

May 4



Galactic Signature

Kin 256: Yellow Solar Warrior

Earth Family

Cardinal (Establish the Genesis)

What is your favorite color of the rainbow?


As part of our star family and another ourself we would love to know more about you. What brought you to Galactic Spacebook and what facets are you most interested in?

My NOTICE TO & FOR Peace & Goodwill TO THY neighbor, who lives in A Glass HOUSE, Surrounded by THESE Stones!!! IIIyyyAAA ~I'M A TOTAL COMPUTER NERD... i PLAY ONLINE POKER, GARDEN, SAVE BABY ANIMALS... i CURSE A LOT SOME TIMES.. i WASN'T RAISE RICH, SO i DON'T EXPECT RICH EITHER IN THIS LIFE.. i JUST WANT A HAPPY LIVING PARTNER THAT IS PASSIONATE AND ALWAYS SEE THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE WHILE STILL SEEING THE SERIOUS OF STUFF. DOES THAT MAKES SENSE? And plz laugh at your mistakes...That every time you pretend to love, you impoverish yourself more and more. Love has great potential to enrich your life. But if you are just playing a role, pretending to love, it's only going to poison you. Because you are teaching yourself that it's just a game, ...and slowly but surely you will lose the capacity to open in love.I am a seeker of TRUTH sharing it with others. Sometimes truth frightens people which is not my intent. My intent is for everyone to claim their own power through knowledge! Everyone has untapped Energy within themselves and truth channeled into LOVE for each other and all things can change our world, we do have the Power on our side! We ARE the Power together and able to change it all through LOVE and LIGHT! ~EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION The Proclamation of Emancipation for Planet Earth We, the people of Planet Earth, proclaim that our Earth and her inhabitants are now freed from those who exploit us for their own profit. Harmful technologies that are poisoning the people and wildlife of the Earth are immediately stopped. We uphold the ideals of truth, health, peace, prosperity and liberty, for all people of this planet. We affirm that all countries are governed by public servants who support the highest good of all in good faith and truth. Those responsible for media communications base all reports on the truth and the good of all.We create a new economy that frees all people from being indebted to a corrupt banking system, and rewards creative solutions that serve the highest good of all. All industry and commerce based on untruth and exploitation are dismantled and replaced with creative endeavor that supports personal and environmental health for all. Jobs are provided for all, based on “right livelihood.” We invite and promote non-partisan scientific studies and technologies that return our world to the pristine condition of clean air, clean water, healthy food and natural Earth resonance. All food is grown organically from natural seeds with sustainable methods.Treatment for those who are not healthy, begins with determining the root cause of illness and treating the whole person in returning to a state of organic balance. The health and needs of all life/all beings of Planet Earth are tended to. People who have more than needed are encouraged to share the excess with others in their communities. All people are encouraged to live according to their highest purpose and share their unique personal gifts with others in the spirit of community.We utilize nonviolent communication to heal differences and replace war offensives with peaceful initiatives. All people are given the opportunity to heal the past and, together, create a future that nourishes all beings. THANK YOU ♥ ~Faith is exactly what it takes to get through uncertainty. Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. ~Well I'm a quite person most of the time.. I have lived and traveled (by car) all over the US. It was a growing experience for me to see and live in so many different places and with such different points of views.. I would like to thank Kellie for sharing that time with me.. You will always have a place in my heart... But now I'm on to bigger better things, now I have three boys. So being a single mother is quite the challenge some times.. But I would NEVER change anything so far... I'm a White Witch. I'm a healer, I use herbs, stones, energy from the Goddess above, and spells to help people, animals and plants. I'm SO every tired of all the fake people on this planet! WAKE-UP People! Look with in yourselves, what do you see? Do you like it, is it good.. How have you help your fellow man or animal, or how about the earth.. ~“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember a thing.” Mark Twain ~How's that workin' for ya? -me ~That every time you pretend to love, you impoverish yourself more and more. Love has great potential to enrich your life. But if you are just playing a role, pretending to love, it's only going to poison you. Because you are teaching yourself that it's just a game, ...and slowly but surely you will lose the capacity to open in love.

We've noticed that, more often than not, it is a fascinating story when someone shares how they learned about the Law of Time/13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell. How or when did you learn about it? :)

“When the wisdom of the Grandmothers is heard, the world will heal.”—Hopi Prophecy

What are your favorite books/music/art/movies?


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  • Hola :)

    I am time believing to be energy alive


    Become TIMECRAT, a timecracy user aware of the real use of the law of time by God, to be everyone us.


    The Government of God

    Timecracy was born to help you and everyone achieve the conscious state necessary to live in the perfect order of our energy factorization at every present moment to be everyone from oneself (timecracy.com/pangea). It is your next stage for you to evolve the Mayan time. Using this knowledge or others based on the 13:20 frequency (timecracy.com/about/law) without being a timecrat aware of how energy factorization happens is very dangerous. Become a user to learn and know the true use and adopt the timecratic belief to renew your faith in the right direction (timecracy.com/vs).

    Timecracy.com/gsp about me,
    br-other me? Brbrrbrrr does noise! So, br->O(the,R) => letters are Kins, discover their tones knowing by (timecracy.com/about/kin) the synchronous order of the loom of time (timecracy.com/about/law) to make energy conscious to be alive (timecracy.com/about/energy)... with letters and numbers is programmed (timecracy.com/how) your energy factorization (timecracy.com/about/time). TIMECRACY is your destination after the galactic garden of mayan calendar, become now a TIMECRAT (timecracy.com/manifest).

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