gut (1)

Logic-based world informed by facts and statistics brought about by advanced technologies are not all that we have. It’ll focus on a single word from the quote - intuition. But what is intuition? It is the ability to acquire knowledge on something without evidence, proof, or conscious thought.

Simply, this is that gut feeling that tells you to go the other way when evidence and facts show you otherwise. I would be lying if I said fact-based decisions are what have brought me this far in my career. My intuition has influenced several critical moves in my work.

“Getting hired is a numbers game. Only five applicants out of the hundreds who apply make it to the interviews. But those who believe in their gut instinct can find their outstanding way to success. That doesn’t mean you should rely solely on your sixth sense; however, don’t totally discount its importance either.” – says Brenda Sommers, HR specialist at AI career service.

From the history, we can see how inner intuition played out in 1940 during the British war with Germany. Sir Winston Churchill upon hearing a bomb go off in the distance had a gut feeling something is wrong. He intuitively advised his staff to get away from the kitchen moments before a second bomb went off obliterating the entire kitchen!

In the contemporary time, the queen of talk shows, Oprah Winfrey, has come out to attribute her success to following her gut at times.


Science, intuition, and the conscious mind

Studies show that intuition is the product of how our brain capture, analyze, and recall information on a subconscious level. Scientists have proven that the conscious part of the mind is in the dark throughout the entire process.

How the intuitive leap can help you at work

Statistics show that the best leaders rely on the facts, not intuition. We all agree. Successful people ought to use concrete information when making important decisions at work. Nonetheless, there are instances where even having the right data does not cut the mustard. Below are cases where you can use intuition in your occupation:

  • Hiring of Employees

When you have a gut feeling about someone, good or bad, do not hesitate to act accordingly. For instance, if you feel like something is off with a particular job seeker, you should politely let them off even if they have outstanding qualifications for the job. You could say something cliché like, “we’ll call you in two weeks.”

On the other hand, when you feel an inexplicable liking to a specific candidate as an employee, go on and hire them.

  • Performing daily tasks

When faced with a dilemma at work, do not hesitate to go with your gut. In fact, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition when addressing various dilemmas, you come across in your occupation. These could turn out to be the most significant decisions in your career.

  • Planning your work-related future

When faced with a challenge regarding your work future, try imagining yourself in a specific position. Imagine yourself in various scenarios and note the feelings that come with them. Go for the options that give you the best feel without thinking about them for long.

  • Assigning roles to employees

When delegating roles in the workplace, always go with your first instinct. For example, if you feel that person X will be excellent in administration, they probably are. Your subconscious must have picked up on their leadership aura and is telling you that they befit the role.

Developing your intuition at work

Make you intuition work for you day and night, and be aware of any situation.

  • Meditate

Meditation fine-tunes our brains thus making it easier for us to discern things and information subconsciously. However, note that decisions you make after much thought during mediation can easily be misinterpreted as intuition. They are not, since these are conclusions you arrive at after much thought.

Instead, employ the decisions that get into your head immediately during mediation.

  • Avoid Stress

Stress keeps your mind from thinking clearly. It also limits its ability to discern trends, patterns, and connections with the environment. Stay healthy, confident, and away from distressing scenarios.

  • Search for information on how to increase your intuition

The documentary film "Innsaei - The Power of Intuition", is an excellent place to start. It provides valuable insight on the intuition that will help you understand the working of the sixth sense. I also recommend Gary Klein’s "Intuition at Work".

Are you ready to live a happier, healthier life? Then remember to always make the choice at hand.

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