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Hoy en la noche del kin 252, humano entonado amarillo (27 de agosto): Venus y Júpiter se juntan en el cielo marcando la señal de la primera generación del nuevo Tiempo. Una generación son 20 años, 20 años se completan este año desde la primera inseminación en el ovulo terrestre de las semillas estelares. 

Esta conjunción llega a su cumbre en la cuarta luna, justo al final del ciclo de 812 días a la consciencia solar, donde la unión planetaria, el beso amoroso entre jupiter y venus hace que se fusionen, esta fusión fue conocida hace 2000 años como la estrella de Belen... Y sucederá el NS. Kin 51 Mono Cristal Azul (26 de octubre), día que da inicio a la cuanta atrás de 9 días hacia el final del ciclo de 812 días a la consciencia solar que culmina en el kin 60 ( 4 de noviembre).

Vistos desde la Tierra, observaremos a Júpiter más pequeño que a Venus, aunque la realidad es justo la contraria. La razón de que ese día Júpiter tenga un menor tamaño se debe a que se encontrará unas tres veces más lejos de la Tierra que Venus.
Júpiter alcanza la misma longitud solar aproximadamente una vez cada 13 meses. Sin embargo, Venus nunca se aleja más de 47.1 grados de elongación del Sol y así podemos encontrarlo siempre en el cielo, ya sea al amanecer o al atardecer. Esto significa que Júpiter se alinea con Venus casi una vez al año.
En 2019 habrá dos conjunciones de Venus y Júpiter, mientras que en 2018 no se encontrarán. En la conjunción de 2016 ambos planetas se estarán más cerca que en los anteriores y próximos años, ¡a tan solo 4′ de distancia angular!
Es posible que Venus oculte a Júpiter, pero esto no ha vuelto a ocurrir desde 1818 y no volverá a verse desde la Tierra hasta (apunta bien en el calendario) el 22 de noviembre de 2065, aunque estarán muy próximos al Sol.

Entonces en el Kin 51, (26 de octubre), Venus ―el tercer objeto celeste más brillante después del Sol y la Luna― se encontrará a tan solo un grado de Júpiter y a dos de Marte. Como resultado, ese 'trío' de planetas se verá como una constelación brillante, parecida a la legendaria estrella de Belén. El impresionante fenómeno se podrá observar en toda la Tierra.

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Meditación: N.S. kin 249 = Cuenta larga


Señal (crop circle) recibida en la luna 2, día 2, kin 248,(24 de agosto) justo con la onda encantada de la estrella del arte en respuesta a la meditación realizada toda la primera luna, luna como saben codificada con ese mismo kin 248. 13 lineas de la espiral del tiempo retratadas conteniendo información que se dispara en el inconsciente. 13 lunas de anillo tormenta espectral azul que nos lleva al interior del castillo verde, al interior del centro del huracan!

13 lunas del cuarto anillo completan el giro Tzolkin de 260 lunas desde el inicio de la Meditación de la Red de Arte Planetaria del Cubo del Tiempo Espacio o cubo de la Ley del Tiempo, o cubo del Guerrero de 16 años, cuando la Tierra recordó el Mantra: Telektonon Ur , cuando fuimos conscientes del poder de Excalibur, la matriz original oculta en en corazón de la Tierra de la que somos guardianes.

Del Quinto anillo de la profecía al Quinto anillo del nuevo Noos Baktun, un salto en el tiempo, una generación humana = 20 años, el inicio de la primera Dinastia Libre de la Tierra.

La espiral de 13 trayectorias armónicas de 20 lunas = 260 lunas, 20 años de viaje al centro de la espiral. La luna encantada por la frecuencia del Kin completa 260 ciclos de 28 días, un Tzolkin lunar, la piedra del cielo ha sido imantada con la canción del corazón. Poderosos kines, nosotr@s, conscientes del poder de la flor solar en nuestro pecho sabemos que el viaje continua después de llegar al centro de la espiral, lo llamamos salto, vuelo mágico. Entrenados cada 13 días en el poder del salto interdimesional, estar atentos al final de la tormenta espectral azul , atraer el poder del vuelo mágico, imaginar el salto de la mente individual a la mente colectiva al coopearar con actos y encantos.

