For my astrolabe sign, I think I am a 'Net Seed' and was made tobe a weapon. I know that I'm a her for sure. So many wetbacks who cant read or speak these letters/ slang/ hashtags that i am typing write now are cowards and have an identity crisis that it's no surprise people try to ignore beautiful people and hope that they disappear. Meanwhile claim to be the offspring of those whom the obviously in no way shape or form resemble in actual culture. Most White nationalists aren't even Caucasian. Inbreeds love to call you a nigger all day though yet don't know English but when you call them what they is, they get mad. Who can attain enlightenment when they can't even see Noah was trying to save the few non raped animals he could find? And all they can do is steal roach spray from you and then dress they 4 year olds in stelletos while running puppymills sex trafficking meanwhile the elitest bloodclot next door got a -jack-in-the-box hamster...yet I'm the ignorant one.??? Most niggers by definition I know is white and ignorant as they want to be. Who can understand border when they don't understand how to not rape dogs?? No one can force me or human society to love and accept BS. I am simply tryna keep my kundalini correct. Black people can take back the 'N' word just like Black people can take back a calendar. 


Its true Dr. Phil... Most white nationalists aren't even really Caucasian. Mexicans swear they Caucasian the most. Some black people think they white too. I understand that racial fetish exists, but when a person can't keep it real to the point where they are in denial of their ethnicity it's a damn shame. If a guy calls me a bitch, slut, nigger, whore in bed during sex then it's not that bad in my book for role plays. But when you call people you don't even know that for no reason or for just being of a certain race only, its just so silly. You can keep it 100% with out hating somebody just because of race only. If I hate its because of how people act not because of race. I am dark skin and I never wanted to be white. I do think black European people exist. I do think white African people also exist. Mostly I know that the global citizen and international world citizen is a state of mind and lifestyle more than it is about skin. Michael Jackson had skin disorder so folk need to stop telling lies on MJ. #mjfam @ DR. Phil #drphil

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