• Mar 19, 2015 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: Kozyrev Mirrors, Armenia
  • Latest Activity: Oct 13, 2021

The Russian Academy of science is again doing their annual telepathic experiment called "Valum Votan Returning".

The Russian Academy of science utilizes a cosmic technology known as the "Kozyrev Mirrors" to create a type of timespace cocoon, within which the electromagnetic field of the Earth becomes neutralized, allowing them to access frequencies and registrations from any time in the Earth's future or history.

For this experiment they will enter these mirrors and be transmitting to all participants in the project for 30 minutes, and the participants then transmit for 30 minutes, completing the experiment.

Details are as follows:

Day 1:
Solar Moon Silio 14, Kin 246: White Crystal Worldbridger (Guided by Crystal MIRROR)
March 20, 2pm Moscow Time (3am Pacific Time, 6am Eastern Time)

First 30 minutes: Enter clear mind meditation and open your receptivity to receive the transmissions being sent from the Mirrors in Armenia. Record any impressions on a piece of paper, **see below where to send your results. If it is possible to measure your pulse and provide readings for this, please do!

Second 30 minutes: For 15 minutes our collective will transmit this symbol:


This is known as the Banner of Biospheric Rights, incorporating the Banner of Peace in the center, and a triple Earth, signifying the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional bodies of the Earth, held in harmony by the yellow circle of the solar ring.

After 15 minutes of transmitting that symbol, you may then transmit your own personal message, image, etc.

**Please record any impressions you have, sign your name and birth date on them and either email them to info@lawoftime.org or mail them to Foundation for the Law of Time, PO Box 156, Ashland OR 97520.

Thank you for your participation!

Yours in service to the New Time
Foundation for the Law of Time



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  • The Kozyrev mirror meditation is amazing. Thank you for the invitation to be a part of this exciting experiment which may possibly change the whole concept of space exploration. (Speaking from the viewpoint of a Skywalker.)

  • A psi experiment? The question is, can you overcome fear and paranoia and connect to Divine Intelligence? The fear is the cause of the pollution in the nooshphere. Change your mind, embrace love, be the solution, clearing and opening the channels of consciousness into the Light. It is not for the faint hearted.

  • I asked the same question as Malaclypse...

    A russian academy experiment that will send us information in the first 30min and then wants us to send our information also....

    come on....

  • I am honored to be a hollow reed in service to The Divine. Thank you ALL for this opportunity to be a part of this conscious awakening; weaving The Web together. Infinite Love to ALL!

  • how do you know that aforementioned is not military-industrial mind control? 2175987619?profile=original

  • The time conversion chart said that 2 pm Moscow time is actually 4 am PDT.

  • I'm wondering if 3:00 am is Pacific Daylight Time?

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