NS. — Kin-12 — Yellow Crystal Seed
Today it is Yellow Crystal Human, 65 days after the Closing of the Cycle and the perfect analog Kin of this Blue Crystal Hand momentum. It is the Kin of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, an Indian Mystic and Guru, who visited our planet between 1931 and 1990.
Today 1018 days ago, I thought for a moment that he was still alive! And you hear him say: „People on the same level .. even they cannot communicate .. because words .. are tricky things .. you say one thing .. but the moment it reaches to the other person .. it is in their power how to interpret it .."
Crystal Human is today a reminder of a very rare encounter I had. It was during a traveling with two friends through Central America in 2010. It was on May 13 and Blue Solar Eagle that we arrived in Palenque in the afternoon. We wanted to do something, so we asked the cab driver to bring us to a nice place. It became Welib Ja, a quite waterfall spot; and while hanging around, a group of people arrived. The question is, do we recognize him?
I did, and I could not believe my eyes! So walked to him and said: „Who are you?” Of course, this was a quite unusual encounter and his answer was: "Do you know Osho?" And I said: „yeah, I know and I am Bob Marley, nice to meet you!” We laughed, and they went to the waterfall. We followed them, and I awaited the right moment to give him something I was carrying during this Mayan road trip.
„How I Became U” was double sided printed on a paper, to communicate the uChing code to people we met. It was titled the Tao Code and it contained the DNA fractal to show the connection with TIME. I was in search for the right way to share this work, to learn about the next step in this process. What would people think of the uChing? What should be done with it? So I asked Osho this question..
Awaiting the waterfall visualization of this group (they were checking the place for an organized meditation) my two friends (brothers, Kin-130 & Kin-200) took the camera and filmed this very rare and synchronic event at this desolated but beautiful waterfall place. „How nice, another experience..”, you hear one of my friends say in Dutch. We had many strange synchronicities during this traveling, but this one was quite unusual.
The man you see has the same last name as Bhagwan himself, Rajneesh, and he is still spreading the word about the great and interesting legacy of Osho. He was closely involved with this movement, you can read about his story in the books that are free to download and are translated into many languages. His Kin is Red Electric Earth (Kin-237) and that is activating in the wavespell of the Blue Eagle, a synchronic connection we share! The day of this movie was Blue Solar Eagle, realization of vision. Rajneesh invited us to his hotel and that same evening we, and the people around him, had great conversations about many things.
The advice of Rajneesh to me, was to wait and to let go of the desire to manifest anything right now. Two years at least, he said. He knew it this was quite simple and obvious to say, but he said it would prove itself to be true. Counting two years into the future it became 2012, and guess what? On May 20, 2012 the whole uChing research concluded itself and this finished process I took with me to Palenque, Mexico again. To share it during the Closing of the Cycle. Many different Kin from all places of the world where present and receptive for this "how I become U" story. The advice of Rajneesh became true, more than I could imagine.
At the end you see me swimming against the current of the waterfall to reach it. Typical for that moment in time, now I know that you will never reach your goal this way. On that Bhagwan once said: "do not swim — float!" And finally we see him at the end of this movie: "LIFE IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!"