to function, taking her place among the children of the stars.

I am an Earth seed. There are many others like me on this planet — our planet. Now it is time for us to awaken. Now is the time for our birth.


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Kin 33


Kin 33 - Solar Moon, Kali 11 (9.11) - is coded by the Red Resonant (7) Skywalker (13). 

The Red Skywalker being the 13th Solar Seal, and Resonant being the 7th Galactic tone.

We have 20 tones and fingers where each of the 20 solar seals are located on.

There are 13 joints in the body [2 feet, 2 knees, 2 hips, 2 wrists, 2 elbows, 2 shoulders, 1 neck] where each of the galactic tones are located in - and 7 main Chakras w [root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third-eye, crown] where all the radial plasma are located in. GRAPHIC: Galctic Tone (resonant) + Solar Seal (red skywalker) + Radial Plasma (kali).

13 + 7 = 20 (totality)

Today's date in the Gregorian Calendar is 3-17. 

3 + 17 = 20 (totality)

13 * 7 = 91
3 * 17 = 51

51 + 91 = 142 = 71 x 2

91 - 51 = 40 (20 x 2)

91 (or - 51) - 71 (or + 71) = 20 (totality)

13:20 the new frequency.

On the 13 Moon calendar there are 7 Radial Plasmas [Dali, Seli, Gamma, Kali, Alpha, Limi, Silio]. Each of the 7 Chakras are energized by one of these radial plasmas. Hence each day of the week we locate and activate a plasma in a different chakra.

Today we locate and activate (set intention to do so) the Kali radial plasma (see below on graphic) inside our Secret Centre (Sacral) chakra. We feel this radial plasma opening up the chakra and connecting it via 52 (13x4) 52 to the cosmic web of universal energy. A radial plasma is 8 Partons [same relation between a meter and a quanta is the same as between a quanta and a PARTON] incessantly occupying the same space-Time. This Parton is of the six (6) cosmic electricities which exists everywhere in the entire universe, it is this what makes our atoms spin and flow.

Today we enter the Resonant Chamber (tone 7) of the Hand Wavespell. Here Command Attunement. Attune service to action.

Today is the Red Skywalker (solar seal 13) who plays out the archetypal role of the Prophet in the journey of Hunab Ku 21 - Galactic Tree of Life & Knowledge. 

Today's affirmation:

I Channel in order to Explore
Inspiring Wakefulness
I seal the Output of Space
With the Resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Life Force



Byron Skywalker

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Ah Kin

" priests of the sun transmiting higher solar energy to see the soul of the serpent initiates"

I´ve been born this way in the sacred center of the circle

the secret vajra behaviour brought me back to walk this holy Earth in a good and sacred way

I´ve call upon the mountains and they remember the covenant

the three inner seals guide me trough the passages of the dream-like mirrow

Awaken once more

seeking the self-trascended reality room of joy and compassion

Awaken once more

a primitive force of life liberated from the ancient future

I walk this empty world making the tunnels in time

LISTEN AGAIN, the heart discipline is the child discipline, NONE¡

Freedom and the dream will disolve in the rainbow light

I´ve been born this way submited to the higher powers

practicioner of the noble truth

embraced by the family that holds the sacred fire

so vulnerable, so little

with an army of angels blazing thunder in my eyes

trough the path of the cosmic tree i´venlearn the lenguage of silence

would you remember how to believe?

can´t you see i´m crying

i´m just an old star traveler

i came from a red pyramid

where all my people are blue

the vast open universe unfolds dazlinf with the cosmic sky teachings and the absolute truth of love resonante in the core of every star

The femenine space dancer absorbs herself in the continious contemplative motion of the mahamudra mandala only to be fill white the tender soft light of the male archetypes.

