THE BIG "CON" here?
"Custom facility development, financing and construction allow for projects that range from 25 MW to over 500 MW. Renewable energy should be cost competitive with fossil fuels. This simple concept has driven eSolar to engineer a paradigm shift in solar thermal technology, providing a dramatically cost-effective solution for the utility industry."
...and thus the petrol industry currently maintains a sinister lockout on alternatives...in simple terms: beginning with solar ideas now would ensure a run on the product. Big Oil, being conflicted a la Eisenhower's famous warning -- does NOT want anything but glut and oil panic.
as such, one of the most radical things to do is to go all - out FOR solar solutions. that design for a sun farm is workable, and there are others! It would not START OUT competitive with the grossly inflated cost of petrol -- now the same crude costs in the United States FOUR TIMES what it did in 2000.(essay original written in 2005) The manipulation like so many other deceptive acts of the NWO conspiracy is performed to deceive people as to the long term viability of solar power. Of COURSE anything but oil is not cost effective to military industrial oil barons whose long-term plans include manipulating more and more oil wars.
The INSANE Aryan Jihadists who play on both sides have the same approach, leading to "Strange Bedfellows"...
04:05 am - doublethink...nazi punks...stupid...dishonest...so fucking obvious. that's what.
emma goldman
and johnny rotten
chiptruth User ID: 352 12/15/2005 5:28 PM  this essay originally posted at godlikeproductions
emma goldman and johnny rotten |
a play. johnny rotten is having a dream. he sees emma goldman and his old bandmate sid.
they are in heaven, relaxing on cloud pillows, trading soliloquies. emma: *staring down at earth from a cloud see it now, see it! it's reprehensible and sickening but it is true evil. some call it "Ahriman" and it is NOT LIMITED TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT but Look At It. What you face is The Ugly American. REALISE the foundation of America in false Christendom. There is a real and beautiful and LOVING Christendom that is compassionate and judges NOT and THEY WEREN'T IT. They invaded the American continent in the same way that they invade other places. They cultivate a blind spot and now even other Americans are becoming aware of the NESCIENCE, the twisted judging and pernicious EVIL that emanates from the United States Government. What you are seeing in Iraq, what they are seeing in the People's Republic of China -- the same face of nescience and arrogant hatred of the innocent and beautiful in humanity -- that which makes us one race, humanity. it truly is a cosmic conflict. will good prevail? sid* sitting on the cloud, smoking a butt  perhaps.
emma* but you see here the mentality of those who justified the slaying of the indigenous people -- to make room for invaders, occupiers. you see here the attitude of those who steal people from their native lands and erase their real heritages -- you see people who have guilt and arrogance coinciding -- and their goal? TO REDUCE YOU TO THEIR LEVEL. Look. See the Ugly American. Yes, they are in charge and have been since the days of Thomas Jefferson -- and they LIE. These "People Of The Lie" are adroit at deception because they close their eyes to anything other than THEIR version of the facts. And they are there in the Islamic republics as well, treating the Female race as if they were the adversary. Myriad are the deceptions of Ahriman. This is leading up to something good one day -- as beautiful and good as things are ugly and twisted with denial and hatred now - but SEE THEM THERE. sid* once i would have said it serves them right. but...that was a long time ago. look. there they are in america. bloody hell. emma* right there... the arrogance of race hatred, the arrogance of those who assume that the United States government have the 'divine right of kings' -- this is the same place where there was a Trail of Tears. The Middle Passage was the way in which the empire that is the United States was able to do it...And look to Okinawa. This is a true evil of their 'new age', augmented by technology that warps people's brains. They are proud and relying on dragging the whole world into hatred -- the DEATH OF CARING is what these men desire -- the death of compassion. Apathy and indifference in everyone who does not do what they say -- so that they might rule as Anglo Mullahs in ugly blue suits. These people intend to create an EMPIRE of GENERATIONS while lying about their intention -- and not for global enlightenment or even benevolent dictatorship -- although there's no such thing. No, by creating misery and a sense of utter TERROR in any who dislike their way of dominion -- these men intend to make sure that they can rule the earth INDEFINITELY, lacking conscience, it would seem. To keep jew, muslim and christian at each others' throat is their real agenda -- that is divide and conquer. so: if they can create "Muslims" that have no real love for God, "Jews" that have no real love for God, bloodthirsty, hypocritical and utterly fake "Christians" that have no actual love for God and make the idea of 'the people of the book' -- three differing faiths connected by similar love for the Divine -- absurd to the eyes of any observer...well, that is what they intend to do. sid* it's the same old damn crusades.