Al concentrarnos en esta sincronia podemos usar la Armónica celeste de los 13 días de la Onda encantada de la estrella y estar 13 días proyectando el anillo solar actual dentro de la matriz original, jugar con los pulsares del tiempo y centrar el anillo solar en nuestro Ser Resonante ( clave de la trayectoria armónica 13).

El Kin 249 codifica, luna lunar roja, codifica la Luna Lunar del escorpión de este cuarto anillo del nuevo Tiempo. El tercer día, en la poderosa torre del viento solar Blanco ( unidad crono-psi de los primeros tres días de la segunda luna), el kin 249, día tortuga mágica ( tono lunar en la luna y en el kin del día), Asamblea extraordinaria de la corte de magos y hechiceras planetarias en la Noosfera. Armónica celeste, mismo kin codificando luna y día :

Luna lunera de la luna lunar roja !
Frecuencia Fractal de viaje en el tiempo :

El primer día de esta segunda luna realizamos una excursión a la Historia Cósmica, revivir el salto de la onda encantada de Mente visionaria a la Onda de la Estrella del Arte, es decir el salto que dimos 28 días atrás cuando comenzó el anillo y grabar otra vez la sensación de salto en la espiral !. Es el poder del vuelo magico, donde la mente colectiva se transforma en la estrella del Arte !

Hemos establecido contacto con la inteligencia extraterrestre mediante la meditación de la mente natural y la concentración en los círculos de las cosechas.

Primera generación de Magos y Magas = 20 años = 13 trayectorias armónicas.

Fuente : A.G.M. 138 X

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Hello all I have not recently been with the site and all you have been doing. However my wife and I have both been involved since 2006 or so in studying and practicing the Law of time. I have recently managed to (after much struggle with seizures) channel the energy that has been been overwhelming me for years. It has come expressing itself to be AT'UL Toltec Chief of Tula Mexico. Absolute Truth Unconditional Love. Many writings have been brought forth thru me as well as music, art ,  elemental alchemy and much more. Trying to understand the calendars from my wifes point of view and what seems to be the view of most has come very hard for me. However I have seen a very geometric approach and come to understand and make some predictions of my own. Being new(old) to the happenings with you guys I was'nt sure the best way or place to share my ideas and efforts. I am in a position of financial desperation for my family that I hope to break by finding some way to apply this knowledge to the here and now. I find the monetary systems to be not of the lands of come from and hope to find a way to participate in something meaningful while also supporting my family, friends and all real-ations, in all 7 nations. Please help point me in the right directions for me to help participate in bringing these dreams of so many to life, Many Thanks to all, Sincerely Chief Ka'nan Clear Feather Lee
 Hello Dear ones...just wanted to express a thought that came flying by and I managed to reach up and grab. This is my perspective from either inside or outside the cube...maybe both...just posting for self reflection maybe..Enjoy the thought
I am one of the 8th tone Red Galactic Skywalkers...13 Prophet Bringer of Lost worlds and Time
My Suns birthday is shared with Jose' A. My wife 108 and Me 220 My Daughter 520(Toltec Zenith date) We are sound in Physical form, light in Celestial form. Sound effects and shapes water...The 5 in my family create a hexagon with 108(wife-Bday) degree angles...4x108=432hz ....2x220=440hz.... 8hz phase hum/shift.... 
Monday-Moon 1 Day 14...Half Moon.... 8/8/2016 ...8+8=16 ...two 8 tone hemispheres of the brain rise together ... atlantis/lemuria....AT'UL....Kin 232...2 hemispheres triune with 2 hemispheres....One Yellow Spectral Human guided by Itself into man-i-fest-at-ion...Mayan Oracle manifest...Through harmonic of 58 cubed...4x58har is 232kin.... The One Dot Primal Kundalini Energy of Red Dragon Manifest thru White World Bridger(my sun and his great grandmother...4 generations) then transfiguration thru the Blue Night (me this year) and onward into Yellow Human form
Tues. is then 233...Red Crystal Skywalker ....This returns the Galactic Traveler to crystalline form to manifest the words of the great scribes of time thru the insertion into Akashics of the Sacred Heart of the Land of Ka'nan , My daughter a red dragon, Ruby(red crystal) the Philosophers Stone. This is guided by the ascending red dragon now serpent initiate on 233. Within the insert of the sacred heart is the 21st seal of the Mayan/Toltec Archetype AT'UL Toltec Chief LU'TA Mayan Chieftess...Atlantis Lemuria....Chief Ka'nan of the LeeTribe... Votan descendant of the 7 nations....The 7 scrolls of Silverman 925 are also contained within. These contain a prayer of repentance to the natives and a request that the Trail of Tears be erased from the Akashic Records changing the hear and now....based on generations of observance and calculations. This AT'UL has observed and Shares thru the hands of the Scribe Chief Ka'nan
My accumulative thoughts on this are that in 13:20 the pages of the living book fold inward at the 10 white Dog.... As of this past Hunab Ku the 21st seal was inserted raising the chin of the Dragon to look towards initiation breaking the cycle of St. George slaying the Dragon. This allows the Red Spectrum(Red Skins) of the rainbow to raise their ARC by folding the Book outward on the 13 Phrophet...This creates a new bridge to the living book between 10-13 allowing all the accumulative days out of time to be added to the pages now extended to 13:26 folding on 13. This comes thru the knowledge of the Golden Mean Ratio of 13:21 the Spiral of life Hunab Ku. The black sheep inherit the Golden fleece and are given golden horns of plenty as the Ram.
This new angle on the ARC shifts creating another rainbow and sweeps the planet as another of many NoOspheres...Mound Building.....Multi-Dimensional Existence....and Non-existence
Just thoughts I have found within myself and my story...for anyone who is'nt on the otherside already and laughing at my ridiculous efforts to understand this whole strange game of life....
In Lak'ech
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Nine Lords of Time