I´ve seen worlds come and go, eras vanished trough my feet like sand

I´ve been born and reborn

i´ve been never been born at all

i´ll tell you this no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn

this is the fury of the divine messenger and the call has been made to the four corners, the stand people, to the rock people, to the feadered people and to the four legged people and now telephaty has made us inevitable one.

rise, oh rise, sweet feadered serpent and speak us

i can see the morning light

i can hear the birds sing

all the childrens arise

this is the indomitable day

join us in this perfect loop

step up and find your place in the circle

there are mystic rainbow dragons guarding our dreams

turn into the myst of the unkow

get out and meet the rain that is coming for you

oh tender friend is time now

the waves of the sun had show the way

the mountains are calling and the ritual dance had open all the doors

took by the hands and be fearfull of god once again; te morning star have gived me this strage fever of the people of the earth.

Oh i can see the white buffallo

oh the sacred couple keepers of time have arrived from their house in the sky

come and gather in the good ways

get togheter in the holy ways

time has come for the sun to rise once again...

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Urania: The Spirit Holder

I am the High Priestess

the essence of cosmic spirit:

the white wind.

Trough the breath of the spirit the universal gates of light are open to the power of the prophecie to become the creative memory of the new cycle.

The reflections in the mirrow of life leads you to your time travel body.

Trough the arquicheture of the cube self-created and self-perfectioned the bridge of time is open from the future for the return of the people of OMA.

We the star elders patienly persist on the meditation of the archetype to be reach by the 3-d persona on his own consiusness chosing.

The telepatic comunication can only start with a serious work of natural mind; holding a straight spine, the dream will be self-remembered.

Inside the crystal core of the earth is where we the many become one.

We the one become awaken by the call of Votan and our legio remain faithfully to the galactic kingdom of the Red Queen and to the fullfilment of the regeneration of the planet art, V.24.3.

The totality of the cosmic sky teachings must be preserve in it´s essence so the original designs of time, practice and art could be cultivated as time travel experience.

The third dimensional body mandala must become identified with the fifth dimensional rainbow body-lha to activate the electromagnetical telepatical body of 4-d that allows the correct disposal of the holograme of the new cycle.

Mind atracting from the future

Mind´s release from the now

the inner discipline of dying and becoming who you really are.

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Taking The Path of Least Resistance

Stop the Press!  What is going on on Planet Earth?  Change of Evoloution, that's what. Not just Gaia but her children too.  Four legged and two.  Our DNA/RNA is evolving to more strands so be prepared for the emotional baggage to surface as well as physical and psychological.  It seems the lightworkers are getting hit first.  Take it from me first hand, I'm getting zonked and I see it in some of my clients.  The light (Photonic) is clearing us and it's not a pretty process.  We contracted to come in to get the job done of raising the vibration of Mother Earth and this is part of the shifting. 

More to follow.....stay tuned. 

Tania Iagallo of Merlins Oracle

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Weavers of the Next Great Circle

We are the weavers of the next great circle, the one that has not been written yet..  we have this beautiful Earth to show us the way to do it.  We have so many wonderful examples of different species living in harmony with each other, and not only living in harmony with each other but also enhancing each other because they are living together.

That is one part of what we are weaving for the next great circle...   There is a saying, "As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end" and it was beautiful.


The Earth reminds me she is a multidimensional being, capable of housing many dimensions all at once.  We have the Crystal people who live their lives below the surface, and we have the Tree People who live their lives half down below the surface and half up above the surface.  We have the Whale Family who hold their energy within a body of water..  We are well acquainted with what a multidimensional world looks like, how it is meant that we should create from a place of coexisting on many dimensions together.

We came to sing the new next great circle into being.  I have visions of our journey through our next creation.  There are people who create from a space of electrical currents, who I call the Crystal People and there are people who create from sacred fire, and drumming and Tipi's. 

When I gaze down the passageway into the next great circle I see the Tipi dwellers living in harmony with the outer dimension, and I see portals that when accessed they are transported to the place of the Crystal People (the electric dwellers)

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Conversing with VV

Hello Kin!

