13 moon comm-unity


I just joined so hello to all my kin!!

Is anyone else having a strong desire to find/join with their clan??  I'm talking about in real world experience,such as within Crest13  Peace Garden or other sustainable communities?

I seriously want out of the machine paradigm more than ever, this is nothing new for me though. I am finding it more and more difficult to justify my participation in it.  Like many of you, the only reason I do at all is to feed clothe and put a roof over my head. But I feel as long as I am participating in it I am part of the PROBLEM. I don't feel good about working for big business anymore. I want to be part of the solution instead!

There are better ways to make a living. In conscious community for instance. I would much rather put my energies, efforts, blood sweat and tears, toward the benefit of the whole rather than the few. And actually enjoy life much more along the way. Who knows maybe even make a few friends!

Does anyone here belong to a sustainable off grid community? If you do or want to start one let me know please!! I would be more than interested in listening to your dreams as well as your realities.

Don't be shy here, talk to me, we are family and it's important to communicate freely.

It's good to be here! Peace



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  • Kid - why dont we form a new off grid living community??? I have been waiting for the appropriate time to begin one..... Now seems To be more appropriate then ever
  • the thing about machines kid. speaking as a tribesman to another. ...Well...I believe in such things. If TIME=ART like our fathers of yore, the patriots of Noosphere, the glorious shamaen of the Past tense. in the woods at night believed, then, well. its no biggie. we all want go get out of the corporate esthetic stupidity of waste. but this is why i am talking to you as a potential recruit (*human woice*. sorry bro. Im just becoming my cosmic archetype this way :))

    .Gut i misspoke. perhaps you are not ready yet of the POWER AND GLORY OF BLUE! 


    monkey go now. Ghat say you kidman!?

  • epic fail. sorry folks I've also failed in this supposed communication. apparently no one even knows how to just talk to each other like human beings anymore. authentically. I'm signing off now, best wishes to all of you. Peace.     kid out.

    • Especially if we wanted to usher in people from my generation, who have electronics practically embedded in their cells. XD
    • If we had software developers in the community, I know I would appreciate a 13-moon calendar application for my phone that would update with the solar seal and tone for each day. I think that an app like this would help many people integrate into the new time. :)
    • Here's something to consider ... The original vision of the 13 moon calendar change peace plan was to offer an alternative time keeping device for people who felt dissatisfied with the status quo, or who felt alienated at a deep level with things as they seem to be. In this way it is possible to create a community around something as simple as a new calendar. You don't have to buy land, build houses, quit your job, leave your family, all you have to do is start using the 13 moon calendar as your primary time keeping device. Though it seems insanely simplistic, until you actually do it for a number of years you do not realize how unconsciously invasive the Gregorian calendar and all institutions built upon its foundation really are.

      The thing is, until you have actually disengaged yourself you cannot understand the dream that you are living in.

      This is not to say it is necessarily better (though after more than 20 years of experimentation I believe it is) but it is a very eye opening experience if you dare try.
  • deep. But can you carry on a conversation?

    • I feel like there's something you want from us, kid, but I don't know what it is. If I had the funds I would read the Cosmic History Chronicles and understand the history behind this group. The truth is, each one of us has a different story, a path unique to each of us. The purpose of this group, I believe, is the spiritual upliftment of others who are seeking oneness with Creator and Creation. We all have much to learn; nobody has all the answers. But we must help each other understand instead of bring each other down. I hope I can help. I don't know too much about the synchronometer or Cosmic History, but I love the insight I've been blessed with since I jumped into the studies. Peace and love, in Lak'ech, brother.
    • Of course.

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