
KIN 49


I perfect in order to purify
producing Flow
I seal the process of Universal Water
with the planetary tone of  Manifestation
I am guided the power of Life Force

While we are now only 19 days apart from celebrating the 29th Anniversary cycle of the discovery of SuperNova Quetzalcoatl 1987A completing  a perfect ring of 28 years x 365 days (2.24.1987~ 2.24.2016), we are currently witnessing the intensification and amplification of the energetics preceding this fractal event, manifesting in potent ways on the screen of our collective holographic 3D reality:

The discovery of SuperNova ASASSN- 15Lh NOW as "the most powerful supernova ever discovered!" (January, 2016) is becoming an essential component of the holographic process of Cosmic Memory retrieval and telepathic redemption, that planet Earth and Humanity are now undergoing.

Found: The Most Powerful Supernova Ever Seen - Scientific AMERICAN

Most-luminous supernova ever discovered - Phys.org

Possibly the most powerful supernova ever seen ...

According to recent astronomical observations, all numerical data coming from this Luminous Being SN2015LH correlates with stunning exactitude with the mathematical and mytho-cosmological structures of the synchronic order, being the most evident and synchronic event, the date of its discovery: June 15th, 2015 (NS1.27.12.17 ~ KIN 73 8Skywalker).

This discovery occurred EXACTLY 63 YEARS from another historical event of immense evolutionary value: The DISCOVERY of PACAL VOTAN'S TOMB in Palenque, Mexico by archeologist Alberto Ruz on June 15th, 1952 (KIN 218 10Mirror).


This represents, without a shadow of doubt a very powerful message coming from our ancient future~past in anticipation for Day Out of Time 2016, July 26.2016 ~ KIN 218 White Planetary Mirror, and represents a climatic stage in the fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Return of Pacal Votan as a Frequency of Light.

“Pacal Votan was a type of prophet—a sage king of the order of Solomon—much the same as Buddha, Abraham, Christ or Muhammad. Pacal Votan was the only prophet of such stature in the New World, with the possible exception of his successor: Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent (947-999)."

"Pacal Votan is the synthesizer of all messengers and teachings. His mission was to establish UR on Earth. Universal Recollection is the highest goal of GM108X. The prophecy of Pacal Votan shows that spiritual messengers, prophets and sages of all faiths represent a single tapestry of a vast interlocking planetary system.”

“Pacal Votan represents the quintessence of the cosmic sky teachings as he transmigrated from previous world systems in order to embody and represent all traditions. The prophecy of Pacal Votan points out that the spiritual history of the planet is a single integrated circuit. All the teachers and teachings are part of one vast time-release program.”

Stephanie South / Red Queen
Accessing Your MultiDimensional Self - A Key to Cosmic History

The news of this COSMIC event have affected the life of the scribes of these pages and their perception of “every-day reality” in quite new and revelatory ways, sometimes very hard to describe. These experiences come in waves and feel as HUGE dis-placements and re-arrangements within the fabric of Time-Space… resembling very much the experience of an Earthquake, but in this case a “Time Quake” experience where multiple tsunamis of synchronicities collapse in one instant into One Wave through the Ocean of Time opening a gigantic Time Tunnel...

The analysis of harmonic numerical values assigned by astronomical science to measure the SuperNova 2015LH event, when cross-referenced with key harmonic values within the framework of the synchronic order, also resulted in unprecedented levels and layers of synchronic resonance and coherence reflected both at the level of personal experiences and the planetary event level.

This analysis through the 13:20 lens of the Law of Time served as a trigger to document the process in a methodic way. What initially started on Gregorian New Year’s Eve 2015, as a recapitulation blog draft suddenly revealed over time multiple layers of resonance, that collapsed into one during the day of the announcement of Super Nova 2015LH. right at the core of the resonant moon (January 18th, 2016 ~ Resonant Moon  NS ~KIN 30 4 DOG).

It is as if since the moment of the explosion announcement, every single memory of past events (both personal and planetary) and even every word on every blog/report written in the past have been acquiring increasingly higher levels of meaning and significance, and have become one way or another a prophetic part of this document and part of the larger cosmic tapestry. Since then, the document (now a book still in process of gestation) has been becoming as a sort of repository container of cosmic memory that connects past+present+future.

So, what you will find inside this document is only a raw re-collection of memories organized in a sort of chronological order (as time is radial) so that you can explore it as if you just found a time capsule full of maps and information and finding the connections is part of your role as an explorer. Both scribes have been mutual witnesses of the power behind the written word, therefore the ultimate intention is to maintain this Cosmic Memory Vault alive by sharing IT with all Earth Wizards who feel called to join the adventure launched here as the “Ultimate Journey of Redemption of the Wizard Archetypal Self” during the remaining 6 moons of this Planetary Wizard Year. These remaining 6 moons added to the 13 moons of the Spectral Storm Year  represent the last  19 moons to reach the 260th step of the spiral staircase of 260 moons ~ 20 Years since the Retrieval of the Divine Plan. This is then an opportunity to RETRIEVE THE DIVINE MAGIC! by really doing our best job as Time Travelers and Wizards.

This document is intended then to serve as a ROAD-MAP of this 19 moon adventure, not only for the scribes but for those who may read it, to navigate present+future time vector potentialities with Higher Awareness and serve as “memory holders” to keep the Time Tunnels open. The adventure includes making good use of your telepathic timelessness powers to redeem once again (and for all) the memories of the “lost worlds” originated eons ago with the explosion of planet Maldek and the “Error in Time”. It’s time to tame the  beast of ignorance of old mental unconscious programs and its master choreographer: the gregorian calendar.