Since VV's transition almost two years ago, I have been in some sort of communication with his intelligence, and  have been recording our conversations. At the very start I was told that this was basically a two year window and that after that the conditions would be different.

28 days ago I recorded this ...


Galactic 7, Dragon 1, 2013

Last night I had the idea of publishing our conversations for the two years after your transition. Perhaps this might stimulate others to do the same and we might see how the holomind perceiver is developing. Any suggestions?

By doing this you may see a theme emerge. It depends on how many people become involved.

I got the sense that you were encouraging the thoughts.

It depends entirely on whether you can all get your egos out of the way. The point to remember is, nobody is wrong, nobody is right. It’s all facets of the crystal reflecting what you see. The only accurate viewpoint is from the center and circumference simultaneously.

Will the Red Queen help?

She might. If so, watch for an announcement via the web site.


My sense is that the Galactic Spacebook is the vehicle for the further manifestation of the holomind perceiver. 

This could also be the Electronic Tablet for the Recording of the Star Histories that I envisioned nearly twenty years ago ...

Exciting times for sure!


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Multiverses within the Illusion of Time

My favorite bath time is laying in the bath water and making soft rhythmic movements so that I feel the gentle caress of the water as it moves against my skin… and then back again…  I will lay there and do this over and over, slowly pulsing within the water to feel it’s soft caress..   As I do this I will drift away and find myself merging with the Earth in some location next to the water’s edge to feel how it feels to be there..  sometimes I am lost in the dance of the seaweed..  sometimes I am the gentle curve inside the mouth of a cave..

Drifting on I begin to think of time..  of the dance of the Moon and the Water, and stop to reflect on the length of time those two have been dancing together.  Breathing together in their ever sensual dance..  through time…..  through thousands upon thousands upon thousand of years never once breaking the motion of their breathing together..  in and out, and up and down, lapping waves caressing our body..

I think, “Time to them is not what we think of as time.  We think of time as little movements, ticking away as seconds upon a clock, and work to schedule this and that between the ticking seconds every day for a span of some 80 years.Ancient One

Time is not the same to everyone living on this planet.  When we look at a tree that has held its roots here for some 2000 years, what must we look like to them?  Little blurbs passing by in quick motion like automobiles upon a freeway?

Or time to the clouds, what must that look like?  to circle the Earth again and again in every changing forms, while these little tiny specks, called humans, make a continuous stream of movements from one fashion to another, one vehicle to another… one dwelling place to another..skyhorsesandunicorns

I was thinking Time is not really how we think it is.  It is just the illusion, the limitation we have placed upon ourselves..

Even in my own life I can see that Time is divided into different sectors of timelessness.  The vision of my youth happened in the span of looking into the face of a flower.  It also happened in the span of 18 years, time spent watching the vision, and then onto stepping-stones through time that took place inside dreams and visions.. Grandmother wrapping me in her cloak, showing me through Time and bloodline the one who came to guide me. .  Again to pass through the seconds of our imaginary clock, to call out to Great Spirit in prayer, “Do you exist?”  Then the Eagle appears there..goddess29

Again the seconds tick by in our imaginary clock, the Earth trying to tell me where to walk while I refused to do her bidding, but finding that life just kept getting more and more difficult I finally surrendered to do what she asked..  Then like a flower unfolding in but one short day, I found my life unfolding within a span of 13 years.  One tender movement leading to the next, feathers falling, Crow showing up, Council of Elders (Indians) showing up in my dreams to map out the journey ahead, sending me to a newrainbowmother01 location while telling me to sing..  The world I had known changing before my eyes, pathways opening, messengers arriving with messages meant to trigger memories of Her, the one who came to guide me in my teens..

and Dreams and Dreams,

showing me that Time is just not what it seems

and is only relevant to who is experiencing it..

and when…



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La energía de los días


En los días DRAGON se presenta una excelente oportunidad para iniciar proyectos, dar un paso adelante, tomar decisiones y actuar. Puede ser la ocasión de golpear puertas, de entrevistarse con las personas adecuadas, de contactar gente. Es un día de mucha energía, una fuerza poderosa empuja a hacer, a llevar adelante los planes de vida, de movilizar. También la cualidad del Dragón es nutrir el espíritu, alimentarse interiormente, profundizar los conocimientos. 

