Next 3.23.2016 (NS1.28.9.17) day 17 of the Solar Moon of Intention, Kin 94: White Electric Wizard) marks the five-year anniversary of the passing of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan (03.23.2011, Kin 89) and the 1413th solar return of Pacal Votan (born 03.23.603).
In preparation for Day Out of Time 2016, Kin 218 ~White Planetary Mirror (90th galactic spin since the opening of the tomb of Pacal Votan on 06.15.2015) and to commemorate an auspicious window full of celestial events, you are invited to connect with the auroras, and synchronize with other bio-solar telepaths all around the Earth during the 5th version of the telepathic experiment "Valum Votan Returns". Let's participate actively of the current cosmic energies. Let's send a telepathic signal of appreciation to our star family and in honor of the galactic intelligence brought forth by Pacal Votan and Valum Votan on behalf of the upliftment of all sentient beings.
Click here to read full experiment details.
what time is it
inLa'kech~ wilmington,nc conversion from utc Novosibirisk 12pm is 2am on 23rd/k94? thanks peace to all
In lakech! Estoy en Bs As Argentina, alguien me puede confirmar la hora de inicio del experimento, ya que encuentro confuso la interpretacion de la hora del experimento, si el mismo da comienzo en Rusia Novosibirk a las 12 AM NOVT corresponde las 18 hs UTC, que para Bs As es 15 hs UTC del dia 2.23.2016 (NS1.28.9.16) el día 16 de la luna Solar de la intención, Kin 93: Caminante del Cielo Lunar Rojo)...
pero en el punto 3 de las instrucciones dice...A las 12 PM UTC transmitimos la imagen del perceptor holomental...
Agradeceria a quien pueda despejar estas dudas y confirmarme la hora de comiuenzo y el momento de la transmision de la imagen...
Saludos de bio region del Caminante del Cielo
Kin 70-Hernan