An inner revolution of consciousness is now taking place, despite outward appearances. The Planet is calling on us to activate our dormant mind/heart powers and think/feel in new ways. It is within this new realm of thinking that we can access the Planetary Mind, the Noosphere. It is here that new solutions are found. In this workshop we will explore the nature of the Noosphere in relation to the time we are living in and steps we can take to raise the planetary frequency of unity consciousness. We will also be guided through a group meditation to connect with the Noosphere and activate our sixth sense.
Stephanie South/"Red Queen" is a visionary, author and Creative Director of the Foundation for the Law of Time. She is successor to Jose Arguelles/"Valum Votan". Her blog is
Suggested Love Offering of 10 to 15 dollars.
For more info please contact Delia Skye: 727-560-9823
Save the date! Subscribe to Law of Time YouTube channel now! • •
am watching video in a time warp delay... :)
Tapped In!
I wish I could be here listening and watching with you all today! I have a previous commitment that I have to follow through on. Many blessings to all who attends!
In Lak'ech
cyberelectromagnetically telepathically ~:-) in the stream...
I'll meet U in the Noosphere!!! Thank U for streaming this event!!!
I will attend via YouTube as well
I'll be attending via YouTube, unless I can generate the resources to be there in person. Thanks:))
great news about the youtube...;)
I wonder if I can stay at the homeless shelter Saturday and the Sunday night after the event. Probably going to visit some relatives in West Palm Beach after the event while I am in the Florida area. Travelling by bus from Texas. Should probably call the shelter now, as they usually have fairly long waiting lists. Good luck to everyone in their journeys and hopefully all that are interested in coming can make it. I look forward to an exciting time, and ready to make some new friends. In Lak'Ech :D
Would love to be able to attend but it's just not doable. I love the suggestions for a webinar but if that doesn't work, is there any possibility of this being available as a video later? That would be great too!