En los días VIENTO se manifiesta el don de la comunicación; la misión del día es comunicar el espíritu, compartir con los demás el Sol interior. Es un día de diálogo, de apertura, de entendimiento, y es muy adecuado para aclarar situaciones. El viento une las personas, las acerca, lleva la información a través de las comarcas. Otorga una bendición especial a las comunicaciones sociales, los periodistas, los escritores, los locutores, etc. 

En los días NOCHE uno se adentra en los misterios de la vida, profundiza en los secretores del Ser y el Cosmos, el Creador y lo creado. Bajo el manto de la Noche se esconden los misterios que darán cimiento a un nuevo amanecer. Es el don de la Noche soñar la abundancia, de comprender lo ilimitado de la vida, saber desde lo más profundo del alma que aquello que soñamos puede convertirse en la realidad si lo soñamos con el Corazón. 

En los días SEMILLA el Universo manifiesta la fertilidad para que germines los proyectos e iniciativas. Hay que preparar la Tierra, abonarla, y luego plantar la semilla en el surco. Día a día debemos regar la semilla, hablarle para que entienda, para que conozca nuestras intenciones, ella escucha. La semilla es el principio de la vida, de la generación; de una semilla crece un árbol, pero un árbol puede tardar años en crecer. 

En los días SERPIENTE se despierta en nuestro interior el poder de la fuerza vital. Con más intensidad que nunca, nace de las entrañas de la Tierra un poder que impulsa a actuar. Es el instinto primitivo del ser humano sublimado. La serpiente tiene importante componenda sexual, despierta pasiones en el hombre y fertilidad en la mujer. 

En los días ENLAZADOR DE MUNDOS debemos atender el llamado a la entrega y dejar ir las cosas. La entrega es lo opuesto al abandono, significa liberarse del deseo de querer controlarlo todo; es necesario que las ideas fluyan. El Enlazador de Mundo es ser interdimensional, une las dimensiones y trae mensajes del más allá. También cierra etapas, es principio y fin de las cosas. Debemos terminar un ciclo para comenzar otro. 

Los días MANO desciende a la Tierra el don de la curación. son ideales para la limpieza del cuerpo, de la mente y del espíritu. En la palma de la mano está el poder de curar; debemos utilizarlo. Todos somos sanadores por naturaleza, de modo que es preciso manifestar este poder. El Kin Mano es un día de realización, hay que completar cosas y poner manos a la obra. 

Los días ESTRELLA debemos envolvernos con el don de la belleza, el arte de la elegancia. Es el día de los artistas, cuando se manifiesta nuestra capacidad creativa, el día de los artesanos y los juglares. Llenemos nuestra vida de magia, embellezcámosla y pongámosle además un toque de color. Vivamos creativamente, busquemos alternativas. Salgamos de la rutina, rompamos los esquemas. Saquemos el actor de nuestro interior, pintemos un cuadro o cantemos una canción. 

El los días LUNA afloran todas nuestras emociones. Estamos muy sensibilizados, todo nos afecta, todo nos modifica. Sentimos a través del Plexo Solar, ubicado a la altura del estómago. De nuestro interior brotan lo mejor y lo peor que tenemos. Decimos cosas que, en circunstancias normales, jamás diríamos. Pero también aflora la ternura, el amor se manifiesta desde nuestro corazón e inunda el mundo. 

