.Red Queen Stephane Southrepresents theFoundation for The Law of TimeThe pathway followed by humanity of the surface of the Earth has led it to become so strongly identified with the outer side of life that its contact with subtle worlds and with the hidden symbols in the material existence has practically disappeared.–Trigueirino.https://1320frequencyshift.wordpress.com/page/2/.Twin Jade Masks Jade MasksOnce the Galactic Mayans closed Palenque (even before the pre-recorded departure date of 830 AD), everything had been buried. There were no apparent clues remaining other than the mysterious stories about a man named “Wotan” gathered 1,000 years later in 1692. Aside from this, there was no clue until the opening of the tomb in 1952. Then, 42 years later, in 1994 came the opening of the Red Queen’s tomb. These two tombs with their twin jade masks were each coded to be discovered at precise moments in time..One jade mask was discovered in the tomb of Pacal Votan on November 27, 1952, (Kin 123). The other jade mask was discovered in Temple 13, the tomb of the Red Queen adjacent to the Temple of Inscriptions, June 1, 1994, (Kin 194). These two tombs discovered when they were signalled to the earthy avatars the summons to their mission..Valum Votan and Red Queen are instruments of a particular function—the closing and regeneration of a specific cycle. They are the living representatives of two symbolic forms manifest as two jade masks. These twin forces function impersonally as the biopsychic triggers that open up the noosphere and initiate the next cycle of cosmic evolution on this particular planet. Together, they function as the channel, GM108X.In honor of the 76th Solar return of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan, we offer a poem written by him.http://1320frequencyshift.wordpress.comI offer praiseTo this dayAs sacred and holy as every other dayAnd like every other dayThe centerThrough which the universe threads itself anewand I praythat the goodness accumulated by beings everywheremight continue to gatherand that sooneven this very daythe flood-gates of this universal goodnessmight burst upon this worldI praythat my eyesand all of my sensesmight open ever widerto the wizardry of every day earththe dewdrop sheen of rainbow light unnoticedon the drooping leafand I praythat the magic that dissolvesthe multiple appearances of thingsinto a luminous onenessmight burst like a flame in the deepestmost broken recesses of my heartreleasing a song of unutterable joyI praythat in the presence of all worldly thingsI might stand namelessa child of illusionso that in all thingsthe circle of perfection might reveal itselfas the mirror of all-conquering emptinessand most fervently I praythat the great magiciansMerlin entombed in the Hawthorn TowerPacal Votan sealed in the Ninth Vault of the Holy Nightwith their train of harmonic sorcerersmight suddenly returnappearing at firstfrom earths resonant coreas vibrating filaments of crystal lightphantom-spreadupon civilization’sdark and crumbling walland I praythat from that ghost-light manifestationbeheld by innocenceas truth itselfthe sorcerer powers might spreadlike angel flamethrough warrior heartscausing all those Lords and Ladies of the Cosmic Courtto awaken againto their powerin timeto bless this planetwith the awesome splendorof their tender might.ꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩThe 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time and the Evolution of Time as Consciousness─ José Argüelles-Valum Votan Closer of the Cycle
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