Nine Lords of Time descend into the Tomb of Time9.13 the numbers of the dedication of the TombTelektonon!Excalibur!Now the time has comeTo awaken the Nine Lords of TimeNine Lords of the RingNine Solar Rings – Thirteen Moons per orbitSacred number code 9.13The Tomb of Time reopenedOne Lord of Time awakened as the power of the Solar RingEach Solar Ring Thirteen Moons in passingNine Solar RingsNine Lords of Time AwakenedNine Great Lha of ShambhalaNine Lords of TimeNine Lords of the RingBlue Crystal Storm 2004The Nine Lords begin their turn in timeThirteen Moons the noospheric time to turnTelektononTen sacred lettersExcaliburNine sacred letters moreNineteen sacred letters in allTwo sacred soundsKnown to those well-versed in the Magic of TimeNow guard you well your knowledgeThis is the Harrowing of HellWrapped in the cloak of the Synchronic OrderWalk the sacred tunnel between the WorldsSipapuEarth Spirit Speaking Tube as wellIn this passage of the End of TimeSeven Seers fulfill the Seven Years of ProphecyWhen the Seventh Seer has laid his final treasureSipapu will end in the Eye of the Needle of TimeWhite Spectral MirrorIf you can pass through this spectralized gateInvisible to all but those who know the TimeThen Blue Crystal Storm will announce to youThe resplendent sound of the First Lord of the RingThe First Lord of Time, Luminous White AThen seek the treasure laid by the Seventh SeerThrough his messenger of Treasuresthe Glorious Lotus BornPass through the Ring of TimeAnd find the treasure known by nameExcaliburNine sacred letters inscribedIn the last Nine steps of the Cube of the LawExcalibur“Call Bolon Ik out from UR!”“E” and “X”The First Two Lords connect the two sides of the Planetary ManitouThe next three Lords make the Call –Then inside the Sacred Wisdom SourceThe Mystic Altar of the Mystery of the StoneThe last Four Lords inspire the Mother of the WorldTo make the sacred mantric soundTel Ek Ton On!Bolon Ik – Ik BolonThe letters I and BComplete the Mystery of the StoneTwo letters moreInscribe the signs of sacred URAnnouncingNew Jerusalem Shambhala TollanSacred Order of the Heavenly SourceReturned to Earth at last!O you lovers of Riddles and Mysteries!Look carefully at the Magic Square of NineNested within the Oxlahuntikufrom Millenniums end to 2013The final nine years are in truth Nine RingsInscribe therein EXCALIBUROne letter each for each of the Nine RingsThen look carefully again and findPerfect Axis of the Storm E-R-LBalanced by the Moons diagonal C-BJoined by the Wizards poles A-UMade Straight by the Seed X-INine Rings in All, ExcaliburEach Ring a Lord of TimeEach Lord the memory of One NET DayEarth Awakened Ring by RingNine NET DaysThirteen NET Hours per dayBlue Crystal Storm the Count beginsThe Star Seed makes the SpaceDraw you now your treasure mapThe Wisdom hoard is openingThe Memory is yoursFor the takingIf only you can take the Time to knowNine Lords of TimeNine Lords of the RingShambhala New Jerusalem TollanUR returnedAll beings ONENo longer just a dreamBut a weaving of realityThirteen Moons in the MakingMake this riddle your ownAnd you will be a championOf the Mystery of the StoneExcalibur!Telektonon
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White Wind Wavespell - ushering in Spirit   The Wind Wavespell the second wavespell for the Blue Storm year 2016-2017... Listening for the messages of Spirit to pour through us... blessed be Great Spirit!.... for more daily vids see or subscribe to the youtube channel above...