Los días PERRO desciende sobre la Tierra el poder del Amor Universal. El perro es el fiel representante del Amor en su más elevada expresión. Abramos nuestro Corazón a la experiencia del Amor. "In lakech" tú y yo somos uno. La comprensión de este misterio otorga la sabiduría del Amor. Dios mora en nuestro Corazón y tú y yo estamos unidos por Dios. Ama a tu prójimo, porque eres tu mismo. En los días perro aflora la necesidad de dar, de ayudar, de compartir. Es la magia de este Kin. 

En los días MONO tenemos una predisposición natural hacia el juego. El mono sólo busca satisfacer su propio placer, disfrutar, disfrutar y disfrutar. Y esto es bueno, porque nuestra cultura nos inculcó la culpa de sentir placer y ser feliz está mal visto. Es necesario reeducarnos. El mono nos propone tirar la casa por la ventana, divertirnos, reír a carcajadas hasta que nos duelan las costillas. Compartir con amigos momentos gratos y salidas. 

En los días HUMANO debemos hacer uso de nuestra libre voluntad pero esa no es una tarea tan sencilla. Los Mayas llamaron "Humano" a este peldaño de evolución porque se dice que es el escalón donde el ser humano trastabilló. De modo que debemos hacer un buen uso de nuestra libre voluntad, es decir, no hacer lo que uno quiere sino tener en cuenta el todo, tomar conciencia. Libre Albedrío significa usar nuestras energías constructivamente. 

Los días CAMINANTE DEL CIELO nos pica el bichito de la curiosidad. El caminante es un buscador, un descubridor; quiere saber más y más y nunca nada lo conforma. Jamás se sacia su sed de conocimiento. Es un investigador nato y no descansa hasta llegar al fondo de las cosas. Su motivación en la vida es explorar nuevos territorios y, una vez que los descubre, ya dejan de interesarle. Ese es el destino del Caminante del Cielo. 

En los días MAGO debemos realizar el don de la magia. Todos somos magos. Estamos hechos a imagen y semejanza del Creador y Dios nos otorgó la capacidad de crear. Tenemos que crecer en nosotros mismos y confiar en la magia, deseemos algo y, luego, expresemos que eso que queremos se manifieste en nuestro mundo. Veremos suceder milagros. 

En los días AGUILA desarrollamos nuestra visión interior. El Aguila era un animal sagrado para los Mayas; habitaba en ambos mundos, en dos dimensiones distintas.Concentrémonos en nuestro tercer ojo. Ubicado a la altura del entrecejo, y despertemos nuestra visión interna. Escuchemos nuestras intuiciones y hagámosle caso a los pensamientos. Desarrollemos la telepatía y la comunicación mental. 

En los días GUERRERO debemos planear estratégicamente nuestra vida. Nada estará librado al azar, preguntémonos hacia donde nos dirigimos, qué queremos de la vida. Clarifiquemos las metas y luego sigamos los pasos necesarios para que el objetivo se cumpla. Para los Mayas la estrategia era el arte de dar batalla (enfrentar) a la vida. 

En los días TIERRA concentrémonos en nosotros mismos y meditemos acerca de nuestra fuerza interior. Descubramos los potenciales con que contamos. Conectémonos con la naturaleza y con los dones de la Madre Tierra; escuchemos su sabiduría, recuperemos la calma y cultivemos la paz.Es preciso en todos estos días, hallar el justo equilibrio y desde allí, actuar. 

En los días ESPEJO nuestra propia imagen se refleja en los demás. Eso que admiramos en los demás está en nuestro interior como una cualidad que debe desocultarse. El defecto que está en el otro también está en nuestro interior. El espejo también refleja la eternidad de la vida: Si ubicamos dos espejos enfrentados, veremos que se enfrentan infinitamente y forman un verdadero túnel a través del tiempo. De tal naturaleza fue creado el Universo. 

En los días TORMENTA se producen los grandes cambios. Es un momento de transformación. Estallan los cielos. Cae la lluvia, se riegan los campos, todo renace. Lluvia también es purificación, toda la vida se desarma para recomponerse.Autogeneración y cambio. Es una oportunidad para inventarnos a nosotros mismos, ser quienes somos, mostrarnos auténticos, comenzar de nuevo. 

