The Foundation for the Law of Time announces the launch of the TimeSpace One app beginning on July 25, 2016, with an unprecedented 48-hour rolling wave of Global Synchronized Meditation on these key intentions: Regeneration, Energy and Liberation (of mind, body and planet).

The Time is NOW to join our Highest Intentions for Planetary Healing in order to offset the destructive forces that we see playing out daily. Please join us for this most important 2-day Mind Synchronizing telepathic event of peace!

Download the beta version of our TimeSpace One app from the Google Play store on July 24th, 2016 (iOS version is coming later) and then join in at the top of any hour during our initial 48-hour rolling wave of TimeSpace One Global Synchronized Meditation.

You will see the links to the TimeSpace One app on the home page of and on our friends’ websites. Just find this Logo and click on it. When you download the App - you will find a detailed explanation of the technology and how to use it.

After this initial 48-hour meditation wave our TimeSpace One App will be accessible at any time and is recommended for weekly use for the entire year of the Blue Spectral Storm (July 26, 2016 - July 25, 2017). Additional meditations and the TimeSpace One Rider program will soon be available.

The TimeSpace One 48-Hour Meditation Wave is dedicated to the late visionary José Arguelles/Valum Votan, creator of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. This was the first globally synchronized meditation on Earth (August 16-17th, 1987) and stands today as living testimony of the potential impact of the power of the unified, synchronized mind-power of humanity to bring positive change into our world. (See his video for the “How To Save the World” interview series:

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  • Im am her I am here i am here.  In gratitude for this connection!

  • How can those without an app help/participate?
  • I am another you !
  • Thank you so much for that converter! 

    Preparing for a 10:00am Synchronisation here in Victoria <3 

  • Timing begins 00:00 UTC - Victoria, Australia time is Monday, July 25, 2016 at 10:00:00 AM... Here is a TimeZone Converter.

  • iOS/iPhone version will be coming soon! After the initial 48-hour wave the meditations will be ongoing continuously in a perpetual wave! You can download the app here at the Google Play Store.

  • I'm looking forward to participating. How can those of us with iPhones be of service?
  • Hello, I have an iPhone so the app won't work for me, was hoping someone may be able to advise the timing for this for me living in Victoria Australia (AEST)


  • Not quite sure what it is I have to download or from where...?  Thank you!!

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