December 2
December 2
Galactic Signature
Kin 113: Red Solar Skywalker
Earth Family
Signal (Unravel the Mystery)
What is your favorite color of the rainbow?
As part of our star family and another ourself we would love to know more about you. What brought you to Galactic Spacebook and what facets are you most interested in?
i came across the cosmic hstory chronicles while researching helena blavasky and other ocult authers, scince that point i put my home studies in a slightly diferent direction and covoured all of the cosmic histry chronicles material i could find as audio book on youtube postec my michaelvec. i studied the 13 moon calender and practiced the synchro galactic yoga for a period of time but my practicfe did fall off and my relationship with the cosmic history chronicles has been on and off i want to understand how the impliment the holomind perciever and unlock the different levels of interconectedness through understanding the wavespell, the tzolkin, the 441 cube matric, the 7 heptad gates and help establish the noospeare along with many other things i cant list
We've noticed that, more often than not, it is a fascinating story when someone shares how they learned about the Law of Time/13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell. How or when did you learn about it? :)
seemimly coincidence to the untrained eye but in truth pure synchronicity
What are your favorite books/music/art/movies?
secret doctrine H.P.B, skanner darkly - phillip k dick, huxley doors of perception, graham hancock fingerprints of the gods, michael tsarion orogins and orocles/ ancient irish civilization n atlantis, and all art/music/movies that strikes the chord inside for inner revolution
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