• Mar 23, 2015 from 7:30am to 8:00am
  • Location: 7D Earth
  • Latest Activity: Oct 13, 2021

This is an invocation to All conscious beings actively working for the the New Earth to join this sacred planetary meditation of 19 minutes on the significant Day 241 of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix, which is Monday 23rd of March. To celebrate this most auspicious of days, we ask you to join us at 2.41 PM / 14:41 GMT for 19 minutes of Divine Meditation.

-> The 19:19 Crystal Matrix is the womb of the New Earth” 
If you just arrive here guided by synchronicity and are not familiarised with the ancient truth emanating from this Sacred Matrix, please download the latest 19:19 Crystal Matrix here : http://www.19matrix.org/downloads/19MatrixA3WebVersion.jpg

-> Day 241 is the Inter-Dimensional anchor of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix and happens every 23rd of March Gregorian
▪ Day 241 - 23rd of March is a date inside the frame 20-23rd March which shows, every year, the sign of the “Feathered Serpent” descending the stairways of Kukulkan’s Pyramid at Chichen Itza during the Spring & Autumn Equinoxes. 
▪ Day 241 - 23rd March 603 AD was the Birth date of King Pakal Votan (Father of the Galactic Maya)
▪ Day 241 - 23rd March 2011 was the Ascension of José Arguelles, Valum Votan (Father of the Mayan Dreamspell)
▪ Day 241 - 23rd March 1963 was also the Birth of our beloved brother Galactic Maya Baba D. (The Dreamspell kin for the day is Red Lunar Moon, his birth kin, so we also celebrate his galactic return of 52 years!)

-> Day 241 Merkabah Activation 
Day 241 inside the 19:19 Crystal Matrix is the key day when Crystal 1 and Crystal 2 meet in coordinate number 241 (2 for 1) to walk together to the apex and completion of 19:19 sequence, which if seen in 3D, is a blueprint of the 9 Levelled Mayan Pyramid. When the Two Crystal Archetypes meet, they begin to forge the 6D Merkabah of the Higher Self. It represents the point where the Masculine and Feminine aspects to the self and creation Unify. A powerful “Heaven on Earth” manifestation. 

Join us to celebrate this most sacred of days!!!
- Monday 23rd of March at 2:41pm / 14:41 GMT
- Use this tool to convert GMT time to your local timewww.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
- 19 minutes of Divine Meditation connected with the New Creation of Earth.
- Align your Multidimensional Self with the Cosmic Tree of our New Earth. 

This Holographic Meditation will be Synchronised Live via our new website:

Facebook event link : https://www.facebook.com/events/1100893566602843/

In Lak’ech / Namaste / Anam Cara

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  • all Normal Mondays are also Discordian Fridays.

    I might be drunk, but I shaĺl be there.


        Actually, the Principia is the work of a time-travelling anthropologist from the 23rd Century. He is currently passing among us as a computer specialist, bon vivant and philosopher named Marques De Valia. He has also translated several volumes of Etruscan erotic poetry, under another pen-name, (¨Greg Hill¨) and in the 18th Century was the mysterious Man in Black who gave Jefferson the design for the Great Seal of the United States.

  • Although I didn't RSVP for the Globally Synchronized Telepathy Experiment Day1 and Day2, I still participated by staying open and receptive as well as drawing the Banner of Biospheric Rights for both days. I am honored to have been able to participate in such an amazing event. Thank you!

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