

August 22

Galactic Signature

Kin 86: White Galactic Worldbridger

Earth Family

Cardinal (Establish the Genesis)

What is your favorite color of the rainbow?


As part of our star family and another ourself we would love to know more about you. What brought you to Galactic Spacebook and what facets are you most interested in?

I am a advent galactic traveler, cosmic being & Day Keeper. I follow the Dreamspell and teach the science of time travel through the 13moons.

We've noticed that, more often than not, it is a fascinating story when someone shares how they learned about the Law of Time/13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell. How or when did you learn about it? :)

Met with Jose (Valum) & Lloydine (Bolon Ik) when they visited Atlanta during the 1996 Olympics. I subsequently served 2001-2003 the FLT Board as Officer of Internal Operations/ and Community Outreach and Public Affairs Liaison and now hold emeritus. In 2005 I was instrumental in forming a PACCT (Pan Atlantis Crystal Core Team) which commissioned the Georgia Atlanta City Council to Proclaim July 25th (DOOT) as an official "Global Peace Through Culture" holiday.

What are your favorite books/music/art/movies?

Meta Physical, Cosmic Science, Self-Help, Health & World History. Jazz, Soul, & Nature Sounds. Drama Sci Fi, History & Comedy...

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    Have a nice day
    Thanks God bless.


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