emma* they don't wish for anyone to love God , and in all three of the major patriarchal monotheist religions, they are there, wanting to rule by way of deception and turning people against each other in an absurd war to prove which is most righteous. doesn't it seem like it has gone on for thousands of years? look at them right here with their arrogance and their lack of real wit. They are here showing proud, proud ignorance and hatred -- this is the real legacy of the america of slavery, suffrage and the trail of tears. (johnny wakes up in a cold sweat. emma goldman is at the foot of his bed, smoking a gigantic cigar -- almost a foot long -- and wearing nothing at all. her breasts have eyes where the nipples should be. he screams and wakes up again. the apparition is gone.) johnny* feckin' christ! i gotta get a life. (curtain)

THE AGE OF THE EASY DECEPTION, THE EASY "CON" of the people is rapidly drawing to a close...
Fascism is weak in that it assumes that only its method of rule is appropriate. It MUST lie to itself..."a lie told repeatedly becomes truth" has always been the methodology of fascism -- but what is created by repeated lies is never actual truth, but a functioning (poorly) schizmatrix, a group psychosis shared by many people. Mr. Rumsfeld put a lot of time and effort into finding ways to exploit the psychosis that comes from many people telling themselves and each other the same lies...
...so naturally George H. W. and George W. Bush, treasonous skeleton of Pappy Prescott rotting in the closet of the 1941 Trading With The Enemy Scandal, NEEDED methods of maintaining and exploiting calm psychosis.
Just get along with the business of running the country...

U.S. emissary Donald Rumsfeld meeting with then-ally Saddam Hussein in 1983.
of COURSE solar power is the future.
it's cheapness is what makes the overt petrol and propertarian conspiracy hate it so, as they hated it when the technology was not so nearly as advanced in the Carter years.
This goes right along with firehosing hippies...
the mass psychosis here goes along with Osama Bin Laden having been trained by AMERICAN operatives to repel the Russians from Afghanistan, around the time that photo was taken. The psychosis, the functioning schizmatrix, is people saying "uh huh, yeah," and then lurching off to VOTE for another easily manipulated electoral group of insiders without DEMANDING democratically that things be MUCH more closely looked at...which brings us to great things like MKULTRA and Operation Overcast, and there of course is the treasonous skeleton of Prescott Bush and other Nazi sympathisers on the Allied side, a secret that CIA Man GHWBush worked feverishly to keep all these years, while pushing to make American policies more and more resemble that of Hitler's Reich.
one side of the room will scream what amounts to "Bullshit. This is all lies, conjecture." The other part, on the SANE side of the argument, will take action. Not arms, because civil disorder requiring crackdown is one of the things these GOP Fascists are hoping might happen.
leading in a neat circle to solar architecture actually being the beacon to an enlightened future. The Illuminists can't stop it -- their omnipotence is a fat lie, a huge illusion. LOOK at Dick Cheney. Is he an omnipotent being, or in league with them? Then for comparison look at the SUN.
Not too long. Dazzling, right?
The fact that it is a source of energy that WILL inevitably END the use of oil and coal and fossil fuels is like this: Had the Airplane stood in the way of the now-exposed Illuminati/NWO -- they would have blocked the Wright Bros. Likewise, solar architecture is the NEXT BIG THING.
But it won't build itself -- and the cunning ploy that it must come out of the box ready to cost compete with petrol is the Big Lie of the Conspiracy. Causing petrol based civil disorder, though?