En los días SOL entramos en comunión con el espíritu. El Universo es la suma de Soles. El centro de la Galaxia, cada sistema gobernado por una estrella solar, el fuego interior de la Tierra, tu propio Sol en el Corazón. El Sol es el principio de la vida, fuente de todas las cosas. La llama de luz que mora en nuestro Corazón es Sabiduría, Conciencia, Amor. Al contactarnos con esa fuerza, descubrimos nuestro poder interior. En los días Sol recibimos el don de la iluminación.

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28 is a perfect number, by definition

today: Solar 6 = March 12. 9/6 = 3/12. 3,6,9,12...

kin 28 (Lunar Star... kinda like the comet PAN STARRS that can be sen around sunset, near the crescent moon this week...)

28 is a *perfect number* by definition.

it's not that complicated: a perfect number is a positive integer - a whole number excluding zero - for which the following is true:

the sum of its divisors is equal to the number itself, excluding the number itself (every number is a divisor of itself of course)

so why 28?
28's (proper positive) divisors are: 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14.
(we don't include 28. if we do, we say that the number is equal to half of its divisors because by including the number as a divisor of itself, the sum of its divisors wld be doubled you see)

in short (this is why math teachers should NOT drink coffee!): 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14.

A number for which this is true is known as a perfect number. I'm just trying to say that 28 is cool. :)

and let the following also be known:
when the number of days in every month is 28 days...
we have the most common calendar system humanity has ever known AND EVER USED: 13 months of 28 days each plus one more day = 365. With this no-brainer kind of human societal operating system, KNOWING THE DAY OF THE MONTH, YOU AUTOMATICALLY KNOW THE DAY OF THE WEEK. go flippin figure.

and lastly -
28 is the sum of John, Paul, George and Ringo's 260-day bdays (not necessarily in that order, for George is so underrated!). So it has to be cool, dig?

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What is the 13 Moon Calendar?

The 13 Moon, 28-day calendar is a new standard of time for all people everywhere who desire a genuinely new world. If the calendar and time we follow is irregular, artificial and mechanized, so becomes our mind. As is our mind, so our world becomes, as is our world today: Irregular, artificial and mechanized. But if the calendar we follow is harmonic and in tune with natural cycles, so also will our mind become, and so we may return to a way of life more spiritual and in harmony with nature.

The 13 Moon calendar synchronizes solar and galactic cycles on July 26 correlating with the star Sirius.  Each of the 13 moons has a power, action, and quality which define an annual program to synchronize our consciousness with the galactic cycles.

As a perfect measure of cosmic time, this calendar is actually a synchronometer, an instrument for measuring synchronicity. Followed daily, it gives us a new lens in which to perceive events. In the New Time, synchronicity is the norm.

The 13 Moon 28-day synchronometer is a harmonic timespace matrix. It takes the moon 28 days to orbit the Earth; it makes this orbit 13 times each year. The standard of measure is the 28-day cycle, called a moon, because it is the median between the 29.5-day synodic cycle of the moon (new moon to new moon) and the 27.1-day sidereal cycle of the moon. Hence, it is a measure of Earth’s solar orbit using the 28-day lunar standard. This creates a perfect orbital measure of 13 moons of 28 days, totaling 364 days, or 52 perfect weeks of 7 days each. Because the 365th day is no day of the moon or week at all, it is known as the day out of time” - a day to celebrate peace through culture and time is art!

"The Thirteen Moon calendar is an evolutionary tool to assist humanity in the unprecedented act of uniting itself on one issue central to its complete well-being: time. The harmonic convergence of humanity on this one issue, combined with the inescapable order, perfection and simplicity of following the 13 Moon calendar will lift the species as a simultaneous whole into the galactic timing frequency of 13:20."

José Argüelles/Valum Votan, The Call of Pacal Votan

13 Moon Calendar Art

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