Galactic Signature
Kin 245: Red Spectral Serpent
Earth Family
Don't know yet!
What is your favorite color of the rainbow?
As part of our star family and another ourself we would love to know more about you. What brought you to Galactic Spacebook and what facets are you most interested in?
I've been learning about the Dreamspell calendar, and I would like to meet other people with the same interest
We've noticed that, more often than not, it is a fascinating story when someone shares how they learned about the Law of Time/13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell. How or when did you learn about it? :)
I was reading about the harmonic convergence, and one thing led to another. I kept looking up more and more information until I discovered the Law of Time website, and I'm completely fascinated.
What are your favorite books/music/art/movies?
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The 4 Agreements, The Grateful Dead, Mike Love, Wookiefoot, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, The Matrix, Mr. Nobody....