As cosmic antennas attuned to the incoming frequencies of the new time and the new galactic beam, our job now as planetary wizards and “vibratory roots” is simply to keep telepathic memory record of these events and hold the resonance field by means of weaving a 4th dimensional holographic “blanket of harmony” over the current distorted 3rd dimensional  hologram, projected now as a global “planetary reality” engulfed in disturbing acts of war and violence.

As Earth Wizards, Time Keepers, Wisdom Keepers and Conscious Evolved Beings we have the sacred duty to do our best in redeeming and making conscious those aspects and events affecting in very detrimental ways the future of our Planet and of our next Seven Generations. One way to achieve this redemption consist simply in making conscious the unconscious by focusing our attention in the numeric messages provided by the sacred rhythms, ratios and proportions of the synchronic order and from this elevated perspective  be able to:    

~ Re-Frame the Past
~ Rethink the Present
~ Re-member the Future.

With this Intention in mind, and with the purpose of presenting this evidence with simple clarity as possible we will do our best to synthesize and recapitulate some KEY EVENT FACTS in chronological order . Source material has been re-collected and handpicked from a wide array of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan’s  books, lectures, newsletters including a glimpse into the unpublished document “19=260” (a masterpiece who seems to be a time capsule resurrecting the Divine Magic) as well as the Book of Prophecies of the Chilam Balam of Chamuyel. A complete list of bibliographical resources will be added in time...

Even though this is still a work in progress, we hope that by the end of your journey through these pages an Essential Master Component Memory Circuit can be re-connected/re-paired by your continuing conscious mental effort of tracing it back in TIME to its Source:Origin:Divine Intersection between the Tzolkin’s Mystic Column and the 19 Strand:


Through the codes of the Synchronic Order we can attune to a new vision of the future that is alive with meaning and become living vessels that can embody our Highest Mission within the Divine Plan.   

This recapitulation started on:

Gregorian: 12.31.2015
at 12:00 noon New Year’s Eve
KIN12 ~12 Human
3rdWatch: KIN142 ~ 12Wind
>>>2.24.1987: Discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl<<<

"This supernova [SN Quetzalcoatl 1987A] was the means by which the higher-dimensional councils of universal unification “announced” the completion of the prophecy of Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells, commemorated on August 16 and 17, 1987, by the Harmonic Convergence. This event officially began what is referred to as the Quetzalcoatl Project, a vast organized undertaking of the galactic masters’ system of mind transmission, the GM108X. (See 20 Tablets of the Law of Time)" -

Rinri Project Newsletter III. Mystery of the Stone Edition

With the purpose of re-framing the past from the start, we will re-name this SuperNova as SN2015L “Quetzalcoatl II”. Why? There are 2 main reasons:

1. Because of the rarity of an event of this magnitude and proportion, it can be catalogued as HIGHLY SYMBOLIC/PROPHETIC in nature and considered then a feedback “signal” from the “Past:Present:Future Time-Space continuum”.  Since Cosmic Science, Cosmic History, the synchronic order and the Law of Time are all integral components of a new science and a new knowledge base for the reformulation of the human mind,  this SuperNova deserves as well its “own designation” within the framework and context of the Time Science of the Galactic Maya. This new designation is intended to establish a direct connection with the only event in the past of similar magnitude: The discovery of SuperNova 1987A “Quetzalcoatl”, the first supernova explosion ever detected by man back on February 24, 1987 (1987.2.24). 

By consciously establishing a connection between the 2 largest events ever witnessed by the Human “I”  we create a new HARMONIC THOUGHT-FORM or a NOOSPHERIC THOUGHT-WAVE. When YOU (the reader) interact with this New Thought-Form, it gets amplified by the mere act of contemplation, generating higher levels of resonance and coherence in the Mental Field of the Earth, activating the Noosphere.

2. The second reason for deliberately changing its name is vibrational: The name ASASSN brings the unconscious mental field of humanity in resonance with verbal sound attractors of low vibrational quality, as the word “ASSASSIN” is charged with violent religious connotations between Islamic and Christian traditions. This low resonance  value is associated to other deeply rooted unconscious thought-forms such as words “TERROR” and “ISIS”.

This introduction is the only section of the document where you will find elaborated ideas from the scribes. We aspire that the careful re-collection of quotes, images, maps and the diagrams will serve from now on as your navigation tools and that the numbers will “do the talk”. 

Those who are attuned to the numbers will understand their message without the use of words. For those who may feel lost while reading it, we recommend to navigate to the external web links placed along the way and at the end of the document where you can expand more on subjects that you are not familiar with, and then return to these pages. (NOTE: Since this is a work in progress u may find on the link below updated versions named according the date of changes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Byw9Hr_SYxezSnpJZ2dNRS1RTjA.

May this Light at the end of the Time Tunnel serve as Guide and Inspiration for Humanity to retrieve the Divine Magic by re-membering our Galactic Origin and Destiny. May Peace and Divine Truth prevail on Earth!

First draft completed on: KIN 37
Second draft completed on KIN 39
Third draft completed a published on:
NS1.28.7.28  KIN 49 10Moon
BMU:164 ~ KIN EQ MCF: KIN 137 Lord 7Earth
Gregorian: 2016.02.05 
19 days to close 28 rings from the Discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl I.

113.56.57 + 189.132.133

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