Full Initiation into Mayan Astrology Natal Chart Sensing, Oracle Interpretation & Galactic Download
Aligning with our True Nature and Purpose / Reading the BLUE PRINT of our Star Path
Designed to bestow all the simple/complex decoding needed to sense, comprehend & interpret Natal Charts, to expand self-knowledge and Unify with the Universal Law of Oneness.
Come and decode your essence, and acquire the capacity to look deeper into your own, and therefore and another's soul....and the Whole Universe.
Who AM I?
Why AM I Here?
Why did I incarnate?
Where AM I going?
Why do I DO what I DO?
How will I transcend?
In this Work-shop/ Play-day (Course) we will discover:
0. Mayan philosophy, history, world Vision, Mathematics, Star People Origin.
1. Sacred Geometry, Divine Order and Nassim Harameins discoveries on the fundamental pattern/code of creation within ALL (including Mayan Tzolkin Calendar)
2. Our galactic "Kin" and how to Calculate it and how to ADD other "kins" to our own
3. The deeper meaning and flow behind all the 20 Solar Signs
4. The 13 stage journey of Purpose-Transcendence with the 13 Lunar Tones
5. Our Dreamspell Wavespell (and Opposing) and how to interpret it and go deeper every day. (this is the integration of Solar Kins and Lunar tones)
6. Our Oracle (and opposing) and how to feel it around us at all times
7. How to discern between Luminous and Shadow aspects and the very thin line in between.
8. How interpret the chats made by 2 or more people.
- Associating with kins from your same "family/tribe"
- Colouring in our Charts.
- In Lakech Unity Spiral : I see myself in you. I am another yourself.
Contribution: Please contact me for more information
It is important you please bring:
- Notebook or White Paper to draw in
- Black Pen/Marker
- The colors (either in pencil, pen or felt marker) RED, BLUE, YELLOW. Different shades of these colors are allowed.
-Yummy healthy snacks and food to Share -Community Potluck / Picnic style
- Birth dates of close, loved ones, as well as any nemesis you might have.
-Your smile and open-ness!
-Dress as you would celebrate your self discovery!
about Natalie Eidi: Born in Athens Greece, her ethnicity is Mexican/Lebanese/Egyptian, and has been living in Mexico for the past 16 years, and travelling the world for the past 4, teaching and learning wherever she goes.
Absorbed in self-discovery through the Mayan Calendar since 2002, her ways are untraditional, unique and very essential to feeling our way into this sacred code, with wich we are reminded that we are Star People temporarily here on Earth.
contact her for more info: natalie.eidi@gmail.co
- Jul 12, 2014 at 4:00am to Jul 13, 2014 at 1:00pm MST
- Location: Athens, Greece,
- Latest Activity: Oct 13, 2021