What: Create a circumpolar rainbow bridge around the Earth.

Who: Everyone (all are included in the rainbow!)

Why? To generate a world-wide telepathic wave of love that encompasses the whole Earth and all sentient beings, creating an interdimensional bridge and opening the stargate to other world systems.

How? Through a rolling wave of synchronized global meditations, we can connect our collective mind and electromagnetic field with that of the Earth.

When: This meditation is globally synchronized every seven days (days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of the 13 Moon calendar) to build a rolling wave of unity that culminates in the manifestation of the circumpolar rainbow bridge! On every 28th day of the 13 Moon calendar we practice a more detailed meditation. See here. 

Let’s focus our mind for these days on the image of the rainbow bridge. Wherever we may find ourselves, whether it be at home or at a sacred site, let’s unify our mind to create a permanent positive thought vibration around the planet by visualizing the rainbow bridge as the sign of Earth's return to Her original state of pristine harmony and peace!!  

"I am one with the Earth, the Earth and myself are one mind."    

Join us in spreading the rainbow bridge meditation and image to as many people as possible as a sign of world peace, healing and happiness for all. Everyone is included in the rainbow.  To find out more go towww.lawoftime.org/rainbowbridge and Facebook.com/GalacticSynchronization). To learn about rainbow science see “Charming the Rainbow Serpent” at noosphereforum.org.

Also visit "Rainbow Bridge Around Earth"

Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge VisualizationRainbow Bridge Meditation
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Before the meditation it is good to take a few moments to clear your mind, dissolving all thoughts as they arise. Also focus on feeling love arise in your heart. When you feel your mind clear, then begin the visualization.

Visualize yourself inside the Earth’s octahedron crystal core. Feel your heart at the center of this crystal core generating an intensely blazing point of white light.

This light from your heart core creates an etheric column that extends to the North and South poles from the blazing center to the tips of the octahedron.

Now visualize a great stream of multicolored plasma-filled light emanating from your heart core and flowing along the central axis toward both of Earth’s poles, shooting out from them, to become two rainbow bands 180 degrees apart.

As Earth revolves on its axis, this rainbow bridge remains steady and constant, unmoving. Feel the two streams of rainbow light rushing through your central column, shooting out from above your head and beneath your feet to create a rainbow bridge around your body.

Now you and the rainbow bridge are one. The rainbow bridge of world peace is real. Visualized by enough people in a telepathic wave of love the rainbow bridge will become a reality.

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