Planetary 16

It is a very interesting day indeed, as the city of Boston is under lockdown. Let us take note:

The 16th day of the Planetary (Dog) Moon is of course day 16 of the Warriors's cube journey,  Dog in the cube (Telektonon). Due to the one-to-one correspondence of the 13 Moon year and the Gregorian year (both 365-day counts), Planetary 16 is always April 19. Now, I certainly do not intend to dwell on the 13-day Blood Sacrifice To The Beast Moloch, but it is interesting that this SIGNificant year leading to GS 13, this 13-day period, Greg. April - May 1, the final 13 days of the Planetary Moon, is exactly the Worldbridger wavespell, beginning with kin 66. I take personal note that kin 66 represents my guide, since guides are actually based on wavespells and I am guided by Worldbridger. I am now attracting the opportunity to transmute this day and this time period with LOVE. Please join me. We must be aware of what is, to transmute what is. Be aware and be Love.

Love, 30

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