Planet Art Network EARTH GROUP on FBꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩ13:20 : FREQUENCY : SHIFTCrossing the Bridge of Time – by Red QueenꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩꙩThe 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time and the Evolution of Time as ConsciousnessJosé Argüelles-Valum Votan Closer of the Cycle of Blog and Cosmic HistoryPosted on 10 November, 20111.24.3.22, Kin 31–Blue Overtone MonkeyI began this blog as I felt a responsibility to convey some of the essence of the frequency or vibration that I have experienced with Valum Votan with the Noosphere II experiment and the unfolding of the Cosmic History Chronicles. This entire process has been a true miracle and blessing granted by the Supreme One who holds the keys to all knowledge and who guides all things.Through adhering to certain spiritual disciplines and following the synchronic codes of time, we were able to create a rarefied and highly creative living environment, which is touched upon in Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change: the Visionary Life and Work of José Argüelles).To maintain the purity of the experiment we limited our internet and media use, did not have cell phones or text messaging, nor did we participate in any type of social networking.We had originally planned to completely unplug for the duration of the closing of the cycle in order to immerse ourselves in the multi-leveled practices of the Law of Time and to cultivate the methods for activating the noosphere (as stated in Intergalactic Bulletin #4). This is the program that I continue to follow as it is the life path that has been revealed to me.However with the exit of Votan from this earthly plane, I have been guided to create a vehicle or “blog” to share what I can in order to create a channel to unify with those who have been following this path or who are just learning about it.I feel that the process that Votan and I underwent in the unfolding of the Cosmic History Chronicles has everything to do with the planetary shift now occurring. For me, as apprentice, it has been a process of constant exertion and transmutation of energy while simultaneously inputting and synthesizing vast amounts of new information. In this process surrender, creativity, imagination and humor were the key ingredients.This initial process began with 260 consecutive transmission sessions known as GM108X—Galactic Mayan Mind Transmission, also known as a between the worlds transmission. Those 260 days in 2002, were like a fractal microcosm of the 26,000 year cycle that we are now concluding (260 days is also approximately the human gestation cycle of 9 months).......
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