"There will come a time when the birds will fall from the trees, the rivers will be poisoned and the wolves will die in the forests. But then the warriors of the rainbow will appear and save the world."
—Cree Indian saying

What: Create a circumpolar rainbow bridge around the Earth.

Who: Everyone (all are included in the rainbow!)

Why? To generate a world-wide telepathic wave of love that encompasses the whole Earth and all sentient beings, creating an interdimensional bridge and opening the stargate to other world systems.

How? Through a rolling wave of synchronized global meditations, we can connect our collective mind and electromagnetic field with that of the Earth.

When: This meditation is globally synchronized every seven days (days 7, 14, 21 and 28 of the 13 Moon calendar) to build a rolling wave of unity that culminates in the manifestation of the circumpolar rainbow bridge! On every 28th day of the 13 Moon calendar we practice a more detailed meditation.

Let’s focus our mind for these days on the image of the rainbow bridge. Wherever we may find ourselves, whether it be at home or at a sacred site, let’s unify our mind to create a permanent positive thought vibration around the planet by visualizing the rainbow bridge as the sign of Earth's return to Her original state of pristine harmony and peace!!

"I am one with the Earth, the Earth and myself are one mind."

Learn more with the free Master Synchronic Code Book (http://www.lawoftime.org/mscb) and the free 7:7::7:7 Telektonon Revelation Kit (http://www.lawoftime.org/7777)


Fully amplified Rainbow Bridge Meditation

rainbowbridgemeditation.pngThe purpose of this meditation is to generate a telepathic wave of love that connects ourselves with the center of the Earth, with the bipolar rainbow alternators that hold Earth's magnetic fields in place, and with all of the other planetary kin who are doing the same meditation.

By establishing this world-wide telepathic Earth wave we are creating a matrix of communication which brings the noosphere – Earth's mental envelope – ever closer into conscious manifestation. This matrix also provides a protective field of genuinely positive thought vibrations meant to maintain Earth's resonant field in a state of harmony and peace.

The goal of this meditation exercise is to actually manifest Earth's Rainbow Bridge – the day-night alternators of Earth's magnetic field.

This Rainbow Bridge is the bridge of peace long prophesied that will permanently connect the third-dimensional Earth with the fourth and higher dimensions, assuring a peace and harmony that will not be able to be broken.

In order that all beings may participate in this meditation we offer this universal version of the Rainbow Bridge World Peace Meditation.

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  • Next Silio 28/full-on rainbow bridge meditation is on:

    Kin 99, Blue Galactic Storm

    I harmonize in order to catalyze
    Modeling energy
    I seal the matrix of self-generation
    With the galactic tone of integrity
    I am guided by the power of abundance

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