MISSION: To activate the Tzolkin DNA of the Foundation for the Law of Time, lighting up the Galactic Activation Portals (GAP) related with the galactic maya tzolkin DNA, through donations, in the "Light Up the Tzolkin!" board of the donations page. The activations were made using the name "LIFE", (acronym for "Laboratorio de Investigaciones Fotónicas y Energía", in spanish) (Photonic and Energy Research Lab). That name was attached synchronically to my Paypal account since 2006.

http://www.lawoftime.org/donate.html? content=249




July 23th 2014
Kin 6, seal 6, tone 6 (White Rhythmic Worldbridger)


Red Queen blog post
Roma-Amor Mission: from Darkness to Light



Donations/Activations started with a logical sequence, beginning at the upper left corner (kin 1, red magnetic dragon). All Galactic Activation Portals that were not activated until that day, would be activated by 20 dollar donations.

The left hemisphere was activated without problems, following this sequence: 22, 43, 64, 106, 69, 109, 110, 51, 112, 93, 114 (number of activations: 11)


Donations/Activations started with a logical sequence, beginning at the upper right corner (kin 241, dragón resonante). All Galactic Activation Portals that were not activated until that day, would be activated by 20 dollar donations.

The right hemisphere begun its activation with kin 241, but the sequence was interrupted at kin 222. Paypal's system started to refuse the transfers, no matter what I tried to do. Only kin activated: 241 (two for one) (number of activations: 1)

grand totale of activations that day: 12 (system refused the 13th transfer)



July 28th 2014
kin 11, seal 11, tone 11 (Blue Spectral Monkey)
galactic birthday of ascended master Valum Votan (VV)

post of Be Lamat, kin 128, Yellow Spectral Star
Synchronically, this person didn't knew me or knew about the DNA activation ceremony that was made 5 days earlier

His post was a clear sign because its name was "Lighting Up the Tzolkin", and proposed a fractal prophetic riddle of 2 parts (hemispheres), related with the Tzolkin. His past post had the name "Poem that awaits for an answer..." and if that were not enough, the images of the riddle had the following links:
http://www.lawoftime.org/donate.html y
talking about a case of a simultaneous psyquiatric study to 3 persons that believed at the same time (synchronously) to be Jesus Christ



I didn't knew who was Be Lamat, or his blog, or his riddle. I found it thanks to on July 28th 2014, kin 11, seal 11, tone 11, Blue Spectral Monkey, I read the comments of Red Queen post of July 25th 2014, kin 7, seal 7, tone 7 (Green Day, Day Out Of Time, Blue Resonant Hand) "Struggle for Authenticity in a World of Repression and Delusion"

https://1320frequencyshift.wordpress.com/2014/07/25/struggle-for-authenticity-in-a-world-of- repression-and-delusion



In that blog post comments, Be Lamat expressed his hope for someone to decode the riddle.



To solve the puzzle, I overlapped the 2 images using Photoshop and mixed using different filters in order to analyze them from more points of view. Soon a pattern emerged as an answer, a graphic description, and I communicated this to Be Lamat the same day, as you can read above.



Be Lamat next post, of July 29th 2014, kin 12, seal 12, tone 12, Yellow Crystal Human, was this:
and says the following:
1 + 25 x 333 º 333 x 52 = Peace PAX PAZ
Activated and Pulsating! (he made an animated image!)



Due to the strenght of synchronicities of that day, I decided that in addition to the Tolzkin DNA activation, I had to activate first the Galactic Phoenix, so, that day, I made donations to activate the kins of the Galactic Phoenix of the riddle: 21, 63, 105, 126, 127, 89, 190, 169, 164 and 183. Again, activations were only effective until certain kin (190) and kins 169, 164 and 183 didn't allowed to be activated (I related this 3 kins with the number of Christs that Be Lamat mentioned in its riddle)


Days, weeks and months passed without the donations to be reflected on the official donation board of the Foundation for the Law of Time, but I respected that process and didn't claimed anything, supposing that if the donations had not been properly registered, it would be for an unknow, higher reason, and that would be a part of a future sync...


