I don't have many in my immediate circle that can even understand this interview, so I put it here as if you're supposed to see this from myself, you will. :)
This was released in March 2014, the interview was done in 1998.
I couldn't post the whole thing but have included portions of the appendix and graphics. go to the site and download or read it in your browser, i promise this will shake your understanding.
Neruda Interviews Download Section:
The Neruda Interviews
The back-story of the WingMakers. The reality of The Grand Portal. Everywhere in-between.
The true focus of the fifth interview isn’t the scientific definition of the Hologram of Deception, but rather how we can free ourselves from its pervasive and illusory presence. The Sovereign Integral process is defined in this interview in detail, but you may have to read carefully to hear and understand it. This process is truly the centerpiece of the fifth interview. Whatever philosophical perspective you wish to attach to this information, bear in mind that it is shared in the spirit of oneness and equality, and that the Sovereign Integral process is a decidedly experiential practice.
Excerpt from the Introduction,
The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda
The five interviews of Dr. Jamisson Neruda are an extension of the Ancient Arrow Project novel. The first three interviews are contained on the First Source disc, the fourth interview was released in November 2002, about a year following the release of the disc, and the fifth interview was released in April 2014.
The framework of these interviews is that Dr. Neruda has defected from the Advance Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) because his unique connection with the WingMakers has persuaded him that they hold the keys to humanity’s ability to attain The Grand Portal—the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul. His defection from the ACIO ultimately leads him to a journalist whom he contacts as a means to tell his story and get it out to the media.
In each of the five Neruda interviews, Dr. Neruda is being interviewed by a journalist named Sarah. Sarah skillfully draws out the details of the ACIO, what it’s like to work for a secret organization whose focus is to reverse-engineer recovered extraterrestrial technologies, but then, in the fifth and final interview, a powerful twist occurs—the hologram of deception (reality) is unmasked.
For approximately 15 years the fifth interview was withheld, for reasons that were never disclosed, though many people asked about its disposition. James has intimated that the content of the fifth interview was radical, and would be released when the timing was right. The five interviews constitute an important part of the WingMakers materials in terms of defining the technology transfer program, the cabal behind the government, the hologram of deception and perhaps most important of all, the Sovereign Integral process and the true meaning of The Grand Portal.
The interviews are available at the bottom of this page in Adobe PDF format, or can be read in their entirety on the webpage below. In the case of the fifth interview, it is recommended that you download the PDF version, as it has the full introduction. The appendix includes diagrams and instructions on Quantum Pause. These are helpful to understanding the Sovereign Integral process and practicing it.
What is within us was present before the universe was created. Our inner, pre-quantum core existed previous to spacetime, before any extra-dimensional race enslaved us. We are not weak or defenseless. We are not mere human beings with eighty year lifespans. WE ARE infinite, and we are all that is needed to transform reality so that each of us serves truth, because we see truth. Earth is not a playground or a schoolroom any more than we are gullible children. There is no new age or end time; there is only the infinite platform upon which we all belong, where we rise up as Sovereign Integrals upon earth.
- James Mahu
Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda
Introduction to Quantum Pause
Quantum Pause is a primary tool of the Sovereign Integral process. The wonderful thing about breath is that it is always with you from the very first to the very last experience of this world. It is portable, everyone has it and it is what anchors you into the now.
Below is a step-by-step process that is recommended to use when you practice quantum pause, however, it is also suggested that you remain open to adapting this process to your own style, preference and capabilities.
STEP 1: Declarative Purpose
The first step is called Declarative Purpose. This simply means that before you begin, declare your intent. There are two general states when one performs quantum pause:
1. I am doing this for the whole of humanity
2. I am doing this for a specific subset of humanity (myself, friends, family)
The first state is obvious, but the second varies by a considerable degree. For example, you could apply quantum pause for a situation that requires forgiveness or compassion within your immediate family, or perhaps yourself. Whatever the purpose is, it is recommended to declare it before you take your first breath. This is your inception point for the entire session that follows.
STEP 2: Breath Baseline (2-4 measures)
From a breath perspective, there are four equal parts to quantum pause. In-breath (nose) > pause > out-breath (mouth) > pause. This 4-part process is called a measure. Each measure is divided into two segments:
1. In-breath > pause segment, which is the I AM
2. Out-breath > pause segment, which is the WE ARE
After you have declared your purpose, then perform 2-4 measures of breath, without visualizing or thinking or feeling. This step is simply to quiet your internal state, center your awareness and bring you fully into the now.
