
  • Hello to all of you Red Dragons....I am Red Lunar Dragon....and yes Im in loove with the moon and her feminine energy ;)

    • Hello fellow dragons!

      I just recently found out about spacebook, lawoftime and I am also pretty new to the Mayan but strongly drawn to it. I am Red Overtone Dragon and the description and guides that come with that seem very accurate. Before I knew about this I had astral travelled on dragons, maybe there's a link there. At the moment I am trying to figure out what all the deeper meaning  is of all of this. Like how I relate to this earth family for example. What the cardinal kin's purpose is etc. If you have links or articles that explain this more in detail for our signature it would be very much appreciated. So far I can't find much that explains a little more in detail about our sepecific signature/family.

      @Adam, My name is Lynn which translates to Waterfall. I always be at my best around bodies of water and the sun.

      I'll just peek around here and go through the information that's already there (which is loads ;)

      With love,


  • Namaste fellow psybernauts ;) It is a pleasure for me to be here, if anyone cares to share any insight into Red Dragon I would be greatly appreciative. My name is Adam or 'The Water' as told to me by a dream character, I was absolutely delighted to discover that I was a Red Solar Dragon as I have always felt a strong affinity with dragons and the sun. I have only recently discovered the Law of Time and I am very eager to learn as much as possible so that I may align myself with my highest good. I have not read any of the Cosmic History Chronicles or any other books pertaining to the Law of Time so any suggestions would also be greatly appreciated, peace :)

  • Greetings to all fellow Red Dragons! I know for me I was pretty jazzed when I first decoded my galactic signature and saw that I was Red Rhythmic Dragon! Who doesnt love dragons? :) Then with the revelation of the galactic archetypes (from CHC Volume V) we learn the Red Dragon code is also the Primal Force! Wow! Hehehe... anywya, Did you know that you can click on "kin" and type "dragon" into the search to find all the Red Dragons on Galactic Spacebook??
  • 1




    Yo soy la Fuerza Primordial

    Codificada por el Dragón Rojo

    Mi número es el uno

    La unificación del ser primordial

    Soy el Anciano de los Días

    Yo entro en tu Universo

    A través de la Primera Puerta de Luz

    Yo sostengo la memoria del ser cósmico

    Dentro de la fuente Primordial

    El lugar de nacimiento y morada de

    Los creadores estelares y maestros de las estrellas

    La eternidad es mi tocado

    Yo doy a luz a todas las formas

    Y al nutrir cada una de ellas

    Nutro la compasión por todas las cosas vivas

    Despertando en ellas

    Una esencia sellada en la siempre retornante génesis

    de mis orígenes

    Conocerme es vislumbrar la matriz primordial

    Y si me encuentras

    Será sólo como un misterio

    Reflejado de nuevo a ti

    Atrayéndote incesantemente

    • Gracias hermana!
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