

April 5

Galactic Signature

Kin 17: Red Self-Existing Earth

Earth Family

Core (Mine the Tunnels)

What is your favorite color of the rainbow?


As part of our star family and another ourself we would love to know more about you. What brought you to Galactic Spacebook and what facets are you most interested in?

Uso el calendario 13 lunas desde 1999 y ahora quiero connectar con esta comunidad. Mi enfoque es desarrollar comunicaciones que nos ayuden a ser trabajadores de paz mas eficientes. I am using the 13 Moon calendar from 1999 and now I want to connect with the this commun-Unity. My focus is to develop communications that help us to be more efficient as peace workers.

We've noticed that, more often than not, it is a fascinating story when someone shares how they learned about the Law of Time/13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell. How or when did you learn about it? :)

Bueno, yo comence en 1999 gracias a los videos de Fernando Malkun, Las & Profecias Mayas, yo hacia parte de la banda de Rap Alianza Galactika y como grupo buscamos mas informacion, llegamos al centro luz verde en Medellin con Don Gustavo y el nos dio nuestras firmas galacticas y nos enseno a usar los calendarios Tzolkin y 13 lunas. Dos anos despues en el 2001, Valum Votan y Bolon Ik vinieron a Colombia y estuvimos con ellos en la conferencia Paz Mundial Unico Camino y en un seminario de 7 dias, donde aprendi el concepto de las frecuenciasde tiempo 12:60 y 13:20 y la importancia de fortalecer y expandir la 13:20 en el planeta. Despues de esto mi banda grabo su segunda produccion musical la cual llamamos “Frecuencia” donde incluimos varios temas relacionados con esto entre ellos 12:60 y 13:20. (en yazz13lunas@gmail puedes solicitar el envio de estos temas) El proceso de re-programacion mental genero que todo lo que no estaba funcionando bien en mi vida se derrumbara y esto dio pie a una serie de transformaciones personales importantes en las que desde el 2009 vengo reconstruyendo mi vida y aclarando la vision de mi servicio en la Tierra. Como parte de mi servicio planetario en 2010 grabe un sencillo como solista llamado Amor Incondicional con los temas Yo Soy, Gracias, Una Oracion, Pequeno y Conectame, y en 2011 funde la organizacion sin animo de lucro Nuscaa Tierra Nueva que esta enfocada en promover el Bienestar (a traves de yoga meditacion y calendario 13 lunas), Sustenibilidad (mediante la creacion de huertas familiares y comunitarias) y Arte (con la creacion de musica y baile para el progreso spiritual). Hoy en dia me dedico al Yoga y la meditacion al amanecer, a mi huerta familiar y la educacion en casa de mi hijo en las mananas, y al arte en las tardes, con actividad comunitaria uno o dos dias a la semana. Aqui los links para escuchar la musica: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4wVDeAE1No, https://soundcloud.com/yanaka Well! I started thanks to the videos of the Seven Mayans Prophecies of Fernando Malkun in 1999, in that time I was part of the Alliance Galactika Rap band, and as group we seek more information, we went the Green Light Center in Medellin(my city) and Don Gustavo gave us our galactic signatures and taught us to use the Tzolkin and 13 moons calendars. Two years later in 2001, Valum Votan and Bolon Ik came to Colombia and we were with them in the conference " World Peace Unique Way" also in a seminar for 7 days, where I learned the concept of time frecuency 12:60 and 13:20 and the importance of strengthening and expanding the 13:20 on the planet. After that my band recorded their second musical production which we call "Frequency" which include various topics related to it including 12:60 and 13:20. (in yazz13lunas@gmail you can request this songs) The process of re-programming genre mind that everything was not working well in my life collapsed and this led to a series of important personal transformations that are making that from the 2009 I start rebuilding my life and clarifying the vision of my service in Earth. As part of my planetary service, in 2010, i recorded a solo single called Unconditional Love with the songs: I Am, Thanks, A Prayer, Small and Connect me, and in 2011 I founded nonprofit organization Nuscaa New Earth that is focused on promoting the welfare (through yoga meditation and 13 moon calendar), Sustenibilidad (by creating family and community gardens) and Art (with the creation of music and dance for spiritual progress). Every day I work in Yoga and meditation at dawn, my family garden and education at my son in the mornings, and art in the evenings, with community activity one or two days a week. Here the links to listen the music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4wVDeAE1No https://soundcloud.com/yanaka

What are your favorite books/music/art/movies?

The music with messages, The Lord of the Rings, Matrix, The Hobbit, X Men.

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