In lak'ech dear kin

Kin 71


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Nümi's Ark #1

Inspired by the awakening of my spirit to the synchronic order, I feel compelled and guided to build a 3-D synchronometer.

Here's what I know for sure at this moment:

* It will be called Nümi's Ark.
* It will serve as my Galactic Timeship Interface Pod for the purpose of amplifying awareness.
* Encoded within all aspects of its shape and form will be the insights and memories revealed to me through my study of the Law Of Time.
* It will allow me to place my body in the "space" of MindTime.
* It will be constructed outdoors.
* It will be a sacred space of mindful reflection and synchronistic contemplation.

(Originally posted synchronistically on Magnetic Moon Dali 1, Kin 219, Blue Spectral Storm at 13:20 EST)

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The above Crop Circle appeared nearby Stonehenge on 8 July 2016.

The following is one interpretation and a result of a group meditative effort during which there was a sense of consciously connecting to another world and civilisation, as different as any of ours, and an elevated sense of being.

My impression is that such group meditations can open up fertile lines of exchange, around the areas of knowledge of new science, art, law, social organising, health, environment etc., and especially cultural enlargement, a greater wholeness and spirituality and a recognition of enlightening the greater galactic life.

About the Circle.

There are the images of the Moon Chalice with the Sun or Soul Star of 7 Rays, 7 paths or 7 directions emanating from a central sphere like a Crown Chakra or Sun.

The outer circles are like the Milky Way, 73 squares and 82 squares.

Numerologically, “7” + “3” and “8” + “2” equals “10” and “10” is the number of “completion” end and or beginning of a cycle.

The difference between “73” and “83” is “9” meaning “spirit” for “9 x 9” or “9 / 9” always resolves to “9”, for ever unchanging.

“10” + “10” is really “11”, or “2”, which indicates a gateway,

and “73” + “82” = “155” or “144” + “11” and “1” + “5” + “5” = “11”,

i.e. “12 x 12” refers to the Souls of Ascension and to the Angelic Host and “11” here can indicate “Gateway of Ascension”.

Note that “12” + “12 = “24”, the number of “Shamballa” or Crown Chakra and this is confirmed by the date of 8 July 2016, which sums to “24”.

The Crop Circle may therefore be pointing to the time of “Opening the Gate” for the ascension of all ensouled beings to enter the higher way of evolution and this way relates to an integration of Galactic consciousness.

“73” and “82” are really reflections of their own total, “155”, and in a way are saying, “the two are as one, that which appears to be a duality is really a unity”, also “as above so below”.

