The film follows a writer who is compelled to make sense of the mysterious and powerful energy she felt at her aunt’s deathbed. A series of strange coincidences leads her on an exploration of synchronicity – the concept that all beings are mystically interconnected, and that time is not so much a chronology as it is an infinite cycle. Considering herself something of a skeptic, she treads the fine line between nervous breakdown and ecstatic revelation as she seeks out scholars, shamans, artists, and community activists in her search for answers. Together, they explore a reality where time is transformed from a unit that can be measured and commodified -“Time is money”- to an experience of oneness with the natural rhythms of nature and the universe. It is here that the writer discovers that time is, in fact, art.
- Nov 10, 2015 to Nov 11, 2015
- Location: Global
- Latest Activity: Oct 13, 2021
2015, 94 min.
Documentary, Philosophy
Directors: Katy Walker, Maia Monasterios, Joél Mejia
Starring: Jennifer Palmer, Amy Lansky, Robin Gunkel, Magenta, Justin Gray Morgan, Rupert Sheldrake, Jim Tucker, Gary S. Bobroff, Toko-Pa Turner, Richard Tarnas, Graham Hancock, Jim Sanders, East Forest, Daniel Pinchbeck, Chris Soria, Jocelyn James
All are invited to participate in the global screening! See this great invitation letter from Eden Sky of -
Anyway we can get this stream to go online; if so please share the link.
Screening in Ashland, Oregon - event details:
Greetings everyone! If you've organized a screening post your screening here!