
I want to give a shot out to this community and let you know about HuMandalas... HuMandalas are simple connections for groups of people to get more in sync with each other and nature through guided connections, movement, intention sharing, visualization and sound. I have been developing and sharing these connections for about 10 years. HuMandalas have been extremely transformative for me in teaching sensitivity, how to stay in sync with the rhythms of nature and how to cultivate intention for effective manifestation.

I created a website with Animated Tutorials, so you can learn lots of them. There are different connections for different configurations of people or specific situations. I teach HuMandalas as a 5 Step Technique that you can learn at

I am excited to connect with this community more and would be stoked if this stirred up a conversation. I am happy to address any question.

Ayum Hunab Ku Eva-maya Emaho!




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