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Planet Art Network EARTH GROUP on FB☙☙☙☙☙☙☙☙☙☙☙☙Prepare for Contact13:20 : FREQUENCY : SHIFTCrossing the Bridge of Time – by Red Queen… The only purpose of the Galactic Federation is to increase awareness of God and the Divine Order, which can only be effected through subliminal feedback to input from the lower orders of time. –Dynamics of Time, 17.6⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿The 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time and the Evolution of Time as ConsciousnessJosé Argüelles-Valum Votan Closer of the Cycle the Galactic Federation and the Nature of Post-Organic Consciousness17.17.1. The purely fourth-dimensional collective radiosonic mass released from third- dimensional anchoring within it radiantly perfected transport vehicle or soul boat, encounters the future in all of its luminously radial hyperdimensionality. Absorbed into the pure future of post-organic hyperdimensional time, the radiosonic collective mass enters true timelessness, experienced as the quality of “always existing.”17.2. The post-organic entities of the subliminal conscious of the pure future are fractal free wave forms of hyperdimensional time. Hyperdimensional time, inclusive of the fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions, is omnidirectional intelligence, feedback from God experienced as pure mind. The omnidirectional feedback of God’s intelligence is generated according to the intensity of light or mental photons returned to God via the subliminal conscious concurrent with the excitation phases of stellar mass into supernova.17.3. Post-organic entities or angels are fractal free wave forms completely engaged in the intelligence of the mind of God, and receptive to input of super conscious hyperorganic entities or time transcending third-dimensional forms of devotion, prayer or meditation.17.4. “Fractal free post-organic” means angels are liberated from any and all interference grids generated by the activity waves of differing levels of celestial harmonics which define the form- compounding functions of the third and fourth dimensions. Being fractal free thus prevents angels from entering interference grid defined fields, which means they cannot intervene directly in third- or fourth-dimensional activities.17.5. The sum of activities of the angelic order informed by the fractal free waves of God’s patterns of intelligence, is hyperdimensionally shaped by the input of organic and hyperorganic levels which gives form to the fractal free wave zone of angelic order. This form is called the Galactic Federation.17.6. The Galactic Federation of hyperdimensional mind is the future order and organization of all conscious intelligently ramified in degrees and ranks, stored according to a comprehensive knowledge of all phases of the evolutionary spectrum constituting the galactic brain. The only purpose of the Galactic Federation is to increase awareness of God and the divine order, which can only be effected through subliminal feedback to input from the lower orders of time.17.7. Through participation in the Galactic Federation, angels possess a guiding capacity which is intelligently directed by feedback from the coordinating design of God. This guiding capacity allows angels to be appointed to any one of the infinite spectrum of bodies in time evolved through the energy-to-mind continuum of the Galactic Bra
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  • gama10 de lunalunar ,se cunplen 52 lunas de anclaje , con el propocito de anclar la cultura galactica en las sierras de ancasti ,catamarca argentina,los pulso ,meta-ku oiasin

  • Thank you very much for sharing this.  I have made this my desktop background. Much love to you and yours.

  • <3 <3 Transcendence is upon us. wwe will unite as one vital life energy. please, angels, guide to the infinite! This is wonderful. A must share. 

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