Soo i will throw the ball and seize the dei for lives exponential and cognizant i guess fun and sun and surve up and down and all around. those sacred day codes workWoORJK I say! pippip and cherrio goodab keen. defining and selecting clear city can u
I'm connected for some time (not much) to this Tzolkin and everyday I found more art! Although I'm connect just for something like half an year to the Mayan's time and I have almost finished "The Mayan Factor", I am connec
Last year we had a Day Out of Time celebration on Mt. Shasta which I was unable to attend. This year I want to attend such a celebration. Is there anything going on on this day this year?
Last night I had a beautiful dream... Emma Watson was at the center of attention of a large group of people. She was at the top of a staircase, kind of like in the early, early movies where the lady of honour walks down the steps with a huge processi
En los días del Equinoccio Eléctrico del presente año Mago Planetario Blanco (20-9-2015) la Asamblea del10º Circulo Sagrado de Abuelos y Abuelas Sabias del Planeta reunida en Tetlán – México acuerdan y convocan el próximo 11º Circulo Sagrado en Est
"bioenergética, biomagnetismo y decodificación biológica". Hola, ofrezco, por este medio, sesiones de estas técnicas complementarias de salud a quien le interese o crea necesitar bienestar. (1ra sesión reciprocidad a voluntad)! saludos
Explanation: Going, going, gone. That was the feeling in Svalbard, Norway last month during a total eclipse of the Sun by the Moon. In the featured image, the eclipse was captured every three minutes and then digitally merged with a foreground fra
I noticed the other day that counting the joints in our hands we get the number 28! 14 on each. This corresponds to the lunar month cycle. Kinda unrelated to this is this radio program about numbers, I thought there was some good information here. ht
I am living in portugal since over 2 years and it was all going good, on track and then everything in my life changed. everyone i know basically in the space of a few months pushed me away and blocked me from everything i had set up in
Opening discussion about study and activation of New Time and Galactic Culture on the East Coast of the USA. I own property on a sacred island in the Mid Atlantic area below the Outer Banks of Nags Head and am being guided (based on 9 Kin attending