The 19:19 Crystal Matrix is a 5D-6D matrix, inside of the system there are 2 double terminated crystals. The two crystals represent The Votan Twins. They also represent your 5D self, and your twin 5D self as it interacts with the 6D. Pacal and Valum Votan manifested into the 4D Time Matrix through the 19:19 Crystal Matrix.
New Site :
You too have entered in a similar way.
The 19:19 Crystal Matrix :
The 19:19 and The Merkaba Activation :
The Prophecy of The Pyramid and The Cube – Part 1, 2 & 3 :
Merlins Invocation of Self – Part 1 & 2 :
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The new 19Matrix Multidimensional web portal is now online. Throughout the site you will find information and instructions on how to use the 19:19 Crystal Matrix : The Sacred Meditation of the Ascended Masters
You will also find interactive models which will aid you to synchronise your meditation with the Sacred Matrix.
Welcome to the Hologram !
Much Love x
The Prophecy of The Pyramid and The Cube
Part 1: The Pyramid
Part 2: The Tube
Part 3: The Cube
I would like to invite you to understand the latest layer of the 19:19 Matrix Riddle. This time I present
"The Prophecy of The Pyramid and The Cube"
The information will be released over a trilogy of posts. The first post being focused on the Pyramid.
In Lak'ech xx