Infinite Knowledge: Let's Begin

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We gotta start somewhere... Who is Sadie Nichole? more at

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  • tanj-future curse word attributed to Larry Niven.

    Anagram for

     there ain't no justice used like damn as in

    Tanjit! I hate Google!

  • Healing Class - Lesson Three

    Reclaiming Lost Spirit

    Part Six: Superiority and the Two Devils

    "This page is a continuation of part five of the healing class, 'Spirit and Superiority'. If you haven't read that lesson recently, please do before reading this page. The material on this page is based on understandings on the previous page, and all of the earlier material in the healing class for that matter.

    It is also important to be familiar with the "acquiring Apostolic discernment" process while not hesitating to w*rk with this material.

  • Updated August, 2020

    A Message from Alkmi And The GodChannelers

    Welcome, Kryon, Adironda, and new Friends!

    February 2017 Anno Domini marked the 20th Anniversary of! We've been excitngly live, w*rking in cyberspace since February, 1997, and as you may know, much of the invaluable process coaching on the site happened in the first three or four years.

    Then, in 2001, we began focusing more and more on working with others using the healing tools and perspectives we were learning through the channeling and through our own inner gnosis.

    A Gnostic Perspective on the Corona Virus Pandemic and Human Sufferingfrom the Most Rev. Stephan A. Hoeller -- March 25, 2020

    The non-virtual work drew us away from the website time and time again, and our public channelings appeared to taper off over the years.

    Now recent events on the world stage have sent us 'back to the drawing board,' so to speak. Once again, we're feeling drawn to do more public channelings.

    We recognize that since we stopped updating the main site in 2012, GC has had a few more regular readers.

    However, some of you have been asking about what might be 'up' with all the unloving light now suddenly so obvious in the world.


    "The superiority imprint is most alive in them. ... And Ahriman has generally been proving his superiority over me by using my powers against me. Lucifer abuses ...
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