rainbowfamily (1)

Yall spotted this Crest-like undertaking yet? NEP


i got a nice Blueprint (lo res 3Mb)

points 4 and 5 (of 6) characterizing the 'Q-permaculture' practice are ...
rockdust and ORMUS ... I kid you not

15 places worldwide .. around a 100 acres, 4 confirmed
10thou acres on a tiny pacific island and thousands each in chili and costa

1:01 minute long animation bird's eye (with bird sounds too)
looks like Crest = crest.org has a little competi... i mean 'confederables' on
the skkkrrrreeennn. Wonder if that 47 year old mr Grant who calls into the
last 2 Douglas Dietrich shows is involved (yet).
he earns 65$ an hour in the states and will pop in and out of
what he wants to fund a large community in Costa Rica on land
he has owned for 12 years.

He solicits helpers, his place has Talamanca indian Reserve
proximity (slightly overhunted he says).

3:14 long one (on vimeo as well - 11thou since july 23

    Sacha Stone Speaks for New Earth Project
    frothnblither · 287 videos - 1,997
    101 views Published on Jan 11, 2014
    Like 9     Dislike 0

in this one S Stone equates the words dreamspell and mindspell to the
psyop by millenia old ruler bloodlines that just skip around continents
breeding subtypes and mismanaging these masses ... at least in the eyes of
soon to be hunted and isolated if not put down 'health hazards and

So is he a Drew Hempelian rather than inspired by Crest and not joining the
latter on suspicions of psyop taint .. yet plagiarizing their shit to some

ex-territoriality was a big buzzWord of a refugee from Russian invasion of
Berlin and employee of Anglo ones down under, publishing thousands of
micro-fiche since the 60. The inspiration that crystallized and sparked the
growing collection was it's crown jewel right off the bat; it was the work of
Ulrich v Beckerath -- a Berlin insurance mathematician; a gold and bills of
goods connoiseur -- which as the decades rolled along, got snowed under
by 'liberty' lit.

If you can manage to see the measurement of bio-incrementality (mass X
diversity) as an improvement on the basis for the value stabilizing gold was
capable of, then by all means raise photosynthesis (not toxic solar and toxic
computing .. PLEASE) from the rockdust spiked compost heap on up!!! The
elitists this man wants to shake a distributed fist at (or offer learning to
behave opps to, same thing really) use ex-terr'y to evil ends and it should
be easy to improve on that at this point ... now that the scope of
digi-space is perhaps seen to turn out not just untrustworthy (like paper,
as Myster Stone puts it, speaking on constitution / arbitration) but waaaay
more toxic as well ... though the clearcutting signed most of our death
warrant all by 'it'self of course.

this morning i added this to a fresh post

i'd be available if you can provide a satisfactory answer to your placement
of points 4 and 5 (of 6) characterizing the 'Q-permaculture' practice:
rockdust and ORMUS

 ... I kid you not, someone did put them right next to each other.

 Now, this obviously has to do with the fact my old pages --- centering
around the use of rockdust ... as does one (out of over 50) of my playlists
(which google, i am flattered and proud to be able to claim, places first
with the phrase 'my crushing passion' - not sure if they feel flattered too ..
but uncontroversial stuff is obviously robotized) --- were visited by
'Ormusiasts' more than anybody, going straight for the Philip Callahan one (a
scan of the index for 'Paramagnetism' by him, whom at the time, Dan
Winter was in touch with, claimed to have shot footage with ... which
never aired AND PC disappeared for all practical purposes (a huge
disappointment to me; Daniel went on to, robotically, do what he always
did, critical of Ormus by the way and pretty much dropping the dust issue).

A later Ormusite, the equally 'toxtec' obsessive (cause thinking nothing of
it) Milewski mentioned Callahan but upon inquiry, had no particulars.

Now, other than Ormus ingestion being a copy cat story of the Schindele
Saga some decade or thereabouts earlier i can't say i am pleased to find
these 2 both rockrelated branches of wresting a blessing from dark places in
such close proximity.

Smacks too much of fake rawfood folks like the superfood money making
grubbers who grind antlers to boost their income. Zio and sino mind

Or the other many snake oil scams .. of which i even suspect such way
above average smart folks like Pat Flanagan too part, and more recently the
entirely frustrating germophobe birthdate faker Bob Dobbs.

I mean it's just not common sense type of stuff a child's mind can grasp but
more the magical thinking stage getting stuck and sticky with fabulous
magic thinking properties turned cultically 'commodious'

Don't get me wrong; i'm willing to look at it more but for now, rockdust
along with and/or next to ormus do strikes me as the type incompatible
compostheaping and firewalking are ... the pyromania aspect of large
rainbow gatherings always bothered me plenty; a giant clay/cobb /
whipweave sweatlodge rather than a bare and open central fireplace ...
geodesication over it a few stories ..... would offer plenny opps for
economizing and ritualization .... but not even the most minimal of my
visions (shallower wider and more compost as well as turd pits) came to
pass. I'm not complaining though ... in fact ... after all ... yall are heah
aintsja?? Welcome any time (near Rotterdam; i see the skyline).

Ps: deleted the post with the 48/52 confusion (my bad) ... but the point about adding a little note at the decoder page still stands ... wouldn't wann scare off the novice whose range of treasured / historic people goes far beyond the software ... and though the 52 year rule is kinda basic lots of newbies might not yet know it.

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