STEP 3: Conceptual Attention (3-5 measures)
After you have your baseline established, imagine that during the in-breath segment that a vertical line or column extends from the center of earth through your pineal gland in your brain and upwards to infinity. The beginning of the in-breath starts in the core of earth, and as you inhale, the vertical line extends through you and into infinity above. When you reach the pause after your in-breath, imagine that the field of I AM consciousness during the pause is coalescing or uniting within the vertical column.
During the out-breath segment, visualize a horizontal bar or line that originates in your heart area and extends outwards from your arms’ deltoid muscles, encircling earth. When you reach the pause after your out-breath, imagine that the field of WE ARE coalesces within the horizontal bar. The WE ARE visualization connects you to humanity and life on earth.
It is not critical that you visualize in high resolution (i.e., color and fine detail). These are conceptual attentions without any judgment as to your performance or how much detail you can imbue to each segment. You are directing your attention on high concepts, and this is enough.
These concepts of I AM and WE ARE, when compared to your programming on television, internet, and daily life environments, support your service to truth. There is no judgment to how you perform this. It is simply that the conceptual attention, in itself, loosens the bonds from the programming of the Hologram of Deception.
STEP 4: Body Lens of the Heart Virtues (3-5 measures)
During the in-breath segment of each measure, you can bring in one or more of the heart virtues. For example, as you breathe in, you imagine forgiveness, as a lens, forming around your entire body. You can look out through this lens that encompasses you through your entire being. You are saturated in forgiveness. In the pause, you simply allow it to intensify and encompass you like a transparent energy field.
When you transition to the out-breath segment, you release this forgiveness or whatever heart virtue you are focused on. The release, as it pertains to the declarative purpose, is either to humanity at large, or a subset, which could include just you, your family members, work colleagues, friends, neighbors, pets, animals, plants, etc.
It is important to direct the heart virtues upon yourself as you move through this process. You require self-forgiveness, self-compassion, self-understanding and self-appreciation. Sometimes it is best to do this at the end of the day, and focus on others and humanity during the day, but this is an individual process and you decide what works for you.
STEP 5: Completion
When you feel you are done, you can send appreciation to the Creator in that conceptual framework of infinity that you held earlier. Then, take the entire session and imagine it is compressed into something the size of a pea or small stone, and it is wisely placed within your pineal gland to be absorbed and transmitted.
Then dissolve the entire session by opening your eyes and declaring “It is done.” You do not hold any bias or outcome favoritism. You are neutral, as you step out of the session.
Additional Suggestions
Condensed Versions of Quantum Pause—once you have practiced this for a period of two or three weeks, consider how it can be condensed and applied in real-time circumstances that allow you to transfer the experience of a five-stage session into a 30-second session, then a 10-second session and finally into a 3-second session. The idea is to condense the experience (not the breathing aspect) of quantum pause into a smaller time segment that can be used in real-time experiences so you can be on a phone call, in a meeting, driving your car, talking with your spouse, and call up the experience without the formality and time requirement of the 5-step structure.
Breath Control—there is no judgment that the longer your breath parts are performed in each of the segments, the better the result. There is no correlation. However, as you get into the later steps of the quantum pause process, your attention is less centered on your breath. You allow it to become self-directed, so your attention can move to a more imaginative and feeling oriented state.
Purpose—the purpose of quantum pause is not to leave the body or have a “spiritual” experience or conjure any “positive” experience upon completion. It is purposely not of that realm. It is not designed to create an experience for your mind or provide visualizations of another world. If you see, sense or feel anything that is unrelated to your purpose, gently, but firmly, remove it.
Posture—unlike meditation, quantum pause is not related to specific postures. You can practice it lying down when you wake up or go to bed. You can be standing up or sitting down. There is no posture requirement. Quantum pause is not meditation for the human instrument. It is a behavioral exercise to reveal the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness.
Synchronize—if you practice quantum pause, and you begin your session at the top of the hour, it will synchronize your experience with others and expand the energy. It doesn’t matter which of the 24 hours you start with, but if you can, begin at the top of the hour.
“To live in service of truth, you must first identify the layers of deception that encompass you.
This is the equivalent of deprogramming. It is central to the Sovereign Integral process. Then
you can live the words and ideas that arise from this internal field of truth that is inside you
and nowhere else. It is completely unaffiliated with anything that is a feature of the Hierarchy.
This is because what is truth is singular (sovereign) and universal (integral) at the same time.
No organization can contain that. Only you can.”