For those souls who feel a calling to go much, much deeper…

You are welcome to join on a Synchrogalactic Star Tour through the Maya Heartland.

100+ hours of study 13-moon calendar/dreamspell technology, kundalini yoga, advanced mediation, dance, artistic expression, celestial communication, diving (+ certification), Maya temple complexes, medicine ceremonies, fire walks and in depth synchronotron training. From the Self-Existing until the Rhythmic Moons (October ’14-January ’15).

Even though you might be soul conscious, do you have the feeling we are being manipulated by unseen forces?
Let’s re-define this ‘crisis’, by returning to Presence.
It is impossible to overcome a crisis if you don’t understand what is causing it. Do you realize we are living in Prophetic times?
Apocalypse means ‘to stand revealed’…

Put the world on pause, align with the Divine, synchronize with the universal order by learning the true depth and presence of the wisdom teachings of the Galactic Maya.
What is being offered is an in depth exploration of the various aspects of Synchrogalactic and Holographic Yoga.
Starting point is the 13-moon calendar and the Dreamspell technology it is based on.
Join us and rest assured you will be coming from a place of profound conviction.

Projected dates (Starting exactly one spin from the public announcement of this tour…):

Sac Be: 1st 10-day GAP-run gathering of the Heart-Star-Tribe.
Free Will Evolves Prophesy & Awareness Evolves Timelessness
Self-Existing Moon, Silio 14, until Self-Existing Moon Seli 23
(31 Oktober – 9 November 2014)

Tulum: Heart of the mystical 7th.
Awareness Evolves Vision
Overtone Moon Kali 4, until Overtone Moon Silio 7
(18-21 November 2014)
And it’s perfect mirror
Timelessness Evolves Intelligence
Overtone Moon Silio 14, until Overtone Moon Gamma 17
(28 November – 1 December 2014)

Bacalar: 2nd 10-day GAP-run.
Vision Evolves Intelligence & Meditation Reflects Evolution of Knowledge.
Overtone Moon Alpha 26, until Rhythmic Moon Silio 7
(10 – 19 December 2014)

Nan Chan Kan, Palenque: Heptad to the Heart of Prophesy
Self-Generation Catalyzes Evolution of Love & Enlightenment fulfills Evolution of Prophesy
Rhythmic Moon Seli 9, until Rhythmic Moon Seli 16
(21 – 28 December 2014)

Lake Atitlan: Journey to the Heart
Enlightenment fulfills Evolution of Prophesy & Navigation Synchronizes Evolution of Intelligence
Rhythmic Moon Alpha 19, until Dali 22
(31 December – 3 January 2015)

For more information and backgrounds, connect with the Heart-tribe. Password HT .

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