Further more, “7” and “3” are odd or feminine numbers while “8” and “2” are even and masculine, again indicating a wedding of the Moon and the Sun.

And it seems that the Crop Circle is also talking about the year ahead…

Today, 26 July 2016, by the Mayan Tzolkin, is the first day of the New Sirian-Earth year. This takes places on this date when the Sun and Sirius are conjunct, rising together at dawn on this date annually.

Today is the “11”th day of the “17” 13-day wavespell and Kin 218, the 218th day of the current 260 day Tzolin.  Note that “218” is also “11” so then we have “11 : 11” – a gateway on 26 July 2016 which also resolves to “24”, a Shamballa number.

You can also probably find “3”s and “7”s and “2”s and “8”s in there!

It can be no coincidence that the day of Kin 218 is also linked to the Gateway Earth Family whose task is to “Open the Portals”.

Kin 218 ,the first day of the New Earth-Sirian year, is identified as Blue Spectral Storm. This expresses the galactic energy influencing the Earth year to come and its keynote is:

“I dissolve in order to catalyse
Releasing energy.

I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the spectral tone of liberation”.

An image of Blue Spectral Storm can be like a vortex of divine circulating energies linking the galactic realm through our Sun and moving into expression through humanity.

The esoteric guides throughout the year of Blue Spectral Storm are the Sun, the Moon and the Wind. Together these represent the balanced integrity of the divine inner union of soul and personality or of Father Spirit and Mother Matter, an inner wedding of higher and lower realms made possible by the giving and receiving of intuitive communication and guidance – of Wind Spirit or breath.

The 2016/17 year to come of Blue Spectral Storm will be a year when the sense of “our humanity” is all that holds true, when all social structures, habitual beliefs and customs will be shaken, dissolved and literally blown away.  All that will be shown to be illusionary and the greater reality of a cosmic unity underlying all of life will begin to be revealed.

Release! Let go! Transform!

The Law of Time says that “Storm energy is associated with Pluto and corresponds with the qualities of self-generation and enlightenment. As we liberate the energy of the galactic Light to reveal the Unseen, the contents of the underworld of the unconscious surfaces into the conscious realm of mainstream awareness to create unprecedented transformation.”

“Blue Spectral Storm year also begins a much larger cycle of 2756 years or fifty three 52-year cycles also known as “Sirian Wheels”. The first Sirian Wheel is from 2016-2068 establishing the first galactic era of Timeship Earth.”

Safe to say this has all "blown me away".

I am very interested to know if you have any impressions on this circle and numerology?

Love to all


Recent related Crop Circles:

