Hi Galactic Spacebook,
I've just put two and two together to realize that the world's most important Sacred Geometry artifact, the Flower of Life, is exactly corresponding to the 20 Solar Archetypes given by the LOT (Law of Time). For every Circle in the Flower of Life there is a corresponding solar archetype with the entire ring around the outside being the Sun, the 20th solar archetype. Hunab Ku could logically be then the entire tree system, all the circles in cooperation. I am considering the dragon as the center of the Tree at this time with the other Archetypes radiating out North then Counterclockwise.
A Calendar that incorporates these flowers would be really rad! Also, I am wondering what 13 sided sacred form might flow in harmony with the FOL for the cosmic tones. Maybe we can up the ante on the Energies of the whole system by working them into these outstanding representations of life and order!
Jeff the Diamond Hawk.
This would be a dope and amazingly powerful art project to put together!
Might make it into a painting, ill keep ya updated as I move along, first one's yours if you like the result!
Cool. Do share your work when you're ready.
LOT. omg... the projections as they keep coming clear. Law of Time. LOT. Lot and Lot's wife from the Bible. A guess that feels right anyway.
4 Colors- Red-White-Blue-Yellow, For matching phases of Orgone (life energy). 1. Red (Initiation) Muscular Tension. 2. White (Refine) Electrical Charge. 3 Blue (transform) Electric Discharge 4. Yellow (Ripen) Muscular Relaxation.