January 23th 2015
kin 190, seal 10, tone 8 (White Galactic Dog)

Dreams sequence

5 days before, in the night before sunday January 18th kin 185, seal 5, tone 3 (Red Electric Serpent), I had the FIRST OF THREE DREAMS: in the dream, I found giant 88 butterflies and I delivered to Stephanie South, the Red Queen. When I woke up I realized it was important by 2 reasons. First of all, I almost never dream, and when I dream, I remember almost anything, but this dream was colorful and felt real. Secondly, when I checked the date I realized that 520 days (2 tzolkins) had being past since the day I showed up at Nah Chan, house of the serpent, in Mexico City, to pay my respects and gifts, on a day I will never forget, because at the moment of mentally asking for a confirmation, synchronically an earthquake begun at 10:32:59 am, with an intensity of 5.3 degrees richter
http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/ciudad-metropoli/2013/se-registra-sismo-en-la-ciudad-de-mexico- 942989.html


Also, that day, August 16th 2013, kin 185, seal 5, tone 3 (Red Electric Serpent), unknowing this fact at that time, the 26 year fractal of the Harmonic Convergence of August 16th 1987 was also met.

The 88 butterflies dream was so colorful and vivid that I decided to make an image as a gift to Red Queen, to give her next day (monday kin 186, seal 6, tone 4 (White Autoexistent Worldbridger) yand congratulate her by her galactic birthday of the past day... when I found a blog post directly related with the power of dreams. Its name was... I have a dream!

This is the image I made as a gift to Stephanie South:


In my SECOND DREAM, in the night before kin 189, again I was finding giant 88 butterflies, but this time I give them to a man. I related the dream with Jannis 7 Moon, kin 189, being his galactic birthday too, so I sent him a congratulation message through Galactic Space Book.

One day after, on the night before kin 190, I had a THIRD DREAM. This time it was not related with the 88 butterfly but with the Tzolkin. I visualized it in 3D, as a pyramid. During the morning of kin 190 I meditated about that and understood that the time to continue the activation process of the Tzolkin DNA had come.




I sent an email asking from help to donations@lawoftime.org to continue the activation, asking for a transfer of the 7 donations of the Galactic Phoenix to the right hemisphere of the Tzolkin, to some Galactic Activation Portals. I was kindly supported by Jacob Rhythmic Dragon kin 201, who helped me with the LIFE transfer. This way, the 7 donations of the galactic phoenix were transferred to the GAPs 222, 184, 189, 210, 211, 176 and 197


24 days later, february 16th 2015, kin 214, seal 14, tone 6, White Rhythmic Wizard, the transfer was officially reflected on the FLT donations board, remaining only to activate kins 150, 151 and 152 (representing, if you think of it twice, the 3 Christs that I couldn't activate during the Galactic Phoenix activation)... and finally, kin 260, Yellow Cosmic Sun, who ends the DNA activation cycle and has the highest factor kin (20x13)


On monday march 30th 2015, kin 256, Yellow Solar Warrior, Solar Moon of the Solar Moon, gamma 24 (day 89 of the Gregorian Calendar, related with the 89 butterfly, of the evolution), I started writing this blog post (in spanish) and collecting graphics

On tuesday march 31th 2015, kin 257, Red Planetary Earth, Solar Moon of the Solar Moon, kali 25 (galactic signature of Neo -matrix- and of the Gregorian Calendar Reform), LIFE was injected on 3 Christs 150, 151 and 152... and kin 260, Yellow Cosmic Sun

I Perfect in order to Evolve
Producing Synchronicity
I seal the Matrix of Navigation
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the power of Life Force


On wednesday April 1th 2015, kin 258, White Spectral Mirror, Solar Moon of the Solar Moon, alpha 26, the reflection of the double helix of the galactic tzolkin is released... by publishing this blog post (the day before in spanish, today in english)

I Dissolve in order to Reflect
Releasing Order
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled


smile! :D

if we don't burn together, who will illuminate this darkness?
in lak ech hala ken = antal hun!
I am another you and you are another me = we are one!


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