Monday 24th July  2016, Germany

22nd and 23rd July, UK href="">

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Kin Ship

Of all the kin there are,I am a Yellow Rhythmic Star!Kin 219, Magnetic moon 1, DaliNo time for melancholy :)Dare to be aware.Timeship Earth must not despair!Thus begins Blue Spectral StormWhich heralds the return of cosmic norm!
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TelektononNine Lords of Time descend into the Tomb of Time9.13 the numbers of the dedication of the TombTelektonon!Excalibur!Now the time has comeTo awaken the Nine Lords of TimeNine Lords of the RingNine Solar Rings – Thirteen Moons per orbitSacred number code 9.13The Tomb of Time reopenedOne Lord of Time awakened as the power of the Solar RingEach Solar Ring Thirteen Moons in passingNine Solar RingsNine Lords of Time AwakenedNine Great Lha of ShambhalaNine Lords of TimeNine Lords of the RingBlue Crystal Storm 2004The Nine Lords begin their turn in timeThirteen Moons the noospheric time to turnTelektononTen sacred lettersExcaliburNine sacred letters moreNineteen sacred letters in allTwo sacred soundsKnown to those well-versed in the Magic of TimeNow guard you well your knowledgeThis is the Harrowing of HellWrapped in the cloak of the Synchronic OrderWalk the sacred tunnel between the WorldsSipapuEarth Spirit Speaking Tube as wellIn this passage of the End of TimeSeven Seers fulfill the Seven Years of ProphecyWhen the Seventh Seer has laid his final treasureSipapu will end in the Eye of the Needle of TimeWhite Spectral MirrorIf you can pass through this spectralized gateInvisible to all but those who know the TimeThen Blue Crystal Storm will announce to youThe resplendent sound of the First Lord of the RingThe First Lord of Time, Luminous White AThen seek the treasure laid by the Seventh SeerThrough his messenger of Treasuresthe Glorious Lotus BornPass through the Ring of TimeAnd find the treasure known by nameExcaliburNine sacred letters inscribedIn the last Nine steps of the Cube of the LawExcalibur“Call Bolon Ik out from UR!”“E” and “X”The First Two Lords connect the two sides of the Planetary ManitouThe next three Lords make the Call –Then inside the Sacred Wisdom SourceThe Mystic Altar of the Mystery of the StoneThe last Four Lords inspire the Mother of the WorldTo make the sacred mantric soundTel Ek Ton On!Bolon Ik – Ik BolonThe letters I and BComplete the Mystery of the StoneTwo letters moreInscribe the signs of sacred URAnnouncingNew Jerusalem Shambhala TollanSacred Order of the Heavenly SourceReturned to Earth at last!O you lovers of Riddles and Mysteries!Look carefully at the Magic Square of NineNested within the Oxlahuntikufrom Millenniums end to 2013The final nine years are in truth Nine RingsInscribe therein EXCALIBUROne letter each for each of the Nine RingsThen look carefully again and findPerfect Axis of the Storm E-R-LBalanced by the Moons diagonal C-BJoined by the Wizards poles A-UMade Straight by the Seed X-INine Rings in All, ExcaliburEach Ring a Lord of TimeEach Lord the memory of One NET DayEarth Awakened Ring by RingNine NET DaysThirteen NET Hours per dayBlue Crystal Storm the Count beginsThe Star Seed makes the SpaceDraw you now your treasure mapThe Wisdom hoard is openingThe Memory is yoursFor the takingIf only you can take the Time to knowNine Lords of TimeNine Lords of the RingShambhala New Jerusalem TollanUR returnedAll beings ONENo longer just a dreamBut a weaving of realityThirteen Moons in the MakingMake this riddle your ownAnd you will be a championOf the Mystery of the StoneExcalibur!Telektonon
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My true name

As my spirit is awakened I seek to know my true name.My galactic kin may call me Nümi.For the "new me" sees that "N-U-M-I (in you am I)".Peace!
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Are you ready...

Salutations, With the intention of making conscious what was unconscious.
What's in a NAME?
It is ILLEGAL to us the LEGAL name.
What is the biggest "Fib" of all?
The "Fib-of-no'chi"


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The movement of Love

The longing for love and the movement of love is underneath all of our activities. The happiness we discover in life is not about possessing or owning or even understanding. Instead, it is the discovery of this capacity to love, to have a loving, free, and wise relationship with all of life.  Such love is not possessive but arises out of a sense of our own well-being and connection with everything.  Therefore it is generous and wakeful, and it loves the freedom of all things. Out of love our path can lead us to learn to use our gifts to heal and serve, to create peace around us, to honor the sacred in life, to bless whatever we encounter, and to wish all beings well.

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Kin 204 Yellow Solar Seed

204 is a refactorable number.[1] 204 is a square pyramidal number: 204 balls may be stacked in a pyramid whose base is an 8 × 8 square.[2] Its square, 2042 = 41616, is the fourth square triangular number.[3] As a figurate number, 204 is also a nonagonal number[4] and a truncated triangular pyramid number.

Both 204 and its square are sums of a pair of twin primes: 204 = 101 + 103 and 2042 = 41616 = 20807 + 20809. The only smaller numbers with the same property are 12 and 84.


some of key numbers of the day and Factors!


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See shells

Our thoughts are like waves crashing on the cosmic beach.Our minds can be prisons through which truth can leech.We must endeavor to sift out the broken shells from the sands of time.And see the beauty in the dawning of morning's first light.
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